HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1955-08-18, Page 111,5 it6 PAVER AVOKUP CANADIAN PROPANE GAS APPLIANCES. • GRATTON HOTSON Phone 156 Grand Bowl • • TRAYS • VASES • PLANTERS • BOOK -ENDS Reduced 25% Hollow Tree Gift Shop • Zurich Church Scene Qf Vows -Continued from Page 8 et honor, wore a ballerina gown of pink crystalet with matching headdress 411.d pink accessories. Her hand 'bouquet was of blue carnations and white baby mum •florets with. blue net accents. Her 'bridesmaids were Miss Katherine Jennings of London, oldest sieter of the groom, and Miss Phyllis Denonnae, Detroit, cousin of the brkle, both identie. ally dressed in ballerina ,glens of blue crystalet, matching blue headdress, an4 blue accessories also carried hand lbouquets of Pink carnations and white MUMS and tern. Mr. Fernb.nd Potier was best man, Also attending were Lorne "Ogler and Warne Regier, broth ers of the bride. As flower girl, WAS Jaulta Ov- erholt, little neice of the bride, wearing a flee' -length gown of mating blue crystelet with matching acceesories. She carried a nose -gay of •pink carnations and white baby mums and fern, As ring -bearer was Eugene Regier little nephew of the bride clothed entirely in white carry- ing a white duchess satin ring cushion. •ushers were Bob Regier and Milford Overholt. Receiving at the :bride's ,home for the wedding dinner and after- noon buffet lunch the bride's mother chose blue linen trimmed with lace tlowers centred with rhinestones and a corsage of pink roses and fern. The groom's mother wore a blue linen dress with lace trim- mings and a corsage of pink ros- es and fern. The altar boys 'serving were Mr. Lawrence Jennings, young- est brother of the groom and three cousins of the bride. The bride travelled in a sheath LET US CHECK YOUR TIRES BEFORE YOU START ON A HOLIDAY TRIP GOOD/EAR TIRE HEADQUARTERS 16o c.tioev Sn!el ile-free "" driving, holidaY dabie on dePen„ fires GoodYe"' SEE US 1°Dt1/4 • JIMMY HAYTER DAY 91 PHONE NIGHT 84 DASHWOOD, ONT. GENERAL GARAGE SERVICE f?.f.`"••• ADVANCE SALE TICKETS for Eachticket admits one adult or two children. Only Advance Sale Ticket Holders' are eligible -for draw on: 2 *19557' CARS, • DODGE REGENT SEDAN * CHEVROLET 210 DELUXE All tickets must be in by 9:30 p.m., Saturday, Sept. 17th to be eligible for draw which will be made at 10:15 p.m. on same date, in front of Grandsfdnd. 'BUY YOUR TICKETS. EARLY! THERE'S A WESTERN AIR AT.... 11.-0111111001k11, • n W. D. 4ACKSON, Manosor AIi 1 THE TIMES-AOYOCATE" EXETER, ONTARIO" THURSDAY MORNING 0 AUGUST 180 100$ SHDHS Big Class Joan:11%02mm, the gr SHDHS students ehose for their Queen this year, crowned her illustrious high 'school career by winning top academia honors in 'the 1955 grad- uatiug class. In the Upper School sesulte announced this week, Queen Joan scored fftlit firsts and one sec- ond to top 30 other students in the largest .grade 13 elass in the school's histery. The daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Leslie Thomson, WililanT.St, Ex- eter, posted an average mark of 84.5. :Only one mark behind her was Kathryn ICalbfleisch, of Zur- ich, who also received eight firsts and one second. Writes 10 Papers Jean Lavender, of Hensall, the only girl in the school to write 10 papers, placed 'third in the class with seven firsts, two see- onds and one credit. The top male student, Don Finkbeiner, of Crediton, ame fourth with seven •firsts and two seconds. Fifth was Mary Bison of Hensall with eix firsts, two seconds and a third • and sixth was Marie Hodgson of Exeter with six firsts, two seconds and one credit. As a group, this year's grad- uating class scored a passing per- centage of 92.3 to (maintain the school's high standard. 