HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1955-08-18, Page 6THE TIMES -ADVOCATE,. EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 18, 1955 firths Deaths. —Engagements BIRTHS naAY 7klr. and Mrs. Ronald BraY, ..1t..S. teeter, announce the birth Huron . Hospital, Robert .4 AMMO 16, k 1910th ATSHART--.Frances and Jack Dish - art (nee Matheson) wash to an - n0141100 the (birth of a daughter, Linda Carolyn` weight 3 lbs.. 0 ozs„ at ,St. Joseph's Hospital, London, August 8, 1955. EARL --Mr. and Mrs. Donald Earl, 41 -M ateoe St.. Exeter, announce the birth tkh-of a son, Donald Michael, at South Ht ron Hospital, London, on Au uat 18, 1955. L'a -MMr, and Mrs, Cornelius Fa- ber, R.R. 3 Exeter, are happy to announce the (birthof a daughter, Patricia. Anne, at Clinton Commun. ity 'Hospital, August 4,, 1955. K8 NDA Mr. and Mrs. Jpe Kenda. of Zurich, announce the ;birth of a :ion at South Huron Hospital, Aug- ust 12, 8955, LITTLE—Mr. ad enbet 8Parkhill, announce Little, the birth. of a son at South Huron Hospital, August 14, 1955. 011111111111/111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 4101111nm1, rayl m10 nmol mnu, yuyy 101 BIRTHS AIcNE1L - Sr. and Mrs. Richard 21Ie- Neil .announce the birth of a daugh- ter et ;South Ilurpn Hospital, Aug- ust x6, 1953. ZIkxi+Z.`ER--CPC. and M re. K. P. Ziegler. Main St,, Exeter, announce the birth of a daughter, Karen Lee; weight 7 lbs., 01/2 ozs„ at South Huron Hospital, August 5, 1955. DEATHS DUCHAI24E-1n the Herman Kelffer ,hospital, Detroit,. Friday, ,August 12, 1955, John Joseph Dueharme, in his twenty-sixth year. ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Orville Ford wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Marion Annette, to Mr. John Malcolm Parsons, son of Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Parsons, Exeter. Tire wedding to take place on Saturday, August 27. 18c AAAA111 m y m m 1110 ( r o a r al l n u 4 r I n 4 r 10r 111 n 11, r e l l! l n 11 b Exeter District Co -Op Inventory SdIe BEGINNING AUGUST 22 - 31 10 to 205 Off on Hardware & Clothing Items Specials While They Last Gutta Percha Rubber Boots $3.95 Up Men's Work. Pants, 71/4 Oz. $2.95 Heat Bulbs 95¢ Poultry Feeders and Waterers BUY NOW AND SAVE E Treasurer's Sale Of Lands For Arrears Of Taxes 1111111111111111111111111ttlltl/IIIINIIIIitltl111111111111[Ililnlfiii [iii 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Province Of Ontario Town Of Exeter TO WIT: ' By Virtue Of A Warrant under the hand of the Mayor and seal of the Town of Exeter, bearing date of nineteenth day of July, 1955, and to me directed, commanding me to levy upon the lands mentioned in the following list for arrears of taxes thereon, together with all costs incurred, I hereby give notice that unless the amount and costs are sooner paid, 1 shall proceed to sell the said land, or as much -as shall be sufficient to discharge such arrears of taxes and charges thereon, at the Council Chambers in the Town Hall, Exeter, Ontario, by public auction on Thursday, November 10, 1955, at the hour of 2 o'clock in the afternoon, in compliance with. the statutes in that behalf. Notice is hereby further given that if ,any of the said Iand remain unsold, an adjourn sale ,will be held on Thursday, November 17, 1955, at the same time and place and at which the Municipality may reserve the right to pur- chase any of the said lands. Dated Exeter, Ontario, July 20, 1955, , C. V. PICKA!RD, Treasurer, Town of Exeter. NAME AND DE'StCR1:IPTION: Estate of Mary Stacey Lot 284, south side of Huron Street, Exeter, Ontario Years in. Arrears — 1952, 1953, 1954 Taxes $ 9.24 Costs 28.00 — Total" $37,24 AU the above lots are patented. Dated July 20, 1955. PUBLISHED IN ONTARIO GAZETTE AUG. 6, 1955 ENGAGEMENTS Zr.1Iand Mrs. Ross Hern, R.R. 1 Granton, Ont., wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Fran- ces Wanita, to Robert Wallace Kins- man, son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kins- man, R.R, 2 KipPen, Ontario; the marriage to take place on Wednes- day, September 14 at 12 o'clock noon, at the home of the bride's parentis. Mr. and Mrs. R. Edward Sillery, Exeter, announce the engagement of their daughter, Dorcas Elizabeth, to Calvin Frazer Wein, son of Mr, and Mrs, Wesley Wein, of Crediton; the. marriage to take place on Saturday, September 10, at 12 o'clock noon, in James Street United Church, Exeter, Ontario. 