HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1955-07-21, Page 3t 4 a. . 1 101 a 4 4 t d + 4 { THE TIMESADVOCATE, Exam O'liTAi1 i9, THURSDAY MORNINGp, JVIX 2I,, IOU Title Race Best In League History; Tribe Edges Mitchell, Tigers Win The three contenders battling for the HurtneePertit Melee W4 con, tiuue- to atage one of the elosest- * acee in the league's. history. Exeter "Legion Mohawlce will bii on Op if they deteat Zurich T.41,14.0047 Kings Wednesday night. ft not, Dashwood Tigers keep the lead by virtue o! their 18-3 win Over Clinton. Tuesday night. Although M i t e li e l l Legion- naires are at least two points $tehind the other two, ,they still bairn two games in 'hand which gives them a mathematical asl- vantage. Bet Mohawks dimmed In the first quarter of 1.955 Immigration tie Canada totalled 17,627, 37 Per cent less than in the first quarter of 1.904. Almost half the 17,627 entries were wives, children and elderly de- pendents of immigrants or of per - sone already settled in Canada. HERE'S THE LOW COST, HIGH QUALITY DELIVERY TIRE BUILT TQ SAVE g YOU MONEY... THE NEW rINQStOtIQ 11112=.',Z7 ✓LONGER ORIGINAL MILEAGE ✓ LONGER RETREAD MILEAGE I ✓ LONGER NON-SKID MiLEAGE Larry Snider Motors Ltd. PHONE 624 EXETER the vets' chances by edging thaw, 3-1 Monday night in one of the •crucial games or the stretch drive, Dashwood Tigersface two tough. contests .this cowing week, They meet their "D" rivals, Zurich Lumber Kluge, in one of those tradtt'ional grudge matches on the Dashwood diamond. Friday DONKEY BALL THURSDAY --Exeter Legion and ,Exeter Kinsmen will tangle in a` donkey baseball contest Thursday night at the local community park, Both shies were confi- dently predicting a victory early this week as the rivalry mounted. Action in a former donkey baseball game between Exeter and Zurich/Lions is shown above. Earl Russell is the victim falling off the ass. Both Teams See Victory In Donkey Ball Tonight Witli both Legionaires and The colorful new Legion Pipe Kinsmen determined to win the Band will escort the players from donkey baseball game here the Legion Hall to the field. Thursday night, insults were rife The full Kinsmen roster hasn't as the opposing players girded been ' named but Manager Bud for battle. Preszcator listed a few of the 'Friendships •"'that have stood starters. Besides President Les the test of time are strained to Parker, they include President the breaking point. Both sides Elect. Sheldon Wein, Ray Frayne, have cast veiled innuendos and Ross Tuckey, Lou Bailey, Gord disparaging insinuations about Baynham, Iry ,Armstrong, Ray the playing ability of their cont- Wuerth, Lloyd Ford and others. petitors and each declare that The ,game Starts at 8.00 in the ,other team has adopted un- Exeter Community Park. Pro- reir tactics. seeds are for Kinsmen 'welfare One team has intimated that work. the game will be a "pushover" How is the game played? and the other maintains that if According to regulations sup- they can tell the animals from plied by Bud Smith Enterprises, their rivals they will win handily. of Colorado, the following rules Kinsmen President Les Parker are necessary for a good game told Legion Proxy Max Harness: of donkey baseball "You guys may have been good 1. Two teams of local citizens ball players 10 years ago but are required. All 'players must we'll make asses out of you be good sports and able to take Thursday night:. part in a lot of fun. To which President Harness 2. Bach player must ride a real replied: "When you Kinsmen take live donkey. The batter must the field, there will be twice as travel around the bases on a many jackasses out there as there donkey and the men in the field are donkeys." must go after the ,ball, riding a Legion Manager Reg laBon- donkey: aid said he is hand-picking it '3. There are no strike:outs.. team which will massacre the Every batter must bat the ball, Kinsmen. Some of the starters even if he has to bring a slat off will 'be Harold Wolfe, Harry