HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1955-09-01, Page 6Announcements BIRTHS E'i,'R(N(---1 r. and 71ral. Irvine Atunstrong, Exeter, announce the birth of a son, Peter Rees at South Matron Hospital, August 27, 1955; a -brother for Paul. I111rNN,1 Y-•-1Jr, and Mrs, Milton L. Hennessy„ 1Not Apartments, 'Ex- ,tor, announce the birth of leghter. Evelyn •Cole.+n, at South Huron Roapital' A',tmest 26. 3955.. Read.Thanks to Dr. Read. end nurses. i 1NPACA1tSH Mr. andlairs. George Hi ma s , andeboy.e, pounce the birth of a sen, Terry Lee, at South Ruren, Heelaital, August 25, 19651 a brother far J'ianice. I?Vellie- `/O and Mrs, T. A. Irwin. RCAF Station CoCentraliaannounce the birth of a Son, Michael Thorne* t at South Huron Hospital, Agus 26, 1955; a brother for T#m. NO TUBE TO BLOW OUT I M R PRESENT S F1T5 TOUR * COSTS NO MORE THAN A REGULAR TIRE MD TUBE .4•441•. DATARS SUNOCO SERVICE Ph. 88 Grand Bend ,BIRTHS RED R-•-O.Jr. and Airs. John Reeder. Cottam, announce the birtli of a daughter' for Air. a Aire. folie Beerier. DEATHS MacGI'LEGOR--,.At his late residence, Grand Bend, on Wednesday, August 24. 1955, Sohn Hugh MacGregor, be- loved huusband of Myrtle Webb, la his seventy-third year. WESTLA -Io St, Joseph's Eeee pita]. Leaden, on Monday, August e9, 1965, George Calvin Westlake, beloved husband of Marion West- lake (Stevenson), in his forty-sixth' a i1ti,' fTH-At pia late residence in Exeter, ananThursday •August e. ,.6, 1955, Frank Henry Whilsmith, in his seventy-first year. ENGAGEMENTS 01ir. and Mrs. John A. (ledcke, of LIstow.el, wish to announee the en- Ilgemtof or Florence MrGordon Charles Fink, - ['miner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Finkbeiner, Crediton; the marriage to take place September 17, 1956, at 3 o'clock in the Evangelical United Brethren Church, Listowel, le CARDS OF THANKS Mrs. Myrtle McGregor and family wish to express their sincere thanks for the kind expressions of sympathy and assistance during their recent be- reavement, with special thanks to Rev. W. Smith and those who loaned ca -Air. and Mrs. Harry van Oath, of Crediton, wish to thank all the People who assisted in any way dur- ing the time of their fire; special thanks to the men who helped re- build the house. 1• Mr. and Mrs. Norman Walper would like to express their sincere thanks to all their neighbours and friends for all the flowers, cards and treats while Mrs. Walper was a pa- tient in 1St. Joseph's Hospital and since returning home. Thank you. 1c Mr. and Mrs. Luther Rowcliffe relativesikandofrIends foet'hneir kind- ness tor treats, flowers and visits while Luther was a patient In South Huron and Victoria Hospitals; special thanks to Dr, Fletcher and the nurses. I would like to express my ap- preciation to all who remembered me with cards and visits while I was in St. Joseph's Hospital and since my return home. -Herbert Young, Credi- ton. •would like to thank all those who so kindly remembered me 'with cards, flowers and treats and those who visited me while a patient in the hospital and since returning home. - Miss Louieda Finkbeiner, Crediton. 1 wish to thank all those who so kindly remembered me with cards, treats, flowers and visits while a pa- tient in South Huron Hospital. Billy Ellerington. Ic The Board and Management of (South Huron Hospital wish to thank 1 the 'C.G.I,T. group of Greenway United Church for their donation of a quilt for the children's ward. 10 "52 Chev' Deluxe Coach Snell Bros. Ltd. Phone 100 Exeter Best OIL FURNACE Yet! McCLARY WINTER AIR CONDITIONER Cleans ... Humidifies Warms .. Distributes Automatically!? This amazing Design Award furnace gives 25% to 50% greater heat producing ca- pacity than any other unit of its size made in Canada. Pully automatic temperature control smooth burner quiet blower . . . hu- midifier and filters. Comes in two models, two sizes in each. LET US INSTALL ONE NOW ALF.ANDRUS Tinsmithiing And Plumbing = Phone 719 Exeter tttnttttttlntnttnt/tturtl,Nttttituutnlir C t4' Pre 1956 Model Showing CLEARANCE Of The Following Hand -Picked Used Cars AT NEW 1956 USED CAR PRICES We WeIconle Comparison As To PRICE AND CONDITION Our Special NEW 1955 MERCURY MONTEREY 4 -DOOR SEDAN With power brakes, 2 -tone, W -Walls, automatic, tinted glass, etc.