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HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1955-08-04, Page 134 1 t v THE TI1VI'ES-ADVQCATE, 'DETER,. •ONTARIO,, THURSDAY MORNING, AMU U T 4p • GRAND REND BIBLE SCHOOL—Prize winners in the senior class Bible memorization at Grand Bend ChurchOf God 'Vacation Bible School held. in July are shown here with their teachers. Front row, left to.right, Marilyn Desjardine, Alma Hendrick, Pauline Desjardine,. Marcia Desjardine, Carole Chapinan, Marjorie Hendrick, Dayle Bender, Grace Desjardine, Jane Manore, Fred' Desjardine; back *lbw 'left to right, Mrs. Katie Vincent, Mrs, Kenneth MacGregor, Mrs.\MVIelvin Desjardine, Mrs. Wattarn, Rev.. E,'Wattarn, Ira Vincent, 11Irs, Orval Farrel, Mrs, Norecen. Mollard, •Mrs. Pearl Bender, Mrs. Doris MacGregor. DashwocdW.I'. N.embers Tour'•Museum At Goc:•Ierich Dashwood W.I., with the. his- torical research committee, con- vened by Mrs. Ken McCrae, in charge, chartered, a bus for their July. meeting and visited the ,mu- seum' at Goderich on Tuesday, July 26.' They were accompanied by their children. All were amazed at the articles nn display and felt they were of reat interest g and value to see. Following this they toured Goderich with Mr, E. It, Guen- ther, the, driver, pointing out places on interest: Arriving at Harbour Park they enjoyed sports. Winners were: girls 6. to 9, Bonnie Heather Me - orae; boys, Eric Wolfe; older girls, Anne Koehler; tearing newspaper, Lynda Tieman. Ali the little folk received a gift. Re- lays were enjoyed. During the supper hour, Mrs. Art Aliemand received the prize for a lucky 'plate and Mr. Guen= ther for the oldest person pre- sent. It was :decided to cancel the August meeting. ' Mrs. Henry Miller Mrs. Henry Miller, the former Susan Querin, passed away at her •late residence in Mt. Carmel on Thursday, July 21,.in her seventy- fourth year. Besides her husband, she is survived 'by one daughter, Eliza- beth; one sister, Mrs. Mary Ma- honey, ot Drumheller, .Alta., and one brother, Jacob Querin,' of Clinton. -« • The body rested at the T. Harry Hoffman funeral home until Saturday, July 23 at 9.30 a.,m. Mass . was sung at 1,0 a.m, at the Church of Our Lady, Mt. Carmel, 'by Rev. Father Scalesi. Interment was made in Mt. •Car- mel cemetery. Fire Quelled ' A fire 'which smouldered at the dump, Whipped by Saturday':( winds, 'burst out of control and jumped into a stubble field. The dry straw burned readily and some • Citizens feared for their homes, but thanks to Dashwood Fire Brigade and equipment available, , the fire was quickly brought under control. A second flare-up on Monday made the brigade decide to put it out entirely, Personal Items Mr. and Mrs. Robert Knight and 'Robert, of London; 1Vllss Mae Patterson, of Newmarket, and Mrs, Ada Patterson, of Grand Bend, who were camping at Turn - bull's ,beach, called at the home of Ervin Rader Thursday after- noon. Norma and Jimmy Wiegand spent. last week with 'their cou- sins, Jane and Billie Russell, at Exeter. • Mr.: Siegried Miller, Waterloo., spent the weekend with his par- ents, Mr. and " 'Mrs. Rudolph Miller. Mr, .Roberti Wein, of Sudbury, spent the weekend with his •mo- ther, Mrs. Herb Wein. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Weiberg and Howard Wei/berg, Waterloo, spent the weekend ,with Mr. Fred Weiberg.