The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1955-08-11, Page 10THE. TIMMADVOCATEA. EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 14 1955
Gram's Recipe Column
• it
To Return Next Edition
Here's geed AM for the cooks
ele dietriet:
°Orem Says," the popular rec-
ipe column which featured the
womelese lige et the TiMes-Ad-
Tecate for several years. will re -
tura with mere of the eavorite
et &seal housewives.
ilitevival of the column hue been
prompted by popular eleineue.
The many verbal requests the
T -e. has %received tor"Gram Says'
;were climaxed aaSt week by a
formal petition from a /lumber
Of Exeter ladies. "We have 'heard
eo many people say blew much
they miss it from that page," the
petition eakl.
Originator and writer of "Gram
gaYS," Mrs. E. S. Steiner, Huron
St., thes consented to eantinee the
feature. She will start again in
next week's issue.
M. Steiner first wrote "Gram
Says" over two years ago when
elm became women's editor ef
Dot's Beauty Show
(South of jack Smith ,Teweller)
Naturelle Permanent Waxing
Lustre); Cold Wave
Dorothy G. Pfaff, Prop.
Phone 71eW • Exeter
Propane Limitgd
Your Distributor for
Propane Gas and Appliances
for Vann, Home and Indostx7
Call Stratford 4174
The Tintee-AdvDeete. The feature
was discontinued when she re-:.
tired ere)); the Aositiou eaeller
this year.
The cooking column aetuelly
serves as an exchange reutre for
recipes. Ail the women readers
of the, whether
near or far, are invited to send
in their favorite recipes for -others
to use and exii0Y.
lteeipes may he mailed to
"Gram", %The Exeter Pinesvocate Exeter, Ontatee or Mrs.
Steiner will take them over her
Phone at home—the norther is
1 .
Watch for the first of a new
series of 'Gram Says" on this
Page next week.
Women petitime
The petition received by the
T -A last week reads:
Editor or
Exeter Times -Advocate
Dear Sir:
Just a. line to ask if there is
ebance of having "Gram'e" eol-
umn back in the paper.
We have heard so many people
say how much they miss it from
that page.
Enclosed are just a few names,
we could get many more to sign
this. ,
Yours truly,
I. M. D.
* *
We, the un signed, would
like to see Gram's column back
In the paper,
C4Irs. Edward Johns
Mrs. Chas. Go dbolt
Mrs. Roy Webber
Mrs. E. Squire
Mrs. Milo Snell
Mrs. Delmer Skinner
Mrs. Melville Herm.
Mrs. Tom Dinney
Mrs. Hector Taylor
Canada's No. 1 "30" Range
• „
And Featuring Illuminated
Top Element Controls •
• Control.panel with new built-
in cove light, handy minute -
minder, supermatic time
clock, synchrOchime oven con-
• Streamlined styling to Merle
with your modern decor.
• 3-6" CON -RAD flex -o -tilt
1-8" CON - RAD flex -a -tilt
• Removable chrome rings, and
enamel/ed (no Stain) reflector
• Two drip trays, conveniently
located, for spill -overs.
• Full -width "keep -hot" warm-
ing drawer.
• ALL GLEAMING, easy to
clean, porcelain enamel finish.
• Super giant size oven 24"x
181/2"x1W2"-8,882 cu. Inches,
bakes 8 pies all at the same
time, the largest oven of any
Canadian range.
Priced From $279.75 Up
.. .
Exam -
Korne Of Bride
Scene Of Rites
Te home of Ur. and Mrs.
Rudy Petzke, Bensall, was the
setting on Friday, August 5 at
8 pan. for the marriage -of their
daughter, Marlene Helen, who
became the 'bride of Edward
Wayue Smith. of Barrie. Mr. Smith
is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ever
ett Smith of Egniondville.
Baskets -of varied coloured
gladioli formed a background for
tile double ring -ceremony per-
formed by Rev. W. 3. Itogers of
Lynwood, formerly of Bonsai'.
Wedding music was plaeed, by
Marie Pullman .of Kippen.
