HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1955-07-07, Page 7an,
S!i lies we414114 Anulversat'y
Mr. and Ira, David Henry Cele-
brated their twenty-fifth wedding
anniversary .at their home.
They were married et the Bala
tist parsonage in AUK Craig ou
July 2, 1980. Mrs. Henry, the
former .Mary Donaldson, is a
daughter of the late Mr. sand Mrs..
William Doaialdison. Mr. Henry is
a son of the late Mr. and Mrs.
William limey, all of McGillivray
Mrs, Renry'a two eiders .and
brother, Mr, and Mrs. KarI O'Neil,
Mr. and Mrs, Sam, King and Mr.
and Mrs. J hn Donaldson and
family yisit'ee with there► Thurs.
day eVeniug•
Property Chenge.
Mr. Maurice Simpson has Pur-
chased the house and lot across
front his general store in the
village, formerly the Haslip
Mrs. Susan McWilliams has
purekiased the new house from
Mr. Lorne Derbyshire in the vil-
M. Stewart Cunningham has
purchased the house and property
of Mr. T. Morley in the village.
Grade 8 pupils of Clandeboye
.School No, 4 and 14, Sandra Wil-
liams, Ruth • Donaldson, Marilyn
Eaton, Joe Hall and Keith Simp-
son, all passed. Mies Marion
Thompson is the teacher,
Wedding Anniversary
Mr, and Mrs, Mervin Carter
were pleasantly surprised when
their daughter, Miss Mary Carter,
Planned a party for them at their
home on their twenty-eighth wed-
ding anniversary on Tuesday
evening, July 5.
Guests were Mrs. Donaldson,
Mr. •Charles Edginton, Mr. and
Mrs, J. H. Paton, Clare Paton,
William Allwright, Miss . Lois
e 11irs. Pearl Cobleiglh
'Natalia services were conduct -
ad ul r .
on IVlanda J or M s
ed4, f
Pearl Cob1eigh, age 57., at the
y funeral home in Luca
he Rev. Derwyu ,Tones, P.A.,-
L.th,, .assisant rector at St. Paul's
'Cathedral, L e n d s n, offieiated.
'he .soloist was the Rev. Mervin
Elston,, Centralia,
Mrs, Cobleigh was born in Bid-
duiph township, the only daugh-
ter of the late Mr. 3oseph and
Armitage, pR Clandeboye, She
lived for some time in Detroit
and London, but fpr' the past
year resided with }tier daughter,
Mrs, Ronald Hooper, in Toronto..
She passed. away gh Friday, July
1 at Victoria Hospital, London.
Her mother passed away in No-
ve4ber, 1954, at the age of 92
(She is survived by two sons
and three daughters, Clifford, of
A.R. 1, Lucan; Laverne, of De-
atrayit; (Ethel( Mrs. Herman Lang,
,lord, London; (Mary) Mrs. Ross
Langford, Woodham, and (Doro-
thy) Mrs. Ronald Hooper, of To-
Pallbearers were Herrman Powe,
Exeter; Ewart Powe, London;
Fred Ford, Detroit; Percy Arini..
tags, Alonzo Phillips andH. S.
Hodgins, Lucan,
interment was in St, Jaynes'
Cemetery, Clandeboye.
Garden Club
The members of the Garden
Club met at the home of their
leader and assistant leader, Mrs,
0, Elson and Mrs. F. Deese. Roll
,call was answered by "How one
vegetable was served from the
garden." They selected green
covers with white lettering for
the record books. Plans were
made for a skit to be presented
at Achievement Day this fall, •-
€ A
Weekend Specials
Meat Specials
Hamburg 3 Lbs. For $1.00
• Cottage 'Roll '° 69¢• Per Lb.
Macaroni and Cheese Loaf 430 Per Lb.
Pure Pork Sausage 45¢ Per Lb.
Round Steak 59¢ Per Lb.
Grocery Specials
Blue :dr Gold Peas, 15 Oz. Tins , 2 for 310
Marshmallows, 1 Lb. Pkgs.. 290,,
Corn Niblets, 14 Oz. Tins 2 for 33¢
Aylmer Cream Corn, ,15 Oz, .Tins .. 2 for 25¢
Paramount Sockeye Salmon 7% Oz. Tin 360
Liquid Certo 25¢ Per Bottle
Soda Biscuits, 1 Lb. Pkgs. , 270
Al's Groceteria
And Meat Market
Kirk, . ss uausnc i.s
nn M s
Beth Mcfar and Mr. d Mra
Roy, McRann, who each won a
prize at the progressive euchre
Refreshunaents Were served Cafe-
.e'i t from e
t. 1 a Style a . able twit.
a cake decorated tin rose Sud
,green with lighted candles.
