HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1865-7-13, Page 2Lack. The Cerin rncy cannot exist *cry the Queen, the people cheered themselves and that it has been customary to pro. loop, we think, as this wonderful valley lease, cud away we went down the briny claim a holiday oo, such oeeaeions, to s (ream. :1 few Las within itx•If the rlrtrta•nu of great hourx spent in plcaaant en•.ble clerks, kc., to get a•v y. \Yhiin wealth and the right chise of men to de- converoalion brought tie to Bay City, we regret that our Couucil made the velop every resource to the greatest poese where we parted with those who accom- mistake they did, we repeat that it was ble extent. panied us down, and were soon ploughing fully explained that it was not W be con - our way up the Bay. Thc run home wu sidered ae growing out of auuexitien The Ilrron was laid along ide her dock rendered aid the wore jolly by the absence feeling. 'fhe Looter and its core arc at Kut F.ginaw about 9 o'clock- on Tuc.. of sea -sickness and its consequcot miseries. miat•ken if they imagine that the people day morning, and the passerera having On Thursday, morning we were landed at of Goderich are- so easily lured by ' frce gathered W the fide, II. J. ISrown, Esq., Goderich about 6.30, and thus ended a feeds.' They do denire ba keep up a in a very neat and well -c nsidered speech, trip that will be long remembered by all friendly fueling with Saginaw, which is welcomed the 31ayor, ('ouncilmen and who had the pleasure of enjoying it and must be ono of our. best markets, people of Godcricl, in the name of the \Ve are happy to say that, with only but they have hitherto shown themselves' citizens of' E sat Saginaw. Mr. lletlor one or two exceptions, there wu not a Just ae willing to give u to take in the having replied in suitable tering, cheers of roan on board the worse of li uor during feeding rine. A fear wu ex reared h welcome were given and responded to in the whole journey, and that not a single some that this affair would h ive a bead the heartiest style, after which we all went accident happened to mar the happiness effect abroad -why then trulope, it to ashore, and at once proceeded to become of the excuesiunists. the world ? Why render it necessary to still better acquainted with a lot of the Thoe of our party who are interested contradict the statement that the stars best•hearted people one could find on tide in the oil question, busied themselves and stripes were heisted over the Court cootincnt of America. The Gmlerich fire- while in Saginaw in making enquiries on House, So. ? men were dragged off in triumph by theirbe subject of boring, and we uuderetand y uro a t igna nothing wait breathed agaivat the Britain r of to -day, and hence our company had no cause of complaint. After the speaking, and mucic from the fine band of Eut GODERIOR. JULT 13, 1866. Saginaw. the company joined in singing a * +..• -.v..;.. .,.,.. patriotic hymn, and the beoediction being% • The Excursion to SsgIaw. prououucud, a general dispersion tew1 place. Ou Monday, the third inse, a goodly emptily, oompond of our worthy Mayor cad councillors, the t:udericb Firemen, (who had their engihu along,) the lfay-, field Brass Band, and a considerable now- 1 ber of ladies and gentlemen froom Godo• rich, Clinton, Lucknow, Kincardine, &c., went aboard the steamer 1[uron, for the purpose of paying a visit to'the far-famed Saginaw Valley. Abort 2:311 p, y. the last whistle eau wended, the band struck up God Save the Queen. and we were off ou the clear bosom of •• our own bnmd Lake." The day being pleasant, those aboard aatused theumsclves in watching the receding shores and in the various other ways pxceliar to eacursiouists.- When about half way acmes the lake, everybody on !ward was called upon by everybody el.•b to wake a nota of the feet that both shorce were 'visible at once. - Then a little wore joking and laughter, then evident tokcne th it the wind wu, rising and the beat lw.gi ining to dod;ro about in an ugly lit.le erose sea -then tie ominous iutelligenco was quietly whispered about that the Mayor was era-' aick. Sea -sickness lyeipg contagious, the paasengen looked somuewhat alarmed, and several were very " pale about the gills," • as the first symptoms are facetiously , called. As the Council le morally bound ` to sustain the Mayer, the members aboard 1 concluded that they oust follow his ex- ample, and most of them got sick accord- iogly-eomne of thew awfully sick. Then i the \1'ardcn gut sick, and as he repracnte i the whole ('oenties iq certain rt'epccts, i nearly every one on board '• went to the 1 lee aide' immediately, Those who were 1 not sick, and w were morel with feel - ice of compassion, went about preacrib. ing doses of bran lc :,ad pickles, but we are sorry';to say that several unfeeling ones indulgged in roars of laa,.;htcr at the expense of the patients. We cannot tell' why people trill always laugh at the, sea- ! atck. There is no t'un in It-tapeei:rlly to ddose nofcring. Seat, at the supper' table were not in much dcnmand tout night, and of the f•w who aat down, ser-! eral looked at the delicacies for a mindte or so in a woebegone meatier and then made a very decioul but rigorous retreat'. for the outside. Ilowever, when we got nW the Bay, the ragiug billows sank to; About three o'clock the tioderieb people were met at dinner in the Bancroft 1louee by a number ofiuflueutialgentlewen,afur which a nuutber of poet -prandial speeches were delivered. Thc, various national Wassel having bert(•propoeed and respood- ed W, the chairman proposed "Our Cana- dian Visitors," and M,-. Detlor in reply made a firicrate speech, at the conclusion of which he thanked our heats its the naume of his fellow -excursionists for the princely reception they Lad always receiv- ed from a princely people. The re -union was a very pleasant nne indeed. The remainder of the afternoon was spent in a ntiscellaaeaua manner. Some visited friends, others rambled over the City, and the firenmen enjoyed all kinds of hospitality frotu the Saginaw depaartment. We cannot attcwpt to describe all that was aatd and done, but we will ray that a more hearty and whole souled reception could ,not be ezteudcd to any party the° that of which we were made the recipients. The firemen's tournament came off at 5 o'olock, and the Goderich Company had the honor of carrying of the first prise in the end class, $20.00. The Goderich boys also took a share of the prises in the sp rte at the Grove. In the evening there wu a fine display of fireworke, in the course of which " Cuioni No. l " was given with all the brilliancy possible. Thc morning of \Verdnesday was spent n inspecting neighboring salt works, and n waking enquiries that might be useful n our {wring o' rations_ Abost S o'clock the'Mayor of }: Saginaw, the members oft he local ccs, wmitWr u' p t wsoage Inept, &c., met uc in'the Bancroft by iu- vitation, ou which oecesiou they were re- queete l , to accept of our etnoere thanks tur the kinduess with which one and alp had been treated.