— Sl1e goes at cost. • '54 FORD 4 -Door '54 METEOR: 2 -Door 'Sia FORD 2 -Door '58 MERCURY 4-00OR it '58 C1fEV 4 -Door '62 DODGE 4 -Door '52 CFIEV 2 -Door '62 METEOR Sedan Delivery '52 CHEV 4 -Door '52 CHEfir ClubCoupe '51 FORD 4 -Door '51 STUDEEAICER 2 -Door '5o FORD 4 -Door '60 AUSTIN 4 -Door it '48 CTEV 4 -Door '48 MERCURY 2 -Door '44 FORD 4 -Door '40 PONTIAC 4 -Door '40 CUEV 4 -Door '40 FORD 1 -Ton Pick -Up . 141 1N'I'E1LNATIONAx, i%2 -Ten Pick -Up CHOICE Or PRE-WAR CARS MAC Us An Offer w-- Most Of These Have Extras WE CAN DEAL NAME YOUR. TERMS . IBobCook Motor Sales HENSALL PHONE • 178 s. Bob' Cook:"188 Mike Quinlan: $5 I3ligfiltoll Fergi 152,W TH' 'I.MES-AI VAa EXETER* NTI THURSDA' MORNING, SEPTEMBER ix 1955 Recon FOR SALE LADIES' S171T. cave', 41e: 17, C .Sbo seen at Brady's.a LADIES" CLOTH COAT, grey, size 38-40; :also a black wool gabardine suit, .size 38-40. Both like new. Cheap for quick sale. Phone 6854 Exeter. le 2 PULLETS, Rock and N. Hanna; also Sussex and N. Hemp., laying• Apply Gordon Wren. KtPPen. l' EWES. 12 i,,e eesters. Tont Drover Cromarty, phone 670-r-41, Hensall, 1# CORN BINDER and loader Inter• national; also 16" Gehl cutting "bax, including 'both outside and inside Pipes; both 3}t fair repair. Apply head Dawson. Phone 456-r-6 I:;a;eter. 13ie GREEN GAGE PLUMS -Bring your containers and pick your own. John- son Bros. Fruit Farm, Lake ]toad, Bosanquet, 4 miles west of Ravens- wood. 1* SEWING MACHINE, IraYmond drop - head style, Apply Mrs. b)ennis O'Rourke, RR. 3 Dashwood. 1:8c PEACHES & PLUM'S- Good canning peaches ready now; prupe plums ready about September 4 and follow- ing week; Rehne Claude , or Green Gage plums ready about September 12; squash, .pumpkins and melons; onions, cooking and Spanish. Er#ng your own baskets. James Eberly, Sylvan, Ont. BULL, CAT.' -•,-Gk J. Dow, phone 83 Exeter. 1• QU31BE0 REAT•ETt with pipes and wall protector; used one winter; only $16. Apply 192 Columbia Drive, Per/Q, RCAF Station Centralia. 1` REFRIGERATOR, Kelvinator, 9.1 cu. ft., bwo years old, phone 599-W2 or apply Box 281 Exeter, 1• BRIDE:SW 'S DRESS" •blue baller- ina -length; size 18, "Phone 4616-J, 1c QUEBECBEATER, Acme, modern, meth oven; like new. Apply second floor, rear apartment, south side of bowling green, or phone 143, Exeter. lc PEACHES -Heavy run is now on; also some Lombard plums, Bring baskets and pick your own If you wish. Apply Marshall Sullivan, tenth concession of Bosanquet Township, J-ambton County. 1• PULLETS, starting to lay. 4. Pear- son, phone 34-9 Dashwood. 1• WWZANDE PIGS; ale a Findlay Con- dor coOk stove. in excellent -condition. Apply John Miners, phone 32-r-24 ICirkton. 10 700 PUd187 New Hamp x Wyan- dotte(Fisher Strain), started to lay. AplYtoIIoyd Ferguson, phone 680- r-2 8 0- PRUNE PIICIMS; Italian and German; choice quality marsh -grown potatoes. Apply Wilfred Mousseau, Highway 84, 2% miles west of Hensall, phone 92-r- 2 Zurich. 1:8:150 Refrigerator Used G -E, Seared Unit Excellent Condition RUSSELL ELECTRIC Phone 109 • Exeter Ranges, Furnaces Space Heaters We can offer second-hand coal and oil ranges, usedfurnaces and some oil space heaters at bargain prices. LINDENFIELDS LTD. Phone 131 Exeter EMPLOYMENT WANTED LADY REQUIRES position as cash- ier, receptionist, switchboard operat- or or 'bookkeeper; preferably part- time. Write Box "W" Times - Advocate. 