18* CARDS OF THANKS Sty sincere thanks to all those who so kindly remembered me with cards, flowers and visits while a patient in Victoria Jfospital.--Mrs. Wellington Baker, Grand Bend. 8* The Board of Trustees of the Mc- Taggart Cemetery wishes to acknow- ledge the donation of $500.00 from the estate of the late Thomas Wren. 18* The family of the late Mrs. Henry Strang wish to thank the many friends who remembered Mrs. Strang while in hospital and those Who call- ed and sent cards during their recent bereavement. 18* The family of the late Mrs. Wttl- ton Kerslake wishes to express their thanks, to neighbours, relatives and friends who were so kind during the recent death of their mother; special thanks to Rev, S, Kerr, :Mrs, Learn, Cromarty male quartette and accom- panist, Hopper -Hockey funeral home. Everything was deeply appr•eciated..i8 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dawson wish to express their sincere thanks to the many friends and neighbors for their visits, carda and flowers while Mrs. Dawson was a patient in South Hu- ron Hospital; special thanks to Miss Claypole and staff for their many acts of kindness, 18* Mr. Louie Day wishes to thank all his friends who so kindly remembered him with visits cards and flowers while a patient In South Huron Hos- pital; special thanks to Morris, Reber, Clint and Joe who carried on in my absence. 18c IN MEMORIAM WALKER—In loving memory of Lenorah Walker, who passed away August 19, 1909. Just when youtr life was brightest, Just when your years were (beat, You were called from this world of • sofr'ow To a. home of eternal rest. —Ever remembered by her husband. RICHARD—In loving memory of18a dear husband and father, Sohn Richard, who passed away 14 years ago, August 19, 1941. Away in the beautiful hills of God, By the valley of rest so fair, Sometime, some day, ,we now not when, We will meet, dear father, there. —Ever remembered by /wife and fam- ily. 18c NO BETTER TIRE MADE FORR&/DOFD /1/0// PEED DRIVING SAFETY T's reston e DELUXE CHAMPION * Prevents impact breaks. * Can't weaken under high speed, moisture or extreme heat. * Gives strength of 6 plies with the Tight weight of 4 plies. * Can be recapped againsand again. Graham Arthur MOTORS Phone 210 Exeter Measure the Savings ... YOU'U PROFIT MORE sr CNoos/NC FROM ME OM IMPLEMENTS ON OUR car JOHN DEERE 60—Live power take- off, power -trot, roll -o -matte front end, in neW Condition... JOHN DEERE MODEL M TRAC- TORS (2)—with scufllers arta plows. 102 SR, MASSBY-HARRIS 101 JR. MASSEY-HARRIS CASE TRACTOR SPREADER, on rubber JOHN DEERE B—power-trol, roll-o- matie front end, like new, '52 FORD—like new.. '49 FORDSON MAJOR—new motor and overhaul, (cheap). JOHN DEERE I—new rubber, cheap. JOHN DEERE BALERS (2)• ---with motors, like new, going on a first conte basis, W. G. Simmons & Sons PHONE 115 John Deere Sales and Service EXETER Sell Don't Wants'With.A. Classified FOR SALE UPRIGHT PIANO, in good condition; also hot water tank with thermostat. Apply Mrs. C. Cook, Grand Bend, next door to Menard'a. 11:18c 15 USED BICYCLES,, good, cheap. Now is the time to buy a bicycle, for Your child for school. Apply Glenn Brenner, Grand Bend. 11:180 PUPPIES, German Shepherd, H. T, Miller, phone 57-r-7 Dashwood. Sotfe HONEY—We are In a position to supply you ;with No. 1 honey at 26¢ per lb, in customer's containers, J. Halberer & Sons, Zurich. » 18 KITCHEN TABLE, white enamel, with chrome legs; two- or threeeplece wine chesterfield suite; all in execell- ent e o n d i t i o n; reasonably priced, Phone 484 Exeter. 