HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1955-06-30, Page 13THE TIMES -ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 30, *955 4 A 4 4., mg • .1 1*• 4 • g • a. a.. 1 a You ‘11.2nilAy4)-A' , eANNOr N51 6,4g°41 dErrEA) H. *MUM optemetrio OFFICE WILL BE CLOSED JULY • 4 irestent Zeceete,xe CHAMPIONS --Then drive in for a brand-new Set of Canada's Number -One Tire —FIRESTONE. It's the safest, longer. mileage*e built today! k LARRY SNIDER MOTORS up: . Your Ford - Monarch' Dealer PHONE 624 . EXETER •Over 96 percent of the atudents in E/cater Public School have been prOmoted, Principal A. icfle annonneed this week. "1 am very gratified with the results," the principal said, "and 1 think the parents should be pleased Ivith tire work of •their children.' ° Plink that, eVeralli our elas- set; ogre Up to the Ontario Ayer - age," Mr, Idle StatO. "The prov- ince -wide teats. the children :have taken show our pupils are up to and above " the Ontario average, One elass was rated two moutini ahead .the average." The promotion list includes 42 grade eight students wile will be entering bigh seboel next fall, This le one •of the largest gratin., sting classes the public school hes had. • in Addition; to the regular teachers listed below, Mrs, And- rew H•amilton, Mrs. Ray Ilodgert and Miss Vallagh supplied dim, Ing the year. Legend: 11••,-hon.ors; ,1312- • De- ferred Promotion, ' Grade VIII To Grade IX • ' • !Arthur, Tont; Beaver, Audrey; Beavers, Roxanne (II); ewen, Wayne; Britnall, 1),onald; Cann, Dennis (11);Cooper.. •Pa'tsy.; Crawford, Ronald; Ford, SI)eila.; France's, Margaret; •Frayrisks Pet- er; Glaab, AntlIonY; 001114, Vena;a Haley, Elizabeth; Hamilton; Mar- ilYn (H); Ikerwood, Vernon ,(11); Hockey, Louise Hogarth, Elaine (H); Irviae, Glen; myn, Douglas (11).; jery, 'Larry; jory, Marilyn (11); Icelson, Rob- ert (II); Kerslake, Dorothy, (11); MacMillan, pam; McBride; Mar- lene (R);'Markley, . Moore, Lloyd; Penhele, •Fred; Page, Mary (H); Russell, lames; Skinner, Robert ,(11)..; Larry; Smith, Marcia; , Smith, Robin (H); Stringer, Murray;' Tomlinson, James; VanderNeut, !gnus; Wainer, Sandra (H); Ward, Eunice (H); wane; Donna; Wurm, Shirley • , Teachers: A, B. Idle and Miss Helen Anthony. Grade VII To Grade VW - Belling, Marion; Beyfe; li'rank; Bridges, Donna (11);. Cochrane, Martha (11); Gibbons, Carol (1-1); Have, :Tack; llenneeseY, lames; Heywood, .3Dorotky; Hod- gert; Marjorie (E);, Hodgson, Barbara (II); Johnston, Robert; J01100. %Robert; Keller, Lorne; Kelson, Douglas (11); Knox, Nor- man; Knox, Thomas; MacDonald, Yo n aid, MeeDonald, :Remold; MaeMillan, Marlene (H); Me - Bride, .Gerald; IVIcOurdy, `Carol (H); lVierkley, Phyllis. (H); Nag- el, 'Simon; ayckman, Dianne; Seldon, Paul; Sims; • Beverley; Truemner, Ronald (11); Van de Worp, Albert; Van de Worp, Wil- liam; Wade, George. WO. a agis trust -7-- • r : •'.'*;t•• • feta, • • ' • s .__USEICARVIRICKS.