HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1955-07-21, Page 11.4. 1.. T r Garages. &Way and Evening Service Open th4 Sunday, Wednes- day afternoon, aud •during tA,ct eTeWage threnguout week: Snell Bros, Ltd. GARAGE TitkE INA and 11 cos Before, a, .new telescope -typo stretcher, made of nylon and :aluminum'was adopted* the CanadianArmed Farces, it gat the works. They jumped on it; dropped rocks on it, tossed it .out of aircraft and arinilerries, froze it in ice, buried it in mud and sand. They finally gave up -7.a4plaFed the order. Its lightness and compactness makes this rugged stretcher a 144E41 RV eyerytbing, flops northern air -rescue work to tie tuid12 hOspital, police, Civil Degn4 arid other authorities ...Amtb,er job for Canado's, alunimum and, 'the men who woik-Wonders width. • ALUMINVIVI COMPANY OF CAMARA, LTA (ALCAN) innummmmemrermeremmout 7:1 Robinson Picnic In .Seaforth Park • The Robinsall family picnic) WAS lleld ou S1AndaY at Lim• Pailc, Sea:forth, with 52 present. Swimming and sports were en- 10Yed before the Picnic supper, Winners iu the races, for girls and boys under 5 were: Wendy Neil, Bonnie Blair, De nglas Fletcher and Stephen Robinson;; 0.7 girls, Geraldine Blair, Sharon Pletcher; boys, Larry Willert, Jimmy Neil; older girls,. Janet, Inair, Manua Willerti married woen's race, birS. Earl Neil, Mrs. Harold Robinson; married Men' raCe, Harold BObillOOli, Jack Blair and, Russell King (tie); guessing husband Uy lege, Mrs. Ron Fletch,or; grandfathers eating bananas, Melvin King; grandmother's spot dance, 1Virs, Arthur Robinson; 1:.unny hop race, Don Blair; balloon race, Mrs. Harold Robinson's team; pass the orange contest, Ron Pletcher'S team. Next year the picnic will be held at Riverview Park, Til;e4r, with Arthur Robinlson as presi- dent; Mrs. Earl Neil, secretary; •Is. Arthur Robinson, treasurer; Ray Robinson and Don Blair, sports committee; Mrs. Russell King, Mre, Ron Pletcher and Mrs, Bill Robinson and their hus- bands, table dommittee. This 1Aksh In Winchelsea By MRS. F. HOENIQ Mrs. Fred Walters, Sandra and Judy; Mrs. Colin Gilfillan, Don - aa, Grant and Barbara Ann, spent the latter part of the week hol- idaying at Chesley. Lake. Miss Linda Brock of London returned home on Sunday atter spending the past two weeks with her friends, Misses Sandra and Judy Waiters, Misses Joy, Whitlock and Win - Ale Smithson of St. Thomas visit- ed.over the weekend with Mrs. Harry Ford and Mr. and Mrs. ,Frpencan Herne. Miss, Kathleen Herne of Oak- wood Inn, Grand Bend, spent Sunday evening at the home of, her parents. Master .Terry Morgan of Thalnes Road has been Staying with 'his; grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Newt- on Clarke. and Mrs. 'Roy Martin •ot Tillsontnrg „Mr. and. Mrs. Sohn Rod:d of Woodham were •callers at the home of Mrs. Ford and Gordon last Sunday evening. L • '53 '58 '52 '50 Just Try FORD doNVBRTILBE— Loaded, a real girl catcher n $2,500 MONARCH, HARDTOP—Shari, loaded 1VIFEOR CONVERTIBLE—A honey • $1.,995, 'ClIEVROLET COACH—Clean $1,095 'CFIEVROLEX SEDAN—Sharp $ 850 $ 850, $ 795 '50. DODGE SEDAN -Clean '50 METEOR 'COA'CH i '50 PONTIAC SEDAN ' • $ 750 , '4b PORD7COACH—Real sharpie ' $ 695 Ti '49 PLYMOUTEI SEDANS—Choice of two, each $ 650 .1. '51 MORRIS SEAN—Clean $ 600 1 '47 CHEVROLET COACH ••.• - $ 450 • Specials Reduced $10 .a Day Until Sold Thursday's Price ri '52 OLD$ M 0 BILB SEDANHYdranaatic 4,825 '49 METEOR SEDAN: '48 CIONR'OLET FLEIETLIN COACH $ 6/6 $ 875 Trucks '54 PORD SEDAN DELIVERIY—Side ,:urinciows ....$1,795 '52 rORD 8 -1014 --Dump and hoist ....,...,.. . . . , . 1 '51 ''cutivRoLvr PICKFP .. . .......$ '750 1 4'50 DODGE PICP.TP $ 650 1 '51 DODGE. 