26:1• NOTICES NOTICE) TO 1LOUSEHOL6)ERS i RE GARBAGE COLLECTION Refuse, other than that placed In boxes and cans, will • be picked up only the first collection in each` month. Material referred to consists of branches of trees and bushes, corn stalks, etc. C. V. PICKARD Town Clerk 25:1 TOWNSHIP OF USBORNE CLOSING ROAD ALLOWANCE In the matter of THE MUNICIPAL ACT, and in the matter of the pro- posed by-law of the Corporation; Of the Township of Usborne to stop -up and close an allowance for highway. Notice is hereby given pursuant to section 472 of THE MUNICIPAL ACT that the Corporation of the Town- ship of Usborne proposes to con- sider, and 1f deemed advisable, to pass at its regular meeting to be held at the Township Hall in the Village of Elimville, In the Town- ship of Usborne on the 12th day of September, 1955, at 2 p.m„ a by-la,w to stop -up and close part of the road allowance between Lots Nos. 5 and 6 in the llth Concession of the Town- ship of Usborne which said parcel Is described as follows: -- ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land situate, lying and being in the Township of Us - borne, County of Huron and Pro- vince of Ontario : • being composed of the original road' allowance between Lots Nos, 5 and 6 in the Eleventh Concession of the said Township of Usborne. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that before passing the said by-law at its meeting to be held at the time and place above mentioned, the Council of the Corporation of the Township of -Osborne shall then and there hear In person or by his conn- gel, Solicitor or agent, any person Who claims that this land will be prejudicially effected by the said by- law and who applies to be heard, Dated at Elimville this 5th day of August, 1955. H, I•I'. G. STRANG. Clerk of the Township. 11:18:25:1 with sensational SPEED SELECTOR At; last yeti ten titer the cartage speed to yew ewe typing /see, Phone '-Collect For Demonstration1111-40W1414610/#401 ttYMYYn'Nr,1AAfYYii",llrratYNGri'Y(iatarYr"tlinil"YN"Y"ifil,"Yrs,tililiYlY"YYr,irbiirlrrinitnilr9"MY"iYYYt"ire'r7Y,iiiY,rili,'i,raYrnt"A� a titer TInes-Advocate' FOR .SALE LADIES' CLOTLI COAT, grey, Rize 38-41); aoleo a40 h�tlt weed gabardine h 1,! ...e new; cheap. for �clIMMlt sale; Plum 685 t J Enter, COMBINE, Case Model G, with ma - to, Pickup and scour cleaner. Can. ut�s dforin ng 'boars, W, Dini'Sn, 13rucefteli},. ethane Hensall 688-r-23, 4:110 STOVE. Clare 3,awei white enamel. Apply Mrs, Gordon -Heywood, ILE, 1 Centralia. 1+ ereeAC13ES^-good canning p e a o h e:k new car: bring centatnera; Prices; reasonable; €first farm on the left, past C'arnp Ipperwash on Highway 21. S, C. Williams, 11.E. 1 Forest. 25:1+ ERIC STOV13, heavy-duty, a 'burner; low automatic even, in good Condition. Sam Bower, 83 John St., phone 879-W. lo REFRIGERATOR lcelvinator, 9.1 eu. ft., two year ofd. Phone 599-W2 or apply Box 281 Exeter, 4n+ SEIED WHEAT --Quantity of. (Rene- see wheat, grown from registered seed. Apply Cooper Forrest, phone 5-r-10 1Cirkton. 18:25:1* STOCK WANTED 1 WANTED . 1 AM IN THE Neanl E 2 for all kinds of horeee, any eine, apY age- --G• a D w, Piton.- 43 Elieter t DEAD, DISABLE/14STOQfC,- Seven- a'.o.. horses, cattle, eheep, Week service ler sheep, ,pigs; calves., -,then IGennedY, phone. collect 1611»W, Liman or Exeter 235. a 1/-2tfo FOR :RENT FR'Taale 'ROOM cC BOARD for schoole girl from Monday to Friday Cali 889-W,, Exeter. 