HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1955-07-21, Page 5717tWS0.17PiiiMMURALWRZretWallMe 6 or V8 A wide range of poWerafrom 115 to 167 h,p.—singhest standard bereSPOW4r hi the l0W-Pride &id! • eftiVeititeerleeegeMagaIrelaP,Meetra 07 • _.* A, j. A 1." • • tt" 4 4 " PAST RELIEF FOR RINUMATI P IN • • • Farm Minister Guest Of Queen 1104,..,.04404 ',Gardiner, federal 7.4nieter Jef .egriculture, and hia' Wife Were !guests of Queen Bum, beth 411ring the 'ROW Agrioule Ural -Fair. at Nottinghata, Eng,' Iad, t11s month no ntiteliter 'and hie wife ogee et)Pled. the- Royal lioX seritit:•the. 94004. attel the Duke of Elim biirgir,for the featttre .attrectionsi let the eithibition, They reteened t Clangda laW week and lipent .the weekend With Mr. gardiecte.asieter, 111re..GeOrge, Ieu,Kirkten. .4 • e• • 4 • 4 k• • THE TIMESAIWOCATTI EXET tiron's Pt.. niter VESDAY MORNING, AUX 11 stem ..Breeder xperiments With Line Ereeding The peeinier brooder and lex- .bibiter Helateins ii14704 00unty, Rase Marshall of Xirk- ton,. terms hie Ord idevelopMent an "experiment." Unlike the rest ot the HOletein 'mei) in the POnetY., the leirktou dairymen s.tencentrating41 'line. breeding from a ebamPlen Where others like tu their families. Mr; Marshall keeps developing the -one line by breed- t1e strong .reertibersand cull+ ing the weak dnes. In -breeding in Iteeetock, has. been considered .lietwise for Many /GM but .reeently 'seine eaten- tists thanged their minds and be- gan pAyeegiting the practice. Mr. Mareliell is one ef the few Hol- stein breeders throughout ithe Province 'Who are trying the liner breeding develop -Meta to test the results V these new theories. The „Kirkton breeder is extend- ingthe -family of Montvie Rag .Ap- ple 'Solrereign, a famous ehan3p- ion bull in 17,troodritock, Several years ago, he invested $1.00 'a -service . for tour .daughters ,and one bell,from the .champion, Re has been breeding ;this bloodline ever eince, DRY CLEANING NOW! Pickup :& Dellifer IN. HENSALL‘ Mondays, Wednesdays -mid Saturdays. Use Our Window Cards.or Phone Our Agent, Clark and Fuse—Phone 124. DASHWOOD Wednesdays and Saturdgtys (Pickup by Grand Bend Cleaners) Use Our Window Cards. • Twice -A -Week Service At These Communities AND THURSDAY BRUcEPIELD—T. A. Dutton Store KIPPEN—Kyle's General Store CREDITON-HRadford's General Store VARNA—W. T. McAsh • TUESDAY AND FRIDAY . 1VIOUNT CARMEL—Doyle's Store • BRINSLEY-3. O. Trevithick Store • WEST MeG11.1.1VRAY----S. A. Steeper General Store ZURICH—Reg. Black Clothing Store (Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays) LOCAN—.I. B. Ready (Wednesdays And Saturdays) • CENTRALIA—Oishonte's General Store (Daily) • Quality Cleaning FROM CLEANEs Phone 33 Exeter 'The Present [hull of the. herd, P.00hwood Prince Reeket,a n, grandeon ot 1\Oyi ag, Apple aoverelpt. Reettitte Apliear ..Good • "The ,.experievent seems to be showing geed. Tomato ju4glog from the following achievernhnts; The Kirittott dairyman littra. been named premier t.breederand ex- hibitor tor Huron County Or the past seven years. Average production of the eowS over a ten-month tone-y.0r per - led has been 11,06.5 pounds of milk, which is quite a bit above • - average- far the breed. Tweet •the Marshall cows have Produced Over 199,000 polmds 0 milk and one of these, the fret Pnrehred born on the fame has •eurpaesed the 125,000 merk. Mr. lVfarshall acquired his first purebred 'Holstein in the fell Of 1942 and has gradually built. UP ,the herd to its present strength of 65. About 25 are Milk pre - Profits From Sales The breeder eays. eale a sur- Plue stba gives Ulm bisprofit from the herd. Ra •clams the EXPERIMENTS WITH BREEDING—Ross Marshall, of Kirk - ton, for "seven years Huron's top breeder and eXhibitor• • Holstein