- They also visited with, Mrs. Weiberg who was a patient at St. Joseph's 'Hospital, London, The Walther League of Zion Lutheran Church entertained the Stratford .: League at a weiner roastSaturday evening at the lake. Mr. and' Mrs.Norman 'Miller, formerly of London, spent four weeks with relatives and friends before leaving for the west with their house trailer. They plan on living in Edmonton. Mr. and • 'Mrs. Ferd Miller and Edith visited Sunday with Mr. and ,Mrs. William 'Sweitzer, of. Grand Bend:, Mr. Ernest Hutchinson, Blair, is spending a (Reek with his two sisters, Mrs. Lou- Eagleson and Mr. and Mrs. William Mason. • •Mr. and Mrs. Bill Veach and family, of Parkhill, and Mr. and Mrs, Lawrence Haughton, Clin- ton, visited with Mrs. Lou Eagle- son and Mr. and Mrs. William Mason on Sunday. Mr. anfi Mrs. Sid. Baker, Mrs. Letta Taylor and Anne and MrS. Martha Baker spent Sunday at Rondeau Park. They called on Mrs. - George Weigand 'who is at the home of her daughter, Mrs. G. Houser, ' at West Lorne. Mrs. •Matilda Petfer spent last 'OK,wE HAVE IT ALL FIGURED OUT FOR YQIU "Here's the^smart wayto snake money. Sinnpl in' est in 5'f f6 Guaranteed Trust Certificates. Here's what you -get: ^ • 31/2,% yearly interest, payable half -yearly • Authorized Investment for frust funds.. • Short term -5 years For example,4420,36 of your money ,accumulates to $500.00 in fust five' yedrs.;Vrite for the descriptive foIdsr fight away. THE STERLING CORPOR HEAD °FF1CIt, 372 Bay St., Toronto TRUSTS ,ATI O N eitANCtt ()keel 14 Dunlop 5,, BaiNe week in London with her sister and husband, 'Mr. and Mrs. David Baird, She alsoattended the Mer- ner reunion at Springbauk Park on Saturday, a'uly 16. Mrs. Thomas MacKay, Sharon and Heather, of Philadelphia,* spent a couple of days with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hoffman" this week.. Dr, A C. ,Whittier, of Peter- borough, spent the weekend with Mrs. Herb Wein, His wife and Susan, who are spending the sura- merhere, returned with him for a week,• Mr. and Mrs: Fred Messner spent Sunday with their family in London. Mr. Melvin Restemayer, Mr; and . Mrs. Harold Kraft, accom- panted by Dr, •and Mrs. Fred Mor - lock, of Ottawa, spent a ffew days last week at Nare's Inlet. Misses Diane and Judy Kraft visited with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Kraft. Lynda Kraft visited with -her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs, Elgin Rader, and Peter spent a few days at Grand. Bend 'with -his unele and aunt, Mr -p, and Mrs. Wallace Becker. ,• Mr. -and Mrs. Wendell amble and, boys, of London, sp nt the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Rader. Thiey all- visited Sunday with Mr: and Mrs. Elmer Rader and family. :Misses . June and. Ruthann' Rader spent a fey% days with their uncle and aunt, Mr. and. airs. Wellwood Gi11, of Grand Bend,. Mr. -and • Mrs. Edgar Beste- mayer and Edward spent the weekend at Elmira.• Mrs. Renata Wahl, of Elmira, is holidaying with,. her two `nieces and families, Mr. and Mrs. Ed -gar Restemayer and Mr. and Mrs. Al- bert Miller. Mr, and Mrs. Albert Miller and family and Miss Gertrude Bieserfi" than spent the holiday weekend in Muskoka. Mrs. Gordon Franklin -and Jim- my with Mr. ,cud Mrs. Oscar Mil- ler and far lly; ' Mr. and Mrs. Ward Krafft and family and Mrs. Douglas Keyes, of London, With Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Koehler and family. Miss Alma Rem, Of Zion, is'. visiting with her cousin, Marie, Salmon, while Ruth Salmon is a visitor with other cousins at Zion Mr. ,and Mrs. Ken Hagar