1c 7-tROO44f 1i0US19, hydra and bath, on 4•Ilghomar 83, 144miles east of Dash. wood, Wally Wein, Dashwood, phone 54, 3:8• HELP WANTED HAVE FUN while you work, selling Stanley Products on the party plan, We teach you how. Average 350 'week - 13r, full or pert -time, Car help4ul. Apply Box 41z' Times -Advocate. 1,;80 HODSEIream•PER--Woman t..o d housework and Haired two children. All (modern conveniences. Apply Mrs. Don Jolly, phone 187 Exeter. 10 2 GIRLS for > alae shop work. Call 52, Exe e , s. yb PROTESTANT TEA01I,1OR for S,S, No, 10 Tuokersmith. Duties tee com- mence September 6, 1955. Apply to Secretary -Treasurer Verne Alderdice, R.R. 2 Morten, phone 684-r414 #•len* sell. 1c GIRL for Dominion Hotel, Zurich, phone 70. 1:8:15* GIRL for office work, part-time; 30 hours weekly• selling experience pre- ferable, Apply Simpson -Sears, Ex- eter, 1• 2 VOAITIRaESSES, reliable. Rethmos Coffee Shop. 1 LINEMAN to take charke of Grand tqualificationsn Bend P.II.C. Sta e and salary required. Tenders must be in by September 10, 1955, to the Secre- tary, Mr, Ii. Wainwright, Grand Bend'. • 1:8o Cleaners And Helpers 32220- $2680 Required by the Department of National Defence (Air), Centralia, Ontario. Full particulars on posters displayed at offices of the National Employment Service and post Office, Application forms, obtainable there- at, should be filed with tho Civil Service Commission, 25 St, Clair Avenue East, Toronto, Ontario NOT LATER THAN SEPTEMBER 1b, 1856, Please quote Competition Number 55-T995. to Opportunity For Young Man Large Co-operative organization re- quires a Junior accounting clerk for the Toronto head office. We offer good working conditions, 5 -day week Pension plan, sharing ,of earnings, and a permanent, intefesting career. We require a keen, alert young man, 3.6 to 19, with Junior Matricula-, tion or eeguivalent. Apply by letter stating age, educa- tion and experience to Personnel Dept., United Co-operatives of On- tario, 28 Duke St., Toronto. lc SERVICES BEANS -Why take the chance of the weather changing when you can have your green beans dried in a few days by spraying them? Call L. V. I3ogarth, phone 266, to CUSTOM COMBINING for beans, with Allis-Chalmers combine. Appiy John Berendsen, R,11. 1, Kirkton, Phone 21-r-4. 1:8:15" PAINTING AND PAPERING CABINET WORK TILE FLOORS THOS, H. WALKER Phone 553 Exeter RSIPTIC PANES TONiPTIED-Immed- late service. Phone 108 or 180-W Lucan, Butler Bros, 1:9-+27:10 T.V. ,S1RVICE-Member of R.T.T.A. Win service after 6.00 p.m. Bev Hey- wood, phone 176-r-23, Exeter. _ 25tfe c WHITEWASHING & CL]OANING-- Arrangements can be made, )3111 Wat- son, Dashwood, phone 35-r-19. 11;8 - 3:11c ATTENTION FARMERS! Anyone wishing to have their barn cleaned or whitewashed, contact Gerald Cooper, Phone 716-R, Exeter, 11:18:25:1c CUSTOM COMBINING, grain and beans, Apply Earl Neil, phone 626-33 Exeter. 6:30 - 9:8c WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where Better Bulls Are Used" Artificial Insemination service for all breeds of cattle. For service or information phone Clinton 515 col- lect, between 7:80 and 10:00 A.M. on week days and 7:30 and 9:30 A,M, on Sundays. tic, "STANDARD OF T1•'123 WOODS" -- McCulloch Chain Saws! All models and complete service (we rent) avail- able at McCulloch Saw Sales 428 Huron St.; Stratford, phone 1061-3. 9-l6tfc NOTICES TO CREDiTORS 12 COTTACIES, completely furnished, oil heated and insulated, by month or weekly rates. Phone 16,. •Grand Bend, 1:8:sec APARTMENT, central; attractive. modern rooms; new kitchen cup - hoards; 3 -piece bath; private elite ranee; self-contained; just finished decorating throughout; immediate possession. Apply Box "IP Times - Advocate. 