1$0 3 HEREFORD BULLS, 1 -year-old. purebred. Apply Clarence Parke, Zur- ich, Ont. 18* 2 HEIFER CALVE—G. T. Dow, phone 83 Exeter, 18* WEANER PIGS—Apply Jphn Kel- lett, R,R. 3, Exeter. 18* GOOD FIELD OF CORN—Apply Har- ry Carroll, R.R. 2 Crediton, 18 SIDE RAKE—Used, I -11C, in good condition and at a good price. Exeter Farm Equipment, phone 508. 18c ENTIRE CONTENTS of co t t a g e available September 5, containing 2 beds with springs; good mattresses; daybed; desk; dining table; (buffet and chairs;ish d es•llverwar s e, cook- ing utensils; toaster; iron; electric stove; icebox; 3 rockers; small tables; also 1 antique settee; 1 antique chair and stool; dressers; needlework. Ap- ply Irene Hayter, Grand Bend. phone 178, 18:25c '52 MERCURY TRUCK, -ton, A-1 condition, Ed Weesjes, R.R. 1 Kirk - ton, phone 64-r-12. 18* 60 LEGHORN PULLLETS, Foreman, laying 60%; $2.50 each. Apply George Tiernan, Dashwood. 18c BEST CANNING PEACHES now ready. Bring containers. Govenlock orchard, 1 mile north of Forest. 18:25* BULL CALF, $10. Apply Sandy Elliot, phone 39-r-10 Kirkton. 18c P17ACITTS, PLUMS—Pick your own; any variety, Red Haven to Albertas• follow lake road; sign at gate. Robert Brown & Son, R.R. 3 Forest. 18:250 BABY CARRIAGE, in good condition; $28. Phone Hensall '6813-r-3, between 8.00 and 10.00 p,m. 18* WIEANER PIGS—Apply Bob Denom- me, phone 638-J, Exeter, or Tom Humphreys, phone 428-W, Exeter. 180c SEED WHEAT—Quantity of Gene= see wheat, grown from registered seed. Apply Cooper Forrest, phone 9-r-10 Kirkton. 18:25:1* STANDING CORN—Apply M u r r a y Shepherd, R.R. 8 Par(thill. 18* PEACHES—Good canning peaches are now on. Red Haven and Golden Jubilee. We will have peaches and plums for the rest of the season. Bring your basket. Apply James Eberly, Sylvan, Ontario, 18c ELECTRIC R.A. N GD, Grahamette, white enamel; 2 -burner, with oven; heavy duty; first class condition, Fisher's Hardware. 1$t, BABY CARRIAGE Gendron, excell- ent condition; baby bassinet, com- plete with mattress, inside Padding, hood and skirt. Apply 282 Algonquin Drive, RCAF Centralia., tnc Clover Honey In Customers' Containers 25¢ Per Pound Also Small Quanity of Comb Honey DARRELL•PARKER Staffa 18c Bargain Tables DRESS SHIRTS & •SPORT SHIRTS, Regular to 96.55, Only $1.49' BOYS' SOCKS Odd Sizes — Regular to $1,00 3 Pair For $1.00 MEN'S T-SHIRTS Odd Sizes and Shades—Reg. to $4.98 Take Your Pick At $1.50 BOYS' SHIRTS Regular $2.25 — Now $1.00 T-SHIRTS ReRegular $1.85 — Now $1 49 MEN'S LONG SOCKS -- $1.00 WORK, SHIRTS — $1.75 WALPER'S Men's and Boys' Wear Phone 81 Exeter LOST TRAVELLER'S SALES BOOK, ,black leather; No. 4 Highway,' around Hen- sall. Anyone finding, call London 7- 7629 Collect. Reward. 18* SIHI8LL BROOCH, green and pink, with cameo centre, on Main Street, Exeter. Kindly leave at T -A office. Usborne Families Honor Newlyweds Friends and neighbors on con- cession 4 and •5 Usborne gathered for •a pot -luck supper at River- view Park on Friday evening August 5. Following the supper, an add- ress was read by Garnet Hicks and a presentation of two oc- casional 'chairs to Mr. and Mrs. Don .Easton, newly-weds. Don made an appreciative reply. The evening was spent in swimming, playing ball and social chit --chat. Owner Undecided About New Mill Jack Ratz, of Shipka, owner of the M. E, Ratz and Son Mill 'Which burned In West McGilli- vray on Friday, August 5, said this week he has not decided whether to rebuild the mill or not. The 40x50 Steel -covered build- ing andits equipment was de•' stroyed In a Iblal a :which etanted when a feel line of the diesel engine broke and exhaust ignited the ail, The loss, estimated at $12,000) included a grinder, roller and Water. Mr. Ratz has another mill at Shipka, HELP WANTED SERVICES By SEPT,F]MB:GR 1, experienced soar. ried man for dairy farm; good work- ing conditions. Apply A. L. Robb, R.R. 2, Ilderton, phone 70-r-34. 