HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1955-09-08, Page 6THE. TIMES -ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING,' SEPTEMBERS, MS Thancing Scout !lo u Dis::ussed By .ions Club The Exeter LiOne Club Met at guests for the evening. the Colonial Inn Friday evening A number of the members left torr the first supper meeting fol- early to assist the Lions At Grand 'towing the summer vacation, The Bend in their annual frolic, xtewiy-elected president, B. w, Tuckey was In the chair. Th', B. F. Reilly assumed his new duties as 'secretary, The attendance was iexeeptionally good. The new Boy Scout louse and. he Meansof financing It .came in for considerable discussion, The Health and Welfare eou - ;mittee were •empowered to pure chase new artificial limbs for a •'Crediton lad, replacing a set that Ile has outgrown. A report was received of two crippled children who hadbeen sent to camp during the summer. Lion R, B. McBride, of Bryan, Ohio, and Rufus est 1 e were :SHARP 1lothfn cut* a board like a sharp saw and nothing' files a saw like our Foley Automatic _Fifer. Brine your sawn in and you'll save work on your next job, \I STEW'S SHARPENING SERVICE. Sanders St. E. Phone 454 5 Pontiac ac 4 -Door Sedan °cod Condition Snell Bros. Ltd. Phone 100 Exeter Treasurer's Tax Sale The following land will be sold at Public Auction at the Town Hall, Exeter, Ontario, unless tax arrears and costs are previously paid. •Dated at Egeter, Ont., July 20, 1955. C. V. Pickard, Treasurer, Town of Exeter Name And Description: Estate of Mary Stacey Lot 284, South Side of Huron St., • Exeter, Ontario sn CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS H. J. Cornish, L. F. Cornish, D. Mitchell 294 DUNDAS ST. LONDON, ONT. .20 Irk r Kon G� t l W• ns Honors * Marion. Creepy, of Kirkton, received a provincial 11onors ser- tificate: and pin at the Perth County girls' homemaking club's 'Achievement Day at 'Mitchell on Thursday. She successfully com- pleted her twelfth project. 'County honors, for completing six projects, went to Patricia Mar- shall, •Kirkton, and Helen Dow, Cromarty. Forty-five girls took part in the program which was conduct- ed by Miss Jean Scott, home ec- onomist for Perth. ,Miss ,Scott was assisted in Judging the ex- hibits and program items by Mrs. Dorothy Filsinger, home econom- ist for Huron and Bruce. afarion 'Creery and (Shirley Rundle, of the Kirkton :club, dem- onstrated strawberry projects; Patsy Marshall, potatoes, The Kirkton Club's skit iwas "Serve Vegetables Garden -Fresh," enacted by Mildred 'Cowdry, Vesta Watson, Marion Creepy and Patsy Marshall. Helen Dow and Janet Coign u_' Noun of the Glen -"Gowrie club demonstrated "How to cook. Veg- etables." Mrs. Ross Marshall and Miss Shirley Roger are in charge of "the Kirkton 40; leaders of Glen Gowrie is 'Mrs. Sterling Graham. Report From Hary PIe By MISS M. HODGINS Miss Helen Hardy of Lucan who has been holidaying at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Love retur- ned home on Wednesday. Mrs. Lillian McLean of Detroit spent the past week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Newton Hayter. Mrs. M Desjardine visited for a few days at the home of het daughter, Mrs. Jack Ridley. Mr. Mansell Hodgins and sister and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Love at- tended the Memorial Services at St. James Churchyard on Sunday at Clandeboye. "Just how fast were you go- ing, Bud?" "I was .just doing •35, officer, when along comes a , gust of wind." H. J.,CORNISH & CO. safe Buys Smart '55 Meteor Sedan Blue, Whitewalls, Signal Lights '54 Meteor Two Tone '47 Plymouth Sedan • '49 Chev Pickup South End Service • Phone 328 Exeter Russ & Chuck Snell rF Announcements t3lrth, Death and Marriage Notices are inserted free of charge, Card of Thanks cost 75c, In Memoriam. Notices 75c for single verse, 25a extra for each additional verse; and Engagement Notices ere 75c. BIRTHS DRIGHT - F/14 and Mrs, John R. Bright, Grand Bend. announce the birth of a son, Michael William; 7 Lbs., 1V•,l oss., at South Huron Hospital, September 4, 1955. BOURQUE-Mr. of:d Mrs, T,, llourque of Bensatl are happy to announce the alit of a daughter, Donna Lee; 8 lbs., 5 oz., at Scott Memorial hospital, Seaforth, September 1. 