cattle, is in -breeding from a champion bull in an experiment which be hopes will improve his lierd. The Kirktbn dairyman has. 65 purebreds, 25 of which are milkers. Aboye he feeds news in the steel stanchions of his modern barn. T -A Photo. Utboine Dath. Pyroject aitipg :pr„A:p royal ,Plons for the conStruction of those -atfectiek to prove the a' 'Combined dam and bridge. on, changes in eonstruCtitin at a aPec- concetudon 2-3 1.1,82.0ene TOWnithip ial Metiti4 on Ititinday, July psH. still .hingilig on appreval of Coetnell vtorilited to consider a the Ontario Department of High.; 4300 grant reciuested by the. leirkton Public 2Dilirary Aisoeia- ways, the tolenshili council leazia- tion:,' Vi.kieh siv;tfe telSreSented at .ed at ,its meeting' litst week. the Meeting •by .1Vire. 0, Jory, Hecate, siecretary-tield- chairman, Mrs. W. H. Webber, man of ;the Authelity,, aditised secretery-treasurer, and Mrs. R. the council that . the .prejeot was Morrison, ltbraeiteie- • - progressing favotirahly and .that iCombeiisation insurance was Preliminary • • engineering would purchased fl'oln W. H. Hedgeeu, proceed as soon as written ap- Exeter, at, a .prendum cost of proval has been received from $159.42 to koads.and bridges and the highways office. „ $35.23 to general account. C. P. 'Corbett, tatUati engineer, The township's ihare of county told Council he was prepared to taxes amounts to $09,398 this start the initialengirieering as year. Assessment under the equal - 0 6bn aPoSsible. ization byelabe is $2,680,050. a • The projeot,,Which Would pro - Vide Water supply for Elder, is being planned on a co-operative basis involving the town and the township, the Ausable Authoeity and the Ontario Departments of Planning and . Development Mid Highways. Endorses Addition Usborne- Council endorsed the proposed $.85,000 addition to South Huron District High School. A, W. Morgan,"the board's rep- resentative, outlined the need for mbre •acoomodation. 0. P. eorbett reported cornple- time, of his survey for the Ander- son dra4n extension.. Council/ dir- ected the report be read ,f or pro- visional adoption at the August meeting. The .Dykernan supplementary drain report as Teceived from Engineer J. A.' Howes, Listowst Providing for changes asked for by ratepayers. Council „mill ask Hodgert FmiIy Stages Reunion The Hodgert featly held' its reunion in Queen'e Park, Stmt. ford on Wednesday last with. 80. persoes in attendance, President John tiraY, seeretary, Mrs, Plor- etce Hodgert, treasurer, 4anHod- gert, sports committee, Marjorie and Lou Bailey and Winnifted and Don Mayo and table cOmmit- tee, Edna and Milton Hodgert, Tel% and Margaret Hodgert, Ber- nice Wiling and Wilma. 'Coates were in charge of arrangeneents, The new executive for 41956 is as follows: President, Mervin Hodgert, setretarle Ms. Whitney Coates,; treasurer, Donald ;Dray; sports committee, William end Lois Redgert, Meilen and Areold Caine Agnes Bray and Marjorie Itodgertl table tetemittee, Glen and juhe Stewart, Mei and Peggy Oo ward. 'Results of the races were: girls six and: seven, gluten liodgert, • Madge; boys, six and see - an, Paul Hodgert, ItOnald Clarke; boys, nine to 14,`Itenneth Clarke; Hodgert; men'a race, Mac Hodgert, Itese elodgert; nlngle • Margaret, Bray, Labelle Cowiteci; mettleWankel, Mallen Cann. Relent liodgert Vetelut rttee, Milton Rodgert's tearti; Card race, Saints •Iledgert's team; pen- ny race, Rernice t11ithg,Areold. 