1$c WAITRESS—Good pay for exper- ienced and reliable girl. Bother's „;of - fee Shop. 18c HOUSEKEEPER—Over 20 years of age; all modern conveniences; must be fond of children, Phone 187 after G p.m. 11:118c STOCK WANTED I AM IN THE MARKET for .all kinds of horses, any size, any age. —G. J. Dow, phone 83 Exeter. tfc DEAD, DISABLED STOCK — Seven- day week service for horses. cattle, sheep, r'gs, calves. Glen Kennedy, p3h5one collect 168-W Lucan or 2. Exeter NOTICES Bud Grafting I will be bud grafting apple 'trees Saturday evening, August 20, at the SHDHS orchard. Anyone wishing to learn how this is done as welcome, Andy Dixon 18• TOWNSHIP OF USBORNE CLOSING ROAD ALLOWANCE In the,matter of THE MUNICIPAL ACT, and in the matter of the pro- posed by-law' of the Corporation of the Township of Usborne to stop -up and close an allowance for highway. Notice is hereby given pursuant to section 472 of THE MUNICIPAL ACT that the Corporation of the Town- ship of Usborne proposes to con- sider, and if deemed advisable, to pass at its regular meeting to be held at the Township Hall in the Village of Elimville, in the Town- ship of Usborne on the 12th day of September, 1955, at 2 p,m„ a by-law to stop -up and close part of the road allowance between Lots Nos. 5 and 6 in the llth Concession of the Town- ship of Usborne which said parcel Is described as follows:— ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land situate, lying and being in the Township of Us - borne, County of Huron and Pro- vince of Ontario• being composed of the original road allowance between Lots Nos. 5 and 6 in the Eleventh Concession of the said Township of Usborne, AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that before passing the said by-law at its meeting to be held at the time and place above mentioned, the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Usborne shall then and there hear in person or by his coun- sel, solicitor or agent, any person who claims that this land will be prejudidially effected by the said by- law and who applies to be heard. Dated at Elimville this 5th day of August, 1955. H. H. G. STRANG. Clerk of the Township. 11:18:25:1 REAL ESTATE WARTIME HOUSE -3 bedrooms, built-in china cabinet and chest of drawers; extra shed; improved grounds. 426 Marlborough St., phone 415-J Exeter. 11:18:25* WHITE FRAME 1101.75E, 2 -bedroom, east side of the Dashwood Public School. Apply William Wein. 18:25 SMALL HOUSE with hydro; also 3 lots and some small fruit and shade trees. Apply Frank Foley, Cen- tralia. 18:25* HOUSE—Marlborough St., in extra good condition; newly decorated; 4 •bedrooms• easy dawn payment, W C Pearce, Realtor, Exeter; Earl Par- sons, Fred Cole, Salesmen. 18tfc FOR SALE OR RENT -9 -room house in Grand Bend; hot water heateg; stoker fired; full bath upstairs; pow- der room downstairs; slate roof. Ap- ply C. K. Love, Grand Bend. 18:25* 100 -ACRE FARM with good house, barn and drive shed; hydro; never - failing water supply; house yard nice- ly treed; soil is productive and par- ticularly suitable for white beans and corn; close to store and school; very reasonably priced, C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main .St., Exeter. NOVELTY BUSINESS, nicely locat- ed, increasing business. For details apply to: C, V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter; 1/ -STOREY, 3 -bedroom frame. New- ly decorated inside and out. Large lot, fenced and landscaped. Low down p0agent, carries for $35.00. Phone 5 EXTRA! Sweet little highway acre- age; compact house, all conveniences; garage; good buildings for poultry, livestock; water on tap throughout; lovely hedges, shrubs, shade; rural mail; telephone; ideal country home. William Pearce, Realtor; Earl Par- sons, Fred Cole, Salesmen. 