HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1955-07-21, Page 8THE TIMES—ADVOCATE, .EWER, ;ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING,, JULY 2'1 Blue 1949 , the iross ipublic tAiabt of tbe federal gOverament #}1{A laiereased from 910.9 billion 40 ; L 9billion. BRIDES -ELECT! See the "Personalized Service allauains at The Times -Advocate, Times -Advocate Summer Holid d ` a Bargains ELIZABETH ARDEN BLUE. GRASS COLOGNE $2 w0 PERFUME. special • FLASHLIGHT Special COPPERTONE:` far r Ta i nn ng SPRAY NET With Free Shampoo 6.12 STICK 590 Repellant , 49c $1.50 __SI 75 • f411 PRaaf IK11Tl1OD PROM. NEUTRALIZES AUTOMATICALLY. "TAKES" TAKES EVERY TI MEI yPRIN6IER end -curls! DEEPER waves!. Yours for only Si 75 Hun tl ey's Drug Store PRONE 50 EXETER Torontorc Shu h Scene Of .RifeAs Aquill informal weddiiag was solemn/ to the ;chapel lk Vic- tpria Presbyterian Church, 'Tor- onto on 'Saturday, j'uly 16, at 2 p.m. when Marilyn, daughter of Mrs. Nelson, Toronto, arc() the late W. n. Nelson was •waited in marriage with J. Neil, sou of Mr. and Mrs. J. Hubert Jones, Exeter. Rev, Douglas Stewart officiated. 1Given in marriage by °her broth- er, William Nelson, the bride was lovely in 4a ballerina -length gown at ice blue crystallette fashioned with long torso and very bouf- fant skirt and white accessories. She carried a colonial bouquet ,of pink rose buds and white car- nations. Miss Laura Mason .of Toronto as bridesmaid wore an identically, fashioned gawp in pale pink and carried a colonial bouquet in blue and white. The groomsman was Mr. Douglas :Fowler of Tor- onto. Following 'the ceremony the bridal party assembled at the "014 Mill" for the wedding lunch- eon. ,Only the immediate families were guests. The bride and groom are hol- idaying at Grand Bend and Georgian Bay, They will reside in Kitchener r where .the. groom ,has accepted •a position with Marsland Engineer- ing Limited. Montreal handles more ship- ping business than any North American port excepting New York, Madame Hayette Hair Stylist, London will be at Hayter's Beauty Shop GRAND BEND THURSDAY AND FRIDAY Jtiily 28 and 29 and EACH THURSDAY AND FRIDAY thereafter until Labor Tay Phone 178 for appointment Closed For Holidays August 1- 8 Dot's Beauty Shoppe Exeter Ontario Jw1955 Atr,,,, lntematiooal • ilarvester. fli,I1Rfrierators BIGGESTaI BEST VALUE ever offered by geleilligefaall111111ma YOufve • g• ot tL date to see the new II.1 Refrigerator's 3t► 4ur° allQwroem-right "Mway„• Ranging in size froth tht giant 12 cu. ft. model (above) to the 7.1 cu. ft, econothyr'wield,the new Iii line: s everything you'lever need m a refrig. erator.,:all you>rb at stkprisitlgly low giria'esr Stay Terms Now at Model A l )OD 1 7, i SAS LOW>q $ 26975 - F, Hu.tabie PHONE 153.W" EXETER Alunni Tc.. .M..ark (. Mc'Falls School, E3:144.41 The alumni of S.S. 9, Biddulph, will •return to the seat of '•their learning this Saturday to renal-• nisce about their "good old: golden school days" oY the past century. A reunion of pupils and teach- ers will mark the one hundredth. anniversary of the founding of the 1Vlcralls School on concessioa nine ,of the township. In the afternoon, sports and a; concert will feature the program. Prizes will be given to the stun- dent coming the farthest, the teacher with the longest service and the 'student with the largest family, pied Dobbs, long-time reeve of Biddulph and former warden of Middlesex, will be. chairman of the afternoon cengart which will highlight reminiscences by teach- ers and pupils. .Satlarday evening', the students of S.S. 9, assisted by nmeicians.3u the district, will stage an 'eve- ning program, in the school. On Sunday at 2.30 a special aura. service will be held with' Rev. R. Mills, .'Saintsbury, and Rev, R. Clarke, I(:entralia, offi- ciating. ,Chairman of the school ,beard is Maurice McDonald. Merge