HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1865-7-13, Page 1-17 •Ike.....LeNemsomer. '''.. ...am, ......44.. W. T. COX, Editor and Propriotor.; $1.50 PFR ANN. iNCES 14 11 Li ill COO Direft0q. 1 tr. blelbonuattl. tit: AT HOME FOR CONSCL. 1 ▪ V tat en 10 11 o tdoek, etre,/ day. Wol ett paw:meat •uv hum toterwattle,amlit er Joy 4.1. nillasannon. P II YS1C I AN, AU We EU Note.,kn., 001/ tanr, C.W. 1.1;40.1y 'intr... V. hit. rooters. NI. 1).. PIlYSICIA N, S: EON, ke., (Lets 1 CR'House f..m5rron, 5.0.rwoit Urvuc*-.'.t Arthur's Boa rd. o Ileum (sevlOwttl 11.1.1..riC. W. - - 1)r. LATE OF1'.1NLEY-CLINTON, sue Ilmod. Timadee'sforiper Mury _July 1, Me. DR . A. WORTHINGTON, *DU stntk:FmN, Lo., will at - J. trod, pereetearty, to Mesmer; of mad surgical assaralmiss upon 11.. *yr. MoWOUll Vi1.1.40 a., Q.,15.14171. I vat.' v arm 1.•••%vt11. A R RI T E It AND ATTORNEY -AT - lime, and eohetionin.Ch•neery. County crown A ttolow y:tioderieb.'.:,inada West. "Ike • Coen Hume. trlen111 . _ M. 1C. trnraterort, B.knarirEit, AT (OltNEY, *)NV efingetim streeteloderwe, C,W• Plinchsir Ilk Walker. B ARRIA rEI4, soucaoRs, CON - Me 0 ft,e. ..rer the Slur. el J. V. limier Menelltelerwh. . _ Henry Nee (*ern..., DARIUS Nile Arr,..Ev.- AT. LAW 1.) Notaries rubel., Ate., Wet' $treet; I {oder eb.l • • 1011 John leaviaorr. BA rowic.r..iol,trtrint 11 414.e, Morbet Strom, Corm, OK. i...tort,41reet,1iro 'tow!, 912 - 1•••11c<ig & 1.1altera ,,,,, PCAltRISFEwt: vr.t.sw, 1.1 No, vv •• 1 • Lidice Me K meaeornel, West So. et.tr,ieri II_ • John 13. t Jor.I.,n, r-roltstErAft•tw. soLlcITolt IN r'%nefeery, Notary Polite, .Coareyanier, 47,i:tench, Goa Ida M rot. • (ale -.on 1.:South .1 le ef Wee etreet, third doer front the • V roft-Hutow e. • 1. - %VsIli I Inv*. ATT03,4:y., m.,LielTut: N•eary Pate...Cu teevaneer,V,.. •O Jeri, C W-1b3or, over 11.1J•,..liner& 1'0's It irdstor•. 1‘011eY to Lena on Real PrIpertj. .1...utilltat• • 7 ..... 11. lei.oi•4'.V. p*'rirp We.t NC; emit -epee F ant Dudr-weot of Glaa,mtv ag, %loom. ATrtntNak*.i, A11.7-.:1r,,K.,, -It etch, C. W.O.k.,-t.lIM1WS NEW 1111 Cc1K II 1.. 11 14 rr):01:r. 1. •• OFPICFI .:1 vrelete. eee o 11154wt, O. P. VE41113111%. St71,T, IT0".'. IN 4 II 1311ill f - --- • V1. North Dr' ti.lt and Mercantile Buratto( Co., OMee in Mr. ( oluit'• Law (*bombers. JOIL IIALDAN, Jr., Ae- Ooderich.0..tober 13. 3. sw13.1vr JOHN B ETT, Tin, Shoet-Iron, and upper Smith EGMONDVILL C. W. Stoves, Cultivators, dm, or Sale. stepsinng Dono at Short flee._ MARINE INSURA 'E. Menials kuserittais 'neaten nee '0 of met-er Marine Department. GEORGE RC el !Teel.. teem,4,, Apre : Acetic British American Assurance Co. FIRE Si. MARINE. \ Bitylleid, C. , _ D. Wilson Ross, B. A., B:money Puttee, tem. mat 1,311.1 , Ste,, etowerd,e,. cooei, line,. vlsw12-1c MAITLAND HOTEL, GODERIO mets, ETill 4 • above is. moat pie...idle ;Ousted oft at, 41411,414re tee tem bleb. owe.- ee o time • TeAlbS, T Ta. nett leike fieren;"--coeo-te, , Keno lk.iiel , TOnS, &c. Meal... rents. ARRISTEIL ATI ORNEY - AT I, elV. nt.'fr4s 4 ,t • W301.1; El MAW I Ca N. Tho Groatost ronsible Good to the Groatost Possible Number." "GODERICH, U. W.. THURSDAY, .1 U LY 13, Itp. 13 ' • Roctry. mums Mutton). RO TAX, Insurance Comp'ny, FIRE AND LIFE. I CAPITAI.--TWO MILLION DOLLARS.: Fun, I., .• ft !Wild ,85,000,000. Annuli income Exte4i. $2,500,000; (nominee* etle..ted at the LOWES2 ot5.tent W.04 ,Jirty. Life Insurance -Ample ,Seen itacr liners *en Tcs err wee fleilee \ IlonTENGLI.+11,1ifit'its. Losses\Promptly Settled Without Referenc: to a Board of Diieotore, CII\41.RLES PLETCHER, Agent: ..11.*11\av: 1464. vela GODERICH MA w_ c, LEL - WM", RELEAVEN ad- c toes 1 OWE:RICH, C. W. DAYS' HO TEL, WROXETER to.11,1 oath.. ra,el Reel rumen,/ from ,rib to, me eMoopien, 01111 11ifif,4 north et worn. it bad. oil 10 Wiff4ttIeff, 410 1111,..1114 11114. elate to Belmore, Walkert?,n, Soutamlaton, or •Rrpla.