HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1955-08-11, Page 11THE TIMES -ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO* THURSDAY MORNING* AUGUST 111 1955 PICNIC PRIZEWINNERS—Winners, .of contests at the Huron Waves -picnic at Riverview Park last week admire four -month-old Susan Jane Steiner, ,danghter of Mr, and Mrs. Torn Steiner, the youngest person at the picnic, who is in the carriage. Left t� right are Mrs. Lois Thompson, of Parkhill; who discovered the mystery lady; Mrs. ThoMas, Bell, of ,Exeter, who: celebrated her -birthday thesame day; Mrs. S. J. I-jogai:0v 9.1,• of Exeter • the oldest person presenti, Mrs. Peter Gridzak, Kippen, mother, with the largest family Exeter, present; and Mrs. Steiner. • —T -A Photo Co-operate To Stop Pollution ARCA, Health Officials Urge An Ausable Conservation Authority official has enhorsed a recent statenLent by Huron 'County Medical Q5ficer Dr. R. M: Aidis that the problem of river . pollution mud he solved by go - OFFICE CLOSED August 8 to August 13, inclusive Arthur Fraser Ann Si., Exeter Complete Clearance at GEO. WRIGHT'S. Men's Operation among municipalities, industries and private citizens. $e ore t r y-fieldman H. G. Hooke, Exeter, said the -Author- ity had the power to take court action against persons or cor- porations polluting streams ,but its officials , believed it could achieve more success by working with those -involved to find the thort reasonable solution. .... Referring to the polluthin of the Ausable at the •western limits of town, Mr. Hooke said the .con - <Mien of the river had been ag- gravated by the 'prolonged dry season. There has • not been enough water to wash away waste 'whibli has entered the river. Mr. Hooke ijaid farmers An Hay township have complained to the Authority of sewage from the town 'and pea refuse ,from the canning factory which eontainin- albs the stream. • Local officials • of, Canadian Canners Ltd. have indicated, the Company is prepared to co- operate •with the Authority or any other government:body which will suggesta practical method tiPhandle the refuse, Mr. Hooke said. He said `.the filteridg system which the factory has in opera- tion now is an efficient one which should stop any contamin- ation, reaching the river. How- ever factory officials reported the pump of the filtration isystem broke down ,for two weeks this .summer, •cadent most of the po- lution. The Authority official said the dumping ° of sewage into the, rivrir through the William Street Atom sewer could be a serious pollution problem. ' Members of the Huron County Health Unit Board were remind- ed at a meeting of the board last week by the Unit director, Dr. R. M. Aldis, tha,t pollution is everyone's problem, and the solu- tion to conditions existing id local streams won't be obtained until individuals, industries and municipalities began to plan and act co -operatively. - "Local streams," said Dr. Al - SUMMER SHIRTS $2.50 Interwoven, formerly $4.95 TERRY, CLOTH •$1.49 Fashioned, formerly $295 BOLERO SHIRTS $2.98 Woven, formerly $4.95 T-SHIRTS 690 Only Four Dozen Left SHIRTS, Mesh Woven .. $2.99 Beautiful Garment, $4.95 Value These high quality lines are in good sizes and slashed away hp - low wholesale cost. Two -Pant SUITS 1/2 -Price Fall Suede COATS And Heavy Lines 1/2 -Price •Boy's ,Wear 1/2 -Price STOREKEEPERS • I have a quantity of store fit. tures.Whia include; Pluoresten.t lighting, plywood wall fiXtures, desks, tables, ,Mannequiroi, suit forms Mad Window stands. These can be see n In the store formerly oceilpierl by McCreory's Ladies' Wear--Price4 to sell. GEO.. VIMGHTS Brinsley Shower For Bride -Elect Complimenting Miss Madeline Day., of Exeter, popular bride -el- ect of 1:13.1s month, Mrs. Arthur Lightfoot, of Srinsley, was host- eas at' her home Wednesday, Aug- ust 8 when fifty frie•nda .met honor her with a, 'presentation. A highlight of the evening was the staging of a delightful mock wedding with •roles !portraYed by Mrs. G. Brock as bride; Mrs. E. •Gunn as groom; Mrs. A. Light- foot as minister; M1s Mary Ver- onica, 'Gunn as bridesmaid; Mas. J. ta. iViepwan an bride's father; Mr. Wm. Hipp as best man. The wedding music was provided by Mrs. t4. Robinesn. The guest of honor was ,eseort- ed to a coheir with color scheme of White and pink over which hutig the traditional sprinkling eflifi. An address was read by Mrs, C. Brodk end the presentation of a crystal set for. four was made by Mrs. Lightfoot and Mrs. Roy 13rock. The 'bride -elect was also pre- soted with a lovely. 