HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1865-7-20, Page 2•
e set -oral provinces of Braoh Nutt:: ;Lint, a, i Lade. .1.4tts. •• t I .10 -DOI • that ?dr Joy teresented tits sentanents of poesserweis esti,' attractions the way 71, the Provisional Distant!, et (Its Pelyir u*Aid,--olot well beil utile to throw at evItilue mid ceitital Uhuttilallee), the triumph
•••••••••• 1••••=11,.
Melodies British Coluouhta, Seloirk sert.1 that doh. notroutiere hod tho countotouter of 14'1""i' 1."1 o'r 6alli"v" Ile "'lad'''. of healthful recreation,.ana it iii moat de-
lennt dad salt Coonesny, truderren. 01 ou mid water ego% .0 throe such tviols ad Of Gunantsquo euseetlittig to be pi oud of,
tonneau and t'ancoever'e 1.1and, bored ua the colt', ot-A' Loath, kr The mita delegate iniced the delegate from Saginaw GUSTI.DWCN,- In occo0.1.ince with eit redo. were foinoely conetrectel. The loroerd wells The tact give. rootage 10 hope dirt iu the
to ell panto, emu Avloch aloo include regard to the people ot Englond, too ino • 'Mooted, Olitler euggeot a proemiition as our litealtS Will admit its maltiog it a ytt,tutr board, hooded to ow by atm:go ,
here at' metro, pumpilig .; oty barrole• dey tuanufactuie of irther thiogs the Americium
taker forty eio tit la to ereOlue me water /1"PS, ite suliwoothily dolOoted to thole month:Id
principles eine,' sholl . be juin equitabM soeoLer etintriutd th. .toott shoo a ith di • favor to Oield holt di* door tor • few suable that we should assiiit nature me fru
GODEliICH, JULY CO, 18F5. the bee no. tototion of the St....Lou'rencs mid glowing tribute to Me tgot•on. Weo um). which 'Moto save further discuseion. The
. delightful place of reeort. „ere, requesting nie to exotuitiu
awl report moo, tho prostoecht df attaitling well is 111. work Me MI as reached tuttch IlltAllith-• llieelstsou
wbeu putupiug uloue, but aben au aJjoitling by the *wield' roe, Getoltdia,111
'1 be Detroit conventis u lend Illi with :web itwohneraents of the rtetri ale1 at the imam how. I trvot uti shoill regard tinajlir was made to yield by the chair rialto; '11111 11`*%'111,1:1'11. oil to the lit :41ibur1i40.1 ti0thiticht and the aod more of it it, got. 'fhe chit.f come ado.
the other rtvcap of Ili -lush North Amines, , oetuttu:loo the *moot& we lune *dieted. bat N.teniaw gelit'emon reluaed to v wit out
Ileutalts. • the eillaroement of the renal* as shall reto them ai the eholltioLon. ot too,o,alopa ,on the toirt h‘pla could nut b. heord to,00 omit , 1, Iwo Locitto 0%, to „t„to back, prilit..45 01;11,46
ca(r!,(1)Vit'eTAllier 'le' •11.111.1141....t"'1 Seolarr-
The Great Conventititt has adjourned, the West to cortioutlicatime • all ilie- t•tvaU. the t1oretnitient. ;".•1:11,,'7.•Ill•:!:.1';',,..12'.!',‘1... The day of O Glorieus, pious and Mel that. I hove mole a v..ry careful ex initiation • the "ell' "1"ti 1'u.;
admit pomp' Ma *efficient 014.0 to diluw tttry of State for tho'Colunitts, not ix
,ter them a 1, •Itiate tor the re•141:eillenti 4011.er thew •Ip.it th.• :soot.* I
' The quo•tion being upoit the adoptoto til . . • • 11 o the corner. el very Litany to expiate tho p•.si.t.s,a of IllOrtal Wii•inOry."' Was te,•lebrateil •'• -1 alto] roe!: formation on dm River Mainland, ;
mow aud role action of the howl
man ur a 1ilioieter to be ettlied, in them
uneettled days. 1 I lie litui nucceeded in
tone of the o Mice e: totted lotr Mr. SeywoUr l'ettnivivattip rot the reciprocity queitton, Oraligeliten U1 1.1 1 sea(iou a ay 1... from nit mouth to doe lolls of the rir r 00 Order to exhautt the wutor the tuachinery has
ntaeh _enteric:1u te ow-tiu ot wen moot oleo tooter qualified to speak Philodelphis, owl ho believtd oilier dele• t both tidies. a distanee, followine the ri eri 10 he driVen beyond its vilest:Ay. '1h
toeh te t treime.e.ie thut the memo:tors uo uot wog • . , „ „ „
t. otootivm ot the 'fielieries. -bot .ht• ittfored me a commoutisu whielt would *misty
about twenty lodged were preseut , making things' pleasant with the four
e that „ morel ee the Reciprocity fettering eel...Mute ter the secutol tem .0 tie tishei _vi. 10 un erlitoo • d ite.0 yin'. the sumo platt.,,um, the ull parts the couuty eitell :Jemmy:m.1ml nifra'n '"din i° wil".
• • knottily as the corniferuus formatiou which \ , •
enjoy the si•elit of 'a ilork etreain of oil front 1w -utter* &a ""eeten neuleis wine
and it ie announced that the reesuite are th6 0.0••_0,.ut••0,•, 01 wu car•000,, u0•0•00..
eminently satiefectory to .thoso of our it,,,to.y.
McChesney, of Chicago, offered the ti,
✓ its emitter, tiro drutu, 1 hel. aceorshog to wm. hteit.ie'ltoUr6oittlti:)ir IMse:ngtilluedrs' •
, they sr -Led e oi answert,go poitSeratni toldiiiim 'to tlw weoiutiou of the n iu 11,4!; toztriyore.11skItistatour: pit,,bnet.tit:Yben.ttaulk:itd.d) wietta.chsi lotto. ahri.:wrewtiitirintiituilereferti,n:
Treaty would be a etreat beou, iu the egespeeed,.... riot in !ha' atid oug•ttled con , emit New WM, UAW f AU their onto " titelitionoit &above:*
e▪ ttiterin of to le was ver la er a d thou. tie ig owes way whirl' venom be replaced on of ISintinial Cobincts, too from NOW
ulutton: ,
iutsrots of commerce end peaoe. It either of *omit of the hunts rehomtly in iehel ; (timid* r 1 Le I. toi.littuie of Maine had Mr Joie of lactroit, on beltalf of the titai•M• g P 1 - rts n- • province ao urea of from to Peten
Couvernin, lit, nailed tol the- tromatuie vete 11, great vorieitt et took sweepoor atteeelnieut, and after tolidultaiten 11, °tie p. ni., Lhe procassiou tortured
. • ' • • t b • y b otto the mt, and which lout to he rot toed fro•ii
ititsalua august pre:. nee to discuss
k d ' f '
' tieitouoced rood.- tic'y n min e III 1 1 of the Reciprocity Cottualittee, onocemed the day petered off eery pleanantly. .4001it sa d '
u soused 11110.4, ild r.a.i art. 0 ail .tr di , manic .sti no roue! ova bombs, •
decision arrived at is not a Mutiny, for it leo Our 144000 uf taxot..itt. kitd octt ,n toodia; t conot loot omit, one ittoreddy, l'ottlisiol, mititudy of the committee agreed to o lidraw . marked by a hue from a puiot upon loi.e
.Irii.$)uuda'arronge the future ? And these Meter
li1U,1 be borne in mind, howeve.r, that the' 1""". ""4 IdaW, ei 114 1.1'au"'" ' :• " 1 Y•
rotates to be wee wbeteer the United ! to a removal ef • weiorooity an I I 1, wo 1 y to tloi. lovoty, and that Wow iroto Mr 1. :motto), s euhatititte. I ho voio oos theti and utitrelied te a pie:Leila grove in the lEriV opposite to Itulfelo, thence followill;
as •tipropitate'y he loft to dm respectiv? Gov otottoomiot the Grarol 'trunk. 1M:it takea 01. 4e401Liteg DS amend, [NOP, vicinity or ehe villege, where IV, VV. the shunt of Lake 'Eno to the eastern hoot not hu of no, coutinuance, all the stew wells
States Congreim 'sill be actuated by eivat• ae it eeu'd he oegotetted. • eller.. ani M 1;54e11,11.1 15 awl; one getiou atter Omegatron retooled ito soO 4 in •
liber,i a Spirit Sal 'Were ti • • • 01 • - •I •
tour politlenion-• thee Noe iteutiswiek
e • ih. t . • 1 of RA1.1111130.1, dienee sweeling nottllerly to hiving Hut. Ment capiteity.-ilie tototorietore Pre01 ler and A ttontoy General, and tlse
to o...io too, ii o o A ,,•0.1-11“.11 1./ 1.1 1 CO ' "1.11 1 1.114 1.111 4/111 I 4 it ';.1, 11411104 itrtereit ut .,lie Stott -It woo lit fevor of the tesolutioti, awl the e're,olootat au
' '' ' I .uo ewi Iltrille14,6.11.1 ti1.11:41, eillvi,41111,,,,',eee(d.;ithireys.irthu.:: vNitetgar co:.,,,lcirad oatirtylet-r-nit% Gaicetieu•railikyl aimidit 1;aroast
Connor, Eott.....li'aVing ta an 1. c tell-, a • .• • , .