• Mr. Detlor made a few happy remark's and eau followed by Mr. 31. C. Cameron in his best. style. - Mr. C tmeron said that while we were ready to give our Aaterieen brethren all praise for their great enterprise and love of freedom, he believed that be expressed the seulimeuts of a vast majority of the peu..le ut' Canada when he said that as long as we bad such '.sovereigns as (, ueen ' V ctoria''t'liiid-'b1eu ber) and such • government, wo should not seek annexation to the. united i rest, and our frieuda emerged from their ; ;tstea fur the next thousand years. etatc-rooms as bright and swiiing u 1 e thou; h they believed in the popular tellacy i tween raps howecer,o aiadretl c similarriit that sea -sickness is good for the, conatitu- 7 tion. In the morning about 7 o'clock we I °f oar iawe and language united ns entered Saginaw ricer, and as we glided together in. the bonds of amity and frirnd- up stream those who had never before ship' and he trusted that the band might visited the valley tad an opportunity ofI aceurs d which should be raixd to viewing the evidence' of its enormous ecei thox ties. This sentiment eau lumbering hnd saline resources, and these received with rounds of applause. Dielen. who had cieited it on previous occasions, Gibbons, Moore and Cor also made a few the pkuure of noting the great improve- *¢marks' On the other baud Mlewm. sena which bare sprung- up under the Brown, Lewis and others expressed them- magial hand of capital and eaterprue, (elate as heartily fur a eontiouaoco of Sto m • for a few minutes at Bap City friendly intercourse between Saginaw and PR a Goderich. This was the best and r uick- we took aboard a number of passengers I 1 . and a bran band which j 'ined with ours ;cat mato by which thc ecoid rcecirc .. ll's.-.des.__..._ ... , . _.. „ „-- ...• .... .- W ..-.. 1ou►d Doe atLr { aalevetr Jabs altojetksr ehud iso W edaeauca oat -- to tbn fact t4at MI r. Cardwall's dwpatttb to pnremt the inatriaaiuu u( soca to the .. • our partakes somewhat of that quality. There acme uf-ezecuior, noes tem a:4:1 d sons nnom Ica wit be, hr' u dewed to Louth, u war chatty masduted to day by as u much raid abbot what the mother raeepuug these pnnowly a tPliell nib P P 7 ea•minrtiuu of lhu puylla'rf Guilin lichuul uckeu by Mlrjor Geo. lloaeuck. The reit, be art " Almighty smart mac " by a vYt country i+ willing W Ju, and a pretty clear urn of IIn. Burrett anJ RrroIJ, apeut ley majority ufhis erouutrywcu. So much fur Jemiou tin. 1, Greauuck cad t'ukea, Robert ataWmeut of what U eapeeted uC the eel lou s with thew during the forenoon,t d Ilandnrwu nler a the attendance eau they were ala attended by their +pintwl the "trach." t; Colony, and yet, * regards the future large, the order eacelleut stud the swiliug advisers t wart ala u clue ai,d Atserutt. A - touuunruee. and cbaer(ul alacrity Ji+plrrrd there ms Joubt ■od plerplr:ity. Defcce, leo wioutes rRer IU o'clock, the uutsr prison 1,R' Tho uthwell nil well are turning tbyt primary wbjeet cud r Jixustsiun, caw diWr res opened, anti Mn. Surrrtt wait au out ver suerasl'ull by the pupihm throughout, +bowed plaiuly that J y p Y y The Lick well is they took a real interest to their studio*. All pwrteti ee her wit to is ggallows a toe undrrstoud W hwere opo o 1''uufederatiO° military uflicen. Neat fullused Aturott, pumping fully a hundred barrels per day, the clue* shuwrd gown prutieieuey, but et all the Btitish American l'rovitcos ; ltarn,ld unJ l'rrue, rccmupwmrd by ayuari, the Victoria fifty, the Colville twenty, the there lu Mental Aritbuetic, Writiuy, Geu unl'urtunately some of those 1'roviuoea and n•apeelio. minis forth sat the Gwpel. Fruut Pepper twenty, rod the Chambers fifteen. graph strata acro provide. fur them on the plrtfurm harcnu(mbotically dedareultieir intention in the tuIIoaii under: 1fr Marrott,Payne, ✓ ot to be confederated, and wailthey Harrold, Atserut. Ttie oflicer' entrusted cows or are brought aroutmd it is impoeeible u,lerrrard see poaa u rs heai"jo rGe , [tart; R to 0000ei a how • step eau be laleu rLu hu been trove the eomnencewrnt in towards the vast undertakings sketched el,rryo sal the priumCro, carers furwu d, cud out.* " Su tar, therefore," the Satorality re"J the order of the war department already d fi ' poblishrd, utetrovmg the 'mans a: mid Ilevirw• says, u any c nite aetwu a urdrring the penalty sal' death to be intlicted. "concerned, the defences wait far the A hoary gw,rd eau stationed •bre the wall■ "Confederation, and the Confederation scrruundmg the ground, while be'ow woJierr w.:rs furweJ uu tau •,des of a square. Pest "waits for New lirunswick and the chap• hops *rvetrl l i l t'J;iri:irns vere prosect, " ter of aecideute." 'It is •humiliating anawus spsrctatun of thesuiemn aurae. Uue aTuw•ud but one which caouot be got of the pri••eu attendant uu Mr'. Surrsu co- pwateJ r short prayer, to which Payne, who carer. Our great want, alter all, is nota rte seated next to her, attrhtivey lisgned number of lurtreases, and an exhausting Tke minister wbu had bean admiuiatenng yo expenditure of motley in time of ace, I'uyne expressed, in the urmn of the Inter, W ha inucerie dunks to Major -Gen. Ilartsuff,and but the furtherouoe of enterprises ealcula- u,J the ullirmr' rand w:dlen wbu had charge ted to develop our agricultural and mineral of nim fur their personal kiudnesi Thy trod resources. I rominent •utongot ttaese is not uttered an unkind word nor vire w un pleuart look lir gestate, but seemed to he the enlargement• of our present Caoala core carminate in hu wul'urtuue. The Miriis- and the oonstructiou of others which err ten uttered •brae[ prayer, eking fur experience and observation have pointed Payne the furgirrus of all bit siva cad a passage nut sat the world inw the joys of out as actually necessary. 