HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1955-07-07, Page 11.0 .11 . THE TIM' ADVOCATE, EXE TANK)* THURSDAY MO. NIN MAX It 1 • • ,R;;;•••;.7,,,, Data On ElimvilIe By MRS BOSS svaiNlvEll. Mr. and Slre. Fred Ounnington, gr. •and IVIra, Lloyd Vegan of Listewel visited at Wasaga Beach Midhurst ower the weekend, mr, and Mrs. john Heherell f OWalia, Michigan, anent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs, Pitil; IP Mural], and attended the )3011 -reuniOn. The Vacatibual School a Blira- vine Ilnite,d Church began Mong glaT with an attendance of 62 DUP111/* A number from. this commun- ity attended the Bell Family re - unit)* at Exeter Riverview Park onSundaY. 'Mr, and Mra. Wi11an Griffin and Dorothy ot Mordezi, Mani- to'be, visited 'with XT. and Mrs, Everett Skinner over the week- end and attended the Hunter re - Mrs. Eva Prowse of Brooklin spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Everett Skinner and*attend- ed the Hunter Reunion. Mr. in Skinner, of New Tor- -onto has returned to Toronto to attend summer school after spend- ing •a few days with Mr. and IVIrs. Everett Skinner, '55 Mercury 1/2 -Ton Pickup Wholesale Price or Less "54 METEOR TUDOR, 2 -tone '50 CHEV COACH '50 AUSTIN SEDAN 47 STUDEBAKER COACH Overdrive • '46 PONTIAC TUDOR '40 CHEV COUPE' '52 MERCURY 1/2 -TON TRUCK South End Service RUSS& _CHUCK SNELL Phone 328 Exeter 0,11 i Das woo s-nurcnes Enjoy Annual Picnics Dashwood and Zion Lutheran Churches laeld their Picnics this Past week; the former Seatorth and Oar, latter at jOwett'S Grove, vr34 good attend- ance. Results of the Lutheran pinta were: Richard DinneY, Mary Anne Ilayter, ICharlesi Becker, „A.nue Kraft, !Robert Miller, Itutb. Res* mayer, Robert Becker, Kristine (Gulena, Ernest Miller, Eleanor Becker, Gerald Martene, Mre, (Harold Maine, jamea Hayter. Fancy couple walk, Garnet Willert and Mr, Ed Hamather; three-legged race (Amity), Iris Recker and Valerie Gibson; (sen- ior), June Rader and Elsa Ga- lena; wheelbarrow race (junior), David and Richard Rader; (sen - tor), Robert Becker, Wayne Gib- son; sack race, Anne Koehler. Arthur Rader. Several relays 'were also held. Several special prizes were awarded: to the oldest person, Mrs. Jacob Scirroederi. youngest baby, Michael Fleet; .longest mar- ried couple, Mr. and Mrs. 'Louis Restemayer; lucky plate, Joan Coward; guessing contest, Mrs. Fred Weiberg. Care Of Plants Institute Topic The president Mrs. E. Rader presided for the June meeting of the W.I. The assistant secre- tary Mrs. M. Merner read the roll call "Name a Canadian Wild Flower" which was answered by 14 'members and 4 visitors. Mrs. N. Merner gave a report on the district annual held at Thames Road. Mrs. J. Rader was appointed to be in eharg'e of •the Tweedsmuir Book, assisted by Mrs, L. Taylor and Mrs.° C. Snell, Each member was urged by the president to get the' history of her home. The agriculture group, adorned with corsages of fruits, vegetables and grain, was in* charge ot the program with the convener, Mrs. Sid Baker, in the chair. The motto, "Yon can pray for e. good crop but you have to keep on hoeing," was taken by Mrs. E. Rader. Little Beth •Snell sang "I'll Be A Sunbeam For Jesus," Mrs. G. Andersen, a native of Ireland, gave a brief talk on agri- tulture in Ireland, Anne Koehler favoured with a solo. Mrs. C.1 Snell spoke On the topic "Care and •Culture of,Atri- can Violets." Mrs, V. L. Becker was in charge of a display of house plants, /ncluded in these were beautiful 'African violets. Mrs. B. Koehler conducted a 'con- test in which the ladies had to identify the leaves and flowers belonging to the same plant. Holiday ViSitors •Holiday visitor's in the com- munity were s. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Poland, of Frarikford; Mr. Bruce Sieback, of Illinois; Misses Lois and Betty Geiser, London, with Mrs. Cora Geiser. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Beirder and family, of Toronto, 'with. 'Roy's father, Mr, John Bender. Mr. and Mrs, Ward Kraft and family, of London, with .Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Koehler and family. Mr, Herb Gaiser, of Dearborn, Mich., with his brother, Chester. Geiser. They spent Sunday and gonday in Kitchener. • IoNew19-55 international Harvester Refrigerators BIGGEST an4 BEST VALUE 11111111111511 • MORE CONVENIENCE You've got a date to See the new 114 Refrigerators in our shoivroomright away. Ranging in site from the giant 12 cmft. model (above) to the /.1 cu. ft. economy model, the new Ili line has ' everything you'll ever need in a refrig- $ 269.75 trator...all yours at surprisingly low prices. Easy terms Now at F.. W.. Huxtable . EXETER Mod& A 1 20D ( 2 cu ft 149 IOW /19 MON 153V .4 Mrs, William Joyce and nalldl, of Lorraine, Ohlo, and Mr, and Mrs, fnalth, of Mt. Albert, with Mr. and Mrs. 'Urban Pfile. Mr. and Mrs. Carinen Deltmier and Vanl, Mr. and Mrs. john bert and Mr. Russell 'Cober, ail of Stratford, With Mr. and IVIra, Courtney Burnieister., Mr. and Mrs. Wendell 138,1o.ble. and boys, of London, and Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Taylor and boys, of Waterloo, with Mr. and Mrs, L. H. Rader. Mrs. Renate. Wahl, of Elmira., with her nieces and families, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Miller and Mr. and Mrs, Edgar Restentayer, Mrs, 33011 Newton and fairilY, of London, and Mr. and Mrs, Mil- ton Willert and daughter, Exeter, with Mrs. B.. Willert. Mr. and Mrs, Wtfllanina•ugh with friends at Tobermory, Mr. and Mrs. Louis •Smith and Tommy, et Buffalo, with Mr. and Mrs. NIg11 Rader and . other friends. Mr. and Mrs. C011n and family, of London, and Mr. and Mrs, Harold Maine and fam- ily, of Kitchener, with Mr. and. Mrs. Reinhold. Miller, Mr. and Mrs, Harry Guenther, of Windsor, with Mrs. Letta Tay- lor. Mrs, Grant Coward and daugh- ter Joan, of Vancouver, B.C., at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ru- dolph Miller. Mrs. Thelma, Garvie, of Pt. Edward, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Gibson. Mrs. Bain, Mrs. Houlahatt and Miss Rose Zimmer, of Detroit, with friends in town, • Personal Items Mr. and Mr.S, •Sid Baker and Mrs, Letta Taylor attended the funeral of their aunt, Mrs. Fred Burk, at London last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Bari Burk and family and Miss Mary Burk, of Detroit, spent Thursday with Mr, and Mrs. ;Sid Baker. Miss Anne Taylor spent a couple of days In London last week. Master Wayne Gibson spent a couple of days this week in Ot- tawa. Mrs, Frank Watson, of Detroit, is vacationing at the home of her :brother and faintly, Mr. and Mrs, Charles Snell. • Mr. and Mrs. .Tack Watson and Orby Kestle, of Detroit; M. and Mrs. William Pitt and Mr, and Mrs. 'Windsor Matthew, London, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Snell. A large number from here at- tended the Willed reunion at Jowett's rirove, Bayfield, Satur- day. • Mr. and Mrs. Victor Kraft and family, of London, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Louis Reste- mayer and also attended the Wil- bert reunion. Miss Carolyn Kraft, of London, la spending' a Weekwitb her aunt, Mrs. C. Fleet. Mrs. William Nadiger has re- turned home after spending two weeks with her daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. W. Filkins and Janice, at Howell, Mich.. Her daughter and Janice are visiting with her. Mr. and Mrs,. W. Mebane and. son, Ronald and Donald, Miss Gail Spear, Beverley Parker, Judy Denomme;* Larry Brisely, all of Detroit, and Mr, and Mrs. Ken- neth Edighoffer and family from the west, With Mrs, Lucinda Mc- lean. • Mr. and Mrs. John Snyder, of Brantford, and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Beavis and Barbara, of Detroit, with Mrs. Bertha Ilayter. Bar; bare, is spending two weeks with. her grandmother. .