The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1955-08-11, Page 4THE TIMES -ADVOCATE, EXETER„ ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING,. ,Alt . xMT 11, ION
ecce _
lay )!L. 1., mom.
Mat with Gerry Montgomery
on holidays and Harald Balzer la
hospital where he underwent an
emergency operation for appendi-
citis, Huron County Rep. service
le under strain. But what gets us
is the fact the whole Provincial
,Ag. Rep, system roust have
broken down along with our
Why? Well, when we received
the Weekly Farm Report from
the Provincial Department of
Agriculture imagine our surprise
to find an empty envelope. WO
suspect that the whole Depart-
ment of Agriculture is suffering
front the heat wave, or can't get
back in to harness. Could be—
bot shoulders, not Cold shoulders.
Our conception of the matter is
maybe the whole staff is on holi-
day at Toronto except the •poor
guy who licks the flaps and mails
the letters. All joking aside—it
=roust be d -n monotonous being a
cog in the wheel.
That's one thing about farming
—You never Know what tomor-
row will bring. Most likely it will
be more dry weather. Talking
about the dry weather, and every-
one seems to be, it was just last
year, the most of same people
were complaining and wishing it
would stop raining. Cheer use
folks, the USDA Weather Depart -
Meat forecasts more preeipitatioe.
on approximately August l6 Be-
lieve it or not. they are sc*n e•
times correct, bat es the Q.4 say-
ing goes: "AU Hems fail in •dr;,
weather". One report that WS
noticed, states that the ovttioak
for the month of September is
warm and moist.
Titin could be possible. .All the
old timers say "Look out it could
be another wet Tall after this dry
summer. Nature is a wonderful
thing, while we seem to be lack-
ing moisture at certain periods
some years, the annual precipita-
tion for Western Ontario varies
very little,
»m YOU 3tN OW?
In order 'te maintain a well-
balanced perspective, a man who
has a d6g to worship him should
also have a cat to 'ignore
Farmer's Magazine.
!Dont worry! (it causes ulcers)
Start heavy feed on cattle.
A calf" or pig creep will make
Do these odd jobs you put off:
during the hot weather.
'Crop Improvement bus trip on
August 2e. (Contact Ag, Rep,
orrice or Twp. Director.)
Fruit Growers twilight meeting
on August 18 — Middleton's farm,
428 Richmond Street, London
Telephone 4-2716
Miss Caroline Iliekias oT Dal^
1yiuote spent the past week at the
]totue of Miss Joyce McDonald.
'All. and Airs. Jack Aicltins, 11ir.
and Airs. Harry Carroll and Mr.
and :ora. Mauriee McDonald spent
Sunday at lt'iudsar visiting Mr.
and Mrs. A. Carroll.
Mr. and Mrs. F. Guilfoyle of
Sintroe were weekend meats or
3#r. and Mrs. 'itaybuoud Greenlee.
Ur. Norman tiuilfoyle or SIM, -
Swat a the past weekend at
the house oT Mr. and Airs'. Earl
MMrss. E. a.tliinon, :sirs, D. Ma -
nix, and boys spent the past
iroiook ". Orxnd Bend.
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Abbott
i an ,a tsii ' of Paris visited. recent-
munity. in this 1
v wae•:t relatives
;lira. P. Davis spent the week -
at the home of Mrs. W. J. Davis,
Miss Joyce McDonald was a
weekend guest with Alexia ,Davis.
Mr.and :firs. Heber Davis ac-
companied by Mrs. R. Dickins
and firs. L. Hodgins of Exeter
were guests at a turkey dinner
tot Ippernash Camp on Sunday
as guests of Mr. F. Meek,
No Thanks
- George could hardly believe it,
Fred, a most promising newcom-
er to their outfit, had fallen down
in one particular. He never took
a cocktail at their weekly lunch-
eon. One day George tactfully
brought lap the matter.
'4As :a matter of tact I never
touch it," said Fred.
"Oh, Why?"
George looked him straight in
the eye. "Because I've seen too
much of the harm it does. No, T.
don't take it, and d never intend
to.""Mmm. Stand right up on your
own feet all alone, eh?„
"Yes, if I don't want some-
thing that I know is bad, nobody
can persuade me to take it."
Sequel of this TRUE story?
Within three weeks George had
a .group with thdm,_ at a' "No
'Phanke" table.