•ron it 0.w foal dot.on o v repeento mei et Met eta., •elV notris, 1111 refferf ICE ALWAYS ON HAND F or. RIA Trout -Fishing Friends 1-1• ,1 I I, k ',ill' or I HUNDRED IND E!FTv ,FEET rtiat,Li.s w to: -1. Po oati ietor. • ersmosittrelsa Motel Illtebel I t .%1 - - •• .• over • re.W 1' • f . to •10/ 11*11.. ‘11 I r . c • ., j. Ir. cilia 11. IL, C. 111., 11* 'Ie.."'" Nei ' 1 n,,...1.410 .4. 4.W montirel.) HY:4110: tE•sN A cil) AC C3k-ClaD FLICEC rur, tufb....-At the 'beim... Coon ; - - - CABINET WAREHOU SE wri 141ertnAt /3,11,ticTr.1.• AT roitm:y, coNvEi• Aneer,tre.. • .we -A .r. oorO, of r , 3-10N11" TO • _-- • _ sVittaisto Prisaer. Al7011VEY-Ar-1, kw, Aft1.1(Ntolt, IX Obit -ere, Ofir...•) W.' 4, Iwo, X.; • vienteviy Frederick • Prondfoot, It A ATP', ltNE1.- AT -LAW, ▪ • 004411 4..•7,1. Noroivir etteme.sey :40111.14.0.t, Br. e. MI 2.6rn• 1.111.01 AO %Vent h t•ro 0)1+11, leel.11 ileree AND l'ilOVINCI 11, 'Le Let I ,,Or).1V., 0.,1e and Itew.t.wre, viin3- . • e)ROVINCI 11, to \SO el.:lire:Yell: AND I. eetvai eierinee ,C,ittten. July I, 'lit. • -• •• 1..11. Hamlin. CrIJV It, EN IINECII AND SnIVEVoit betel A -..'-it on 1 Convey Inver, !Ctn.-teller .1 P4 Pt; NI .1t, I I I... ARCHITECT, pf.ANN ANit ere., wir.vro,,,, to .let tie in a nent end etre,' oyle. ft• 0 fIce et Imo illeron melte. Mee. Kele en et rem.. elerom. vh.71,iy O. XI. 'I' IT NI „.1.. AC3NT. At tricot Square, Godorich. • 14. veal elate Werlatteday,from 11 Nes to la. NI:10 I rr I P4 'II t Dr. PH 1F.I.10111. V, MCCITANIC or, •ITI,1`. (410•1•44.,,r to r. Mont. g..ntery,) Omens, h, C. W. • . Booms ovn Nr. F. Jordan's Drug Sore lona try 1 et h. a w2s.ely . • • THOMSON & (GATE ,tAti.t. ritornor,) It notion & Commission Merchants, 0.46,110I ni,t, Corm,. c,todoosta And next Door to Strong'e Rota M 34 A 1"t) It 3.• ba %IA,. .4 at le ,tere.O. AVnvfnn4. e •I ,•,'n et tn. 44,4 11414r444 41 4...VI. 1 Ariems. • teuti., no.1 io the Saw of Ilaologpl 11lock. Farm •i.N.k, A '10 11V.Meerl .44 co.w141cIPIII C.,11M1111814.11. • aftrIffril.f. 44101% e.41.e0.4. 1.14.100,4'• varmints wooled, 11,041111,11.1,41001441.1•0••••reatool, th•loon emus' .0,4,1,1,4, 44144 et tee ittemie Asc. l',0111 teem modem every TIoroint. Vetoer, Sales etton.14 to on reatonalio tenni, .11ais.faNi. Sall ISO 11115. • wtri.drr Ill. Ala Leo r Alit; rios KEIL. IlAYF'110.1..D, 4,4 flacon. Sates 1,1 romp or country micreteellystterMethe. es-) cree • - • -- ifhindter. T .14111111411D AUOT1011 I.: it for lirROS A.4 SIM ea wee ass., rweetuAny attended to. *NMI. tkolsvie p0. woo-Irrse .1 ohn traienevreell. (lINNIt Air (14)313404MM( AoFST ilneert's lienvh, tor fit SINS • limettee.0 ..... tee, Are.,ate. Oeteente Scowl way. V1113111f K110'1041114 W• teeter 1114MP. PORW A COMMTSeIGN Morrhant,Itvirmertot, W. Now. mn.1 A ••14,41•.,11414•1444. If14141114411 n( env keel en- etotee to him WI' I reeeive prompt etieetton. veto teem: C.) 7" ,J • r-4 17:1 1 upon it. Jet. s mulelitiess , made 31*4 01117, Q °beam bee the makinar of hen, theueb you nii,:httit have ofmatered the little pot heated, tines skuded o suclu as malt of a make after ull, .' • Joel had one se a hundfome, eleerhead- ol, active yuung a -AWL 'weight 'as • youifilareh, and as t in hut way when he cis* to barn (toe, as r oei hitimell. Ties loon, as he grew me load owed% great mediu- ms. to his father in work g tits feria, and his services hal been' mode he Most ot; the old men managing to keep him at }tome with .o \ el • 114111. atter he had ought to hare eor h imelf. Net an e .r.• te tee rims by .few:e. 111011ille Atit-" Un thelartan." 6, 1 wish 1 wen ever my tamale Lochasir. 