00.11n; women's kick the slipper, Margaret tray, 'Marian Cann; Metes kiek the slipper, Don Mayo, Arnold Carel; niettettring distance Milton Hodgert, Reith HadReet; weight guessing, Reg. Hodgert; gitls, nine to 14, Marjorie IlciII- gert, Margaret linton. snick Production, which he sells ing to an evaporatcompany, bare- IY pays for expenses. The priee' or milk or condensing is eon- siderahly lower ''•thatl the dairy price. • The Wiritton dairyman milks and feeds 1iItowa ie. individual steel stanchions in a 100x00 rectangular barn. He believes' • both the loafing type and indiv- idual-stanction type barns have their exlvantegeee the stall -type is better rep selling eattle. The barn has three milking. units which complete the job in about an helm. The cows get con- centrates in their feed and the farm has its own ' Over 150 acres et the 220 oe the two Marshall farms are in hay •and grass for the cattle. About sixty acres of nalked grain are .grown for feed and some 15 acres are sown in oath crepe -- peas and sugar beets. The liar - shells also raise 70 pies and 30 Purebred Suttolk sheep. White Buildings 1ri. addition to the rectangular been, the farm has a large L- shaped barn in which the grain and hay is stored, Both buibdings, as well as the machinery ehed, are kept painted White and the entire yard presents a 31.eat, clean appearance. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall have three daughters, Marilyn 17, Pat- sy 14, Iris 7, aed oae son, David 4. The oldest girls are prominent in 4-H work and in the activities at South Huron •District High School. •One man is hired to help with the work. In addition to being active in minty and provincial Holstein- Preislan organixatron.s, 34r. Aar. shall serves as president of the Xirkton 'Community Aesobia- tion and is an official of his church in Kirkton. He's fond et baseball and has been an um- pire for many years. • I One BitIio , Down the .draili 'yes'. In O&M' .da ONE BILLION DOLLARS was Spent in liquor last year. 're prospects are excellent for a so:b- etel:Mal increase this Year. • !But what of the appalling in- crease in the toll the tkaftic In liquor takes? Don't look at the liquor ads for such data, the highway traftic toll, tile eifine toll, the health toll. So shocking are the statietics recently disclos- ed by scientific research into th'e health menace *t the drink hab- it, thet vast numbers of indivle- nab and an organizations eth- er' than those of avoveed temper - elite -principals are beconifhg Le- arn -led and are taking action..Por exe,mple the American Medical AseetiatiOn has ruled that as of January 1, 1954, no Honor ads shelled be accepted in their per - Motors kilo* the truth. (advt.) Huron County Crap Report By • W: MONNOMUY Rain '1.0 still baeliy needed. B0- • .001480 ot the hot, dry weatherthe harvestimea spring greine is two or three weeke earlier, r pacti, eally ell of the wheat is now tut in the couuti with much at It be- ing threshed or combined. Many fanners in the south end ef the eounty have eomPleted the cet- Ong- of oats, barley and mixed grain. wheat and barley are being delivered to the elevators and moisture content of wheat has been as LOWea 14,1% with- nette as yet Above 13% Meisture, The biggest Pea Peck in the history of the coenty, which -started June 327 was completed en July 15. Mowers •harvested on •the average of one and one -halt tone of peas per acre and in some cases the yield was uP to three tem per acre. Haying is now e almost earn. pleted but to date • aftermath growth has been very Peer. Oorn has made excelleat growth dur- ing the warm, dry spell. For Fairs Dates of fall fairs in Ontario were announced this week by the Agricultural. Societies' Branch of the Ontario Department of .A.gri- culture. Exhibitions in Western Ontario include: Buyfield, Sept. 28, 29 Blyth Sept, 20, 21 Brussels ,Sept. 29, 30 Durham Sept. 30, Oct. 1 Erehro Sept. 19 EXETER Sept. 21, 22 Hanover ... ........... .,, Sept 14, 15 Ilderton Oct. 1 Ingersoll Sept. 6, 7 WIRRTON Sept. 29, 30 ListoWel *Sept. 26,. 