HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1955-08-18, Page 71 t •4 A • 4. •t 1• L * THE T1MESADVOCATE; EXETM ONTARIO THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 10, 1955 E i i 155515555% Thank You! • The Xinsinen of .liensall would like to express their ,.sincere appreciation to everyone who helped in any way to make the laying of the cement .floor in the Rensall Memorial Community Arens, a bilge Seeeises. Special thanks are extended t the contractor, Mr. Earl Dick,and his assistants, The Icinsmen Club of Hensall 1J"0111.11111111I111111111111 ttt ttt 4111 III!IlIgulI4IIijIISIII)Ii4IIIIllIfl4IflI1IflfliSiIfllUflUIIIIIU Weekend Specials Meat Specials Hamburg 290 Per Lb. Blade Roasts 370 Per Lb. Side flacon, 1 Lb. Pkgs. 490 Picnic Shoulders (Whole) 430c,Per Lb. Macaroni and Cheese Loaf 450 Per Lb. Rolled rot Roasts 390 Per Lb. Grocery Specials Giant Cheer Old South Orange Juice 48 Oz. 2 for 590; 20 Oz. 2 for 270 Wagstaffe Raspberry Jam, 24 Oz. Jar . 390 Libby's Tomato Juice 20 Oz. 2 for 290; 48 Oz. 290 Mitchell Apple Juice, 48 Oz. Tin 250 630 Al's Groceteria And Meat Market HENSALL, ONT. . PHONE 17 7'.;114it' It44744Vt *KO 09.01.W4 __••• 'es a PERMANENT, Anti -Freeze Over 10,000 Gallons Yes, this much Asbestonos Anti -Freeze will be sold in xeter or shipped to other stores by us WS year. WE PLEDGE 1. Lowest Price In This Area' Highest Quality (Ethylene Glycol Base) 3. Free Installation In Our New Service Centre a Wait For Our Price Announcement And SAVE MONEY bearer Enquiries Invited At This Time RON WESTMANIS . • Sports & Auto Supply Wholesale And Retail PHONE 211 OR /31 4 Message From Kippen% 14 3MS. 4. OttOKSTErIPER. Personal Items Mr. and Mrs. V. TerreyberrY, of Cottam, and Mrs. Jennie Schilbe, of lihceter, were recent visitors of Mrs, r. McClymont,. Mr. anel'Mrs. E. Dawson re- eeived word of the death of the latter's eousin, Mesa Francis Pot- ter, Who was a nurse in Chilton Community Hospital. 'Miss Joyce Ferguson, Hensall, is visiting this week with Iter aunt and. uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Personae MIss Marlene :}eye, of Varna, is holidaying With her grand - parts, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Swum. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Johnson and family, of Heneall, were re- cent visitors with Mr. and Mre. A. Gackstetter. •Mr, and Mrs, joliu Sinclair and family are on a motor trip to Manitoba. Mrs. .ellan'.7ohuson, We. Neil - mer Jones, Mrs. A. Farquhar and Mrs. Alec McBeath spent a few days in Detroit recently, IVIissGail Ann Gackstetter spending this week with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil - n= Homey, in Exeter. Mr. Donald Parsons is visit- ing his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. J. Carter, at Clandeboye. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jones and boys visited on Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Roy McBride, of Goshen. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Ander- son are enjoying a motor trip to the Canadian Rookies, Mrs, Alec McGregor and Kath- ryn are visiting relatives at Sault Ste. Marie. Mr. john Dolg, of Grand Rapids, Mich., spent a few days last' week with his mother, Mrs, Lydia Doig, and sister, Miss Janet Doig. Mr. and Mrs: Cecil Howell, of Sarnia, veined Saturday with Mr, and Mrs. Norman Long. Mrs. J. McClymont received the �a4 news of the passing of hell, grandson, Mr. Jack Du- charme, 26, of near trashwood. ,Miss Sharon McBride has re- turned home after a pleasant holiday with her aunt and uncle, Mr. 