'To add up ![eaten. euluwns of figures, and to count upon 1 he Minister who attended [Iuruld also returned thanks fur the Lind treatment of the mitlioos of expenditure, is an eery and, prkioner, aad offered a prayer that Gu,l would under certain circumstances, a plcuaant recrtve hi* soul. 1larruld eau ►ffrmed w task, but let lib remember that we are, tears, The Minister wbu utendrd Aturott e•lwaed thmka fur him 1, (ion llrinud and comparatively speaking, a poor people. othar utficen fur hind ruentious, card then in Monopolies, and Monied institutions, yoked the merry of Goo upon Ura prieooer. and Govenmmental wrongs have so ;ground free cemJewued acro thea required to rise 6 _ Crum thvi• oeutd, when Ine chain were re - down our hardy settlers that it will be w,ved. l' ee we4e nim on the drops. Their absolutely impossible to add netny mor! baud. aero wteneti brbiuti them, .nJ tbear Iegs bandaged both below ao l above their burthens to those under which they knees, ao l white caps placed over their boa s. already struggle. If the British Govern- Atsulott whsle beii,g prrpo•rr1 fur the execs mcot will advance ua • few millions uuu, sae'°'recd: "Gr^deme", farewad! y a fir oro mc. Uue of tae elrrgymem standing rights " of the Iludson'a Bay Company ed ' M Lakin* erre am 1 cod b r •eu 1 r R t emrn uo s'rrlin- u J . k t b't out rho s r 1 7 - near exeiaim ` .y we all meet its the and take a mo agte on the ro rt sit other world. Aa oat u the once .0 rtK' P pe Y plated around each neck, Mgrs S,urratt's' being collateral security, let tis close the bargain the Istat nne adjured, the seeuoir of the plat 'at the earliest possible moment, and lu•m on wheel they heti beco staoduag a.,J throw open free W the natiorie oft}:.rope deftly fell, aand the cnlprits were hauling iteneral'feet true' the gruand. Mrs. Surntt an area of ineahaustibly fertile soil capable awl Payne scarcely moved a muaele. of aupportin{ a population of sisfy nail - lions of souls. In emi,eration, ettlemeut, 1I)aeer Dola$ts* derelo - pment of material resource, will be found the surest defence this eounty can possibly have. \Vith unlimited resources! io men and utoney we can accout,,hsh ! almostanything,-without thein, nothing.I A race, a contest, a struggle, is before us, i -a race of comwercul progrce, i contest for euprewrcy in manufactures, art, ectcnce, literature and civilisation, a struggle for those blessings of material I acd moral wealth which form the strength and glory of our Queenle, smother Int They haves qneer ,vaY' of doing things in our big cities. A llamilton Alder- roan adtuirs his . rascality by flying trout justice', the police system of that city as well ae of Toropt° is diredvered to be in a terribly corrupt state, the Toroow Board of 'School Trustees gets up a regular knock down sed dreg out fight, the Montreal of oiulu levy blackmail upon disreputable houses, etc., etc. A very flattertng picture you present, gentle- men, in good sum h ! CruJe is selling at $6.00 per bbl at the Geuaaet atatiou. tlectiue g as un their teacher hu 7D' 1st swec„`00 ,t u i _( ouuti _ N \1 hear they aro -` ■a salary. - htlr A mon is on fool to bring heaths, the _reat repo -walker, W Goderich, to give 1:uu skitters, 301' an exhibition of bis skill in traversiug ■ pd 1'ANLE cable stretched across some of our big hollows, Nu doubt a largo number of Cotat'll• persons would be attracted by such a Ju11 chow." Council met purauaut ,. The reeve u, the chair, and Dictation, Algebra, Ii is tory, and , deserve particular ntentiuo, u re• at credit tea Oris teacher, u wall Ives. It u quite evid,t that the en dung hie duty ut a masterly t will tea r great loss to rhe ueues allow huu to leave (u Lely to) rather' chart increase VISITOR. June, 1,_65- ' Cut N(JL. or, ST•SLar, rd lsd5, adjournment, 1 the members >, present, Muoutem of last w- tin baeiug ttaec•reu Courrspualuesee.-Its• x been read rod a, reed, it wu mov d b T hoi. eons omdiug letters, the publication of ; 1 which is considered doubtful, directed to S'ml'run, w•cundrJ br '1'hw. Ifaird, 'hat the tou:hura new hauled in by Peter A uuaun, tete editor of this journal, would do well tiny., ler munry agent grrrolbug part 1 tee to retain copies, as we cannot promise W B,uw,.on I ,see art aatilretory,-l'arri keep track of them. Moved by Alex. Outwore, sec,'uded -.- -- Tbw. Simpson, That 11.r.'fbw. Simpson Mar The .000001 of the Gala Day at by contract the making approached w 11 Bruccfield would have been ublished brtdYe rt Mr. Le alta, .sad rim the coverieg P sat sail briJp..- Crn:eJ. by ful aueek upon the good things provided. 1'beattsek upon the Kedao and the Malakoff lusty have twee our. sanguinary but could ant be more determioed. Things disappeared w it by • auagleiau'a wand and others ap peared u if frons the same inllue°ce. There mut ban been an almost iueahaustibls source somewhere, fur after upverda of twelve hundred had their fatiduuw and epicurean tastes saui6ed bukete upon bast,* tilled to the brim were carried uS Crow the scene ot'uction. The aarrmb:age being ea• hausld from the effects of thuir late attack betook thewaelves to light amusements till their Ira•ue* became invigorated by the strengthening influence of their plunder. Altar the cloth wait removed the recimtruw and dialogues by the pypila began, inter s`,e•aed by choice pieces of music swig by a choir of the pupils of Exeter achool : both the reciter' raid singers executing their part so well u to cull fom the aaaemblrge loud and repeated bunts of a11.plause. About two hours were devoted to these exercaea, alter which. the boy.' sport, began. As throe were seven dollars expended its purcnuiug prises to be awarded 1u the successful pupils its such * prts u jumping, running, tc., they had an exciting time tea their eaertiooa to beat each other. Some two bumps were spent In tbear playa daring wbttkdtere were came amwing st•enee among !tie buy* who were contending fur bonen ; many • loud Laugh might be heard from the soectatun of thew youthful a,.d harmless amusraents occasioned by the joetiiug of the conteuders u each ereleavored to mach the goal ufavidtory be• fore his antagonist. These sports being concluded Mr. Sills again mounted the platform, cad gave u usual in eloquent *trams • n t and an appro. pristtr,.p,erch, in wh'cb hs Cry truly and gr,1 hically pointed out tb advantages, proileges and opportunities eaielt the youths sootier, but it in lengthy and we could wt Moved by .Vett. C.merun, secuuJed by '.f the prrceut.1.5 twosome uver mid above Tbw. Sim un, That twei,tr dollars t n taut. those who were tie'companions i ubuybowl. wake ream fur it at au earlier date 1"' d He d iueated rinwn u bcrmifull could ed to ti ose the Midoe sat Mir. McGill'a-Cal - - ---- - rted, .a. , ,; the pencil of • Iloganh, or the pe of C,} :\'e would respeettally intimate to our .lbw petition oC John 11. Smith and others, Macauley the beauti• a and exallrnues 1' r Bruccfield correspondents that we are heartily wry received and read, nod atter cuoa,derab r noble s: haul ystem, and finished rr • sick of the Sensation Meeting business,. end du v.aiun the prayer of the petition as ea•. Peruratiur, that tsar briliuney of sevum ret. shall not print another line about it. 