1 -TON . . . . . . .. ...3 650 '48 II:MD .8-TON--Cah and chassis ... .. . $ 490* Custom Ford • Regular Price $107.95 • Special $9 #.00' Including Aerial and Inistallatioti L THE TIMESADVOCATE, EXETER, eeve ins Pao THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 21, INS ourney • REEVE WINS, POOL TOURNAMENT—Reeve William Mc- Kenzie 'captured the town council ,pool tournament at the opening of Red Scott Billiards Thursday night. The reeve defeated the mayor in the final play -of of the elimination series. Top, four of the contestants lining up shots are Mayor Pooley, Councillors Jermyn and Taylor and the winner. Above, Red Scett, right, presents the snooker cue prize to the reeve while the mayor adds his congratulations. T -A pictures. Complete Final Plans' For, .Reunion At Staffa The 'get meeting of ail own- mittees preparing tor the S.S. No. 3 Hibbert O1 oys and Girls Reunion, was held ,Friday night. Each committee reported its ac- tiv,ities .aid everything Is nearing 06Mpletion ter July 23. 'The invitation committee has sent out over 500 invitations. Mrs. M. Dearing -and Mrs. C. Bowman have compiled a souv- enir book of, the history, of the school. The • entertainment • committee of Ile,. A. 11'. and, Mrs. Daynard, Mr. and Mrs. H. Hepburn, Mr. and Mrs. S. Norris and Mr. and Mrs. R. Skinner have the morn- ing and afternoon programs plan- ned. - • The trustees, J. M, Seott, E. J. Dearing and R. 'Norden; are responsible tor the evening •en- tertainment and .he completed plans. for presenting Willie Bell and Coinpany ot- London. Follow- ing the program Harburn's .Orch- estra will .pla,y for an open air dance. Th6 decorating committee be- The,Story In am' Mount armel By MISS S. VOISIN • Mrs. Van Hyde, London, visit- ed With 'her daughter, Mrs. Mary McCarthy, over the week. 1Vlr. .and Mrs. Hubert Desjar- dine ; went to Stratford Sunday eVening to get Mrs. Gus Morrisey, Where ehe was visiting °. Father Corkan ant other .friends. Janes Carey and Mr. Jos- eph Hogan, epent Sunday at Grand Bend, Mrs. Jim Glavin visited with Mr, and Aire. Jos. Carey and family over •the weekend. Mr. and i -Mrs. grank 4'boughlin and Timothy, Taranto, are visit- ing With Mrs. Leona .Cmighlin and family And other 'friends dur- ing their holidays. Mr. and Mrs. trhan Ayotte and f amily, Detroit, are spending .801110 time with Mr. Jerry Camp- bell,. who Is 111. $iss (Madelipe lavlx, Port Larribton, is visiting her Mather, Mrs, Wiunifred C4laVin, dttring her summer 'holidays. Mr, Grant lVIGNalr, London, Iris - Red his Slater Mrs. Aleft !Voisin, Sr.5 Dr.a few weeks during the holidays. r, and Mts. iGerald Digrian, Louden, are, visiting with .Miss Brio modo. • • ,op, Friday evening in "the par - fall hall reception WU held for Mr. and Mrs. iGetald Began. The II.0•Sentatiort was made -by SWIMS Dayle and Tem Plemitig. Larry.Snider ,Motors With Miss Mary AIM Hall eVer Miss AoffettlarY Cronyn visited IFiaturdaY. MI448 Aline CronYt: visited with Miss Shirley VoIIn over War* day'. I Phone 624 LTD. ilseeteitionnimmatawasokeimunitamegolletime, . . Oirsionerate .. . etiemenumatimMeMitii . iMrs4 Exeter cL: gan their work early this week, These ,members are Mesdames G. Agar, grue EUIott, 31. Bensons, R. Sadler, C. Miller, M. Dearing and L. Miller. • 'The committee of Mr. and Mrs. L. Harburn, Mr. and Mrs. D. Burns, Mrs, R, Reed and Jim Barbour are having a display of pictures pertatning to the sc•hool section. Whips Mayor In Playdowns Reeve William McKenzie prov- ed the real dark horse in the town council ,snooker tournament at the opening of Red Scott 'Bil- liards Thursday night, He sur- prised Mayor R. El, Pooley in .the final elimination match to win the honors ty a ,handy margin, The mayor h a d suspooted Councillor Dick Jermyn 'was the man to beat and -Councillor Jer- myn, in turn, felt the mayor was the tough man in the tonrnament, The reeve proved 'both of them wrong. McKenzie took anearly 26-6 lead in the 'Gaol match and al- though the mayor came up 2e-22, he never did catch ' the winner, "I haven't played 1 n five , years," the reeve confeseed, mitting that tuck played a part. In his win. The champion said, he learned 'his game at Pop Wat- son's