the barn to hit it. •Holtzman, Bill Chambers, Cal and 4. There must be a crowd of Bob Cutting. He'll have plenty spectators . who are willing to of substitutes on hand, too, laugh until their sides .ache.. should • any of his men get 5. Every, player must be able "kicked" Out of the game. to afford a 10 -w=ent bottle of lint - The Legion pians to parade its anent to rub on his aching -joints team to the park in grand style. the dayafter the game. 4 JULY SAL OF OK USED CARS 1952 Chevrolet Deluxe SEDAN, Powerglide. Radio. Like new. 1950 Plymouth Coach Radio. Good condition. .1952 Pontiac Sedan Slip covers. Tires like new. 1 evrolet Deluxe Ch SEDAN Radio. Sun visor. Fleetline model. SPECIAL 1953 Pontiac Coupe Air conditioning 'heater. Good condition. 1951 Chevrolet Deluxe SEDAN Turn signals, Good condition. 1948 Ford SEDAN Good condition. See this one. dot Our Price Before You Buy SNELL BROS. LIMITED IMONE 100 . Chevrolet w OldonObile Chev TrOcks EXETER night. On Monday they tackle - Mitchell 14 a ga44.. that could tost either teen), the title. Mohawks have a slight adran• tape on the home stretche out- side of .a :gime with the, Zurich ,club, the locale have only Anburn. and Glutton, the .taile4ders, to contend with., • Their • It a :e v y schedule is over. Dashwood and .Mitchell, on the other hand, laeach, other twice, before the, season is out and. Mitchell has two remaining galees. with Zurich. who beat them 8-2 in one game this season, But the final decision may still rest in the hands or the three second u division clubs. .Ali are due to break out with a victory streak Soon, Teams -Split Over Season Exeter Legion Mohawks re- mained in the thick of the fight for the Huron -Perth champion- ship by edging their "•C" rivals, Mitchell Legionaires, 3-1, on the local diamond Monday night. Ghvek Wheeler won his third. game of the season by limiting the visitors to four hits, He won a clow, stuff -pitching dual with portsider Dean Ayrhar'.t. , The win gave the two "0" clubs an even split on the season's 0110 en their have won two games,eir own diamond and one play, away.Both Jack Elson afid Lorne Ziaugh scored the winning runs in the fourth inning when Ayrhawrt lost control temporarily. Elson Sing- led after one was out and stole second base. He scored on a saf- ety by Haugh and •the tribe's firstbaseman came home on two wild pitches. Beth -teams ,gcored 4n the first inning. Harry Elliott c"ounted an unearned run for Mitchell, The first man up, he singled and reached second oh an error. Mur- ray Colquhoun advanced him ,to third and big Linc Rohfritseh sent him home with a ho't ground- er that was misjudged. Harry Holtzman, who came up with a two -for -four night, tallied the Mohawk's first run in the last inning. He rapped a sharp double past the scoreboard and came home on Red Loader's in- field single; Mitchell loaded the bases . in the 'Fourth inning but Wheeler forced two pop -ups to retire the side. The Legionaires had ducks on the pond in each of the fifth, siytlt and seventh innings. Jack Bison, who with Bob Me- harg hit a two -for -three night to lead the locals at the .plate, reached third•in the sixth inning bat Bill Gatenby, who replaced Ayrhaa•t, struck out the side. Red Loader handled most of the tribe's defensive chore, re- cording five assists and three putouts. Tigers Drub Clinton 13-2 Dashwood Tigers took advan- tage of a weak Clinton defence to sw-amp the juniors, 13-2, Tues- day night. Bight errors, com- bined with the Cats' 11 hits, con- tributed towards the rout. Dashwood took a 3-2 lead in the first inning, stretched it to 7-2 by the fifth and then broke loose for six runs in the seventh when Bill MacDonald's atm gave out. Dick Regier led the winners with three hits in four tries. Carl Wein, Winning Pitcher Gerry .Guenther and Rays Wein clubbed two safeties each for .500 nights. Singles by Bob Garon, Bill Hartley sand 'Murray Coiquhoun gave Clinton two runs in the 'opening frame but Jim