'elmoutseeteto where I tear 1 11O1 1,11 Wonder nab 1,.,114 the heether.cled fell., and the green- .' bracken deo., And the sylvan delights o' the leaden' glens, Wla.reche emale doers- high o'er the meanies et' blue, And the wee lavrec' nestle. 'many tt.e dear dew- e We're the rode *helmet reek guards *31. 4*.'.; le his loir, - • 'Mons lite stern noire wrldwoede by bonnoe Lot tepee llat far, for aeray o'er the fortin-bundine tide 0'. the dreary Atlantic, sae deep .04* *01' ts site lane Manny-torteu thetehadaw the wee. 1 union pow vie Ono ,.range love er' haute in my 1 in-ft}Witeluisile-down I.y •nielif on iiiy.p.11ow of pain, And wekete frerh engtmli at inorion' ageoi gatikindrut1 endearments to *mem my eire• Sae 141.11av ha14111.4../!11.viooe 1 low ea' the 'mend thecibreeh at e'en, Ani 1/4•1• Ole thetreeene Mat glarKeet on tba green- , . 110•1111“:1' the r theeteep watrnite Net me eerie:nee t woolens the mon we Ins But titrid tette c Zrcy /1°,0.1 ren --.9f., And 11.1, wroat u' a nig wren:, 11)0 burdens iny L., Mr ni.cht on rarti. mot g • ply any MI., elm 401, 4,4.' the level haunt. teener Imeterair, hel 1 tee non i.e.. the Iteepy Hy tome. 1 wad stoat, Kee by I wad 4r Vet' en um me strew Ili* nerve tempest I'd brave. or perela nie lo mit on die hie rolling erave. Wi' 0. .. ... lIc AIM on tha gale o' tlie down. lel seen 1.1.1ft the•tre; art. aid btram Inr 11 Till soul draughts tr' Freuslort. wi' Nate l'J shsfe • 'Mang ate, stey meentsat eon., by bon Lucerne. • Wm. 11.1NNATTNE. AsItlield, 22ed June, 1.63. Pro/. Ilalatracre Girl. -r crotebety and contrary .itt chap was Shellettburger, a rich old fanner, and all *II d 4ey in his karn. no bad eay in the seed by the deem.leet -seizing hold of vieuttever come in nteluiney that hold 54 thot.git east a mealy a.,d *one 1114 ell obtaltict7 1*4 the seine mintier; :old the uld Mita grudied him 04» ket•pe g ef these. • Joel Slieliermereer and bin eon Ansow dif. fared also, but these were two points in which the difference ameunteil tummies -thing seriets. • • The first point c oneerni education, tor e the eld 'RU111'11114 the swift profound rontempe \ swi the ii.ot h id not, There Imo a college .e., - sew. heli tbemi mem from the Sliellenbareer forin.wel thitligr -bit in4 thoroughly pietior Pfshiii.b.•11", i0 ifyitri vf f elle. iy thaw tie; tied oppeeitieft- Areetn het oil( hinise:f, in rite - 01 theeatee emanated oppositi ..... and by one ...to . . routoitithee toed lament. aud tweet heee ti out .hy lite mother'e small inafloeing, eept = +D .. cl.) + ,14 -..:. •-•--::1 -A cs ;...., 1-,--1 1,..i s..."....4 r•=1 (TII I: )1,131'*l TIW CIWNTY. D. GORDON, CA ;1 1.7.1' mew sr 'inns AND UNDERTAKER, IlLvir lamitl3LEINUIIR3 414.11 5191 11.4 noW on band a eempiete Main Street, EacteT. .1..- NI*CON N 113.41.4. W ES s Tit E ET, GOD.ERICH• - - awrortnooti P.1111'tlire, et hos et'art•romone, mem Ae enfee, Ilatottet, Tehles, Bedsteads, *13120, 1 Vane 50,1 We tleenttel t eforieline eee 1,,,,,eine mimeos, in variete. rot Home Manufacture and Imported !! D. O. hon rolwereen hen.; a ennielete ae *e'en/Pet of COFFINS. At -'o, 31181TO MONTeM.ENTS. TONI 1S' TON:ES. 1 0,01f•Ve.. ot et erf. 41,••.•Olo lin 111V1r 4.10101141,1,11f. ..... 1,11,1 011 01,1 not vet aiel the 1.1wewt prices. Libor. tredat.11011 1011(10 tor '*.b. ILL rt ICTIALLI iTTINIII TO • myresoti Monuments Are. may be • 1..