'fbe Plowed by Mr. Stiupeen wait "01 granite. ICOpe of inmgi,mli'on, rnJ eirgaue. of dice o w. Simpson relative to !"old hardly be surpassed by a McGee, a last two or three letters will therefore have 1 M muuun of 3 • U••rhy, lir r (alydstorv, At the cuoelwroo to go into the wa.te basket. _ .I care. petition rte ran 1 nutof crater: of Mir. Sills &perch'the pupil. sang "God IMuved by Alex. Ca teruu, secoudrd by J, W, IL ey, Inst sue ah riff at the next reale 3IcIllILLOP. of n u rea,d.:ur lauds wstrurt rt to ud'.r endvntly told ud P J " 1 Kayhrll Vriage lots ata ui•set price of tau express it that their.litlle beads beat in OUTRaGE oN A WID0W.--On the 1st , dollars per platter acre.- 4 unison with the loyal .eutlmeuts et the i s 1 he recd n L a a sant ul'Mlr. lite m n ser e \ a mdPrW r .Icllro c m t a i Y urdrrtrl ro widow lady named Barret, its u retired Paid. the :arcuant of Mr. 5rnde spot, near Iru.htown, anJ aamaulte' her to w ,.adored to be peid. • most brutal manner. He first .r.p.p,ed sear -,vie t of Cettoibr Prot a her by the throat and demanded her • Muv,.1 b •Porde d to .rein. in such • gallant style ai an la ol u words could rnr . sant curl anthem. 'three cheers were now lost noel w b u gnrn lust her ISnttau,C MLyest), our noble n for grate: peen, who ru!e+ .that glorious kiugdum - a:•on oh're terntenrs the can sat heaven fur road ' never seta, or the wail of slavery ever heard, but Where the sweet boon of liberty u en yed bythe lowliest sod the loftiest its the Irnd, three cheers were neat gi to Cho J by J, W. money, deur which ho violated her p r- ltilsy,'1'hat the hNluwing neva ba Ivied oa however, he acknowlett Cd luring killed pari 3011 in a most horrible manner all the reel mud personal property in the Qei'nb ,ore mcg tb Choir, for baring I and bring inter,°gated a to Lia motives for 4 A }rightful 1)lwster ! As Eaa,ottrat Suir Braat.0 oe Tua Bas* sat Na•rucauusu. 320 Ltvaa Luer, - puataarL, July 6. 1'he Captain of the oravian reports lbw ship William Nel•on. for New York, with Uermau emieraeta, buret cn the Itauka of Newfoundland. Out of four hwadred oa board, Duly abuat thirty were caved• L.rTaa. Naw Yuna, July 1. 1'he Merchants' Escbauge, pf this City, bulletin. the fulluwing Tlae ship William Nelsen, Capt. Sushi, trout Antwerp, Jutta 4, alld fur New Park with aassen ere wash r 1 Y urn J ou die Banka of Newfoundland un the 1st inst. About 30 of her nrssen ere were picked up and laked to St. Julius, Newluu:,dlaud. The boats, with, the crew. Le., arc missing, anti it 1s supposed that four hundred lives Iarru 1 wen Iwo. llorrlble Tragedy'at gt.Daauase • a*Dtt•a alta at, •OTara. A dreadful tragedy wu enacted at St Da- mase, a parish in the ric'uity of St Haycinthe lot Friday. A moo remati Drolet murdered hu cumber. 1t appears that be had strictly ubaervrd his religious duties; bei. very aasiduuu i0 his atten.duuce uu the Novena, at the clove of which it wu ueticrd that he vu deranged, and in a great state of exeits- ment. Two drys before the perpetration of the murder be c1.wn,uoicated rod, in the course of the day. declared "that be wu lot beyond redemption," al the snore time mar,. resting the iatehtien of klLing the Cure of the parish, Ile eau consequently watched aad locked up. Ills frtbvr came w are h,m next day and brought him home. Un Frinay morning he appea,ed to Lam ncuyered ►u sebKa, and wu vary affectionate to hts moth• ler, a woman aged sixtytwc years. In the coarse of the day, however, bre telt unwell, aid his lather pressed him to take some food. Be rola/rad to do so, saying he only wanted w•me milk. Thsreupun Abe proceeled to the dairy in the vicinity of the house u,d was fol- lowed by bw mother. 1111 lather ■u look- ing out of the window at the time, and saw her Gln at the dour. He immediately ran - ore and perceived that ale Lad been struck with au as,. 1 he eufurwuate wretch baa, at, uck her three times on the head.. She died alew hours atter. Young Drolet: evinced the re.teet com posure when R chit ed w1 tb I d the criwei and dad out make the slightest at - tempt to escape. At the coroner's inquest I .d the some end the succeeding dry, he declared th.t he did out recuguia- the body of oa mother, arad diepleyed unmistakable symptoms of insanity. After his arrest, rte ole t awem • et their ,woes Wwnabmp for the current year, ri 1'nr Y, j c, .disc ba the creme, win : 1 bad a good ller little boy, who witnessed the County purposes, l0 iod4 in for dollar 'and vee"1 •trait b sal filar a oat niter a (o I,t I caviler; but wwnoteI 0oili my mew 4.1 deed, ran for help, but before the neigh- for`muulcipal purposes iue:udin • intrre.t oo the tecepi-ret of three lusty cheers fu hs her. 1 firm iutended to kill my father, bet e sal ar, as hr aisle, o' I preferred kilh„g my mother." Grolet has beietutore been known re a man of a hied, {...acerb.* dupositiun, and only mani ped )mptoms of d,rargemeot three days before murder, $ aggIIlig ote 11rr• .1Incrlcaa Isolative. The are few oh nces against, law, eon. cefning which the.* a nuets a general loose. nese ret iwon es prevails in relation to smuggling People dooming reepeetability sal the hog t order, do not scruple to violate respect. and the evil 1. daily tent Ly the multitude of its ug and the smugglers are of inwucpwl to n feud 3 mills ea tb J i d 1° matvmrnt u1 t dy a barn could Come W texas the brUW had • b w they all know that " tbcre u • Y to by puce I fur tont purpose-1urncJ luck ale made good his escape to the woods. Af- 1 hC wr urea report of tavern rnspecWr was Itae home when the gui) ire's a . Al ter a careful x•arch and constaut watch sec"ire read cud (71.1. esemed so well sat.bed by the day's amuse• 11oce. br 'l'buma Briny, seconded by J. menu and entertainntrnta that they le' the l Mlcllroy was nabbed in Seal'orth b Coo- ground with • linge.ing sup, tin If nut yet y \V. KJey, that toes Council hereby forbid stable Beaty on Saturday morning last, any person or persons from bui,ding lir rivet tired 0t the many bright associatiuus formed ing any bwldl(,a eu an street or imblc road un Brlarefield's frstln dye Tbey tiredly and noir lies in Goderich jail to await his 1 n paneti with thew senumenu in their brruta, w,Wii the municip,aiity; ar,d drat Jahn trial at the A iaca. Ilappr to meet, sorry 10 r mud d o chore wbu appear lu Lr CrecUg • bui,au,g to mart a{aio." W i I'1'J ' GODERICH TOWNSHIP. river, to nuufiwl by the prthwastsr nut w du Brucefie a, June, :r•lh. FATAL .t('C/DLNT.