Given in marriage by her tatlx-
er the bride wore a ballerina
length gowu of white satin ac-
cented with tiers of net. The fit-
ted net jacket featured a Queen
Anne collar and lily paint sleev-
es. A tiny crown of flowers held
her three-quarter length veil of
Pren,ca illusion, enhanced with
embroidered wedding, bells. Her
bouquet was of red roses and
annals. She wore the groom's
gift, a matching rhinestone, neck-
lace and earrings.
Her bridesmaid, Mrs. Robert
Hauele Exeter, chose a gown of
pink net aver taffeta fashioned,
with brocadecl.bodice, bolero jack-
et and she carried yellow mums.
Robert Haugh,. Exeter, attend -
.ed the groom.
For reception held at the
hone of Mr. and Mrs. David Mc-
Lean, Seaforth, the bridre,s anoth-
er received wearing a blue nylon
ensemble witb all white acees-
series. Th groom's mother chose
a gown of mauve nylon with ac-
cessories in white, Bath wore cor-
sages of pink and white mums
respectively. Assisting with the
wedding dinner were Miss Mary
Vaahoene, Henna, and Miss Mar-
ie Pullmae, Kinpen.
For their wedding trip to Nia-
gara. Falls end the U.S.A. the
bride -donned, e pale blue nylon
ensemble with accessories in white
and red rose eorsage.
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Smith will
reside in Barrie,
Message From
Rev. Clydesdale will be the
guest speaker in the United
Church at 9.45 a.m. on Sundays
during the month of August.
Mrs. Harry Winterburn and
family, of Toronto, ' are visiting
her parents, eir. and Mrs. Ed
Mrs, Kenneth Poore, Windsor,
and Mrs. Minnie Robertson, of
Wheatley visited last week with
Mr. and Mrs, Herb Harlton and
called on a, number of friends in
this vicinity. .
;Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Horner and
gamily, of Toronto, spent their
vacation with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Joseph Horner, Sr.
Dr, and Mrs. Edison Matthews
and Ruth, Me. A. P. Matthews
and Miss Mary, Matthews, Lon-
don, visited recently with Mrs.
W. T, 'Wens.
Mrs. J. •R. Wellman' returned
to her home at Arlington Heights,
Illinois, on Thursday after spend-
ing a few weeks with relatives
here. 4
,Mr, and Mrs, Thomas Gun-
ning,' of Granton, visited Sunday
with friends 112 this vicinity.
'Master ICenneth Eag1eo.n
spent a few days with his cousins,
Larry and Glen Itaez Shipka.,
Mr. and Mrs. Ardeur Brophey
and Mr. and Mrs, Harold Brophey
visited recently with Mrs. Den
Iteddiek and family, of Sombre.
Miss Lillian "(Ilene returned to
Windsor after spen d In g two
weeks' vacation with her mether,
Mrs. W. T. Mena.
Mr. Oscar •Smithers, Michigan,
visited recently with Mr. and Mrs.
Cecil Smithers.
Master Jimmie Pollock, Both-
well, spent last week With his,
gratdparents, Mr. and Mrs. Mil-
ton Policia. '
Let T-A,Want Ms .
Steer leen Safely
To The Best
Summer Dresses
'A -Price!
Rain Coats
Values to $32.00
Big Table Of Bargains, For 0.00
• I
cknight s Ladies Wear.
What You 'Should
iTbis is the first of four articles written especially for women
by The Canadian Cancer Society. The series Is presentee in
co -Operation with the Exeter Milt of the Siaeiety.)
Almost oue Out of every three
Canadian Women questioned as
to the curability of caner held
the opinion that cancer was never
This fact came to light during
a et1tIOU-Ivide poll ineluding some
3,000 womea conducted by Gen -
adieu Gallup Poll aepresettative
for the ,Canadian Causer Society.
Since lay education s ene of the
major aspects of the Cancer Soc-
iety's program it was necessary
to discover just how much Can-
adian women know about the
disease and In what 'particular
areas Weir misinformation - it
any - lies.
