HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1955-07-07, Page 54,1 Huron County Crop Report YOG SIMPLY CANNOT PUY A illITTER GASOLINE I • , •-•177‘,.‘ / \ 'Imat* k ter'," • • Some fanners in the picturesue, low-lying Affolk Breads district of England bring in the hay by water:SC it was logical for a British boat builder to Use light- weight aluminum to inocince 650 -pound Punt capable of car.: ying a load of hay mere than siX times its own weiht. - In Canada aluminum is better known among farmers as a non; rusting, heat -reflecting, easily handled material for barns and roofs and silos ...thouh of course h has many other farm,. uses, from milk cans to windmill blades: No hay -boas, though; •ALUMINUM COMPANY OF CNADA, LTD. (ALCAN) BY I% W. ISIOIVWOLIETLY IfaYing 9,PProXimately 50 per' cent eompleted and because of dry weather yields are much be- low average t the sout1i end of the county„ Several growers are applying anhydrous ammonia to their corn crops for the Met time this year, , A. large Acreage of late turnips Was seeded during the week. Our Town We have no vote ;but we are vitally concerned about the Qat- COMe of the proposed vote in Our Town .Stapler is our home town and. 'if we HAD a vote we would declare our position with an emphatic ND!" . This declaration headed a peti- tion signed by nearly 900. rural folk living near .Stayuer. The Stayner Welfare League in an ad-, vertisement featuring a picture o this petition stated, "The good- will of the rural people is of much greater importance to the business bf our town than Atry snpposed benefit that might ac - erne from the establishment of a liquor outlet." Eighty-five percent of Stapler voters turned out on Toting day. "Our town" stayed dry. This advertisement is inserted' by the Huron Qounty Temperance Federation, Cki Type writer Paper •• Sheet Pads 250 Also vaflabIe In 100, 500 And 1,000 Lots • TimesAdvocate PHONE 770 EXETER FROM THE Heat Wave Dependable Used- Car FROM le A FINE SELECTION FOR EVERY BUYER = Phone 200 or 769-M For ADemonstration Sinn Exeter Motor Sales U1111011111111 Proven the best / •.:FLYHAKILLE: ever THE TIMESADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIP, THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 7, SS Races, Contests And Picnics. Feature .Reunions Befl Reunion The thirtY-second re -union of the )34311 family was • held in Riverview Park, Exeter, Sunday with an attendance of 00. Greetings were received' from relatives in New Westminster, 134., Pinellas Park, Florida, and Sebewaing, Mich. ' ,Glen Bell, Herman, was named president for the 1956 reunion; Mrs. V, Watson, Exeter, secretary - treasurer; Mr, and Mrs. li. Bell, Mr. and Mrs. H. Hendrick and. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cole,. sports. committee; Nix% and Mrs. W. ling, Mr. and Mrs. W. Valuer, Mr, and Mrs. A, 1Vir. and Mrs. A. Pym and Mrs. V, Green- wood, table committee. Five dollars was donated to the BOY Scouts and two dollars to the caretaker of, the park. • Prizes were awarded to couples married 50 years or over, Mr. and Mrs. George Elliott, of Tliedford, married 53 years this month; longest distance, Mr. and Mrs. Hetherell; Owasso, Mich.; young- est baby present, Bradley, son of Mr, and Mrs. M. Nash, Toronto; guessing jelly bean contest, Grace Johns. Winners in the girls' running races were Mary Lou Schenk, Margaret Hunkin, Carol Sraeath- ers, Jean Bell, Marion Bell, Betty Stephan, Grace Johns and Vesta Watson; boys, Jimmie Watson, Mervin Bell, Douglas McBeath, Edward Johns, Earl Bell and Ross 1Viel3eath; married ladies, Evelyn 21,10Beath, Jean Johns; men, Lloyd Bell, Earl Watson; marshmallow 'race, Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Bell, Helen Hell and Gilbert Johns; tie race, Mr, and Mrs. ,Venner, Phil Murch and Jean Johns; blowing up balloons, Pat Smeathers, Arn- old Alm; life sayers relay, Lloyd Eel's team; jelly beans on fork, Vesta Watson'Berneice Dilling; grapefruit oil head, Mrs. Dining, Mrs. A. Hunkin; clothes pins, Berneice Hunter Reunion Riverview