Personal items
Mrs. .Cora McLean and Mrs,
Gladys Mitchell, of Detroit, :Spent
the weekend with Mr, and Mrs.
Mac McNaughton, They called on
Mr. and Mrs. Abner Hendrie on
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Downing and
daughters, of Chatham, spent a
few day, a with the latter's par-
ents. They visited Kincardine on
Friday and London and Spring-
bank on Saturday, ,roan returned
home •with her parents. Karen
stayed this week for holidays
with her grandparents.
Mr rand Mrs, Orton Leaher.
land, Carol and Diane, of Termi-
te, spent the weekend with the
former's sister and brother -In-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Rea Neil,
Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Paton and
Clare attended the Orange Lodge
service at St, retire Cathedral
on ,Sunday afternoon. Later they
were supper guests of their niece
and her,/ husband, Mr. and Mrs.
Dave IIi11s, Wililam Street.
Mrs. Max Bloye and daughters,
Cheryl and Susan, left Sunday to
join •Sgt. Bloye at. Moisie R,C.A.F,
Station, near Labiiadar.
Mr, and Mrs. AAjlrthur Hodgins
entertained relatives on Sunday,
Grtests included; Mr. and Mrs,
Wiliam Morley and Miss Elva
Morley, Whalen; Mr. and Mrs.
Howard Morley, Carolyn and
Kathleen, of Hazel Park, Mich,;
Miss Olive Frederick, New York;
Mr .and Mrs. Russel Brock, David
and Bill, of Chlselhurst, and Mr.
and Mrs. Bill Freneh and family.
Mrs. Albert barley, Cleveland,
and Mrs. Robert Crellin, London,
with Mrs. Fred Simpson and Mr.
Moore Cunningham visited with
Mrs, 3. Y3, Paton on Saturday, -
Miss Joan Murless is attending
the classes in radar at the R.C.-
A.F. Station at Crumlin,
Mr. Rupert Wiliams bought a
barn near Lambeth, It has ,been
taken down . and remoyed by
truckn to his property where it
will be erected to replace the
barn lost by fire recently,
Lucan Personals
Mr, and Mrs. Alex McFarlane
left last weekend for Shelbourne,
where they will attend a large
family reunion.
Born to Mr .and Mrs. Clarence
Young, of Lucan, on Sunday,
June 26, at St. Joseph's Hospital,
a daughter.,
Mr, and Mrs. W, W. Garrett
and family c e le bra ted their'
daughter'Doreen's fifteenth birth-
day at the home of Mrs. Garrett's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Cole-
man, last Monday.
Mr. John Park, who has •been
on the sick list, was taken to St.
Joseph's Hospital last week.
Mrs. Tom Flynn held a plastic
demonstration at her home last
Wednesday afternoon.
Met and Mrs. Jack Lankin have
returned from a holiday trip to.
St. Catharines and points north.
Wide at St. Catharines they were
the guests of Mrs. Lankin's sis-
ter, Mrs. Galley Johnston.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Murdy and
family are holidaying clear Grand
Mrs. William Reynolds and
granddaughter, of Windsor, have
been spending a couple of weeks
with Mrs. Blanche Reynolds.
Mr, Joe Bean, Misses Barbara,
Catherine and Marion Bonn have
returned from a three-week trip
to Western Canada and the
Pacific Coast.
Mr, John Conlin is holidaying
with friends in Chatham,
July Sale
Of Ladies' & Misses'
Summer Dresses
25% Off
Regular Prices
Just as the hot weather is starting we are placing on sale
the balance! of our stock of summer dresses. Hundreds to
choose from in all sizes—small, regular, large, O.S. and the
popular half sizes, in the newest styles. Buy several at this
big saving in price— 25% Off,
Large Size Foam ItUbber Pil-
low, zipped -on eases for easy
washing. On sale this month at
$5.50 each, $10.75 pair.
Throw Cushions
The newest for chairs and
chesterfields, popular bright
colors in corduroy—two sizes.