„: FOIIIMONARCH YOrDEALER WHAT .trArf MEANS EVERY USED CAR 4140 TRUCK THAT RATES TUE Asi, SIGN HAS BEEN O iticenditioined fly expert Servicemen frio appearance and aorforaianco: • intliedid and theelanffer,safaii. ,• Orlied for Outstanding vain., Ili'trUllifelly and accurately tolverits4 40.Warranted by your FOrd-Moriarch Dialer and back'd by his snaaristieno Teachers Miss Helen Anthony and 1/r. R. Ilelmricha Grade VX To Grade,,,V1I Blanchard, Harold; Beelthendt, Berge (11); Brintnell, Merle; • Cooper, Eileen; Deibridge, Diane; Dbron, Betty (10; Doerr, Ben- nie (11); Hannah, jeceneline; Harvey, William; Hogarth, Carele, (11); Henaherger, Wayne; Jer- myna Donald; jonee, lames; Lux, Relett; Marriage'Hebert; Mellon, aid, Parham (H); 111411141Ale, •Grace (H); molci2104, Dean (11); More, Barbara; Page, Katharine; (JO; palegtorpe: Enid (R); Plantinga, Peter;. Sanders, Ted (11); &treader, Robert (11); Shaw, Mary (II); :Simpson, Par"' OVA; Smith, Carel (H); Snider, Sandra (11); Stephan, Jack; Ten- nant, Judy (1-1); Tnrahnil, lone; Vander Neut, Teena; Van de Wore, Annie; Ward, Fred; Wit- teMan, Fred, Teachers; Mrs. Mahon and Mr. Helmrich. Front Grade V To Grade VI Appleton, Sharon; Bloodsworth, Junior; Vann, Donald; Cann, Ro- ger; Francois, Veronica (H) ; Frayne, Marilyn ('1l); Gould, La- vern; Raley, Helen; Hannah', Janes (11); Heywood, William; Reckey, Anne (11); Hodgson, Douglas (11); Hogarth, Bonnie (H) ;. Hoesberger, Gloria (H); Irvine, Beverley; Jones, Marilyn; Kerslake*Marion (11); MeFalls, Peter (11); Ness, Sandra; Roelofs, Eddy; Sanders, Brian; Sander, Fred; Saner;' Ted; Scott, Doris; Sims, Wesley; Smith, Verla; Snelgrove, • Judy (a); Sweitzer, Jim (H); Taylor, Mervin (H); 'Purvey, Dale (H) r Wareing, Bob; Willert, Dianne, ('H); Woodcock, Leonard. ,Teacher: Miss Doris Robinson, Grade IV To Grade Armstrong, Kenny; Broderick, Bob; Cooper, Jerry; Dettmer, Joan; Dzipba., Bllerington, Tommy (H); • Erman, Donna (H); Haley, Loretta; Hall, Brian; Harris, Carolyn (H); Hendrick, Helen (H).; Howey, Margie (H); 'Johnston, Linda (H); Jory, Dir anne (0); ,Knox,. Peter; Mae - Naughton, Johnny (H); McCar- ter, Laverne; Nagel, John; Plan - tinge, :Dick; Riddell, Marillyn (.1.1); Scott, Donnie; Snell, John (11);.Sowden, Tommy; Schwartz- entruber, Dianne;' .Turvey,, Bon: nie (H); Vander Neut, Charles; Wolper. Linda (H); Webster, Angela (H); Wediake, Brian; Wediake, Gary (H); Wilson, Ted (II); Wittemau, Carla; Wright, Billy (H); McCarter, Kenny (H), Teacher: 1V1rs.,,4 D. A. Hughson. Grade NE To Grade IV • Braithwaite, Carole (11); Boyle, Ricky; Baynham, Wayne; Boek- hardt, Annie; ButsOn, Wayne (H); Carscadden, jimmy (H); Cooper, Donny Wray; • Cooper, Ross; Dinney, Susan (H); Doerr, Susan; Ferguson, Patricia; Ford, 'Gary (11);•Genttner, Shirley (II); .Gesar; gplaie (II); Hamilton; •0 Neil; Harness,„ jolint Ileywo04, Lester; 1410, Larry (11); Janke, Barbara; Jones, Warren (10 ; Johnsen, David; Uearney, -,Larry 4f1); Kadriesiti, • MOKerral, 'Judy; Ness. Gary fil/; 'Perry, Dilly; ltielly, Robb)! 1101 Roelof?), Lydia; SbePtoe, Robert (10; Shipman, 'Glenn; Simmons, iaarelynne (11); Kathy (11); Smith. Freddie; Stir°, Larry; firendsen, Sue (11); Taylor,. 