Huron Signal, 1865-8-3, Page 1We T. COX, Editor and Proprietor.]. $1.50 PER ANN. IN ADVANCE! L3119t11t99 Directory. 1)r. N. A, •Alelh,' w,Il, WILL DE AT HOME 1.1.111 CUNSUL- uuts UP to 11 o'clock, a. in , carry da'. Wel von perms a( soy hour •nerwad., mel ur day. ti. C. Winn._---- HYSICIAN, SUROEUN,thc.,&e., COD eater, C.W. 17:40 I WEEKLY I,:13r'rI©N. The Greatest Possible Good to the Greatest Possible Number." •tau zinc ri Divectorn. tiusittcss Directory. i orth British anti Nei eautile Insurance co., Ogee a Mr. Ourhun'a Law Chamber, JOHN HALDAN, It.. Insurance Comp'ny FIRE AND LIFE Thor. le. Morriss. M. P 11 YS IC 1 A N. SURCEUN, 1-•., (Late ooderrh,(lrtoher 13.1r3. ew12.lvr CAPITAL -TWO MILUON e9OLLARS, C. N. Acrwrnu1itrd Funds cos Aaid, $3,000,000. Tin, Sheet -Iron, and Lepper Smith, , I) . ('ole'Annual income Exceeds $2,500,000. ATB OF STANLEY-CLiNTON, 1111 EGMONDVILLE, C. W. Hour m Surgeon, Kingston Hospital).- 1 O/Iles- Arthut'.Ho•rd,ur. g Hou, finer JOHN BRETT, Lerr Road. (Mr. Tawariee'atormer Store July.I, '02'. DB . A. WORTHINGTON, PIiYsICL1N, SUH(;EU.t. wad, penmul.rly. W drams ut and sure lea sp.ranoes upon the eye. - MuwidaVIt.r.Aus.D.•., LS. tre. Iwl7-Iv ~•' ' Ira 1(,irwu.-_.__ rit 1RR' STEIt AND .1TTORNEY-AT- Law, Sad n4.h.-Uur•in-Chancery, County Crown Auwsey,Yiuderere,'.anWaVeer 1K4e a Court House. v14..40 M. C. CJanseson.-. - -. QARILNTEIt, ,f,rl'UH\Ev; CONVEY - ILO .Near. .be ,Kingston strer•1,Uudenck,C.W. Stoves, Cultivators, &c., for Sale. .;F. Insurener erti,,•1e,1 at the LOWEST Repairing Done at Short Notice. - Llte Issurasee-Ample SeenrUy. MARINE INSURANCE. R.4 TBS commas -et with safety. i LA/WC Bo.VCB IND RATS!: I.oWKK THAN 8 ri1 i.1. %Jilt r to•11 ranee CO. E.YUI.l�I1 OFFICES. fon.%r"' LOMB Promptly Settled Without Marine Department. .. Reference to a Board of Directora. GEULt E HUMIdrl isle • • CHARLES FLETCHER, ti„Jeneh,Apgl 25th, 1X65 w1311 Agent. •British American Assurance Co. FIRE & MARINE. J,IIrc EASON Agent. Hayfield, C. W., April If, I'+65. wit( • -- - - tllnch.ir X Walker. BARRISi'EH•1, SuLlt'ITUKi, COM- MIE, .lee. tidier, over the Slot. et J. 41. tltslm& S,Y,tio4eru_Ih. .._._ . fleury \Icl)er,n"i. LIARRIS'1'EI , .1'I'E010.11.:1' • AT LAW 1J absents Pere, arae., Wart Street, itoder o h.1__._ __ _ - O. ,1o1.n I)avesrin. RA MU dell, AT fI RN EV. SOLICITOR L se Chancery, Are Derr, Market Square, Corer of Klna•ten Sireel,ti,,,lrnrh..,( l:41 _- - L•'Iroe iresat. t Ieattr,. - BARii18Tl:Rsl, A'I'rumtNEV.S-AT-LAW, Sot.rw., t'onvey..nrrn, 4e. Oarr Atte a.1's rester, Wes Street, (frert, h. 9:42 John I!. f iorrlon. TTURYEY-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR iN . '1 Chanerry, Notary Palmas Conve) sneer, • Ate., li,.fer..-h, Lennie Nr.t. thfiee-.m it , South 3.,1, ,r,' Weal Slreot, third door from the C not -House Neale. Wti*t..0 '1' Napa.. �TTURNEY-.%'r•1..\W, SOLICITOR TN l'hamerv,N.,t*ry Public.Converuu-er,ke. el reek, C. W.-0.6rr, over 11.6m:dram* t'u•s H'ni. u. -'t"' cl.io79 Ile) to Lead on Real Priperty. ',Simmer. 4 in.,rltntt. - A TTOItNFa"s SOI.ICI TOR. ac.. Gnnc• !1 YtC.1• '. W. )rr es: I'pMetre Walton's. 14 n,•k, We.; M.; eittr erre First Ibur weal ui Marrow House. 'rank* w :Werner.. TTORNIE4, :491A '!I 44, Ar., Godo '1. nee, C. W. tire-LKABB's NEW Bs .Rill • ..,re. tout. LODI.0 W,...wa • Ar4cnch, AUsws 27th, Pale. ew103waI H. /e: Doyle. rrnitvfy.41)Lr(!1riiR1••, OFFICE sit ('rayl'. New Block. tiedeneh. l', W. ,,A vlSsernSly- N. P. 1i'iogAfft,. -\\,kLICITOR iN CIT1NCERY, ATTOR- WIT. •otnhlr, Cn•VirC.ar'IN, .t,'. -015e, Ili, new r„ -t 001.•,.. li,sl,nrh, awlM a ) D. C. l' 3.i C1 1. TI. M.. J. a\ CV OS ' ern• ,.f N. . 11•.,7.0- ...wall PIIY L AN, 411R;E'►' AND A. r•or.wen , Ors,... --At the Deere ("curt ,Dun ern n C. W.• .17 .( _ . ._ 1. V. 1.71 se..o.l. - 8111 ISTER. Ai\fUIINEY; CONVEY - 91 • Willi rr tiEY-A 1 11V, w)1.14 TOR 1N O.hsarery, ranee, neer. .Y... Won., ,nn, C-,. al Brice_-__ at6lit:,v:y D. Wilson :R' - , B. A., B.Ri;\i TER •\T1UItNEY AT i.\W, l7 !4,,, •,t„ n Cllaetoery. t ,tart r •, tien- e,.l Land Asent Ar.e. , :., K.nrard nnq• flrw•e. - sin ]:Ir Frelerick Proudfoot; iz\Ritterr,R. ATTORNEY -Ai' -LA e ,%,,.vAeAseel., N.,rnnv PcbLlc"vas. Soled nnpt,.n, leu. Bruce. f A•l3.6n' Thom... Went trernia. C1VIL EY,IINEPA •' ;i 1'i ,vINC1AT, Lad Surveyor., O1nce and He.,.lenee, 11e nibo,,elfeet, Orme! ,., e15.3 - - A. Clay. 1)ItOV!NCI AL LAND SURVEYOR AND Cord Eng,Yee 'Clinton. July 1, '61. 1.. I1. faamtan. CIV[L ENGINEER .\ND 411RVEYOR. 1eanl Alertend Cunreyanrer, K,.e.rdies lar LSA[1L:Illi P4NI.11 LLA, ARCHITECT, ptANS AND seri 1Yn:silos4 o1 Rudd - ire, Jr., got Up in • neat and correctylr. • s/"0tll•tl at the Huron Ammon Mat, King en atreet."Orelerteh. paw,In'lli'lr «-. M.'1' It. iT 11 N LAND ACINT. llirkot Square, Ood.ricb. Ti td. energise every Wedneeday,from 11 e.m to 1 p.m. 51,10 .UE N'1' lir 'V 1tY. Dr. PHELrRt, Sr'RGIC tL 1 MECHANIC .\I, Beerier, (np.•.eeannr tn'r. R. N„ tt gomery,) HuoenA. C. \t'. Rooms over Ir. F. Jordan's Drug Store ramose I3ih,t*t . sw•3.-sly fHONSON & HAZLEHURST, (LAI, •wAn.1. ,Y rnnlsos,) Anotion & Commission Merchants, Crwsren'e fl/, -e, Ai slag,.. V„ firderre• t And next Door to Strong's note tN in A l,' 0 11.'1' 11. gALBA .l ttmlt:neld .