The survey revealed steetlille
differences in the cancer know-
ledge of the women In different
Provinces and. to a remarkable ex-
tent reflected •the extent of Oan-
or Society organization in dif-
ferent areas.
The questions asked of the
women were in four baste cate-
gories. The fleet questions dealt
with the general attitudes to ser -
thus diseases. The second greuP
were (?esigned to ascertain lust
how much knowledge elle women
possessed •concerning cancer of
breast and womb. The titled
group reflected the attitude to-
wards the causes end treatment
of caneer and the fourth growl)
dealt with personal experience
with the disease.
Discuss Findings
This ,article will discuss the
findings tram .group number one
while subsequent articles will
deal with the ether phases 01 the
In the first category the wom-
en were asked whish disease is
respons4ble for the .most deaths.
45% of the total number of wom-
en questioned stated that tenor
was the leading cause of death.
Only -40% thought heart dis-
ease was the worst killer and
9% earned tubereulosis.
according to the latest vital stet-
istios reports, deaths erom heart
trouble are ,approximately 'twice
as great as those attributed to
cancer. gainer is the second earn-
nioneet ,cause of death and ranks
first with women between the
ages of 25 and 54 years.
The .exect percentage of thee .The lovely clean and ,unbent
women questioned who coneadeie 'broom, puzehased not so long
ed cancer incurable was 30%. In ego, sits alone and forlorn in its
Alberta, it was 12 %, British -Col- newness. et thas no shape; no
umbia, 14 %, Ontario 20 % and cheracter, it doesn't fit ra'y sweep,
Quebec 55 %. NOn.e explanation for nor is It pointed de worn to get
rates that there Is still a great
need for cancer education.
'Commenting on the results of
the survey, Dr, It M. Taylor,
Executive Director of the Veneer
Society, said It indicates that .
"women 'lying in areas where a
.aetive educational program has
been carried •6ii have better know-
ledge of the simple facts about
canter than have women living
in an area -where edueational ef-
forts are less active or almost
Honor Couple
At Elinwille
On Sunday afternoon a recep-
tion was held for Mr, Mid Mrs,
Harry Sperling, of Londoe, et the
heme of Mrs. Harry Ford and
Gordon, when 60 relatives met to
enjoy a social time.
The newlyweds received nume-
rous lovely gifts. Lunch was
served picnic eityle. Mr, and*Mrs.
Sperling • expressed their thanks
to all.
Among those present were Mr.
and Mrs. Otto Donne, from Pt.
Colborne; Mr.. and Mrs. Bert
Turnbull, of Galt; Mr. and Mrs,
William Rae, of Stratford; Mrs.
A. C. Whitlock, of St. Thomas;
Messrs. William and Ronald
Spry, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Spar -
ling and Miss Hazel, of London;
Mrs, Agnes Roy, of Borneolm;
M. and Mrs.. Harvey iKeLagan,
of Mitchell; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd
Horton, of Listowele 81'r. and
Mrs. Eldon Miller and Wilma, of
Hibbert; Mr. and Mrs. Will But-
ler, of London; Miss Kathleen
Horne, of Grand Bend; Mr -.and
Mrs. Clarence Ford, of Kitchner,
and Mr. and Mrs. Newman Baker,
of Wellhurn.
Odd Bits
By B. A.
Of Brooms
this xnay be that the Soeiety's
educational grogram has only re-
cently got :under way in rural
Actually Many types of canter,
such as skin, lb, breast and
others, are often .completely 'mix-
ed by radiation or surgery or a
combination or both. Doctors em-
phasize the importance of early
diagnosis old treatment in -affect-
ing a cure.
Alarming Symptoms
!questioned ae to the most al-
arming canter symptoms "e lump
On the 'breast that doestat hurt"
was most often selected. At ehe
same time only 38 % of the wom-
en put this as first on the
while 10% stated that
weight was the most serious sym-
ptom and 1.6 % thought it was a
constant cough. In point of feet
Glee last .two symptoms .mety be
an indication .of .a great variety
of ailments. while a lump on the
breast is sure to mean a growth -
either betign or analignant,
breast cancer is one of the Aost
serious types in women..