}oher I. -IV2 • • ele Limier and Cordemed teem) in ex- 7 • chanes for Furnittire. • lists•cetr.st Ace. 4k.e. Outterfeh. fath Oct., 1863 we, DIATT.ROBERTSON,' Alootatar' FOR SALE! MADE TO ORDER, MANUFACTURER J. C. M of Ai- trisin. n• FPFINITIJAZ 01)1* A4 Runsens, Norse, Limners. Wastes& in embers. variety, W klesk Is'*, meteeeete, Center fabl., ninon: lableo, Breakfast Tables, Toilet Tables, Went Stands, (hair., met may other articles too numerous 10 mention. Ail kende el WC/1) IJ Ft NI N,Iris1 Prom rly ntiendeil effeffe.STERY.n roller brenthee. UNDERT MCI NG, tic., 8ze. IMIT. K. nispeettelly illears 54 esecninatien fll aim Mock. Warranted to be .4 Ade 01 11i.. heoi ma- teriel it.1 weenie...hip, one Al gr. Illv 'rehired preen. Cell endeompare, wed beset need before going eMewheree cot..1 rine ell kintla of Farmer's Pro- direeteken es,henre. Warwroont on 1.:Ign serest. todeneh . Marek teal. MAI FARM FOR SALE J,401' 3, Om A, Township of Myrick, mtte mem Wromiter, en THE GRAVEL ROAD. I.*. bona, owl hum, 92 ACRES, 28 CLEARED Apply vs F. W. THOM AS. Neg., B. M. Oodertch. rela 46, 1461, 11341,041 Oppesite the Market. j.• All kind' of repairing done on most refutonable terms. et;:g floderich, Angast '2n 1P111, aw94. COAL ! COAL 1 A LARGE QUANT1TY OF ' • BLACKSMITH'S COAL ON RANO AND s Lt the Wharf! GEO. RIJMEALL, Agent. Goderich, May 29th, I (1115. ew77 .1011n tit.ainte rommtvstiivEit Cot.TRT OF tatteen's Ileneh,r.snweyanher,Ne. A lira miry kept of Perin and Twin lbois for Sete; par. 5105 510,51 ;MP ON ..I.. 0? &tones le pnrehafte writ phrase trend petteniam. eta 2aasaaaottassta. to. I AM Zouey to Lena, 0' • le tonna. Amity to R. L. DOVLF, •Crahb's new Goderich, .lan. *3104*. ere0 1 yr the WI. lift graduated. Jo4.1 Misher.or c sted the pound inch by inch. lot or:, nfiale, in his seellehoese to d aloe thine ra e oletinete. hid 34. 111*4 ✓ hould leave him. Thet .1i.lerenee. and that how A.teri mill it. 6.0.001 Naa nut Oft ly to be et BO easy eh arraezeinette 14 [surveyed the kitchen arid r.elf you nii/ht 11/1VO likin • le a sent ible ileuestone inyeef, on the part of nor still uneeets--the mosfles about ber mouth twttehed •o-rvorin!y, and. her eyes' twit:110i roguish brightruli,. Pretunclly A town looliml that way, hotalitly tee face took legubiious length aud, cowing into tli, formic th.. girl suiu„ ineinuatingly, hot withrett looting ut him ; "As,, would tent 11P either hien' a servant ' the litho ? ' and stood telgetiug troth the fringe of her bhawl. • 4. 1 believe not," said Anson; coloring, with SOCA stmoyinet, perhaps, at the natilit. of his employment. "Shure, sir, an' the lady that tint me said you'd be shure to tatioclue U11 h,,r MC0111411011. i,lwa,,ii,43..n,, which is ill tuy puoket-atod here it te . . • Slie gave him a little wee, which proem.) to be nem Barbet Ile:steel. , Aesee read •it with very lover.like curetubTes, but eh000l/ 1/f4 head. " 1 am sorry, tnj good gill, but we do not , • wish to, hire a servent.7 . ..'14,ilike our fattier ineyn't obeiect %hie b0.‘1":10s5ootlinelo...:litle41)0iteirithie'%O'Itlat.d'd.ovhitot boneett and it, rod feather, and repressed a' smile, wonderin; What hie foother wou'd sae. But, he was of tnu kihol'y a tenure' to be wifline neemease even this servattt to his father to relief' manner. He relented, what lo. hod said before, teeorine her that it Mroulabe uu use to see his falter. ' • The girl etited n ntroment lif ye Oar. Mr, I'll just see hen a utemeM-Ifelike he may take,* likin' to the look o' And before 110 4.01*!,) replyethe had crossed the reem, mei stood tl:aiii die the shoed of themext. Anson eelowed penitently, curieue to see a -hat -sort of 4 receptiono she would get. " Shure an' rft du platy more'n l'as worth to yetis," she wan soyitr; *tilt innocent. emphasis. • as Anson eiotered, ehe militia raeidry, pewee!, out limb it torreot of w or do • tleit the old iiimi eltuld 'lee by rely tee:Mie(e slip ene in among them road a .