*-.,,.I.,'1.•r.e.. \Vsegnna, A a r MM. man. Natwnhyy t ,,.-.rM n. t'arO,,r \111411111111441 pteWaleto the Dole M IN�,kr,e1. nt Ntnr('area t•eeat •a. ,;ashslr.need on g• nested. aul•nmrnon.,n. II.e,.ss •ppesiwd, nebu '.•heaved. landlord•. ,trams •matted, roornwogettnrechetni. hove.. rutted lin omit Veer* N.Mnew.et.nded ,n. Nnle. .lie. Brameh Ase. Ion Mari, M.fnna, arery Thnrrlar. Benefit lilts ate*del re n* rsaw*.M. serer \a‘wh. lel/ 1th.les1. se ts-ry ' I). Mefong(wll. r8BD AUC [ONhFR RA FTSLD'sof NNaha i village mere pursue weardIwrier*. e -- . 1rnnAleq. ---- ICENSED AUCTIONEER for HIIRQN 4 end Reece. Salto roommate, emended to. A Idrew, aodwle P. O. w60.1yree MAITLAND HOTEL. GODERICH Ei I1,)1 )I Kief:, I'i'' 11:1'011. 'fIIE ! `e (love u t pie..aullc ntuated u0 au .mn.enre Ito h•ethigh, overlooking tee-flartt,r and Lahr harm;-aou Iht-nunhe, hardens and aural W,lksettoehol. Board 51 perdue ..nogle Meats,, Bed.. 2:r rents. ei5u1Uvlr HOTEL NOTICEI .1 OHN 1Nk10Giltakes thiameane d in• forming the public that he hos entered info the hotel Imre. in the etnnd formerly known as the Fulton House, where he will be happy to n•ccive old tri.•nda and customers G,.denrh, Juan' •;t ,, 1 e ;, w19 DAYS' H OTEL, WROXETER t� crooned :.r ..•'Iirsyr: Ilona rnnn,nf !rote 1 a n i.. nn:hnmptoa, one W., mirth 01 warn .t ..is nil to Wi,.arter, .w1 anyone day. clog fu Belmore, Walkerton, Sonthn plot . ur any pds'-r•, n tltat d,ren, a. w .1014 .erummo- lIelonwurs at he only r•elM'et. to met at Urfa elect ,•111 boiel.,,n all r...•. 1.. ICE ALWAYS ON HAND )einte Trout -Fishing Friends ! Tilt ■r•It.It1nUA 1•nn►w A I.)..nTN OI rti.Irrieh, May. 1844. 1 HUNDRED AND FIFTY FEET ('IlAlil.l{S DAYS, Proprietor. =• C..roderetal11I.Iel.111ecrell C.w' MARBLE WOR .'ail ARE AND GROGERIES At H.GARDINER & Co's t� U . rel 0 Market Square. GODERICH w16 May 13111, 18(4. UODERICH, C. W.. THURSDAY, Alki, :3, 1865. r )VOL. XV11I.-NO 27 all[ C=i � Loss el the tthlp VI'llllam \CiaOa senyron .,I the Lafayette assembled on deck. havens labored yder mla.upprehenao _ I;lireeturiT, to wllm"a the taphem Of the {03. of 1VIIhsm, marking ♦ f llo:r trultal's crauwm, or s I' h 1 II A � '1 f - - - • book and •.Iver cup, containing water, were magisterial clreseacy.-(Vane, Times. . I A correrponderit of the IJreaing Peat. placed upon a table, and the little fellow wtu � who was a passenger un board the 1.-.1•ayyttA bru,oht fortanl to receive the pte0onlrhw - --• - - -- ----"'- 1 supPlies the following account of the reecne Lafayette ld.,cuu,i.; ti mesa{ ut the .hip European News. Iof the paaeseuoera alba burned .hj;.ttteioni id the t'artaiu who enved Lim from an early • Nelson :- g re. Preaident King, of Columbia Cudege,,1 Ou Tuesday, the 27th, the sky was without Ne York, officiated. a cloud, the sea smooth cud the air suIeib. Atter the ceremony Jude Edwards Pierre - n is 1311om • INTCItesos : ekrelle BY .1S ty t•wt I'Si*d. wl Ytleu, only a few reeks old. prayer- aten rr atrocity, ate requeelly the sulyactse advertise the unsold village lots in tyle township, as W00 M possible, at on ulwtt t ;nice 01 one dollar rein 10. Mor(elliv Mr. •(ongbnttnm, **coasted by Mr. MO. -WC That the suet of 140, be given to Mr. .1. Abby, inwards supporting Ilia chiidree of Ilualilwn Stewart, who lou 1.11 the country. Moored in amendment by Mr. Warner, aeco,ded 1,7 Mr.Morgnn, that` the suer r* fifteen dollars be given to Mr. .1. Abby' fur supporting sude6ildreu.-3*wetJwrut car- rel bytiute of It.,r,. I I. Moved by Mr. Warwick, seconded by Mr. Morgan, That .lsseidur's salary be paid!. Carried 12. Moved by Mr. Warwick. seotided by Mr. Longbuttum, That this Council do now ndjours to meet main at ItedrdlUTO' era t Tuesday, August 1st, ptox„ at ten o'clock, a, m. THOMAS SLOAN. Township Clerk" DRUGS, DRUG The steamer' Scotia" from Lit erpool of the IJtte, VI* Queenstown on the Itith, Las tortes -J., The ship " Mercury" at flare The deck of the strainer was luminous with Pont made semis remarks, tnuclggg_tha Cory from New Turk on the 28th .4 June, picked - happy faces. Bet ,'few momenta alter we dltion of the ea:te, ,',s of the Nelson, snd,' up from • boat of the burned *!up •' tV,u. ' • f co �; D , Zvi had taken our seats at the dinner Whke, 41 ;,;•paced than aubseiiptlurl be filo, up for I Nelson" :lei additional 1h,-bn-1 ,r,, and 5 • o'clock ,.m., the ship suddenly Cama to a tie• r•benetit. • Cron• Bolo pieces of the erect:. A hark was (,ueeessort ell.B.11eynolls) 1 Iii • few minute.• 11:00 in geld were raised l vi.,olle a it r3.. hoped she sated others stop. \u notice was taken of th,a. lu vin and Instant mote we beard hurrying steps on the and divided am ,g thea. Moor( el the paw 1'l'he '7lireat Eastern ' was expert•d W lime, .