1955. CIEEECH-- ,fr. and Mrs. J. B, Creech, Kingsville, announce the birth of their daughter. Heather Emily. at Leamington District ,Memorial Hos- pital, September 2, 1955. DEMEIZAIS-+Mr. and Mrs, Andrew 3. J)emerais, R.R. 4 Forest, announce the birth of a son at South Huron .Hospital, September 6, 1955; a bro- ther for Andrew and Wayne. DESJARDI1 -•1fr, and Mrs. Chester 1)esjardine,. Grand Bend, announce the birth of a daughter, Connie Dale, at South Huron Hospital, September 8. 1955; a sister for Susan and Wayne; thanks to Dr. Gulens. GOOD:HUE-Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Good- hue, 169 Columbia Drive, Centralia, announce the birth of a daughter, Catherine Mary, at South Huron Hospital, September 1, 1955; a sis- ter for Linda. HOOKE---Mr. and Mrs. Harry G. Hooke (nee Grier), Exeter. an- nounce the birth of a daughter in Victoria Hospital, London, Septem- ber 1, 1955. JONES -Mr. and firs. John Jones, 270 Algonquin Drive announce the birth of a daughter, Gwenlynn Janet, at South Huron Hospital, September 4, 1955• a sister for Ro- bert Arthur and Lorne William. MAC1 NZIE-Mr. and Mrs. William :Mackenzie (nee Emily Wildman), Ste. Therese de Blainvilleare e happyto announce e bis h of their daughter, Ceryl Diane; a sis- ter for Gary, at La Tour Hospital, Ste. Theresa, P.Q., August 28, 1955. MATLLET-Melba and Johnny Mail - let (nee King), Orlllia, Ont., an- nounce the birth of a son, Anthony Joseph, at South Huron Hospital, September 5, 1966. 5IcGOWAIN-Sgt. and Mrs. Robert McGowan, RCAF Station Centralia, announce the birth of a son, Ro- bert Wayne, at South Huron Hos- andlbabypdoiugrfine. 1956; mother a/A'1'Ii1:,R —To F/L and Airs. A. T. Mather, of Lachine, Que., a son, John Alan. afeLEOD--err, and Mrs. David Mc- Leod, Jr„ R.R. 8 Parkhill, announce the birth of a daughter, Janis Ar- leen, at South Huron Hospital, Sep- tember 1, 1955. ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Lorne 1foNaughton, Cromarty, announce the engagement of their daughter, Barbara. Ruth, to Earl Joseph Munro, Shilo, Man., son of the late Mr. and Mrs. A. Munro, of Halifax, N.S.; the marriage to take place in Ohisethurst United Church September 24. 8c CARDS OF THANKS I wish to thank the Ladies Auxil- iary to the 1.ceter Canadian Legion, Women's Institute and everyone who sent flowers, fruit, candy and cards while I was a patient in •South Huron Hospital and since returning home; special thanks to the neighbors who helped or offered to help. -Mrs. Ross Oke. 8c dfrs. Frank Whilsmith and family wish to express their sincere thanks for the kind expressions of sympathy and assistance during their recent sad bereavement; special thanks to the Rev_. S. Kerr, Exeter, and Rev. Nimmo of Wingham, to the Dinney Funeral Home and to all who so kind- ly sent cards, and flowers to the hospitals. 8* Mrs. Rhoda Westlake and family wish to express their sincere thanks and appreciation to their many friends and relatives for floral tri- butes, cards, kindness and sympathy shown them in their recent sad be- reavement of the loss of a loving son and brother, G. Calvin Westlake. 