HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1955-07-07, Page 10Nan Nle., � . .. .. .... .....• .... .,..._. n .n.:,,,,.-., ., Oafs Beauty Shoppe (Sautll, .of tarok Smith .Jeweller) N1 'turelle remanent Waving l4ustron hold Wave Dorothy G Pfaff, Plop.. intone 7i -'Qt vxeter 111111111111,1111111111 SUPERIOR Propane Limited Tour 1pLtrlbutar for Prologs Gap sad *palleoa* icor ram, Houle anflt Induslzy Galt Stratford 4174 let me help you `fashion" your figure FIGURE STYLIST Mrs. V. Armstrong 89 Anne St. W. PRONE 125 EXETER �nrmnnn minim lll l 111111111 ll I l q,m1„P,1II llll llll l Its Christmas In July? - 1Ii1111i111111111111M11111111111111i11 ilittli11111111111111111111ItttllUit(lllItt11l Not So Foolish As It Sounds! Try Our LAY -AWAY . EASY -PAY PLAN Select Your Christmas gifts now and by the time Christmas comes al o n g you' 11 have your gift problems solved. We'll keep the articles for you and 'arrange easy pay- ments, • Jack Smith JEWELLER • FREE CREDIT SERVICE Phone 510 Exeter 3 ,P irik TI,M sAnvocA A E, • ,onfrARIOi.,THURSDAY MORNING, AMY 7, Feminine Facts 'n Fancies Maxine Parsons Married Saturday On Saturday at 4 pan. In James St. United Church, decorated with blue and white mums, ean- delabra and ferns, Maxine, elder daughter of Mr: and • Mrs. Lloyd Parsons, was united in marriage to Mr. William Kovacs, son of Mr. -and Mrs. William Kovacs of Rodney. Rev. H. J. Snell officiat- ed and the wedding music was played by Lawrence Wein. Mrs. Wm. Murdoch, Dundas, was solo- ist. Given in marriage by her Fath- er, the bride wore a floor length go-wn of white chiffon erystalette over taffeta with portrait neck- line, tight fitting torso with lily point sleeves. Iler three-quarter length imported illusion veil was held in place by a little platter of crystalette draped in yelling. She carried a white bible crest- ed with a white orchid and steph- anotis. Miss Joan Parsons, Exeter, sister of the bride was maid of honor wearing •a dress of peri- winkle blue crystalette fashioned on lines similar to that of 'the bride's. Her crownless pill box headdress - of blue baby mums was trimmed with a tiny handker- chief veil• at the back. Her bou- quet was of white and blue chrys- anthemums. Identical gowns and accessor- ies were worn by the bridesmaids, Mrs. Ron Stephan and MTs. Ralph Buttner,both of London. Ralph Buttner, London, was best man and the ushers were Joe Kovacs, Rodney and Jack Parsons, Exeter. For the reception in the church parlors the bride's mother chose a dress of blue orchid pieu de sole with navy accessories and a corsage of white mums. The groom's mother wore a tan dress' with beige accessories and a cor- sage of yellow mums. For a motor trip to Eastern Canada the bride donned an av- ocado green duster and dress en- semble with black .and white ac- cessories and ,a white orchid cor- sage. On their return Mr. and 'Mrs, Kovacs will reside in London. Guests at the wedding were present from London, Dearborn, Mich., Rodney, Meaford, Alberta and Exeter. • A Page Devoted to the Interests of the 'Women Readers of The Tirnes0Advocate ANNIVERSARY PARTY—Staff of the Exeter branch 9f the `Hank " of Montreal recently honored Miss Greta• Harness who completed. 80 years in the local office. Back row, left to right, Mildred Ballantyne, Pat Tuckey, Gerda Binriendyk; middle, J. 1?. Hueglin, P. U. Ince, W. B. Biggart, Edna Sims, Elaine Bern, Marion Brock, Muriel Wells, C. E. Shaw, manager; L. 13. Ballantyne, C. W. Hall; front, Gerry Smith,,Ilene'Webber, Miss Harness, Mabel Newton and Kay Hodgert. The picture appeared ,in "Staff", house organ of the I3 of M. -Jack Doerr School: No. 2 Hay Lists Promotions Mrs. Anna Ellis, teacher at S.S. No. 2, Hay, announced the promotions at her school this week. Pupils are listed in grades to which they have been promoted. Grade 8—iWhyne Ford, Florence Wildfong (honours). Grade ?