vPark> Exeter, was the place for the reunion. of the Hunter families on Saturday. Following a picnic supper Mr. Ray Lammie presided for a brief business session. The 1956 re= union will be held ,the first Sat- urday in July. Mr, Ray Lammie was named president; Mrs. H. Hunter, secretary; R. D ,Hunter, Reg. McDonald, Ruth Skinner, RoyHunter and Mrs. TomBrock, sports committee; Mrs; F. Dick - ns, Mrs, Wellington. Brock, Mrs, Skinner and Mies °arta Hun4 er, lunch committee. An interesting program of sports was participated in by all. During the evening several prizes were awarded. me and Mrs. Chas. Divine and son of Trenton re- ceived the prize tor attending from the farthest distance. Cath- erine Rowcliffe, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Roweliffe, London, Morenz Reunion The fifth Morena reunion wits held on Sunday.at Stratford Park rowommr, The eldest person attending was Mrs. Mary Stephen, Dah- Wood; the person -coming the arthest, Mrs. John Niewoehner, Rihmond,- Indiana; the youngest • Sabi, 'Marcel Wolfe, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Wolfe; the larg- • est family, a tie between Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jeffrey and Mr. and Mrs. Reinhold Kahle. The running races were won by Douglas Kahle, Gloria Adams, Stuart Kahle, June Morenz, Ern- est Morenz, Harold Rode, Doug Stephen, Jim Johnston and Frank Hinz. The winners of the wheelbar- row race were Ernest More= and Harvey Adams, Kicking the simper, Margaret McIntosh; lad- ies running,. Olive Hinz; men kicking Shoe, Jim .Tohnston; the lost shoe race, Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Wolfe; breaking, the bal." loon, Mr. and Mri. Sol Snyder.. Roy Morenz was nand' presi- dent, Mrs. Laverne Wolfe, sec- retary; Nelson Kahle, treasurer; Mrs. Leslie Adams, Mrs. Jack Corbett, Mrs. John Heckman and • Mr. Roy Morena, table commit- tee; Mr. and Mrs. Philip La Croyx, Mr. and. Mrs. Larne Wolfe and Mr. Ross ICahle sports cm- mittee. It was decided to hold the 1956. reunion again the first 'Sunday In Tilly at Riverview Park in Exeter. Relatives came frcim Indiana,' Detroit, Windsor, Toront, !Stmt..., fel-, Brampton, Mitchell, Monk - ton, Palmerston and London. • was the youngest child prsent... Mrs, Frank Coates was the old.: est lady present while Mr. itebbutt of Seaforth was the old" e,pt gentleman present. Mr. and Mrs. Sherl,vood Brook had the most grandthildren pres ent. lowett's Grove, Bayfield on 'Sat- urday, About 200 were welcomed by the president, Ervin J. Wil- lert. ,S.Pre convener, Adolph Kel-. tar, conducted, a program of races and contests - Winners in races 54 were Don- na Riehardsen,, Barbara Willert, Mary Ann Hayter; Larry :Tones, Wayne Weiburg, Robert Telfer; 842, Shirley Wurra, Barbara Donna Richardson, Lev,' Sones, Wayne Love, Wayne Wel- burg; 12-16, Joan Koehler, „Aud- rey ,Richardson, Mary Ann Ren- nie, Glenn Rader, Wayne Love, Robert Writer; boys'. sack race, Glenn Rader, Wayne Weiburg, Wayne Love. irls' 3 legged race, Joan Koe- hler and Mary Ann Rennie, Shir- ley Wurm and Audrey Richard- sdn; kicking the ' slipper, Mrs. Lorne Listeon; men carrying NoOmert, Mr. and Mrs. Robert ICydd, London; nuM's race, R.rcal- ert Eydd; walking race, Mrs, Snyder; bean guessing contest, Robert Kydd, London. During the Miter hour prizeil were presented to the oldest lady, Mrs. Ilobt, McBride, It Open 04' est gentleman, W. Willert, Dash- wood; longest married. couple, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Restemeyer, ,Dashwood; most recent married couple, Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Latta, Dashwood; youngest child, Jan- ice Hoist, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Haist, Crediton; long- est 'distance, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Heenan, Moose Jaw, Sask, Ervin Willert, Ilensall,, was named preSident; Wellington Heist, Crediton, vice-president; Mrs. Ervin Willert, Hensall, sec- retary; Mrs. Milton Willert, Exe- ter, table convener; Wellington Heist, Crediton, fports convener. The evening