% re.farrlacf her with 1111 1-1,i/11:11111011 a tile 11100t 11,10:4101W Will'll'i1;bWreerItrliable YOltilinity cdnipletely baffled tee old inaa's a:teatime, Ile evulol nor my e ovort1 Who: wiehol to, 0011 W11110 Nhe 1:1)111:41df.41 111, 111111'. W1111 " 1 can make flap teen and conn Mewl theed bring the very ere out iv )Cr hoed, and Molie,..ye wally yer tongep with delielimemeneoe' if hu leal a Wlf/L:41`44 it welt tor thei jacks 'corn briaud,) he mode telly tree MA thu he in a sort of delieitiue ewe, wet mei her eh *buntline smile hew ankh elle ex. t eeted " to ;get fur dere WI dime theige." "Se, ity rem (0,140 a week," wee the prompt 1 i!y, , . With a eel more cunnine !angle Joel d her 31 if the motel. 61fritly 10'1.6 atuezement eh aereed 0*olice. und he found eh'tnuolae!ir.t1:linis44ell'o's'e1it7.e1Itiret7siti"lo'd‘b1y0tlau'i'gith.: mg with Moque (4,ymmot. . ," Llut Am girl, with A further ado, proceed cd to deemumber eis-el et boneet aud sheet, mei veroiefeel in be directimi Of the kitchen before anything tied he sal As elm s..ut the tl-ecl idle ailOW glee* ut Avon that Made him start ued b . lite • lip, and promerttly he stele Lachetimari sees. Nno was already at work, handling the broom lokt• 411 Wilt, *IA ;1'1 11 LI 1/41114 is her rich brogue at the theiV elm led amn:whited in the corners; for the ext nt -of AnSoll'S and his fatimee swo epee( b kmets to lined, the -----------0,0....lm :lee hat to ttic tr...1- .,„ - i , ! : At cellege Armen hell enteethine e.. sides llnionting h,tnotw. e hod eliMicid Mem is very charmitie rem aeon 1,3 euris and azure eyese-ot red.lipped 11 1 tide remelted latiye • daueliter of tone of the efeiers, who, instead of curving her doenty et the homeepun suit whieh hift poverty and hos fathers nigeardoinem compelled him to wear, never wind in be conscious et Onfiling Of anybody ese when he was try. 30 short, A111011 had Cowl some one ire love, soineloody thAt liffleunted to merry, es ' leo grevely informed hie Weer. You eltoould have Seen the old mates epee : it was a mercy they wete fast in their sockets. Ile wee going now to set these' (pint hie absurdity anddiebedtence by marry] ler a"towi girl ! \ Had enoterh tei marry any, seeing hie tether wasnt through with- hint yet•••but a town 4)0d1 He should itever consent, and every Shellennareer acre should go to strengere be. fore A11,11911 Meted Move oar, 11 -he persisted in an idea reliculou. A Acme, whet !mon 10 there ing a town girl? euentioned Itarlee Heleteall.when Anson told her, balf teething half vexed, and altheet her niefid - for, without romstanee from hot ether, he could not niarre Barbie lot a !OIL! 11144. mt. • At1ooll latiehod aen, hut with merle IMP lilfraSsOrient. oat ing. " My father afraid that dmighter of Preemie? Iliestend would not make II very gqcol formore wIfe" Dues he think -7' Barter hesitated, took - 2..; with smiling pirplexey at her little white haloes That these pretty hands don't know tntieh about brewing and haeme, cte„ Evictly ; I be'ieve he thinks just tht.' 'Then he think. wrong,' said Barbie, red. dening, and looking sop at her lover with tonuesi le pout. 'Didn't I hear )'IU any you need a !vent at home? I've a mind IQ ge dewe d offer for the plce.' Anson laver 0 again etenyingly. • e net•d o badly enough, but my father will not seer one fftsitle the house.' 'Why, how do you live thee Who cooks for you. now *ht* your mother. Is ill?" "We do our own cookong, ' Anson sad, with it return 011he half 11•11.embar. raised expreseion. "We took for ourselves, or do without." The very dim suteeedine the one which witnessee thiA conversation, A11404 1114 at home having hineel over serne culinary operations, when the outside time which pond ajar, 1144 noiselessly Duelled wide mem, and a eingitlarly attired form presented itself nn the threehttel. It wore a red and green plaid dresa the cheeks very large, • yellow . howl, end a very frowsy tumbled white hen net. A red betther, neatly as tong sa Anson's e rne ;eremite! berm