Hayter, Oarl Wein and Regier scored in the last half to give the Tigers the lead. Regier and Bob Hayter added h Wein two in the third. Ray We n and Terry Wade scored singles in the fourth and fifth. Safe blows. by 'Regier, Jake and Ray Wein, Wade and Guenther in the sixth brought down the roof on the Juniors. Regier sparked the only double play in the game, He caught a 111f in right field in •the fourth and caught a runner off first abase. Zurich Wins 10.4 Home runs by Doug and Don O'Brien and Jack Haberer paced Zurich Lumber Kings to a 10.4 victory over Auburn &londay night. The Zurich crew took a 6-0 lead in the first inning and were never threatened, Gerry Dell wasthe winning pitcher, Ken Patterson the loser. H -P Standing (As of Wednesday morning) WLT 15 Dashwood Tigers 10 5 0 20 Exeter Legion Mohawkit 9 5 1 19 Mitchell Legionnaires 8 4 a 1' Zurich Lumber Kings _.. 6 .8 0 14 Aruhurn 4 B 2 10 Clinton LknlS Juniors 6 10 �. 8 This Week's Scores Exeter 3, Mitcheit 1 Ourich 10, Auburn 4 Dathhwood 13, Clinton 2 Feat» ;re (lanes 22. ..A'aburn et Mitoltell Exeter at OIintUn Zurielr at Dashwood 28—tllitttert at 'Zurich Auburn at lilteter ,ashwoed tett;- Mitchell 23-hiitihell itt Clinton Two Teams Drop. Out Two Exeter aninor teams barye folded because of lack of strength. The uveuiles, w`ho have been piayiug in the Middlesex -Oxford Intermediate Baseball 'League). withdrew last week, Manager Derry Doyle was shaving treubie getting a full rosier., The midgets, yamhad 'prezpects of going planes in W.O,A,A. corn, Petition, dropped oat of play he- Cause not enough players 'turned out. A number are at ,the factory and others are Away on 'holidays. Bantams Triumph, Pee Wees Split - Exeter Bantams w 411:01> e d Luean, 18-8, this week. Simon Nagel was the winning\pitcher. Jim Russell, Doug Sillery .and Cy Bloemmart led the locals at the plate. The Bantams play Auburn here. on Saturday. _. The Pee Wees defeated Dash- wood, 34-12, but lost to Seaforth, 14-4, in games this past week. Ron Heywood and Doug Kelson shared the win, See The Roya.. l Portable 11 last you can dial the carriage speed to your own typing PUO. .LOW-lOW-raMi Times -Advocate • ON OUR ENTIRE STOi OF ....port Shirts ..&traS. ir Dresses; Too! A FEW DRESSES AT ONLY .................................. 3.95 ONE RACK (VALUES TO 19.95) AT ,. 7.95 M1 Others 25% Of f BEST BARGAINS IN GROCERIES ELLLMARR PEANUT BUTTER 12 -oz, jar 330 KELLOGG'S CORN FLAKES 12 -oz, large pkgs. 2 for 490 KAM LUNCHEON MEAT 12 -oz. tin ,,,... , ...,.,.,.,. 39¢ HILI.S•DAL'E SLICED PINEAPPLE 20 -oz. tin . 290 S.T., WILLIAMS' MARMALADE. (ORANGE AND GRAPEFRUIT) 2d; -oz. jar 290 CLARK'S PORK & BEANS 20 -oz. tins . 2 fqr 33¢ NATURE'S BEST PEAS 15 -oz. tins ..,. 2 for 270 GRANULATED SUGAR 0-113, bag 42¢ to -1b, bag $3¢ SURF 1 large size pkg. 29c SOAP SPECIALS BLUE DUZ 104 Off Giant Size Sale price 71¢ S5 Off Large Size ale price 360 DREFT 154 pgi nt sizee kg. Sale price 62c GOULD & JORY PHONE 16 EXETER • MostkTrucks Ncid®ceal on any job with the most advanced truck features the industry has ever seen! A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE'" CNCV.MC RST ... irk 4(4- Only a Only new Chevrolet Task -Force Trucks bring you all these truly modern design and engineering features today! They're the marks of a'ntodern truck, and they out -date any make without them! And they're the money -making, money -saving advantages that ask this n Canyoureallyall rd to make question: a � your next new track a Chevrolet? Judge for yourself! Beginning with Wori4 Styling,. an entirely new development in truck design. For the first time in any line of trucks, Chevrolet brings you two styling treatments. Two dis- tinctively different designs— one for light- and medium- duty modelst another for heavy-duty jobs — both clean -lined and modern to the smallest detail. Here is styling with a meaning. Styl- ing that's matched to the Model and the job, Ride Custom cab features . the extra comfort of a foam rubber cushion