HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1955-07-21, Page 74 4' 4 4 t, 1 4. 1 4 4 c • 4 4. 4 A 4 k 4' c, ) c• Y• 4 4. 4 44. 4 THE T1MES4J)VOCATE, EXETER, °WAWA THURSDAY MORN14%. JULy 21, 120 Lucan. And Distrkct NOw Exchange Vows At Thames Road uiet. wedding wa .scileua uiZed, at the Thames Road ntange on Pride)" .eVening, July 15, Ma, .itt A When ciertrude Anne Toting anal Olen Murray Kennedy exchanged marriage yews. The Itiar. W. J. Were, of R. 3, Exeter,. ettlelged. The • bride le the daughter of anti Mrs. YOUng, Wean, and the grOOM the anlY child of Mr. and- Mre.. Eriteet. Kennedy, also el lateen. The bride artd. groenVe Parents, were the. only otthndante. • , Lucent Pereonals and Mrs. Arthur Bleck and flons, Barry and Roger, who have been living temporarily in Clauder lbeye; have moved into the house 'built by' Mr. Ralph 1.4ippert on lauclibss Avenue. Wesley Hodgson, 11 year -Old son of I. and Mrs,..,Tack Hodg, an, of Brinaley, is holidaying with WO grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Hodgson, • • : Lucan Farmer, Here Three Weeks Spots. Saucer Horst BuddaY Dies Mr, Osier Hedging, Well-ltnewn local fanner. Whe lives 0014 Mites sleuth of Wean, last TIlina day saw one V the. 11 anidenti, fled flying objecte sighted tn Western .04400. About 4 pan. when he stepped te: lubricate his tractor„- her happened to glance up at a circling, bomber near. ElaInfield and was .surprised to behold a strange, ,Object above the 'bomber. It remeined motion lees in the sky for more than a Minute. Then there was a flasb. of light Bite a Photograplier's. flash bulb and the whole thing disappeared with a puff of vapor and .a slightly erlmson tinge in, the cloudless sky. The :strange object was the color of pure silver, gleaming under elearic lights. • Personal: Items. , • • Mrs, Lloyd Acheson, Clifford, and Heather, were guests at the summer eottage of Mr. and Mrs, Roy„ Stanley. - Clandeboye Comments On behalf ot neighbors and Weeds, . Mise Margaret Pearl Walls, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Heitman Walls, bride -elect of 'Saturday, July 23, received a table lamp and magazine rack. The wedding will take place at 2 pm. in the lateen 'United Churoh. The groom -elect is Mr, Donald Mosstp, soil" Of M. and Mrs, Fred Mosstp, London, Another' sister, Mrs. Kenneth element (nee Ella Jean. Wells) • received a magazine rack and table lantp, toe. They were mar- ried in the Luean United 'Church a month ago. • (Me to Mr. Wall's illness, Mrs. , T. Collins and Mrs, Arthur Hod- gins presented the gifts at their ' home. . •• Resurfacing Highway The Riverside Construction Co., of London, have been resurfacing No. 4Highway from Elginfield 'to 2% north of Moorseville. Receives Certificate At the morning 'servite on Sunday, July 17, at St. James Church, the rector,. the Rev. J. F. Wagland, presented Tom Tomes with a certificate groin the Department of Religious Educe- • tion, Church of England, tor passing the senior examination In • the course -of study for 1154 and 1955. Personal Items Mrs. Emily Tomes with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Maines and Elizabeth Maines, of Dorchester, visited in Windsor last Sunday Mrs. Tomes, with her cousin and htaband, Mr. and Mrs. Mac Mc- Kernan, The Maines family with Mr. Maines' sister and hueiband, Mr, and Mrs. Albert Carroll. Mr. William Wilson, patient .at Byron Sanatorium, spent the week -end with his family. In June he had a cataract removed from his eye, . Mr. and Mrs. Russell Sciroe- der and Mr. and Mrs. Jack 'Schroeder and Miss Wilma Schroeder, of 'London, attended the Howlett -Smith wedding in Toronto on Saturday. The bride • a niece oa Mrs. Russell Schroeder. 