LAST jUat returned to thvir hoines. It ii Libmier, sii1.11.1.1 1de •Iil. a \ni.,t,,,ht.,,so.vi t..t ,. oots or ot the 11...ity 1 4 N. cit. .. yeo. - uoiorced amolot, thaudet 1
d , Lou -liter.) It 0444 Pot v., Our Caumlion vote *mod 1O5 inros, with none aoinst. '
of:applause toilet th: titlitiber or epeeches were dilivered by
• ' • theuce alre,,at ia a direct limo to thu mouth of e te
the east Cie alto. 4,......i.i. of Multi ,,:a.
htt‘t‘itt.strez.e)t,t, alittchotuirk, hirainticicia iaul ui.wi we„,k ,,,, ti,„it. ,,.,.„,,d,
way Mesers. Brown and Galt, WhO reached;
• •
crossing. on tHeir
pleasitee in the we:ultimo,' to note Met ewe; .1.e.•••••,:::.',',1 6 ed....1 i::01 il..i.,!.:plyCaselietIrie. j 2.14; is si oul A Jeeei re theMse,ted it 11..1 ! Vdter of ths•nos were theo hurried. Dais. - It''''' }1. L. -1.".14"W and 1* 1"1.1").' El" the river Sauoe. 1, and ectending weswrly a6o;:,4,-,',.
the indications are rio levorable Our I
_tout the Per:A.411,P a hi, h I %doom' er..ittili tliou:.ittlie people at W141114111410/1 Would iiiek.e. ed, and +name gentietnen who bool to,Yur,',„,,, of Caoiericlt, Roy. Mr. Carinieltael of t to the shores v.! 1.41..,1 Erii; tool Huron. 'flue yield Mroe riuMititiv as it is IL asce;ttiord
this port mi Tuesday last, and ltlesate:•
American consius attach inn& importance ow, of t2i., otter fol y ad' ioreeentin4 to tOoC; a le,...iaroeity Toeety betook: thry equeez el some -ma and ead not got them tired off, ito Clinton, k.t. The brethren deluirted forlgaoup is getterally
...titit_er ,Ittod he did eut er teed permessioa from the Convention to itclitioveletlged to be tho feet, froM theresults f boring, that thou ,toi.l.
a-et:Weir 10.114 thid platr• Macdonald and Cartier who were follow-
ing by ;mother eteunicr. Exeunt, that is,
to the duct:Moo of large Con eentioile. Of C., a.'"ernti.'"-tee,viene whleh 11,,,,Im'i feel lt loY , lOolr own tar,tt., k h
otity to 41V..). Out coining itt, flor way laPre ! ; :se wae the aoleol.pronVen hy tite CatiaiLloo hand in their speeclier t•• Le pouted with tile
, barna ere the Amami of evenine had closed 10 oil.prmlueine group front whenzo the lorgo eereteetd* the rock for auy miles in a I.
lote yeare hearty every ••••rreat measure situ ree 1'.01;4•1:kiet nom me ot tha Mail , :ol.nistroi haul in Engistro to keep up a. lute proceedinos. the puldieatiou sit' which, by th..
. a: Oolitic:0.1,ms on the frontier. Una 10 place colon:tom ot newspaper reporta aud the weal- Welt Law hoar,' during the day.
in, well pleased with all that they had aopply of oil is famished for the oil we.16 0•'
Etallokilleo, Itoth•ellt stc• I *3' "e1 *w*re Cottelude that behnel long ettroteillit lillill. Entrant, fur as etaunch °lemmata of it 1.
From the above facts w may tealonably four ethencli agitatore foe Coatederation e
utfocting tee polities or the couirtiere!. of 1•''`''"" St""!"i 1.,`"I ,be 14"11. 1.'14 to Ow ' I
. gelltiolael4 %Liu emit•ute here' it 1 doi not o flotilla on laIm °MAG.). (Cries of •• Nm tiou of manuscripts, hts been undertaken 'by .
eention, Thus pletterms are laid down whi-Cn theCeotertrin. ' I am tor the tainvaoloi, that looked, very touch like rleiprogilv. Ile ile.:e sito extruded to olio or two committeo whin will we 210 sv,ithill?..Lit a tort er nunoter .
and prommeut tnea uiiited in • their i ,„ 4 ,.. ,.. I. .
tair. • 1.4..neino:ti. ...Cows, 1 Ikeieve it ete Ifie Itee.t.s. se Ile ilex toi the Loy of Clialtmr, to prviocntott too bleak In' West, Which, brought with it 'Inive se
1 yet been confined to the iteiglibor. uulavorablea would now htlord us a oroiou Elittrillardill'art• 1 -lump 01 P0/1100.
I meet eroiedler1 by My fiheel over the woe, I ,,,,,,,,,„ 2, oieo ;01,, to tio• imoiooloolei itoilemy wincr hed !tot gut Metro eporte ready for
'' noun, a „trirtu of 'whoa ect iti front the I souk iMo . tt, inaanoveh as ull espertinente
we time linen tnat eireermilantei, toruterly i
determination 10 Carro uut home dettroblo .
intro,. ement in polittcal a.cononly or cow.
UP:Niel de‘clopuiciit, and the probabilities
. of any oii boohoo been ohinittod direct', from reek air a moo isuliorema eine ot commence Who, we. nay, eau cosy Mr. Cardwell
the country betu in Con- aetly 'rtate leis fiteiventi.ei the riOots too' 'Rut it was oo, mod ho did not rci •Tralie- A tiontlar pile Col ts Ou • Wedue,ehty after.. tele formation. thut is, (rein wells actually of Coaled*, anol the 1111rStion na rally arises [New Yark
• 'd h veu• The Ito...lent ;Gen Wallbridger then de so.h .„ ooe ti it hoot! of Etinis'otlien, II 'doyen, &c.,
r,,rr.t. 1 ,
noon wlutt. tertnral the moin aipticovattl ave. then, we are informed, that tieing to tho'
market eacept in the Suttee. "Pince
• . 1115 Ds Sweden.
use wa,est i tan,. I do nut ,,Ise wee it is leek e• 4.0 -.
•1.1 bode Isnot •atin • tu whet be . Mr, Ilene!, leireued, bdid ; The gentle. of veto, la lie took his i'V'renze %la the late Vico a
• • 1 t .4 for some The Oronoemen Kole:alio. in trying atteation of ercutat,
to Moo; loculitics hy the suitace appearonco
or. wa, toot oirtectoo grmlually dmintslono soot , ,, s y
aud the ittcremitio demand lor oil, eppli
ration he. here uoide to tau Seeretarr of the
wow t mowed' thia Convention into ex.I ues ot transit lit toe Lootern States.; . livered *short porting slieech, in the cou.se
o I fire was considered most desirable. •
A otockholio corre.porownt gives
lonot to. Lilo goverinceote of thio' United nout canoe here t. represent the tuterene liue uf stiange core wItiell le being
ubility 'of the Oleg:ties and Coe doorec !"'"'-'!"t'ati volnimmodv iit " twat 'pot le.14•40..11 the ulM.e uf tb.4 eion durioo the Conventiom by cloiniinO th4144 to get IMMO by Lake had all tilt.
''''''""14 • tit. Lit in lar4o quantities in the toeuolig, of T, jet „.4,117i. • 'no. acraped to if 1' it ;Ma ok .
anol ototera'ly known as the 'ref:iiodr; uue of the Swedish t-ourto :-
NI 414i, in the pro;ii:ce'
of istereeeS are usuelly nomoured tb
t.ntes owl or 4,1,444 w., Maine. 1.1.edialld I rutty ..ity Item, with south shar r'pl 'word% totem,' on more than One Oct.' •
tia‘y: ire heed !Le reveuiwaiott morteeta of Moine. Th her ett ietti are en- 'Mt dot•istoo. hi the choir wouhl he approved ttlun "1. .L1 • The little etenntOr efter work .
hortoony with which y settle upon a
an out -
Mud M.
1.y.• a It:tiled merchant. live.' for stone time
o u Gunzbeli. At dots Point althtia.:111•.Lnally qiplicationoit has been 'granted,
• P.1 114Uteed, 201 r 4azed tionle.rme inthe l•ioviideed • hi" thactoal business Ilion ohrther they Wert, in • her WA • u a•••iinst sturtu f
eshenteteei weed in los stomach.
p it. I.-toot:UM coluoy :tr et. tool throon s is-dm:tom upon the tetrekettp. 10.it just the har.I koot th-stlie wee dee'enbed ruu for Cred,.ilcii barbor. •• been tepee lett/elle Mete& cooroolcaoour forte.to ii&litional to oil operetiolie
perieneed and itetellievut men • of .th.• • • . • • • , 1 • • • -e Par . soy ron. eel I y ..t e Gt. ,
. m tree mot...tt • ao tote.' Ten•tfiday e,1 4114 lio au mote dame (ley lull "tit for tot."