'Shirley; 'yep, .George; Vanderiteide, Geert; Vanderheide, SytsertWailter, Marlon. .(11); Wo- oer,. .Judy (11); wens, ..Preddle; Wright.. .- Donald (11); Weeder Kenneth.- . • • Teachers Mrs. I. Turver, Mies N. Sinasee. Oilnde IX To Grade f Students t Keinbaelt, Kenneth; Karen (10; Heywood Patty (10; Hockey, Larry; li000er„ Grant. (DP); Rat1ey4 P1tUip (DP); 111IXtable, .0aines; .Jermyn, Karen (11); Jaen, joy; Reay, (H); Kerr. Ernes; Knox, Diane; Nnox, Elizabeth; Langhton, Ter,' Lindenfield Eddie (DP); Lin- delifield, Soo Ann ill); Madge, Phyllis; Mason, POI (11); .May, Margaret (R); Mooney, jalneS; McDonald, Mall McKnight, Bar- ry Mr); McLean, Brian (ID Orenesult, rtOman (H); Page,' Lynn (DB); s'arsons, lanaes, (DP)-; Penh -ale, Bill)". Plantinga, George; Plantinga,' Rendericka; Previous, Lee; Pude,. John, (11); Riddell, Kathy; Sat*, ere, Mary Jane (11);•,Seldon, joy; Sires, Paul; Singer„, Role; Snell,' Darien e; Snelgroye Margaret; Southcott, Jane; stlre Lynda; .0wartzentruber, Tea,- nent, Joanne; Van Bales, John; Wade, Karen; Ward Heather (11); Weber, Bonnie (H); Wed -- lake. Morris; Wells, Barbara ('0P); Wein, .Sherry; ..Arinstrons, clearge Bakker, Mary; •BeYnileal, Sharenr '_WAY -era David; Beavers, ROW) -(DP); Bentley, Marion; Bereads, Pennell* Sheila; Eower, Ione; Drintneil, Larry (1)1?).; liroderiCk, Ronald; Campbell,Helen (H); Coabnaae, Illizabeth (If) ;• will Ray (DP); 'Corbett, Mary (ID ; cornish, email; -Gowan, Don; Cowden, Ronald; Crawford, jimmy; gnahnuto, Michael; Dett-. mOra Jane (H); Dixon, jimmy (DP),; Dzioba, Jeanne (.11); Ed- wards, . Linda; „Feltner, . Sheila; Fairbairn, -.Anne (11) I.., Fhilter, )77011114a; Gibbons, john; • Geuld, Leroy; Govier, Alberta; Harness, Greg (11): Harness Marlene (10: Higgins, Bobby; Hockey, Denis (DP) ; - • Hogarth • Brian., '(DP);' Hunter, Sandra; Hunter -Duval; Linde (11); linntley.„ Douglas; Johnston, Larry; • jonee, - Larry; .Tory, 4yuda; Keller, Lana 01C3reft31414olcreee',:jrlly:(11(D)IP; )14;e14414.11cilV7ilial, Laura; McDonald. Bobby; .,Mg1141- len., Danny (II); IVIcTavish, Nancy (H); Marriage, Bryan (11); Mil- ler,- Dianne; looney, Jeanne; Parsons, Garry: (DP) Penbale, Sheridan; Plantinga, John; Sand- ers,. Sharon (II) r SchrOede Ricky; Ontyth, Donna; Snider, Linda; Snell, Peter -(11); ' Sow - den, Douglas; Stanlake, Douglas; • Statton, Terry; Sweitzer, Brian (11); Taylor, Hebert; • Vander Heide, Jetske (B); Van De Worp, Alle;• Wildman, Freddy; Witte - man, VitoArie; Wolfe,- Robert (II); Zeeltuisen, Rees Teachers:' Miss Virginia Dela- ert, Miss Shirley Taylor, Miss Nancy Siztasac.- - Grade I To Grade II •.. Allen, Gary; Armstrong,' joyce; Baynham,; Bryan (11); Beavers, Billy (11); Beavers, . Bobby (11); Bonnallie, Gerry; ' Brady, • Nancy; Brintnell,Fred; Brintnell, Paul; •Cala r)s.;c acelodrell, tMettallioyn ; c4C I) ;e olio we laenn, David; Crawford Basil - (DP); Crukskshank, Linda; Dinney, Edwards, .. Leroy - . (H); ,Edward Mary.Leu; Elliott, john; Elliott, Thomas; •Gillard;-Thomes; •Gosar„ Henk (R) ; :Gould; Larry (DP); Gotrieri"./ames'.;(1)P)r; • Hammond, Linda (II) f. 