8* The family ofthe; late Mrs. v Eva Atkinson wish to express their sin- cere thanks and appreciation to friends, relatives and neighbors for the kindness and sympathy shown them during their recent bereavement and for the many beautiful floral tributes and cards of sympathy; special thanks to Rev. R. C. Mills, Kirkton, Mr. William Lambourn, soloist and to the C. Hackett and Son Funeral Home, pall bearers, those who loaned cars and the ladies who helped at the home. 8* IN MEMORIAM MINERS -In loving memory of a dear hu band, father and grandfather, 'Garnet Miners, who passed away one year ago, September 13, 1954. Asleep in God's beautiful garden, Free from all sorrow and pain, And when our life's journey is ended, We know we shall meet him again. -Ever remembered and sadly missed by his wife and family. Typewriter Paper THE TIMES -ADVOCATE •.. INVITATIONS • ANNOUNCEMENTS • RECEPTION CARDS • THANK YOU CARDS • iy Y INTLQ,-NATIOIAL- y ARICRAGfiS Featuring i'T RMQ-GRAVURt:"' ptliNT11�IG 1�` (Raised Lettering) LST . . � •S ASSISTYOU ITI4 1 U VI/ YOUR '1X/e'DbING CLANS You ,nay select your Wedding Invr`tatioiis, Aiinounrernents and Atknowlfrdgrr#ents with complete efsnfidenee air to quality and corrttl<ness dR form. . MAONAW rigi SONA:t,IZSD WEDDING NAPKINS, NATCNES AND CAXS 110Xtt 4 nt Ads Are u alesmen FOR. SALE WEA1'T.E#t PIGS: also a Findlay Gon- dar cools stove. in excellent eoudition. Apply John Miners, phone 52-r-24 Kirkton. 8:16* COCi1Irm, John Deere, 12. foot, No. 55, self-propelled; out less than 1,000 a1esTtale l -Advocate rice, Annie 5 29 SPACE 1EATdE, Duo Therm, rm, ltodel 619, in good condition. Apply Mar- shall, River Road, Grand Bend. 8* PEACHES & PLUMS - Eiberta and Crawford peaches will be on for two weeks.This sthe last. varlete of peaches; 7relaaGreenGge plums 750 for 11 -quart basket; basket; onion, melons, squash and other vegetables. Bring your con- tainers. James liberty, Sylvan. 8 IRON )3E33 and mattress, clean; son washing •machine; Classic cream enamel range with reservoir; also '41 Dodger"Coach, cheap, Phone 880-W$ QUEBEC HEATER, in very good dondition, $12. Amity 250 Marlborough 5t., Exeter, 80 TRUCK, '49 %-Ton International, with rack and tarpaulin; also 14 Far- go with rack, Apply L. P,. Boullianne, Phone 31-W Crediton. 80 CHESTERFIELD, 3- piece, wine and thea v nin May 404 Albert St. in '41 21fERCURY CAR, 4 new tires, re- built motor, sun visor, .radio; reason- able for cash. Gerald Lewis, phone 294, Lucan, Saturdays, or after 6 pan. 80 SPINET PIANOS full odtave, mahog- any or walnut finish; made by a well- known 486 manufacturer; $ complete with bench; five-year guarantee, W, Martin, 558 Main,St. 8* ELBIl1RTA PEACHES and Bartlett pears. Bring containers to Govenlock Orchard, 1a mile north of Forest an Bluewater° Highway, 8;15:22* BEAGLE PUPS -Two months old, from coonand fox dogs. Price is right, George Thompson, R.R. 3 Park- hill. opposite S.S. 10 Bosanquet, 8* '60 FORD SEDAN, top condition, Sub- urbanite tires, radio; terms, Apply Box 1, Exeter. 8:15* GRAPES --Apply Albert Wydooghe, R,R, 8, Parkhill, 1% miles south of Mt. Carmel. 8* SPACE HEATER, Norge, in good condition. Phone 336-W, Exeter. 8* MOTOR -Good, used f 'h,p, .motor, cheap. Apply Times -Advocate. 8* KITCHEN RANGE --Will burn coal or wood; in good repair; cheap for quick sale. Apply 952 Andrew St., Mrs. Eve- lyn Broderick. 8* FARMERS: Before you buy a cattle mineral, 'be sure to _try our complete mineral. Only phone54.9 cwt.. Exeter 6 Dis- trict Co-op, _ 400 PULLETS Red Sussex, ready to lay. Apply Bruce Shapton, phone 599-W1 Exeter, • 8* STOOK TRAILER, 2 -wheel; reason- able. Apply Darling's Meat Market, 8 2 WAITRESSES, reliable. Rether's Coffee Shop. 1' • FROST STEELWELD SILO, 10 gauge wire, three 14 ft. tiers with fibreeia paper and connectors and twine; cont'', piete, $219. Exeter District Co-op,, phone 287. Sc '55 Television AT BARGAIN PRICES Only A Few Left RUSSELL ELECTRIC Phone 109 Exeter NAMELESS Cold Remedy (All Weather Care) Canada's changeable weather can affect your health, but you can face any weather change with NAM1S- L29SS_ Relief from Sinus, Hay Fever, Spasmodic Head Colds,Rheumatic and Arthritic Pains anPiles in 10 days or money back. Convincing trial $1.00. Address Purity Co., Exeter, Ontario. Get It at Browning's, Jones', Sanders', McFalls' stores in Exeter. 