HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1955-07-21, Page 6•
atirth, Pe ath 11,14r.rlititle
KI Inserted fres of 'ettertie.- Comte
'Of Thanks poet Teo, In alerneriant
bletleas 75u for 'smelt V'erse, sac
'extr4 for saoh atidltlenal Venal
and PnaaneMerkt Notice* *re 70e -
and UM, Arnole
meleell, Albert $t., 1exatter, an-
nounce tn.& birth of tneir daughter,
izabeth Mrn, t South Huron
oanital, Zular 1 55; a, sister
for Oari and Margaret.
OARTIX-11r. and Mrs. Ivan. Carter
(nee Anal Aleinfelcit) Seaforth,
wuth to announce the birth ef a
son. Daniel Ray, weight 6 lbs. 44
oze., at Scott Memorial 1-Tosnital,
Stafortla, July le. 1005.
CHARLAND-LAC and Mrs. Jobn
Mariam& 905 Algonquin Drive.
Huron *lark Centralia. announce
the hirtn of their son, Denald Lau-
rence. at South Huron IlosPitel.
JulY 17, 1955; a brother for Johnnie.
Mother and baby fine.
DDWARDS-,--Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert
Edwards, Hay P.O., announce the
birth ef their daughter, at. South
Huron Hospital, July 19, 1955; a
sister for Linda arid Wayne.
..IXAYTER-Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hay-
ter, Dashwood, announee the birth
of ason, at South Huron Hospital,
July 14, 1955; a brother for little
BENERICK..--Elgin and Patsy Hen-
drielt (nee Mitchell). of Dashweodt
are proud to announee the arrivai
•of their son, at Victoria Hospital,
London. Ju1y.16, 1055; grandeon
for Mr. and Mrs, Stanley Mitcbell,
KENNF,DY-air. 'and 1VIr8. Geer
H. Kennedy, 157 ColUmbia Drive,
Wpron Park'Centralia, announee.
the birth of a daughter, Rosemary
Monica, at South Huron Hospital,
July 15, 195$; a sister for Billy mid
Jo Anne.
MARTENS -Tony and Martha Mar.
tens R.E. 2, Orand Bend, announce
the birth of a son, Henricus Mar -
tines, at South Huron Hospital,
July 20, 1955.
INfoKINNOIst-Sgtr R. A. McKinnon
and Mrs. McKinnon, of ,Sussex,
N.B., are pleased to announce the
birth of their sen (Gary Edward),
at the General Hospital, Sussex,
June 25, 1855; a grandson for Mr,
and Mrs. Donald MoKinnon, Hen -
▪ MORGAN -Mr. and Mrs.- August
Morgan, R.C.A.F. Station Centralia,
announce the birth of a son, weigh-
ing 7 lbs„ 3 oz., at South Huron
Hospital. July 14, 1955.
Mrs. W, Nelson, of Toronto,
vvishes to announce the marriage of
her younger daughter, Marilyn, to
Neil Jones, sen of Mr,. and
Mre. J. Hubert Jones, mceter. on
Saturday, July 16, in Victoria Pres-
byterian Church, Torohto.
1r4r. and Mrs. Rudy Petzke, of
Hensel!, Ont., wish to announce the
engagement of their youngest daugh:
ter, Marlene Helen, to Edward Wayne
Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Everett
Smith, Egmoralville. The wedding
will take piece August 5, 1955.
. Mr. and Mrs, Hubert (Corky)
Schroeder wish to thank those who
se kindly -remembered them -with
flowers, cards and gifts during their
'recent illness.
We 'wish 'to thank the many fritmds
*who remembered us with cards, let-
ters and other expressions of sYnt-
nathY during our recent sad bereave-
ment. Mr. ancl Mrs. John Bray and
The. family of the late Donat
Quesnel wish to thank their relatives,
friends and neighbors for their many
acts ef kindness, Bohai tributes, and
messages of sympathy extended to
them -during their .i.ecent bereave-
ment. Special thanks to Rev. Father.
Scalia!, Dr, Wm. Scrimgeour. Harry
• Hoffman and the ladies who assisted
in any way, •
' MiTv. and 14Irs. Hilton Ford wish to
thank all those who so 'kindly remem-
bered them 'with cards, flowers,
-treats, and visits and also to those
who helped in any way on the farm
or in the home while they were
patients in -Vittoria Hospital, liondon:
The family of the late Mrs. libmd
Woodburn wish to express - their
slneere thanks to their relatives,
-friends and neighbors for the kind-
ness and sympathy shovvri them in,
their sorrow 'with cards, messages,
of sYrarathy and floral tributes.