�'[ C (1 L• 1t 1 I"I 1E111 instant deck, and a cry of ' A wreck 1' A,1'reck l" eitger: saved leu the wreck ut Lha Nelsuu I the Nor for Valentin on the 15th. Ilia •brought in all W • our feet. We rushed up are Americst,i. steamer " Candela" from London tor. Val 1 oetrt.IL.a,,eyeeee,Ge4e,t'A, // the gangway e, old saw s little to the drill - into _ _ entia, with the shore cud of the Coble, Ise west of the bow of the IaLlyette two fu I into t almouth un the I:Ith, The election DISPENSING CHEMIST 3.5 DRVCGIST boa, filled with half naked erten and women, AA*'angagee 1 O Allmezahboa• eugruasa•d the atlentiou of England. 421 t • . pulling towers u+ for Ir. -• contests were completed. The Liberals had De•leri5,and Inlporierel 2 As they neared the side of our ship their The prices of imported apiece have ,not 63 and Cous•rvwurrs 17,i ; a liberal _cin ('i1E N U e1 N E • 1) NU GS a turned (ices beamed tut if the gate o1 declined lit. the -:toted Stato4, in proportion thus fur. The Conierativee only admit a gall Verve^ were opened for them. • The stelae to•11he decline in gold, and the t of living of 1. .lnoth-r week will elapse before all the CAewrrde, Par/rNssr p, of the Lafayette were lowered. and 30 hope- weouseyucntty very high. Minn«rr of the cunteeis would be ewer. The Series Federa less bein a were rescued from a watery Detroit ('uveotioa inform us that a hotel. Council has received ootie•e of the recall o Hale root's. and Nail Flruabeat 1 gore. Uhl • trader hand Captain !h charged 11 per diem for board and ging; Mr. Fogg, the American t[inister, and the PAINT.,OIW,CO14a.,0Tx•Te Pra, • Rucande received Omit one by one, and that cab hire coat 11 for the shurtesl .{res ; sulsututiah of Mr- 1larringWn• CutWu ale caused chain and mattraieo to be brought that kid giovca were retailed at e2 to today, 20,000 bales to speculatora tied es HORSE CATTLE. MEDICINE for those who hard nut strength enough to 1:(00 per pair ; that a "drink " of bra y porters. The market is buoyant with as stand. The sneerer* sere sheat. fears and water was marked at 40 cents in ever advance of Id to 'id. The advicca 1 OAROIN 66605, AC., •C. , tone spoke their gratitude. bar -room ; that the omnibuses from •thud American per the steamer Asia, caused the Onfersltom Medical men punctually seceder'so Now ensued a greet mural lesson for the hotel* to the railroad stations ch•,rge 40 rent 1 vanes, llreatlsluffe ywet and steude- •t / wept Trade P,tee,, nen-believers io the innate guudnerf of the instead el 2:. u formerly ; that a mutton 1'r sons t(ull. Lard firm. Liverpool. Jul N.11.-Phimetan's Presenplea• rsrefully Ju- human heart. There 0ets scarcely a dry eye chug in an eating house coats 70 cents, and a 16. -Tho coals were all on board the Greet pen.nl. among the hundreds that crowded the deck pint bottle ut air 75 cents nitre; and that 1 Easter the 1411,, and everything was in u swnch.Ju.10. 1068. 49 of the Lafayette. Tears stood uu many all outer priers are iu proportion. This ,s the britt nnhtIoD to leave the Nora on the cheeks end in the eyes uraccutWmed to with gold at 110. 15th fur tt Iunli• weep. bedi.e took from their periods rich The reason of these excessive pneea is - - - - prubulle to be found in the pressure ut taxa - (ion. 1 esdeuI On Deward 1 he (ion. '*Vitt, import duties averaging Go to 70 d. rt. -' rth Amerlelut. ter cent., and internal revenue dutiereio every . arse of every manufacture, how nut living The following, bich is chipped from a be reasonable. recent Irish paper, 01 be recti with interest Ute phase of the disease under which the re F:r.Ax.ertet'ae is 'twitting increased at - 1 tending daily, From the Brampton Times f we learn that eaa-pulling bee tommeeced or that vicinity. 1 he specimens ire said to be e eecellent,Wme measuring three fret six inches Le seed and fibre capitol]. 11'r notice that Messrs. liooderhuu 1 I'reine, who are dere,. Mug their Munroe capital sand business energy to the cultivation of this new staple, and dna manufacture Attu a of lin rte r yarn employed all experienced puller to rick the different got . tents of country near Toronto, to itutruet the lime and beat method of harvesting flax. 'Phis is of obvious importance, a it makes eonaiderablu diflereuce in the value of a mop to have it properly handled. The flax en- terprise is bccoining a valuable addition to the industry of Canada, and we are convinced the specimens holt will be shown at the corn- ing 1'rov,rrial Fair will exhibit an improve.; nein on Lal year. feta Ilnll*xlsu or Tilt IItaiw itAt'z.•,. According to the calculation* of Professor l'asnlis de Fondace, the •present p.pnlation of the world s I,30I,000,uou. Allowise for increase in population at an minuet ram of 1,292, it is shown that the present papulation would be reached ho ,.9,:;63 year. '1hoi would be putting the increase at a !ow rate. Lr France, it a 1,227 annually. Calculated on the latter bats, the pr, sent numbers would be reached in 4,207 years from Noah, a11ow- i,fi that he left the ark with three sons au1 tire! daughter. Thus another proof is added the chrootological ac.