Incidenta1l '(?) .George is to-
day Assistant Sale$ Manager of
his, firm, ,
This advertisement sponsored. by
Huron County Temperance
144°I,t,I .74''44! 44o'14„,,.1 lt}el,001,!21,:
6.w,. Vimdos4
Vaito„oa,:! make these boys feel at
home! They've come to Niagara -
on -the -Lake from all parts of the
earth -- over continents and seas,
by air and rail and ship --to
attend North America's first
World jamboree .. , Ten thou-
sand of them, they stem from six,.
ty nations, yet speak a common
language -- the language of Boy
Scouts the world over.
Canada's First .tank is happy to extend
a special hand of welcome to the Scouts
at Canada's first World. Jamboree. For
the Ii of ltf is playing itspart in making
the boys feel at home by providing a
banking service otr the Jamboree
grounds:, , . a service designed especially
to take care of their. awayfrorn•bome
banking needs The pleasure which
Scouts take in being of service to others
is no greater than the pleasure which
theft ale/ takes in being at the service
of the !toy Scouts.
;Xrr5.- _.
50 0 81(1105 0,4NA0IA05
Exeter Branch C. E. S tA'1`!V, Manager
Centralia (Subeagerncy) Open Tuesday and Thursday
Grand Bend (Sub -Agency): Open Mon., `l1Vett & 17ri,
Greditott Branch: itAltivIOND Xit4G, Manager
(Open Tuesday and 'T'hur'sday)
Dafftwood (Sub•Agency) Open Man,, Wed, &
Rensal1: Brandt; IKLrNNl`s' 1 Ckilil5T1Ar., lvlanaget
Luton Branch: WESLEY r'AIMINSONT, Manager
Wcter!oc Bree din9; Ass
Lises Al! Ficizen $emen.,
The Waterloo Cattle Breeding
Association artificial insentination
unit at Waterloo has become the
first in the 'world to use 100 per
cent frozen &eaneaa,.
The anuouncereent made by.
Manager Roy G. Snyder .at the
unit's bull night Tuesday night
amazed many of the 1,300 attend-
ing, because although the unit
went 100 per teat frozen ,last
December, this was the first offi-
cial announcement of the change.
He said a total or 36,000 eo'v '
had been bred with the frozen
semen. The conception rate was
a little higher than than from
liquid semea drawn daily and
Possibly a little better than by
t 1 breeding.
"We have bred enough cows
now to know the frozen semen
to be statistically significant", he
said. "it proves beyouda-doubt
that .frozen semen is satisfactory.'"
The semen may be stored in
day ice at 112 degrees below sera
for many 'months. This means
that a farmer can breed .to the
bull of his choice at the unit
even one whiob isdead, said
ilii. Snyder, It would be possible
for farmer to breed his entire
herd to ane bull. However, he
does not recommend this: He
recommends two or three differ-
est bulls.
Selective Mating
Another advantage is that "el -
most any bull, owned by anyone
anywhere, can be made available
for, selective mating," he said,
It also means . that a farmer can
arrange in advance to use any
bull in a unit.
Mr. 'Snyder does not think
there is a great deal more cost in
using the frozen semen than the
liquid semen. The extra cost In-
volved in freezing the semen is
offset by the fact that there is not
the wastage of semen and stricter
quality controls can be maintain
ed. Shipments do not have to be
made every day.. to the seven
branch offices which"are equip-
ped to handle frozen seinen.
The results of the new process
could be a super race of .cattle,
said the upit manager.
"If a super race does not de -1
velop groin these 'modern meth-
ods, it is only because the minds
of men cannot produce the ideas
for the right matings;" he said.
He qualified the statement with
"I do not expect a super race at
Cattle immediately but I do e4-
pest them to be better than ave-
• Waterloo has pioneered in the
artificial insemination of cattle
In Canada. The process was /be-
gun in North America in the late
'30s with the idea that by using
better bulls all breeds would be
improved, and at a price everyone
could afford,
Originated In 'Waterloo.
The 'first artificial breeding in
Canada originated in Waterloo
county in 1941. •
"One of the things we are
proud of is that Dr. C. R. Reeds
worked in tbe first artificial
breeding 'busitless eight here at
Waterloo," said Mr. Synder. Ile
left to manage the Maple. Unit in
Dr. R. J. Macdonald also work-
ed,in the first unit here -at Water-
looand left to manage the Unlit
at Woodstock in 1949. These
anent worked ith Dr. J. E. John-
son, Waterloo Veterinariau, who
was in charge of the work at that
A few years ago, Dr. J. A, Hen.