1:8c APARTMENT, 2 bedrooms, living room, kitchen, bath and full-size :basement; hot and cold water; on highway at Shipka. Phone 6-3, Crede- ton. le STORE on Main Street;.suitable for small business or .office; available November 3 or +before. Apply John Ward, .Phone 348, Exeter. 1► FARM HOUSE, medium - .size, in Staffa area; water pressure; 3 -piece bath; electricity; garden. William Pearce, Realtor, Exeter. ltfo c APARTMENT, medern, large, clown - stair, front; 3 rooms and bath; One mediate possession. Phone 10-11 Credi- ton after 6:00 p,m, or weekends. lc APARTMENT, 3 -room• suitable for 2 adults; available September 15; partly furnished. Apply 27 Huron St. Nest or call 168. 1' APARTMENT, Burnished, downstairs, with side entrance. 357 Carling St, 2 APARTMENTS, 2 -bedroom, living room, kitchen 3 -piece bath, Apply John Ward, phone 848, Exeter, 1* APARTMENT, 5 -room, unfurnished; also small furnished apartment. Fllliot Apartments, phone. 476 Exeter. 16tf3 FLOOR POLISHERS and vacuum cleaners. Beavers hardware Exeter. REAL ESTATE FARM, 376 acres of workable land; small house; large barn, will house 2100 laying birds, 50 head of cattle, 70 pigs; also suitable for large scale of birds; hydro pressure throughout barn; never -failing well; elevator; some shelters; land suitable for white (beans, Lorne- pqtatoes and clover. Apply Fermon Snider, 13.R. 2 Dash- wood. ac FARM OF THE YEAR -200 acres with 2 -storey cement block house, 7 rooms, plaster finish, bath basement, coal 'furnace, 2 years old; single car garage, 2 barns rock well, fair fences, natural drain; one' barn is 54x45, Bement and steel bottom, frame top, cost $3,000 2 years ago has 36 stanchions; implement shed, 24x24, cement block; rock pressure system in house and barn, also hydro; farm is on a new paved highway, school 1 mile, high school bus pick-up, 1. mile to grocery store; clay loam, medium-sized crop farm; near Clin- ton, Ontario, For further information contact: Tassie Baxter, Realtor, 220 Queen Street, CHATHAM, Ontario, phone 4433, 1c S1llAt.L HOUSE, 2 -bedroom; no base- ment. Apply to Jack Fuloher, Ex - HOUSE, fairly new; well situated for schools; 4 rooms, modern, oil' furnace. William Pearce, Realtor; Earl Par- sons, Fred Cole, Salesmen. 25tfc WA.RTI151 H OUSE -Complete with new oil space heater; garage; grounds landscaped and partly hedged. Apply 196 Ann St., Exeter, io 100 -ACRE FARM with good house, barn and drive shed; hydro; never- failing water supply; house yard nice- ty treed; soil Is productive and par- ticularly suitable for white beans and corn; close to store and school; very reasonably priced, C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter, In the Estates of Mary Ellen Hooper Charles Frederick Hooper, deceased. ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of Mary Ellen other, late of the Town of Exeter in the County of .Huron, Marries{ Woman, a "ho died en or About the 18th day, of December 1954, and Charles Frederick Hooper, late of the Town of L•`it ter' nthe ow Feteter, County n f y tl Huret Gentleman were died about 'the 23rd day bf May 1956,- are required to file particulars of same, With Bell &. Laughton, 1;6110103m of Exeter, Ontario', be the 3rd day of Sefltember 1956, atter which date the estates will he distributed having re- gard only to those claims bf Which netters hair been received. Btell & Laughton SOlicitere for the EitoeUtore Exeter, Ontario, 18:25;1 NOVELTY BUSINESS, nicely locat- ed, increasing business. For details apply to: C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter. EXTRA! Sweet little highway acre- age; compact house,all conveniences; garage; good builings for poultry, livestock; water on tap throughout; lovely hedges, shrubs, shade; rural mail; telephone; ideal country home. William Pearce, Realtor; Earl Par- sons, Fred Cole, Salesmen. 