was spent in dane- ing at the Pavilion with Desjar- dine's orchestra in attendance. End School Year With. Sports Picnic s.o. No. i teSint. held Its annual picnic :On Ithe school grounds ou Wednesday.. A line program of sports was carried out. Winners in the peanut scramble were Mario Powe and Wendy Neil; 64 race, Judy Lem - port. Blaine Rowe; .941, Dennis ,MacDonald, Robby iUeer young inenls. Roy Wilson, Harry .Schroeder; married ladies,. Jean Kim Doris Lige= Married men, Earl Neil, Bud 1VIODonald; finding the penny, Joe White, Gordon 'Wilson; walk- ing reek). Donna Bowden;relay races, Hannah LaroPort's side; card raze,. Doris Hodgin's -balloon break, Joe White's side; articles on the plate, Well Heist's side. Ronnie Wilson won the guess on the weight of the Man whose felt was displayed. .Elmer .Powe read a farewell Letter From Brinsley By HRS. L. MAVEN rokA0IdoodknkkkariesublaStorkinktin Mutssikokmuombou 5 P1! (1) On Men's Summer UnclerWear Sumrner Shorts FAMOUS Lennard Make — N.ylon forced for strength; Double Seat ,;ior Double Wear; Elastic ,A.11 Around Legs.. REO, 79c 69c. Set ,(Top & Shorts) .Only $1.25 WALPER'S MEWS Phone 81 WEAR Illk lllll kkOkk l k l klO11111111 ll ll 10 llll I l lll lll OR l kk l !MK llllllllllllllllllllllll Down to Earth By D. 1. 11001)1011 Fly Time. In spite of the prelonged dry weather the flies have multiplied around the outbildings. The blighters really are annoying and -worse, they can and do cam", dis- ease. Thee are Many many 'coin - menial preparations •on the mar- ket 'in the form of ,sprays and baits, Lindane base ssirrasys are safe nontoxic fly killers. It has no objectionable odor and is fast. Instructions on most packages do not reconimend as a. cattle spray but it is not as toxic as other forms of Benzene Hercachloride. In spite of all this obey the dir- ections on the Container. It is sill 8. poison. • - A shot 6f methoxchlor or prye- them will keep flies off cattle. We prefer methoxchlor.for live - stook spray since it lasts approx- imately .2 to 8 weeks. Mane are used by many dairy and hog men. in their buildings today. One ,bait that has been well received In this area is "How- ard Floor Bait." From all re- ports ft really kills flies and is not dangerous to humans and It's 'been hot animals as certain other baits 'ISpray turnips again such as "Tepp". Tepp was devel- Find a shady spot oped in UA, and while it kills Tune up harvest machinery flies, is So dangerous that a few Cut thistles in pastures now drops of Tepp on your skin can Reduced harvesting costs means kilL, you. Rubber boots, gloves larger profits. and washing your hands are very necessary precautions. • Screens and cleanliness are very effective methods of control, We visited a harn the other day which had screen windows and doors as well as air conditioning. It looked like quite a bit of money but •the owner was con- vinced he could not make a net - ter investment. As well as no flies, working conditions are much better both in the dairy and hog barn. As recommended by the 0.A.O., breeding places must be elimin- ated if effective fly control is to be obtained. Manure piles should be removed and any further ac- cumulation of refuse and manure should be removed twice weekly. DID YOU' KNOW?. It is estimated that cultivating corn in hot dry weather such as we are now having can cause moisture losses equal to pmore than is inch of THIS WEEK with 115 in attendance: The; family and a number of friends gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Ellwood, It was the occasion of Mr. Ell - wood's sixtieth birthday. 'Lunch was served by their daughters. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Prouse, of London, are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. George Mercer. Mr. and M113, Harold Knapton, of Thorndale visited recently with Mr. and Mrs, William Fen- ton, Eddie Watson spent the week- end with Mr. and MrS. Alonzo Hodgin. Jim and Betty Dixon, Exeter, are spending some time with their. grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, Fraser Dixon. Mr, and Mrs. Jack Trevethick attended the Trevethick wedding in Detroit on Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. John .A,rnos, of Srnia, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Joe Amos. RI c h ar d Whittard,„ of St. Catharines, is spending this sum- mer' holidays with his grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Ell- wood. Mr. and Mr. Douglas Lewis and children spent Sunday with the latter's parents at Auburn. Mr. and Mrs. Lin Craven spent a few days over the weekend with friends in Wheatley and Windsor. Mrs. Ida Prest spent Thursday with 'his sister, Mrs. C. Atkin- son, of Mooresville. Miss, Helenand Douglas Lewis, o Loncln, spent Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lewi. Mr. a,nd Mrs. Harold Whittard and children, of St. Catharines, are spending the holidays with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Ellwood. The Ebenezer Cemetery Board held a meeting recently at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Allison, of West Mcillivray. "WHO'SMAD ?? "lisfe ? Not on your life! I'm just shouting loud enough so's everybody can hear what I have to say. And what I have tosay is this: Never overtook the importance of your estate." • Our Tigerish friend A so 'right. Fortunately, today, many wise rnen and women rely on the experience and co-operation of The Sterling Trusts Corporation in matters concerning their estate. Our free booldet, "Blu,eprint For Your Family," covers many aspects of estate administraTion. WI% for your copy today. • THE STERLING TRUSTS HEAD OFFICE • 372 Bay St., Toronto BRANCH OFFICE • 1-3 Dunlop St., Barrio Pafsh tona e .new riang habd v""v obi• - tt You travel in fashion when you ride in a new De Soto! Here's exciting We that appeals to people who like.to go places. From bumper to bumper, this new motion - designed car has The Forward 14&k of eager action. De Soto is also powered for action! • It puts 'a mighty 186- or 200-h.p. V-8 engine at your command. It brings you the smoothness and con- venience of •PowerFlite automatic 4.0,f transmission, at no extra cost. De Soto is a smart "buy," too! No other Canadian car has a roomier body or more performance, conven- ience, and safety features than this luxurious, long beauty. Yet you can own a big new De Soto for less than many models of medium-size cars. See or phone your dealer for. the facts. He'll be glad to arrange a demonstration drive for you. A styling and engineering achievement ... manufactured by Chrysler Corporation of Canada, limited Florbait is the completely new low-cost method bf farm fli control — Its amazing effec- tveness (95% contro) was PROVEN by thousands bf Canadian farmers last year. The secret of FLORBAIT'S success is *Trilure — a powerful attrcictant 'that flies ca nsi • resist. Trlue's formula h a carefully guarded secret. FLY KILLER coNTAINs tHt powem.. TRILILIRE Hiker cant' resist it" .• WW1 Male1111.11 )11 FARM BUILD EASY TO USE iforbait is o dry pi:wrier pbtlarged in d Veda! • dthter cdn -•,• No messy spraying lust dust if on barn floors and other areas where flies feed. ApplicatiOn takes Only 3 minutes CI day. Harrnien to stook wben used as drected. the distinctive nese ejOILICO - ‘ca •••‘• Willert Reunion ...........*W- :4,• , .,....„..,..,....smb,,..$,,,,,,,:x4,,,,,,,io!,..,::::;:.,,,,:•:,,.:..,,,,........",,!,?';'",,O, ..,..,, • .,..-......,,rt...., ..„ ,:kt**,„%lty „..," . 4r,::,. • •",•'"V•Nt.,,,-f,,,,!.,,,' ' • '' • ett.teSet•to ...,ef The tenth annual• rettniort of the Willett farnily was held at ir • CANADIAN. PROPANE 'florbliofldriluei ar16. Trade Aok! • fXETER. bISTRICT Phone 287 Collett GAS ••• • * APPLIANCES GRATTON & • • HOT$ON• • Phone 156 Grand Bend • ek Awaiting you naw at your DodgD6 Soto dalrs . The rilnier.S Own Store FASHIONAILETISEFLITETOUNISOR with 200-11.p. V-8 engine that set a new world's record this. , spring in the "lying Mile cornpetitiono sponsored by National Association of Stock Car Itticing at Daytona Beach, Florida. EXETER :MOTOR SALES Exeter • Phone 200