pun- encoded ithmom eco- ,
ter jet, leeleeeeej teeje,, jejseeteee,„1 'omit. 1 One ego. sod 4 111101C10 11 having
alreapty a c.miltany bent/ Corot iu New etth Peolor ail a Loather. :11• Lyaen died
the Great leerteutioe at Detroit pise.eses tayatimet of 1the loiug pio to. retool; to Lave ony piivimgem given to Caueoli tat luau ,„, be poot,oloto• T moot, ;‘,„ tli3t It wat Intro...dole to luta htiticar- well& hove le -en k
particular pl itforut -Vlore 1 in tlits li„zlit the umiounithee .1 dos governawnt the I su 1 us rycyroclhy treitly they .1i not as.. it; iireOrdanCe Or Out Witt; the rules insieted .3 • P *
aipen aid the collo,' uf death, his howl• WWI
l'aat 4,4 a‘14444,"1*°1 h''"'"s1 this mon Wirral etipeeosioe. 'Thai must oive
points of much inttrest. The' atten•lence dine, au.1 i I, thenttore, to put :diem and ,, donted.sueecoe,
ree, tot .n. Lot you shoo, ono ,ber mot crentr;r1 to our own. "
40,,tteuara err. rt. v• Ito wita avidefilly rer,,rre
of th•legates, compeved of the • most ev. is'And-ritioi•systein .4 reciprocity Lhich is tire' 44 the 1.1001iller4 here hot he felt it his CO be the other tloy hy Mr Malcolm Came „. ' tiara t'at 1414 tertian, that 4.0 ti iihipl atil p oce 1e,11.41,1141no eywaity. in every oproor . rt. ill hol foicen place so far back
Isutheient ahtiodanee in the liornitt boom. iresi or t Pro'1"eere the ollie"'de•
tie I;th te oc, oilier last, stud its being
country, Was larCe and etarrespondingly il ,, w ettosistaii•-itse e i•:' oopoor witen pluorgl ,1,0 probvl,'ion, broahe ote, of it WM ‘Le Cm is, 'I' ae Pr...firm hot Mg li 'Milled Ls remares, - . Gen erieeb hero oyet Mos the 04011.4e0.4uP to a •
leas thr4i f ow hinelted, of veltian only
lio number of et ; lin Caned...can tolbuot, solt„tenetitita,ti,...iittntl‘lo-tlitte.t0 utisd-ibLen2oittt:.,tcfetiNail,i.t.wheli.:
ihfluential. Ille great cities and dm 1 hY. ilte .i le ef the ether ? . 1 h&j th it owr i deot.l`pPer'ssel hues,. mial is dre 0411140044 itlie Convention, at 2 ii•eoek, edjeurtuel sine F tv 1 1.0•110.1sr.-011 the (wetting of conoidershie (kith. tharty am ,m yet in aurkitt000rder. T„,,,e17 the death of ft porno of tho Rome td Nils
„ , .
. 11:L1,0'0,1.k bt h raid to tho ' tat mil (ehitei,,) Lod onotterameir tieutineut teal 'Ilw afeeirei. die. breaking up with throe cheers fur Pttoi• the I Oth inst., as liols•rt 14 wwart of .• to, 1 Pattersson, of Farsko Lod occurrod under
. o o• ....4.1teol eir, in toe OP.:, ) h of 20..0 lila tthit quarter le: hl'ed never islet with. We tient Joeition and tgoeen Victot no ' ' Town.1.4....pf Mulberry, W:14 returning; ief' motion it di: s towar11 thee/eat at ori :mete
the i , From thesuuttern limit ot the corniftwous. 01 them olo le ..i'll.' •1. ,
,,,O;i: The.yiefdos from Anil, rixti 1,,,,,,,,„ Similar co re outs toocee ; it..1 Mate a widow,
L nited Stutee were fully mprehentetl, and . tt tel., out it o ot t.e.• too a in toot.. ,. ' a • ' si w Ilitiriswich Theillitieh Anteriesa I leittootes atneruhlod a .1.y II te rice at th • wet's 'it f - /4 I Carta 112.:.01. 41 1 ellty 1.1 0 .1114 Of a • • I d
. althouoh there was the Mot itahle clashing t is (6. r la- .t "1'..,,,,-4 oY,lo'n of tIM 1e-1,1.4'1414 dd11 1 /4,14 IiettCr te:,,461,,,iirs. We have at 3 p.m. in the tmrlor 1,1 the Lowell G0000.
tor • . Mono from %Vie-11am with a 10111'or !ems i of m 112.1,to .2, wet to Cie Moe, loft fist.. - '..•." 'P ` ' ' rui., 0 . , . , , - • , }-1. .
4/1.••• Ill Parte!. 1 h.'re Rre boom', Abe.. tout out' it ro) di, d ou the 1. h Ootober. with
mond important truant; WWII'? of the , , ..,; ' , e 7 , , . • ' ., .
4.13 i- .4 ' '''''' I 1). 4et'S A 11 Tna,11. 1 Irn tor', orotiouneed azMeet Cie old ltec.procit y 11.moletione ot thxiike to their chairman,lloo. ber, he drove his waggon tiver 3 swill 1 a.rei.. 411W 444,4t IM it reeehes the Lokoo wooral sorlaceA wello lit Eimisdolloo which the mime steno -oils. 1ii iili 0 ... three "4..ses
i •
oilepeciol iotervots, the unanimity of the ' 1,e,, teele ;.' hee I am ri,,vfor eh tt, free_tr.s. t • t .1:centy,,ktitt.Mtatue is. not, opposed to 1. !coo. t , Mr Ryan, awl to Mr llowe, for hio at'oloo;lroo• komp. on th„ide „t• th, t„,,i, by ttLich . Hum Erie, awl Myer Si. Clair. This dap y„.ld . ho,„, toor000tro. ,,,, „1 a ,,,,,,,,;„ de..th iiiel mitowed euou ofter .0,.• persona
' ultimate reeulto. after exhaustive . dis!l %Inch •sv,•stl s, le,A, eon' • • •
WO ,p-tr-.}.44, 4. 1 1...!..1., leor "CV et 0 l ivsty• Th..% tuihnig late:eta* ot iTeisey ot. Itritiah American iiitetests. arid to the . I 1 I 1 - k • he 1
too whit, in *loon- 044 otter) -wlen1 tcs• 014 'a, in tot t • • • 'e so wi I ...ve th metal •
..,./ to . motorail,. tools to the suptoteliion t ir•"`LY °I'A• • ' LI" l'it '*""• mi". '11" ' !4' 1" " '4 0 '•(•amm'"°' st''''u hnd
. .
cussion, 11210We UtieqUiltorially that die ' Ilre114 0.1"1.0.: il. netteglat'lr 0 oeice hdlitie Mame Lail pioepered 'Meter the lteciereeita ' Oeerel. vies, sere passed l.y twehomition A he wots throtin oft falling upon' the beck
ot Nene ele- 1 c mio leo- he hem. Ao nionlill hoil in•ei, . after000n oo an eseur.nr.,, to *hien %tn. Co, wOA S1130114 Pr'eure'l; he """ rs'ul"ved tufsmik 's Kant kil:en. Lc. aetuit'lv to onst. oroi I
grvii IP by no mcerial lamina .to abide by 1 4 '''''"'ui 'el "'ar " i"t'44.1.;"
--Pew.- ....._ . 44; ow .11, 4 motet.), e n n u tLial urn -1 au. re, e t. ai. t soma iv °scoot:, iy a ot h, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, te„,,„ view" 1,4 o,„1„.
stoic waS ',mod t • hate be. in the (moon of
.. enceng its actions in the scaleutzdt of ', alad to tn,:et liCre--wea at ta noir oropoatti •-. , to noiie a ly alitisi4teto rt. iodic -de that the symptoms ot a rupture cd, .eiit ern chide examipetion it 'wee den depeeiteof , eitt 1 and gravel t i a g,,ne a :twat chart re, both in mind sod body.
was m .47,1 t , 0 !depth ret frroOlte 70 feet and it int after ,17he io,wer wad po••••• timed ,4 gi eot . auty, At)
litirui tit her tresenee silw..1.11arode Mort. til,rda:11 in1:111,111:0:e.iins:s.::,r es tribrvti.LaLe.Irt -,:- i• stlits,;
. i hall Dire p. ..i.o.,,d.i.A.s.te,.1 whom tee „,. . "- ,. •.: Ito dity. and moy akiet mein t,, a.1 ' •• Tit otrItlob 1111.1o,WINto.-Latc ola-,Altabee '. • •
questions which are 4.2 the greetest inter.' to thl• C‘O;t7
111.1410.1‘• ..0:let, : IVII! AI,/ a ale to sae 1:4 .. .., 1, !root atoll \1011.01'lipil 4 realm tic •eisa,..yp betWeett the United S"ates and Maiitnai- • 1 ` 1 , . f • - i , t• . 14....'" 4 111."0°Zh thie4rill '1":' "-t '1'0 b'''In2r t,'.1-4 e ,et- , i . • ,. retwolt4 W lucli there nin7 Love heen 1-r: this
,„t.., of,,- 1I,„,,,,,, 1,4m tn itoturat expression ot an amazes 2 . (
dtio.ta I. '1',..o. lotvembere-,1 ft Mr. lii..oe 44.d• be at.uded to the termini f •untl-that the :eine " d• I • t el c us-
.. .. • g - ., , . 1 . , ...1 , T, , k . i Pld e.'111 2/ AL! 0144 0 111..twn nno *tart Lon 6 c!,,,.. 1,,,,,i,„e dtia,
; tAou.. there 14 S. 14 1. 10 1 LA Lcoeoh-!.•-- ' ' ;; 1,4 tapor oI remprocey Lt treeee• • on are islet y men stn,„. lit .. mi r . •
eat to the people of this COUntry. And i , . , , • rt. . ; 1 0 *.
. In•Ao Alloon,teletl to tni•in b the • .r. iv ho
uojority were actuate I by mottoes as.,
, • , up tett. tvra hile it..4: by -the 1.40 tiole .14 illitee4. ;11141.,.ristea in ;tie lishill4 ou Mti-ir11,,•Wa4 Iti li tie i tptith.lehnient of W'Prorinelal Iluartl of It ado. a 2,i, ti, i.,:tib„__ i , , , • t . . .e
. • 're e-thg 21""e” "set', 'flee LooK.oat,,,, boo been 2,,,,,,o by the, wells ' Imes, 11esiew, .tene ete e '
I lent esiateleeierie. its ceritred point.. This , brine from .120 411 tell ver liarrel.-OOloutrea, 'Mu ion of tire wolow i'di in leulotta, w h hail
Iproduced in the. Umiod Stews miehielt r:idi,y111 ' o'y e'. 'Y- . • .