8:15:22:29 Bartlett Pears 754 11 -Quart Basket Also Macintosh Apples WILLIAM McKENZIE Phone 253 Exeter Former Local Girl Shows Best Baby 'Lisa Beverly Lyons, four month old daughter of Mr. and firs. Beverley Lyons, London, and granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Moir, Exeter was -a two award 'winner of the baby show at 'the ,united )Labor Day cele- brations elebrations at Queen's Park, Lon- don. She won a trophy and merch- andise for the (best girl up to six months, also a trophy and bus cart for being the .champion baby, boys and girls :mixed, up to six :months, 'The presentations were made by Mayor Ray A. Dennis at the largest baby show ever staged on Labor Day in London,. Hold Open House For Anniversary "Open house" was held Satin'= day afteriioan and evening at the home of their son, Thomas Law- rence, at Blyth !0r Mr. and Mrs, George Lawrence of town: Natives of .Conishoro, York- shire, England, they were Mar- ried there where Mr. Lawrence worked as a glass bottle maker. Tit September,. 1912, they came to Canada and farmed on Con, 8, fuilett Township. Twelve years ago they moved to Blyth and a year ago they .sante to make their home in Exeter. Ossifies their- son, Tom, of T3lyth, they have one °daughter (Betty) Mrs. Ed Johnston, Of town, four granddaughters and one great granddaughter. r . A family diflzrer 'vas given at the home Of Mrs" TOM: :Lawrence's mother In Myth onSaturday at sirs p.m, There are more' than 4,000 ses of wood tedaq. FOR SALE PRUNE P tTh1S,. Italian and German: ehblce quality marsh -grown potatoes. Apply Wilfred Mousseau alighwax 84, 216 mites West of l ensall, phone 92-r- 2 Zurich. 1:8;15c COMBINE, Case Model 0, with mCaon- be upd uporandomsbnuirngcleanaers Dinnin, Brucefield, phone HensWa.i 686-r-23, 4:11c BEDROOM SUITE; chesterfield and 2 Chairs; also quart sealers. Apply Times -Advocate. 8c '40 PONTIAC, infair condition; Find., lay space heater medium -sate; 2 baby cribs. Apply >`i. Poersema, Hen - Sall. • 8c 3 COLLIE PUPS; 3 Yorkshire boars, 4 months old; eligible far registration. Apply Ernest Pym, phone 171-r-12 Exeter, - 8 SERVICES. CUSTOM COMBINING for beans, with Allis-Chalmers combine. Apply John Berendsen, R,R, 1, Kirkton, phone 21-r-4, ,1:8:15 SEPTIC TANKS EMPTIED-Immed= bate service. Phone 108 or 130-W, Lucian. Butler Bros. 1:9-27:10 T.V. SERVICE -Member of R.T.T.A. Will service after 6.00 p.m, Bey Hey- wood, phone 176-r-23, Exeter. 25tfc c WHITEWASHING 4 CLEANING - Arrangements can be made, Bill Wat- son, Dashwood, phone 35-r-19. 11.8. 8:11c WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING; ASSOCIATION "Where Better Bulls Are Used" Artificial Insemination service for all breeds o service cattle. For s rvl e or information phone Clinton 515co- lect, between 7:30 and 10:00 A.M. on week days and 7:30 and 9:30 A.M, on Sundays. .tic "STANDARD OF- THE WOODS" - McCulloch Chain Saws: AA models and complete service (we rent) avail- able at McCulloch Saw Sales, 428 Huron St., Stratford, phone 1061-3. 9-16tfc CUSTOM B0IAN COMBINING with 12 -ft. M -H 90 self-propelled combine; Pulling beans; baling. Norman Whit- ing, R.R. 1 Centralia, phone Kirkton 48-r-19. 8tfc c WNTED LEGHORN HENS, 1 -year-old. Earl Gingerich, R.R. 3 Zurich, phone 90-. r-7. 1:8* SAW MILL LOGS and standing bush lots. Apply Robert Eagleson, Ailsa Craig. 8:15:22:29c WIANTED TO RENT -Unfurnished house or large downstairs apartment in Exeter. Apply Box "F" Times - Advocate. f 8c STOCK WANTED I AM IN THE MARKET for all kinds of horses, any size, any age. --G. J. Dow, phone 83 Exeter. tfc DEAD, DISABLED STOCK - Seven- day week service for horses, cattle, sheep, pigs, calves -Glen Kennedy, ph6one collect. 168-W Lucan or Exeter OATTLE-Live or dressed weight; top prices paid. Coleman Packing, London, phone 2-7546, London, or 15, Exeter. 