30tic RUG PRICK HOME, 3 -bedroom. This is one of the nicer medium-sized homes in Exeter. in addition to other usual rooms, it has a very nice dining room.- The whole Meade Is in the best of repair and ready for. occupation. Moderately priced, C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter. INSULBRICK COTTAGE; 2 -bedroom. This horn° has a large, nicely finished kitchen, full basement and an attic with built-in stairs. A Comfortable home at $4,900. C. V, Pickard, Real- tor, Main St., Exeter. HOUSE with `basement, furnace, liv- ing room, dining room, kitchen, den, bathroom and sunroom, main floor; 4 bedrooms upstairs; garage and nice building lot; all moderately Priced. W. Pearce, Realtor; E,'rl Parsons, Fred ,CO]e, salesmen. 23tfc 2 -FAMILY HOUSIJ, full basement, 3 -piece bath, 3 bedrootns upstairs, large garage, suitable for a business or storage; ample land; cash or rea- sonable terms. W. Pearce, Realtor; Earl Parsons, Fred Cole, salesmen. 6:23tfc BUILDING LOT, choice location;. corner Huron and Albert streets; others. C. V, Pickard, realtor. Main St., Exeter, Ont. A.PARTML'NT HOUSE, Exeter. This house can be bought at a very lets price in comparison to the income It produces C.. V. Pickard, realtor, Main St., Exeter, Ont. 6-11OOM •IOU233 olapbeard, t -pies° bath, large living loom, modern kit- chen With large cupboard settee, stain - leas; sink, arborite counter torp; 4 bee - tome, 1 downstairs, good basement and furnace; extra lot With earn and garage; Intlom e frtlm b ri. Apply1 Y Ralph Batten, 624 Wfllfafn St:, 3-BBBDRO011t HOUSE, new -449 Ed. ward St. It, Ill. Balkwill 1411n e BRICE HOUSE With bathrootit, shall. bath,ovor 1 acre land, Stephen taxes. W. C. Pearce, realtor; Earl ;;'arsons, Fred,.. Cale, sele,lmen, 24tfe X7OUS 4 bedroom's, hardwood floors, nod furnace; nicely located: heeled- iato poesesefen. Apply 102 William St. or phone 553 Fxeter. • 4tfc c WW"ANTIOD TO RENT--Schoolteaoher requires house to rent in Lreter, two ]bedrooms; prepared tie .Pay good rent for good aeeomodetion• long.lease, Apply Egg M"" '.Punas -Advocate. 1* GIRLS.' BICYCLE, second-hand. ,A.p- P1X Eort "11" Pinres-Advocate, arm.. L3)GliORN KENS, 3 -year-old, Earl gingerich, dt,I1. 3 Zurich, phone 90e r-7. • 1:6* MIMEOGRAPH MACHINE. ;treed, for church rllurpeses. BOX 257 Orediton, phone 33. 10. SUGAR BOand 'wagon, Trust e in g d condition, ,Ap:Ply Boy "P", Tines-4dvoeate, - 1• I1ATC4UNG EGGS wanted by one of Canada's largest and oldest establish- ed hatcheries. Eggs taken every week in the year, Erg premium paid. Fer full details write Boa "T" , Exeter 'Times -Advocate. 7;14.9:la AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE IN GRAND BEND At the Rear of Williams' Store Highway 21, .South of the Bridge SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 3 ANTIQUES: A large assortment of antique china.; glees; copper, brass and silver; chairs; cupboards; set- tees; commodes; pictures and frames. WAIR SURPLUS; Water bottles; Mae West life jackets; ome eters; timing meters; oxygen tanks; haver- sacks; 4 tractor .tires, 1200-24 8-7ey. NEW HAND TOOLS: Nail pullers; line revels; 2i" Tine levels; snips•• screwdrivers; wood chisels; steer and wood drllis; cold chisels; punches; wrenches; pliers; 2 sets of Oster pipe threaders, each with 3 sets of dies, arom 1b too efi", to 2"; paint"brushes 4. 