A real buy at $1.39 and $1.89
Regal Clothes
Great Annual Pre -Season
'Suit Saie
With every tailored -to -measure suit
at the regular price, yell receive an
Extra Pair Of Trousers Free
Shop,early while we have a good,selection of cloths.
Phone 190 EXETER Phone 190
Men's Wear Ladies', Children's and Babies' Wear
Dry Goads Floor -Coverings, etc.
Anil I;i:strict
Grade I t4 .Grade 11
Susan Bridger, Peter Butler,'
Patricia 3Cobletgh, Louise Coen-;
renes. Linda .Currie, Stephen pa -
vis, Elaine Emerick, S h a r o n
George, David G o d d a r 4, Ken;
Hardy, Tont Hardy, Brian Has
keit, Sharon Henson, Gayle Hick-,
son, Wayne Rod.gins, Wayne Ir
vin, Betty Ann :Lewis, David Lip-
pert, Terry Neeb, David Strata,
Cheryl Thompson, Terry Thone,
son, Joyce Weg1and, Evelyn
Frame, Penn •Lewis, Lynda Mor-
Grade II to Grade 1II
Margaret A rami t n g e, Linda
Bridger, Jerry Butier, Bob Hick-:.
San, Terry Hickson, Judy IIa{bbe,
David Irwin, Douglas Lewis, Carl
Neeb, Roger Neeb, Kenneth Pow-
ell, Lynne R u m_m e 11, Bryan
Smith, Lynda. Young, Paul Young,
Grade II to Grade fl (Sr.)
Patsy Calcott, Margaret 'Cob-•
Leigh, Ann George, Larry Lewis,
John Parkinson, Jean Schlueter,
Nancy Watson,
Grade III to Grade X17
Donnie •Coughlin, Ruth Frosts
Section Honors
Retiring Teacher
At a twilight picnic at S.S. 26
School, London Township, Miss
Marie Lewis was presented with
a set of silver salt and pepper,
teapot and cream and sugar as a -
parting gift from her pupils. Fred
Mardlin read the addres and Ed-
ea and Sharon Parkinson pre-
sented the gift,
Miss Lewis has •completed two
years 'as teacher at the school.
She was vice-president of the,
Biddulph -London Township
Teachers' Assoclation. Her school
was one of two from London.
Township to be Chosen by Med-
way High School as exemplary
schools for the township for stu-
dents to visit. At Ilderton Fair.
last year her pupils won an award
from. the Canadian Legion for
best acknowledgment to the flag
as they marched past. the war
memorial:- This award was be-
lieved to be the first of its kind
in Canada.
MVIiss Lewis has been appointed
to the staff, of Roosevelt School
Surburban London.
Armitage Picnic
Held At London
Mrs. Irene Coursey, Mrs. Edgar
McFalls, Mrs, Henry Hodgins,
Mr. Pat Egan; Mr. Percy Armi-
tage and son Johnnie attended
the annual Armitage picnic last
Wednesday at Springbank where
the following officers were elect;,,
ed.; president,' Heber Davis; vice-
president, Lorne Armitage; secre-
tary, 'Mrs. Reber )Davis, and
treasurer, Herman Powe.
Winners of the races were:
under 5 years, David Armitage,
Wayne Armitage and Bryan
Dann; 5 to 8, Sharon Davis and
Barbara Armitage; 8 to 12, Came-
ron Davis, Allan Hunt, Betty
Hunt, .Francis Armitage and
Richard Armitage; stepping 30 -
ft. stretch, Cameron Davis; young
ladies' race, Alexia Davis, Rowena
Abbott and Lenore Godboit;
kick -the -slipper, Mrs. Joyce Arm-
itage, slip race, Mrs. Irene Cour-
sey and Mrs. Olivia Hodgins;
.bean race, Mrs. Irene Coursey's.
side; spool race, Mrs. Olivia Hod-
gins' side; young married. men,
Lorne Armitage, Clarence Davis,
Gerald ,Godbolt; nearest birthday,
Mrs. Ada Walker; oldest married
couple, Mr. and Mrs. James Tur-
ner; couple travelling farthest,
Mr. and Mrs, Herman Powe;
young married women's race,
Mrs. 'Joyce Armitage, Mrs. Edgar
McFalls; card rase, Mrs. Joyce
Armitage's side; time race, Mrs.
Edgar McFalls; oldest person pre
sent, Mrs. Sarah Davis.