.ri.ciited, ahd I. soother, to su a crud t t'
11014 11re.11 010 •1 arrt.1 o growl on et sat it,
. ' ' iheit a e ie....le:41e depremien in the foam
. ' : utoh Verdens eir•other.seljelet, 11.4 us 10 malty , I rr_ue.. A ;L•tet,itemarr from.Maitte, lar.:,',7 ; te-5,,,41,; it mm also Noma in WOW ill the of his Iteactrtar lune; hitu in- msible. `kink', , , - ,
. .
patriotic as dal were liberal. tie Cell- 'COI:P*4 it-ni toukstoi.1 Irree tre,IO Ito seeee attended, but betuo detasoed by boetnese, tov 1 A a.ulaitwor of the tkle,eutes went in the
7, . q, ! i;.,1, -..n1 Voillitio-,0.4. sot 1:Iii r lie rtt pis
;4411h:2..4 to ty grouul ter leis' c.d.-cord:no. tit, lo hoos,to the' Grand Trout: ilsi. day. The i 0‘.4lion. ltel b..ea tooth -of 11 the chi* f.d hod , Mr. C. Gritlii.e.lhdel, Win:li MI, Where' 14 1 1141 eiveri epee by veltot it termed the . *leen %lit 4011'111.1 A Pivi'laraltre• . „e rout.,,,,, te tioe, i et,tor Luoihetth,
1 .... oe es 100,11 'Yer P4/10,1 1.114.111. IV WO ;•7• • • i -.1'11Iimik is a outotumitootion We 'W Wit' (0 1:111er.Ity ot Ann Arbor, pail had a I.:to-4 tht . 4 - 1
the deeieious of the Coneentipte, bet we 1.1,.
144114-101en i halt 14.11411 Rod e•olline.11 .o,
had :Om, guilt Ltd girl.% polo. a ol bee n et
• lt • I. • •• • "e' •• 4 t lf Lim • ' I 1
every roods:tome at elontuw,d was,eveu, II imilr..a‘for ioa to tIU .dopth of soverol , • „ 0A,rti OttO receiverod fooli ,thow attacks.
Atte yintra...eapee,a.,y .ttwo toe awe io.. r r.
143Ve €VerV re3,43n tr.) b‘41CVell:11"t 01080 1.-.411.uti tad ihtue 4...r limn their upon, and it comoo etta ill orace from tone.
lilts Littler 104,011 1 •11111 111, '11 Ile, 11r•
decisions will do much toward!' Mot i*4`'""'" '" "' ober '14e t' toe in 2..01.11 Me.iiie, came nere
toemoo, Motive tons to Ideo mid though none
• 1" the 1)•"1` he'''. 0e0n tltr="1 104 thie 2e•nitt..'n 01.81 the Prt '141 'el de1000°' *re 4."P' %ha" ("'ul an? n'ztl!""tf cuo,d i.s+v,”.:1 10,r the'o,_irder'or N,16. l'at•
. ! ., oh a froe ticlet user the Grum( 'I' nolo, etn,,, We think, litovo no desire to forco a i , „see,' ,i,.,t,„„ • t.mture or grace of manner. ,Shs i.evermas ,, ... , - , • •
eerdiwed eith the irrecemble ft-Ached...us et % • • h h , ,-
...wale. tbe ror woolen 1.••ria. expect that
.Ir. Ryan. of et ea,eal. -..TLe hon.. gentle- i .41:o to fog tereted with elmuipaloo, he wail , Slo Let a % until 'Stturiey o,Tent•IIIO. who'n ,.1.2-eid.. N.., It heed
'Titian will .4,4.441/to la 4 1y th it the Porolowes ' aein ill in taiar Of annexatitin ao Catoeia. Ile '
1 war witlirrance- . ' ' ; ' deeth 1 .i• eit end to Lie suffer:nee-. it ' e,,the.„,e, ee,... ties oiey, elie i; it to,„„o , the Queen tit Scott. nor .vetth. the itooetious Id% •••',..21,1":."1",'::d' tYht". 1:,:': ...11:0 PI"' 1" ''''
, airs of Elizabeth, which too/tool a teseitilet ! ,, .'' '' '-' ' .,:. „,.„.,I. „t'',.ler„,oli,„,.'4..um 1,o.,1;414.
proud of her delegation and dm noble t,,L , i te as', Mitt if Me nil he oetten.tol to the
stand it tende• 1 he gena!luln rePrcik'Pe.-; hove invited othoojectiou•ttithe Treaty. File, tho,i- pawl it comp.nuent to the '01o.t.emen i „ ''le releeed• lier e/e"re . '4' 1 14;orua18100.008 WC he woo liaroel the Iwo or
ing ua went to Detroit in the f.eit ofeettMeli i ide,eetIon has gore' f.ons the people of tho , front. C :01 41 4. .. 1 %.,1(1%1-1'. 'IAN l'.0.T..-There is. •tt etre'.• . n', !-''..
le': •ei 1, r th.• itiduito ...r ii-i1.,.r at ' 0 m slid M stltia pimento': locility-
1 e l'r" P. r I.' 4ote, th"r he w1'. hi lioco, abundance .in the' Ilemoton forma•
Too thot couttl not
prejudice, one not a little.ignor ceas to! Ve"t;td •••••• tate i• • -..12.111•14. no ott.i.Tetitn to th.d1 Ur, Joy, of leach:igen, as Chairman of Cue , sal 0.f eriltie ottiingiin ju4t. now. 11,:, . ,•••• ,i. , f , ,,, , t 01, ,,,,01.1,4t.• - . IL.- to,,,,,, otitis., ot pimply toot ; hoop too, ',pig '..blue anO brioOt, her hair datk, and her COM. i I.)"
,.. . , • p•tefue an ti,jr-e, tarot. isithrei:h it .was not
,tbe preetical werkuig of the, tecipmeity ' „„t ,, „..e., 0„ e . i • W I ,-ei • ' , • , '
t r• ,,,, oect, e c.1,31,. I ;Athol*. appeataeo brotore to .o coaoluattreae ; .
are at work. in Toronto and <altar • ... - •,,,-,•,. ,,,, i i'!“ -„Le. eh,,aiu, to itt ,uro hi, un. ; ,e0it-al detoestiou °taw to-hation botik frimi .1411"" '• n're "hele.'h'41.11."•• 11 el nil" oso,,,,,i.
. . . Which the Pie * t M I •
le mly ai it irt‘t•el,4 we bite n ,thit, • at, pre- ' !tech/homy freato soot the l'oivii.ci ti dor:- l
Bi America hos ,..00d reason to feel fte -irked 41W:hi...)
. eywn *aro
' • i t't, artt 501 frnitti4 a. great bo WI Or ."t bl deeP hi" .1"‘Ir."1"te, the'se t lo• Ittuotd 1., ,ts to the se, ,
treaty, and yetibey re• med. PO C311111y, 1 bete tO 1,1tre ohj,_ tt ',tot oieh y.,21 la 1 it/Wilt:eta gehtlea. en, alhOPing thel Loot oil ancen•li item. ate pu tli tt I 1, Clir.'ee -eh 1. •
I I ar,
. - . A •• hr. town ash or stuiett ..11.,• !It 44 'Wei
, • , ; , ; the ilemb t. ludo, r. the mon of 10,00o
., 1N.1 teee et" 'eel.: ''''Tner• """ • ' • ' • • . • . eetlialem, es iltao for le.aid '-whi;• he
ool tool M.o.,* (tiered upward. into aro!' lhor'n" fe/.1"--1U C'"Unt." ah4 1..." had twee an PI 1.1110'...1 kkt 44-11.11,re.
.the unanswerabl/logic of fiefs on,/ holed, hare they their cow. iwy.h.ol t000therefore, d too a iraerlor li , • , ti
• • , 1:.. overeapethe • „,e., t.,., renew:me le me Ger itiottratto. of the ttulb e4 tbi.: It would liono er. itypeAr that tee** bars
[Cioneral.) • ! . no eta wan thy ads aultme, but -Maio,' stoittig olio: eeoeywhotoo. At 1,
• • •
• figura, thatmo intelligent American could ' exeeate4 their tritst. llive 1 ! 1,M d
_ • ••••- Weir __o_._441. '4.'1:W1..110V" nr•rht "t at 11 • ' ' mou from S i hove loon o ,j• torn. • looni• water, or the poiserfel •aresiev Li the Apr. aches of ege at e oi at be, 01., hrt on. oh,oh yoo
;bt ! a 1 :111. 11;1.11 1,i114 Ia nay ut remark must lone heeti, mode, not ier there:- gertotee mei serintisly lejerel 'a A 7, ,ed 1.141 Wo1,1•111 61/4 es, tLe /
deny Outett was othetwise than juet. ri•
. Mt. e;, ei. the Me eenemited ti, the n.t 111.4e n 14 s"t"telere
aii.1 to 0.-y to Meet 1114.010.- ! with ii,r 11114 4 Conti ar otl,.end.nvoric; to keno trail... and general r • ,
so reasonably, an•1 w: such en array h"e 1°
...brief* for the b. "1 11' •,f Cleir 64 thew., 1.6 ("1".'1' and gal .
t d e 4. It et uti.ltubteillf tit...that u.o
- Ltridtmok;h4s had r rot w t au h Mean* IT.r
and du -the ifitereatti of peace, civilisatil,1 wiorlf tote, mot .r trion. Die; hovo thozw, toot t t,eate tl.e ot the de., t :2[1.12'21=1i ot•uld hecor Jo to 1. t them ,n .1,O,..11 not he t000d e•t'. true"1".1 It he t' t4'e as! °Irtagyilt7.; *huh."'