'bride's book Made by Mrs. S. E.. McKwan 'of Iteneall. A sing song 'end contests followed. Stamp It To Speed It! usg Rubber: Stamps THE TIMES -ADVOCATE dis, "are being affected deleter- iously by, the prolonged 'drought and extreme heat, ,i'The oxygen normally avail- able in the water is drastically reduced and no longer can sup- port the fish and other life which usually 'thrives there, "In addition, some of these Ertreams receive inadequately treated sewage from domestic and industrial sources, which in- creases the demand for oxygen, as well as causing offences by the incomplete- breakdown a the added products," be said. Data On Dashwood Iliy 11/RS. RADER Mr. and Mrs. Bob Newton and fatally of London a‘re vacationing with the latter's mother, Mrs, A. Mnialent, %Ir. and Mrs. -Melton Wainer and. girls of Ingersoll vacationed with Mr. and Mrs. Milli) resold. •Beveral from Dashwood attend- ed the iluron Waves piCnic at Riverview Park, Exeter last Wed- nesdaY.. Master Rebert Becker spent a few days last week Witi his uncle and aunt, Mr. aud Mrs, Al- bert Pecker, at New Dundee, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon. Weiberg and Xi% and Mrs. Ervin Latta., of Waterloo, were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Weiberg. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Taylor and boys, of Waterloo, were holiday visitors. with 1Vir, and Mrs. L. Rader. Mr. and Mrs. E, R. Guenther are on an extended motor trjp through the United States. Miss Ellen Gilbert, .Stratford, spent her vacation with Mr. and Mrs, Courtney Burmeister. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Courtney r#urtneister were Mr. and Mrs. Urban POI% Mr. and Mrs'; Elmer Rader and bolts' Mr. and Mrs., William Haugh and Shirley, all of the 1.1ith Conces- sion, and Mrs. Selina. Gilbert, 'Mrs, Jessie Drain, Mr, and Mrs. Charles Doubrough, Mr. and IVIrs. John •Schmidt, Mr.. and Mrs, George Gilbert and Gerald, all of Stratford. Misses Emma and Hilda Wiens - ma, of London, spent a few day* with„Bonnie Heather MeCrae, Miss Anna Messner, of Lon- don, visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Fred Messner, over the weekend. Miss Theresa. Zimmer, London, spent Bunday and Monday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Zimmer. Mr. and .Mrs. Howard Spear and family, of Detroit, have re- turned home after spending their vacation with Mrs. Lucinda Mc- Isaae. Mr. and Mrs. HaroldErd- man, of Detroit, also spent a couple of days with Mrs. Mc - Isaac. ' !Mr. Robert Wein and friend, Tom :Prier, of Sudbury, spent the weekend with Mrs. Herb Wein and farnily., ' Dr. A. C. Whittiero Peter4 boro, visited over the weekend with Mrs. Whittier and children and Mrs. Herb Wein and family. Miss Diane Kraft spent a few days last week with her `-dousins, Pauline and Brenda Becker, at Miss Thelma, Weber attended the 10 -day Cedardale Nazarene Adult Camp at Pepperlew, a few =ties from Lake Shame. On her return home she visited her bro- ther Keith and family, stationed at Camp Borden. 1Vir. and Mrs. Floyd Wein and Larry entertained the Dashwood Tigers and fans to a. Ora roast last Thursday evening in honor of their winning the Huron-rerth championship. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Sehade and family, of Zurich; Mr. and Mre. Walter Weber and son, of ,Crediton, and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Weber and family spent Sunday, with Mr. and Mrs.„ Dan Weber. Miss Diane Vincent, Goderich, • is visiting with Mary Anne Bay - ter, Miss Joan Fulcher wag her brother Bruce, of Sarnia, and Lawrence Lockhart, of Parkhill, are holidaying with their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Genttner, Mrs. Albert Rader spent last week with her another, Mrs. J. R, Cudmore, at Willowdale, Ont. Weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Kraft were Mr, and Mrs. Gus Dressler, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dressler, Sandra, Dennis and Ronald, of Fort Wayne. Ind. When toc. heavy a load was put in a dump truck, the front end raised off the ground. ,;lViight as well grease it," the driver told the foreman, "ra never have a better chance." • Skinny men,women gain 5, 10, 15 lbs.