'Several farmers were very dig- ainPeinted on Sanday 'morning when they went to use their milk- ing machines, Hydro interrup- tion was to be from 6.80 to 10.30 but it started at 6.10 instead. Many cold breakfasts were served as well. Misses•IVIary and Aggie North - grave visited vhth Mrs. J, H. Paton on Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. J. II, Paton and William Allwright were guests of Mr. and Mrs, Wilfred Logan, Thorndale, Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs -Arthur Black and bons have moved -to Lucan, taken up residence in, the new Sippert House. Miss Mary Jane tall, a 1955 graduate of the London Teachers' College, 'is taking the primary methods Bourse at Enollavood Park 'School, London. A former teacher. of Clandeboye.,aSchool. Mrs. Harvey Dundas, of Windsoro has enrolled for the same "crairse. Mrs. Dundas will teach in Wind- sor starting this fall. Recent" visitors -with Mr.. and Mrs. Tom Collins were Mr.' and Mrs. Piggott,' of Winnipeg; Mr. 'agd Mrs. W. Skinner; and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Clark,. of London. Mrs. Emily Neale, of Hensall, anent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Almer Hendrie. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Wilson and daughter, Susan, of Peter- boro, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Mac McNaughton. 1Vir. and alra. 'Wilmer Scott attended the races at Hamburg,. New York, on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Neaman have taken fp residence in Ailsa Craig. Mr. and Mrs.'. Murray Greene, of Palmerston, visited with „Mr. and Mrs. Almer liendrie en Thursday. Karen Downing, bf Chatham,awho had been holiday- ing with her grandparents here, returned' with Mr. and Mrs. Greene for a visit in Palmerston. You get dollars for pennies with T -A Want Ada. Herat Budday Herat RudileY Palileed away Saturday,. j'uly 9, Of a sunstroke On the farm of Clayton •0.'Nell, Concession 15, London TOWnelliP, n his 33rd year. lie lay at reet in the C. ILIA, irett ,andafaan Funera,l. Herne till Tuesday. July 12, when. the Rev, .13ecker, of .T..4ondon, ton- alaeted. funeral eervices. Inter - Ment was In Medway Cetnetery. 'Son of Adolf and Clara Bud - 4a, be was born in Gerniany and came to :Canada Net three weeka ago. It is not known. if he has other survivors than hie parents. Car ACeident O Sunday night, opposite the alamitton...gas station there was a car acCident. which gent Mr. L. Williams, of London, ,to St. .Toseph's Hospital. M. And Mrs. Williams • and tWo c b ildren crashed into a car .abead, which made a sudden stop. 'The injured woman was taken .te the home of Mr, -F., W. Young .and later to at, Joseph's hospital by the Haskett ambulante. Miss Beth Hodgins, of Wood - stack, 1st spending her holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs,. Wes Hodgins. Miscellaneous Shower • Mig. Eddie Butler was hostess for a „Miscellaneoug shower latit Tharaday, evening In honor of Mies ("intrude Anne Young, prior to her marriage to Mr; Olen Mur- ray Kennedy ,on Fridaa, July U. Following the opening of gifts the evening wag spent in games and contests. Personal Items% 'Mr. and Mrs, Henry Hodgins, Mr. and Mrs. Harry -Carroll and ifamily, Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Inge, Mr. and XTs: Alvin Carroll and Mrs. Hill Talbot celebrated the 86th birthday of Mr. Hugh Car- roll with a family gathering at, Springbank on .Sunday. Mr. Ira Carling has a number of musical instruments and pic- tures of prize-winning pupils on display: in one of the windows of the Shamrock Garden Res- twarant. Visitors over the' week -end with Mr. and Mrs. William Ayles- tack were Mr. and Mrs. •Chas. Ross and daughter and Mr, Joseph Johnson, of Toronto, also Rev. A, Aylestock, of North Buxton. • , Mr. O. W. Parkinson is recup-' erating at his home after his recent operation. The following Lucan boys are .attending the "Y" Day Camp at Fanshaave, Roger Black, Bob Hardy, Ward Hodgins and Billy Park. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs.':Bob Coleman included Mr. and Mrs. Lorne MoFialls, lair, and Mrs.• Chas. Knapp and two chil- dren, Patricia ' and Charles, of St. Thomas, and Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Garrett and*Jack. Mrs. Ada Walker, of London, anent last Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hodgins. Mr. and Mrs. Don Corman and Glen have returned, from. a 10 day trip to Iowa and had as Sun- day visitors Mr. and IVIrs. J. Parsons and Philip, of Norwich. Mrs. Wes Hobbs is seriously ill in- St. Marys Hospital. Mrs: Warner •McRoberts and Mrs. R. Pitt spent -Monday at Grand Bend. • It% • • , 2P..„ R. F. Rein)/ -D.c DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC Is Pleased To Announce Hi's Partnership With 4" G. A. 'WebbDc. DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC ' • And The Opening CfTheir .Nev.,..Offic'e At.r• 418 *tin Sh.feet, Exeter' Morctay.i JUN:25 With our new facilities and equipment we WIC now be able to give the most highly specialized Chiropractic health care. OFFICE HOURS: 10 to 6—CLOSED.ALL DAY WEDNESDAY Sociaf And Personal Mr.' Joke .parit, who vas in Joseph's Hoepital, With an attack of virus Pneumenie, waa able to;, be brought betne. last Wednqs4ay but Will be unable to work Lor another ceuple of weeke,. " Mr,' Albert Mitehell, of Exeter. called on Mr. and Mrs. John, Blair! last Monday and en Sunday took them. to Therndale whore they: wee .guests. of Mr, and::Mrs. Will Ilebbe. Mr. end Mrs. Blair. 'will attend the celebration ' at No. *. School -en the 22r4 and the Blair reunion on the 24th before re- turning- home to Calgary. ..• Mrs. Horner McRoberts spent last 'week -end with Mr,*and'MrS. Mee Lammond at Cremarty and.. brought her, niece, Anne Creery, home with lier fpr a „boliday, Mr, and Mrs. Mitchell Haskett attended,,decoration service at St. George Church, London Town- ship, 'last ,Sunday where the guest speaker Was the Rev. 11. Dilplan. ' Mrs;..G. Patrick, of. Toronto, Is oending a few Weeks her daughter, Mrs, Mel 'Culbert and family. A , k 4 Mr, and Mrs, johlt park, Mr, and Mrs. 'jack Lankin and Idr. Wilbert Revington spent Monday in Sarnia, the guesta of Dr. and Mrs, Len Lobsinger. yhe latter is able to be home after her recent operation. • , Mr. and Mrs. A, El, Reilly have returned from a two-week veva- tion at Dunchurch and report the fishing was good. .., . , •.. ei .t , ., 1(40:::„.,,e, Mr. and, Mrs. Calvin Heekett . William Smith, Crediton, beside his 36 -year-old engine. and family have returned from a holidliy trip to Niagara Falls and,:, •* 0 a Jack Cummins. , ' i , • - eamTractor St n rill OPerates Were the guests of Mr. -and Wire. Stea Toronto. ,.While iToonto they, 4 !rya bitaissit '1:44 t)ie wood* '10r -0.V.ftriti boars a one Of them hied 40.4 POW • 1111,040.Y. rittabe roe eatere , hire. "We're lestl'' he eried tig 4010130,0On. °What On earth. are we going to .4o?". '"Take it -easy." said hiecoMe Pened friend. "Shoot an 9: deer and the Kerne Warden, will be here in a mielite and a half.!'" Peapite high anemPloyin,ent in the period, the total of waged. salaries and sMilPleatentarY labor income in the first onarter at 195§ was §12.3 billion, 4.6 ver cent more than In the same, per. led Of 1954. 