30tfc RUG BRICK HOME, 3 -bedroom. This is one of the nicer medium-sized homes in Exeter. In addition to other usual rooms, it has a very nice dining room. The whole house Is in the beat of repair and ready for occupation. Moderately priced. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter. INSULBRICK COTTAGE, 2 -bedroom. This home has a large, nicely finished kitchen, full basement and an attic with built-in stairs. A comfortable home at $4,900. C. V. Pickard, Real- tor, Main St., Exeter. HOUSE with basement, furnace, liv- ing room, dining room, kitchen, den, bathroom and sunroom, main floor; 4 bedrooms upstairs; garage and nice building lot; all moderately priced. W. Pearce, Realtor; Epr1 Parsons, Fred Cole, salesmen. 23tfc 2 -FAMILY HOUSE, full basement, 3 -piece ;bath„ 3 bedrooms upstairs, large garage suitablo for a business or storage; ample land; dash or rea- sonable terms. W. Pearce, Realtor; Earl Parsons, Fred Cole, salesmen. 6:23tfc BUILDING LOT, choice location; dorner Huron and Albert streets; others. C. V. Pickard, realtor, Main St., Exeter, Ont, APARTMENT HOUSE, Exeter, This house can be bought at a Very low price in comparison to the income it produces. C. V. Plekard, realtor, Main St., Exeter, 'Ont. 6-11OOM HOUSE, clapboard, 3 -piece bath, large living room modern kit- chen with large cupboard space, stain- less bink, ai•borite counter top; 4 bed- rooms, 1 downstairs, good basement and furnace' extra lot with barn and garage; income from barn. Apply Ralph Batten, 524 Wllllant St, 3 -BEDROOM ROUSE, new -349 Ed- ward St. R. E. Balkwlil, 14tfn c BRICK HOUSE with bathroom, small bard over 1 acre land, Stephen taxes, W. 1, Pearce, ,realtor; Earl Parsons, Fred colo, salesmen. _ ° 24tfe HOUSE -4 bedrooms, hardwood floors, geed furnaco; nicely located; immed- fate possession, Apply 102 William St, or phone 553 Exeter. 4tfo 0 CUSTOM BEAN COMBbNING with 12 -foot M -H 90 self-propelled com- bine; pulling beans; baling. Norman 4$1ait9g, RAI. 1 Centralia, ph8 Ye T.V. ;SERVICE—Member of R.T.T.A. Will service after 6.00 p.m. Bev Hey- wood, phone 176-r-23, Exeter. 18* WHITEWASHING & CLEANING Arrangements can be made, Bill Wat- son, Dashwood, phone 35-r-19. 11:8 - 3:11c: ATTENTION FARM37RSI Anyone wishing to have their barn cleaned or, whitewashed, contact Gerald Cooper, phone 716-11, Exeter, 11:18:25:lc CUSTOM COMBINING, grain and beans. Apply Earl Neil, phone 626-J3. Exeter, 6:30 - 9:8c CARPENTRY Kitchen Cupboards, Alterations, Re- pairing. Abe Schout, 28 Victoria St., phone 410-W Exeter. 31tfc WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where Better Bulls Are Used" Artificial Insemination service for all breeds of cattle. For service or information Phone Clinton 242 col- lect, between 7:30 and 10:00 A.M, on week days and 7:30 and 9:30 A.M. on Sundays. tfc "STANDARD OF THE WOODS" — McCulloch Chain Saws! All models and complete service (we rent) avail- able at McCulloch Saw Sales 428 Huron St., Stratford, phone 1061-J. 9-16tfc NOTICES TO CREDITORS In the Estates of Mary Ellen Hooper and Charles Frederick Hooper, deceased. ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of Mary Ellen Hooper, late of the Town of Exeter, in the County of Huron, Married Woman, who died on or about the 18th day of December 1954, and Charles Frederick Hooper, late of the Town of Exeter, ,in the County of Huron, Gentleman, who died on or about the 23rd day of May 1955, are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, solicitors of Exeter, Ontario, by the 3rd• day of September 1956, after which date the estates will be distributed having re- gard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Bell & Laughton Solicitors for the Executors • Exeter, Ontario. 