HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1955-07-21, Page 9r, 4 Lon. ndan Church Scene Of Rites Decorated with pink and white ,gladioli ,and fern, 'St. David's urc ,c h o o n h L ridwas thescene of, , S ne. 'the wedding of Audrey May Page, 'daughter of Mr. and Mrs, APIs 'Page, of Grand' Bead Md. William Shanley Ashworth, son of Mr, and: Mrs. Norman Ashworth, London, Rev. L. V. Pocoek officiated. Mrs. Irene Morris played -tradi- `tiona' welding music •and accom- 'pani.t d Miss N.Oreen McIntosh, soloist. Mr, Page gave his daughter in !marriage and: she was attended `.by be' sister, *re. 'Grant Roesz ler lag matron of honor, (Norman °AshWerth, . brother ,of • the groom, 'Wan 'beet anan, Tlie ,bride chosea white waltz... length, gown of tulle over taffeta and carried a bouquet of red :roses. 'The matron of honor was attired in an aqua gown of tulle 'with matching headdress. She car - tied a bouquet of white baby Receiving in the church parlor, the bride's. mother 'wore a navy ..and white dress with matching .accessories and corsage of red 'roses. The groom's mother, as - .wore a .grey printed dress, With white .accessories end corsage 'of red roses, !'ora Wedding `tr'ip to Northern '.Ontario the bride chose a blue And white silk dress •witlm white 'acdeesories and •corsage of pink oar! cations, • The couple will reside in Lon- don. 'Honor Mies Taldor]' Mrs, Harold Taylor and Mrs. ''Earl Russell 'entertained at .a shower on Tuesday evening at `the summer eottage ef Mr. and Mrs. R. E, Russell at ,Blake in honor of their, niece, Miss Mar- ijarie Taylor, 'bride -elect whose marriage takes place •on August '6. YOUR T`AR'S PARTNER IN 40WER (low "Skinny Girls let Lovely turves Gain 6 oto 10 Lbs. Clew Pep lizusands Who never could gain weight be. lore,'pow have rhapely,;attfactiverflgurres..No ;noro bony limbs ugly hollows. 'They thank Dstroxx Tonio Tablets. Helps put flesh on body • _}idnny due to impaired appetite because blood 11,crea ea rep "Get acquain ecr six only 6(4, !Cry Osire= for sew pounds, lovely. curves, ;aey=2i0, today.`All druggists..:• .Business As Usual. • DURING ALTERATIONS Shoe Bargains Expert Repairs WUERTH'S Phone 252 Exeter ssitsmi *stone rilitg•x CHAMPIONS -Then drive in foie •brand-new • set at Canada's Number One Tire FIRESTONE. It's the safest, lonper- 41Mlleage tire buil* 9od6yl Graharn Arthur moms . 'Phone 210 Exeter Build factory. For Fertilizer Mr. H ugh B al1 eY general a -ager of United Co-operatives of Ontario io with central offices, at Toronto, announced this week the board of directors pf the co#npanyhad approved the estab, lishmnent of a chemical plant food; factory at Stratford, Ontario. United Cooperatives of On-, Carlo IS • the regional wholesale; for Ontario, owned by, and sere-; ing 60,000 farmer -members of 1.60 local farm supply and 'Mar- keting co-operatives across the province, .At the present time, the activities of the company em- brace a variety pf manufacturing Of Co-op branded products, such as, livestock and poultry 'feeds' and chemical -fertilizers, and the wholesaling of .grain and nation- ally advertised general farm supplies. Extensive • operations are carried on in the marketing of dairy and poultry products, livestock and ,grain. Mr, Bailey explained that tine establishment of a cheinieal plant food factory at Stratford was a natural outgrowth of the increas- ing volume of the two existing Co-op fertilizer plants at Toronto and Thamesville and will starve a large number of local co- opera-tives in Western Ontario to advantage, In addition to the expansipn of the agricultural chemical ferti- lizer department, United Co - Operatives of Ontario 1s presently replacing its facilities .at Guelph with what ,has been described as one of the most modern .and ef- ficient livestock feed manufactur- ing .plants in Canada, supplying the local co-operatives in Ontario with CO -op brarid'prelxtix, concen- trates, balanced feeds and feed- ing supplements. The new ',chemical plant food .factory at Stratford will be located south of;,the Whyte 'Pack- ing Company plant on three acres of vacant land 'between Linton avenue and the C.N.R. London line. Second Lino In Biddulph . By i1IILS. H. 