hotel in Kipp. "When got bored with the:dances I used ta go downstairs and play pool." McKenzie eliminated Couneillor Ed Brady in the first round of the tournament and Dick Jerinyn °listed Councillor Rose Taylor in the second game. Pooley and Jermyn hooked. up in the semi-final and the council., lor took an early 26-1' lead on the mayor but couldn't hold it. Owner Red .Scott presented the two-piece snooker cue, donated by the BrunewickeBalke-Collen- der Co. Ltd., to [Reeve McKenzie following the final game. After the presentation, the reeve and Dick 'Jermyn defeated the mayor and Ross Taylor two games out of .three. The lunch committee will serve meals cafeteria style at 12 and 4.30 o'clock. Everyone is expect- ed to leave his lunch at the reg- istration booth where it will be picked up and taken to the kit- chen. Comments About Centralia, By MEE. FRED xunigmx ° Presentation At Pie)* The annual picnic of the )Cen- tralia United Church Sunday School was held at Turnimll's Grove on Wednesday afternoon of last week. Winners in sports were: Girl' races — Judy •Blair, Juanita Sholdice, Jean Essery, Joan ]8s - ser, Beverley Smyth, Sharon Sholdice and Allison Clarke; young ladies — Maxine Bowden, Maxine Bodbolt; married ladies —Dori*Shoebottom, Janet Hicke; kickinghe slipper — Maxine Godbolt, N.:Aldred Greb„ Boys: Joey Graham, Glenn Overholt, Nell AticA11ister, Gary Overholt, -Wayne Greb, Wa.yne Harrison,Keith Rodgine; young men ayne Harrison, Norman 1Viorgan; twilled men — John McAllister, .SatSkinner; three leg -ed race, girls — parol Me- Ctirdy and Sharaii Sholdice; boys Wayne •Greb and Wayne Har- rison. Sides were :ehosea and several tentests were enjoyed by all. A 'picnic supper followed and the preSentation of a beautiful walnut corner .Step t01#5 'wasmade to Mr, and Mts. Gerald 'Godbolt and ternily who will leave shortly for their neve liame 1.n- Exeter. • Mr. and Mrs. Godbolt have both been ,aetbrq *0104( in the church and the hest 'Wishea oi many friends will be With them in,their new houle. The address Was read by Mr, Reg 1.404304 .and the presentatiOn Woe' inade by Mr, Ken Hodgins, and M. 4.' MeAllister, PO J. T. and Mrs, Gates and • family, of Camp Borden, were Su.nday guests with Mr. and Mt* 11'.. Gates, Betty GAM re*. inained fot a month's vacation with her grandwonits. Mr. and Airs, Prank Xitight, Wile have been holidaying with Mrs. H. ,Knight, left en Monday for their henna in the West. Mr. end Mrs. Clarence '10iight, of liso. bOrtit, ite0OMpaiiied them. on their return • Mr. and Mit. t. 13. HodgSoh spent a couple Of (ISIS last Week • With Mr. and Mrs. tari Rodgoon in Ridgetowit Mr. and Mrs. 3. Morley, of London, Were Sunday guests With bit e I r grandnictlier, Mrs. A,Harlton. Master Robby and MISS jean LatriMle returned 110010 OA r riday after holidaying with their aunt, Miss Greta Lammie, in Hensel]. Mr, and Mrs.. Ray Lammie were in Toronto on Sunday at- tending the divine service to mark the 100th year of the Masonry of Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Fred 'Bowden and family and Messrs. R. Payn- ter, .R. Jaques and W. Allison were in Toronto on Saturday where . they attended the Howitt - Smith wedding. Mr. Kenneth Hodgins attended the Masonic service in Toronto on Sunday. a CANADIAN PROPANE GAS & APPL4110413 GRATTON & 'HOTSQN Phone 156 Grand Bend QId.Homestead Reunion Scene., 0A00 0414" 044 4eScellnalkte of An4erfien.and. Eleanor Mitchell Anderson othered at the ,old homestead, how-occupled by Mr. -and Mrs. Wm. Schroeder (Bditlx). All living -.members of the 11414941,4tO tarinily were *rep— eat with th eaceptiou „ot :aucl Mrs, lher 44dersott, .014U Late, Deileenclants were preaeut from es "tar as Serwigit, Nova 'Scotia, ,(MV.a4 Um. 31aro/4 Murray, a»4 Fey), Detroit. Ragers,,, vine, jlaryis, London, and local areas. 