•uracy of the Scripture) re •u d, and the foundation laid for • somas. t'ul -guinea% against onto of the tummy iotWrl thea, IwpenIIne the w,tiqui;y of the human race. ('►1Aul Sransnes,-The New York World says • The Tribune asserts Abel the provincial de. of Canada is "proportionally nearly as henry that of the United Stals." I he otteweut grossly inaccurate. Our debt is about three t ou..und millionior nearly ono hundred dollar r each of e4, while %bet of Ca,ade is about see , t) millions of dollars fur two and • half milli of people. At, ,pruzimateaeearoey is rase ed when we say that the Canadian debt, tw tyeigbt dollar* per head and oars one bu . red dollars. Falser in um, fuleu[ in onartibua. How far can the authority be rehablir o• other points connected with Canada which snakes this, one of the greatest possible mistakes, ad to the relative eunditreu ut thgtwu cowrie*? To Moot 131.aoest1•y Sias. -There'd. ou wine equal to blackberry wine whet?, properly made, in flavor or for medicinal purposes, and all persona who can convene tentiy du so, should mamlacture enough for their own use every year, u is is invaluable in stckuess as a tunic, and nothing is a better remedyfor,r bowel complaint. Measure y"ur bet ries and bruise them ; to every guilts,' add one gMart of boding water. Let the mixture stand twenty -tour hours, stirring occasionally ; then strain off the liquor into 1a cask; to every gallon add two pounds of sugar; cork light and let it stand till the following October and you will have wine reedy for use without further straining or boiling that will make lips snack that never smacked under minder influences before. - (Maine. Farmer. eg• Thh Russian papers generally admit that their 4;.e. moment .111 sooner or later ales what vet rersums of independent Countries in Central Asia,--Idokha-a,Khokand end, Cohan. They don't want, they sal, ane further aggrendizement of their immense Country ; but they wad peace nn their border; snd aa there is no lasting peace possible with any of these barberot.d tribes, Ruda► will finally be compelled W annex all of them. Thew ancuilized tribes areof course, at the mercy of Russia, arc! England is, from geographical neurons, a unable to sustain a war against Radia m.Centeral Asia r France would he to 100(10e one against the United Staten in Mexich --(N, Y. Paper. e�• Four yearg ago, II i liuois, we took from seer trust an untried man, and from among the people. We return him to you a mighty conqueror. Not thine any more, but the 10100; not nun, hot the world's. Give him pllacr, U ye preiriu : L, the mida► of this ,(real cuuti^cut his dust shall rest, • sacred treiuute to myriads who shali pilgrim 10 that shrine to kindle anew theca :eel ,and patriot• ism. Ye winds that move over the mighty plains of the West. client bis requiem! Ye people, behold • martyr wllnsr blond, as so many articulate words, ;less for Rdelity, for law, for lbberty.-(Ilenry Ward Beecher. Mussri:^ ('tuna[. -I he Ingersoll Chroe. nicte says that Mr. Smith d Co., proprietors of the North Norwich cheese factory, are " building .' a cheese. which, when comple- ted, will weigh four thousand pounds! -the IArgest cheer ever mauuhtctured in C.rtsd or perhaps in America. it will be exhibit at the Provincial Far to t,5 held in London in September. LIGHT ! LIGHT LIGHT! ROCK & COAL OILS, Bunts/Fluid, Lamp Oils. For Sale 4v F. JOU/LW. li„drank, Jan. 17.Ih59. 50 silks and stuffs to clothe unlurterulte -women. Gentlemen, doffed their broadcloth fur the comfort of the men ; and wcepiug sailor 'stringed theme*, yes forth is fit 1 .w sempen. The kind pu r cotducted those that could walk into t cabin, awl placed the best of the ship's oard before them ; and 0 the helpless ween fad' hk babies. 11''•saw tabun shows r) roe cut? a • TUC axi, ase Newso.crrl:R. p � e h s itself 1u the gt*at advance of sailor forcing grill Feces of bread, dipped price in manufactured g}uale as 'corupared ' Sir -At the request of. th passengers by In wine, between the parched lips of the with the raw prteluct from which they ar .the steamship North America from Quebec, shipwrecked Neamen. In a !hurt a time as made. Thus the diff,renon in price between and which mewed off %mil on Tuesday THE 1.1 V I:l(POOI. at LONDON possible they were all made comfortable, and wool and cloth ,s new much ,greater than it 11001, 1 beg to rolicrt :r c:rnrr in 7d r valuable rtAx. ruXrssrxstc'eru. the history of their misfortune ascertained. used to b•, a is between wheat and flour, sheet forthe.purposo of 'renting al,�anuual, They were passengers in the Walled) Stilton, , raw and 'refined augur, corn and starch, 1e. yet pleasing incident, which tuck- play. during Capra/, £2,000,001. Ste.; drrawa/atsd-Fawd, from Antwerp, which had brew burned at 121 The ultimate edie:t of this will undou.b4•dly the .voyage. t. \ 55,671,720. o'clock, the 26th,iupt., in lat. 40;,'1, lung. 5u be that, since maoulacturieg in Centele re- The Rev. John M'Cappin, •native of 22. mains cheap, we shall Won be able to supply twin has leen labouring u • missionary -, Brittania Life.. Assurance Co. of London. Two boats were yet out ; the l ingiroat, the Americans with our manufactures, •even the back aet,lemea4 of Waiter Canada fit containing 37 persona, and small boat con- alter paying their impart duties, much more the past three rats, and rut on Ilit return to THE undersigne, hsv- inel leen appointee tensing 14, and • raft on which were about if the articirrare such -e. g., whiskey -a attend the ('rnfereoce of the l'rimit,ve Arentfortheabove highly re.neetable 100 others. to offer inducements to the smug,'ler. !n• Methodist Society, ninea.aembled et Belfast. Comp.ntes.J.prepareetn arcer:both Pretend Capt. de Rocande immediately put his chi deed we could already mention instance* in Beine the only minister ou board the ship, Liter i.ks,at moderato rate •ol crewel am.e about and went i^ the directuou of the wreck which titre trade has commenced on scoured Mr: M Cappin wee naturally Wlicited to eon A. .ltOS..Ayea . of the William Nelson, aith the hope of erabte scale. duct 11e rehgioasrxrtciset on the two Stab IT.dtrfeh 'title' I63 "t21i51 wring more lives. At halo=rat five thele Thisis another strong argument against batt, spent onboard, which Ise dol to the • sailers at maathead cried Another boat "a more fraternal union with the Stews,- complete satisfaction ars passengen.among lit about an houriee made a l.ueelan bark, and'we will take the liberty to suggest that whom were members of almo:tevery religit us American body politic now of necessity by many of our subteen bound to the south of France, which picked our neighbors, whn so load) cul untruly .e• persuasi n. 1n nekuuolul,'neat -of the I y 7 • up the small bunt, euoloinfng IL before we , cure as of aourxwticn proclivities, would du' services, need .1 the trunk and cordial, yet reached her. 'these emuieted of a family } the Province moregood by furu,shiug the Christen condom t nt the rev. grutleman dur• of six. the father and mother and four chit- I public with such reasons u freely'11 we do, ins the puauce, the cabin pa/sengers c."lei•1- deem the yout,YRst only a few weeks old, arid instead of indulging in unreuouiu,t ahube of ered 10at fume mark of ILrir rsteemlatowurde eight seamen. They were uearly exh:m>ted, the people adrool the border' which but ex him would nut be misplaced. A subscription and to leerier them more comturtabie, urd to asperutes them without caving' any good was therefore mimic up, • end the. handsome forward them to their flumes with more speed intlucuce with this country. sum of 110 w04 npeed,ly ,ahecribed to form than was m the power i1f the-gaptam of the _ a puns, and to which Captain Kerr. of the bark, ('aot. de Bocande caused them to be North Americsn, also contributed. 011 ' traosferrol to the Lafayette, making. in all ('et:elaelon 01 the llarrls Trial. Tuesday, the 27th inst.. the purse was pro F'O R SALE 44 that the sea had rendered up to care. senteJ to Mr. M'Crp do the a 10, ,, u( the s+ . As the purser of the Lafayette handed u The feelings of the jury in the Harris ever t. P v mu hejudged b the remark of one of the ship, a T.M. da. ill itt name merchant, of he I r deck 9 these hit children to the ladies ick hey Montreal lLnada, in the namo of the par kissed each one of them with a tenderness jurors this evening, .00 said teat nut for engem, together with a.snitable address. Mr. that brought tears to man • an eye. making • show of respect for the District- y The Ise X -boat and the raft wrre. stilI ort. Attorney.the jury would not have retired from I'Iamp soo, in perfunnnl (the agreeable duty, !:l With a promptness and humanity that won their boa at, 1n delivering their verdict. The ' the hearts of all nn board, Capt. de Brander trial has consumed two weeks. cruised in the vicinity of the wrack, firing The scenes in the court room, during the a� Jt CI m INTUA HI cannon and rockets till nearly morning, buttrial, especially during the clueing hours,were ab could neither hear nor see anything of the of a moat disorderly, not to say dieetuceful, rharneter.The counsel forhe defence and boat and oft, He then put he ship on ler c t course. It the Lafayette had not been de- the DistrictAttorney indulged in the post 011 (, - All kind, of repairing done on most !eyed) the second day out, she would have insolent language towards each other, 'rich reasonable terms. {3 been 73 ,miles beyond the stere of the wreck the .fudge himself, lacking in the d,alit1 of the Nelson at the time oLe pi, Lew u•, Ler essential to the beech, was eomparunvely pameirgers. '1117. it the suutber:w course- powerless to repress. of the Lafayette is wmething fur al, to thunk ot. 1Viilfam Ttothstien'd account of the burn• ' ins of the VI illiam Nelson 1 Dave;obtained ae fulh,ws : L,A ItTl1:3 denlrotNf M obtaining First (:stn 'f he William Nelson Wu 'a ftrat•clas pack. Cedar for F r.nxand Budding purpose. earl et ship of New Turk, commanded by Captain be nupplurd 1n env quantity, Gnu on reasonable, Sm. peri Smith. She left Autwer on the 2nd of terms, by applying w P RIFLES, SHOT GUNS, 1'1$T(OLe4 X c. 1F t•. KS a - MADE TO ORDER W. C. TRELEAVEN ' IN HICKS, PropriEinr. This is the .1 l.rtre.l toil hie C.,nlr)• Motel In Western , r - Can*J., and ehargru a moderate as anV Il,n.r ra Mitchell. Stsar len• elortimid Wm! ling fur I p 100 Harem. II r •and sieges •e n w a ea for Hoe on t7 r 1 s.7 I Moon , �f , •Head rt= c stones - man � = me , Ha24+1� i a GABIPiET WAREHOU3.. Tiaths, T iblots, Tibio' � he $eeriest No i P„-. O ,odite the Marks ✓ Codn ecb4August in 10,1. . sw34 r. Totes. &C. aril V D A AO Pale (TIti: Ui.l)r,'T IN THE CUr'NI'Y. D. GORDON (•.