• Miss Mary Jane Hoffman is vacationing with Dr, and Mrs. J. A. •Spellman and familY, at Kit- chener, David Schroeder David 'Schroeder, of Dashwood, passed away at South Baron Hos- pital, Exeter, Monday, July 4, 1955, in his ninety-second year, He had been in failing health for Some time, is survived by two daugh- ters, Mrs. Everett Heist (Sophia), of Dashwood, and Mrs. Robert Grace (Laura), of Florida; one son, Herman, of Atlanta, Mich, one sister, Mrs. Lydia Feltner, of Micb.,; two b r o t h.e r Louis, of Shipka, and Jacob, of Santa Barbara. He was a member Of Dashwood Ill,11.B. Chnteh. The body is resting at the Hoffman funeral home, Dash- wood, until Thursday, July 7 at 2:80 p.m., when services will he conducted by Rev. 'trots. Inter- ment will be in Dxeter cemetery. Topics From Zion By AIMS 44$14 DYX1414.41‘ PYkenum Reunion The fourth annual 33Ykeolaa ;eltdiOn, was held at the farm of and Dykepran on Julyt A game of horseshoes was played and the winner was George Brown of Galt. After dinner a program of sports was eaiared with Paul and Ray Dykernan as conveners. A bali garne was played and a ehick- en barbeeue supper served. Bus- iness was then discussed and George Brown and family of Galt were appointed executive for next year's reunion, Personal Items Mr. and Mrs. ROSS Jaques and Daniel Hicks visited. Wednesday with Mrs. Ella Cox, Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hawley and Richard, London, were Saturday visitors wIth Mr. and Mrs. Jud Dykeman. • , Mr. and. ,Mrs. Clifton Jaques visited on Sunday with Mr.* and Mrs. Gerald Hern, Paul Dynman attended the Poultry •Conference O.A.C.‘ Guelph., on. SaturdaY. • — Mr. and Mrs, Roos 'Jaques were Saturday visitors with Mr, and induct First Minister To New Area .Charge On Thursday evening Rot, the service .over which Rev. 17.1. J. nell was in. charge. Uev. j. Pitt of Willa addressed as( rainister and Rev. W. C. Om1th, Grand en4, directed hs remaxitt( to the congregation. Usre Webb. of Grand' Bend, a laymaa of the Presbytery, .011-. ducted Res% nallatoil. through the service. At a. reception which ,tellowe4,. representatives :rout the three. charges introduced Rev. Rapson to his people. Lextiee.or the three coagregatious Served luinb. Mr. Cecil Wiloon, 08 behalf f. the Congregations ., welcomed ltlr. and Mrs. Rapson and son, David,and daughter Marie to the commun- ity. Mr. Rapson replied in. few well ciloseo. remarks. Rev. Rapson 'was tOrmerly minister at Kirton ,atid, then was a chaplain in the. Navy. Ile was stationed at Sarnia and became, industrial chaplaixi in the poly., roar Plant in that eity. for acv- •eral years. This is his first Pas- torate since leaving Sarnia. Alex Rapson. B.A., who succeeda Rev. was inducted as Pastor ot the newly augmented cbarge now Including Main St. Exeter, Crediton and 'Ripka churches. Representatives from the dif- ferent charges were present for Mrs. Ar8014 Anderson, Science Zion West S.S. Picnic The annual Sunday School Tie'. nis was held at Lions Park, Sea- torth, on June 28. Alma Bern, Marlene 'Towle, Edward Horn 04 'Ronald Bern were in charge of the Sports. The winner in the pre-school children's •race was Graham Bern; in girls' races, Elsie Miller, Margaret week, Doreen 3rock and Alma Hera; in boYs'' races, Larry