'and Mrs. Grant Love, in Caro, Mich. Comments About Centralia By MRS. FRED BOWDEN Mr. Larry Cronyn's car, Stolen from in front of his home on Friday nigh% was found in London and returned to him Sunday. Mr. Ray Shoebottom received painful burns to his face an d arms, from the scalding water of a car radiator, while at work in his garage last week. ,There, will 'be no church ser- vice in the United Church '031 Sunday morning but the Sniiday School will meet 'at the , usual time (10 a.m.) Mr. and Mrs. Mervin ,Atkinsen and Jimmy and Mrs. Leda .Wil- liateson of Detroit visited for a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Are - her Mc Falls. Mr. and Mrs.. V. Overholt and family Spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs. Frank Maloney in Preston. Benny Harlten of Lobo is holi- daying with his grandmethet, Mrs. A. Harlton. Catherine Hodgins is Visiting for a. eouple of weeks with her aunt and'uncle in Detroit, • Mrs. T. ,Boyes &pent a few days last week with her grandson, Mr. and Mrs. Doug Wilson in. Strath- roy. Bobby Osborne is spending a few _weeks with his brother in Toronto. Mies A•gees Anderson,. --Mrs. M. Elliot, Mrs. Clarence McDowell and Janet were holidaying at Grand Bend lest week. Mr. and Mrs. L.B. ,Hodgson TwoH..ensafl Lodges 4 Families Picnic With Ifeosall Comet:unity Park Prev" ed en ideal satin?g for the annual Piceic of the and Amber Rebelcall lodge sittended, by two hundred. Ninners in the races Were: Boys and girls ,5 .and wider MervYn Relit W. Jones; 8 and me Mervin Bell, W. Jinxes; 8 and an - des', Douglas MdBeatie Gwen 'Ames, 'Billy Chipchase; ,giria 12 and tinder, Norma Geiger, Fat Rowe, Oarol. Brown; boys; 1 and under, Jack Chipehase, Gary Jones'Jim ieherritt (Hamilton); girls 15.and 'ender, Norma Gei- ger, Pat Rowe, Betty Parker; boys 15 and under, Earl Bell, W. Shaddick, ,Jack 'Chipehase; Young ladies' race, Betty LPa.rker, Norma Geiger, A n d r e y Richardeell; young moult race, am Lavender, Harold .Caldwell, 'George Parker; =eyrie(' women's race, VIns, Per- cy .0ampbell, Mrs. R. Eight Mrs. Cliff Weida; married men's race, George Parker, Harold Caldwell, Russell Ferguson; ladies kicking the slipper, Lois MeLellp.n, Dianne. Rennie; men, liloyd Mousseau; wheelbarrow race, 15 and under. Earl Bell and Jack Chipchase; 15 and over, Ernie ,Chipchase and George Parker. Largest family in attendance Were Mr. and Mrs.. Ross Richardson: oldest person, Mrs, john McMur- trie; youngest person, ;Larry Fer- guson. Conclude Day Camp Hensah Day Camp eoncluded on Friday with a Cowboys, In- dians and Davy Crockett Day, The winners as Indians were; girls, Susanne Rennie, Connie Rumpel; boys, Jack Chipehase, Bruee Horton, David Noakes, Steve Kyle, Howard Rennie; cow-' bays, girls, Nancy Kyle, Gail Sangster; ..boys, • Billy Noakes, Billy McKinnon, Billy Chipehase, Allen Roszei, Robert ItIcKelvie; Davy Crockett, Larry Jones. Prize winners for perfect at- tendance were Susanne Rennie, Jimmie Smale, Billy Noakes and David Noakes. Bingo