4 pleaSattt UAW was 'spent in visiting and reminischtS, Report On Grand Bend By MRS. F, REoWN mr. and Mrs, Wm. Stubb, of Thftd.ford, and Mr, and IVIre, Art Dauncsy,, of Lunn, visited Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Raba f)11. Sat- urday. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Sweitzer, ot spent •Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William :Sweitzer. Mrs. Eva OOrrill and Miss Muriel Fallis, of Sarnia, are spending this week with. Miss Mari Yep. Mr. and Mrs. ,Roy 'Scott spent the 'week -end with the latter's mother, Mrs. Wm, Patterson. and Mrs, Elgin Lalt, of Mount Vernon, Miss., and Mrs. Thomas Last, of Windsor, visited in town on. Sunday ond attended the service at the 'United Church. Mr, Last is chaplain of the Mis- souri State Sanitarium. Mr. 'and Mrs. /amea IGrigg and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Baker sp,eut W43414044AY wittl Kr. and Mrs. Nelson 'Grigg and otb.er friends in Arkona, ¥r, and -Wire. William. ,Sweltzer and ,•:rnndions; Brian Sweitzer and BasU drawford, attended the. Huron Council picnic at Goderich last week. Mrs, Wellington Baker, who suffered a 'heart attack last week, is a patient in Victoria Hospital. Mrs. Edith Young, of Lon.don, spent a few days ,last week 'with her brother and. sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. W, 3'. Beer. Mr. and Mrs. H. Hogarth, of London, are visiting -with Mr. .and Mrs. Clark Ken,1100 and Mr, and Mrs. Roy, Flear. Mr. and Mrs. Carol Vanner, of London, spent the week -end with the latter's parente, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Baird. • Mr. and Mrs. Harold Finn and Betty Ann, of Detroit, spent the week -end with Mr. and: Mrs. Ernest KeoWn. Typewriter Paper 60 Sheet Pads — 250 Also, Available 100, 500 And 1,000 Lots The Exeter Times -Advocate 8 ec WI Riverside Poultry Co. . to make: aura you, are receiving TOP. PRICES for your live poultry beforo selling by 4v.; COLLECT London or H. 7-1230 .080-r-2 . 14411194.1.1111.1.1rkiri Ill5uml..011111110firrm4Iligr011uir5 • MORE PEOP,E mpg ON GOODYEAR TIRES THAN ON ANY OTHER KIND U1 See us for safe, dependable GOOD/WAR Tires We've got a complete line of Goodyear tiro in a wide range of prices. Ask. us about the famous 411,-NyIon Super - Cushion. JIMMY HAYTER DAY 9 PHONE NIGHT 84 DASHWOOD, ON i. GENERAL GARAGE SERVICE as near as your telephone A COMPLETE TRUST SERVICE IN WESTERN ONTARIO Coll HATE B. PATERSON, Trust Officer Hensall, Ontario, Phone 51 For • Estate Planning and Wills • Real Estate Services • Investment Management and Advisory Service • 31% Guaranteed Investments • 21A% on savjng0—de•oalts. Ty be mailed. Or Contact Any Office Of GUARANTY TRUST COMFANY OF CANADA Toronto • Montreal • Ottawa • Windsor Niagara Falls • Sudbury • Sault Ste. Marie Calgary • Vancouver Tho Bourke family in the Bell cafeteria (left to right): Lauren, 2T, Toll Testing, Montreal— Suguege, 24, Toll Operator, Montreal=lucie, 17, Stenographer, Montreal—Guy, 25, Central Office, St.Lambert Susan ne, 20, Stenographer, Montreal—G.00n, 25, Toll Testing, 'Montreal. The Bourkes all work at the Bell! Away back in 192; a, young man by the name of'Arthur Bourke joined our company. Little did he realize that his children—all six•of them ..—woulcl follow in his footsteps to careers at the Bell. Today Mr. Bourke would be more; than woad of his handsome family. We know ware! The Bourkes, like all telephone people., know+ from their own experiente that the Bell is "a good place to work". They have found pleasant associates and, interesting work at good wages. They have also found satisfaction and opportunity in serving the public in an essential burliness. And this is as it should be, for good tele. phone service depends upon people who like their jobs, and convey this feeling to our customers. This is the feeling that is largely responsible for "the Spirit of service" you find in Bell employees. wherever you meet them. THE DELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA U�ig 06111 YOUR .A40110000. • " 6 4