18:25:1 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII A Businessman $2,000 Investment Exclusive farm dealer routes now open. Investment covered by down payment on new' G.M.U. Panel plus $1,300 stock. Act now and become a member of the most aggressive and coMpetitive auto- motive chain in the country. Apply Box 208 Exeter Phone 211 or :791 Ron Westman, 'Wholesale Automotive EXETER 1111111 I I I1111111111 11111 11 I 1 I I 1111 11 I 1 I I 11111 11111 111111111111 I I I I I I I I I111 I I I I I I I I I1111111 I I 1 1. U FOR RENT APARTMENT—Apply 84 Andrew St.. Exeter. See Mr. McDpnald. 18 2 APARTMENTS, 2.bedroom, living room, kitchen, 3 -piece bath, Apply John Ward, phone 340, Exeter. 18* APARTMENT, 5 -room, unfurnished; also email furnished apartment, Elliot Apartments, phone 476 Exeter, 16tfc FLOOR POLISHERS and vacuum Cleaners. Beavers Hardware Exeter. EMPLOYMENT WANTED FARMERS! Arrange now for your farm help, Experienced Holland fam- ilies. Also wanted to rent -50-, to 100- acre farms. Write Henry Nyhius 11. R. 3 Exeter, phone 172-r-31. 12-i0tfc PART-TIME POSITION required. Salary or commission. Have selling experience in new and tised cars, appliances and business machines; very best references given if re- quired. Phone or contact me at 162 Algonquin Drive Huron Park, Cen- tralia, phone 44i -W3, Exeter. 18* Times -Advocate Want Ads never get lazy despite hot weather. WANTED BOARDERS—Apply Times-tldvovcate., 1$ BUZZ SAW—Steel frame preferred, AApppplyrLloyd Reynolds, phone 177-a A 180. JUNIOR -SIZE BICYCLE, used, chain driven. with 18 -inch frame, in goo. condition, priced reasonable, 'hone 115-r-21, Kirkton. 18e HATCHING EGOS wanted by one of Canada's largest and oldest establish- ed hatcheries, Eggs taken every week in the year. Big premium paid. For full details, write Box "T"Exeter Exeter Times -Advocate. • 7:14-9:1e LISTING OF FARMS. Apply Leonard Kuizenga, Real Estate Broker, 186 Grand Ave. W., Chatham, 2 411,18ts SCRAP METALS of any kind. We pay top price, ..,Glenn's Auto Wreck- ers, phone 418-11 Exeter, 4:11;18a Wanted To Rent 2. OR 3 -BEDROOM HOUSE for school inspector Please write 69 Homewood ,Ave„ Kitchener 4:11;18a CyCotoGY SEz: I ,n.: ED PURDY SAYS 141S' WIFE'S THE BEST LOUD SPEAKER )4E EVER HAD Fertilizer! And The Rains Came For Which•1Ve Are Truly Tliaiik- ful. Now Is the Time To Sow [:1:11111[1 Uttert[t![Ntttlt Fall Rye $1.80 • = Tetra Petkas $ 5.. r. Seed Wheat Com. and Reg. GENESEE CORNELL DAWBULL Fertilizer! We solicit your orders. Special This Week • Have You Tried Our Dairy Conc. ($4.35) 32% Shur -Gain Dairy Conc. ($3.95) (One bag per customer.) Increased yield per each acre planted will show thatall we say about our top -grade SEED is true. 'Get it NOW and be sure of added farm profits. • e • GRAIN -FEED -SEED EXETER4Plknt 735 ••WHALEN CORNERS PkaNtKIRKTON 35R15 GRAPEFRUIT JUICESWEETIENED 2 20 OZ. TINS 19c ORANGE. JUICE OLD SOUTH FANCY 2 20 OZ. TINE 27c TOMATO JUICE OLD SOUTH FANCY Z 20 OZ. TINS 2.9c Apple Juice 46 OZ. 27c Grape Juice 32 Dz. BTL. 43c Cheez Whiz 16DZ. 55c .Spaghetti I IOBY'S 2-25c • Mustard PREPARED G OZ. 12c Corn Starch DUR'M 2-3 5c Choice cu& of `Prime P'nut Butter R&W 16 DZ. 29c Food Saver 117E FT. 31c . Beach Towel 1/2 -Price -r $1.49 With $5.00 Purchase • ........ .. Blade Roast 37c Ib. Short Rib Roast 39c Ib. Lean Minced Beef 29c Ib. Beef Liver Sliced 39c lb: Sausage, Skinless 1 -Ib. 45c VEGETABLES Celery 2 ITCHES 19c Apples MEL.3 Les 39c Pears CAL. 6 i -DR 29c NEW POTATOES 10 lbs. for 35c RICK'S FOODLAND Open Tues., Fri. and Sat. Nights -- Your Red & White Supermarket, Exeter South OPEN WEDNESDAY MORNINGS BY POPULAR DEMAND f i a 1 1 4 1 1