Winners • Winners it Legion Bingo Sat- urday eight were: Fred Kenn; lugs (2); Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Ray Foster, ,Centralia (3); Mrs. Fred Slavin, Mrs. Wilkinson (2); Mrs, Lepahre, Mrs. Roy ISmale, Mrs. P. Grideak, Cecil Vanhorne, Harold Jaques, San EcU, Mrs. leleisch- after. Personal Items • Mrs. Jessie •MeTaggart (the former Jessie McArthur) and daughter Bonnie Jean, have re- turned to their home in Pilot Mound, Man., after visiting with' relatives , and, blends In and around Ile:lean. Itir. and Mrs. ,LOrne Thompson „have returned to Toronto after vacationing for two weeks with the latter's mother, Mrs. J. Fisher Miss Jean McMichael, Toronto, was a guest last weekend with Mr, and Mrs. .Lewis .01ark, Sr. Me, and Mrs. Wayne iSmith, .of Barrie, spent the weekend with tha latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Petzke: Miss Mary .Simpson is a patient in Clinton Community hospital. Mr, Guy Payne of St. Thomas, is staying with his brother .Carol and Mrs. Payne. He has ac.eepted a position at the R.C.A.F.IStatioe Centralia. Miss Mary ' Haun is attending the United .Church camp at !Gode- rieh. were weekend guests with Rev. and Mrs. .Smale in Muskoka. Mr, aid Mrs. High Hamilton and sons and Mr. Cecil McLeod of Aurora were Sunday callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur McFalls. • Miss Donna Bowden was a Saturday *visitor with Mr. and ,Mrs.. Dong Wilson in Strathroy. Mr. and Mrs., Ray Shoebottom and family have returned home atter spending a week with the former's parents in Parry Spend. CALVARY CHURCH Evangelical United Brethren DASHVirOOD ' Rev. Itr. Krotz, Minister Mrs. len MeCtae, Organist Sunday, August 21, 1.955 10:00. a.m,—"Behold His EYer 11.05 a.m.—Sunday School THE BETHEL, REFORMED CHURCH EN *AM STAVET CHUROM Roe. cad Schroeder Minister Sunday, 2 p.ne, Dutch Sereice, All weleOme, CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ltev. Sanniel Iterr, B.A., 13.1tx, Ministet Mrs, O. Cochrane, Organist 900. a.m.—Sunday School r 10:00 ton.-,41orning ,WereshiP Sermon Zubleett "We Want A Plain Answer" Thnrs., August 25,--WAL5, hleet" ing, ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH rasuWoon Rev. Louis nigene11, Pastor 10:00 &Moe -Sunday Sabel 11;00 ania-Sertrice "Living Together As �hrist- ana—L0ve One Another UNION SERVICES James St. United Church Main St. Dated Church Crediton United Church Shipka United Church Rev. Alex. Itapson, Minister Services Of Worship ?"05hurieb14‘7Crediton United 11 a.m.—Main Street United Church 'Chloe Servide with Ex- eter James Street Church. Duet' Mr. and Mrs. Sterling 121:21°8c0Shiny a 'United Church Seek Ye The Lord Vithile Me May Be Found PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE Main St. Rev. M. R. 'Norcross, Minister 9:45 it.M.:eeSuntlay School 11:00 tein.—Morning Worship 1130 lein—Evangelistic ,service A liberty Welcome Awaits ltdui ZION CHURCH Evangelical United Brethren C0REDITON Rev. Olen If, Strome, Minister 10:00 a,.in.Worship Service 11;00 Lm.—Bible Scheel 1215 p.nri.--.Bible Sehteil Ottuheil Magnet 254 S:16 p.m.