'One hun- dred and .eighty-eight of 0.0203 papers tried were passed. Al- though this does not match the record high of 96 percent which was achieved last year, the 're- sults show some impressive fig- ures. Seventy-two percent of the students passing did so with hon- our standing. Twenty candidates were successful in all their pap- ers. Six. Subjects Perfect • Students 'passed 100 percent of the papers tried in six subjects- historytrigonometry, botany, zoology, 'Latin Authors and Lat- in Com,position. Latin Authors was unique in that all seven can- didates .obteined •first ,class hon- ours. No student in upper school has failed a history exam in Live years. Physics ,has a similar rec- ord which was ended with one failure this year.. Highest mark of the •class was a '98 won by Marie Hodgson in history. Kathryn Kelbfleiscit's 97 in the same subject was second highest. As the student with the high- est marks, Joan Thomson wins the Exeter Lions iClub,award of $10. She plans to enter MaeDon- ald College, Guelph, this fall. printed silk dress over which is worn a daffodil - yellow linen duster with. silver .grey accessor- ies. On their return from Muskoka and northern points the couple will reside in Tecumseh. A largely itetended reception - dance was held in the St. Peter's Parish Hall, St. Joseph, Ont. ueen Tops (..rads, cores 9 0 ass Besides being Queen, ,the Exeter girl was active in student council activities and was a member of the scbool'e basketball and vol- leyball teams.. She has fbeen, play- ground supervisor in Exeter for several years. Results Chaff% Robert B. -History 50, Physics 74, 'Chemistry 50. Cudmore, 13ruce-Eng. Lit, 57. Deichert, Edward A, -Algebra, 56, Geom, 51, Fr. Comp. 53. Delbridge, Bruce H,.= --Eng. Comp. 67, Eng. Lit, 50, History 76, Algebra 50., Physics 64, Chem, 72, Fr. Au. 61, Fr, Comp. 64. Bison, Mary A. -Eng, Comp, 67, Eng. Lit. 75, History 92, Bot- any 70, Zoology 60, Lat. .Au. 85, Lat. Comp, 82, Fr. Au. 15, Fr. Comp. 86. Pinkbeiner, Donald L, -Eng. Comp. 67, Eng. Lit. 80, Algebra 80, Georn, 84, Trig. 82, Physics 80, Chem. 75, Fr. Au, 67, Fr. Comp, 77, Pletcher, Robert M. -History 50. Haberer, Arlene V. --Eng. Comp. 50, Eng, Lit.72, History 94, Botany 85, Zoology 70, Chem; 70, Fr. Au. 57, P'r. Comp 72 , Haber e r, Marilyn E. -Eng. Comp. 68, Eng. Lit, 76, Botany 74, Zoology 65, Lat. Au. 89, Lat. C. 84, Fr. Au. 71, Fr. Comp. 84. Heist, Stanley E. -Eng, Comp. 77, Eng. Lit. 62, History 80, Al- gebra 50, Lat, ,Au. 51, Lat. C. 75, Fr. Au.. 78, Fr. Comp. 77. Hodgson, Marie L.: Eng. Comp. 77, Eng. Lit. 77, History 98, Al- gebra 76, Geom. 57, Physies 70, Chem; 72, Pr, Au. 77, Fr, Comp, 82. Howse, Gordon W. -Bot. 71, Zoology 52, Physics 60, Fr. Au, 50, Fr. Comp. 50. Hunter-Duvar, Edward C- Eng, Comp. 55, History 56, Phys- ics 62, Idle, Donald A. -Eng. Comp. 66, Eng, Lit. 60, History 86, Bot- any, 60, Zoology 50, Fr, Au. 51, Fr. Comp. 51. Jolly, Jean E, -Eng. Comp. 56, Eng. Lit. 87. Kalbfleiseh, Katherine 11-E. Comp. 81, Eng, Lit. 87, History 97, Botany 79, Zoology 77, Lat. An. 91, Lat. 