8:15:22* FOR RENT 7-iR000t HOUSE, hydro and bath, on Highway 83, 1 miles east . of Dash- wood. Wally Wein, Dashwood, phone 54. 1:8* 12 COTTAGE'S, completely furnished, oil heated and insulated, by month or weekly ates. Phone 16, Grand Bend. ,1:6 APARTMENT, central; attractive, modern rooms; new kitchen cup- boards; 3 -piece bath; private ent- rance; self-contained; just finished decorating. throughout; immediate possession. Apply Box "H" Times - Advocate. 1:80 FARM HOUSE, medium - size, in Staffa areal water pressure; 3 -piece bath; electricity; garden. William Pearce, Realtor, Exeter, ltfc c APARTMENT, 2 -bedroom, modern,• living room, kitchen, 8 -piece bath; heated; immediatepossession. Phone 661 or apply 243 Huron St., Exeter. APARTMENT, 5 -room, unnianished• also small furnished apartment. Elliot 'Apartments, phone 476 Exeter. 16tfc APARTMENT, unfurnished, 3 -room, self-contained;. suitable for couple. Phone •400-W, Exeter. 8* TRAQUAIR APARTMENTS -Lower apartment available; private entrance, furnished and heated; 3 -piece bath; references pleases. Apply 59 John St. East, Exeter, 8c APARTMENT, 3 -room; Suitable for 2 adults; available September 15; furnished. Apply .27 Huron St, West or call 158. Snc APARTMENT, 4 rooms and bath; also store on Main Street, suitable for small business or office. Apply John Ward, phone 348, Exeter. 8* 3 -ROOM APARTMENT, private ent- rance; heated Phone 8, Crediton, 8:15:22c FLOOR POLISHERS and vacuum Cleaners. Beavers Hardware Exeter. SIOUSE with hydro and running water. Ernest Pyne, phone 171-r-12, [Doter. 8c 3 -ROOM APARTMENT -Adults only. Apply Mayfair Bakery or phone 62. 8c 4 -ROOM APARTMENT, centrally lo- cated, newly decorated, built-in cup- boards, hot and Cold water, 3 -piece possession, private entrance; immediate �� Exeter ion,. 'William Pearce, Real3tor, GOOD PASTURE, 75 acres in .I -lay p Swam, for rest Of season. Apply Wayne Tueltey, phone 174-r-2 13ii- eter, 86 • HELP' WANTED a-IAVIA FUN white you work, selling tanle Products, on the partyplan. We tech You how, Avera a $50 week- ly, f lB6o�r Part-time, Car helpful, "K" Times-AdVocato.. 1:3c amo CO14N, 20 acres. A»ply Lorne Becker, ,. Dtlshwood. „ R. 011t10 for 17otniriion Hotel, 2.tirielr, phone TO.!18:16* LINEMAN l MAN to take charge of Grand Bend P.U.C. State qualifiettloris and salary teetered. Tenders Must be In b 'Septetbsr.10, 1955, to th e Secre'• taneMr Xt. Waituwri r Grand Bend, 1:8e HELP WANTED 2 LUXES wanted to be trained to demonstrate T 1e 1n p e r war e Home Parties in Exeter and district; high- est commission paid. For information write Dorothy :Showier, District M - ager, 229 Giles St., London, 8:5 E7GH RIENCED MAN and wife want- ed for poultry and general farm; eapable of taking full charge; Pa - rate house; h dro' good wages; referenc. Apply Box "F" Times - Ad vacate, imes-Advocate, 6:15:22c WOMAN, ambitious; well-groomed, to Work in, advisory capacity; full or part-time. Apply Box "S", Times. Advocate, 8:150 MAN OR WOMAN to .clean apart- ment hallway once a week. Apply Times -Advocate. Ric TO PICK CORN, starting Saturday; next week also. G. J, Dow, Exeter, (Apply at house.) 0 8' 2 GIRLS for . restaurant work. Apply at Coy Grill, Mitchell, phone 200. So „REAL ESTATE SMALL HOUSE, 2 -bedroom; no base - e en t, Apply to Jack Futcher, Ex- HOUSk3, fairly new; well situated for schools; 4 rooms, modern, oil furnace, William Pearce, Realtor; Earl Para sone, Fred Cole, Salesmen. 25tfc 100 -ACRE FARM with good house, barn and drive shed; hydro; never- failing water supply; house yard nice- ly treed; soil is productive and par- ticularly suitable for white beans and corn; close to store and school; very reasonably priced. C V.Pickard, Realtor, MaiSt., Exeter. NOVELTY V YBUSINESS,nicel locat- ed, increasing busines, For details apply to: C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter. EXTRA! Sweet little highway acre- age; compact house, all conveniences; garage; good buildings for poultry, livestock; water on tap throughout; lovely hedges, shrubs, shade; rural mail; telephone; ideal country home. William Pearce, Realtor; Earl Par- sons, Fred Cole, Salesmen. 