one e.le, and within the brim flopped the immeme frilt of a cap whir+ eking Hole arnand the lams of the strenger. The fame -what ennld he men of t -was a very canned Ottll 50 be inmate ot such • bowie* and cep. Jeet now, is she 441014 110T. 1'01 1001 111140 NIe SCO. 2 anconscious of his' eetutiny ; but presently tete turned, aed claspieg bunt little hand. upon the wp of .the lintel:ell:oldie, 11 kb Mt141.11 Of bravado and, &rebut as not lir be mistaken ; Well'Ansen, what do vea think ?" Tee yr).'',) m 10.1•11.10.4 and oluoked •an- cimel itrOIC same breat h. " 'Ile a at so you, Berber?" he sei,d; ," I 0110 1101,1 141Z 4o111101114 Or the 1101.• 1' Not *fa I Fooked nt you," said the girl • roeushly. retrieving as he ripproahed. "Jet yeuIleek lb 134114.1 the thin* (BLEAT BRITAIN Ali 11/i Bareie ?' ,C.11 11.3.0i. "Shur an' why ain't it the thing for poor girl to hegettia' daccitly anti TIIE CANADIAN I IELEGATION. I ntcy 7' And thee WW1 11 1,. eotild gtt (Mt el her. Thoir Conforonco with. the Having aletewiedg. her, Merit ity with Imporial Govornmont. Wm lI4 ILO aritp. nrOitelmi.10 Biddyecat, and Vii0:1 heve ',Abele to say to lain except itt eLat char Official Statement of the Result. neve followittcpapeis, relating to the con. Dem your fatler know of thio, Bathe.? What„regelei fere he ,,.y ? ' • persevered Allem, nces -whch have taeen place tetweer the x tone y. Impersd Government and a deputation f,om theExocetiveC:tittltfettled4Ippoiued Shoire an' is not me own father meld hea,r.ithhrlili:atyst.4nmeutou ha imerferite wid net, would he r • a.tid 41d.j”ets of importance to the Provinette were girl, met elm to -yeti.' Ile eaneed at.11iddy Majeetyle ilovertrinent. III he *mom.. Site turnriesarlt, end catue A110 torsi euletet referred to in the near d etppitre tee el 010.5 1511.1111,1. It micitte-thot a the confederation of Abe was net the tire' eine ,t 441114 Mod lieetd such 1 Ifrittslt Noith Atnet ice?' Proeittee.we re imit.uations, and ho eteemet pealed on tee part of the Cabinet the matte tomod teen. • ; awes %tech buil effetely been givait.tof the 1VOL. X VIII. -NO 24 British govetement, • and in what pteon • the two intpuitant omeations tot the eon es' 0.. Mem, between the premiere and of then future relation*, political mid tnileary 51111 the L'ilited Kingtean stand. A tiespetth Freon Mr. Cardeett to Lid thrcws ea much light ca these topics ad can be gismo bran official document, and tutheunms er• ringementa which must •before long b.. brouelit meter the notice of P.,riistatant, mil roceito the serious couseiterien ef the Bet ieh public. The chief oubjects 01 delibeia ems are malty aceurufely known. The rOTI• G1114'411011, the iteciproeity Treaty, sad the military and 1140111 defence of the povinem, have Lem theenesed officially within tbe last tew weeke and, we doubt nut whit nouch *31' 441110 arganseuts It• 111 MOM populer quarters. Indeed, all the meet dotiiimit probleme which 1:1111 be pieduc'ell by • colootial system on. toteuelit together, for the' decisiou uf this "Suie, Sir, and h 'tent myeell that'll be ! reminded the Cenel's,' 'Attster.' thet on tee meettry by the vete. Of the Camelia:1 MT.. &Aber Miran' my men tie I Alit eked.' inert 03 1340 Imperial Goverieuent efieled ob. Lawn. A. mother counry's cleima on tee. "I3i.lJy, will you merry ate ' seitleAmon tained a vote of money for improvieg 114 for- obedience of colonists, tlusir clatter on her • • tilicatlens eleebec. We assured the that protection, the relato's of each end both ex! ii.i1"" tht.0Cide." she seel prorptly. put • .so sotto 56 lltat rote had tettebbleute.d, the eith • powerfort intletendent State, the ting be: limier 11 his while old Joel came emir 1 necessary iiittructious Ikea been/ma eetior withority ot the mother countryet represent. choking with ate. 10neal. lt 444 too hoe to the finmediate execution atilt; 011 04, whielo atite 10 neeotiate treaties for a colonial cent • reeefe, au they soon inede him unlerstand, would be prommufiel with airiclteli ; and w„ inunity which has its own league .... and whether he lied reaeywished suele a tetiag ur • remindevl theta ut the Imminent ller Maks "•14i.tiiii.,eii,,st,ttali,tr.