, ;wars that
• • )14..r o hoe. Poo, et eold•ItO t•re mend Olt the Bernard -floor', with t•ie art eit in. e
antrnoutual advantage, that no barriers "cot "-• 1-4 sho* 'ier --140 t'1•08 d o.ra, prejodoom, nos • r their etf. et the lotion 07 enhhinz hiel, a ellot froin lee
it •• 1. We, O it ,••:-7 oallnowhelze,t, 1 ''
• •
rizlit oostioos, owes tow honoree • Lentil , uhout moo., pan ,„;
ito-hot oe h...e not sem Citi,e, L...'heers mid • .4niroe4 of the hotter poloements or 40., , ...elver Te..•it.lied them off. at 'a ithr•Ut Sem, Mark 01 Irpoioit 11,:i at
;!::10:11:4'ny Itr"ootta'tel:::tetal:norit'iT t'ortlahe''rleera.tahl:!;114rro.:41: toot nit ir oar,. en te vas thrate
• /rintilti be Set up against the into-eh:thee • we- plenned to drive them out toClinton 'et , • • imelmel, Wag Leona to the ofirudlotor•
' a.,orm isd. (Chimes.) Ile ri 'muted the ideo
II the motions of the he poet the
; to • t orttom Moil. It will, howeve.r, I arn in. MII1 g ' ; of a rich farmer, at.il havin then suer. erteol
. • • e'ectatn:, (Thureity lo) „in or tr 1 ,,,,„., to 4, .,, ' k • lines of the fecorwoll becoothe wort sod more
-en Obtathin4 frnm she fatter 'his bet etalwiL
a . t i
, a mtliciont depth to he. beyond the inilitenes
.. beset o el, rut moo wear. on, end the set.into...4 ,
Ctlited Statei and British America.; rat!eucn was la•ttalsen. Mr. 'loos h ..,1 ,emesehtm in • vein Co:too:bun shout :.- 2 "°-
, ...I , they miele get 3 elimityse..• of the feslurces bef iee payment. m tectim for the price ot
made two vory e. opent §:woollen, followed be rierroAted to state Au the chief moot..., ot, . ci. nr,11 k 0:01111-ttc., - , - - .. 'on_;.,%,,,.„ ', of the hentraittoormosion. That oil ;tot.. in ' charm, of coloir., delicacy, ond tlie:. re gulinettyo
:mime hoof whi, h he boil botioht om Atm, the
oy speerheil trona other omit,eaten dr,,to ited ! their views uirm the iptimete intei•ev.i to .e" • 0 "
' .. • • • •" " thr.formation at er twin tholorich a. olaced of feature fed,. I lite is eertaitoly ap arm t
I ' , forme: • fere ala:yr enervation oiled oen pone.
They entirt ly disabused thl initols of thel, t • rot • ol bier tine county, arid enjko til
American delegates of the i•lea that these! hi the Pro,r4nurs, ao which .ttiej had es• 2 which they sure conctontil. , True, to this , • - In p1C-Iii.:irlg, fem.-end-easy style. Accurd- , oeyou.1 %doubt, from the residuum 4 ec.eete the toe* ot Lhown V ictorio at remota. , j
• • 'Nit •
of products nail cettonodities between the Mr. It000•dom, 1, of, N'ow k. .112 the th a the, soVercgot peoioe 60 teis cou,,r.t
.1 Old den •hte4r who hod thus en rob.
1.rovinces bad reaped all the ailt,'antages Plaine,' their own vieW4 and 44.414e..1 ra communieetions arc et' • itie,y ueseo, ten ieve, etc. were . bed uf her inheritance was Sti..rtir efferwar do
, to' the country we 01411110} 1, 01 town oor S0Vep i4n : i" • I. • • I •b • ! e 1 to sh.pe of a high:y intlarnmobte.bitornin- In .tatur. she is rather inferior to the .
. vo•., , ot th • I, • • tl.t. 1",‘ sr to 1•11 th!re tieverilieh•14, f10 4.041,:hea
acerinee ie i! ; ...2 1, , To
at1 1 te• si.. • . • •
-a h d '1 k f
. the T ,• sr, i..11 14.4•0 f 0'11 1..0 1 0-; on, nt ottoit'e •I'vo '`e•te't 'hoe "imehetr hao SO. 0 1 1.1 •• 111 111 1.1 1.• •'. ,!•• ha: o • voo.e
mut clay f.,anil tlatai lavers an the erer,cew ze ti '40 ir 18.044 , „,,. 11 .1 0, -ot.ork
It' tr. oin a t• .rre. ef ele.ttt 0 •vioite of' •
we arc ardently attached to the throne of 00•44•"44 ' '''' "'.; "'".1 ulg" 11" 2"4 t" • -" '"" 'I.'" "1
otates so as to rettio •••
e :
ell came of comoiairo. noes conneueity, it pm busmen.* coinuoin tv • • , 1,•• 1." t - • 114.01)". te•') . too to tt 0, •., oto....t t.1 to hoLer e. "•' • '•
continuance of the counection Which gives Mr. JO:min.-The gentlemio las given no Mame.> Tbe Pivatideut et the-Uttite-1 Stoles Sten"'Y f he gni:1'in that miehleeremi -."'
b • ;.• 'by Matey n horny, Lurst of isono, : That a., orieh rtoolr ninon. 6,44" i*!_luza 1' •1"4 ''•°"'"ed 1" "Ot3111,ondo
r„m,14.111 „f• he ...wee 011ie toe ; arid Kt Imimon. ,
Britain, and fully 'determined upon a [Cheer. I hod no rioto tu apt roach him (Ilear, , to:I wheat grotto on the .tril. 'con., of h -
us etich a large measuro- of civil and reel by many 'a el aPhinz' repartee. At "ne of the MOP1
rrnure iulortnetion than is eonteitled in the was the Serfaut of the peopl,, aold o loo.o.1 oi.:1•I tOry heavy crop. .•
port. Ile states that the oetit'oeneti frt'on to Italtoll tO the r •re mite 11 t t or any of her pa -laved lehrp, Ow 2,
the tared -141a tortnatioi , tom aa, thm forms -
piety pu' up at the Clint
..t lict t wgrall 420, ernor.
i . ,i . le Ivo . ' ou tom lit only,: oolly actinlohledged to be tne i" Ihe 1"'"'-'"' "1 ber f•el"IY. ehe; "5"e• Plait',
Purr ,ri linovolow, the orroent• Governor
relt‘tpous fre.dom,-of pure laws and ex- the PrG•ince4 here oieen oeptotiotione AA the meouaa-ndeti in thil repOtt wai not the to -d Leone cowing to lioderir lit. • Lfluttl, kid by ' Mr, R. li 1:,•il, and source °Lao the uil mood in nos section of unro"TeedleO1 :rumen's, such es 14.4/50 61
tended political privileges. The Ilan. Committee ; but hoc much of thcee esolanst. reeiproiity treaty, but a treaty which wo...d. '- . I ,, . 1 • • VisUndit. mid to thise for no edp.s. On.:nt has 1 l^nnt of our hue erotittry wmuen *Quid not .01 I eowereee, dr:weird a leetore ce *mem,. .
Mr. Potter, U. S. Consul ibr the British t . i ' - i . ; i O... i •
douloy to 4..1 wet , ,,,) rod, -. 1.14) 111111:1134. eacholioo the :11:ocher interests olittot wLith' ,12„ ,h.r.,, t it, t Nil:tart have te:eit , h:".1 he.•it 0etheted b''n'tel'ami! Proco!'1.04 the formotioo. I s e
o 'en mai, hY sinkoio welle dir, rtly not, 11111,w ',mfr.! v -m to I." 4..11 in at any time. it me • :ght V.•arli air" in New Wean', To
a.. s,,..., 1. 4,..ht hut orio o,,,,ket pwrii, ond 41,...p1py, awl does to,t nitow the oulicals ta %hat telt i•nt they Were
ions aotoar wit n the reend '' I '
wive be ;est to all imerests wi both oidos, not evert. Iiirry Leelie, the great Am lie ist Mem- '
eft..r pArtekittg nt a imitable repe•t, roma ,- -
that the withdrawel of Reciprocity would wise, in the 11.4.11t CeIrldlt1011 .1 the eountry, mit w,us in tile
. Linda of A few la ,ii, and there witniseed by thourtinde, ie ann,,une d to, to meet itself • according to the. saris.] •
, 'To abun,looti ' • 1 ' pniti
tliut oil may be found, 4,01 itt al; probability
y 1„yi„, , „,tt,tfr „olwit. its Sotbe greet State ocoaaton w•eare to oletwiell enatoe !he h.11'onnee ettraot 2
rIften twitter in putil.e ; heVer, "%rept when 1.01.1 at Mot time by their primeat ithil, we
Province's, in a ecandalons speecti, argued "f 110 Pr"itesi•d anierolasent, le lieve' it is they Led tiered 403 1111: 'h. The' minher Intel. --1 - - '''' -1. '''. °-
for 114 in 1.•.t h Lite t o.
° mn°- od us no doubt grvAt on.alth no a.; but it •wm g
• so • estion to w ' ivc ono of fiis wonderful performaneee on • tate or lb's':
..Ccralvt•in4 it. Theryoutio an) , it. ' Amorig all the Am. -Wend Whl, harp " Ibe ..,eihern portion of the MothoOint
2 , , _ ' , the ropo lo 0 lelueleh en the 1st of Augeit. ger •tlipped it en elie " lielit f ,ntaitie el to oveicouse the ,O1facbt of the central trotted Eorope. very fee tato soon' (O. -ten rlotreh-wae &moo m ire tor the temporal en4
loses as into „Annexation before - two our G . . '
overnatolit to proor,e0 to tile ltritish kiesurifte. say 0.4 the go vet Wv•ot with it, ten • A stated betury it a wittic,ent neldli iii itttea.
years, but WU met stid contradicted ie • Goiernment for a renewal tit' this Treaty. midi. •
eis ot femur, s mum ou Stet Old null „, Yietlori 1, while nearly every traveler hee ittermal. ai ;taro 110 OP 11.,:f0 ORO 8/.1 the
spirit which must have led the Convert. I thitik by lo dom.! e.-0 ll'e ee,tole to get theoeeou•bes."`" Per•oLeltiore the loud/mho: /he cable will be it...fetched tiv.r till 'Po.' toe," the elder% 4:reveler diecusseil ee.e• • "11".."'''''