30tfc RUG BRICK HOME, 3 -bedroom, This is one of the nicer medium-sized homes in Exeter. In .addition to other usual rooms, it has a very nice dining room. The whole house is in the best of repair and ready for occupation. Moderately priced. 0, V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter. INSULBRICK COTTAGE, 2 -bedroom. This home has a large, nicely finished kitchen, full basement and an attic with built-in stairs. A comfortable home at $4,900. C. V. Pickard, Real- tor, Main St.,. Exeter. HOUSE with basement, furnace, liv- ing room, dining room, kitchen, den, bathroom and sunroom, main floor; 4 bedrooms upstairs; garage and nice building lot; all moderately priced. W. Pearce, Realtor; Earl Parsons, Fred Cole, salesmen. 23tfe BUILDING LOT, choice location; corner Huron and Albert streets; others. C. V. Pickard, realtor, Main St., Exeter, Ont. APARTMENT HOUSE, Exeter. This house can be bought at a very low price in comparison to the income it produces. C. V. Pickard, realtor, Main St., Exeter, Ont. • 6 -ROOM HOUSE, clapboard, 3 -piece bath, large living room, modern kit- chen with large cupboard space, stain- less sink, arborite counter top; 4 bed- rooms, 1 downstairs, good basement and furnace; extra lot with barn and garage; income from barn. Apply Ralph Batten, 524 William St. 3 -BEDROOM HOUSE, new -349 Ed- ward St. A. E. BalkwilL 14tfn c BRICK HOUSE with bathroom, small barn, over 1 acre land, Stepben taxes. W. C. Pearce, realtor; Earl Parsons,. Frbd Cole, salesmen. , 24tfc FINE OLD BRICK HOUSE with spacious rooms, fireplace, 3 -piece bath each floor, oil furnace; large attached garage; spacious grounds of lawn, shade trees, fruits, vegetables, barbecue swimming pool. William Pearce, Realtor; Earl Parsons, Fred! Cole, Salesmen. 8ttc e 60 -ACRE • FARM -East half, lot 2, Con. 7 McGillivray Township; 6 -re m frame house; garage; henhouse; small barn; around 42 acres of ge'bd work- ing land, balance pasture and wood. This farm is around three miles from Parkhill; price of farm -$4,600; small down payment; balance easy terms; Possession when -sold. Apply to owner W. 13. Reid, Broker, 75 Wharncliffe Road South, London, phone 3-8493. 8:150 NEW, MODERN HOUSE, forcedair furnace, two bedrooms. Apply Art Whilsmith, phone 270-3, 8tfe c BRICK HOMEbeautiful ranch -style; high school district; spacious living room -dining room with wall-to-wall broadloom; modern kitchen; beauti- fully -finished bathroom; two lafge bedrooms and third room for ada ditianal bedroom or den; full base- ment with rumpus rdom; laundry tubs' oil -burning furnace• terms. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Ex - FRAME HOUSE 7 -room, 'in Hensali; 2 lots; corner; furnace, bath; priced to sell. Apply Glen Deitz, on property or C. G, Lee, Parkhill. 84 AUCTION SALES Clearing AUCTION SALE Of ,Tractor, Farm Machinery, 'Auto, 65 Head Durham and Hereford Cattle# Poultry, Hogs, Hay, Grain and Miscellaneous Items On the Premises Lot 19 Con, Town Line, STEPHEN TOWNSHIP 1!4 antes East of Mt. Carmel The undersigned auctioneer receiv- ed instructions, to sell by public auction on FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1955 Commencing at 1,00 pm. sharp TRACTOR; C.A. Allis Chalmers Tractor fully equipped, used two sea- sons, like new; extra equipment in- cluding 2 -row seuffler and bean pull- er, ull- e AUTOe Dodge 1936 Coach. New motor and tires. FARM MACHINERY': John Deere 2 -furrow plowt John Deere 32 -plate treater 61.0' Case binder, 5 -ft. Out; fcDeerina .11-h00 fertilizer drill: M• 73 mower, 8-f t. out; MOD. 2 -row -teal Seuffler; 2 sets of 8 -section diamond harrows' 3-tlrute steel roller;. fanning trill; tubber tire wagon' side rake' hay rake manure sprea3b der' 1 -steel Mick rake; Leta grinder; -ft, rub- ber belt; steel water' trough; 250 -ft. rubber hose; m.tr corn ;Meller; cern grader; 40 -gal. . &mite; en- rreweereamserore; Dei veal milk- ing 7riaehine, single unit; electric motor, t h,p„ four 8 -gal. 