and. Niles and Mrs. William Hender- son, 'of Dundas, spent Sunday With Mr. and Mrs. Ed Nadiger and Helen, • Mrs. Ida Caldwell, of Exeter, spent Saturday with her brother and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Dan' Weber. •Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Rader and family spent Sunday at `Chatham' and Erie Beach, with4Ir, and Mrs, Frank Want and family,' Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Pepper, of Stratford, :and . Mr, ,and Mrs, Glen Brown, of London, were Saturday Visitors with Mr, and Mrs. William Wein,. Miss Edith Miller is spending this Week with her' friend, Betty Winegarden, near Parkhill. :Mr. and Mrs. Emil Becker and family have returned from a trip to Calgary, Banff and' 'Vic- toria. At Roblin, Man., they Visit- ed with Mr and Mrs. Alvin Bec- ker and family and at Prince Al- bert, Sask., with Mrs. (Enema Rarich, Albert, Wilfred and Mr. and Mrs. Lorraine Hanson and family, - • Mrs. Mary Becker has returned home after spending several weeks with her daughter and family, 'Mir. and Mrs. Clarence Kimpel, at Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Petfer and son, of Chatham, Were weekend guests with Mrs. Matilda Peiter, misses Lois and Betty Gaiser spent the weekend with MrS. Cora Geiser. ' Mr. and Mrs. John Pattison and daughter, of Wingham, spent the Weekend with the latter"s father,, Mr, Simon Willert, and. ether relatives, • With Mr. and Mrs.. Henry Bee - Iter were Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Petzniek, Dorothy and Vernon, Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Brandt, Fred 'Ten Breit and Roy Eckstein, of Kitchener; Petty Bender, tiredit ea, and Mr. and 'Mrs. Lorne Bec- ker and family. Mr. and Mrs, Sproule C'nrrie and fatally, of O;ak•ville, with Mr, and Mrs. Ken. McCrae; Mr, -and Mrs, CGeorge Wolfe and Mr, and Mrs, Murray Wolfe and faintly, Over 800 scripture verses were memorized by 120, Children -of :all denominations who attended the two -Week daily vacation Bible School at Grand 'Bend Ohnrch ofq 004 'in July. Oar the final day, 10 children were able to recite every verse taught at the school, whish amounted to more thou 60. Mrs. Pearl Bender, of Trondon, was the director. Theme of the s04po1 was "And a highway shall be there and a way and it .shall' be called The WaY pf'• Holiness, the unclean shall not pass over Emphasis Wee placed 2ipon Bible stories," scripture memoriza- tion and ;gospel songs, Flannel- graphs were used. ' Leaders included the. pustbr, Rev. E. Wattam, and the Sunday School staff; Mrs. Norman Turn- bull, senior superintendent; Mrs. Wattam.r- junior superintendent; Mrs, Melvin Desjardine, Ira Vin- cent, Mrs, Katie Vincent, Mrs. Orval Farrel, Mrs. Kenneth Mac- Gregor, Mrs. Earl Vincent, Mrs: Ray Mallard, Mrs, Ford Mac- Gregor, Mrs. Doris MacGregor and Mrs. Chester Desjardine, - The children who •received prizes for scripture memorization were. Marilyn Desjardine, Alma Hendrick, Pauline Desjardine, ,Marcia Desjardine, Carole Chap Man, Marjorie Hendrick, Dayle Bender, Grace Desjardine, 'Jane Manore and Fred Desjardine, - On the final day, the children enjoyed a •candy treat in the morning anda program was pre- sented in_the evening.A capacity crowd enjoyed a review of .the children's choruses, scriptures, sword drill and flannel -graph Bible story. Hear *Guest Speaker Rev. Peter Varanof, Cleveland, Ohio, spoke on Communism -at the evening service of the United Church in