McFalls and Herber Davis are trustees, dames A. Turner has been secretary since 1932, According to a history Compiled Topics From Crediton By MRS, J. WOODALL Bev. afelvin M. Whiting Rev. Melvin M. Whiting, who was widely 'known in Crediton. and vicinity, passed away sudden- ly at his home, 252 CastleY eld Avenue, Toronto, Tune 29, Born and raised near Parkhill. Mr. Whiting went to Japan In 1912 as a missionary under the United ,Church of Canada; he was forced to return in 1940 due to illness. He is survived by his wife, the former Olivia Holtzman, a daugh- ter of the late J. H. Holtzman and Ellen (Morlock) Holtzman, ' of Cleveland, formerly of Crediton. Also surviving are two sons, Dr. R. H. Whiting, of Edmonton, Al- berta, and Dr. Lloyd M. Whiting, Fort Erie, Ontario; a daughter, Mrs. George Metcalf (Florence), Chicago, Illinois; eight grand- children, and two brothers, Roy and Ross Whiting, of Parkhill, Mrs. Whiting is spending some time with her mother and sisters in Cleveland. Kitchen Shower Miss Margaret Tomlin, of Lon- don, and Mr. William Parsons, of St. Catharines, were honored at a kitchen shower at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Wade on Saturday evening in recognition of their approaching marriage on July 30. Attending were Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Wade, Mr. and Mrs. Nor- man Wade, Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Parsons, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Bil- lington, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Harri- son, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sage, Mrs. Annie Parsons, Mrs. Mary Scott, Miss Catharine Chapman, Mr. Graham Paull, Miss Ida Blan- chard and Mr. Robert Wade, all of London. Paas Music Exams Our congratulations to Irene Ming, who was successful in Win- ning honors in grade VI Sr. in examinations conducted by West- ern Ontario Conservatory of Music; also to Judy ilalward, of Clinton, formerly of Crediton, who won honors in grade- V Jr. Irene and Judy. are both pupils of Mr. Lawrence Wein; A.WJC.M., of Exeter. Personal Items Mrs. Clayton Insley, 6f Stret- ford, spent a few days last week with her sin; Ted Insley, aid Mre, Insley. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Clark, of Detroit, visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Clark. My. and Mrs. Glen Clark, Detroit, spent the week -end here. Mr. Samuel Wein, who spent several months in Exeter Hospital and Exeter Nursing Home, has returned to the home of his nephew, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Finkbeiner. Mrs. Lena Cook, of Camlachie, is spending a few weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wolfe. Hobert Wolfe, of Detroit, is spending this week • with Mr, and Mrs. Wolfe. Messrs. Gerald Smith, Eldon Smith and H. Sperling and Claire Sperling, of Walkerton, attended the ball game in Detroit on Sunday. Mrs. E. Weitzel, Mrs. M, Foist, Mrs. E. M. Fahrner, Mrs. Wm. Smith and Mr. and Mrs, Ted Insley spent Saturday in Kitch- ener and attended the wedding Mexico Holiday Said inexpensive Mrs. M, 0. Fletcher was guest speaker at the meeting lo.f the Afternoon Auxiliary of James St. Church on Thursday afternoon, She told of her holiday in Mex- ico at Easter, She said it was a very inexpensive place to spend a vacation. Accomodatlon for two for a night was three dollars and eighty cents ,boleght a good meal if you knew what you were or- dering in the Spanish language. Mrs. Fletcher stated she never saw a fly ora mosquito while there, There Is no rainfall from October to May --then when the rains eome the. Mexican fariners plant rice, corn and sugar cane and. so luxuriant is the growth that it is ail harvested inside of two. months. Mrs. U.:l'. Snell and her group convened the program with Mrs. Snell taking the worship service assisted by