'milk cans; tlantity of serail iron; chains; forks; sahovels' many article; too numerous to mention, CATTLI7:. 0 Durham cows, milking,due 10 freshen October; 20 Dur- liam and Hereford Coleig With ealvee at foot; 5 Durham heifers, due to freshen in October and November; 5 Durham steers rising 2 .years old; 6 'baby beefs; purebred Here- ford bull,17 months old, ""Elite Do- mino 2-. This bull carries extra good "blood lines and has features of very promising alre. This Is a very choice herd of cattle, 11005: 6 Yorkshire bogs, averaging 100 lbs. each. POULTRY: 100 Road Island Red: pullets; 100 Sussex pullets; 60 year- ling hens; 2 geese. HAY, GRAIN and FEED: 450 lbu' shale of mixed grain; 75 bushels wheat; 7 acres of eboice ebb corn; 7 acres of white beans; 480 bales 'of wheat straw; 200 bales of oat straw; quantity of loose mixed hay. TERMS: Cash, MRS. LEONA, COUGHLIN, Prop GARNET HICKS, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer lis AUCTION SALE Of Antiques 285 Andrew St. South EXETER, ONTARIO SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1655 1:30 p.m. Antique breakfront; china cabinet; sideboard buffet; dining room table with Chairs; settee -with 4 chairs, upholstered; orlentai throw rug; seve- ral original oil paintings; tea wagon, walnut; pottery table lamp with spade;. Jenny Lind spool bed, walnut, antique; hand - made antique bed; hand -made antique dresser;cherry a rY dresser; light oak dresser; antique commodes, oak and walnut; dark oak dresser; Wanzer Model C' treadle Sewing machine with ruffler attach- ment; foot stool; oak floor lamp and shade; hand -painted oil lamp; Cruet set silver; pedestel; 3 occasional tables; Spencer coal heater; Cozy Kitchen coal and wood heater; .light oakwith hall rack.� th mirror; w alnut corner what -not; 1 dozen feather - and dowh-filled pillows; Coffield elec- tric washer; Hoover electric vacuum cleaners; copper and peuter teapot; c u t glass pitcher; punch glasses; Lustre fruit bowl; jelly dish; jam pot, etc.; antique glassware and chinaware and poreclain ware; mis- cellaneous dishes, antique and silver- ware, as well as many other items. Estate of the late John 13, Dignan FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer CLARK FISHER, Clerk AUCTION SALE Of Valuable Real Estate On The Premises, Lot 19, Con. Town Line, TOW- 1% Mil East of Mt,SCarmel The undersigned auctioneer receiv- ed instructions to sell 'by public auction on FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1955 Commencing at 2.00 p.m. sharp mitt, ESTATE: Consisting of Lot 19, Con. 'Town Line, Stephen Town- ship, 100 acres of clay loam, on which is situated a well-built 2 -storey brick dwelling equipped with water press- ure system, 3 -piece bathrom, new on furnace, large 'bank barn and straw shed with stabling throughout; large implement shed. Soil is the very beat of clay loam, well drained; 5 acres of (mixed bush. Never failing water supply. REAL ESTATE: Consisting of Lot 19, Con. North Boundary McGillivray Township, 95 stores of land with no buildings; 7 acres of bush, Soil is very best clay loam; all tillable land; 35 acres seeded in permanent pas- ture. BOTH FARMS in high state of cul - on day of sale. t4 tivation and will be offered separately TERMS: 10% on day of sale. Bal- ance in 130 days. Immediate posses - Won. .Sold Subject to areasonable reserve bid,. MRS, 1TRANK COUGHLIN, Prop, ALVIN WALTER, Aucttoineer 8:15, Clearing AUCTION SALE Of Real Estate, Tractor, Autos Farm Machinery, Livestocic, Poultry, Hay,. Grain