'Harvey; Sandra. Report On Grand Bend By MitS.-E. 'MOWN 'Alliert Statton Dies In Windsor . • On Saturday, June 18, 1955, ..Aibert Statton, •pasSed away in Grace Hospital, Windsor, after .a 'Short Illness. • Statton, horn in TJsborne ,Tewnahle,, Was in his 68th year, !And lifed for a .number of years in• Grand Bend, 'operating the -Wire Bird Restaurant, now, known as Hunt's Restaurant. Later Mr. Statton drove the mail route from Dashwood. _During. the past few years lie wits' employed as a cook in . Windsor, on service trains, and finally on lake boats. ' Mr, ,Statton 'leaves to mourn is loss, his wife, the former Peed Willert of Dashwood, three 'sons, Rupert W. of Pontiac, Mich. • Orno • of Toronto and. - Clare of Paris,„ three sisters, Mrs. J. W. Holt and Mrs. Hettie Lovie of •Grand Bend,' and Mrs, Rhoda • Batty of -Sarnia and one brother Vault of Grand Bend. •''The remains rested at the T. • harry ,,Hoffnlan Funeral Home till, Tuesday at 2,00. p.m. when fUneral' services were held with A:toy...W. • •C„. Smith officiating. /00 teratenp was in Grand Bend Coin- etery. " Messrs. Garnet : 'Station, •Wira Willert;Wilbtir Lovie, Gord- on '111ens, Harry Ilayter and Vouglas Oliver acted as pall- bearers. • Pupils Visit Toronto About sixty papils front Grand Bend School went by bus on Tueticlay to Toronte. While there they, were taken thrOugh the nevi FOrd plant at Oakville, the ROyal Ontario Mneettra and Casa Loma, returning home a very tired but thrilled lot of pupila by what they had seen and heard, Gill Reunion On. Saturday the Gill IteuniOn picnic was field at• IPPerwaelt Camp. About 66 Were in attend- ancefrom. TorOnto; other points,Danny L'olte, Son a Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Lays' won the prize for being .the youngest attendant, While ,his great-grandmother, Mrti. Marry Gill took the prize as the oldest person Present. •IMr, tiOrdoriSutherland. was elected preSident for the 1056 pleale, Itnasell Gill al; vice- predderit add Mrs, Wellwood' Gill as secretary -treasurer, 1VIrs. Colin tore and Mrs. WIlitaiui Sturdevart bad charge of the sporbil, Peraonal Ittrae Mrs, Myrtle Bessenberry left ihtildaY to Spend the Summer at her cottage at Point Clarke. liVira. W4lllani Williittne of Lon. dolt visited With Mrs, Elizabeth Smith over the Weekend, Mrs. E. Abbott Of Saskatoon, Sash., is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Reeves, and sister and brother-in-law, Mr. -and Mrs. Clayton Mathers, ' , • . 'Mrs. E. A. Graham 'has gist returned from a visit with rela- tives in PQtroit. Mr, Wm. Evans has now proved enough to be removed to Exeter Hospital from 'St. joaeph's Hospital, and is able to sit up eaeb:', day. Miss Betty Dalton and Mr. ,James Dalton, Jr., are home from London and' Toronto, for their sugtmer..,vacation. • lvire• Melvin Rainsden of Tor- ontO is visiting with her parents Mr. and Mrs, Edward Gill, and attended the Gill picnic •on Sat- urday. Miss Sheila Finan, of St. Jos- eph's Hospital is spending a Vac- ation at her