27 LONDON .. .. ... . . ..... sot, 12-17 Mileerton * Sept. 23, 24 Mitchell Sept. 27, 28 Motint Forest ....... ..... Sept. 10-12 NW Haniburg Sept. 16, 17 Parkhill (Sept. 30, Oct. 1 Palmerston :..., ... , .... ... Oat. 8, 4 St. darys Sept. 8, .9 Seaforth Sept. 22, 3$ Stratford Sept. 19-21 Strathroy Aug. 22-24 Teeswater Oct. 4, 5 'Medford, Sept. 29, 30 Canadian National Aug. 26 -Sept, 10 Royal Winter Pair .. Nov. 11-19 Walkerton • Nov. 2, 3 Wlarten. Sept. 15, 18 Sept. 26, 27 klowin.g 'Mat& (1,eaniington) Oct. 11-14 Stamp it To Speed It! • • USE Rubber Stamps THE TIMM:ADVOCATE ease* settee • • • GUARANIUD - INVESTMENT MONICA= THE PI,MMIER TRUST COMPANY 421 Richmond &took, X.waloo. Telophem +474, f...,........,...............„,„...........,..................,............,... Phone 719 Exeter 1 E E ALF ANDRUS 403 ANDREW Sr. For Sheet Metal Work and Eaveh.oughing Purnace Vacuuming iklawomnanasoHmas • soomasamailow IIISIflpilulIIJIiI5I5SJJIII... .1.1113)111pMpilunfi .. .. MIUMSHIM•MpIll101111$11fIllt111111.WWWWWWW.11 .. 111110110,41411111,1!“1/4 By Reg Armstrong It some imaginative auto- • mobile inventors had had their way, badges cars might have ix, or eve.;eetglit wheelie, we .might have the driver in the back seat, or the four wheels might be placed all around the car, one an each skid. The six -wheeled car made before the First World War • was •called the Sexauto (no remarks, please), and bad four wheels at the rear, like many tracks do today. Later, the maker went whole bog and produced a car with four wheels • 5 fore and four wheels aft, the Oetoauto, In 1913 another American produced the Duck. ear driven from the back seat. 1.1ufortunately, the customers tailed to see the advantages of either the Duck or the Octoauto and neither remained around long. The car with the wheels plated in a diamond pattern E amend the four sides was made in England and called the • Mobley (will& 1 suppose meant Habley it will ran and Mobley It wen't). It was really a strange one. The two • side wheels weren't opposite eack other and the front and E back wheels weren't in lineieither. . = We have always felt proud of the variety of cars displayed at our used car lot, but now I'm beginning to wonder. The Wheels, With their good rubber tires on them, are placed one at each Corner and they all have front seat ,drive. If that's What you want, however, everyone knows t'llat the best buys anywhere are on our lot.. E The days of the steam ear are gone, but won mar rentem- • her seine of the tales I've got for next week. et PHONE 216 DAY eft N IGHT eMerSt6F9v1 YAlaa,roel•Fst e EXETER — ONT &dela-eV a .9t*esal,eiele OF GUARANTEED USED OAR5 iilitite Mi:,,A•0;▪ k,X4'4'4Z4.4:4;•.•,• 4$4. • .... 4 . . . • ..... • „ .... •74,74. '••• •••••• .. ••••••• • eelrefir'—x"--aitte.S.i:4,11!1**42Wee! " • . • . " • 5+ ••• • • • • • • e..X.• • ."" . " "" • ilanufactured in Canada by Chrysler Corporation of Canada, Limited Now-sve how stile goes to new khgths the lopg, k, PLYM UTH It tome 1oiig e*eeping firm to give a car really exciting style. You see the prt:*of otit Plymouth —and in the pride of style -conscious Plymouth oWnera everywhere. Long Plymouth fenders are rakishly angled. The long Plymouth hood slopes forward so it seems to reach out for the road ahead. Extra length twang extra contort tonvenience, too. Plymouth gives you the biggest, roomiest passenger toinpartraept, the largest luggage capacity in the low-raice Inch foie& and for years to come, Plymouth is the biggest value oti the market -I Vont dealer vifl gladly give you ail the fads and a demon- stration ride. Phone hint today and he'll be pleased to demi a hew Plymouth to your door. MOTiON.OESIONED FOR THE FORWARD LOOK -SEF IT AT YOUR DHRMER.PLYMOOTH-FARGO DEALER'S NOM REG. ARMSTRONG MOTORS Exeter Phone 116 0 0