HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1955-08-18, Page 5a I • 2 •, • . • Tax Levy In th.borne Increases Two Mil THE TIMES -ADVOCATE, EXETER, ,ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 10, 1905 Usborne itouneil set its 1905 and the township, seliciter ia pre- paring the 1.•Q -year • lease with Robert la. Boss for gravel. Ct)uncl advised; the Ausable River Conservation ,Authority it, would agree +to .pay up to a max - imam of 3000' in additional en- gineering costs for .combination• bridge and dam on concession 2-3. tax rate at 26 mills ata recent meeting. The levy is two mills higher than in 1.954. Reason for the increase is a one -mill hike in the county rate' •and another mill raise in the general township rate, 'Che toWn811ip• ,rate was r$et 'at. 1.9 mills and the general school; nate at 2,1. The high school rate of sive mills and the .county's 11 make up the balance. The 'budget adopted ..by the township shows a .total expend Iture of $94,384,00 and probable receipts 'fro'm all sources of $28, 410.00. Council turned down a request' from the Iirkton Public Library Association fora special ,e?epan- sion grant. Procedure for closing sideroad 5-6 concession 11. is progressing Lingard Reunion Held AtStratford (Forty-five 'beanie attended the Lingard reunion held at Queen's Park, 'Stratford. The committee Climbers in charge were 'Clifton Jaques, Centralia, president. sec- retary -treasurer, Mrs, ,Frank Lin- gard, Stratford;„sports directors, ],Ver. and Mrs, Sam Bower, Exeter, and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Jaques, Centralia; table =committee, Mrs, John Jepson and Mrs., Thomas Lingard, Stratford, Mrs. Albert Cook •and Sirs, Joseph Dickey, St. Marys and Mrs. Wesley Jaques of Exeter. The newly appointed biticers for 1356 are John Jepson, 'Strat- ford, as president; secretary- treasurer, Mrs. Frank Lingard, Stratford; .sports direotors, Aust- in Cook, Mr, and, Mrs. Lloyd Cook and Mrs: Joseph Dickey, all of 'St. Marys; .table committee, Mrs, Oliver Jaques, Henaall, Mss. Sem Bower, Exeter, ]Vire.. Ross Jaques and Mrs. 'Clifton Jaques, Centralia. ,winners oR races 'and games were: guessing the weight of a stone, Marion Lingard; race for 3 and under, Marvin ,Hower and Yvonne Jaques; girls 6 to 8, Joyce Bower and Barbara ;Gook; boys, Jim Cook and Fired Jepson; girls 8 ,to 12, 'Blanche Linger(' and Dfane Lingard; :!boys, Harold Jaques and Tom Jepl;on; young sanies, Hilda Jepson; .Marion ?An- gard; young men, :,Norman 'Lin- gard• 33111 Jaques; •married wom- en, Mrs. Pearl Jepson, Mrs. Rosa Jaques; married 'men, Frank Lin - geld, 'Clifton ,Taques;' ,girls wheel- barrow race, Hilda Jepson and Marlene Jaques, Marion Lingard and Nancy Lingard;, men's wheel- barrow, race, John .Jepson and Clifton .Jaques, iRoss Jaques and Norman Lingard. It was deelded to bold the pic- nic next year et •Riverview Park, Exeter. Report of the Anderson Drain Extension was adopted !Provision- ally after reading for interested ratepayers. G"ouncil directed that the by-laws provide for one-half payment 'd the assessments in 1955 and the remaining half .in 1956. "Tenders were called , for construction of the extension. gine Taykeman supplementary report was adopted provisionally at a special meeting held ,on .July 25. Treasurer N. G. Clark reported receipt of $1,672.47 from the county treasurer in back taxes, interest and penalties; $897:52 provincial grant towards town- ship share of cost of county home. for the aged; .$2,500.50 'provin- cial .unconditional grant. Youth And Alcoholism , Does your child follow ' the gang? Of course he does. All young people want the approval of their friends and most will drink to win it, Girls as well as boys 'become involved this ways and drink or them is? it. greater” peril than for boys. Young people often drink as a reaction 'from insecurity or a sense o); inferiority.Even a bad ease of acne may leadto drink. And once drinking becomes a habit the trend to alcoholism can begin very early. Louth should know that the age level of Cana- da's alcoholics has changed alarmingly. In 1942 40 percent were under 40. Ten years later, 20 percent were under . 