home in town. Mr. and ?Urs. Herbert' Wain- wright arrived home on Sunday atter spending ,the past two months in England and Guernsey. Mr. and Mrs. Wainwright arrived in New York on the Greek Liner "Nen' York." Mises Mary Yet), Maillyn and Joan Statton spent • Sunday In Sarnia. Mr. Wellwood Gill returned home on 'Saturday from •pt. Jos- eph's Hospital, where he recently underwent alt oPeration for ap- pendicitis. Mr. Gary. Patterson of Sarnia is spending this Iveek with Vs grandmother; Mrs. Wm, Pattet'- sOn. 14r. and Mrs. Douglas iCoul- sOn, MrS. E. Yeallaud and:Some friends from London vialted With Mr. and Mrs. Win. Randle On Sunday. Mrs, Lulu McGregor of 4reen- way spent Sunday wibii Mr. and Mrs. Nortnat Ttirribull, The Real Test At friend of mine .eald to me concerning his ability to drink; can take It or leaVe it ,a1One." Immediately 1 aneStioned him; "Sow do you know? Mame you ever •tried: leaving it alonefor week, a ,montili, or longer?", ° My friend was very honest, but it little 4re11tftt1ltii 'to have to 04- init that he never tried. to eh- -Stein for any euell :period, lie adinitted he was In no pealtioa to make shell 8 Statement. There May he many boastful drinkers who Shrug Off the habit of cbmpulstire drinking as did my friend. The real teat- is by tatal abstinence over period of tiniea 1f anyone hat the ability to rtb- Stain tor 4niontit, he probably bus power to Abstain forever, (edvtt) E 114anrtlx3ricy0;.;Wwillpeirret, 141.).aor4rayi4W(lutt,e).ulan,. Tenebers: Mrs. W. 111141e, -Mre. R. Jerttlyn, laise V. Deichert, Premote# From Kindergarten To Grade I Beaver, Douglas; Be11, Acne; Bi41.gngdear;t, liBranirs,balorizan;; Bolttoncuebrallerdp: Mary; 11inney, Brenda; Pinney, MOAN; Dykstra, Eddie; Eller-, irigton, .Elizahetb.; Brsman, Pant.: ela; Ford, -Gay; Vrayne, Eteb- ard; Fritz, Detlef; ruicher, tor; Gibbons, Susan; Goodale, •Dara; :Green, 44:11an,;•-• .1,3'eXtt:Ileera, 44.S Jones, BIZ104xr.: uth; LaWS011, Peter; McKilien, Bonnie; • OfolCillen, Ruth Anne; Mickle, Robert; Moore; Bobby; Nagel, IClike; Nixon, Terry; "Persons, Darlene; Penitale, Yonne; Fetch, Wendy; Rylco, ;Daunts; Shaw, Christina; 51 ra nt a s, Freddie; Smith, Sherrie; Snell, glizabeth; Taylor, Douglas; Thomson, Nor- amaeun.; Wells, Linda; geeltuisena Teaeher; Mrs, Grace Pym. let 4t#tatWOMOOR44140144004F#44.40404ONNOtetaa#404414ftinatteMlat 1 • • H. ). CORNISH & Ca CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS Corn6h, L F, Cornish, D. Mitchell 294 DUNDAS ST. LONDON, ONT. t0011444011444444114OtOilk)fattO4144104401W4PAWIW4W444441fitt4t4tAtOt444M041041444140404464#4•00/444400UStoot* otuatolulammiump000pttatt000tttoosfitoWto .... 004041101440444}0441•41011104004444414t•44014,14900 e C"' 41( with * Riverside Poultry Co •t to laake° Sara you are reCellthig TOP PRICES for your live poultry Ware selling by pboniug: .COLLECT Lidom2 or HOO.S011 7.1230 680-r-2 ..... Ham . . . .. . 