The fact that 15 % Of the wom-
en questioned thought that early
treatment makes ;to difference in
the curability of the disease indi-
In-to corners and cracks, Th.e old
broom has the glory place, eule
meet with experienee. Wizen I
trweep, it' knowmy intentions
and obeys; like hammer to a car -
neuter, of canoe to a tripper.
One of these days, the old will,
of necessity, be banished to the
basement and the new •broom to
apprenticeship. And as with ,all
apprentices, it mut do the rough
jobs, a sidewalk now and then
to give it shape and to tear off
the sager:ledges. And ,only after
among !perth
sonalities- In e house-
The Team
When. Grandpa's around
There's Work to do
And work -tor a small boy too.
It's Grandpa. here
And boy behind
- That proves a dandy crew.
Wherever there's eleandpa
%ere's also a boy
.Teggiug •and helping elope.
„ iPerliapy; it's eagerness
e Roth • of ,themshe**
That make the two ;belong.
MONTREAlr-tfetets a way . . . for getting a
wonderful effect with almost no work at all! I
wish you'd just try GLIM LIQTJID STARCH -
and see how professionta it makes your ironing
look. And how white the clothes are -because of
the blue in Glide See, too, how smoothly the
iron glides over your gammas( because of the
wax in Glide, Once yoteve tried it, I'm sure thee,
like me, you won't want to be without it again. So easy to use -
simply add water to Glide, hot irk, eold-that's alit You can get it
in the 82 oz. bottle, or the giant, economy size -64 oz. jar -and have
a very useful container for pickles‘4ot for picnics! Do buy Glide this
Talk Of The Wonders Of Science: I feel have one of them right
in the kitchen sink every night, when 1 pour
it a cap of the new liquid detergent GAY. or
there are the frothing, fragrant suds -so pIea5
Mat to Work wale There's the result in silver1
glassware and china that sparkles with cleat-
litegS. And there-beeause Gay has extra
grease -cutting powers, are the pots and pans
scrubbed fresh and shining with so littleeifort,
And yet -and this is SO importantl-scienee has
created Gay so that it's oasy on the heeds-
doetn't dry the akin:, Economical too e- one bottle does fifty dish-
washings. Ilooray for Gay!
My rote's Pot The Seaside every time ites holiday timet 1 kno* of
no air so relaatifig. Another thing that helps me
to relax is the knowledge that my Jewelry and
irropliteeable criers are ir; the steel -strong
eeeurity of a BANK 01'1%401111MM" Safety
Depoat Box. Not even the sea could telt* lee
if I'¼t left them behead in .an empty House or
apartment -at the merey t1 thieees--eSpeeially
in August, the year's biggest holiday month. A
Safety DepeSit. Box ,gLea you full protection
from fro, lose and theft.. It costs do little*
lets than two tette a day -.yet the sense of
security enunte tor so much! If you are going away this month, .of
not tiliturd that your vacation is as carefree as possible by renting
your 11of M 'Safety Deposit Du today,
Mariorie Taylor
Wed At Caven
Standards of terns, White &has-
ta daisies and white gladioli and
lighted candelabra provided MI
attractive settiug in ‘Cavell Prete-
byterlAu Churee, Exeter, on Sa-
ul:401. Angust 4 et 12 ;leen, for
the wedding Of Marjorie Anne,
Taylor, daughter of Mr. And. Mu.
James Taylor of Exeter and Ed-
win. NWAIllA Hills, eel) of Mr. end
Mrs. Numan Hale leolltion•
The etee. Samuel Kerr per-
formed the .oeremony. Mrs. ,Y.
Cochrane provided traditional
wedding music and accomealtied
Grant McDonald, Exeter, who
sang "The Lord's Prayer and
The bride, given In triltrriAlle
by her fnther, wore t floor length
gown, accented -by 'tiers of white
'Wier; tulle over satin. Two Man-
tilly lace panels tell softly In the
front, and in the back et the
skirt, which offset the strapless
bodiee embroidered with lame and
sequins, worn with a short jacket
of Chantilly lace styled with Pet-
er Pan toiler std lily point. eleile-
es. Her ringer tip .veil of Prench
illusion was held in place by a
headdress of det and seed pearls.