VIM reved to the beet point to e.•remence lookOd (moo lo. -ous -Naptdeon aod Etioesie, treedoni shrokere out of to -11 ; tio• pMtio
t orer toriti thee e•.....1 le• erotoo el h re• ' - - ' ' '
. 5 p low; ..14 oro4i44 lo a A 41W -41.4140'4e isjored 100,.„. clooino, tino will be IA t;.zot; eieb end int eenation'el pomace, and almeither who are ft-epee:WY mom driving shout hiris .%14....t.0.114 .woul.d enter thu clooch oro
tion to the conclusion that the h - ' . - - - .
on. terror.; tho attitode o..oh ts umitituiued on 1.1. the itecipeoeitt Treaty. (Proleno. ' ' . , oriesatimis with a view 1,, Puecepe, 1 think
with the greaten froodom. Iii evomoitsenee Sun.! ,y, with a taco ri. lono as the moral
gentlemen, boldiug as he doe. a positicin the other stk. • cheers.) It isoolii he seen thot all oropoo M '
o d And 300 fe•et lotiget To en:ail...le-mons at a
_ f..w hours were paesed away very • there ca i•he little 40 no choice. I shoohl. it
or 414i. 41,4444,-,..., too 84..:,.4.4olo is 01 11C11 Ill,. 114'.o ./..citnt Upon •and booed the mieerien
of great delicacy and responsibilit I ad' ' 11 ' ' '
y, i • . r. Srefineur. of f roy. said that the quest- 1,
ems nothino but whohono truly riefit
y 'ffitet-e,t in Mei broad land `i ' '
• • •„o ter In this eeetioo, 1•;xeursion trams will bc
and itir a tli•ItStiCC to.witticss sech a Loyd scene Plell'en1.1.
deiley to cement etill tnore firmly the
Feet „enterer,. bee, , eee• is trite. be sne Joel to prefer those Taunt%
• whT•141 the evidence of the preetenee of nil is ' 11214$i"li and esureetive when sloe does , wit *moos neaped upt,•1 the down trodden
son bf Aloes, Rod on the follow in; ilov.in hi*
pretty thoroughly stultified himeele The n" *" '"" t'r ''''' •Tr''''",^,',' iril''" ":.'"'"` ' '''44.- 4
t this ti .. ' • , os the merits uf the ikmiriocity Tteary are mon roe:No.4'4o hut thew iodic:thong *Pl'e".
he is an extrenoily; tr,ovid herscwoman tnettywie griTCP7y or caoily store tauten& if he
speeches of lion. laloulm Cameron and n' In ("I'Y im""t'e 2 ."'' ''; '''''' ce • .1 ' - d h • ;
ei tee nee wee.. he uuthed, to „it the twou. 'mono , a Gait trr e AS gro,wn up. I ,,.. ran frern Branford arid all stations West, ion++
Lieu:eon Seginew and Ooderielt, and, we etiet• sre
,,f friend•hip rilremly pulitisting tueueli quite 41...It:lent tO dhow that oil doe, S
not in my °potion *efficiently . '
and 111•0•1r1 hor steel with great *ahem could, seilefie • leigr.••• il'e1r."'ut af tba
Hon. Joeeph Howe, of Halifax, rere lion of tho Convention' to what was 6
, „'e St nes Under tl ' tr .1C I
litlemee ot this trade is in Moor Of- the Cootet1 114 the :14 tutthre
its A . ;ate grown up great rs will carry passengers at
earnestly hope that the • daily li . stomo to outentioh every other con..deretion. and fearreoporaese . At the enclutipment at jowter ornament on the; head of hie cane, and
• particularly excellent, and we ate -0,,
"1 e. iric IV T i I. tir I It be
orleinalotoe osei of what wag known til MP 4.0-•• ' • ' •
, intereits.. Die dent:UW-4. wto. first spoke le reduced rates front Saginaw. eaugeen,
eteatuers expected next y.ear, mil the .. p eiit. to be conseee,..1,a-the wee must he so ' ItorselotcS, and woe of course, the solMirel to leovon. euntinue•I the 000trond o•enttemao,,
olio Of In 1,,,,,,ii,,,,.! y„ar aeir.. th,, t,,,, mtti,‘• •C .hbans, a fe* tears' &ere she appeareo on do it in the mime of the lord. When 1 rt
that the space ut our dis I 11
pomi en not the people ot the coontry. nod emne moo
tem gentieuititi .4..ye gem. 'ovens, a unit tor an itemenee crowd 02 Pe-0Pu in le" on constluent increase of. trade an -I traffic., ...... - , , , ; remit or . r
lir pe iii, a • c.d., r ,w to al. tiltde MO:041c • - , . • ' • ' ituated that it Will be out , f he it of al beholders, as she rode on the lioll tin whore I exeoct to gn after my death, if I find
her ilatk hey 0 Templer."' She wore . 1,,,e a reoulor hoiit Aboliti, min there, I *hall cos
1 • , a .. ad en mippesed up j. te , j .1 1 11 I # • Kinear.line, Ste.. There will doubtles* lie
• tee Illitith Province,' of. North Anwricn. '411 Nia-Cara CM'Ai• I Ilit"'"'t stele ei the ocetteion. ;••• • • the goring freshets, modals. in ouch a pletitiOn dark green r••be of 4,100 thick, etc) material eitide diet be practised a fratol urn the
admit of their publiettion in full. The have thou,ht it embraced only trade Wail 111:17 be the ineene of rendering. our inter: i oe from the accurnutAtion of ice dorino
latter proved conelinevel 1 • h
y t tat wit re•Amet • '
e •Imt Om true a very small part lie be 'red Mame lot Mot sow. Whitt ue to the West
• . . _ _ _. . course na.prObtahle 4144 it is pleasnnt to ell . as in. the event of succeoo to Am, ,.., • closely fiGing joeket, with but 'few tons. 41.inrkerla'0. for in my "Merton, • Kansaa
tinge Which a;itated both miles relate I to the N'''''.:°"° l'an'' ' "I'll tiw wure'l'a4 hall'em - we believe, to Mart for home this evening. every 6'1114. into consi,leratien I Arne,d recruit. °strict' feather. In her Loud she cannel op 11411101M 'n our fathee, kingdom than Com -
with along blne10,...eltotor and creedrion shriek..? haa nu more
to the coseting trade and the maritime' to can the attentiort of the Conyeiition te.th.i want id to plot, our way to the ocean with ' 41.11)311C EMITS. ' . c, owerned. 3lost of our visitors inter.d, means of shipmetit Ta'einz, therefore; moots, and a lOw dark hat
Reciprocity Treety were decidedly with fisherieft, and there him not hoen a trent orowino no i :1 the WOW. lt is alistoutely rOon; Wednesday and Thursday evenings
'Fite Humid to ''''' i St artier. ' located on the Mita, just below the present
mend, it posei&e, Oro the, well shout& be intolors Pauldir,o had in Noesragau when he
. „
fieberies, the advantages derived from the 6,,,e er the, .:,, in 2153. .The 0ileomn 01 th,a TooT,IlitiP,. hut simple to leatil the 2,4 of
the Americans. On the whole we are neootiated since leO3 ohich hoe not emhritei- neconiary that we have every fecility jee o• ims wt•ek, Cheisbro'e Serenaders will . - . - _ •
. railway Mal ion. e
pleased with the results of this Convert- Gouitri. ri,July 1 ith, lee-, 1 here the honor to he,
ed sortie important lieltery provision in whieh reachin; the ucetto and shipping our produce givo two of ' their first -elites concerte in
e . toted otates wag not deepiy concero4. " l'iee'l"'"I wtthout bottioing bulk. The. Crabb's Ball. :iIr. Cli b
cies ro as a !rico- 2 -tag I. rAlt ION'''. In your paper ofJune
n M
./._ ..c.
. Geritlemen,
-' '
th l' '
tion-plessed that it embraced so man •
y...,r ob't 'morel.
i t will he only lor *reason. oh,. w„,t „est iltd mileicien ie not unknown in eicelerich. was coinmitted in Ihmoantion ; and whereas
ens. I read with horror of the. menhir tht.:
yiuGu It. SA VIONY,
Y Their mmith amounted to millione, which intereina ut Moine may stand in tho way, hut .
The following eynopi.is of the proceed- ject of te'reiproeity. Tim Sue, ot Maine, the 11".2 C''.,"•(1," 68,1, ne, "1"" Goderich. l'Ird.11.17:...1865.C. ' t';', a; r• 1,. s.
ev..ereti ftietteintiloimatrin, hien.rit.titiewtrihtkehlanwo:not at,eittdt. 1 yht.oly lefoutws tAhatit itt.iitt,:iianicaiti,ilitttlittoitrjewrist: .
can cities, and that we * have so much the Otoblfroirel ato;1 in the mointry. But th,y .hth::: e iiiti.t, Sly; IT bet! mainly in form of 11 3Ir. Horner, the baton, hos a migniticent et:rert
men of wealth antrinauenee from Atneri- Poured into the Inee 02 the inbob11•n1" 'tin"'
reason to be proud of the intelligent and Ro.11Pair to -all voice, of great compose and power, and we Li..a the
itiflience that youtgwidely circulated
Porta Fitotiriv.-The people of Pun-
parii,,.,..uelAi af,o.iied,aava i!,,,!obes,,jie,ist .