�111�I''1' SJ AUi2It AND UNDERTAKER, n,(nrnlrr. Grin u1* now nn nine a r nnuplete ortmeul 01 1'0 ruilnlrr, nt ho. \ynn•rmo :., WE . STREET, GODERICH, }Well Mr Sofas, Ru us, Tables, Bedsteads, Hair, Can, and too mewed ('hairs, Gilt Moulding and Look in filmset, in variety. of Home Mannfac , and Imported ! ! D. O. has duns* on nd n enmldMe u ortment of COFFINS. TO iiIRE. e} Lnmber and Coruwood`4sken in ea. change for Fornitnre. Otd.nck. 27th Ort.. 1863 \ wee leo, HEARSES .snhu Cam i.ie It, ('01'", r, 1. COMMiSSION AGENT\ C„n,m,*dnnerrn lgr,ees's Rrneh, fortnkina afM.vue,i•on•renneer,he.,ke Otllcenn Broad way. YtIlurere ineanl.ne.C.W. 0:9 Peter vi'fiee. VIOEWARDER AND COMMISSION ■C Nrrrhnnt, levet m s"., C. W, Now end Aernnot•rorernl. Bnane.a of sty hind en- reaedto hint will recites prompt mention. •w30•1ven.x J.& J. SEEGMILLER, 'r&N14EItM! DEALERS � IN LEATHER FINDINGS ! Are., Arr.. GGODERICII. C. W. nem,. 7l,INe''• 647wa MONEY TO LEND ON IMPIP)Ve:D FARMS, AT 8 PER CENT! -*110,- Dome to infest In Town Property. J. B. GORDAN, Barrister, at., Coderieh. C(Nlerioh, Sept. 13, 1664, 4w3 tf ei GODERICH, C. W. NIATTI ROBERTSON, • M ANII F &CTII&E8 .r. W. ELLIOTT. Jute. and Flushing on the 411,, fur New Goderich Feb. .00.1e464. w! York with 550 sous on bra, On the voy- _- _ - age there had been two births, sixteen eases ea A making frequent of fever sed' sin d th , P 9 t' .� i L �l FOR SALE fumigations of the ship nece.sary. N W A W A N O S HThe morning orate 26th Hotbstien descend• ed into the ship where the sick were lying, and found the air so infected ad to make fumrgatiou necessary) to inure the safety of the passenger. Captain Smith gave Mr. Rothstein charge of cleansing the ship, which is dune by dipping heeled %r01111 into ter and swinging them through the air. During this process one of the men employed m fumigat- ing let a red hot iron fall into the pail of tar, which instantly blazed NA high me the coiling. ltuthstien, who stood behind the men direct - THE tmilernlgned oden(r, .eta the loll"wing pram's, aou.tea on the (travel Road in out 1„wuahq, of Wewnnoeh. 'Within 11 Miles of Goderich I contenting (IRM .ares., :iO of which rine .•!cared. 0,. the)e.nlne. there le * ere Frune Kern 3e by 52, a gouel FrAn,e House, young orehard- ,emnng. A,Rned creek runtime through the 'ann. Applyhl HUUH M,MATH, ting them, caught up a metln•se and (lung Lot .3, Uh ins' it and himself on the ail bf.blesun tar, with Wwanosb.JsR. .IteS. wt -tin P g _ the ilea of smothering the flame, when it ex, Money to Lend, ploddll And threw hint and the mattress back• want about ten feet. The men now brume TTPON Mortgages. Apply to D. Shade alarmed, thred'npon i; strew beds and other 1V/ flooding, Solicitor. Office over R. cemluotible substance'', which burned like llooth'e'store. teethe*. In ten minutes the flares horst up Goderich. 18th May, 1886 ens AL.. limns or act At Beers, Sofa., bottom... II.•J•leada 1n enlbrae vlrwty, Wardrobe*. Book Caere, Malrww•s, ('enter Tables, Ihnin. Tables, Breaktat "fables, Toilet Tables, W1110101.1,1., Chain, and many other srt,elM to"i,nueroua 10 mention, All kinds of %% )C)1) Promptly attended to. 11 P11OI.STERY.re .11,ta bren,•hcs. UNDERTAKING, &c., dto• Mr. 1 •r nhl11 t' 111,001 nn ',animation 111_ his.tm•k rrWarranted In he mad, ill the hens III - Irr1a1 and, i[nrkmnnnhtp, and at gat ally re,ueed pricr, r'alfandrv,m parr, and be smelled before gulnt e'er-whe1,�e t r r'ur,lwo,*ind all kuole of Farmer's Pro- derrrtaken in rah ne. t i• Waternnm on :Igin Street. Odr etch. Marek14t .1867. 8W MI •wwv era- eta ierie Carriage Factory LIGHT -HOUSE St.,GODERICH THE SUBSCRIBER wakes In peter* thanks to the twiddle for pas G.nm r.'. vn,l at their hands,.nd world beg In unmete that he isdem•• toned to Nell waggon. CHEAPER THAN EVER. 1 wd1 Ne11 ,m, a teatime eemelete for $M.40 leaah. and ell other rhtnes to pm -Tortoni. All work Warranted to glove 0ati•A•ctloa. All tends of Parming Implementers'. -1e In order JOHN MCPHERaON. flndenrh, Jan. lab, 14115, wsweo melt( the hatchway, end were running up the main mast snd rigging like fire m•rpente. NEW MARBLE WORKS ' buntline scene now a indescribable.”1'The flames bung out the middle of the ship, Yain Street, Easter. divided it into,100 purrs, separating • friends and 'amities, and -driving them to the extreme D. & A. b1'CONNELLe ends of the burning vcaeeI. Some INetame frantic and leaped into the sea. Others flew MONUMENTS, TOMBSTONES, up and down the deck, wrapped in the flame,. Prate, kc., of earn desrrrpr,nn and of their clothes, rending the air with their style of wnrkmnn.hlp, fnrninhed on shrieks Strong Men clenched in deadly .hen none', snd ■1 the miter, plicee. combat for the possession of a lite -preserver Literal red•enon made for rash, or a spar, end ghastlymen and women, with PI ILL 611111 IfTUILLI 111P111 TO children lashed to tem, swung themselves Irritant Monuments kr. msy h. outside the ship by ropes, to which they clung seen