35. This steady lowering of the 'alcoholic. age so concerned the A,A, group in Toronto at a recent convention that they saw fit . to set up a special youth section. It should he stressed continihou'sly that as yet no test has been devised to show which "moderates" will be- come "alcoholics". (adv't) • Huron County Crop Report By H. R. BAKM Threshing is `now 'completed in moat areas in the south part of the county and recent rains and , cooling weather have some- what eased the severe drought conditions which prevailed at the Mr. and Mrs. Newton Hayter, R.B. 3 Rar1bt 1, rushed home from their vacation Monday to find their farm 'buildings, •imple-. menus; and harvest •destroyed (by M. - ItelatiVes contacted the •couple' through border officials at ,Sault Ste, Marie on Sunday and they drove •thxou•gb, the night to their damaged farm. The fire broke •out early Friday; evening, about eight hours .atter', Mr, and Mrs. Hayter left for. northern Michigan. Damage is 'estimated at $1.5,000. The 'blase started In the mach- inery speed and spread to the main 'barn. Hy the time neighbors spotted it 'and, caned for ;help, it was out of control. T.awrenee 'Mason, Grand Beend FireChief,. said i't was fortunate that fire-fighters were able to save the house, 4',When we arrived OA the ,scene, the' house was ,so hot you couldn't touch it," he said. All the trees around the home were scorched. Brigades from the village of Grand Bend and the nearby air- port poured water on the .house and another smart] shed to keep them from (burning.. The fire last- ed a goad four hours, The ablaze was spotted by Clar- ence Stone, a neighbour, wibo gave the alarm, Tile loss included; implements -- tractor, binder, side rake, scut- fier and harrows; • livestock= -20 pigs, a „Hereford bull and some ,anducks;dstraw. grain --400 bushels, hay - Cause of the fire is still un- determined but there are two •tfieories: the blaze started in the corner of the implement shed where" the oil was kept and some rags may have .exploded; or neighbors saw a car with three hien enter the far;n during the afternoon and a cigarette butt may have been dropped. No foul play is ,suspected. The farm is on No. 81 high- way, four miles south of Grand Bend. Injured In Crash On Saturday, August 6, Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Colton of De- troit (nee :Francis iCassidy, form- erly of Grand Bend) were :victims of a serious accident near Kip- penished, when. their car was demol- . 1Vir. Cuiton deceived a badly crushed knee, and was taken to, Clinton Hospital where she, Is still a patient, while Mrs. Oaten had beginning of the month.• Good reports have come in on the yield .of most cereal grains with lighter yields in the later varieties. - • The more re4ent rains have al- so assisted greatly the 'white bean and•corn crops, but in most areas more moisture is 'required to ease water supplies for livestock and pasture, growth. 0 • ��t Qor This .Chevrolet Bel Air d id d i� � Convertib►e • Given Away Free Any Purchase Entitles You. To A Free Chance r : JUST SIGN YOUR NAME MAKE AS MANY PURCHASES AS YOU WISH Lucky Winner Announced Exeter Fair [day See It On. Display At Our Show Room $NELL BROS. LIMITED her leg broken an!d a. abets eon. cession, • Mrs. Oulton was released Iron's therelsaaed'ho'spital,. shut is remaining in Clinton until her husihand eauhe . Personal Items Mr. and Mira. laddie Gill and Mrs. Mary Gill visited in Tore/ate with their ,daughter and grand- daughter. Mrs, Melvin Rnsden and Mr, Ramsden, over the week- end. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Venner, of London, spent the Weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Baird.. Xr. Ernie Keown spent,.,a, few' days visiting his sister, Mrd: Fred' Simpson, of Clandeboye. Last week, through a misunder- standing, it was ..announced that registration of children five years of age was 'being received at Grand Bend Public ,School. Mrs. lr. Mason is conducting the kin dergarten :at her home at 2 War wick St. Mr. Lorne Spark.