Special thanks to Mr. Gordon TJlens,
IVIrs. Hugh Adler and Miss Illveln
Curts for the music so beautifullY
rendered, to Mr. Laurence Box, Rev.
W. C, Smith, Dr. Boyes, arid all those
who beiped in any way.
John Park, Lucan, wishes to thank
those who remernbered him while a
patient in. St. Joseph's 'Hospital,
Crediton Pastor
Saturday Groom
One Of tliis Season'a intereoting
Weddiags hod ito setting at Cal-
vary EVangelieal United. Brethren
Citur a 31, Kitchener, SaturdeYN
when the principals were Met,'
Janet Any, 0 Kitchener, and
Rev. Glen ROland 'Strome, Credi-
tou. Many paStbro froul Kitch-
ener and district attended, includ-
ing Rev, W. F. Krot; Pashiwooll.
The bride is the danghtero M.
and Mrs. Oliver A. Ancro. Water-
loo. IVir. $trome is the oou 0
Mr. and Mrs. Kniery A. Strome.
Bev* J. Henry Pets officiated for
the double -ring eeremOeY. mr.
Donald Gingericli was organist
and the wedding seleotions were
sung by Mr. Robert Frey. The
bridegroom also sang before the
connatunion choosing "A Wed-
ding Prayer" by niggle.
voluMinene original gown of
mist pylon tulle over shimmer-
ing satin was worn by the bride.
The skirt and chapel train were
04111404 with iridescent sequine
and lace !lora' aPPlielle, The
fitted bodice a lano-dipped.
Chantilly lace was styled with
lily -point sleeves. Ber finger-tip
Neil fell from a coronet encrusted
With iseqnins and rhilleatellea.
She carried a soft oreseent of
snoWflake feathered carnations,
etephanatis centred with oPraY
•orehids entwined with myrtle.
Attending. the bride were her
sister, Miss Ruth .Amy, Water-
loo, as maid of honor; her niece,
Miss Nancy Amy,. Waterloo; a
cousin, Miss Betty Selling, Kitch-
ener; and Miss Doreen Pletoh,
Kitchener, as bridesmaids. The
flower -girl was Carol GI in gerick;
and the ring -bearer was David
Amy, nephew of tee bride. The
best man wies Rev. Jack Thomas,
Indiana, wtho will be leaving in
August to he a missionary in
Africa. Usher% were Rev. Wil-
liam 'Amy, Kitchener, Mr. Paul
Amy, and Mr. Donald Strome,
Waterloo.• ,
The bride's mother received
wearing a teal blue magic crepe
frock with white accessories and
corsage a white feathered car-
nations and -pink Sweetheart
roses, The bridegroem's mother
wore a sheath model and jacket
of printed miracle crepe in pea-
cock blue. She chose' white
feathered earnation,s and pink
rosettes for her corsage. Also
receiving was the bride's aunt,
Miss Margaret Selling, Kitchener,
who wore Madonna blue corded
silk pique suit -dress, with navy
and white accessorise and cor-
sage of white leathered carna-
tions end stephanotis.
The couple left on a trip to
Manitoulin Island and Northern
Ontario. The bride wore a chow-.
late brown corded. silk faille dress
and duster lined' with petal pink
shantung. 'Her accessories were
white and at ;the shoulder mite
were a white orchid 'corsage.
They -will live at the Crediton
Evanelical 'United Brethren par-
DAVEY s-- In loving memory of a
dear wife and mother, Susanalt
Davey,. who passed away seven
years ago, julY 26, 1948.
God saw you getting weary, '
Then did what he thought best,
He put His arms around you mom
And whispered, come and rest.
We do not need a special day.
To bring you to our mind, •
For days that we do not think of you
Are very hard to find..
-Ever remembered by her hu.shand
and family.
VENNER In loving memory of a
dear Wife, Mother and grandma,
who passed away suddenly three
yeafs ago, July. 23. 1952.
Deep in our hearts there's a pietUree
Of a loved one gone to rest.
For memory's sake we will keep lt•
Because she was one of the best.
-Ever remembered by hut ban d,
daughter, sofis and grandchildren.
Murcly aolinirea the plumage of a colorful phes.sant from Russia,
orte a a. large and exotie assembly of rare birds eollected by
Harry Penny, .a retired farmer who lives in Bargessitille, Ont.
Eis collection, valued at $2,500, ineludes 12 different breeds
of pheasant, partridge) 14 types of pigeons tiod. many -dneks
And geese which be has bought from countries all over the
world. Visitors from rottny.parts of the country have Strarnled
to the Penny aviary, near Woodstoeg) to see the birds free
of charge. He first started his eollection tts a hobby ixt 1040,
when he waa forced to retire from farming, due to traetor
accident, Oentrai Press Canadian
114. 11,11001,114
. 1
Control Chickory
Nominated gts tee "Weed of
the Week". by Ontario Depart-
ment of Agriculture release is
that Very stUbborn weed, chicery.