— Margaret Beiber,Lloyd Simpson (honours): Grade 6—Fryda Hav- erkamp (honours), Karen Tin- ney (first class honours), Eugene Webber. Grade 5—Mary Simp- son. Grade 4—Gerrit van Doom (honours). Grade 3—Elaine Bieb- er (honours), ,Grade 2—Barbara Bieber ((honours). For a century and a half a treasure supposedly buried by Captain Kidd has been sought on Nova Scotia's Oak Island. Anniversary Special J. H. Connor & Son Ltd., on their 80th anniversary, have enabled us to offer a stupendous trade-in` allowance for your old washer on a new Connor Anniversary Model 80. • $ 6 0.0 Trade -In Allowance For your old washer regardless of age or condition on this Anniversary Special Model 80. CONNOR WASHER REGULAR PRICE $209.50 ANNIVERSARY TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE $ 60.00 You Pay Only $149.50 SmaII Monthly Budget Terms NEW! NEW! Roll -A+ -Way Rinse Tub $19.5 or FREE With The Purchase Of Any New Washer Features Of Connor "80" >N Two -Year Guarantee on all parts * Connor precision built mechanism * Dependable Lovell wringer with chrome feed boards * Famous Connor bell-shaped 3 -vane gyrator * Nine -pound eapabity' Titanium porcelain tub *• Sediment sone dirt trap keeps water clean * Manufactured and Guaran- teed by the makers of the famous Conner Thermo washers.. SP ELGROVE'S EXETER Odd Its. By B. Small Rogue 'Rogues come in all sizes: This one was about .sevens She hall a pitiful 'lookin her eye • though her dresswas well marked by Dominion Day treats. Her story was that She'd given someone her money and ;had re- ceived no hot dog. An, injustice, indeed, and quickly remedied. When we mentioned - the inci- dent we found that she had ap- peared a .few minutes earlier and claimed an ice-cream bar.' with the same story! " * * * •* Not The Seat A rural philosopher once said - "It ain't so much the . heat, it's• the humanity." * ,_ „i .* Bl�ackRogue.`.> The. black 'cat can't do much about*•the heat and, the childrex4. they remain, therefore, 'bother- some but tolerable. The neigh- bor pup is a.different story. So far, all puss need do is move forward .quickly, and the dog turns, tail down • •towards home. Clearly, lie wants to be friendly but our cat wants it un- derstood that tradition is not to be tampered •with. We just hope friend cat is still agile by the time pup ceases his role as novice and realizes that he too can chase things and cats. Winchelsea Mr. and Mrs. Fred Walters, Sandra and Judy, spent •the. week- end at Chesley Lake. Mrs. Howard Dayman and children of Kippen visited over the weekend with her parents,. Mr. and Mrs. William Walters. Mrs, James Horne, Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Horne; Ruth and Raymond attended the Pym re- union at $eaforth on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ford of Kitchener spent the holiday weekend with Mrs. Marry Ford and Gordon. Mrs. Minor Dobbs, Mrs. Tom Stephens .and, boys from Glen - cairn visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Brock for the weekend. �1N Exchange 'Vows - In Candlelight 'Baskets of 'white gladioli end white mums, and softly glowing, candles graced James St. "United Church" for the weddingof ,Shir- ley Lenore, daughter of ..Mr. and. Mrs.. S. B. Taylor and Donald John Vlodsseau, son et Mr,,,land Mrs. A. Mousseau, • Hensel" The Rev. di. J. Shell Officiated and Lawrence Mein played tradition- al. music ,with Mrs. Hugh Pers- ons as soloist singing "Wedding Prayer", and "0 Promise Me." The 'bride, :given in •mar"riage by her father, was gowned In a floor length dress of Spanish dace and, pleated nylon 'tulle over ,sat: in.- The taut lace bodice `head a pleated front panel. The billowing skirt had five tiers of alternating bands of Spanish lace and pleat- ed tulle She carried' a •bougniet 'et white „•carnations, shasta dais les and ivy. • Identically costumed in korai and 'blue crystallite in new Dior fashion with seuiptured portrait neckline, short '.sleeves, 'a deep pleated cuff . banding the hip line finished 'with a large bustle bow, matching gloves and .matching. head dresses were the maid; of bonor, Lorna Taylor, sister of the bride and Joan Hopper, Exeter, and Jean Mousseau, Iieneall,a bridesmaids. They carried bpu qu'ets ofpale yellow Shasta dais - les and ivy. • The little flower girl, ,Cheryl Mousseau, wore a dress of pale yellow .crystallite with short,sleev- es, ;matching gloves and head- dress carrying shaste daisies aril fvy. . Donald Cowan, Exeter, was best man and the ushers .' were John• Taylor, Hensall, and Eugene Wil- lard Of !Exeter. • The 'bride's mother received in the church parlors in a gown of Wild rise' Ronan silk with cor= sageof red carnations. Assisting her the 'groom's 'mother were a bice .nylon and lace gown with a corsage of pink •carnations. For a honeymoon in the• North the bride donned a brown linen duster coat. over brown figured silk dress with a.corsage of yel- low carnations. • On their return Mr. and Mrs. Mousseau wi11 reside on the groom's. "farm near Ifensall. MAKE THIS - YOUR FROZEN not FOOD CENTRE Last ,Call For Cherries This Week End Our cherries are packed under personal supervision at Niagara. WE GUARANTEE THE QUALITY. Cherries will likely arrive Tuesday; -truly 12 or Thursday, July 14. We will notify you by telephone. Please ea11 for them early as possilzle to get best results. CARTONS ARE SELLING FAST Buy yours while they are in stock. Our Special Blue Brand Beef Sold Quickly Buuy this beef while there is a spread of 20 or over In favour of front quti.rtersa WS beef is specially selected for US. Last week's was tops. Exeter Frozen Foods Phone 70' Main St.. - Aaiiiis0.0 Mu,O.nnit uuuiuini,ui,Unnrnu0niu,uui,nnmmiiiir ir(tliiitililYniii,iinUf1111101 • WWI Honor Bride -Elects At Area Showers Xiasian=Cirole girls and friends :held a miscellaneous shower in :honor of i+'rances Lostell, bride - elect, at the borne sof AVM. :,Sil lery, an Thursday,evening.. !Frances was led to a decorat- ed chair and represented with' a,. bride's book. A • musical program consisted of a sing-soug, a solo by Maxine Reeder and accordian selections by Amy Fisher. ,Marilyn Horn read an address and aVlary Ann Lostell sister of the briide- elect and 'Grace Eagleson sister of •'the groom -elect presented Frances with decorated baskets' of gifts. Later contests were enjoyed and lunch served. * * * * On Monday ,evening friends and neighbors of the fourth conces- sion, Usborne niet at the home of Miss Mildred :B'allentyne. After a short program consisting of musical numbers by Marilyn and Kathryn. •Hickd, ,a reading by Maureen Stewart . and 'contests Miss Frances Lostell was :present- ed with a floor lamp and :clpthes hamper.. Canada's most valuable. post- age stamp is the twelve -penny black, issued in 1850 and now priced at $8,500. FAST R•E UUE.F FOR Brides - Elect See tie "Peirionally; Yours" .Album at The Times -Advocate u SWIM. WITHOUT HAIRDO WORKS AMAZING' NEW WATER-TITE Contour Molded SWIM CAP Contour molded toAt your head smoothly ... glamor- ou"s1y, this new Playtex cap lets you swimwithout worry- ing about your hair -do. Ears stay dry, too . thanks to , the rows of special water -tile seals Inside this wonderful Swim Cap. In bright, • attractive colors and. designs, the Playte* Contour Molded Swan. Cap s -t -r -e -t -c Ji -e -s for complete - comfort on any head size - .. look for this • distinctive package wherever fine -swim caps are sold. ..- _119 y4. complete assortment o) glamorous colors .. Hunt!ey's Drug Store Trusses, Surgical 'Supporta, Elastic Hosiery PHONE 50 EXETER SUPER Blue . & Goad :Peas 2 for 31c Lowney s Marshmaflows 1.11),„ -for 29c. Dr..••Ballard s Dog Food 3 for ,33 Shredded Wheat -2 for 33c Green Giant Niblets Corn 2 for 33c Hereford Corned Beer, 39c • Paramount Sockeye SaJmon 39c Beach Towels Assorted Colors Only $1.49, -With Every Moo -Purchase MEAT SAVINGS BLADE ROASTS Bone Removed ,.. 35e MINCED BEEF Z�C. Fresh, Extra Lean SIDE BACON 35c %z -Lb. Cello pack......, SWIFT'S BOLOGNA By the Piece 25¢ Lb, Sliced 29¢ Lb. WATERMELON 23 Lb. Average .,..1....... CANTELOPE 15.0 89C CUCUMBERS ... 2 fot' 139 GREEN BEANS 2 role. 70 BLACK CHERRIES $1.90 Per gasket ..,..,..,...,ri., LADI ES! Do Your Shopping On MONDAY = TUESDAY .OR WEDNESDAY AND GET A BEAUTIFUL PAIR OF Nylon_- Hose FiiR O N LY 49c • With Every Purchase of $5.00 And Over (These; are $1,26 hose—first quality 51 gauge, 15 denier in the most p o p u l a r tnunrher shade.) No Need To Drive Miles 1?or "Chain Store Prices-- , Get Them At Rick's •. RICK'S FODLANl OPEN WEDNESDAY MORNINGS BY POPULAR DEMAND Open Tues., Fri, and Sat. Nights Your Red & White Supertarkety Exeter South ' Alw a 11.',71.71141.117.1