71SED HAND TOOLS: Wrenches, screwdrivers; files; 1 electrio disc sander and dozens of other tools. MISCELLANEOUS A R TI CLE S: Kitchen chairs; rocking chairs; tables; electric plates; brass bed- stead; 1 pair skies with poles; elec- tric 'heaters. cone type; oil heater; piano; on lamps; .china and glass ornaments; large quantity of china and glass dishes; pots; pans; cutlery; crocks; hand -operated washing ma- chine; victoria; complete propane gas attachment for car, truck or tractor, with pressure tank; 2 bicycles; clocks; 2 -burner gas stoves with oven; picks, shovels; crowbars; buck saws; new and used clothing; card tables; Cole- man lamps and hundreds of articles too numerous to mention.. This is a large sale and includes many -fine articles and will start at 1 p.rn. sharp. TERMW. WITLLIAMB, Prop. BILI, ELLIOT Auct. - Parkhill 25:1' AUCTION SALE Of Farm Property And Household Effects 1 MILE WEST of 13ENSALL on Highway 84 SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, at 1:30p.m. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Frigid- aire frig; Beach electric stove; Wing-• ham Clipper dock stove; Coleman oil burner; 9 -piece dining room suite; studio couch; chest of drawers; 2 antique bureaus; daybed; rockers; odd chairs; 2 antique mahogany chairs; 8 chrome chairs; kitohen table; radio; gramophone; spool bed; single beds; small teib]es; endtables; drop-leaf cherry table; vanity; dresser and wash stand to match; kitchen cup- board; fruit cupboard; cellar table; bed spreads; curtains; mats; 5 con- goleum rugs; six venetian blinds, 82" wide; dishes; antique brass kettle; crocks; sealers; high chair; play pen; 2 rocking horses; ,2 go-carts;; com- mode chair; baby sleigh; 8 -day clock; kitchen corner cupboard; roll -away daybed, and many other articles. PROPERTY: At 3 p.m. at the same Place propertywcons'sting offered for acresr of land more or less; $-room brfek house with 2 sunporches, .double base- ment, bath, running' hot and cold water, 3 -car garage, barn with ce- ment sterling, double -deck hen house and running water; brooderhouse on cement foundation. Property: day] ofE alets:banr Cash; n 3e days. Sold subject to reasonable reserve bid, STi 5WART BELL, Prop. P. L. MONAUGHTON Clerk ED CORBETT, Auctioneer 25:1 PUBLIC AUCTION Of Nero, UIP -To -Date • . a chandise We are selling our complete stocdk of Dry ponds, Ladies' Wear, Chil rev's Wear. Yarns, Prints, Rroadcloth, Flannelettes, Curtain Materiae, Plas- ti,4e, Wool Blankets and many articles too nemerous to mention, The auction will be held Saturday AfternoSEPTEMonER and3 ',Evening E Na reserve as this stock must be soil. Many dollars can be saved on this tnerchiandlee, AU goods can be seen any time before sale, liialte this a .date, Saturday, eeptember 3, 1955, THIEL'S SUPERIOR MARKET Phone 140, Zurich, Ontario ALVIN W AINER, Auctioneer 1 Clearing AUCTION SALE Of Tractor, Farm Machinery, Auto, 6S Head Durham and Hereford Cattle, Poultry, Hogs, Hay, Grain . and Miscellaneous Items On the Premises. Lot. 19, Con, Town Line, STDPIHISbI TOWNSHIP 1 s MIies East of Mt. Carrel Tile undersigned auctioneer receiv- ed instructions . to sell by public auotion an gRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1955 ° Commencing at 1.00 p.m. sharp 11R,ACTOR: O.A. Allis Chalmers Tractor fully equipped, used two sea- sons like new; extra equipment in- cluding 2 -row seuffler and 'bean pull- er. AUTO: Dodge 1939 Coach. New motor and tires. FARM MACHINERY: John Deere. 2 -furrow plow; John Deere 32 -plate tractor disc; Case binder, 5 -ft. cut; MoDecring 11 -hoe fertilizer drill; M- H mower, 6 -ft, cut; MCD, 2 -row team acuffler; 2 sets of 3 -section diamoed harrows; 3 -drum steel roller; fanning mill; rubber tiro wagon; side rake; hay rake; manure spreader; all -steel buck rake; Letz grinder; 30 -et. rub- berbelt; steel water trough; 250 -ft, rubber .hose; M -H corn shelter; corn grader; two 40 -gal. gas drums; nen- trey? cream separators; DcLaval milk- ing •machine, single unit; electric motor h.p.; four 8 -gal, milk cans; quantity of scrap iron; chains; forks; Shovels many articles too numerous to mention. CATTLE: 6 Durham cove, mllkinGP due to freshen !n October; 20 Dur- ham. and Hereford .cows with caveat. foot; 5 Durham heifers, due to freshen in October and NNovember*, C: Durham steers rising 3 years old; 6 Durham baby beefs; Purebred l�lt� ere - ford +bull 17 ee h old, Dp- mino 2-' n J. This bull carries, extra good blood lines and has features of a very promising sire. 