and harmon- izing two-tone inside, Out- side, bright metal moldings and new two-tone color options. Custom cabs set whole new standards for comfort and convenience. The fatestiit kali temfaft and safetyy. Inside you can count On the Baine ultra -modern tOtichsofter seat action that reduces driver fatigue, a new instrument cluster tliat can be read ata glance, attd. more durable construction throttghout, The new 'P1ite. New concealed Safety Steps. Running boards are ancient history now, Chevrolet's new Safety Steps are out of sight With the doors closed. That wayy, snow, ice or mud can't coiled to cause 'accidents. Safety Steps are lower, too, for easier entrance. New panoramic windshield. The windshield atone has 1000 square inches of safety glass to give you a wider, virtually unobstructed view of the road— and there's more glass area alt around, A new glass -guard molding completely surrounds the Side windows, reducing pos- sibility of breakage, A wide - view wrap-around rear win- dow is available as an extra- Cgst option. Fresh air in all kinds of weather. With Chevrolet's new High -Level ventilating system, air is drawn in through louvers at cowl level. That means air is con- stantly circulated through the cab, regardless of disa- greeable weather conditions. High -Voltage power starts you quicker. You really have it modern under the hood! All New Task -Force engines are sparked by a hefty 12- volt electrical syStem.Quick- er starting, evert on cold Mornings, is one big advan- tage. Increased generator capacity is another, The high -Compression power of these great valve -in -head engines keeps you running longer between gas stops. Here's performance that cuts operating costs and shaves valuable time from your schedules! Tubeless tires standard on Vs - ton models, Pickups, panels Suburban, Carry -alts •— all models in the }'i -ton class now come with new tubeless tires. Here's greater protec- tion against blowouts. Every Power Helper In the book, Power brakes, for ex- ample — a big help in re- ducing driver effort while increasing safety—are stan- dard equipment on heavier • models, an extra -cost option on others. The new handling ease of Power Steering, an- other extra -cost option, cuts turning effort up to $0%. There's newgas-saving Over- drive as an extra -cost option on }la -ton models ... and truck Hydra -Matic — ideal for stop-and.gO city hauling available at extra cost on r/a», 34-, and 1 -ton jobs. They're worthwhile extra- cost helpers that can Save you a lot of time and money m the long run. The New Cameo Carrier. Sports model of the truck Reid—designed With special jobs in mind! Long and low, with smooth, fleet lines, here's the Custom i pickup ea that may well create a whole new class of truck owners! And the final touch, Color! New colors and two-tone combinations add the final styling touch to these great new trucks. Your selection is wider than ever before. Choose the color combina- tion that best matches your job, that best calls attention to you and your business. That way you'll be taldng full advantage of the adver- tising value of your new Task -Force model. One final word. When the time comes to trade itt 'SS models, the man without a really modern truck stands to take a good-sized loss. Come in and see us Soon. CHEVROLET Year offer Year Canada's best-selling frockl You get the most e'tode g trucks Money can buy ♦err.. Chevrolet's New dt-Iisst, nasi,naYn,nnii,UnitYt,tiui,anl„if,iiii,llii, IInI,nYYG,1,i,niYYYi Yn,Snii,nn til in ninl itioni YYi�inaahtif'undhr hili,' m YeYr 'if1,Yh�5,Y ,Leif ti erii ritin,fiMilli ,'nnOMatilrrlf,ilif • „M,arn,iu„u ,ni hn,i n,nM,i en i i i h , , ri , 4 u , i i �, Phone 100 SN.ELL BRCS. 'LIMITED Exeter, Cent, � CHEVROLE'C, OLt SMO8n E AND CHEVROLET 'TRUCKS °hkommoimuniiui i' muuuee nice,'Wemniiiiiii'ntem00Mmfimiehit heMi iia,iilnn'fiiiii iiMOtinueaOeeeO tiitMYi„WitirUMM iii,irPeenei i'eni,YAniiiMFin HO6fl xiinMM(600WMi'nnfiiiniYti irni'iiYiiFritifMY'iiYilli,h