Mr. and Mrs. William Ayle-
stock had a large family gather-
ing at their Lucan home over the
weekend. Guests included •Mr, and
Mrs. Lloyd Aylestock, Toronto;
Mrs. Robert Doxen (daughter),
also of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Aylestock and son Ronnie,
QQf Montreal, and Rev. A. Ayle-
stock (another daughter), of
North Buxton,
Baptismal Service
-Two children were baptized in
Holy Trinity Church last Sunday:
Steven Morris Do* Wilson, son
of Mr, and Mrs. Dow Wilson,
whose godparents were Mrs. 'Vera
J.VIadDonald`"•and Mr, Gene Morris
Maobonald, of Strathroy, and Mr.
O. E. Tarlton, of London; and
Vincent Gordon Worall, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Worall, Den-
field (nee Genevieve Hodgins),
whose, godparents were Mrs.
Maureen. Pollack, of London; Mr.
Gordon Worall and Mr. Vincent
Hodgins, both of Denfield.
The Ladies' Guildof holy
Trinity Church held their .tune
meeting in the Parish Hall last
Monday evening with the press.
dent, Mrs, Harvey Hodgins, pre-
'.During the ineeting the mein -
hers hemmed or turned the new
tea towels. A report on the esti
mates for the rectory repairs was
presented and it was decided to
accept the offers.
Mr. andMrs. Ira Carlitig and
.Mies 'Muriel Carling attended Miss
Marjorie 1Geter's piano recital
head in St. George's Recreation
Hall, Thorndale, last Monday
night. Mr. Carling was master of
Mrs. Dulcie Wenger, of Mild-
may, was a weekend visitor With
her sister, Mrs. T. A. 1-1odgins and
Mr. Lyon Venting attended the
funeral of Mrs. John MelVangh-
ton in London last Saturday.
David George, Janet Kehl, Karol
Neil, Barbara Park, Joan White-
Grade in to Grade IV (Sr,)
Jean Cochrane, Vicky "Gilbert,
Nancy Loa Dobie„ David Fenn,
Bob Hardy, Nancy Baskett, ,Jean
Marie Lankin, Barbara Ready,
Paul Sims, Judy Thomson.
Grade III .to Grade V (3r.)
Patsy Sovereign, Ruth Goch
'Grade III to Graile. V (Sr.)
Carolyn Donaldson, Ward Hod-
gins, Dilly Park, Philip Wagland
-Grade 1V to Grade V (,Jr:)
Mary Lou Burley, harry Bond,
:Arthur .Cobleigh, Bill Neil, Randy
Paul, Rose Wilkinson, Gordon
Young, Shirley Sherwood, Nancy
Grade 1V to Grade V (Sr.)
{Don Magoffin, Carole Davis,
Rugh Elliott, Betty Ann Young,
Ron Woodward, Gary Revington,
:Paul Graham, Edna Ryan, Bon -
Me Drennan.
Grade VII to Grade VIII
'Clifford Acheson, Bill Chown,
Terry Culbert; Frank Egan, Har-
old Frost, Gerald, Hamilton, Har -
Vey Hayes, Gary Irwin, Connie
Neeb, Mary Neil, Caroline. Odd,
Anne Revington, Meredith .Ito-
berts, Alan Ryan, Marie White-
head, Carol 'Young, Ken Young.
Grade VIII to Grade IX
Gladys Bond, Margaret. Eizen-
ea, Gary Eisen, Lorraine •Graham,
.Frank Hardy, Lorne Iletherly,
Barbara Hyatt, .Sheila Iredale,
Mary Kenney, Don Lankin, Jim
Magoffin, ,Anne Marie Murdy,
Anne Roberts, Tom Ryan, Peter
Shipley, John Stalbert, Marjorie
Sovereign, Linda Tatlow, Evelyn
St. Patrick's
Paul Conlin, H; Robert Rey-
nolds, H; Judy Seifried, H; Chris
Van Bussel, Mary Vlasman.
Grade VII to Grade VIII
Mike Dewan, H; Dianne Van
Leishout, Mary Manders,
'Grade VI to Grade VII
Harry Manders, II; Kees . Ser-
rauns, H; Hugh Conlin, H; Jo-
•anne Van Bynen, H; Noreen Con-,
;lin, H; Bob Zandri, Anita Gig -
nae, Henk Iran Bynen, Elizabeth
'Van Bussel, Nellie 'Menders,
Prank Loyens, John Damens,
Remove Hill
Road Hazard
After weeks• of waiting, Mr.