---)douncil AdteinistratiOn, Mr..and MTS. Ken Mc1,404. and family. Of Dearborn, Mich., were Weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. William. Kyle, miss Eleanor Manner and Miss Bennie Kyle re- turned with them for a feW day's vacation. Brno Shirray ls*Pending a few holidays with Wayne Hann. Mr. Roe 'Passmore, of Loeden tweet the weekend with his Moth- er, Mrs. Pearl Fasemore and sis- ter, Norma. Mr. Robert Eryadale, Mr. and Mrs, -A. 'W. Kerslake and Bill spent the weekend at Poi* Clark. Mrs, Drysdale, Jerry and Paul accompanied them home after 'mending a week with Mrs. Ed. Fink and Bryan. Mrs. Gordon Moir and son were recent visitors with the former'S parents, Mr, and Mrs. Clifford War. Mr. and Mrs. lehornas Gittere, of Adrian, Mich.'are holidgying with their aunt, Mrs. Meediugee, Mr. and Mrs. Thompson re- turned to their home in Toronto after holidaying with the latter's znotber, Mrp. Pisher. Mr, Ronald Farquhar, of Tor- onto', is holidaying with his ear - Ws, Mr. and Mrs. .0 Farquhar. Mr. and Mrs. 'Kimball, of Chi- cago, visited last week with the latter's brother-in-law and set- ter, Mr.„and Mrs. Robt."Paterson. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Dougall spent a few 'days at Port Elgin recently. Miss !Olive Walker„R.N., of St. Petersburg, Florida, visited this week 'with her pareets, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Walker. Little Donald and 'Deborah Gooding, of Parkhill, visited this week with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Munn. Miss Joan attrslake is 'holiday- ing with relatives in St. Marys. Mr. nd Mrs. Irvin, former Hen - sail residents, who are holidYing on Lake Huron, ,called on friends here, Mr. and Mrs. Richard 'Mufti') and family, of Leamington, 'called on friends here recently. Two 4-H Clubs Learn Judging Hensall Kinsmen *4-H White Bean Club met August 15 at the elensall town Hall with the Ex- eter 4-11 Grain Club. Keith Lovell ,presided for the combined meeting. Thirty-one members answered the roll call by stating if they had been on the 4-11 train trip to Toronto. Mr. Harold Baker introduced H.H. G. Strang, District Director of the .Ontario Crop and Soil As- sociation, :who talked on judging of grains. He said to look for size, uniformity and colour of graius. Two classes of beans, one claw each of wheat, oats 'and barley were judged. Mr. Strang, Douglas May, Boyd Taylor and Mr. Baker gave reasons for judging. Mr. Baker introduced the guest speaker, Boyd Taylor, of Blyth, who talked on his experiences at the D.A.iC., 'Guelph. He said "every boy who wishes to be a farmer should spend some time at the college." A special meeting was called for next Monday night, August 2.2, to deal with the Bean Festi- val float. • Ford Reunion Held At Sarnia The third annual Ford re -union was held on Sunday at •Canataria Park, Sarnia. In unite of the rata there was a good attendance. In the afternoon .a ball game was played and the smaller child- ren enjoyed games. After the sup- per hour a Short business meet- ing was held with Mr. George Miller, of Flint, Mich., .presiding. Mr. Arnold Ford, of Detroit, was named president for 1956 with Mrs. Winnifred Brooks, Susan, as vice-president and Mr. Harold Brooks as secretary-freasurer. 