Chicory (chicorida intybus)
14) is a weed that has emigrated
from Europe and made itself very
much at home in Dabs country.
Its bright blue flowers are a
eenlulen sight at this time of
year along roadsides, in meadows
and in cultivated land also,
The weed is a perennial with
a long tap root which robs crops
of food and water. The root bas
been dried, ground and used, as
a coffee substitute at times, al-
though it adds nothing to the
quality of the brew. The flowers
are blue and about the size of a
50 cent piece, arranged ie clus-
ters of three or four and attached
to a many branched and almost
leafless stem, Most of tbe leaves
are close to the groend and look
like evergrown dandelion leaves,
with a few quite small leaves
along the hairy, tough stems.
The Field Crop Branch of the
Ontario Department of Agricul-
ture reports that an average
chicory plant will produce about
3,000 seeds a year. This makes
it neceSSa,ry to wage constant
war against the weed. The seed
begins to ripen in August and
therefore 19 found in clover and
grass seeds. It is a hardy seed,
being able to withstand soaking
in water for periods up to 35
The Field Crop Branch empha-
sizes that the sowing of clean,
top grade clover and grass seeds
is an important means cif com-
bating chicory. They. advise
short rotations also. This helps
Prevent the establishment of
chicory and its relatives — gol-
denrod, hawkweed and dandelion.
In unworkable fields or roadsides
a solution of 12 ounces of 2, 4-D
per aere sprayed on the foliage
in late spring should kill the
It is more than gratifying to
see thetoWnship councils have
adopted weed ein-ay programs and
from now on it is up to the farm-
ers themselves to help bring this
menace under control. By fol-
lowing the advice of' the Depart-
ment of Agricelture there is no
News Budget From
IVIisS Noreen Walkom spent the
weekend at Russelldale with -her
mother, Mrs. Walkorn.
Mr. and Mrs. • Russell ,Hanley
were Sunday guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Arthur Rundle. .
Mr. Jesse Elston is in Toronto
attending the Masonic Centennial
this week.
Norman Elston, Marlene Baker,
Donna Baker are at eAmini Girls'
Camp this 'week.
Mrs. Fred Parkinson has re-
turned home from Memorial Hos-
pital, St. Marys. -
Mr, and Mrs. Alfred Baker
and Mr, and Mrs. Nelson Baker
visited at -Bimini Camp on Sun-
day. •
-Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wilson and
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Watson were
in Toronto on Sunday attending
the Masonic Centennial,
Miss Grace Doupe ie spending
this week at Bimini Camp as a
Mrs. Leslie Zinn, ef 'Sudbury,
is staying with her 'parents, Mr.
andMrs. W. L. Switer this -week.
Mrs, WI, 0. Stewart -returned
to Windsor on Saturday after
visiting for two ,weeks with her
brother, Arthur Rundle and- Mrs.
Rundle and other friends. '
Mr. Glen Lambert of .Flint,
Mich., was a weekend visitors
with Mrs. J. Jacques, Mrs. Lam-
bert and children returned on
Sunday -after spending two weeks
with her mother.
Shirley Rundle and Jean Scott
have retarned home after -vititing
last week -with their grandparente
Mr, and Mrs. ,Albert Scott, Far-
Mr. and Mrs. Allan 'McCurdy,
Mr. and Mrs. Zack McCurcle, Peg-
gy Smythe were Sunday visitors
with 14r. and Mrs. Ira McCurdy,
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence XInight
left on. IVIdnday morning for Lees,
Alberta, with Mr. end Mr. Prank
Knight who have 'been visiting
for a few 'Weeks With them em:1
his mother, Mrs. Knight, of
Town Topics
Mr. and Mrs, James Squire, who
telebrated their .goldert wedding
anniversary On tiifle 17, were sur-
prised recently to receive a gift
of sheets, pillow oases and other
articles trout the Dominion Tex-
tile Company in Viet:areal, Who
doriltrieneed bu91110Sti the saint day
that Mr. and Mrs. Squire were
married. ,
•Studay. visitors with IVirs. 4Wra.
Malt were MfAild Um. Harry
Sutherland and nen Peter,. Mrs.