Oak Park k Sunday eve - ning, Those •who. heard this ad- dress 'were surprised by the facts he. painted out. and really felt. concerned by what is going on in the world today, Mr. Gdrdpn•' Ulens and +Mrs, H. Adair, of Lon don, rendered two duets, During the • morning service the Wgod ham quartette sang.. Donate $21.68 To Lions Last week the Grand Bend %Lions` Club. was given a cheerful donation of $21.68 'for their charity work. This; moneyt.was, earned by baking by some young girls of Oakwood( Park. The donors were: Kathy Jack- son, London; Jacqueline. Richards, Mt. Clements, Mich.; Susan, Jen- nie and Barbara Nunn, Highland Park, Mich.;, Susan Brockenshire, South Windsor; Martha Blonde, Riverside; Susan and Kathryn Dunsford, St. Marys, ' Ont., and Carol Kiely, . Erie, Pa. . Personal Items Mrs. Clarence Farwell and son George,. of Zurich, spent last week visiting -with Mrs. Farwell's niece, Miss Margaret Stephan, and Miss' -'Inez Desjardine. "On Friday,August 5, from 3 to 5,, the ladies of the Women's Institute will hold a home baking and farm produce sale on the town hall grounds. All proceeds will be donated 'to the South Hu- ron Hospital at Exeter. Rev, ".and Mrs. W. C. Smith are taking a vacation this month in Toronto. • The family of .:Mrs, Mary Gill gathered; at the home of her son, Mr. Colin Love, for a family din- ner on 'Sunday to honor Mrs. Gill on her birthday. Mr. Kenneth Flear, who is at- tending • the. Teaehers' Training Course in Toronto, spent the holi- day with his parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. Roy near. ' Little Misses Marilyn a n d Elizabeth' Kennedy, who have been visiting their aunt, Mrs. Barbour, in Mimico, returned .home last week. Mr. and • Mrs. Clayton Mc- Laughlin, of Windsor, visited with -Mr. and Mrs. W. J: Beer last week. Mr. and Mrs. William Frank, of Waterloo, spent the holiday weekend with Mrs. Frank's mo- ther at her -cottage here. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Desjar- dine and Mrs. Norman Turnbull attended an undenoniinational camp ineeting at Pontiac, Mich., last week. ,Mrs, S. M. Barbour, of Mimico, visited with her sisters, Mrs: C. Kennedy ,and Mrs. R. Flear, last week. Rev. and Mrs. E. Wattam at- tended a Youth Camp at Stayner last week. Accompanying Mr. and Mrs. Wattam were .Miss Donna Turnbull, Miss Carol McGregor and Masters Stanley and Fred Desjardine of the Young Peoples of the Church of God.' a Mrs. William. Sturdevant, Sr., and Miss Donna, of Parkhill, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William Sturdevent. Mr. and Mrs, Norman Mathers, Norman and Carol Anne, of Park- hill, visited with Mr. and Mrs, E. Keown on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs, Douglas Coulson, With •Mr. and Mrs. t*Villiam Mason. were Mr, and Mrs. John Mason and Mr. and Mrs. K. Lin- ton and friend, of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hutchinson, of London, visited with Mrs, Lau Eagleson and Mrs. William Ma- son last Week. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bruce, of Windsor, are holidaying with the latter's mother, .Mrs, Bertha Hay - tee, :Mr. and Mrs, Alf Miller, of Detfoit, spent last Wednesday 'with Mrs, Bertha Hayter. Miss Mary Anile Hayter vaca- tioned with, her uncle and hunt, Mr ,and Mrs, John Snyder, at Brantford last week, Mr, and Mrs. Mervyn Tiernan and Lynda and Anne Koehler at Tobermoriy and Oriltia; Mre. Nei - da • P,outiedge, of London% with her parents, Mr. And hit's, -Philip of Toronto, with Mrs• Wes Wolfe. t 1',assold, 1'wsnny and Petty, of London, spent the holiday weekend with Mr. and Ml's. Wiliiatn Rendle. Mr, and Mrs. Fred Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Gunning, of London, spent the holiday week- end with Misses Inez Desjardine and Margaret Stephan, Mrs. D. C. Tompkins .returned. to titer home in Moncton, N,B., after spending two weeks with. her daughter and son-in-law, F10 and Mrs, A. G. Heal. Mrs. Betty Hamilton, Windsor, is spending two weeks' vacation with Mrs. Sarah Hamilton, Miss. Santaon, „granddaughter of Prime Minister St. Iiaurent, has returned to her twine after vaca- tioning in Dr. Hall's- cottage. Miss. Beulah Holt, of Windsor, spent the weekend -with her mo- ther and grandmother, Mrs. Mae Holt and Mrs. L. Geromette. Mrs. Albert 1Vloreuz returned home on Friday atter npen41ng a week with her •daughter and, son- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Chap- man, in London. Misses Carol and Sandra Boas- enberry are spending a holiday visiting with their grandmother, Mrs. Myrtie Bossenberry, at Polnt Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Ted: Brpoke and daughter Nancy, of Toronto, are spending their vacation with Mrs., Brooks' parents, JiIr. and M.S. William Rendle. Weekend guests -with Mr. and Mrs. E, Keown were Mr, and Mrs. James Mc inlay; of London, and Mr. and Mrs, William Burne and Margaret, of 'Toronto. Mrs. I. Hoasenberry, Pani and; Pamela are spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. .l?', Heiman. at Parry ,Sound, Bobbie has been with Mrs. Haaman slate his holi- days began. The annual Sunday School 1ppe- nic of the Anglican .SundaY oboe was held at the Oasino Thuraday of last weep. .A,bout 60 were lit attendance and a good time 'wars enjoyed by all. .: J J .2'.�•.f. J ,! j ' .i i,✓,�N.N,�,•,+,'%nllJit.+� .yJ,{•: yJ 4. �YI K^•,w•• JVY s+ ave you driven a F�rd...lateiy? Ake /0aninutes at the wheel... lose "oar heart to Put yourself in this picture for 10 minutes and enjoy a` totally new driving experience, surrounded by the luxury of Ford's fashion -first interiors. You'll know that you're driving a great V-8 engine -an overhead-valve V-8 (162 -Hp. or 182 -Hp.). with Trigger -Torque power—because it responds like magic to every command, .And, be the road rough or smooth—you'll feel a new kind of riding smoothness, a new. kind of steadiness and steering control. That's Ford's famous Angle -Poised ride, with ball joint front suspension. Yes, 10 minutes behind the wheel—and you'll know why Canadians coast to coast agree ... there's no value like Ford V-8 value! .. •. 4,pytiwK•% • with an advanced overhead-valve V-8 engine in every model at no extra cost - PANLANE TOWN SEDAN vnc-....- monnncu t s>;; THIS IS YOUR •INVITATION ...VISIT YOUR FORD -MONARCH DEALER AND TAKE A DRIVE •'Standard" oa ao^',no mtod4t�a, oy to tial tai ha.' t aTstsi n j Larry Snider Motors 3 Phone 624 Ford and Monarch Sales and Service Exeter, Ont. ,r3 COUNT ON THESE SIGNS. rnoneec4 FOR "THE BEST VALUES IN USED CARS AND TRUCKS We Need food Used Cars Highest Allowance Paid On A New Ford Or Monarch Larry Snider Means Fine Trades Specials These Will Be Reduced at $10 a Day Until, Sold Thursday's Price '52 Olds- Sedan ifydrarnatic. Good tires $1,205 '49 Plymouth Sedan A-1 Values '53 Ford Sedan. Automatic, radlo ,. $1;600 805 005 405 305 130 '50 Monarch. 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