'EL ON Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hodgins, of Corbett, spent Thursday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Atk1nson, Miss Maxine Godbol't, of Mitch- ell, spent the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Allan Elden. Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Johnston, of Carlyle spent Sunday 'with Mrs. Jessie Lewis, Lynda Johnston is spending this week, with. Mrs. Lewis. Mr. and Mrs. George 'MeFalis and. Joyce •spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. CecilSkinner of Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stanlake, Joan and 'Mary spent •Saturday With Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Fischer 'Lloyd Stanlake, Jr:, spent. _Sane day at Port Burwell. • Miss 'Sheila Elston spent a week redenily with Margaret, Jean and Marion Gibson and attended Bible school at Centenary . United church. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Blair and family ' and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Blair and ' family attended the Robinson picnic at •Seaforth on Sunday. • An Elston family gathering was held recently at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Elston, the old homestead. Guests were present from Anderson, St: Marys, Mit- elieli, Thames. Road and Kirkton. Mr. and. Mrs. Andrew F1'anna- gan and Terry, of Dundas, spent a few -days with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Blair. 'word was received on Sun- day of the drowning of the twin son of Mrs. Jack Elston and the late Mr. Elston of .Edmontorf. Letter From ' =Bri'ns ey By MRS. L. CRAVEN While Mrs. George Prest was in St. Joseph's Rospital, London, giving birth to a son, she co_n- tracted, german measles andhad be brought by ambulance to the'hotne of .her parents, Mr. and •Mrs. Cecil Ellwood, where she is •convalescing favorably; Mrs, Douglas Lewis and child- ren. are spending a few days with her •parents, Mr. and Mrs. And- rews of Auburn. Miss Linda Cribben of Toronto is holidaying with her grand- mother Mrs. Marion SSholdice. Miss Audrey, Darling of Toron- to is spending a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Darling. 11rs. Lila Neil is spending some time with her daughter Mr. 'and Mrs. Murray Mackey sof 'Sylvan.. Mr. and Mrs, Jack Prowse of London have returned to their home after 'holidaying with 'the. former's parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. George Mercer, 'While on vasa- •tion Mr, !'rouse was in a motor accident and was admitted to St, Joseph's Hospital, London. Miss 'Carolyn Odd of Luman is ,spending .a feta days with. her 'grandparents Mr, and. Mrs. 'Cecil: Ellwood. Mr. Douglas Watson has joined the •navy and is stationed at Cornwall, Mrs. .11m De Finney and Deb- bie of Ottawa and Mr. and Mrs. Duncan of Kingston are holidaying With the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andy Keogh. Mr, and Mrs, Duncan leave shortly fbr Germany. Mr, .and 'Mrs. Lin 'Craven. itdd ,Saturday with Mr. and Mrs., idWin 'Gamble. Mr. Gamble has been e patient .at the 1t1gin Gen- eral Hospital, St. Thomas, for the: past ,several weeks. Miss (Donnie Watson has re- turned to her home !tare after tHE TIM ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO* THURSDAY MORKING# JULY .21, 1956 Children At 1ashwocd r� �joy Vacation School Forty-six children enrolled. 