41,11 ater Well Drilling With the latest up to date. Gasoline water well machinery we are in position to give you rowan". able prices on drilling a well, 46 years experience, All work rgup, anteed. Write or phone us and we will be glad to call -04 you'. • Davidson's Weil -drilling Box 137 Phone 109 Winglitaln Mr. Will Havekast, of London, was a week -end guest with Mr. and Mrs. 'W. t't 'McFall& • Mr. and Mrs. Gerald, Thomson, and daughter, :Margaret and Nancy,- of Sault Ste, Marie, -are guests of Mr. and Mrs.. Arthur Black, Nancy Ann Simms, of liondon, spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. E. Mathers, .-.„ Peter Lewis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Cha,s. Lewis was among the successful grade 9 pupils at Med- way. • . • Mrs. Joan MeLean entertained her W.MS. grOup t her ha= Friday afternoon. - Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ford and Mrs. Irene Coursey are taking a motar trip through the States and are now at Pennsylvania. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Leonard. Poole (nee Jean Coursey) in St. Joseph's Hospital, Monday,' July 11, a daughter, Carolyn Anne.' Mrs. Doug. Ewen is holidaying in Woodstock, the guest, of 311r. and Mrs. Harry Lush and family. Mrs. C, Meier, of London, spent last Sunday with 'Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Bridger and family. •.0 -W -Ing to hydro being oft, Holy, Trinity Church had to resort to the old hand 'pump to use the organ at the morning service. Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Atkinson spent a few days last week at Olphanta Bay at their son, Ger- ald's, cottage. M. and Mrs. rtorbert Lush and Sheri; of . New York City, are spending three weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Stanley. 'Mrs. B. Bossy and daughters, Valerie and Faith, from Cleve- land, spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Acheson and family, returning home with Mr. Milford Lewis, who had been visiting in Stratford. Saturday guests with Mrs. Annie Fairless included Mr. and Mrs. Allan Hodgins, of Ilderton, and Mr. and Mrs. John Blair. Mrs. -Galley Johnston (nee Galley Revington) is in St. Cath- arines General' Hospital- with an attack of virus pneumonia. One half of Lucan's main' street Was resurfaced last week. Mrs: Mary Reward, of Toronto, spent a fow days last, week with. Mr. and IVIrs. WlIliani Aylestock. Mrs. Riebard Davis and family are spending a month at Kemp- ville and points east. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Colbert and"-fa,mily, 04 Ilderton, were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. WM, Brownlee. Barbara Ready has been at- tending '"Y" Camp for Girls at Fanshawe for the last two weeks. Mr. Bert Thompson and daugh- ter, •Cheryl, have returned home from their 'week's vacation at Chatham 'where they were the guests of lldrs. Thompson's sister, Mrs. John Blaser and family, A, C. I. Douglas E. Stone, of Lucan, who recently graduated as 'an honor student at ‘Aylmer, is now, at Penhold, Albertn on his way to the coast. In a recent letter he states his. mother for- wards The ExeterltTimes-Advocate oath week and expresses his en- joyment in being able to keep in touch With Lucan activities. 