• rniggtit.tint.tf.tilatetheaotlui.nyvettbt ivepitund,ifis: fe it, and, a.hove ell, insoluble quesuoits ef the ninety flence 0( 11 C01011y. agaistot out neje' or by a $tate on the other side 1.11 ocean, orris a list of dilliculties which nem • , wee • say esioievy cultists. w• 10*4 1..ma to say that the home leuverlittem *eons to tetel that every step shoot d be L3410 with delibeetiou, mod as few obligations incurred as powitee. If the late debated have prevented the giving of iudiscieet Oreg., and the mixing of false hopes, they w2:1 nut have beets in vain. The delegates have reason to be satisfied - with the good will of tee home government. 'Ihe Duke of Somerset, •,I.ord De Grey, .elt. Iltadstone and Mr. Cardwell conducted the negotiations eith %bent, and the result ia that the eumnies ',live received imeunuice of their complete liberty of acne° in everything that' relates, to themselves. The pritocipie of tenoned sellmoverninent could not be tarriee to a greater leneth. 'f he eolonies ore to tho what they wish, and this country 4 le givo thew all the emestance in itspuwer. The hem queetion- thee of the Confederation -et ry• patently beset with difficulties. '1'he leo Canada. have pat aside their ancient jeaktii• sies sod ere reedy to meet II a common ka.. Intern. The scheme devoted by the deleeetea in the recent Intercolunial Congress wa. to• gannets, acd has nearly disarmed the Sus, cirets uf the French race, But utete, ore have arisen where they were least expeteme Tait delegates of the seacoast colonies hed "tteeti Ott kabala fur Confederation as hot Canadians. Tbey Itad accepted the sclirtue with ell us cistails, and some of the nteet generous of the speecbes delivered on ow- or two festive occasions were by New Brune aschers and Nova *ethane. But in *3..n" Provinces the people on leveed theeglote have become unfavorable to the scheme. 1.1 one of theui et least it has been rejecunl by large majority of the Iwgislature. The i, ject cunammently for the present interrupt. ed. It will itrohattly be tarried at :Ina the advantages it presents are far menu than mil l'rovince can derive trom • selfen iselation. But all the influence of the (1.•• erten General, and the pereusunous uf the other colonies', will be necessary to °Vermeil.. this illiberal obstinacy. The opinions of 'he Fee:14h public 1111 *hi,: matter nee well kre1.11/. ,EI !melee:. ye beet. 111104 1111111 111:1 1111f %111"i01/11 Cle,eflf 41,101.0.1 111.111: 011,1 Itfl 11 0 1140 1141j11101i1y; E11411411 VIPS& anti .Kug. lion forms of government. The tendency of communities us toward* agglomeration, afiLit 4 tea/ by dee principle 'hut the British *re manes eta hope to attam • high peed of prosperity, and full Recent, from ioretign greaaion. But it is a matte.r 011 141111:b 0411 wily *deem. Iler eltesty '01110111e govero• ment has no power to coerce emu Prince liewierd's !slatd to enter into the Contetiene bon agaitiet de will, ibis coaritm has a just influence in each of the colonies, and thiot influence will he exercised in favor or the project arlitat the nation and the majority of the butnemei ttf nieh America upprime, Such is the. declaration which Mr. Cardeell makes in hie despeteh They will .7 use evavy proper paeaus ot influence to carry into effect, without delay, the propotiod Coafedest ation." On the qemition