-Od the and iod., ' Mbovrd by Alex. Cameron seconded by J. t .n. W, Way, t hot this council now &Mount to YOST• Ata meeting held at Dark's 110- the Ise stn tb a son of air. James Elliott (of the Gully) meet at M. ('bins'. Hotel, on Muinlav, the tel on the evening of Saturday, tat July; inereaxi°g in n lmile returning across the fields from second day sat throb'' et I o'clock, alr•utx.' Smug Corned. ' P• a.- fur tbu pwrpoar of forming s Cricket Club too ower. ]] h ' I a the real a.luwana along the Ll.yhrid so. -Carried. i. _ where hu frtber eau ae work, sal unit sae &moo un, despts. the discharge of the Juciea devolving V kd a , JOHN ESSO j, to Goderich, J. B. Gurdon, Esq., was hog the podeaa,on a and resenting all tin. opo° os, let neither our rules Dor their LITERARY .YOTICEs rail °(!°° himself to trying b climb a Tosiwnip (lake °rated to take the chair, wheD the p.tat'ons of fellows ip with them. They ars s ra y i ts _ e i'oor ' i, w s w r iris¢ to part ase for sea i u en s orget at rrtoar is the fullowin r rent fens and was t° ta tl k II d '"h !can I ted 1- the "did t h h co tt t t f th y 1. 6 little fellow was aluoe at the time, end it A Gala Da en were a OF o I n P,@ city use ,sake,.. 1.0 by r*.-, _ hgh sinew of carer, vteurou+, iulcpendeut, cheer- I K'e have to thank the publisher's of Tal Brnc rlield. bearers fur the rn•uing ecawn -Julio etre of untf, gsteos f iuun,al taxui>n I fuly loyal NNEN the strongest bulwark of a nation. TOO FAST. A correspondent writing from Goderich informa us that the Council of that town bu passed a resolution declarag the Fourth of July a public h•• .1.,. anti that the Mayor hu issued bis pruu,amation to that etiect. The cause of this action appears to have Lees Good Words and the Sunday Magazine 11enors. Strachan S Co., 56 Ludgate Hill London, England, for advauce copies d ! these valuable monthlies. Good 1Vords ! leas made fur itself a reputation of D mean order, and we are glad to kuo Ithat n' u e joy. a lary;e and increasing ci I The Sunday Magazine is also a fine, well -edited, and hi;th toned book, and may • 1 a ut years of age, and a great favorite t being the day on wbieb tF.e annual pi%oic of i toy -Treasurer i Melee. sA M. Ross eau some boon after the occarrenoe tjyt Mlrtacly, sen., Esq,,, 1'rrxidrnt; J. B. Cot• aid diff rences In carrel* value. ave cheaper Ma. Forrua: -U F' d v is years nun la eau a pe a , i Elrucr6.Id and its euriron• vera 'fir, n! dory }:-rep., 1'id do; MI. A. tYiley, Secre• h bod C J I 6 I d ser , the ,inl mat •crier the border.. es bo 3 y smdll lou• card smug] with his now sorrowing patents. the Bncefrcld School wu held. •Mary of J, 11. Finlay, R. Rintmul, J. Weethcnhd, o -- the little ones who intended to be preaeut enders, J. 1 rsely, jr., a committee Tne Cant'. -The recent copious rains went to bed no doubt the even ng brfun of m magement. The Club meets fur thea w , IA.S w wi hich a have betu favored have with p.easu,g thought. to their m, is in re practice every Tuesday and Satter -a o0 r. 1 eu at I ton in this a•_ ', roup of the Eumpire.- an invitation eate:ded to the emitted be the' • people ret S.gmaw, Mich., to visit hem on tarots from the East, they wanted rah the tree fourth au enjoy the hospitality t ;il t iii enlivening the rewainderof the j urnec.: t care. I ,c pr's -art .,f a tr •e tr• ,r mai 'w i• ct u eco ' t cad s •.r re alt• :1' I +1 Ile. 'c. r , a J/.1 1 t. 41 t , h r t Iwihri a r.. J As we hove Ire fore sp,ken at 'urge of the Saginaw country nod its inexhaustible deuce dye liar )hey are • lune too I:ut. upon reciprocal advrutage. At thin stage It wdl br tied iaut w oblerve lbs founb of the procecdin;;e Capt. Cole entered read of July n a puhtic buli.a who° we are' to fofpt a bond of closest iotimecp basad the. Irtic iretheir celebration of •`-iudrjrli• resource'', we need only say that ie ,seems to be improving with undiwinishcd staph- announced that time was up, upon which "ennrxrd," whish we woold Caiu Delkva dity-a large number of eztcoaive alp the people of Gude'Icb, as we11 u of other I works and mills having born put in opera• ao adjutiroment tool p.aeu to the boat, pains of the a,untry, desire may be lung many friends refusing to (cave us until-dieraut in the future. -Leader. tic° during the put year or two. The we got down to Bey City. After an ReerAree.-.1 correspondent writing btiainew men are beginnio to f et the immense amount of handshaking, bur from lioderich has not toll the " whole pareastire of the times a little, however, the band struck up Yankee Doodle, the East truth." It is well known thatexonrsions lumber and salt market, b •ini much leu Saginaw band responded with God save were announced both by land and water, brink thin season than for several years 8agmaw brethren of the t•ed-jacket, and that Mr. Spangler, a gentleman of great Thc tsaasaloflunn puna*tratesa the rest of u* were rted W the Ban experience in that line, hay made a propo g• croft House, where a rat -rate breakfast eitton which Is like'y to be acted upon. Tho Miilitary Cnmmisition at \Dashing. was in readiness. After enjoying the , _ ton found Mrs. Suratt, Payee, Ilarrold r Ise lMlagow. ail Atzerot guilty, and theprisoncrs were n n arge num r , sentenced W be hung on the 7th ins;. - company of the 3layor of East Saginaw, Instar S W 1 awkry a d i br Th Re$ lea Of t of the leadiog citizens, our party entered Tne Canadiian Dele•rntes sent from Most of the conapiratcrr, wc. clearly a handsome street car at eleven this country to advenr•e our interests in guilty of the crimes charged against them, safely b- introduced int„ any faruly . IS x111 ,: : 1 . r , . 1 t' ?l r '1 bav't tl.tmitt.11s, m.