% conducted. the services in the Church of God on Sunday in the absence of the regular pastor, Rev. Fl. Wat tam, who is attending .camp meetings, along with Mrs. uiWat tam, at Set 'Ltaos, 1Vt. other, United Stes ,pointsieh,, and Mr, Kenneth Flear returned home on Friday from Toronto where he has been attending the Teachers' 'Training Course in :Oak. woad Collegiate. Kenneth was successful in passing in his ciass- worst without having to write the examinations. • Mr. and Mrs. Harry Watson and son Harry, of W(Tallaceburg, called on Mr. and Mrs. Mansell Masora on Saturday. Air, and Mrs. C. J, Patterson and daughter and eon -in-law, Mr, and Mrs. A. •S..LaPata, of Detroit, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Beer. Mr. and Mrs. T.,. Werner, of London, also visit- ed with W. and Mrs. Beer and their guests on Saturday. • Mrs. Mary Revelle attended the O'Brien-Gascha +wedding in Zurich on Friday, when her ,niece Mise Betty Ann Gascho, was ra ed. Miss Beulah Holt and Miss Boris Pickle, of Windsor, ,spent the weekend with Mrs. 'Mae Holt. Mr .and Mrs. Donald Barr, of Sarnia, and Mr. and Mrs. George Clark and family, of Thedford, spent the weekend with Mr. and • Mrs, W11,11 a m Sw.eitzer. lviiss Nancy 'Clark is remaining ;with her grandparents for a wee'k's. holiday. Mr, and Mrs. Elmo Evans, of Toronto, brother -of .Mrs. Rev. W. 0. :Smith, and his wife are holi- daying at the 'United Church manse while Bev, and Mrs, Smith are vacationing in Toronto. 'Several girls of St, John's -fibro tba-laake Anglican pariah are holidaying et thein •map at XIV - field, including Judy, Beverley', Sandra and ear01 Hosaenberry. Sandra Roberts, Janice Gill and Laura Jame Anderson, of Dash- wood. wood. Several of tie parents visited the girls at their visiting hops, on Sunday sAternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Quarlce and Mr. 'Sinton ;Sweitzer, 'Exeter, visited: Mr. and Mrs. WUIiazn Sweitzer last week. Miss Fallible 'Mason, of J,en- don, spent the weekend with her parents, W. and Mra, Mansell Mason, ,. vi:' '.Hoc#(' .f'G�i.2:•,S<ri:x: • • r .. .•`"F' "''"rim...-. � . xi YG'''�t�4' `�•• sr4 • • • ;;>;:4...„,..;,„ .V,. ..>�'.•••.''•,'.''•'•':,'•,•,'•.',.•,•'•'',••'Vy.'''•.'•�:,',�'•.•}�,'s',�•.•,•'�•.,ts•'•.., qui}>�: ' A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE! Day 1 y clay, Chevrolet gains' in popularity valve s . e : e Dramatic Proof of Chevrolet's Success! Just look around you ! On the highways, in the cities and in all the towns and villages across the land — everywhere it's Chevrolet. That's because, consistently, more Chevrolet cars are sold than those of any other manufacturer. And now, to a greater extent than ever before, the 1955 Chevrolet is the favorite of Canadians from coast to coast. This Is Important To You! Because Chevrolet builds so many more cars, each one costs less to make. That's the simple, provable effect of volume production. And this saving is passed• on to you in the form of more value, and more features for the money than you can get ;with any other car on the market, Check the extra features you'get at no extra cost with Chevrolet and see how much extra you would have to pay kr them on other cars. You'll find it amounts to hundreds of dollars. Then compare Chevrolet's price! And you'll know for sure at least one reason why so many more people buy Chevrolet year after year w- especially this year. 045550 YYYInnYYYnYYiYwYn tinronnY,YnluYnn,i'un,hiYYYYAiruiuriiYliYYYYYuiYnuHnuiiYYiniiinYYnlYilYYiiiYlni,nniiiY ... � - 1 _ .-... . .. ntYYniriYYlYYibninfYYiriYYYYOi,iiNuYi,n"YII . __. _ . ___ . yndlnnYYFiilYinnniwYHYYYNrYnrnYYYYYYYiniYYl YiYlYlrl l ' Phone100 SNELL BRCS. IM 11ED CHEVROLET-- OLDSMOBILE CHEV TRUCKS Exeter, Ont. H ....ii ..• i....i..... pYr1'gYnYYllrrfYOYyY1rYNYYrYYYYiHnininiSaffiVeliiYYI/wii111i1i11MINNnY1YrN'IYIIMIYIa Oa if at ".. ii S it 1Si HA