'C. 80., Fr. Au. 72, Fr. omp, 80. Lavender, B. Jean -E. Comp. 71, Eng. Lit. 82, Hist. 91, Alge- bra 53, Bot. 91, Zoo. 69, Lat. Au. 90, Lat. C. 89, Fr. Au. 77, Fr. Comp. 82. Mills, Donna G. -Eng. Comp. 66, Eng. Lit. 56, Hist. 73, Alge- bra 50, )3ot. 83, Zoo. 52, Fr: Au. 62, Fr, Comp. 66. Rennie, Gerald E. -Eng. Comp, 71, Eng. Lit, 53, Lat, Au, 76, Lat. C. 69, Fr. Comp. 57. • Roweliffe, Ronald E. -Eng. Comp. 50, Eng. Lit. 56, Algebra 78, Geom. 69, Physics 67. ,Schade, Margaret A. -Algebra 60, Bot. 77, Zoo. 50 Physics 60. Soldan, Ruth D. -Eng. Comp. 58, Eng. Lit. 69, Hist. 70, Algeb- ra, 50, Bot. 82, Zoo. 51, Fr. Au. 60, Fr. Comp. 63. 'Stone, iDonna M. ---Hist. 82, •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Data On Dashwood By MRS. E. IL RADER John Ducharme Dies In Detroit • John Joseph Dgcharme passed away in the Herdman-Heiffer Hospital, Detroit, Friday, August 12 in his twenty-sixth year, after a shore illness. He wait the son of Joseph Du- charme and Edna McClinchey of the ourteenth concession of Hay. Besides his parents, he is sur- vived by otie brother, Ray, at home; three sisters, (Beatrice) Mrs. Harvey Spitzer, of Detroit, (Joan) _Mrs. Mel Roth, Windsor, and Marie Carolyn, at home. He was a member of Our Lady Queen of Heaven Church, in De- troit; a member of the American Legion and a sergeant in the Eighth Cavalry Division in Korea for three years. The 'body rested at his parente home until Monday at 10 a.ni. when high mass was said by Fa- ther Monaghan at St. Boniface Church, Z)trich. The „bearers were Ray Du- eharnie, Harvey Spitzer, William Hawkins, Mel Roth? Ervin Du- charme and Herb Schonenhen. Personal Items Mise Barbara Koehler spent last week in London with her uncle and aunt, Mr, and Mrs. Ward Kraft and family, Mrs. William Schumacher, Mrs. Leo Luedthe and Elizabeth, Mrs.. 'Marvin aarthe and Philip, of Pigeon, Mich., spent a few days with Mr .and Mrs. William Haugh this week. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Bron, of London, spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. William Wein. Mr. uar1 Peifer, of Chathant, visited with his 1nother, Mrs. Matilda Peifer, on Satixrday. Mr. and Mrs. Melton Walper and girls, of Ingersoll, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Philip FaSSOld, Mr. and Mrs, Wendell Gamble and boys, of London, were eallere on Sunday at the holne Of Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Rader. Visitors last Week With Mr. and Mrs. Art Haugh were their Soli Glen and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ramussen, all of Naperville, Ill. 'Mr. and Mra. Martin 1VIeGren- ere and family, Of Lottloii, spent Sanday with the latter's father, Mr. Otto ReSteMayer, Mrs. Me- Grenere and children. are Visiting here. Weekend Visitors with Mrs. Herb Wein and family were Miss Irma Wein, of Clinton; Mr. and Martin Laub, Of Parkhill; Mr. Allan Bills, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Bills and girls, of Gage- town, Mich. Rev. and IVIrS. C. B. Carr and boys, of Rosenthal, are spending a few days at the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Weber. Miss Jean Ogden, of London, spent the weekend with Miss Thelma Welber and her aunt, Is. William