Mrs,. G. Mantle, "Trin- idad .and Canada" was the topic for study. Brief sketches on the life of a high ,School: teacher in Trinidad rocere given by Mrs. Eunice Stone.; a report on an evangelistic worker by Mrs, Win, Welsh and "A day in the life of a missionary in Trinidad" hY Mrs. A, Iiunkin, Mrs. James 'Smith accompanied by Mrs. Snell sang a sole, Mrs. C. 7.urbrigg presided for the business session and Mre. A. Dougall wee pianiet. of Rev. Glen Strome, minister of Crediton Evangelical Church, and Miss Mary Amy. Miss Agnes Lamport and friend, of Detroit, spent the week -end Mrs. Samuel La with M s S m mp'hrt. Week -end visitors at the home' of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Wein were; Mr. and Mrs. Paul Temple and family, Mr. ,and Mrs. Otto Holzhauser and Caroline, and Mr, and Mrs. Russell Holzliauser and Sandra, all from points in Penn- sylvania, Mr. and Mrs: Greepwood, Lon- don; Mrs. Greenwood, Stratl►roy,' and Miss White, of Lindsay, called on "Mr, and ai,rs. William .Oestri - cher on Saturday. - Mr. and Mrs, Carl Radford and Shirley spent Sunday in Blyth. •Gregory and Randy Foist, of St. Thomas, are spending this week with Mrs. M. -Foist. Mr. and Mrs: E. Wengel and the latter's brother, Rev. W. F. Krotz, of Dashwood, attended Centennial in Curtsville on Sun- day when Rev. Krotz •was special speaker, Mrs. Clinton Brown and Ross are visiting. with- Mrs. Brown's 'sister in Boston, Mass. Mr. and Mrs, Grant Roessler and Car ren, of London,• spent the week -end with Mrs.. Wm. Reeszler. . FO and Mrs. Earl Whalen and uoai, Shaun, recently. of Ufialids, Ottawa, spent a few da s last Week *ith Mr. aiid Mrs. Sans King and Marlene, enroute. to 48'0 Whalen's new :posting at Win- nip'1#g, - Town ci its Mrs. Jane Davis of •to'l'n cele- brated her 9'2nd birthday On Tuesday, Mrs. W. Cutting was a gust at the Hamilton -Daley wedding in Palmerston :Saturday evening. 'Miss Louise Blommaert wtio• ]las been •employed it nether's Coffee Shop has accepted a pos- ition at the Dutch Boy Food Mar- ket R.C.A.F. Station Centralia. 'Mr. Bert Morgan, teacher at S.S. No. 4 TJsborne, is continuing his studies at Toronto Univer- sity for the summer. Mr. Bruce ;Cudmorehas ac- cepted a position in. St, Thomas and commenced his duties on Monday. Miss Marilyn B3'ssett is at- tending the Burton -Perth Y.P.U. camp at Goderich Summer Schoel grounds this week. The theme o3' the camp is "Come Learn of Me" and the theme speaker is Rev. Gordon Hunter of Toronto. Mrs. Muriel Sweet is visiting in Guelph this week. Mr. and Mrs. J. Hubert Jones spent the weekend in Toronto and attended :the Jones -Nelson wed- ding. Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Walters, Luanne and Cyril Jr. of Assina bola, Saskatchewan visited last week .with Mrs. Samson McFalls, Mr. A. W. Pickard, Regina, and 'Miss Dianne Gladman, Van- couver, are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Pickard. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wilson of. Newark, Ohio, visited for a few days with Mrs. Clara Hackney and other relatives. . Mr. and Mrs. Toni Smith and Mrs. Irene Smyth attended the Hawitt-Smith wedding in Toron- to on Saturday and spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Allison of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Murray, Bob and Kathleen of California` have been visiting with Mrs. Mur - ray's sister, Mrs. Thos. Coates, Hensall, and other relatives in Exeter. Mrs. Gertie Hockey and Mrs. Blanche Boyle are visiting rel- atives in Flint,• Michigan. Mr. Ted Sims is 311 and was removed to Victoria Hospital, London on Saturday morning. Mr. A, Z.' Hicks of Calgary,. wlio flew here to meet with bis family at .the flicks reunion in Mitchell, is visiting °relatives in. and around Exeter. He also visit-: ed his eisters, Mrs. Eva Peter and Mrs. Laura Leary at Munro. M,r, and Mrs. Donald Traquair and dell of Ottawa are visiting, with. the fornier's parents, Mr.