Stewart Park • was finally given
permission by the C.N.R. to re-,
move the high knoll separating
Me property en Main Street from
the O.N.R. tracks.
Lucan's ' contractors, Corbett
and Young, last week made a
splendid job of grading and level-
ing. The removal of this hill has
increased visibility and should
assist in the prevention of fur-
ther accidents and deaths at the
railroad Crossing.
Each winter, s m a 11 children
with sleighs, toboggans and card-
board boxes have persisted in
coasting down the steep incline
onto the busy highway.
On the opposite C.N.R. proper-
ty, Mr. T. S. Hill has for years
beautified his corner with tulips
and zinnias. This year he has
added a rock garden with painted
stones which is being admired by
Lucanites and passers-by.
Social And
Guests with Mr. and Mrs. J.
W. Smith included Mr. and Mrs.
P. U. King, of Oakville; Mr. anti
Mrs. Gordon MacFarlane, of Bir-
mingham, Mich., and IVir. and
Mrs. Don Smith and family.
Mrs. Pat ,Daley and two child-
ren, Patsy and Cathy, of London,
are spending a week with Mrs.
Daley's parents, Mr. and Mrs,.
James Hodgins, while, waiting to
get into their new home.
• Members of Holy Trinity junior
choir presented Mrs. Ray Eisen
with a prayer and hymn book
and Gary with a hymn book prior
to their departure to Belle River,
The presentation was made at a
recital presented by Mrs, Clar-
ence Hardy in the Parish Hall.
Dr. T. A. Watson, Messrs. Geo,
Ward and R. Pitt and Donnie
Lankin left last Wednesday for
a .week's fishing trip to Key
,Don Coughlin has been holiday-
ing with David Whyte at his Cot-
ottage on Colpoy's Bay,
Mr, and Mrs. John Blair, of
Calgary, are making their head-
quarters with Miss Lina Abbott
While they visit all their Lucan
Kay, Evelyn and Judy Cough -
lie Spent July 1 visiting Mrs. R,
Seale and Mr, aid Mrs. Sam
Chown, of Sarnia.
Mrs. Harry Mo4`alls, of Lan-
don, spent last Sunda; With her
daughter, Mrs, Sheridan Iteving-
ton and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Colin Nugent and
family, of London, spent. last
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, T, A.
1plva and Sack Young, children
of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Young and
students of Medway School, have
been grented secondary school
graduation diplomas for having
completed English, history and
physical education of Grades XT
and XII. The former also passed
the following options, French,
home economics and selene, and
the latter, mathematics, science,
krrerlgh and shop.
!Trade 17 to Grade VI
!M entlie 'Van Leishout, i3; Pert
Damens, R, Patricia Harrigan,
13; Hawley Loyens, al; Andrew
Van Bynen.
Grade 111 to Grade 'VI
lielmib Van Bussel,. II
Grade 1V to,Grade V
Antonette Van Leishout,. ,Tackle
De Block, Jerry Harrigan.
(Grade ,rix to Grade V •
• Susan Seifried, H; Lenny Van
Busse,. II; Mary Brown, I3.
Grade 171 to Grade IV
Bilis .Loyens, Anne Serrarens,
Tony Loyens, Tony Dainens..
Grade II a Grade 11'1
Joe Nagle, H; Nellie Serrarens,
H; Jack Van BYnen, Frankie Van
I,eishont, Eddie Harrigan, Peter
Manders, E4 .Loyens.
Grade I to Grade II
Julie Ann Brown, R; Shoran
Van Busses, la; Nancy Seifried,
TI; Terry •Casimir, I3; Barbara
Nail°, I3; Christine Serrarens, H;
Maurreen Harrigan, Johnny Van
Eynon,. Billy Daanena, R,
Ellen Jean Walls :
Married Saturday
At the Lucan United Church,
Saturday, vows were exchanged
by Ellen Jean Walls, daughter .01•
M. and Mrs. Herman Walls, of
Clandeboye, and Kenneth Edward
Clement, son 6f Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Clement, of Putnam. The
Rev. E. M, Cook officiated. How-
ard Kew presided at the organ
and P, D, Valley was soloist.