14.fr. end Mre. Chester Morley, of Paihjl1, ,Were Thursday visi- tors with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Windtior, • , Mr. W1lliaan Blair, of Centralia, and Mr. and Mrs. CHU Kenney and tvao thildren, of Crediton, were •Thursday guests with Mr, And Mrs'. John Blair at the hoine of Miss Lina Abbott. Joyce Wagland, small daugh- ter of Rev. and Mrs. J. F. Wag - land Who Underwent an eye operation in St. Joseph's Hos- pital last Thursday, is making Satisfactory recovery and is ex- 1/64ted to be able to accompany the family on their three weeks vacation to the Clergy Camp on Lake ,Siincoe, leaving Lucan Tuesday, July 19. Attend Masonic Rally The following Liman Masons attended the Masonic celebration In Toronto last week-endr aleasra, Murray Hedging, Harold Cerbett• Bob Murray, lack Mundy, Cliff Crtibert, Wnt. MePalle and Den Chown, Mrs. Murray llodgins and Mrs. S. Crown else Went. • • • . One of the few steam engines . . Enjoys BC Mission left in Huron 'County is atill per- . ated ,by -its owner, William H. Post Office Plans , Smith, of Crediton. —Continued from page, a :. The 36 -year-old engine powers the saw mill on the Smith farm, concession 6, Stephen Township. The owner claims "it runs like a sewing machine." • He even keeps the brass polished. The engine was purenased front George White and Sons, of Lon- don, In 1919, and it has on- it a mocking bird whistle made by' the Morrison Brass Works, To- ronto, in 1915. alp until 1945, the machine was used an harvest. Years ago tam- ers' would thresh' with it until Christmas time, piling up half - stacks beside their gangways. would work 15 and 16 hours every day. Powers Saw Mill — Continued from Page 1 'him Lake the Indian women do been giving consideration to a very beautiful head work and sell more adequate site or to provid- merit in Bella Coola during the sum - months. ing more adequate postal acconi- =dation. ... ' The United Church Mission hos, • The Huron ,M.P, said that pital, where Marie is on 01' eight sounded reasonable.- Mit had the Ontario members on the staff, is b.uilding been construeted, it a• 25 -bed hospital. In a day's rou•- would have rented for 10 years tine, breakfast ii over in time After • the election was over, the. for devotions at 1.45 a.m. At 8 whole scheme fell through and nothing had been heard about it a since. As long as he was the for that particular riding, he rep- resented all the people in the riding, regardless of politics, he • • . • MARIE WILDFONG - a.m. the entire staff gather arouund a piano and sing a hymn. Thenthe day's activities begin and the •doctor commences to make his rounds. • Dr. 3. E. Whiting, son-in-law of Mr and Mrs Win. Pearce, has been superintendent at the hospi- tal for fourteen years, but a month ago was posted to Hazel- ton, farther north and inland where it was felt the need was greater. A successor, has not yet been named. • The day's york is usually over at 6 1).111and the evenings are anainla taken tip by church acti- vities. , Exeter Council —Continued from Page 1 "(A) A mandatory injunction regarding the removal of the existing dump pile or the cover- ing thereof with soil. "(B) An injunction prohibiting the farther disoarding of waste in this area. "(0) Damages". The letter. charged "notwith- standing repeated requests by (. . . Shaw . - and other resi- dents and appropriate health offi- cials, n"o action has been taken by the council". Mayor Pooley reported the town pillars at the south end were in bad condition and he had received an offer from Charles Stephen, Elituville, to repair them for $100. Councillors Jerrayn, Bailey and Dinney Were appointed to investigate. Appreciation was Voted to the Canadian National Railway and Agent Ernest Cerson or the im- proved train schedule. Mr. anTI'll/irs. William Law- rence, of Detroit, spent last Weekend with Mr, and Mrs. John Casey. Brine Smith, seven - year -old son 04 Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Smith, left on Monday for Oakville where he will, holiday with. his grand. Mother, Mrs- P, 0, Ring, While Rev. J. F. Wagland is Oh vacation the IteV. A, H. Jared, of Ary,a, Will net only have charge of the 9.80 fronting serv- ice July 24 and 21 but will an - ser any emergenty calls. There 'Will be no evening serviceon either Sunday. 