• and Mrs, 3. A. Traquair, Miss Arlene Love, ,daughter Of. Mr. and Mrs. Heigh Love' et Me- tter while visiting et Grand Bend:, had the Misfortune to break her. right arm at the wrist. the aria was placed in a cast at South, Miran llosnital. I'S. S. ON mother of Mrs. Prank • Taylor, ie a patient at i ottth liurori Hospital. Mr, Maurice Love, :president of Main ISt,wianies St., Young i eoPle"s spent Sunday .at the Mural 't'erth' Y.P.V. camp at ttoderioh. Mit will spendthe foliawing weekend there. •.toll 'Barbara G : C ger 1IUed'At Kirkton by Secretary Turner,. the original log building was erected in 1855 on property deeded to tbe •trus- tees by Martia Casey and ;his wits, Bridget. William Davis, Thomas: Cassway and James Brown were in charge of the building. First teacher of the school was Lizzie Balkwell, of 'Exeter, who remained for a number of years before she married. The-• desks in the bending' were band -hewn slanting boards resting against the wall on three sides of the room. Opposite the door was..a large handmade desk .with d tall stool for the teacher. A small wooden blackboard was fastened to the wall. The second teacher, Nicholas Clark, of Adair, suffered facial. sears when the gun he always carried to school exploded near his head. He had to walk a mile to the school and would shoot wild game which was plentiful in the area. The third teacher was Samuel Hicks, of Centralia, followed ,by Wellington Allen and later Frank Whitlock, both of Cromarty; Wil- liam Sauble Line,Bid- dulph, Rollins, S ub a Bid dulph, and Letita Friars, Clande- boy, •In 1872 a brick school was erected by Trustees James Brown, Francis Davis and John McFalls, Returned To Farm William. John Smyth had taught six months, in the old school and continued teaching In the new school for a year and a half. At that time teacher's eer- tificates` were granted for •a two year term only, After his certifi- cate expired, air, ,Smyth returned to farming but. ,he was keenly interested in the affairs of • the school and served as secretary treasurer for nearly 30 years - until his death in 1932. His suc- cessor was Mr. Turner who 'had•, previously served as trustee for 12 years, Mr. Turner recalls that in hid school days there were large families and the attendance ran 60 to 70 with boys who Were almost full - grown, returning to school for the winter months. These Served Since 1873 the •following teach- ers have served: Frank Morley, of Whalen; Mr. Stonehouse, of Hensall; Miss Katherine Sproat, of Lucan; Miss .Geary and Re- becca Taylor. Margaret 'Hamil- ton taught for two years (1`890- 92) then returned to teach from 1894 to 1896. Other teachers at this time were: Edith Buswell and Willa Stout, who taught in 1899 at a yearly salary of :$190. Nellie Jamieson taught for two years but returned again to teach in 1905. !Continuing in the list were; 'Samson McFalls, Delcia -Martin, 1Vliidred Hodgins, Edna Hodgins, ,Edna McKenzie, Myrtle Simpson, Miss 'Beaver, :Alvin Brintnell, 'Gladys Coursey, Mabel 1VIeNamee, Eleanor Ryan, Isobel Stewardson, Eleanore Hodgins, E1Va Rodgers, Lillian Kennedy, Margaret McIntyre, Miss Bor- land, Elizabeth Hoge, Eva • E, Merriam, Mrs. Annie E. Pask, Elgin Skinner, Josephine Moun- tain, Marlon McIver and the present fpacher, Edna Nayes. Family names of ratepayers in the section up till the turn of the century i a c 1 u d e d: Atkinson, Blackwell, Brown, ;Carroll, (Col- well, Davis, Eisen, Hicks, Hod- gins, Hennessy, Isaac, 'Jeminson, Lewis, Mitchell, Neil, Rollins, Smyth, . Turner and s e v'e r a 1 families of McFalls. at illustrated $45. $150.. Just 3 of many •lig values awaiting your selection. !REE INSURANCE*OUARANTEE • Jack Smith JEWELLER Phone .510 Exeter With ;Rey, 'R. A. 0. Mills per•- foraning the ceremony in St. Paul's Anglican