this eountry. Let us hope that the (t1;,r,:imit.nlitt!eititti,,n,m,,t,..,iit toout hotr.ehriti: of', %or., ard caottrtiosot.eif,tiuntiio.rehlIntit1;.edift.r itriilts.outetitti;iCthheicago, . tion behind hint in Goderich‘ We eel -
front Livor000l at 110"11•4'1' 02111 al have tiodoubt rill leave a pleasing reputn- j mausl Mee throughout. the c?mmunity, I am'
nt,attrtil rtihseatd y7o.u. retro ...loot s:Ine:tr ottrtimt h.sostj.et. act.; ,
eaaatsi,nogr aftr, V: tweh.pinic he tahrec mci), Int ssivace rteadk ebno tt oh
dignified action of the delegation from woof arinel to, alpha:tin Moir atleoetl' right... arrived
views of the Convention will be adepted to tend out int Mene,1"11.ect, ulmnrit'tim6;06,,,6.0 steel of coramo to one doeke ! Sirtn,:lly dom puff Concerts, but we feel Aafe in deinnetion aeniest Swift or Black. who gave
logs which wt. gather from the Gioh,, Sotto Irma wliieli the gentleman who otnneen ,...,
. . Wu ly and McCardy mioht be uttefal ineon•
these Canted. tint ti1.0. 14 11 t .er influence '
etubraees the ilisciosion and. pamage ot •
the, „1„„,. beee .0.4 .,,,,,,,,,,,,,i 21. 1..4,, at wtok here ; wo line dotard I In this hall . expected front the Godench (ilea Club.-
„3„,„le, 11,,, Wee,,,,,, Al., ,,,t„.,,,,,,I. si„. end in the lominittee room : th is, that if hers of nociety; aim the Couoty woMil not The Petroleom toomens of Wtotern Caristd5
resolution -A touching the neeeasity of a elesired the free navioation ot the St. Law• ere rt '''" • , W.e. hope to see crowded houme. hove remit pnt tO such esperme. Swot and still conttnues to affool roma. of the . beet
we hear as yet of no litroe ehirtmiente, nor of
renewal of the Ittwiprocity Treaty :- , illack rennet have a very elety COndelence.-
rem y ti i t. 0 o . so have an•
f1•111.. limit imorovenierox hay. heen , ,
nexation. hut M.. in too according o Mimeo •
;mule in Cie navismtion itf titti great iieer, *11117. W.' wenelen elfeetem tellieg %made 1:,.: 0.1,1•L'. DRAT). Who about Gotlenen They mil eyesore being oondomnet1 horenhbuut. da,.
• 'feta :0 rosily eirplaineil i he i eve t
11117 at, VROCITY oritittioN. lie pro:A.04Ni to sketch the Insure of tho we snail harrivel your •.•ininerce; we shit not ovsn'• noow Jeff, the lillipotian canine, *hen they Coale before 11 Pet •I'd imPartiel eells pouriog out their thou.ands of 'mire'', a
Oudoe, swift and black will be their fet • • . . pr l•
111ivt,m; pre Wilin,1 praelleal Men Whet Will not
Theity, ani showed that we deetirA pe.e, Mete with you. we will *hose )011 Re Pow oil that felt at home in the society of any
lisle,. : arel havirig the
timber. anol toe riasooktion ot toe st. ' h . f h ,, conatablt• and was intimately acquainted at don. I our.; trOly,
. A TelientANCE MAN. d‘) their work by
omolit ee and to soceie oUe owe ioterests-the tis'on "tit r"" "me ie a"d '''''' l''' "8 l'ie"dA: T .
Mr. Joy, of looroit, from the ,C ' t
on Raciproeity, presented the following re. ,e, , ' ' Is ' ' .
tit not t a time or sue an experiment. 141! ' •
by the Government of the UtsiUal Staten.
• ' of renee Saying that these will be musical treats him the liqutir that madened hie brain, which _, , .
2 • , th not whnit het pawrge. I ive Do rectprocity in
enlarde has mode him a murderer. If these tavern /mole:mute anu delete -me
dtootl tle. attitu.1.• of wor. The ou stion becaUlle the Cana,i
ideed. Mr. IIawkine. a famous tenor, is
d erunething good meet be mem wiling against the law of Go:4mo' luau,
keepers, like a great many others had not
Canadian r'et rot n .
port :- Lawrie.... River. Teo British Government the treaty, and A- re will !tote, be a '111 tbe hoteh---that sat on door steps look -
moario to carry on operations on an extentsive
question of the Remproety Treaty, aod Te• (Applawel. AltheU411 il WOUlti ser .ar Mat which will wholt in a war of wingiiitutle. 1 ititoreamily at the strdm of life painingby REM ARKSA-NVe ai•e also surprised, let ,0,4,,"t4er^mtlii.cni"e3tt!,0,1.!Lril,iieit,11,7niedownt..itin,iathttrn,weey aarist.
and ••rbilomphiping penance . an i n pay rempt,ng to .1 reaiist.'' It it not many more
Th 'want" 11411"P* le" refirred ill* wet us nobly anti coneolod all thst we talked. Coi,,,,ion '171°0401e fishermen upon the boohoo
e co •
of fear of such an event. - upon the ups and that " A Tem M " d'd ot
toprocal trade between the United States and the u„,ipe ei.e.., foot 0,1,, i i'' do I 1 le • tit - t t i ' ' t
the 11"11* rterinees of 14 '04 America. Coloniee the aelmiroion of a greater number
.„, a, to too m ma f .1.!M! a a men a trout dentimen X
• • CIII/Wn#'0. (dog) life, and ',hope ambitions the postage on him letter, and 2nd, that
otIrth4ienicrenethwe ow:riileirsha• v.711e6nnitehe":•t°athur • hun'iu
1 • , • c c onplete
vent in terviffic barking when new when the reente l'rosines knows that
revolution Ion taken place in the system ot
have directed toe to report to the Couserition of article, than we 11.4 rece.ved in rehire,
that it hat considered the fittesiinn referred y„t it wa conceder! tl,,tt the 1„.„,,r,i4 novo oht raoid11 10 1"ime• rt iheg fight
• to it MI fully as the limited tune would eation and the greater imoortonce of' the Mr licsnimon. Chiettgo, one of the edam
the f&thful ha
on foot Y Jeff. the patient, 'McCurdy was murdered whilst he and. working. This nyttem involve -4 the widening
' gone where the good hie murderor were under the influence of and dr•epeniag ot the olii : it may be
e waft trotting along liquor drank trn,l,r the sIntilow of 1)sn. tio.iiiirifhvo41,:mthaseitruenin,,,,nphlotteinu.recannni
mid a cartnowle WI in the top if ;to
elegant rolitoo whip, with a ,mn, u go ,
alon4 the lines aith grace, ant! reli111.
for the time, one recalled lo m;orl, irre).7411"
bly, the energetic presence of Elizabeth,
she passed before her hold -tem at the time 01
the threatened mouton orthe Grand Arma-
da, and with hurtling wools urged them to
da site dare every h.worohle deed io heloof
0; Ohl Et, ;lam! and ito Vuoin Qiieen.
vict„na weep, soVeare et a review,
and kaa Mat magnetic e1ance of the eye
eeich leads every smiler hi beiiere that hit
sovereign looks dire Os at him on melt an
occosion. This quaiity is not uotroquen.ly
tosses/led by great genera* though fow
women ever have euflicient nerve to ohovr it.
captured tho filthootero.
Wbether Ow remota cbange_ of orntonane
in the Reverend Oove, line is in at4•nement
fur his past lowrsyour to be attribum! es the
.'ate prietmiary aid of Ma &bye,. on friends, is
A ,icelltiOn fur *be lattor aolve,.. 1-kmeriel•
A iretotx Fault Y Frealese
hist the whole of the (anti!? of Mr
Dell, of this township, were 'Aid Ormitrom by
the effect of Resonate of lead. It appears
that on the day previous Rome cord cheelle
had been made and placed in • glazed rrock,
and in the mo g the family ate sorne at
breekfast. About ten o'clock they were all
token Ilra Clark and G W Wood were
The Atlantic Fatale.
-- - soon ndt of darioer. although far a time their
sent for, and tinder theirtrestment they were
Tbe London Timen aays that all, the core nolfet Mon were meet exciteiating.-INerfolk
dition4 of Meerut% have been wooired so tar at Reformer.
human foresight tan derure them. for the
Ihiowintn. -- 'The. liwiiez Record stye a
laying of the Atlantic cairie. It .1P in itself
a wonder of science and art, fee in atIvatice
young ma.; named Mel/towel' was rhowned st
of any previotot cable. and tithbettliciwreeiourt itbLta,tawteetthr tnal
when it has received the Amberstburg on thy 5th inet.. together with
11 ern of; horses. belongiro to himself. Ile
seven thoonand tow; ol coal,
cargo ot about '23,000 tono-probably the
phuserpomdrire.n2 whitiat letrotrnse;athiit,,mh 1, 61104uttrheuRrnrefino: tits
gremient weight ever lotrue by • veseth She
coining entangled with the potent' the veaogon,
will then hew nearly 33 teel, and every pre.
the horses became unmanageable and hacked
caution hoe been taken to get her gaiety out, „
of the Thames. She will not approech with. 'S'uotMentpe0 rtsou en it ' wir: raemn ta011PAdingtino4n tthhre to:nftlegr li"nu t.
in twonty-five milen of the coon of Ireland for
for some time no Ritempt. was made to save
fear of clanger. The shore cable, which is
the poor fellow, At leiroth a yohnc menus
much hoarier then the deep Sea &Me, will
Iterttell in,a 'kill' hut after eoming cloari tellfai
of ; that the eeeeeme, teen the varirom artiolt.s route,' fore entrance to the 2:nit,4 of the deleeetion rem 1 at ei y, be laid for thm distatioe by one of the two
drowning man turned away for fear of being
British Proeinces have been before the cono ,
ship, ,1 war which ate to form part of the
mittee, and all the statement1 deemed impor- StatMi, verge'le of SDINCiridlY 'mai illiPortaneo that he wool.] support. the original me ,liamot (logo goes.' As
latior at minion; them anew. • Of the two exrdition : and, as soon an the cablem are (newt Another arid a more reeolute attempt
tant by them to Ire mwle hove been heard tok n oke tl e benefita mailer!) equal taetwepe
end that the C.onnultienerul of the l'oited or
lea .teo Grernmenin. Ile proceeded to lin" haitn4 on a forrino ocriosion, been one "" I last week, tang cur, in a fit of kin's Bill," A Teuiperance fan mhoold
litiodred and fifty wells in coon., of construe • spliced, the linyat Ettetern will proceed no
mot too late and the yonng man mink to tbe
able tint hie. cones, -4,4e a BullittitUte. Ile WWI .....0 (.11 at retell.. Wed mode hy a 111.. Hooked hut it
Suites ho Coo gee that Me prai heal workirig or the treaty 0 1 e dlre" " • mem"ret "NI 1 4 "e' P l'Y 11 ^ "'", eneak out as an anonymous philanthrnpiitt,
non at. Enniskillen, not more than, twenty are
at yet in woriiing order. ' These ere fair yield paying out the cable A greater speeel 'moot
her voyage Rt the rate of Rix miles an hour,
bottom. lle was an industrious young msn.