at shopIrritantuntil the fire burned them in two, and let tetrasExeter, tetsr Ist. 1064. wl1-Iv them down into a watery grave. About 100 persons had gathered no the FARM FOR SALE bnwepr when the foremast fell, killing many and hurling the mel into the sea. 11 hen the fire firm broke out ten sailors seised the long LOT I, Con. A, Township of Itnwick, l boat, c*pmble of holding sixty or seventy mrbfrom (rreteler, os persons, and rowed off. They were prevailed upon to return and take in twentyeeven pout• engem. Smith, the two mates, Itnthstten,and es many of the sailor@ as they could control, lowered the three, small boats (nr.uthrr of them seaworthy) and placed in them Roth ' ben ,. wife and four children, end the rest of the Neter', passengers picked ■p by the Lafayette. An the b..4 were rowed from the burning ship some ehickena, to metope the flames, flew after tbe.a and alighted on the COAL ! COAL ! uhnnlden of the p•wlengete. A fu pig swam up to Dint of the Mat, and indicated a &env to bo sated. He wee pocked up, and showed his gratitude by remsrning quiet in the bot tom of the boat. Some of the chickens had app ed the hunger of the voyagers before the) aa.were rlwetted. When Captain Smith and Roihstien ennld do no more for the 'efferent they leaped into the ass and swam sway, more to serape the cries ethos* whom they moll not aid than to save their own lives. After having been to the water about two boors, they were pith• .d up si one of the bead. 1'• IediMday, Jane 26, at 3 p.m , the pea THE GRAVEL ROAD. Ing house and hers, 92 ACRES, 28 CLEARED Apply to F. W. THOMAS, Nay., R. M, (lo,tenrh. Fels 1e. IgM, sesere1-tf A LARGE QirANTTTY OF BLACKSMITH'S COAL ! ON IIAND AND FOR BALE At the Wharf I GEO. RUMBALL, Agent. Oodericb, May 19t6, 1465. swTT alluded in appropriate terms to 11r. SI'C,p. pin's bearty,:whule smiled, Irish manner, as *solo the value and !tempters of iii* atten bona as a Protestant numster of the Gospel to the epirilnal want: of the passengers and crew. Mr. MCefPins mne • suitable and feeling reply., in which be expressed the deep sense of gratitude he felt st the triedoem ut hitt fellnw•passengers (all of whom hal here- tofore been unknown to him), and, having recounted some of the (rials of missionary The closing scene: after the verdict wag work le Canada, gracefully alluded to the rendebed, with Mia Harris furling, carried bappl"' "f he fell in lawns won the Christine out and Ierulerly kissed by her "":71.,,...,r.: regard of those on boatel the \girth .American, !Studley, an.f the hogs yelling, "Ilmalter all hmilyd an acyuan b iu.ve ; he Hist •• Bully for you,- ac., would have bee,, Stove! diet his humble effete fur the S;nrituaf laughable hal the nccaion been* lees serious benefit of the prprengvrs and cow would one. To day's proceedings, comprised to the �rar►hundant Gnit. stump speeches of Mr. Voorhees, and the Such, in brief, ill the incident referred til, 3."d 1 feel runblieg argument of the Testnc(Attorury, arc, Mr. Editor, that it it '*1 due and the confaio,' of the finale, baro much .to the Rev, J. 1.1 Lappin. *e a Christian miedonar Oubliette o given I that u 11 t should I he t a t to n resemblance u n of • political R C re t the end 1 1 he ire' P t • n I m• :rid interesting occur- P emiren the than to the doom of ae. important r•nce.-1 beg to enclose my card, and re- Rnd in the sacred halls of justice. The wenlict only furnishes a new itlustra- aro, Sip your bbedlam servant. A PA [NOLA Dr TON )ri:AIINIIIr, , lion of what must be regarded es a nettled principle in Atnerican law, -that *1)y woman 1, NO*T. AYi,,t. A. len° considers herself aggrieved in any way Ieondondertv, dime -v, 141;5. , by a member of the other sex, may kill him itis lett ('oahcll. with impunity, and with an assured Summit; ,__ from the presented penalties of law. The %dune 12th,1465. man may really have bees guilt neither of a crime against her pers,n, an a.elt upon her All the mem ten present. The minutes of honor, nor an offence agerest her feelings; if former meeting Were read and confirmed, she is e,•ize,l by a fancy that hie coarse -01 1. It was then m',,re•d by Mr. Warner, conduct Wear(' her is not such me she hod seconded by Mr. Morgan, 'that the name of anticipated from his addresses, she may kill t �.., r Armstro Ise Intellel mu nthmnau•r him upon notice or without nu me . if n inn ^r. I is murdered by w member of the op)pmeine sex 1 for IL Division, No. 16, ward 2, imbed 01 Irk any oI the mute supposed, or in utmost any a 1 omabl ' whatever, 'e is Non IA up p o case dl t mire to e*cipe, not only the extreme penalty of the law, but any penally whatever. [N. Y. Times. ▪ Ax EXTRAORDINARY PlN.tl.T',-OnThtur• day lest a case was •djueted before the Po- lice Court, brought on a charge of refusal to perforin statute labor on the highways, which involved the infliction of an enormous pen. atty. 1 to complainant sena one Williams, road overseer of the 21st division of tower shy 01 Berton, and the defendants were 1. mill If. 1170, two colored residents of the town*hip,fnllowing the occupation of barbers. The complainant testified that *boot sit weeks since he left notification at the resident of the brothers hill, of the amount of labor they were jointly or respectively required to perform upon the highway the present year, and that 110 rettrn had been made to such no- tice. The brothers Hill claimed in defence that no design was entertained to shirk the liability ; that the neglect mu attributable to • mi•epprehenoinn in supposing that it was the duty of the read overseer to call and col Irct the amount of commutation. 