0 . ottlitOOttlItttoitokiottottoitt , tiOtAtstettt440.1MM .. talta#144OOMIMOOOOtaf • ffemyog driven te(v? Mani:What Ifs MO to drivethe 141 . leader ••• • •,i,.:••• - •'••' ,• • - - pa( 14P YOUR PHONE...TO 'DATE"'A TOTALLY INEW DRIVING EXPERIEtiCE L•14.21 You'veadinired the slim, clean, modern of 'Yord'S styling—Inspired IPY the Ample tThunderbird,.. Md wheu .you -drive Ford, you'll find it performs justas ..fitt4ilietnitiftaly as it looks. You'll be left breatbless„.by tho.inaStitresaense of.Triggev-Torque power,— the reitilsottig' 'extra inefita• Of passing safety that's yours • with Ford's great, advanced.design,,verheadrvalve 'V -S edgine (162 -Hp. or 182 -Hp.). • • • • ••• •,,Nr• FEEL THE ROUGH SPOTS SMOOTH OUT WITH FORD'S NEW ANGLE -POISED RIDE ii)rAbaO�frnt suspension has already established a wonderful reputation'for the steadier ride and better handling' It gives. -Also, front sprints are set at an angle to cushion tiny, bumps as well as the big ones. It means smoother going for you.. .••••-•••••-"-- ENJOY THE DRIVING -EASE THAT'S YOURS WITH FORD'S I FINECAR POWER -ASSIST FEATURES Life_in a Ford can truly be a life of easel With power • steering iyou drive completely relaxed, with sure, safe control on rough roads and smooth. . . and you can park so easily, too. With power brakes you can stop swiftly aad safely with a toueh of your toe. These effort - saving features, along with 4 -way power seat, power window lifts and new Speed -Trigger Fordomatic Drive; snake every mile of driving'a-mile of pleasure! A V.8 engine standard equipinent . • in every motel at no extra cost! • • • '•• • . • (Cagan features' Mt:armed or mentioned to "Standar on gang models, oviform' aiesni:a Oa on .otherta • •monnaci. THIS IS YOUR INVITATION ... VISIT YOUR FORD -MONARCH DEALER AND TAKE A DRIVE F.- : a ' • ,• swum.1101 arry Snider'..Mbtors •• r • ,Phone 624 Ford and Monarch Salesancl:Aqrvice Exeter, Ont, 1 Lltifitattn}ogitutoulott tottititt . t iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiii ii ttglitttettotatat ttt ottii tt tt t to ttt it ttttt tt • • COUNT OW THESE SIGNS .9Sit FOR THE BEST VALUES IN USED CARS AND TRUCKS LSMFT '53 koranat" itsitmor Thus eVerything but the kitchen sink '34, FORD COACH • She'A OK .a tttttt *112 .61t11S6101111:01 'MOAN Itydrateatic, only.? %all:001O1 :COMM Shea gOOd • • .4 'la OHIW SEDAN PoWerglide, radio; a steal at 'no row, coAort • meo , . • 'a2 mounts sEtas chow transortatioit 'AO AICOVECHt• titt0A14 OH '4? MEV CORY 448 MeV WACO . 434 DODO StrOAX , $2'3$$1154996505 $1119955 $9, 795 ottliiabt*41. 705 $ 896 =0 4.9g Aemote, stay O8*044i444.004 t 4 t * ttt 404441, Trucks 152 FaiD i*TON e4 e Dual. wheeled With hoist, lovely .. yU00 • • 1$0,-1'43)004vmn,. Pxoroir $ 896 141.4 t 41.4 t tttttt VithtN4404. '41)!Itraf 14(34-17P a. $ 495 '46111oionithtZled, OK at' • oda tioDGM 14614 MINE, e ACM- TIMM one In cattiVityi teal sharp *p. stvii vonb.t44x4 STAltb $ 2 Only tttt • ttt t114114.1041.1141111411 t • ttt 011.441 tt tt 50 Implements .6 New Continental Bale IReader, lotting 4064 of •Seeing it, you name it. • See anuli tits the new Ford Side Delivery • In Stank: 0 Seveti4Oot 'llearaaMounted Meivere, • buy no*, rt