E. G. Lloyd and daughter Sheila,
all of tehomberg.
t'vans, Clarkson, and
Mrs, N. O. Lloyd MidStittlift
561.0056re, spent Monday 'and
Tuesday with Mrs. Wm. ia1 and
IVits. Annie Perguson,
doubt that this weod can he eon,
trolled before a take.g, inee, cer-
tain: areas completely,
They now recommend -.adding
ice eubes in 'chicken- fountains uo
real hot days and turning° -on
lights in laying pens alma ant,
birds eat better When it's eoel.
.,,,,..Farraere Magazine
Tcinight Meeting
— Huron Count Y Home Fan.
jr, Farmer Church -ervice —
Goderich, ,1111Y 34, 8 Pan, Keep
at the harvest, Decide whether
to grain cattle on ,grass or in
stable. prepare to plant °ate or
rye for late pasture. Order ferti-
lizer forjall wheat.
The Story
ED. NOTE — Last week 'the
Saintsbury news inadvertently
appeared under the second line
Biddulph heading. The error is
Mr. Wayne Carroll spent a few
days at the home of his' Runt,
Mrs. C. Ings, this past week and
attended a picnic at Springbank.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Flannigan and
son spent the week -end with Mr.
and Mrs. H. Latta -And attended
the Latta Dien% near Grand Bend,
Mrs. R. Dickins entertained at
a picnic supper at Riverview
Park, Exeter, on Sunday evening,
in honor of bee birthday of Mrs.
D. Maguire And Mrs. J. Barker.
Present Were Mr. and Mrs. E.
Atkinson,. Mr, abd Mrs. H. Latta,
Carol and Kenny, Mr. and Mrs,
D. Maguire, Leroy and Donnie,
Mr. and Mrs. Heber Davis and
Almarie, Mr. J. Young, Mr, and
Mrs. J. Barker, Joan and Gary,,
Mr. and Mrs. E. Greenlee, Larry
and Leslie, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh
Davis and Eeather, and ‘Mrs,
Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Smyth, of
Midland, spent Wednesday night
at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Heber Davis and returned to
Midland .011 Thursday actin -
panted by Akocia Davis.
Mr. and Mrs. ,Harry Carroll
and boys and Mr. Hugh Carroll
Visited with Mee. Hugh,Carroll
at London hospital Sunday and
proceeded to Springhank where
they were joined by Mr. and Mrs.
CI Inge, of London, and Mr. and
Mrs. H. W. Hodgins, of Lucan,
for a family dinner.
Mr. and Mrs. M. McDonald,
Joyce and Dora Nolls, spent Sun-
day at Ipperwash.
Mr. and Mrs. Heber Davis, Al -
merle, and Mr. J. Young spent
Saturday evening at Grand Bend
with Mr. and Mrs. Keough and
girls. •
Mr. mad Mrs. James Turner
spent •Siinday evening at the
home of Mrs. W. J. Davis.
Service at St. Patrick's Church,
Saintsbury, will be cancelled on
Sunday,' July 24, for the 'centen-
nial 'church service at 2.30
o'clock at S.S. No. 9.
News of
Mrs. Mary Juby of Winnipeg
spent the weekend with Mrs. H.
,Miss Ethel Copeland has return=
ed to London having spent a two-
week vacation ,with her -mother.
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Marshall
have returned home after a two-
week vacation .at lied Bay Out.
Mrs. H. Mattewing, a sister of
Mrs. T. A. Wiseman, passed away
In London.
Mrs. White, of trantford, is
visiting her brother,. Mr. John
Williams. Mr. and 1Virs. Thurlo
Williams, of Woodstock, spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wil-
Prior to the wedding of MrS.
Clayton Ross (nee Barbara Grace
Confer) she was entertained bY
Mrs, Wilfred Paton to a pantry
eheeter. The members of St.Pauls
Anglican. elitirch gave her a host -
elle chair. Mrs. Fred Hamilton
entertained when a living -room
mirror was presented.
At the Clayton -Ross wedding
on Saturday cablegrams were ft-
eeived from 1V/i.s. S. C. Collier
IAflgfeLd,Surrey, tngland and
from friends visiting in inditi-
Mrs. A. Mille, Windsor, is
iting at the rectory with HO.
and Mrs. R. A. C. *Mills.
Dr. and Mrs. C. Orton, ,of.
Swift Current, 'Sask„ and Mrs, IP.
H. Kennedy, of Saskatoon, caned
en many friends here Sunday.
MIS, Lloyd Walkom, MUnro,
visited hare Suunday.
The W.M.S. and W.A. of Kirk -
ton I/Wuxi 'church met Wednes-
day .afternoon. Mrs. Wes. DOulie
Was in charge of devotions and
Mrs. Dottpe led in prayer And
meditatien, Mta. Clarence 'Ratt-
ly took the study book With Mrs.