+, wo ready b• et re the most fa.9i°ating miseellany of general reading that can bey introduced ihto' an intelligent family. The June No. is rely fine one. Give it a trial by a, m eana. Moorbouse furnishes it. Tu'g Noarit Bnir(su RLPIRw is to hand from the publishers, L. Scott & Co N. Y . Every article contained in the number m iy be read with refit and plea sure by the mean of thought sand literary taste. The fo wing is the table of con tents :-F. A. Volt ; The New Gold Mines and P ' r • T hree \Vogicn of Letters; England \and @Norway in th Eleventh Century-a'wery interesting p: per; Popular Ileligioue uiterature; Sj bolisw in Chrietiau Art and State end Prospects of Italy. BLAC:CwnuD u improving with each auc. eeediu; 'lumber. That fur June le a spiel• did one. Coulen*:-Piccadilly- estIV.; Notes and Notions from Italy ; Miss arjori• banks- , fartIf Ilero-N'o rrshi an ' v dr gem ; The Kate of interest -Part il. ; flow to make a Pedigree; S r firook Fosahrooks; Thirty Years' i'otcy in New'Aealand ; The\ Uuvernraent acrd the lludget. L. Scott Y Cu., N, '1 , Pabla,hen. Tug New ERA ie the name of a new paper in Clinton, published by E. Holmes A Co. It is very well got up, and is a great improvement on its predecessor the Briton, which began by declaring that it hnd the biggest circulation in the County, and ended in a wretched 6sale. Clinton is populous enough and should be enter• prising enough to support a decent paper cell. done wonders lost the ernpr. Fall wheat gard to their bright and cheerful a iations 7 he flats, .1ny gentlemen desirous' of Its a little rusted to some elacee, but will on the mu.row. 1l hen they awoke a the' j 'uing can du w by leaving their names yield a fair crop, and the spring crops- morning apd belie.' toe tau rising so festt all ,n the ear ani hu wit the Srerelary. J t sat • r',oud rbnv stn call the r• •n f ' R sac t a ! ' en lid a ea an Y P r ce, P pp horizon to damp ha sari their lift a heart. mutt Leve .h•.;rd w th tuanstrurrt t.,: the , t ,a u•rh,.e. an. . er•s are meting hay. 0o all hands and in u t eh, he t r tl rel k amuse menu. Toric nice hrnrb mu.t love hJ` 1 nfan in pnorn fu/ debt its Igndon up v, etnng anJ other arpLwe•es furnished, a ft.w days they wdl be at the fall cal t N - ° r years back have Menthe:4 prom• Interosting Items. 1 v h tea airin l tilt yL tl. 1h°r faun- to •ooh led ea, biter sump: 11.g their aus,terous dot they got for their air, i - \ _.. e w rest era . also ben with the happy thnught of .retina 4"s been cui oet1 22 lean. and a few delicate boom added as to the mat '1'h¢ tiheenng prwpceb .have matcriall their filluw. ,u rale of tM urr•h I a.lr*n ute:e+midi of Cerin' m home opus Ther person. Dry. goods\....are h cially favored in this *perms of contraband trade, nail the ladies are its ebu'f &genic, the m s- teries of their attire affording such admirable opportunitet dor the effectual cohctata...at of inrmanent/le boodles. furnishing tot, strong • temptation for rhe weak c nsciences of messy of our fait sisters to result. The valise of the propert which is weekly tarried paµ the Custom' Douse authorities at our ferry ducks ar der en o '- i rel..!' M lellm.tld al kit r rest dreos f dollars. Nearly every retail afore ire tl'iud. is f.rniihrd with a private room, y I y F I n burn{ schools (w} ]enn ,nod hu been angiog again m In { the mconveot a raiecd the spirits of our agriculturists, who were expected to be there rw muse to' U+'liton, and o er better say the critics eo bundle* w1M nn iccnmmrstmg oa,mution. 1 manufacturers ani traders. `May they , add enchantment to their youthful ...soca. not be disappointed. - e tions. About 10 o'clock, a. re: vehicle% of l all descrivsions ought be seen coming from CAUOIIT IN sae .1sT. -On Saturday s.ery direction, tilted 10 their brain web the last s married woman, living 10 wawa. J'7eum youth of the surrounding Couch, nosh, entered one of our p, incipal store., i whose hods were bear r r th 1 Id - 1 and '• th t' b d b It might Ire sepp eel ,that female modesty el. Thi feat is he mime sat the newspaper would ibrink Iron same portions of this rival 19(1. Lund. U.1. ordeal; but u women rah" move in &bat } A woman liri T near It ehdalr, , ,. the world sat to " our first society,' undergo • 311, caw behewdrd b, lir drunken hustr.n•1. it a mo.l .arkly, of rnury nu nne would be gatont enough enough to insinu tt• that there I . The representab of Canaj.an Com- was aught iodelorate or ani bests in the b e Ro'" o ag menial iwerens to the it wuneunun system. Occasionally some Inimese placer as etc thought, unobxreed, appro i • a err• • t nutnnti yeah the batter •iii number abuateighty. tMwuolator of toe law m en awk. and pr »itioa. and the breeze,' and .hese vutcre erre ( rce l!dreued w"men are oft"n noticed to priated a roll of cotton and a pair of shoes it A verdant yonn, ntteman, from resolutely decline e-1 iontsiunt however limed .to rind in melwlnus strains the lotsi ilh,",u, eau lately awmAled ou of $13.:00, and then mad a track e , but Doe of the prs%Itin,t, to bo seated nn the ferns u d in anthems saltinedy G h f ( atVru FII p I 'f h - .. pun t e eces o the 1 • ' 1 a • s, y a coupe o , card shari'- came instances a graceful gait hu been ;ase. the tr ousaction, and made her stand (miles Irnd cud natured lots which a c ! y ma hu 'est 6ecn tined ` P ad lley ehatm4.d into an umoying, sisguiet e R C} A botcher at L y w sod deliter. The worunn wait publicly flow from a heart that* void of ca e. IGC end crnu fir weithing w th •piece of The.second clam of smugglers are whole• t exposed, threatened with Canl, and told 1 be pupils of each achnnl nn srrir-ing at "1ert the paper in whch n eau enveln ed. rale dcarers in eke hwinev, t.,r whom the Ot- the nllrgo wen Conducted in 1 pr,vwssiun to I ' Wiitium Ile,hy and Lawrence Lawson discriminating puhtic hu no req,ert. They to get herself off as speedily as possible' are ,i,w m cusurly in iwmdun, o.•rged t o mare it • Inure. and with wee, se, it is a meat --- --- the grounJs, in perfect oder and h Clerks, who keeps Lin eyes open, witness- hti,e throng were to be sec th h era• a thiol- We are merry W Ienrn from oar exchanges that the midge is making sad lavee in smme of the central counties. - t has not appeared here to any coneider- blo extent. ormed part of the conference with the Imperial authnrjtioa but it has been enntended that Mrs,- I procession of officials, military, fire dcaerve all credit for their zealous efforts SurratL only allowed the conspirators W p then, &c., which proceeded to a beautiful in the diseharge of their mat important meet in her house,, and that her sentence a grove about a mile out. here every , duties. That they lett no argument out ehouhl have been commuted. The refu- arrangement bad been ,made for the ae- of sight that could possibly benefit the sal of iho executive to'regard the Writ of eontmodation of the ,peckers, visitors and cause they advocated, is amply proven by Ilabeas Corpusgis.uel in her behalf from C audience. The reader, C. W. \\inner, the complimentary toren of the Ilritish asvpremecourtofthecountry,watanactof m Esq.. read the Declaration of Iniep'nd- fres. They accomplished much. 