- _ Get New Pep, Vim, Vigor What a thrill! Bony limbs fill out; ugly hol- lows All up; neck no longer scrawny; body loses half-starved, sickly "bean- pole" look -because of poor appetitealue to lack of iron. Thousandi of girls, women, men, who never could gain before, are, now proud of shapely, healthy-looldng bodies. They thank Ostrex Tomo Tablets. Contains iron, vi- tamin HI, calcium. Helps build blooq, improve appe- tite and digestion so food gives you more strength and nourishment; helps put flesh on bare bones. Get Lovely Curves As you gain pounds, you gain lovelier curves too. Try Ostrex Tonic Tablets today. See how quick they help build up body "skinny" due to iron deficiency.."Getcquainted" size only 600. At aU druggists. Aid 'Farmer ill From dun Farmers •on the boundary east ot Kensell held threshing bee Thursday for a neighbour who suffered a -sun stroke Wednesday while harvesting at another neighbor's farm. The victim of the heat Is John Bregman, ;who cave to this Os - *riot -from Holland seven years ago. He was Werking at the farm of Eldon Miller when he col- lapsed. Twelve neighbours rallied at his farm at noon and threshed through until dusk. They plan to harvest all 35 acres of grain on the Bregmau farm. MUTi.lAt. 1\1$1.1RAN.O.g ,COMPANY Protects the property of more Canadians than any other ,Company SEE Y.01.11! .LOCAL AUNT O. V. PIOKARO, 'Exeter ' 4oHN EDWARD 'GUNN, Preditan PETER L. McNAu0HToN, *action NEWTON G. CLARKE, Wet:gators HENRY GALLNIAN, Zurich 0, A. BARNETT, Wanton & St, Marye WILSON, C. OKE, searorth CLAYTON H. HARRIS, •Mitchell HARRY E. wAGH0RN, St, Marys K. W. POLGUHOUN, 01Inton ROBERT L. ;macmiLLAN, Bayfield • FIRE — AUTOMOBILE — LIABILITY — SURETY BONDS You think are • but ARE YOU completely insured? 40 -Has your protection KEPT PACE with increased.building costs? 'is How much would it cost you to RE -BUILD TODAY? • Home furnishing costs are UP top! If you were required to replace yqur furniture, drapes, linens and other household effetts—How much would it cost— Do you have enough insurance to pay the Loss • Don't run the risk of under Insurance. See us without delay and have your insurance brought up to present day values. W. PHONES: BUS. POLIO — CANCER Ho Hodgson "The Insurance Mau" 24; RES. 162-J - HOSPITALIZATION EXETER 0 ACCIDENT & HEALTH •• , ....-1 • ,S. ' ?," ''••••,,,,, , .;:!,:. .....,..4,..w;Oz•-,-, • • ..z.......:.,,,c$5.,,..s.:••,..:.,,r :•,::::;: ,,,,,,:, . , :„:;:;:,:.:A. •:::.....,,, .,' , -,,. ,•:.::,; •,, ;op : •..,.,gi::Pi::iiiii:i . . ,.... .. , -..?:,,:;:$ :!iiMileial:Widgeg.li-g4t.'''.''''''''''iMiSiii:ji.:,:. IOW ..,..... :,....,%-;.,?i,,,i,:::,*::,;.,.*:ii*:,i:i:;*;,a,*ii,.;iii'iiiiRiiii*I.21:i:,:•:•ii!;i•n-..,., / .......„,,,,:*::. tm,,,<:0›,.. '''MMgtrg..tr.'..',-":'' ;;i:-,:*,:30:...xiox:%:•",,,,,:.Xf'1,,,:',"" • ,,,,m,m2M,,k,;;•:e.n, 0. • • Wil:m•kr,K.sieraZMWage";"' .. 41‘. .. . '' ' • , .• .•• . 7 &M• • .••••••,,,,,,,,,,•.•• • Neireeka• • .1 • MONTCLAIR COUPE • Compare am it pays to own a mERCUR. • A rtODUCT.•OF FORD OF CANADA (and it costs less than you think! .New '55 Mercury Is bigger all over—in length, width and wheelbase. Completely new bodies! Completely new styling ! Compare Mercury's luxuri- ously longelow silhouette. This is a dreatn en wheels —in 3 magnificent series—the all-new ultra -smart MOntelairs; popular IVIOtiterey and Custom models. Merctiry't dramatic new eOlour-harnionized interiors ore more thrilling than ever before! Compare Mercury's Snio0ther, quieter ride— exceptionalhandlinge,ase—resultingfrornnew improve- InentS in Mercury's ball -joint front suspension. And compare new Merc-Q-Matie Drive with brilliant 'low gear" getaway. It's optional, at are power steering, poWerbrakeS,4-waypowerseatanapower-liftwindows. •••.,.. • Mercury's new overhead-valve, SUPER -TORQUE V-8 engines give split-second getaways—instant response at all speeds! Compare performance! See or yourself how Mercury puts high horsepower to work at normal driving speeds giving you 4wper pickup the instant you need it. All '55 Mercurys are powered by new overhead-valve V-8, engines—ptducts of the builder of more V -8's than all Other makers combined —198 Hp. in Montclair tnodels; 188 Hp. in Monterey and Custom models. See your Mercury dealer—and compare the new Mercury for value. You'll quicklysee why so. many people are saying "It pays to own a big, beautiful '55 Mercury!" 8 OVERHEAD- VALVE ENGINE ARLOP Now*: •eku,:fia,..*:;ii Watch the TV hit show, Ed suntvanos "Toast of the Town", Sunday, Channel 10, OFPL-TV - YOR MERCURY. DEALER CO UM- DRIVE THE MERCURY1HAT'S WAITING FOR YOU! MAKE A DATE WITH HENSALL, ONT. • EXETER, ONT4 SAW\I BUY BOB CO K MOTOR SALES • SOUTH END SERVICE PHONE 178 PHONE 323 FOR A SAFE BUY USED CAR... SEE YOUR MERCURY DEALER