Nadiger. Misses Edith Miller and Betty Winegarden, of Parkhill, are spending this week with Mr. and Mrs. Morland Turner in Niagara Falls. Miss Brenda Becker, of Shar- on, is spending a few days with Miss Diane Kraft. Mr. and Mrs. Jones Bengough and family, of Hensall, were Sun- day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. William Ziler and John. Miss Catharine Zimmer, Zurich, is spending this week with her grandmother, MrS. Catharine Zim- mer. Weekend visitors with Mrs. Lucinda MeIsatte were Mr. and Mrs. Simon Noll, of Stratford; Mr. and Mrs, Dennis Corriveau, of Kinkora; Mr. and .Mrs. Willis IVIelsaac, David and Daniel, of Detroit, and Miss Sue Hartman, of Windsor. Mr. and Mrs. W. MC - Isaac and Ronald, of Detroit, re- turned home after 'Spending a week with Mrs, Mersatte. Miss Anne Marie Kraft, Lon- don, is spending her vacation with her cousins, Barbara and Anne Koehler. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Snell and Beth spent the weekend in North- ern Ontario around North Bay. Mrs, M. Kestle spent a few days with her son, Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Kestle, in Exeter. Mr .and Mrs. W. Filkins and Janice, of Howell, Mich., spent the weekend with the latter's mother, Mrs. William Nadiger. Mr. and Mrs. N. Ogden, lixeter, Spent a couple of days last Week with Mrs. William Nadiger, Miss Barbara Becker, otKit ehener, is spending this week With her parents, Mr. and Mrs, V. L. Beaker. Mr. and Mrs, Wallace Wein and Billy spent a feW days at Sudbury, and Sault Ste. Marie. They returned by way of North- ern Michigan, Mr, and Mrs. E. R. Guenther returned home en Monday eve- ning from a Motor trip thretIgh 16 of the ,Central United States and Saska,telleWan., Mr. Teddy Webb and :Mel? Guenther spent the Weekend at Port Elgin. Dot, 73, Zoo, 64, Physics 50, Chem. 54. T a710 r, Annabelle E. -Eng. Comp. 50, E. Lit. 57, Hist, 61, Bot. 72, Z 0 Q. 50, Chem. 56, Fr, Au. 60, Fr. Comp. 70. Thomson, Joan E. -E. OOMIL 71, E. Lit. 85, Algebra 90, Trig. 77, Bot, 92, Zoo. 85, ,Chen. 88, Fr. An. 79, Fr. Comp, 81. Triebner, Marion R. -E. Comp. 68, Eng. Lit, 78, Hist, 63. Tucke y, Kenn C. 8. -Eng, Comp. 57, Algebra 75, Geom, 68, Trig. 60, Physics 76, Fr. Au, 60, Fr. Comp. 50. Wagner, Marlene 11.-4. Comp. 62, E. Lit. 72, Bot. 76, Zoo. 63, Lat. Au. 89, Lat. C. 87, Fr. A. 75, Fr. Comp. 85. Webster, Donald W. -Chem 68. Wildfong, Neil Comp. 51, E. Lit. 52, Algebra 07, Geom 50, Trig. 61, Physics 60., Chem, 65, Fr. Au. 62, Fr. Comp. 75. Yungblut, William 1L -Eng. Comp, 57, E. Lit. 54, Algebra 56, Geora, 58, Trig. 58. Decorate Graves In McGillivray On Sunday, August 21, there will 'be a Decoration and Memor- ial Service at McGillivray Baptist Cemetery on 'Concession 8, Mc- Gillivray Township, one mile west of Lieury. The service was to have been held earlier in June but owing to inclement weather, it had to bEecancelled until later. Rev. A, E. Silver; pastor of Ailsa Craig, Parkhill and Den- field Baptist Churches, will have charge of the services, which will commence at 2.30 sharp. If in- clement weather should prevail, the services will be held in Lieury United Church. Assisting in the services, Mr. Harry Hoffman, of Dashwood; will be guest soloist, and the Dashwood Band will provide the music for services. The cemetery is commemoraf- Two At Hospital Feted At