'Phis is a Very choice herd of cattle. ROCS: 6 Yorkshire hpgs, averaging 150 lbs. each, POULTRY: 100 -Road Island Red pullets; 104 Sussex pullets; •60 year- ling hens; 2 geese. 1IAY, GRAIN and PEED: 450s ;bu- shels of mixed grain; cob 1 r i wheat; 7 acres ofechole 3 *dee 7 acres of white bas; 43Q a s o wheat .straw; 200 bales of oat Straw; quaERNS; Cntity of se mixed hay. MRS. L EONA C UG LI ,Prop. GARNET Ii , Clerk ALVIN WAL.PEIt, Auctioneer 198 AUCTION SALE Of Antiques 286 Andrew St. South EXETER., ONTARIO SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1955 1:30 p.m. Antique breakfront; chinas cabinet; sideboard buffet; dining room table with chairs; settee with 4 +haira. upholstered; oriental throw rug; seve- ral .original oil Paintings; tea wagon, walnut; pottery table lamp with shade; Jenny Lind spool bed, walnut, antique; hand ',made antique bed; hand -made antique dresser; cherry dresser; light oak dresser; 3 ,antique; commodes. oak and walnut; dark oak dresser; Wanner 1%fodei C' treadle sewing machine with ruffler atteah- m.ent; foot stool; eak floor lamp and shade; hand -painted oil Lamp; Cruet set silver; pedestal; 3 occasional tables; Spencer and heater; Cozy -Kitchen coal and wood heater; light oak hall rack with mirror; walnut corner what -not; 1 dozen feather - and down -filled pillows; Coffield exec- trio washer; Iloover electric vecuuns cleaner; copper and peuter teapot; c u t g 1 a s s pitcher; punch glasses; Lustre fruit 'bowl; jelly dish; jant pot, etc„ antique glassware and chinaware and poreclain ware; Anis- ceslaneous dishes, antique and silver- ware, as well as many other items. Estate of the late John E. Dignan FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer CLARK E'ISHER, CIerk • Cy_CoCoGy!SE7.: llliti! I.. THE WORST 71ME TO SLOW UP IS WHEN YOU'RE IN - A 'TIGHT . PLACE/ Wheat and Rye Seed Mixed Rye $1.80 Bus. Tetraploid Rye ..: $4.25 Bus.' No: 1. Com. Wheat $2.00 Bus. No. 1 Reg. Wheat $2.25 Bus. . (Dawbul, Cornell, Genesee • • Wheat Available) _ ALL SEED TREATED AND •NESW BAGS FREE Special This Week • 5 -FT. STEEL HOG TROUGH -- $3.50 (A Real Good Buy) We want to prove to you the value of the complete satisfaction we can give you. e • GRAI--FEED-SEED EXETERd'ke,u735'•WHALEN CORNERS°ykestKIRKTON 35R15 0 0 0 u 1: .4 WORLDS SIGGLSt I X II ITION ,41 :$iGGFR THAN AVER TI-tiS YEARs Digger, brighter, morel wonderful then ever the 1955• C.N.E. will dazzle you wits its thousands of wonders-- see exhibits of science,. manufacturing, agriculture, and industry -the mite oP° midway-.thewonmen's Words -spoils for every fan. For. the time of your life plan how to pee the C.N.E. AVENUE OF THE PROVINCES See' "Canada's.Parade of Progress" CANADA'S SPOTS HALL OF FAME permanent tribute to our greet athletes 32 MiLE MARATHON SWIM across Lake Ontario ED SULLIVAN1- MARILYN DELL plus 500 entertainer3111' gigaftic grandstand spectacle. Reserved seals $3.00, $2,00, $1.00 WRITE Grandstand Ticket: f ce,Exhibition Park,Office, trft S. NAVY HAND - 'ors opening day and daily be the Bandshelt N1ILitON OOLtA R !PARADE K IIF IIVESTOt Farrner s and Livestock day, Sept. 7th SHELL SOWER Gleaming observation tower-rlllie stories high CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION WILLIAM A. HARRIS PRESIDENT HIRAM E. M(CALLUM GENERAL MANAGER • 4. 4 1 :t Y 6