Ito Prtaiels ,assisting. A teinper-
Once reading Vail given by Mrs.
Fred Roger. Mrs. Alvin Otago
led the W.A. Ineeting. A discus.,
Mon Wits IteId on the 'fowl supper,
FOR sag
registers to $29.96. AP* at Times -
Advocate. t -a,
ViKING cream seParater, W,H76 for
band or znotor,„ in good condition.
Phone 626-W-9,
EN'ITRE herd of a milking
ste1n$, young caWa. T.B. tested.
Reason ror selling. - hired man quit.
Apply HarrY Caldsvell, Kippen. Ph.
667 r 14. Seaforth.
.14 01-11114KS. Phone 40R, 7, Dash-
EARLY POTAT ES --., One mile west
and ene mile pouth of Dashwood,'It.
Zondag, phone -34 R 21, Dashwood,
PICKUP TRUCK, '46 Intgrnational,
In fair ,condition; aloe 4 ft, one-way
disc plow, will work with any tractor
with three point hitch, Apply Jim
Hayter, Dashwood, phone 01,
duty, cabinet model; in good condi-
tion. Reasonable. 413131y '983 William
St, or phone 161,c„Exeter,
COMBINIE,-John Deere 12A.Cheap,
Good condition. Jamee Gardiner,
21 r 10, Mrkton. 4
Ing for Ivatercore or Parathion for
spraying lice. V. Hogarth, Phone
266, .14:21c.
6 -YOUNG CoWS with calves (4 Here.
fords, 2 black and white); one Here-
ford bull, about 900 lbs: 48 steel%
averaging 100 lbs. Wally Wein, Dash-
wood. < 14;21
CHERRIES -Late Montmorency 'win
be at their best. this week; Bring con-
tainers and pick you own. Goyenlock
Orchards, .1 mile north of Forest.
PUPPIES, German 'Shepherd, H. T.
Miller, phone 67-r-7 Dashwood,' 30tfe
PRESSURE $YS'TEM, shallow well.
Used two years". Apply -Lloyd Geiser,
phone 77-3. Creditor'.
TABLE POTA.TOES, f re s h dug,
cobbler, pao per 75-10. bag. Exeter
BARGAIN - Clare Jewel wood or
coal range, ivory enamel, chrome
trim. 510.00: Phone 245-W, Exeter.
heater. In A-1 running condition.
Phone 106-3; Exeter. 31:4, 16.4
FROSTING ICE BOX, 76 -Th. capacity,
new condition. Very reasonable. Also
day bed couch. Phone 634-3, Exeter.
MOFFAT STOVE, like new, com-
pletely automatic, $175 gash ort terms
can be arranged. Apply Walter
Kudiba, 276 Algonquin Dr., P.M.Q„
R.C.A.F., Centralia. *
DLECTRIC STOVE, 3 -burner Tud-
hope heavy duty,.. automatie oven.
Apply Sam Bowe r •82 John St. W.,
phone 379-W, Exeter.
BULLS - 2 young Shorthorns, 13
and 14 months old. 4,..year-old herd
sire, quiet and reliable. Also some
used brick. Apply Edgar Monteith,
R.R. 3, Exeter, phone 466-r-2.
FOLDING roll -away bed with staring -
filled mattress, good as new; 16 inch
lawn mower, good condition; 6 ft.
belt sander -with rolling table* .Ax-
mlnster rug, 2Y.I. Yds. by 3 yds. 'APPlY
Toni Walker, phone 563, 19xeter.
FARM SPECIALS - Beatty auto-
matic hog watering bolvls, bargain
at 50.26; automatic ,poultry drinking
troughs a,t 55.50. Exeter District
Co-operative, Phone 287.
Summer Clearance
TV Stock
Prices greatly reclined on Motorola,
Philco, GE, Dumont andItogerir-
Phone 109 Exefer
HATCHING EGGS -wanted by one of
Canada's largest and oldest establish-
ed hatcheries. Eggs taken every week
in the year. Big premium paid. For
full details write Box "T", Exeter
Times -Advocate. 7:14-9:1c
STiRAW-Will pay .up to $5 an acre
for your straw and we will bale it
behind your combine. Sandy Elliot,
phone 476 Exeter 14tfc
HOUSE, unfurnished, 2 -bedroom, or
apartment by September 1. W. C.
Pearce, 'JRealtor, Exeter. 14tfc
WANTED TO RENT -Young high
school teacher and family wish to
rent home with 2 bedrooms or •more
from Sept. 1, Apply In writing to Box
"W", Times -Advocate, 16tfc
be buying Ontario Wheat at OM bus.
and Mixed Grain at prevailing prices.