'Members were present from Detroit, Flint, Clio, Lucan and Exeter. Hay Permits New Motel Hay Township gave its der - mission for the erection ef a mo- tel one lot at of plan 25 at ,a recent meeting. The site is on the Illitterater higliesay, The request ifer permission cane front Olarerice. Schneider of 82 will St., Guelph. The Gore Road Drain by-law VMS given its final reading atter court of revision elOsed. Reeve Earl Campbell '77/ELS auth- orized to purchase the steed and Steel windows for the new shed. Clerk It W. Brokeeshire was in- ttiliCtEd to order, blocks. Clifford Salmon expects to start construc- tion next week. Moo the aSseSSOT, ;George Artn- strong, haa.retureed the 1056 as- eeestient roll, eouneil agreed to pa,y his salary of $600, car el- lOwanee of $300 end. pOstage Court of revision will be eat for a later date. loilomoomoommlinainioniikiiinn•9109nannwillninoinin Used Furniture BOUGHT AND SOLD B. Evans LUCAN News of Kirkton By AM, MEP IIABMIXON Visas Member Presented Mrs. Frank aoutly and Muriel were hostesses to the iSeulor Bible Clans 'riday eliertina when they presented Mies 01,841YS Swit- zer, bride -elect, pi this week, with gift. A. pro,grarn et! Vanes land contests was enioYed. Mls Mary Willis read an ihtl^ dress and MISS DT..a. BleellStreet presented Gladys With a -satin .comforter and bath towel, Lieset. was 'served. Oy Muriel aontly, Adele McCurdy and Iimicille Wat- son. BridThee-Erette ell(voennoiniredgkirs. J. Mete - :Awe Mrs, Wilfred Paton and Mrs. Z. Wrignt were hostesses to a surprise party at the home of Mrs„ Hiram Henna for Mies Gladys Switzer, hride-elect.Games were 'enjoyed followed by an ad- eress read by Mrs, Cjayton Ross. Mrs, Joe Blommaert and Mrs. W. Paton presented Glades with a floor lamp and covered cake plate given by ;the Kirkton village pea. ele. Gladys expressed her ap preciation for the gifts. Birthday party A birthday party was held on August 14 at tee home Of Mr. and MM. Eldon Robinson. Tholes hay- ing birthdays in August were Mrs. A. Robinson, Mr. A. Robinson, Mr. A. Biekell, Mrs. Lorne Mar- shall, Eldon Robinson, I?.,aenaoed Switzer and Mel* Allen. rerlsonai. Items Mrs. Hiram Hanna and grand- sons, Peter and Jimmy, epeat the weekend with Mrs. Don Hewitt, Toronto. They also visited at Lindsay and 'Sturgeon Lake. Visitors vigh Mrs. Vera Atthill were Mr. and Mrs. Gerald French and son Gerald and Mr. and Mrs, Bud Turner, all of Toronto. Mrs. Earl Berry and her ibro- ther„Mr. Robt. Mitchell,, of Tor- onto, ,motored to Prince Edward Island and other Maritime ,points. Albert Berry is an honor grad- uate of St. Mares 0. I. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Griffith and family of St. Marys, 'spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Burns Blackler. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Eveleigh and Margaret, of Stratford; Miss Marjorie 'Donaldson, of 1Clande- boyee, Mr. and MTs. Fred Eve- leigh and Allan, of Toronto, were visitors last week . with Mr. and Mre,v,CharlesAlanEandvelelle iuM rs. Lewis, Paul and Peter -visited at, the home of Mr, and 4rs. Alvin Crago Thursday and Friday and attend- ed the Shakespearian Festival at Stratford. They. called on many old friends on the Kirkton charge. Miss Janet .Sinclair, ef Mont- real, is holidaying with Mr, and Mrs.rsAsC llan ERvetighdy,. Mrs. of lathier, B.C., is visiting her nephew, W. R. and Mrs. Kirldbe. John NoOpinan, of Ellinville, is spending a few days with Albert Beare. Barbara .Selves, of Mount Plea- sant, spent