She carried A cascade or red yeses
And white stephanotis,
The maid of donor, Miss Pat-
ricia. Hopper, friend of •the bride,
end bridesmaid Miss Helen Tay-
lor, sister of tele bride, wore id-
enticte 'male length _gowns of
Ronaance blue net, .aeoritueted
witit white. lace and topped with
matching net boleros, They ear-
ried -hand ibouquets e pink
Shasta daisies and .carnations.
The attendants' headdresses were
white lace lawn held in place
with white ehrysanthentaine and
pink rose buds.
Miss Deanne Hills, Byron, cous-
in of the groom, as. flower girl
was gowned In a .floor length
dress of pink net over taffeta.
with matching headdress. „She
carried a hand boaquet of blue
Shasta daisies and pink rose-
buds. •
George Hall of ISault iSte, Merle
was groomsman. Ushers were Gus
Kerhoulas, London, and Robert
Russell, Exeter, cotusip of the
The wedding meeeption as
held et the ,Colonial Inn, Exeter,
Where the bride'eeenother receiv-
ed guests wearing a silk dress of
Smoke Blue with navy accessories
and -corsage of pink carnations.
The groom's another assisted
wearing a -n aqua stik dress fig-
ured in -white with black acees-
sories and corsage of yellow
Shasta daisies,
For a wedding trip to North-
ern Ontario, ithe bride wore an
ice .blue linen dress with 'White
aecessories and 'corsage of pink
sweetheart roses. The bride -is a
graduate of LOndoli Teaohers'
Chilege and last year was a ;beadi-
er in Courtland Ave. School, Kit -
Wiener. • "
On their return the bridal
couple will take up residence in
Byron where Mrs, Hills will be
on th,e stale of the Public eohool.
Guests were (present ter •the
wedding from Brussels, Sault
Ste. Marie, .London, Byron, Wood-
stock' and Herman. •
126 Soadera St.
invisible Reweaving
-Cigarette Burns, Cuts and Tears, Moth Holes
Rewoven Like New On M1 Types Of Garments
A. Janke
for Wedding Imitations — Serviettes — Coasters
and Gift Ideas
The Tirimes-Advocate
,illtintommowspHatmintirni 44 0 4 0011011.010/01110111110111,1111 llllll ,M10101000/1011111011)1100 lll I llllll moymisitiniOillufWt:
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Put FASHION in your
FLOORS this fall with new,
modern exciting coverings.
We're ready to help you
choose NEW desi gen. si in
' E V ER TYPE OF floor
covering. Oboose LINOL-
EUM in squares or .by the
yard for almost Any room in
the house. Ohoese BROAD-
LOOM in new Wends, new
patterns, new colors.
We Install and 'Sell .Ael.
T. d nd T. Flooring
Your Decorating Headquarters
Phone 718 Exeter • Phone 133 Zurich
Pot toes°.3.1:A.
AYLMER PORK .& BEANS. 2 for 2,5c
McLAREN BAR -13-Q. RgusH 29c
Robin Brownie Mix 3 5c
R & W datsup 22c
Kool-Aid 5.for 29c
Canada Vinegar
Spirit tOr Older
490 (Pitts 20e Jar.beposit)
California Grapes
19c Per Lb.
Lemons 6 for 23c
Staked Tomatoes
2 lbs to1419a
R W Milk 2 for 2Sc
R & W Ivnut Butter 3Sc
Tomato Juice c).10= 27c
Swiss 'Fearnealed
Cottage Rolls 47c lb.
Veal Rolls ° 39c lb.
StoremSliced Bacon 49c1b.
Sliced Salami eie-ie 69c Ib
Chicken Loaf 55e1b.
Open Tues., Pri, anti Sat. Ngits Your Red et White Supermarket, Exeter South