0 Mr. and Mrs, Ivan Culbert and family Moved to their now home itt given Sonnol last Monday. MIM Margaret Aellaterth, R.N., 04 Sarnia, spent last week -end with Iter parents, Mr. and Wt. DaVe Ashworth. The steam engine has been powering the sa'w mill‘eyer since it was purchased. The late John. F. Smith, father of the present owner, purchase& the portable saw mill from the John Goodison, Tresher. Co. in Sarnia in 1905 „when a eyelone tore down hun- dreds of trees in his busIE The mill has been running every year since. The engine played a part in the construction of Centralia air- port. As late as -1948 and 1949 it was used to heat water and gravel in the construction of de- fence buildings, Mr. SMith has had numerous offers to sell his' engine. This winter, Dr. F. G. 'Graham, former - 04 Exeter, wanted to purchase it to include it in hit collection in Dutton..° But as long as it's in use, Mr. Smith' doesn't plan te part with it. said. Mr. Cardiff said if there was any political' angle In the situa- tion, it would not backfire on him, but on the Government. He was not concerned with the politi- cal aspects, • but wanted some- thing done to provide adequate accommodation. He urged the.. minister to send his engineers; down. • He did not care who ereoted the buildings so long as it was built" to meet the needs of the people. Make your contacts to pros- pects through Classified Ads. '54 METEOR TUDOR .Radio '53 0:5,130EpLAIR Automatic transmission, radio, whitewall tires '50 AUSTIN SEDAN s Perfect condition , '50 C.IIEV. COACH Just like new '55 MEiteTYRY 112 -TON l'itiocehictjbaPttom cost '55 SEDAN DELIVERY . South End. Service RUSS & CHUCK SNELL Phone 328 Exeter , H. J. CORNISH & CO. 1 1 CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS H. J. Cornish, L. F. Cornish, D. Mitchell 294 DUNDAS ST. LONDON, ONT. . .. . - SUPERIOR . The Best Place To Shop. • . FROZEN FOODS • . 4 - featuring •' DELNOR Fruits and Vegetables, • , • PICTSWEET Meat Pies: Turkek, Chicken, Beef. I DONALD DUCK Fruit Juices: All Citrus Line, , Whole Chicken,Chicken. Breasts, Chicken Legs. FISH STICKS, FROZEN FISH, FRENCH 111.1ES. Prices Effective July 21, 22, 22 II • D FSTOREO: . After All . • a FRESH DAILY Klondyke , vegetables From Collez' Garden Superior Quality LOWEST PRICES • CAMPBELL'S ' 'VEGETABLE SOUP tin. 26c Aiways Popular . INTERLAKE TISSUE 2 260 ',White Cross', rolls CARNIVAL SERVIETTES . go 2" 360 ' 4 Colors in Pkg. pkgd. IVA TUNA FISH •• 4 Solid White -- 7.oz. tins. Each . . , .... . I 9c MOTHER PARKER'S TEA BAGS Inc ,. loe Off Deal --. pkg. of 60. Each ....... is, air . KELLOGG'S . F. aORN rp.12.F.LA014ES 2 fot, 45c CLARK'S OR GRAND VALLEY TOMATO JUICE 25° Fancy — 20-02. tins 2 tor LENNOX TOMATOES 2 choice Quailty--Large 28-0z, tins , for 470 STOKELY'S • ., , HONEY -POD PEAS 0 vac New Pack :-=.15-oz. tins .., . . ow for we. BREAKFAST CLUB " RASPBERRY JAM 36c Large 24 -oz. jar. ,Each * . CHRISTIE'S RITZ 13ISCU1TS ES -OZ• Pkg.' 4- . . . 19C J. H. Jon' Phones: 32 and 762 PEAX PAEAN ' 'JAVEX CARAMEL CRUNCH NCH pkg, ......••••••••. 250 •1041. sz•oz. • 64.0t. WilattaOR ' - " 13ICELANWAPERS 150 250 450 •oz. cella pkD370 • • es Groceries Free Delivery • 4