11. (till Awed that he had resided in the township eight yeah, and had previously experienced no difficulty in the, relation ; some seasons he had performed the labor rrgnired himoelf,and at other times he had employed a suhetittte, or paid commutatym money ; but the ;rased year • new overseer had leen appointed, and defendant supposed that the neglect had been on he part, In not calling to collect the' de - mend after the notice had been served:further, defendant fasted That he had not been notfied in the matter directly by Williams, and had no oppmlunity) 01 paying the claim. The M*gietretes ruled that It was the duty of de- fendant to pay the claim without further notice then the serving of the paper at his reeulente, and hie neglect to do iso wit vir malty a refusal to comply with law, and ren- dered emdered him liable to a penalty or 12 for each day arceeding the serving of the notice in which the desired 0110 not paid. A fine of 576 was therefore infiioted. This maul{ u no doubt stnMly in accordance with the law, bet considering the , we cannot rommced the explicll conformity to law„when perpetrator* of diabnlioal ellen. tell, Dot producing ern the poor apology of Joseph S•rntntnelg.-earriiu. 2. Mored he Mr. Longhottum, soennded by nr. Warner, 'flint Litchfield Beirds bre puundkeeper for ward 1, and William 111:00 'tor ward 4, for the ptesenl sera. -curried. 3. Moved by Mr Warner, seconded by Mr. Morgan, That the sum of four dollars be paid George Mpnre on accaat of Statute talar dune in 1864.4 carried. 4. Moved by Mr. Warner, seconded by Mr. Warwick, that the Clerk notify Mr. Melville, I'rsthmt or Division NO. 10, to lllow Metiers. Collin* and 1,. to work their Stature Loam on Mill Rnad.-Carred. u. Slowed by tlr. Warner, seconded by Mr. Morgan, that the Treasurer L{oy the following accounts Vl .. Geo. Wntt for notices, $.3.00, and Thoma Oliver 52.00, from n,wustup funds ; elso Mr. Sanderson $3.45,and Alr. Wm Vtlte $3.20,from ward 4 approprint i nn.- Cnrr iad. 6. Moved by Mr. Morgan, seconded by Mr. Warwick, 1 lest the num of one hundred end twenty five dollars be expended in each ward for the improvement of roads and bridges fnr the present year. Moved in amendment by Mr. inngbottom, seconded by Mr. Warner, 'I'h.t the sum of 5150 be expended in each ward fir the cur- rent year, -Motion carried by casting vote of reeve. 7. Moved by Mr. Warner, seconded by Mr e Warwick, That the Ixomdkeepers be allowed • one half of all the fines paid, or recovered arenrling to the by-laws of this towe0ht;-. in ald,ion to all other fees allowed and the e the Clerk nudge the poundkeeppren accord. P ingly ; aloe that bylaw No, 57 he •mended in accordance with this resolution.-- Cerriod. 8. Moved by Mr. Warner, aeeonded by Mr. d Longh^ttom, That the Rears having sub- w milled the •pproprlalinn of the 11. Lia • oro opinion, he i Ived • for p t rest thAl money p A ,von to Hellen • d tele amith B. 520 he q n T a Line; the arm of 570 to MiKdlop and Ie ltnllett ; the sum of 5(11 to Morrie and h Denote 140 to he expended openeirr Ward 1 3, and 120 opposite Ward t ; also the sem 1' 61057 to Mullett aid Gederich Baan line, is all 120 7.00.-('arri.d . 9. Moved by Mr. Morgan, seconded by Mr. Warner, That th; Clerk instruct Mr, host to A MATRIMONIA1. LoTTi*T.-in the High - tend parish of Abernethy • young man per - teres to open a lottery under the following conditions :-All widows and maidens who have not .pained the age of 32 are invited to hay • ticket at the price of ION. After 300 ticket* are mold at this figure the draw- ing will take piece. There will be only 0e prize, and it will he the right of the (ortua ate lady wire wine it to claim the yours gentleman for F,er kuwb*nd and partake with him the enmfores to be derived from the $606 produced by the lottery.-I1..tfsMre Journal, TNR BITAR RIT. - A New Hampthire door, recently travelling. had his wallet besotted from his pocket by an adroit piek- 'seeker while indulging in • short nap. The lee( was •n d,.gumted wish the reels of his xplot that he immediately referred IM hinder to the addrres written inside the wallet, with the fallowing sob :-" Yrset ma/hhil skunk, Man your pnektthook. 1 nn't keep no filch. For • roan dressed r ell as Intl was to go around with a wellit ith nether' in it but • lot miry nnothmmt, ten nnn•paper damps, n' a p.m from a rele.rrnle dinetnr, is a Ma- mwrahle inperitinn on the probe. As T ear your are an editor, 1 refire your leash. never rnbsany only gender./..-(Amiseiess Aper. One fern in Inwdee d,u11M 4e eke .mount 015204,600 per emus. A11 IM partners have grown imass.wly tial.