'at Summer Vacation Bible School at Dashwood hl,U,B,' Church, Those ;attending Bible School at tine E.U.B. Cburoh entertained the W.S.N.S, of the church and other mothers with the slimmer Christmas tree program on their closing night, Friday, July i5, atter two weeks Of ,study under the leaderfi'hip of Rev. W, Krotz. They enjoyed singing, Bilb1e study and haddwor'k. There Were .five classes of study with an average attendance. p1 40.6, Those assisting were: Kinder- garten, Miss Thelma Weber . and the senior girls "Enjoying God's Gifts"; grade 1, stories about Jesus, Mrs. J, M. Tieman, who also taught singing; grade 2, "What God Does for Us", Rev. Krotz; grade 3, "The Life of Jesus", Rev. T. Dahms; and Mrs.A H. Kellerman who also taught grade 4, "Followers of Jesus" The program for .the evening consisted of Bible verses, 'hymns and songs climaxed by the ohil dren forming a living Christmas tree and singing Yule songs. For You for"" Me, and Away In a Manger. 'A collection was taken to aid. schools in Southern and Central America, After dismissal the ladies visited the classrooms and viewed the children's work, Mr. Jack Gaiser took movies of the chil- dren. Mr. and Mrs. Melton Wainer and girls, of Ingersoll, agent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Philip Fassold. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Peiiper, of Stratford, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs., Wm.'Wein. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard !Bender and daughter, of London, called on the former's father, Mr. John Bender, on Sunday. Mrs. Elizabeth Marten, Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Martene, Mr. and' Mrs. Eben .Weigand and family spent Sunday at South- ampton with Mr. and Mrs, Joe Martene and baby Larry. Mrs, E, Martens is staying for a couple of weeks, Mr. arid Mrs. Archie Derider, of Toronto, spent the week=end With Mrs. E. Derider. and Mr, amid Mrs. Vernon Schatz, Mr. Alfred 'Zimmer, of Port- laNd, Orogon, - spent his vacation with Mr. and Mrs, Harry Zimmer. Miss Theresa 'Zimnier, of Lon- don, spent Thursday at the hone of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Zimmer. Miss Evelyn Zimmer, of Zurich, is vacationing with her grand- mother, Mrs. A. 'Zimmer. Miss Doris Allemand„ of Lan- sing, Mich., is spending two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Art Alleman'd. Miss Marion Wildfong, of Lon- don, spent the week -end with her grandmother, Mrs: Mary Tieman. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Rader and Philip, Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Rader and. •.family motored to Hanover, Sunday, and attended church services at First St, Matthew's Church where Rev. T. Luft is pastor. They also visited at Southampton. Annette Zimmer, of Zurich, is visiting with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Rarry Zimmer. Mr. and "Mrs. Lloyd Wiedo and family, ef Detroit, spent the week - e nal with Mrs. Fred Sohlundt and other relatives. Shirley Wiedo, Who had spent two weeks here, returned home. Miss Erma Wein, of Clinton, spent the week -end with •her mother, Mrs. Herb Wein. Mrs. Fred Wetberg is a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London. Mr. and Mrs. Harold.Maine and girls, of Kitchener, were week- end visitors with the latter's par- ents, arents, Mr. and Mrs. Reinhold Miller. Mrs. Maine and.girls are staying a week. Mrs. Glen 'Baker, Donna and Brian, of London, spent Sunday With her'mother; Mrs, Wm. Bve- land. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gibson, of Detroit, spent Friday with Mr. and 1VIrs. Leo Gibson. - Mr. and Mrs. Disk Dawson and Sharon, of Parkhill, spent Thurs- day with Mr, and Mrs. Leo Gibson. Mrs. Walter Ness arid Timmy, of Dearborn, Mich., and 'Mrs. Niblock, of London, spent Tues- Mrs. Wm. Nadiger visited with her brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. N. Ogden at Erteter last Tuesday. Mrs. Nelda Routledge, of Lon- don, is vacationing. with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Fassold• Mrs. ,Lou Eagleson returned home last Thursday after spend- ing a couple of •weeks with Mr., and Mrs. Gordon Eagleson and family at Southampton. • day with Mrs. N. Ness. Mies 'Erma Kellar, of London, spoilt a few days at the home of her sister, Miss Loretta /'Cellar, spending a few days with her aunt at Niagara (Falls. Miss Joan Instill of London is holidaying with Mr, and Mrs. Roy 'Schenk. Master Bobbie 'Glenn is spend- ing a few days With his grand- parents Mr. and Mrs. (Slier rood Brock of Exeter. Miss Marion Jardine of Cam- lache is visiting at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Martin Watson. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Craven, Kenneth and Vertme of Chatbo,in,.. and Mr. and Mrs. Alden Craven and Lawrence of Ailsa Craig :spent iSunday everting with. Mr. and Mrs. Lin Craven. Mr.,, Ed Dundas of 'Detroit Vis- ited with 'his sisters in the coni - triunity recently. Miss Grace TrevethIek is visit- ing With lief grandparents Mr, aril Mrs., (George (veil of Witty. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hamilton and Gerald e:t Lucan and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Ellwood and Richard visited with Mr. and 1Vlrs. Steve Dtrndas of Crediton Ilii .Sunday evening last, Mrs. bt Hat andbah R ery a y . son returned home front. South Huron hospital, A'Ionday, Mn, and Mrs, ' Ralph Pearson, of Kitchener, were Saturday visitors with Mr, Cheater Geiser. Mrs, Oora .Gainer entertained the following in honor of the birthday of 'her mother; Mrs, Sitnme 1I a n g h, Mrs., Milton Haugh and Joyce, Mr, and Mrs, Art Haugh and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Gaiser, of Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur K'oessel and Virginia and Mr. Ed ,Supple,. of Lanaing, Mich., spent •'ilte week -end with Mrs, John Kuntz and Luella -.,and Mr, and Mre. Clayton i'file, They ..celebrated Mrs. John Kuntz's 87th birthday. They all visited with Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Kuntz Sunday eve- ning. 'Virginia is staying vath Mr; and Mrs, fide. AI Fine Operator Of Bottle Club i A th r d operator of the Grand' Bend Country ry C ub. was convicted of bootlegging in magistrate's: count at Goderich on 'Thulrsday, Jack BBossenberry. about 45, was fined $75 and costs by Mag- istrate Dudley Holmes for Illegal- ly operating .a bottle 'club In the clubhouse owned by Wib Coulter: north of .the golf course on High- way 21. Exeter Provincial Police •Con-. stables Elmer Zimmerman and. John Porde, assisted by men from Goderich and !Seaforth .detach- ments, ,seized 363 pints of beer and ale in a raid on July .9. ,Bossenterry pleaded guilty to the charge. Several American tourists were subpoened to ap, Pear as witnesses. Peter Anderson was convicted of operating the club illegally in. Peeember and last 'Septemb'er Murray Stephen Wed Irk T "pronto A ,quiet wadding was Solemn- ised in St. Leonard's Anglican Church,. Toronto, on Satur�la M 1 y July l.6 when Margaret illia i n e , daughter .p.! Mr. L. O. Robinson Ph.D. of Winnipeg and Mrs. tob- inson of 'Toronto beeamie ,the bride of Thomas Murray gStephen son of Mr, and Mrs. Charles Stephen of Elim.ville, The double ring cereunpny Was performed by Canon Dyke. Following the ceremony the wedding dinner was served at the. 