'lith. the wditary over the civil tower which i ince and was followed by the principal ertn there has-been in the Colonial office. may well startle thoughtful .tm,rieens.- orator of the day, the Iloo ,lames Barney, nn incredible amount of ignorance as to The following in an account of the last in who spoke atgreat length in a style cal- the resource., wane, and wish w of Canada aceme in this blood drama :- eulated to catch the breath of popular and its p,pulatione, and b direct inter- __ do aj plause. The (tope cxpremeed by the course our delegatea have been able Wasno o as,, Jnl e 1 the condemned d to enntpinWrs tenwnced to be hunt to d,y wen Hon. gentlrntan that Jeff. Davie would be sweep away the cobwebs which have so rhroa,(h her crennw I, Menet Indene t Clain hueg high u llaman elicited no applauee• long eedimmed the _iiaion of welhmeanin nett, Jwiee Pette, of the ,yrs reme ('amt of IIor It is nndentood in well-informed iretee that the Cnnetlian Parlimnen t oil eet en the I st of Aeguat. The proceed- ngs will be. very interesting. mer The gnat Cotton Famine is over irngland, no relief being now required r the operatives in the manufacturing istrietm. executed. On the petition of Mary N. Suvrot1 tlliT The prises for two esnnye on the Reciprocity Treaty, offered by the Trnd, from the large aaaembtoge. Judge Avery, but misled •eeretaries. (lir loyalty, the d,smct diryk:ed to i Ilaosc f the cant of I tje nn the Contrary, who spoke afterwards, lore for the old flag ■nd the institutions Fngh,moto piodteeti, Coen at ten mm,ock 1's declared that if Mr. Davis were innocent which have been handed down to us un• shoe morning the body of Mary FL SurrstL 1i of enmplicity in the .lrwns*inotion plot, tt tarnished through a long line of anoeston, si,h the coo a and dry c rear detent to Ton la would be • luting dlegraee for a etron cant ora+ teockJ 1 th* Meck.prinuan ilo n ng g mem, nn doubt, met forth by the Cana- (ir.o. Iien•nck ret R dclnck. Tlu+ nnrning nation ton execute sad then immortalize diao delegates in a mot eloquent and the 1i. ri. Nanhall Grr _1.. irttmedi•ttely con rice. were carried off by twn nowspa- ✓ moo : A. Harvey formerly of the emilton Nprcbrtor, and James Young, to of the Galt Reformer, PooR WhiTes,-The Montreal Wit- him through martyrdom. Thu nnbl. impressive manner. The result in an Canted with the At y a senlirs*mt cans bull ehrrred-b rteeretsry of War. At 1030 rayl k, the .in toner Gone el a and the y y none ,mpetved tone of feeling, and an appreci- (len.ral hod net nbreed Ura cant. Thu feet wh more heartily than by the Goderich pert- able ri.e is 1,'snadiat socorith., wag brought to the rimier. of the Court by th Isle. Almorl(h a llmod many hard thingw Rnt, ar diPMmatie d rrmmenta ser her Counsel; Mot l . writ. a awl h. ltd net the pro- pewee to enforce the writ. Karl Md. = th w.rs mid agaieed the England of 1 i i ri !. bill I y 1(rstl s vas, to a rsment article, says, " President ,r t p ,oty, we cannot *hut our c mew roared all u mid the arse 1 Yen "a g ao fr ocntl reventmd, i. not a ve yen r)..r the fuud,tou tat'te f \ rel 7 P 7 romranlnvely in the hackwork, yet ee are I or an Eprcitor, and there began en unnserci. at leas a week, Bobbi . lir,^ts lite Cnflh. oa kis .hitt,.. hnson *prang from the clam of p ser itea." Our contemprary that' admits at the doctrine of the wnrthlewrn•wt of e pn_r whiten of the Sonth, which it hu arm"ray etrain • earp"•t ba; and a letter from levo yrs itsble rallnig. i,uluora on which nor GODeeICIt BOARD dr TRAds.-At a by their respective teachers. O• their! pwsente•e who were asleep m the Gnat revenue .awe here placed ennrmow taxes, meeting hell is the oboe oP Ira Lewis, arrival at the l grove ' sae restraint ears Western depot on Tuesday morning. - are the moat favored eommod,. stn contra- Esipy on Mlnnday tut, largely attended yrithJrawn, when with one accnnl they kicked I band tragic. The i reef to be derived by u their heels in ecstae a3 Tlc Oshawn Vindictmrn( the 3th, pyo theft ole without payment ofdaty ie rmmenle by the merchants and traders of the P J of jiy said sten that Kerr, the man shot 14%11ia !Ionsm, and so successful bare the smuggle -s, of TOwn W G rdcriCh for [ba lir betaking them.rlves to the various sports near Ilowmannille, rs not yet dead, The whiskey been that, on some occesiunm, the ' P P le instituted among them. , Toward, noun the 1 physicians now haste good hopes of hits re.. marnet prices have been materially affected properly organizing a Beard of Trade, It elder pan of the surroweling commun,ti l cnvrry. by the present., of large amount. ret the eau agreed by tbo meruben present that came pouring to by score*, who, notwith- J. V. [)etlor, 1 be President and John etandmq the press n( huone.. at hum, were rel• resolved not rte min rho enjoyment of Brut. \Galt, Exp., be Vicc President of said field's gala dwy. Thc I:vhes drat creaiun•r, Board of Trade. Artier enrno other of Brseefietd and the surrounding courser' - artrere union which the,e has been nn reeen- 13 Two horses were minters from the. sae charge, '!he devices of the professional atnhies of Mr. John Morton, ;th co mmotios smugglers're numberlem, and are remark. M.•fiillinry; near Aikr Crni , on the night rhe for the ingenuity. Ae fast as detected of Saturday, the let instant. They were • by the keen and practised spies sal the One. were •so detcrmmei! to have n clay of re. heavy valunblr roan, one a sorrel and the • rnment, they are supplanted by others, even pre'immarice had been duly discu+sed, it cr ation. 'trey therefore hunt up thea I other • grey. and were worth over $200 - cleverer. eau tasolrcd that the 1'resod,nt and \'ice a*reit and ugeoded the pie nie•; their presrnee Gordon Free I'rew. Can, bare been made three inc4e3 in die President be appointed delegates W at- cut • bewitching /harm, and their fascinating meter and semi circular its shape, clwely saltles a hallowed b,tluenec over the heart. ret i . At the Uo4 show, in London, them fetid h - c of o° t e tea u , fitting lbs body, and us«d w rwi,a. \YAeo Auk with doh a o•e m En tend ( e °" y hnckicd on beneath the shirt and covered ° t., flit the purpose of rcp;c- ghl Mneath the smiles •red R > h b f Y ]] charming glutas of their fair core • Inrle o•erccat. they cannot M pereei•isd, hh own at said Convention. wniow, It b b' k to gee, m nib and throat and by this means a man could carry • gal. acil riot with p:cnliar ra.turo •mon th I Ion of spirit, at • trio nier for river without suspicion. Unfortunately however, One iad,vidunl omilled 10 entirele fill bit can, and the spluhmg arid gurgling revealed the trick, •mrd aeeesaita.nhl rte abandon ens. j'rila •red baskets wick fal.. bltoms n Common bat they rarely escaped the vigil• of the authorities, and are now but In Ie used. Barree of beans or tither slnrea ail smullgr barrel, of dutinble commodities concealed in the centre, are wn0tiners •lin shipped acrme*, bet this freed is almest (nnarlalby detected, and it now but rarely attempleY At preeent, night is the greal time of tonlrai h.nd exploits. 