Picnic. Two Menthers were honored at the annual staff picnic of South Huron Hospital at Turn - bull's grove on, Monday night. A shower of gifts was present. ed tO Mies Joanne Mair who is enrolling in Alma, 'College, St. Thomas. A graduate of the nurses' aide course at South Hu- ron Hospital, MSS Mair intends to train for her R.N. 4egree. A. gift was presented to Mrs. Grace Stahl, R.N., who is leaving the staff. A native of Saskatche- wan, she has served as s part- time nurse while her husband is attending a C aii a d i a n ArnlY course at Camp Ipperwash, ing its Centennial. Much has been done in the way of improving the appearance of the cemetery since the community started the pro. ject of a cleanup seven years ago. Mr. Lloyd Durr, president and chairman, will be in charge of the progranej Several guest speakers are scheduled to speak during the afternoon. WOHATIM144,00fiRNP.WOMMIPKIMPAITIONVIIMOW1414.11MFFAIMPFINFIFFW.F00... H. J. CORNISH & CO. •CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS H J. Cornish, L E Car•iilb D. Mitchell 294 DUNDAS ST. LONDON, ONT. IIII/IIII!1;;IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 44 I 44 PI IFHMIIIMMINOFIWIN 4 il 4444444444 44 ; 44 III 4444 IM10111W011411111011041141101149111111111WWIll 1118th111111WAIMMIHWUWAII11401100111.11110111111•4.11118.11•WIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMMINIUMPOW41141111P1111311.11111111111114111111MUMNA , ' i '54 Meteor Mainline Tudor, New Tire0 '53 Buick Sedan, 2 -Tone, Radio, Automatic '50 Ches. Coack Excellent Condition Chev Pickup Truck South End Service . Phone 328 Exeter Russ & Chuck Snell 5 a5 8 - ?•I 4 I 44 I 4 444 II 444 44 I ll I llll llll lll l WI lll I l II l I l oinstml l lll ll I ll Don't Miss Smyth's Sensational First Anniversary Come In And See For Yourself Sale Hundreds Of Shoes On Display And Plainly Marked For Your Convenience MEN'S, WOMEN'S 8c.CHILDRENS SHOES AND SLIPPERS Smyth's Shoe Store Ixeter • MOVE UP 70 METEOR-. THE leafier! Smart buyers by the thousand are going for the sweetest car in its field -superbly modern Meteor, with exclusive tri -tone beauty, finer interiors, extra touches of elegance everywhere. There just isn't another low-Ficed car that offers so much! lllll :AMNON:Noe MOVE UP TO METEOR FOR inest oweri Meteor gives you a thoroughly -proved, overhead-valve V-8 engine in every model at no .extra cost. And only Meteor among all cars offers you the choice of 3 great overhead -valve -V -8's (162 Hp. -175 182 Hp.*) by the world's leader in V-8 experience. Two more reasons why so many people are moving up to Meteor. MOVE UP TO METEOR - MILES AHEAD WITH xtra value! To Meteor's plus -values in smarter beauty, :••••40T.!' finer power, smoother ride you may add speed -trigger Merc-O-Matic Drive*, power assists* and I -Rest tinted safety glass*. It all adds up to today's greatest car value. •optiona:e4 extra cost. Try the DRII E that's miles ahead... 4. I • --41111111011. MERCURY 1fietebr RIDEAU TOWN SEDAN Watch 'Ed Sullivan's "Toast of the Town", TV's No, 1 Variety Shaw - every Sunday Evening, 8:00 p.m., Channel 10, CFPL,TV A PRODUCT OF FORD OF CANADA See your Meteor Dealer for the BEST DEAL in town! BOB COOK MOTOR SALES • HENSALL, ONTARIO TELEPHONE 1711 SOUTH/ END SERVICE TELEPHONE 328 EXETER0 ONTARIO FOR A SAFE BUY USED CAR . SEE YOUR METEOR DEALER