Bern, Glen Towle, Edward Bern and Fred Married ladies, Mrs. Gerald Horn; married men, jack Bern; three-legged race, Edward and Ronald Bern; kick - the - Slipper, Alma Bern, Edward Bern; atone gllesaing •contest, Rev, Slade., There were various relays With Harry Hera and Tom Brock as captains. A ball game was played and swimming enjoyed. SE "Personalized Service" for Serviettes, Coasters, etc. THE TIMES -ADVOCATE News of Sunshine By MRS. WILLIAM DICKEY Mr. arid Mrs. Tom Covfard and family, Of the Base Line, visited with Mr, and Mrs. John Coward Sunday evening. , Rev. Wanless, of Stroud, was a caller on the Ibie on Friday. M. and Mrs. William Dickey and family visited on Sunday evening With Mr, and Mrs, Grant IVIeCorquodale, at Lakeilide. lifri). Warner MclLoberts, of Lithail, 'Visited with Mr, and Mrs. Theron ;Creery during the Week- end. Mr. and lira. Ittkol, of Stratford, were Weekend gueste at the hone of M. and Vire, Jim White. Mt. and 1Vira. Ebner McLaugh- lin, of Kitchener, visited With 14/fr, and Mrs. Laverne Rodd on Sunday, — Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Pord, of ititehener, were Collett at the home a Mr. and Mrs. William ricket and family oft IVfortday. ''' :".'4;;:44•4;;;;.:41i•ci" •.,..iP'..:•.:si.;.". ,:."0.4•,.... .,;;•;, '..;.•,;•.. •.".;', . I'. . ...:•i,..,4,i:. 444,4040444144•400 Hares a mon whos roily wise: He looks to WANT ADS for better huysl Keating e. bargain in a used car, a Itonse, or something o r y o u r home? Turn to ,our classified ads for 'the best buys in town! Phone 7761 T -A Classifieds READ FOR PROFIT, USE FOR RESULTS • 444' .. • n • • ..• COAST TO COAST more new car buyers are comparing values and turning to METEOR—tops in its field for style, for V-8 choice, for performance! Illustrated above—RIDEAU VICTORIA eteors the honey that's drawing the crowds ! ALL CARS OFFERS THE CHOICE OP 3 ONLY METEOROAVMEORNHEGAD-VALVE V-8's—advanced,high-compression V-8 engines of thoroughly proved design—backed by experience gained id designing and building more V -8's than all other makas combined, You get a 162 Hp. V-8 in Meteor models; a 175 Hp. V-8 b Niagara and'ilideau models; tir an optional 182 Hp. V-8 when choosing Merc-O-Matic Drive*. ir Try the RR/ *Optional at extra Cott MORE AND MORE PEOPLE WANT. METEOR'S EXCLUSIVE TRI-T9NE STYLING; HIGH-FASHION INTERIOR BEAUTY; SMOOTHER RIDE; V-8 POWER AT NO ADDED COST! You see them everywhere these days. A11 -new Meteors with style - setting *tone and two-tone beauty. Stealing the show with their long, low lines—distinctive chrome -sweep side trim—and elegantly appointed interiors—the most beautiful in Meteor's field. Everywhere, more people are trying the drive that's miles ahead and praising the superb smoothness of Meteor's thoroughly proved V-8 engines—Meteor's lightning -quick response at all speeds—its quiet, winged power on the highway. And there's much more you'll admire in Meteor. Its luxurious riding comfort—its delightful handling ease—vastly improved over anything before because of new angle - poised ball -joint front suspension. You get the finest choice of power assists. Smoother "no shift" Merc-O-Matic Drive*, 4 -way power seat*, power steering* and power brakes*. Join the crowds that are finding out Meteor's a honey to drive, See your Meteor dealer for a demonstration, this week! ,E6 that's miles ahead.. Watch Ed Sullivan's "Toast of the Town—nne No. 1 Variety Show—every Sunday everting, 8:00, station CFPL, channel 10 AN Ail -NEW OVERtleAtir.VALVE V.8 iN EVERY MODEL Al' NO ADDED COST A PRODUCT OF FORD OF CANADA SEE VOUR m ETE0F1 DEALER HENSALL, ' BOB COOK MOTOR. SALES EXETER OH't. SOUTH END SERVICE PHONE 178 PHON(328 1