1 arreia of liquor are towed aerons the rive- by small hosts to our shoe( moored fait at the outskirts of the cite, end the mist day a waggon drives boldly upr hauls oetlhe barrel, and carts it to its dottin- stiof.-(Detroit paper. A young Perlman artist Intel, painted n portrait of • Iis.cls w4w,lh which her friend. were not pushed, decltnng thus it eau tnt•lly •nike. The pante* propowd that the goea- t o anvrntton w meet m D tr t h e rser sex. The young men sae n d t the 12th i senting t r ---_ i g e ret exhhitinn a Japanese teener th I crag t"rom okohama. black sk n, and for al that is known, is black Teacherar asm IallOw (Oe the bonny creature,. The gallant young m •n Inside and nut-arteioly all that can be ssen Couot , of Ilar00. were busily engaged in ewm;ring been fair of him n black. .,^ peru,en upon swings est ole l fur the pare nae ' . Drnlet hu ben committed lost the A merging of Toachars eau held nn S*rnr• °r in x social chat on varied and Intlreiting murder.nf hi* malber, Ifs eonleasle the day last In the Centre! School of Uorlesich, ruby cis' 1 he elder cud mane em , ret' the enrd. Iio is 40 yern of ate, and is m►n anserviii4 i were enjoying themarlvr•* by tied, lost the purput. of forming an AtsociaUon for ute.rrvina the m'vnment of their *urea anA the County, in accordaha *reel the plan cad dsn;hun, and by racial convera i, ha in step All the delegatia lova• retained to design of that now existing for the Province. nIs eb were pointed met the great prinlrgos, Cnnudn, ns here ala Ito,, fi, Mrf:ne and Between twenty ar,d thirty teachers ettnnded, advantages and oppnrtunillea that the yunlh [J r. Ifryd,;vt. it is Mid shot Ml r. Mc(Ie. of the preMnt cnli,htenr•d a;n possessed. to ho honored by •public ret:eftion at Mooat and uhanimously adopted tae following Ile- In the mann time, M(r. gods *ui erina:ndrnt u( nal. sulutiune ;he affair aegrth.•r ahh his efficient committer, That an Associaninn of Teachers f the of udns 1, 1 y(enUemen, ora buchu a„gig, i 13" Kirby Rmith is .nrvwntsd as hating feat iI U (,rmemhi E.. Pnucl he two hundred flit Ir,n .11, Ifo n •need but Iril R met I! ,; clock, P h in th. direction mf New Goderich lemnl Sebeul, be P es,gb•n1. ^•er1, th'• pity,', wart called Isom their epu,ta Orleans and (ielveston, and nn intercepted That Mr. Dewar, of Ilarpurbey, be 11 01' 1" w ' I "f the gond Thin,(. wheh we,e letter fnem Mf,mm ru ackrn, ea the President. p " d J t rr them by 11011 parents and receipt there from him of 1:00.000 es OT 1 hat Mr J II Thompson be Secretary, trkhds. liver *even hundred pupiu pxrbwk cotton within the tut thirty dept, !'hese ulfiaen wen appointed pin+iooally of tc. abondance epsend before tem, in a till next meeting. manner which fully indicated that the '011111 The Ayr (C. W,) 1'Irr•rnnr qys that That the Presilent, Vice President, Score• had ois,iarnnr in which they were sat. d parile -Aa fine eitem.kiiig weewlennsjntted u'y, Mhun. ffiett, Glw, "1 1 .11, Code, prmng e?•ct nplvn their yenuthfut ever the wrree nn Thursday iellg. Jur, up atConstitui on and By Imesi*for*tha Ano- then. utlrs Nt of their Jelli,r«xllh •mini betook and the nTrn ware formally op,encJ for hwineu tion then Ifihe left to a toile dog t. ...... en Feda , to the Uuche c aGon rrsl that it th rel meet • I ,brmarly 7 x T County of Huron be tormedr in arranscin; tie' edibles upon • uge table became one it the richest men in Ameeen. t ha ( peel 10 ee to their former merriment', Mr, ss, which wu agreed to. Ac o clock on the Y9th ,seat., in Goder.ch. ; _ cnrdintly the sector* wee tent to the hotel of Stilt and bit inrflfui able cnmmnten buried I w ing active meunei* for gie and nn sooner did he see the portrait than b• on the 29th rust., at 1 o clock, P. M1. W hen thmigs were in tearlrne*, the word eau Ing the delegates to the rommerenat ern,,n licked it over, and showed every demnntra- 'fhat the ejects ofdiacuasion at next meet- Riven to fall in nod it was no son er ped lion in that cite, nn the 1 I th July, a becoming lien of the grrstent joy. The tnum h of the ,ng be " the ad•antae a of hnring (buoy than done. It ipes were falt twinging` recoptico, As me object of the del*gates is *rrist was complete, and all present initiative iutead mf i"eal tln1s.rintendeou,'• and "the tenantless in the air, chit chats were dropprJ one of business more than plauere, it hu that the picture hal hese trenched during the pmprietr rN •Central Board to gnrit Pro. without • finish, private, stalks were Cot been derided that the entertainment to the ni ht, wbLh eu actually sr' the aunt hewing vnnclal (..nificatle." _ short, the pseud merry laughs were suppre sod, eueart should take the form of a hart ride nn nibbed it over with a thin cn*ung of lard 1-. in short all exercise both mensal and physical the Itetrnit river, either to Lake En* or St. Th dog's 700.5 was sharper than the Kitk's ilREENOC6* A lI) ('IILROftel. and dl cnnrer,oatinn hoop social end political Clair the a le fd e - sin .n ! ser t * ' • . remind their w* sigh ng seat stmt* Rail- with one p * t • " • • At yea geienllp pwthlish arcnant, of to the grand fah e, which wee fairy J 1 meanies h*ring been 4nntld for the in Inn* with ons onm+n n r htmdy, it e beneath its load of (he neee.aane., glozarir. one day, a l will be improved lin .oclel efesy one c nneccted with* 1 Ae hes.... . ret eery readin etine k non., you might let the sed delicacies of the IanA and which wo Id brittle T IFC he*u rim* whew readinj pnhlie know m*l althnu h -""-- the lady *ren ay •lid a lar a party amembled ih'ran (•, That the nett meeting of t"e Asinci,tion throne/dem in reloading the mammoth table. 1'nr, M osrxsnnt.-The enluns sets the telt. The r ng eau celled i held in the Central dehonl of Gudernch, for the elder pa's of the asst wtnmhlage, of i)••tmit acre t k tin can ^. P n. i ounm e* of both tb 1). ey mer! pe d d f h urea. Ming, and all trot lend Milwsakee d G W rb (( , IM, r.Mml I andrvatrn4 eerta,nt 0a (n 1 1 h t ken ♦mite t, g orf an ! u n he nett of lbw time w111 be &*voted the darling little Fanny performs her pieta n w 'etelhn. 10 hn.mMY whieh it is thought will occupy on the piano, and .miles when .irked little. t 11 .y . a v e,( r