'Italian Inn..4fter •a 'wedding trip to Points in Western OIn•tario Mr, and Mrs, Murray Stephen will reside in Toronto. _w Robert Brown was fined for the same offetree, Owner Wib Coulter has been convicted once ef bootlegging. un- der the C.T.A. but the •offence took place •at a different location on the highway. ra•f • Joneouseerun C. 411440AAIIHNA!A410.11AAANMANANAAAAA 5tcmps And All Ty cs Q Mart... • Devices s.. Robber Stamps Made TO. Order .. :Ear: S'tatops Circ>;tlar, Oval- .and Rectangnliair Stainits .. Stamps `With Changeable Dates and .Nuinbasrs 41. Signature Stamps , .. Die Plates for All :Purposes Printing Wheels w , Numbering Machines .. Stamp Racks The Tirnes-Acivocate a A,Innuu allaapiaaalloVjaaaata aallluny„uq,nlm,ARul 00000paw ood ampasommosaaapaanulnWlagi, ik You're invijtecl To Pearson Motor Sales' Our Exeter -Lot is ane Year OId :We're ceiebraflng tifh Our Greatest CAR SALE! Saturday, July 23 To Saturday, July 30 We're Making'Presents' 9f Our Demonstrators '55 PONTIAC DELUXE COACH $300 Off List ! '55 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN V-8 SEDAN $300 Off ! '55 BUICK 4 -DOR HARDTOP SPECIAL $400 Off ! '55 BUICK 2 -DOR HARDTOP SPECIAL $400 Off ! '55 'BUICK SUPER SEDAN A Full $900 Off ! We'll Trade or Make An Outright Sale On These Cars. No Gimmicks. '54 BUICK SEDAN— • Dynaflow, low mileage, written guarantee .... $2,695 '54 BUICK SEDAN- - Low mileage, written guarantee $2,500 '54 FORD CUSTOMLINE COACH—Spotless $1,695 '53 FORD CUSTOMLINE COACH= Radio, tinted glass, whitewalls, rings. A steal at $1,495 '53 'METEOR COACH— ' Can't tell it from a '55 $1,395 u '52 PONTIAC CATALINA 8 HARDTOP— Automatic, radio, . many extras. '51 PONTIAC CCATALINA HARDTOP— Automatic, ARDTOP—Automatic, radio, loaded. • FREE KIST HAVE A FREE DRINK OF KIST UNDER OUR BEACH 'UMBRELLA Every Visitor To Our Lot Free Beverage bets A RSON Phone 608 'Exeter Jack Pearson Says "We want to say "Thanks A Million" for the confidence and support you've shown' us since twe 'opened our Exeter lot one year ago. Our sale of new Buicks and Pontiacs and Goodwill Used Cars has been wonderful and we thought the best way to express our appreciation was to offer you the most terrific buys 'we could assemble. We invite you to look them over." Lou Barley Says "This is one party you don't want ,to miss! .Conte up and onjoy a free c -o -o-1 drink on its and drive cut with a newer used car at a stupendous saving. Eery car We're offering ,is worth at least $200 more than we're asking. See For Yourself and you'll believe it. Conte on up." These Birthday Values Are 'Pieces Of Cake' '52 PONTIAC SEDAN—Real clean $1,195 '51 KAISER SEDAN—Overdrive, etc. $ 595 '51 METEOR COACH— Overdrive. Save on this oite at $ 995 '51 CHEV. SEDAN—The wife will like it $1,050 '50 `CHEV. SEDAN DELUXE— We'll guarantee it any way 'you want $ 850 '48 FORD SEDAN—Real good $ 595 '49 MONARCH 6 -PASS. COACH - 30,000 miles, educated by an old lady $ 795 5 '49 FORDS—Your choice for $ 595 '48 DODGE 5 -PASS COUPE— Needs a little work $ 295 '46 PLYMOUTH SEDAN— Good tires, good body, good motor $ 495 '46 BUICK SEDAN— • Will do 100, tickets to prove it ' $ 295 '46 FORD COACH—New paint, a heauty ....,$• 595 Loads &[, Loads Of Pre -War Buys! Thousands of miles of transportation. left in these - models and you can buy one for a song! just give us an offer - - - • Don t 'O,pen Your Mouth unless you intend to buy, because we'll accept any offer. Starts Saturday! SALES Corner No. 4 & 83 Highways