The bride wore a floor -length
gown of Chantilly lace and nylon
tulle over satin, The molded lace
bodice was accented by a nylon
net yoke bordered by appliqued
rose lace medallions encrusted in
opalescent sequins, The floral
motif was repeated around the
bouffant skirt which swept to a
slight train. A Chantilly lace and
satin cap banded with opalescent
sequins held her fingertip veil of
Muslim and • she carried a bon-
quet of red roses.
Miss Margaret Walls, London,
attended her sister as maid of
honor. Bridesmaids were Miss
Bonnie Clement, of Putnam, .sis
ter of the .groom, and Miss Norma
Latta, London. The attendants
wore identical gowns of nylon
tulle over taffeta in shades of
apple green, daffodil yellow and
blue with matching headdresses
and bouquets of harmonizing
eicenneth O'Neil, of Putnam,
was groomsman. Ushers were El-
don Walls; of Clandeboye, brother
of 'the bride, and James Ingram,
of Ingersoll.
At the knotty Pine Inn, the
bride's mother received in a dress
of blue lace over taffeta with
navy accessories and corsage of
white carnations.' The groom's
mother chose navy silk with
white and blue accessories and
corsage of pink carnations. The
couple left on a wedding trip to
the western provinces.
For travelling the bride phosO Mr. aarn4 masa bele epeassaek
a ellver erystai:line ,dre ie With spent Friday in Landon, au .
white accessories and corsage el of Mr;. and Mrs, Alf 10401ci'a.i
pin? roa4.a. Mr. a.?sd M1'as. Z. E. 44404
On it eir return, the young apeat last weekend in 4avanl o
e will • • ak � +tkaeir awns
i guests. of Air- .and :Mrs, W. `ph
caapi. W 1 m a rare P
Dorchester. Ruder,
Mr. end Mrs. :Gordon Bantliff
11114 Mrs. Dan Lewis attended Me
lrast week 26 members of the tulter'al 0f Mrs. Beating'M amain,
)3irr institute ,enioyed a sight—Mrs, B. Butler (nee Ethel Main,
seeing bus trip to Rondeaua, Point Soni et Exeter,on .Saturday.
Pelee and Lealaripgton, higk- 34x', Bey Iladgins Was the lucky
lighted by ,a visit to Jack Miner's draw winner of $80.0 at the
bird sanctuary; Brodie Raceway a week ago.
OF usEo
All of these appliances have been thoroughly -checked and
repaired to put them in top working c011aition. The
values are terrific! See. Them Today!
New sealed unit ,.,, $168.50
7 FT. FRIGIDAIRE, new sealed, unit, refinished $152.50
FT. FRIGIDAIRE, new sealed unit $162.50
5 FT. KE•LVINATOR, open unit ... $ 64,50
IKELVINATOR, open unit . $ 50.0o
• 21 CU. FT, ASTB.OL, new unit $ 10.00
Electric Ranges
RANGETTE , $ 80.00
WESTINGHOUSE WASHER, rebuilt $ 58.50
Whether New or Used,
It's Guaranteed
Hess Electric
Refrigerators — Ranges Washers -- Food geezersa
Phone 107 '
DELNOR Fruits, Vegetables, French Fries and Related Items
DONALD DUCK Frozen Fruit Juices—All the citrus lines.
YORK ICE CREAM—Bricks and Half -Gallons.
PICTSWEET MEAT PIES—Beef, Chicken or Turkey.
These brands have been especially recommended by experienced
operators, and by our customers, as being of consistent high quality.
We Invite Your Patronage and Suggestions
20 Oz, Tine • for
2 for 33c
14 Oz, Tins..
Panel, Red, 931% Oz. Tins, each
16 Oz. Jars, Bach
r Oz. Tins, each
Sooff Pack, 8 Pku. peer ...............
bholce Quality, 15 Oz,"`rine for
eared 20 Oz, Tina
20 Oz. Tins
for 35c
for 270
Orange & drapefrult, 20 Oz. Tins for '��'
11 Oz, Bottle .... 27c 13 Or. Bottle .... 33c
all Varieties, Per Pkg. .......,........•.
'lx Price Deal, 1 White, i Hbney Spice .
Ekancy duality, 15 Oz. tins
The Best Place To Shop After All
!Prices t=ffective July 7, sand 9
J. H. Joiics Grocenes
Phones: 32 and /52 - Pree! Denver/
1 i