and Miscellaneous Items, On the Premises Lot 6,. Concession 11, VSBORWNSH 114 Miles WesNEtTOof WoodhIPam, el Miles North Tine .undersigned auctioneer re- ceived instructions to sell by Publle Auction on TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1955• Commencing at 1:00 p,m. Sharp RfaAL ESTATE: Consisting of Lot 5, Cori. 11, Usborne Township, 100• acres of choice clay loam; a modern 2 -storey brick dwelling equipped with water pressure •system sed new furnace' large bank barn and straw shed with good stabling throughout, water pressure system, large silo; everything in good 'state of repair:- soil epair:soil choice clay loam; farm welt drained; 10 acres of mixed bush; never -failing water supply, t4 Terms Of Real Estate; 10%u on day of sale; balance in. 30 days, Sold sub- ject to a reasonable reserve bid, TRACTOR & AUTO; Allis Chalmers A.C. standard tractor,, used one sea- son, equipment in - eluding eludlike new; extra ing a 2 -furrow hydraulic plow and 2 -row seuffler. 4946 Chev Coach, in good condition. FARM MAOHINHRY: M -H binder, 7 ft, out; Cockshutt horse-drawn spreader, like new; 3 -section diamond harrows; rubber - tire factory . made wagon; steel -tire wagon; John Deere 8 -plate ane -way disc; tractor cultiva- tor; teacultivator; M -H mower; Cockshutt drop - head hay loader; Surge water heater; Co -Op 2-un it milking machine,like new; Super Twin IEL, Chain saw, like new; 15 single cord hardwood, beach and. maple; forks; shovels; aiming; many articles too numerous to mention, CATTLE: Roan Durham cow S years old, due middle of November; red Durham cow, 7 years old, due sale date; Durham cow, milking, due in March; Holstein cow, milking, 4 years old, due in February; 2 roam cows, milking, due in March; red Durham cow with calf at foot, dile in March; roan heifer carrying second calf, due In October; 2 Durham year- ling heifers, HOGS: Yorkshire- sow; carrying: second litter, due in No' ember. POULTRY; 100 choice Red Rock pullets, 4e months old. HAY .& RAIN: 1,000 bushels choice mixed grain; 25 load mixed hay; 6> acres silo, corn. Quantity of Household Effects. No • Reserve - everything will be sold. TERMS: Cash. JIM WHITE, Prop. GARNET HICKS, Clerk ALVIN W.ALPBR, Auctioneer 8:15 Fourth Annual SALE OF FEEDER CATTLE The Grey -Bruce Live Stock Co- operative are holding their Fourth An- nual Sale of Feeder Cattle at Wier - ton on Thursday, September 22-1205. head. Sale commences at 10:00 a,m- All cattle sorted, graded and divided into truck and carload lots, (Marked cheque pr cash required. Twelve Shorthorn bulls will be sold! after the sale by the Grey -Bruce Shorthorn Breeders. T. STEWART COOPER Secretary, Grey -Bruce Live Stock bo -operative, • Markdale, Ontario, 8:15a Ray C. Mills Announces His App• ointment As Representative Of The Canada Life Assurance Co. IN EXETER Office Phone: Exeter 24 Res.:, Woodham 62-17 € CyCotoG1r SE2: 0+ 4i,uti",-.'r..u�.'W A MANS OPINION OF MANY A WOMAN IS MADE BY MER `' DRESS SHOP, 4 Hole Metal Feeders For Hogs Outside Self -Feeder With weather-pp.:A hinged top and feed lid covers mounted on runovers—priced right. • Inside Self -Feeder With no top, lids or runners, at a very economical price to save you money; at $25.95. • METAL HOG TROUGHS—Made to last for years with Choice of two sizes; approximately 5 ft. long—$3.50 and $4.00 each., SEE THESE HOG FEEDERS BEFORE YOU BUY Special Notice To Our .Friends In Town Vire have our own flock of Leghorn hells laying eggs in wire Cages. We are grading and candling these eggs and selling them through our own store, We sell the eggs as we gather them from the wire nest cages, therefore our eggs will be the best quality you can buy in town, just try a dozen and taste the difference. � e GRAIN -FEED -SEED EXETERAoA1735-•WHALEN CORNERSd'iie'v<IRKTON 35R15 r. 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