Um geestises aelmaitted in 1411 the ita MS !,,heri..,,:ist•,1,"Mh„ ',.fhei,,18.. or141:1.• bl:,.4,44, if,rwoh,ces, tol ifitionotel the()im. gal verioliajneckora°nri‘p,maan'ked the:11:1riettltho°,"feathlot.sy' a. to.! blame. ns ,for nnt acting tiM part of
hi, ,piett. im•Thea juose, jar), anu coneta e. e ate one log an_ paying wets, out toe amount co eul dangerous to the primer laying of Mr ieeenteen heir" er•ffe•
immolate., sad fis shoe • promo nt oot eloitanir to the Governor Generel
bl W h d . a lh h f'be •
ela '14" ''''''11" ebeig.nbeb:rf`17 thtt::: hloatIdef'rs31.7 l''fx‘dtinePtlirefir;y1
am ha,. ,_ , , , Pi eatede the W••It meat make up it. ;Mod to ',torment of the ott. Imwrenee nevi/anon f',;, at once yo•hled up
14 tp,m. pumped by them Rt present il not • corneet eabM, and with a less meted mile *rood not -
=oil," i hod that, aa the molts of th 0 -0 . ' -u u" u 5 ''' . 4. "ur"u", . our duty by recording filets, let a
'mate of what the eame well* will do when be properly on4ler control. The otiiy flat:Igor eqe•:,1,Pirt intsrn --A .fittle girl named
"Ile', "e"'"'•ed le ttuf f reg the 1.. f 4, •), 0 the mutual Inmefit of the trade of both erten ,109 in pors.
ese This matzoh in Too ore to have only in one toes. he emir' no? stultify himaelf by going efIltet remaining antin,shed eneit get into (Mem to Ion apprenended it the occurrence of a hickeon shoat ifiee or six yeam of ags, whose
discussions, now have aelo ...I perance Man " show' his ttlOt 11 eouragerby
. p- the r..hilu of tgo ,,,,,7„, 400,„ by , „ to.„0,. It io now against • Irene:wet of the Reeiprocity aa etperience shown that the more wella storm during the few days necesmiry for mounts reside near Belmont, recently came
to tee tootwention, two resolutiots, awl '1, Treaty, although he desired the. there should '1•:sciargion frost Draisttord. ,
his ideots, It e pointrsi out wastkit ago Pon,
them are at work the more nil m encored la in the cable • but this • a ing to ttl the devith in a ningolor manner. She had
wised their adoption. They are hersto es,1 aecept. 1 he table' fronishott by the 4 . .. I . h
be chanoes Oracle in the emelt g treaty. that the proviainna of' the Temperance . . . P , Y g r , cc NI
from each. So reliable se title rule consider. nautical experience is 'ere rare in the holm phrOielt in ti'• 711011 1**4'10 1.4', moth*?
boat which they have intrusted
cretary of the 1 remurv, shows that the Mr • e•ffirrele ho'^ " •Pe••• et" an.'" Aboot I 1 this; morning (I 4011) nine etf
*4, that the owners of some meet, whtch are mouth of July. ' when soddenly *he dieoppeared. 11pon insti:
.._ „ r.te to Pretmet for you to say today which of thee:ways you
•-•-That this Convention- do ap. o • . . ' ' 1.41. ' I fi . b.' ' Go d be' I ' • 'II f G ' d ed, and now when a murder
• treaty has been yintly beneficial to Ma l'n ted th" •I'Pliretir'n el the ".° lataalea' rah`, rol °
. In the promolkif ten year% it ll'IOWS 7 I ads of arrived from Brant- Act in force in Aslifield wtre not renpeet-
taloa pleoe, ready for pump,ng ore elefarrino a rommence.
(tIss The Brockville Itehorder helle of an 1 ,,. s - • .
Wing a ota.rh, the dietwoowel mother forted
heir dauxhwr timid. with her Rood in a lyebar-
prole of Me achon the toieerror000t of I._ ' 1"1" Omit 01 un y ye mimeo,' graos ino r , ing compeer principa y n ran
write for the ment until Rome of the adjecent orow ere reedy
okorgegeniest ot Orem Itruoin of ite ei h t hi"' •
y I dil not think me T.ety „„,, other delegates 1O1P1110.1 10 gain the 110or, Trunk employees and their families,- temPereneo lnen liege us 1^ •
wister in nom* places ie very ronsidemble, end tu___ 20 thut cu ,I• 0 „el e ee trernoRthy in feit for the afflicted pareetS.-
u.044 "tam m 1.,,,n4 the no, je, 1. •th.te ao ,,,la,,,,,,,,,,tie proopoot! „,,,,,,,,,,pea 2„ *Mowed him. As k.• knocliert toot r et doom also. The reform% of thit in oimple. 'the innanee of the mammy, of (Ansel
..an matiour.. re . 1 Watt • presa.eing child, and much
onitOeint. Ole luthaen roan , rpnarr, atnnt 0 rom eterawean, end e, we 1 1.114. peop e, an, a appos .
The crowd veal made up of ileeent,„„pe,,,,_ purpose of proving to the cemmnriity that,
it was criminally wrong to sop ,ly certain eannot be exhamtell suffiriently to admit of a
large flow of oil unites several welleare work oft7o„,,, . 66 '4 6 Invuo_i( 0 ' m (London yr« Prefia.
aerilvt, etc.) manatactoom at rine
and other
3 ^ rerhoo. 1* elel not emir, tp h. „„oh we ali of whom lobate.' hut three, a gentlemari
torotwass WWI Treaty M Recionwity, of dime Lao ,,,,,, „„,„ ore • ••••• ' ' . I .4 be f' W. ' bl 11 1 1 I I II red
ygoesked, -Thet thi4 Consention do untie* of the 14,0E141140TM of the 40517 waa • third from Philndelphia. 'Th., Saginaw Melt with lionor illegally I We have laws . . . onorrie pan hp laid dose in Oswego
mg at the Immo time, and among their efforts rt • :
a diah Moth sport the hat is µmin irk enrol
not elletit,1 hi a ,,,,„„i A,. it, f.„,,,,,,,,iAl mnn wria weetthe chawormo and dm mu
, . to enjoy themselvee first rate. At one •
4, 11164.
re1f*IIII "Twin 111. l'n'esteet e/ the r oiled intsimageof to, e, ,., T gi y kh . to ear. The Wig edin man however mit li' in this country. it 15 too late now to op- to 0,,,e,,,,,,,, to rt. ,. ,,,otly 004,,,i,-,,„1 h„, t:1:".'1' * lin Vil* *114111'1', **le*, "Itee P•ft 'it Ctortan if asns.-The While of wesrlog
Goeerriment of Groat lirta•n, haviag 4. ejete '''' ' . number of the exenrAioniefe for a sail on flea n "I
1 t th to prevent murder, bet the yield daring this tramMion otate how rap tf,44, ,-,7:,ti.rapiden""i"` !"6413 !le enf,'"'"
„Ann ,,, „,,,,, ett„,h.y. 1 h" not re n•preemol, and ehomed et hearing on a o'cloek the weenie: IlInron took a large
/emus to enter Intl negottetione Woli Me ease yofteet,„ "" ' • 6 66' 6-- - 1 . . .
11 the Amenerm lintels. 4 on- with the emponites, being Yaried a trifle with
snow of this fetoirto myself It waa natural 1"11t "2 "r'l•'. ‘11.11111 "'"' 1441 e•eh "4"1" lefty it mumt income. an note wells get to work. • h
me wills re114041 414 oted to Iwwwwwi 1•1 th0
erin4 t e ...glinted" which the Am.ericon. many by tito subotitatioo or • 1.40 021,
p . • fhts eloot is Raid to be • isifsteard 'pima
,„„. „„,„„,A •••1-ght to hove • chance toll, heart., Iota thnt wrong doem cen be'reachwi at any ten. In the Rothwell dietrict thietilhoe diffioolt
marinfaeture of hardware (hoeing both conl 1 LP etroke or any other alsook liable tot
at. an 11117.11111 (Or %101. tormity spoken through Mr II Ing
the Lake, the Itrantford Ilfassi Band en
people *broad ere meet, in a more rifeetnal manner than met with, hut ie overeome to a treat relent
Abe es-renmori of treaty between the two that eso *mow
emontries for ruiripmeat emaesercial (boo to.oit en.niu o.hipn tt,n. mene.
n is spot, with machinery, skilled sensitive nstmes.-,(Ilatedten Timrs
41101111111 between the -las Ole •b• mut.' t„,,Kti to •ot. at,,1 goy. of Detroit. The Sagiaili* man re I erl d• h good tern through newePaper settiibe. hy the large size of the pampa and engine.% t,n4 iro th
etad Stems sail beginning to imover et ottr
. •
. ••