Truck &Venable when not in use.
Exeter Dittrict Co -on, Phone 287.
W.ANTED TO RENT -3 ballerina:
length bridesmaids dresses. Two
size 12 and one size 16, Apply Box
*Al, Times -Advocate.
)311CY-C2..E f6r bey, aged 10. Phone
33, Grand Bend.
Kraizengar Real Estate Broker, 136
Grand, Are. W., Chatham, Ont,
APARTitENT, 'ihrfurnished, ground
floor, 3 rooms and private bath;
avallablep August 15; also 2 -bedroom
Unfurnished apartment. Apply Sohn
Ward, phone 348, Deeter. 2.1.*
APARTMENT, 6 -room, unfurnished;
also small fUrniehed apartment. Elliot
Aps.rtmerita• Phone 476 Exeter. 16tfir
FLOOR(' POLISHERS and vacuum
cleaners. Beavers Hardware Exeter,
ROOMS -Bedroom, living roOni and
kitchen. Phone 78,8 -el Exeter' after 6
" ?tic
private entrance downstairs, available
noW, 11111. Carl mochuthey, phete
107-3, Hensel' Central.
LOWER PA 2T - Furnished,
private entrance, 13-pleee bath, newly
deter -Med. NO children. References
Please, AVellable AugUst 1. Apply
69 Jebn St, E., Exeter,,
3./t0oNt .x.v.ApyrivrENT - Ell/thistle&
newly deterated, Maly 68 Sanders
St., , Exeter„ _fir phone I, 4.
APARTMENT - Large 8-r06111, on
ground fiedr, nieely" decorated, het
and cold rttnring Water, heated,
A.Vallable .AtIguet 1, Als0 4=rborn
upstair apartment. Birth tinftnnished.
ApplyD. Overholt, Centralia, phone
'732.J-12, Exeter,
11;a11(101.0111AvAttiPleAbItleTMABullgirtat 1, Ph�ne
202, Exeter,
25 viortut ox less 70c
. .
More Than 25 Words
Per Word
More Than 252' Werth °
140 'Per word •
200 OFF
It ad paid with order or bl
.Saturday following tho last ,
- 14,0004
• (restricted to one column'
Firee.Iniertien -000. per inel!
Subsequent Insertions
840 Per InC.11, •
Olasgified ants accepted UP till'
Wednesday noon,' .Auction sale
copy eltould . be in Tuesday at•
noen. ' • •
GOLF CART, new, Retail price
126.95. Will accept good reduction.
,Phone 609, Exeter. -
pairs, Get into-thie profitable ven-
ture, Canada's most profitable fur•
business. phone 634-3, Exeter.
FARMERS! Arrange now /or Your
farm help. Ebcperiented Holland fam-
ilies. Also wanted to rent -60- to -100-
acre farms, Write ;.Elenry Nyhius, R.
R. Exeter', phone 172-r-81. 12-10tfc
LOST - $25.00. Reward
John Webster, Exeter..
STRAYED onto premiges of Harold
Jones, North Boundary and Third
Concession, Hay Twp., one Hereford
bull calf vvith horns. Owner may
have same by paying -expenses.
ofinginia WOMAN.:- Friday morn-
ings. Phone 52.
WAITRESS wanted; ale° 'woman for
part-time kitchen help. Apply Reth-
er's Coffee Shop.
BAKE SHOP. HELP. - Full time.
Phone 458, after 6.00 pan,
WOMAN for hougehold duties at
South Huron Hospital. Apply. to
Superintendent.. ' • .
GIRL for light bousekeeping-and care
of two children (4 and 7 years). Live
in, lAberal time off. Phone 136-3,
Stationary Engineer
GRADE 2 14
With valid 8rd Class Certificate
Salary: $3,240 $3,540
Stationary Engineer.
With valid 2nd Class Certificate'
Salary: $3,660 - $4,080
NOTE:' These are year round posi-
tions. • "
Full particulars,available on posters
displayed at Post Offices and National
Employment "Services.
Application forms obtainable there-
at should be .filed with. the Civil
Service Commission, 25 St. Clair
Avenue East,'Toronto 7, Ontario, NOT
2 -STOREY FRAME mums ut Dash-
wood, east side of school. Also 32
ft. extension ladder, good as new.
Colony house, 10 .x 12. Apply Wan.