Orson of the Ontario Veterinary
College, Guelph, visited. Englancl.
and learned the frozen semen
process, He and Dr, J. 'w. Mac-
pherson did roost of the Prelimin-
ary experimental work in Cana-
• The Waterloo unit co-operated
by supplying semen to be froze
and members' cows on which to
use the seinen.
History ,was made two - years
n thefirst ,ea f
ago when f s 1 in Cana-
da resulting :from the use of
frozen semen was sired by a unit
Jersey !hall, Jester's Dreamer.
More and more •Cows were bred
with frozen semen last summer
until the Waterloo unit directors
were satisfied that the method
was practical and successful, Last
December 1, they gave the ap-
proval to •change over to the pro-
eess entirely.
your Dollars. Will go Farther
when you shop the WANT AD
way i
Sunday and
Evening Service
Open this Sunday, Wddnes-
day afternoon, and during
the evenings throughout the
Larry Snider -
Mr. and Ars. Murray I-I0dgson
and. baby Helen :of IClandeboye
visited 'bbe Mansell Hodgins oil
Mies Maude Idodgins is en a
week's vacation in Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Rose 19ove ref
•Shipka lett en Monday morning
for a abort visit to Jauetville end
Mrs, John iv1 Giro's. is visiting
in. Hamilton and Buffalo,.
5l1191111rtWMPIltl11t111f191t111111!fit!tfnla41tttaltiMilA IIIVt111t1I1tltlt1t11.ft116{M!USUItlAt!,9MIffiAgowo.mpepammosi l
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as you pay for it on the EMD budget plan!
KITCHEN—running water cuts
kitchen chore/—laundry. on¢
cliches ore done Inho*f *silent.
1111111,111001A ---all the canon.
lace of a city hon. to protect
Ventto your ccfateniifort. health sad .id
TARNS -So leech .aster to
waiorth. dock... anti nomad)
Saha prof cflon egoist/it fro,
Econ(►. Brow. Mfg. Co. Limited
mu by.
Why lug water hand :a4 'give!? Install
Y g by Y
Duro Pumping System now and enjoy mining
water as you pay for it. Save time, save labouy,
cut operating costs,
for pump; fixtures and installation,. ten'
The $MCO Budget Plan will cover your coil
piece water system --pump, tafak; pipe, kitchen
and bathroom fixtures, taps in an bnilidinga
and the cost, of installation. You can have the
whole job done NOW--aad pay for it over the
next year and a half. Ask for an estimate of tits
cost of labour andmaterial: worked Mit oa the
$MCO Budget Plan,
Visit Or Phone Us Without Delay
Lindenfields Ltd.
Exeter, Ontario
"n.bivd 'hethc�Motoogether
%41t A
take a look..: take a drive...
check the price...
Y1I deal
Even a glance tells you that Dodge
is no ordinary automobile.
With Motion -Design for The For-
ward. Look) Dodge: is years ahead in
styling. With the longest car in the,
lowest priced field, Dodge is way
ahead in roominess. With a wide'
range of rainbow hues inside and
out; Dodge takes top honours in the
colour parade, too.
Just a few minutes on the road will
show you that Dodge is also the
standout car for performance.
Whether you choose a thrifty Power -
Flow 6 or dynamic Ry -Fire V-8, you
enjoy instantly responsive power,,
long life, mileage-boosting,econoiny.
A brief talk with your Dodge-
DeSoto dealer,. will convince you:
never beforecould you get so ranch
oar for so little money,. Your Dodge-
DeSoto dealer is raady to deal. He's
offering top -dollar trade-in allow,
ances that will save you real money!
So cone in today, or hone for a
demonstration drive. Take advan-
tage of this opportunity nota, at
your Dodge -De Soto dealer's.
Don't buy just any rust?d car + ; get u
of your Dodge -De Soto dealers
You can be sure when yott deal for a used oar here,
Sure of 'honest value for your nsoney. Your Dodge -
DeSoto dealer has a big selection of one•owtter, late-
f.,. . model ears of almost every snake. Every one ready, to
ki; go. Every One prioed low for quick disposal,
Exeter a ?bone 20