Church, Kirkton, on Saturday at aeon, the mar- riage took dace of Barbara Grace, daughter ea Mr, and Mrs, Alfred Collier, to Clayton Robert ROas,. son of Mr. and Niro. Robert E, Ross, Loudon. Mr. Collier gave Vis . dough- ter in marriage Arid eke was. at- tended by Mrs. Will Paton, WSW' .of therootlt, tt bri4ee- 3naid. Mrs. Chas. Paul' played traditional wedding .music. The bride :chose a bouffant waltz -1 z en gth gown of Swiss .em- broidered eyelet over taffeta. Over .the snugly fitted ,bodice was worn .a short bolero with lily point sleeves and Peter Pan col- lar encrusted with sed4 pearls and rhinestones. Her finger-tip French illusion veil was held by a .Chantilly lace tiara with seed pearlit,. She carried a cascade bouquet of pink Rosette roses With stephanotis and ivy. The bridesmaid was gowned in a waltz length gown of aqua nylon tulle over taffeta with matching mittens. The softly draped bodice was framed by a pleated tulle yoke. . O er the bodiceWas s worn a short -bolero. I•ier match- ing headdress pf pleated toile. was baade,t at the back by row of flowers, She -carried a bouquet Of Yellow baby rosesand stephanotis. For the wedding breakfast at - Pinebrest 'Inn, St, Marys, the bride's mother received, wearingg a navy :mesh dress, navy and white pc aessories ,:and pink` carnations co. sage, She was as•$isted by the groom's mother Whose dress was of beige figured silk, turquoise and .beige accessories and corsage of yellow roses. For a honeymoon in Northern Michigan. the bride donned a powder blue linen suit, navy and white accessories and pink carna- tion corsage, BARGAINS! PASTEL CUPS and SAUCERS 4 for 81.00 .- JUICE GLASSES 8 for 50c SIJN DRSESSBS. Sizes 2 and •3 50c aid 01Y DRESSES. . Sizes 2 and 3 „........ Hollow. Tree Gift Shop • DAAAaI,111AAA,AI PAAAIA.I,,II1IIn1nAAtUOMAIR111AAAAnI,111A11A11 W nAA4.I11AAAAAMAAIAlA},IA,g11AtOMAUAMAA,A,MAAAAUI•y11I1,Ak!V , 1 8 E 5 8 Special Offer We Are Offering .FREE Installation of any room of INLAID LI TOL. VAI purchased from our stock, OFFER GOOD ONE DAY ONLY ,•I� Saturday * 23 . Ali. X»op into our store on this date, purchase your pattern of inlaid linoleum and installation will be done free at your convenience. • REMEMBER- -Ypu must pick out your material and place your order on Saturday,, July 23. "Today's Trend Is Back To Inlaid Linoleum" 8 T. and T. Fiooring Your Decorating Headquarters Phone 718 Exeter Phone 133 Zurich r INIII(bh� `` t e �lhea1th.: •�o�th#'�;mto Y - A Pint Each Day For Every Adult You never outgrow your need for milk.. 'child or adult — you' need the vitamins, 'a/dein-M., ti phosphorus and protein for familiy health. fs A Quart Each Day For Every Child Be sure you're getting all the milk g your family needs, EXETER DAIRY Phone 3314 tl '1111 IIIIIIIAIYIII/I IIYIYIHIIIIIIIII�11{i111NAo1 -,.:1 1 Big9est Values. In Town You'll Save Dollars SAL AYLMERKERNEL'CORN iELLYPOVDERS RED PORK +& -';BEANS Puritan Assorted 334 -oz. this MEAT SPREADS Vegetable and Tomato CAMPBELL'S SOUP .., Regular or Chubby . KLEENEX .. Red and 1' hlte EVAPORATED MILK Allen's 20 -oz. APPLE JUICE Blue and (fold (Noir Pack) FANCY GREEN PEAS Aylmer Golden CREAM CORN `................. o, St. Williams' 9 -oz. jars JAMS and JELLIES 10 A Fresh FruitsYA OMATOES Ib. 180 CORN doz. 39 FRESH TABLE!� CUCUMBERS 3 for 190 CELLO CARROTS, 20 0z. 2 for' 25c 6;i. 69c 6 for 99c 6for 99c. 6for 730 6 for 750 6 for 950 6 fol" 75c. 51.13 jars • • & WHITE CLARK'S 15• ❑Z. 6for 89c 6 'for 43 c` 6 -for 75.-c , yions only 49c Pair Ladies! De tour Shopping MON., TOES. or WED. aril get 51 -gauge, 15 - denier Nylon Hose For Only 400 a pair with Every Purchase of $5 or Ovcr. No Need To' Drive Miles. For Supermarket Prices Buy At Rick's Foodland RICK'S r. • OPEN WEDNESDAY MORNINGS BY POPULAR DEMAND Open `twee., FA, 'gnd Sat. Nights — Your Red & White Supermarket* Exeter South >w� 4 A A 4