Wein, Box 62, Dashwood
14-STOPEZ.3-bedroOrn frarne. New-
ly decorated inside and out. Large
lot, fenced and landscaped. Dow. down
Oar/neat, carries for 535.00. Phone
896-R. . 21.47:4tfe
W A‘P, TIME HOUSE, 3 bedroome,
I:Milt-in china cabinet and television;
extra shed; improved gtotinds, 426
Marlborough St., phone 415-J,
EXTRA! Sweet 'tittle highway acre-
age; compact houses all conveniences;
garage; good bnildings for poultry,
livestoek; water on tap throughout;
lovely hedges, Shrubs, shade; rural
mail; telephone; ideal country horde.
William Pearce, Realtor; Earl Par-
sons, FredVole, Salesmen. 30220
BUSINESS, Ladies' and Children's
Wear. May be purchased on Very easy
terms, Owner has other interests. C.
V. Pickard, Realtor, Eieter, Ont.
RUG BRICK HOME, 8 -bedroom, This
Is one of the nicer mediuni-sized
luknes in Exeter. In addition to other
usual rooms, it has a 'very nice dining
room. The whole house is in the best
of repair and ready for occupation.
Moderately priced. C: V. Pickard,
'Realtor, Main St., Exeter.
This horrle haS it large, nicely finished
kitchen, full basenrent and an attic
with Ibuilt-in stairs. A comfortable
home at $4,900. C. V. Pickard, Real-
tor, Main St., Theter.
HOUSE with basement, furnace, liv-
ing room, dining rtiorn,. kitchen, den,
bathroom and sunroam, main floor;
4 bedrooms upstairs; garage and nice
building' lot; all moderately Priced,
W. Pearce, Realter; Earl Parsons,
Fred Cole, salesmen, 23tfa
2 -FAMILY HOUSE, full basement,
3 -piece bath, 3 bedroinnit Upstairs,
large garage striteble for a, business
or storage; ample land; -cash or rea-
sonable terms. W.Pearce, Realtor;
F,arl Parterre, Fred Cole, ,ealesiten.
. , . .
BUILDING LOT, choice. 'oration;
carrier littrbri and Albert streets;
others. C. V., Pickard, realtor, Main
St., Exeter, ont.
Infuse Can be beught at it very low
price in conlparisore to the incorne it
prOducee. 0, V. Plelfard, reaitor,
main Egater, Ont.
0 ROOM 1.100813, clapboard, 0-pieee
bath, large living room, traderri kit-
chen with large clipboard speed, Stain..
less 'sink, arborite counter :tem 4 bed -
teethe, 1. dOWnetairs, geed baterilent
and furnade' dant lot with barn and
garage* ineinte frern bard. Apply
Rah% Batten 624 William St.
HOME, new -249 Ed-
ward St. ,rt. 14tin
HOME with bathroom, Onialt
barn, over 1 acre land, Stephen taxes.
W. c. Pearce, refiner; Earl Pereons,
Fred Cole, Melee/ten, 24t2c
Am IN THE MARKET for ku kinds
of liorees, any size, any age.
Dow, phone 83 Exeter. tfc
day week service ler horsieo, cattle,
rnenPi pign eraNkr FAT:: Xevgai
235, 9-252c
CUSTOM BALING, sqUare bales; also
custorri combining with 12 ft. self -
Propelled, combine and swathing with
9 ft. swather. Apply Norman Whit -
Mg, RJR. 1, Centralia, phone Kirkton
OUST0M-GOIVIBINING.-2 self-propel-
led combines* satisfaction guaranteed.
Apply Z. 3.' Walker, phone 12-r-13
Dublin 14. 210
CUSTOM BALING -Square baba. .91»
ply Norman'Whiting, R.R. 1, Oen,
phone 48-r-19 Kirkton 30tfc
beans. Apply Earl Neil, phone 626-J3
Exeter 6;30 - 9:8411
FOR 61,2:AY and brush painting of
all lcinds, see Lyman Gratton, Grand
Bend, phone 53. 16M:30;7;14;21e
late service Phone 108 or lao-w Du -
can -Butler Bros, 4;7 - 7:74
Kitchen CupboardS, Alterations, Re-
pairing. Abe Sohout, Victdria St.,
phone 410-W Exeter.
'Where Better" Bulls Are Used"
Artificial Insemination service for
all breeds of cattle, For service or
information Phone Clinton 242 col,.
bet, between 7:80 and 10:00 A.M. on
week days,and 7:30 and 9280 A.M. on
,Sundays. tfc
McCulloch Chain Saws! All models
and complete service (we rent) avail-
able at McCulloch Saw Sales, 428
Huron St., Stratford; plione 1061-1
- TV Aerials
Erected and Repaired
.6311.AI,xtr..9.0QF itboPING
Jim White
References Furnished on Request
' ,,Estimates
Phone 425 Colleci; se Marys, Ont.