a week with. Helen Mr. and Mrs. John Roundel) and family spent a week's vaca- tion alt Miller Lake in the 'Bruce Peninsula. Mr.and Mrs, K. Overholt„ of Welland, spent Thursday and Fri- day at the home pt Mr. abd kers. Fred .Switzer. Mrs. M. B. Gallop has returned after spending three ,months at the home of her daughter (Ina) Mr. and Mrs. McRae of Sudbury. Terry, Wayne Hewitt returned to Toronto after spending a week wih his grandparents,- Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Hanna. r.10141114011iffiftiMillintitiAMMItrnilikirn100114tHAMOlitORNAlliiI1044iinikkiiitiiii410444# REPROSIEN1rATIVIE WANTED large Canadian Life Insurance. Conpiny ba a an opening for a Representative In Exeter And Vicinity We are seeking man between 20 end 45 who ambitious to do things for hinocilf and family and to help Inc fellow 111411. We offer a complete 00 -week Ossining Programme with adequate financial backing. Reply in#confidence to Box X, Times -Advocate and aur district manager will be pleased to discuse the Pooi" tion 'with you. , pamirnipMsmigmissmsowtowtolionewswpop000mui ll ll ODIUM A ll em l plooliMI01011ROW1411011,01OMMIIMIIIIIP l 4P1#1,40,840,11#1101110".; lll "ffilmnni OUMMOUfin * 4 BIG CHOICE , OF NEW CARS Best Deals In The Country We Need The Trade -Ins Hurry! Hurryl Last Chance While The Boss is Away! '64 FORD CUSTOMLINE COACfl, real sharp $1,795 '58 FORD SEDAN, automatic 1,096 '50 MOFARCH SEDAN, new 'motor. 850 '50 'CHEV SEDAN, clean 896 '48 DESOTO SEDAN 695 650 Choice of 47's, 46's Chevs an.d. Pontiacs 450 '49 AUSTIN SEDAN, new motor 395 llllll '49 FORD CLUB.COUPE Trucks '54 SEDAN DELIVERY, side windows, extra seat '51. FORD PICKUP '51 CHEV PICKUP Specials Reduced $10 A Day Until Sold '48 3 -TON FORD TRUCK, cab and chassis Thursday's Price 1,795 750 650 405 NEW! 'Joy Rider' Car Radio. Fits Most Cars and Trucks A Quality Ford Accessory Larry Snider Motors I Only $69.95 Ford Custom Radio Reduced To $98.00 Phone 624 LIMITED Exeter lIIllIlllIlIUI*4 • hi • SUPERIOR Peaches TREE From Mr. FRESH DAILY—GUARANTEED FINEST These Popular Peaches For Preserves Prices Effective August CORNED BEEF 41 c Fray Bentos, 12 Oz. Tins, EaCh RED PLUM JAM ' 260 St. Williams,,,Large 24 Oz. Jars, Eadh ., CARNATION MILK7 2 g " Large Tins " be 111 lir tor • NABOB COFFEE $1 . 05 1 Lb. Bags, Each FIVE ROSES FLOUR6 AlltPurpose, 7 Lb. Bag ....., 49 C SWEET MIXED PICKLES 63c Old Towne, 48 Oz. Jars, eachY BLUE & GOLD PEAS2 33c Fancy, Tender, 15 Oz. Tins for STOREFPO1• RIPENED "RED HAVEN" Earl Rawlings of Ravenswood QUALITY—LOW PRICES Or Slicing Are Ready Now . 18, 19 and 20 . - MARMALADE 45c SherrIfffs Good Morning, 24 Oz. Jars .. 8 ROmljti)o,Tins forS225c ,k4', et aYa eLill 0or',:)a PINEAPPLE JUICE mews,- Large 48 Oz. Tins, Each 36c CHUCKWAGON DINNER 39c Burns', 15 Oz. 'Ties, Each .. . TOILET TISSUE * 2 s 2 a Interlake White Cross, Rolls ,... fo, Aylmer GOLDENor 0 CORN: ric 011oice, 16 OZ. .2 forg50. MUSHROOM SOUP 2 31c clark,a, 10 Oz. Tine for IMONARci4 PIECRUS? MIX • 17 Oz. Pkg. 27C OGI LV I E% PICKLING CAKE MIX CUCUMBERS epeclal Pack Leave "Your Order Goia 190 Pkg. eleteel PIOKED ANiI White .....,., 250 Pkg, WELL -GRADED The Best Place To Shop After All • , , .-' 6 . 6 ones Groceries Phone:: 32: stud /52 free Delivery ' . , _ _.,.......,... . • hi