Expert Painting
Fully equipped for all types of spray
or brush painting. Nine years' enter-
ienee. Barns and houses our specialty,
Phone 22, Crediton
Notice •
I Wish „to announce that will re-
sume the practice- of
In 71ny forrner office.- comniencing
Angust 1. 7:14:21;4
, Further tenders 'for Ceneession
legea at Exeter 10/4041, Wednesday.,
August 17, must be in the bends of
peeretary gin =sox; het later than
August O.
• EXETER Two' OLUB 21:4. 11.
Tenders will be received Lby the
Undersigned Until July 4, 1950 for
the installing Pf Milan/ in
Crediton school,
'wo 1,260 gal, septic taulta with.
1,000 tile disposal will be required.
Four toilets in one room and- three.
toilets and two urinals In the other.
TO be installed aceoraini; to Health,
Unit regulations.
Etirthe,r ,partictdars earl be heel
from the PeeiTtary.
Lowest or anytender not neoes,
sexily accepted. .
AS-VR.1A 41. AMY, flecrist417
Exeter, Ont. 1441
Tenders will be reeeived bY the.
Township of Stephen for iia, /bridge
opposite Lots 53, betvveen Con. 2 and
Marked cheque must. accompeny
tender and rho in the hands of ther
Clerk on or before July 81, 1955,
T-owest cor WV: tender net neces-
sarily accepted. Plans may be seep
at the Wipe of the Clerk:
F. W, MORLOCK, Clerk
Sealed tenders will be received by -
the Township of Stephee, for 600,
bags of cement.
Tenders must be in the hands of'
the Clerk on or before July 31, 1966,.
Lowest or any tender not necessits,-
4By accepted, •• •
F. VV. moRLocx, clerk
In the -estate of
• Arthur Edwin Kerslake-
. deceased.
All persons having clairn s against
the eefate -pf Arthur Edwin ,Kerslake.
late of the Township of Ueborne, in "
.,the County,of Huron, 'Farmer; who -
died* on or about the 13th Iday or
May, 1956, are required to file particu-
lars of same .with. Bell & Laughton,,,
Solicitor's ef Exeter, Ontario, by the
13th day Of August next, after 'which
date the 'estate will be distributed
having regiird 'only to those claims of
which notice has been -received. „
Bell & Laughton •
, Solicitors for, tire Executors,
Exeter, Ontario. 214;1.1e.
Real Estate
Of Valuable Real Estate Property
in the
River Road, Lambton County
The undersigned auctioneer received
instructions to sell ..by public auction
SAT-URDAY, JULY 30, 1965
Commencing at 2.00 p.m...sharp
.0i:insisting- of the following: '
REAL ESTATE ""-- Two -botte.ger
homes; Lot 27 and Lot 28, River
Road, in the Village of Grand Bend.
Both these cottage homes are recent-
ly built; very modern and completely
winterized. Both are equipped 'with
two. bedrooms, living aiad dining
room; modern kitehen and bathroom;
arnple water supply. Very nicelY
located. .For a good investment, or
an all year home for yourself; inspeot
these homes before day of sale. Any -
080 interested kindly codtaot under.
Terms of real estate; 1.0% on dat'
of sale. Balance in 30 days. Offere •
for Sale subject to a reasonable re-
serve bid.
ALVIN w,alamit, Auettonber
nvi R
sl e eweaving,
Cigarette Burns, Cuts and .Tears, 'Moth Holes
Rewoven Like New On Al! Types Of Garments
126 Sander's St. A. Janke
Cy_Coto CY SE1:
0 1„
Will Your Tractor
Burn Your Barn?
The danger's gone with”
the miracle fire-fighter that I
puts out all fires in a jiffy.
(Larke Dorthle Capaeity5
Etvg. $8.95. Reduced To Clea
$6.95 Each I
Iruy one or more at less than cost — you can't afford to E
'be *About one. Let us demonstrate the deadly ENP/M.Y i
of your most deadly enemy, . , FIRE. I
ThirWeek's Special' I
• r.
Purina Poultry Feeder 1
Reg. $5.03. SPECIAL" .., $4•49 :4
- Purina Poultry Waterer 1
...k E'
Reg. p2.70. SPECIAL ...,.....: .... :. ...... ... $2.10
(One eaela la er cl;Stolner) I
We pesevere in our efforts to please - - 6. and ouk 1
custerriers tell us we succeed. '4) I
(:°? /Kill
. es . i . . ... s . . . 11111.11111111111 ..... I .. ii1V111111,6 . et o lit 000000000000 000 lo oo ismoinion4A