of the Retiproeily Treaty the government could give a similar emu, *nee. Sir Frederick Brace hes " alremly received instfuetiun to Iltgo1111141 for a re• newel 03 43141 (testy, and to act crouton I with the governinert of Canada." fto far, the decision of 1114 government presents no difficulty. Nor can there be much doubt that, on the rubject of the Northweetteit ter- ritory, it has taken a wise reactive. The temedien mituntern desire thet the terrine' shrink1 he at Au ever to Clutda, and, t halve underteken to negotiate with lb* son'a Bey l'ompany for ther serpent* thew rigbbe on the conditiom thet t nity, if any, shall bit peel by • I Catiad under Ate Bernal gut% though there ie something or atisfaetnry the 'totem of Imperial guano emi foe eolotnal debut, yet it 14 toteoible at the Romeo of llterenttne will not he i iepostel to accept this one "if the .moo ot the indemnite reasoluthle and the urity sellicent." The Ilioltiont May ro any 4 • en:oaten of the old country, and e may as well keel a help. 11131 liand to ove it when it beennea an obrotacioi to e progress of the tract which it ,......oVertiS. to the right of the 1013*11 Piovine , eltoeld they confederal,. to possess the ole territory of British America, we pre me therewill be......few otemition A. elm vetoer ne florntiMeorti Itaart 8111., --.Knowing you nre always *ill* iug to do justice to all who fusee to apply to you tkrougli your witlemprenol and valuable journal, I ask you for the firm time to do sae a small favor in respect to the charge laid kgainst me for " presenting a revolver to a elc1rtbur," for welch my name ap• pear:eel the Con•ictioon Lim of leo weeks dign4A, The charge shove 'tinseled to is fat*, wkIi I have ample testimeey to de- Monetrate, wised or poswesied • revolver" my life, nor was there such a weapon in My premises. At the time .1, rippeatd before Peter Reateay, Emu, and on emoutot of the l'henters ab- sence the J. P. oroule not preened with the case or demise it indefaelt, Ind lsid it over peel namredly for the preemptor to smear. Wben MeArther del appear, he hasterred to Mr. (buter. and withdrew the mute paying OP rivet. You• otll pereeiee, Mr. Edtor, that the thee,* em relatious snel g,ourelleaa, mid mt it wee jnftirnerstelenditittrithae. Id not hive mmeared eith criminal in the Cos. victinn Roll. " See here, father:" be said rougkishly, rdeterminottimi a lier Majes'yet Government "just you I ice nte out a Wife bed tee whet ' to me °erre peeper mant; of ii11tience to trill become of tt." , carry mei effect totheut &lay the proposed ''•Tlie unly girl worth having, wouldn't cuitliehoatien. . have 311.111. I .1 sr.' vote Belay ?" J..iel 44,, the ser'ond mem, we entered into ••full met itrusublittely, but Sudleuiy turnine to the considefatien. of the Important subjeet of the girl. _ , . &time, el Ceratle, net witleany looprehensien 41110011 W11.4 Stililing muliciously. Erideet ' un either aid, thatthe friendly inflations now Wriyolk had kept Barbitee lovor al • mud ! lia114 stilistin4 betwee• this eountry and tantelizine awl unrelentitie dist once all this , tbe Piked States are likely to be detubtl, thee. Ile wee hewing his revenge now.-: but 11111/1•011411d Rota the COiltiCtion that the %kit: a deeper:1e Metre Belay related her ' wilety of the empire from teemed° atteek eolcusdadniSed, to tiay with cuuroldereble self. 1 ought to depend up01 it$ own etreneth mot antoPation • • l the due appiication elite own resources. \Al, toot 4-i1e went oat of JelOill presently, and ty‘i Ot.vernhitint Ima made 14 them to prucxed privately poet/led hoinseil to omelette, 11 1,. I Willi the f0ttiticatton4 of Montreal. were in be sense.) or net. Seteng the too Tete Comadten Mittieters. ill imp'y, expressed incelit.; by the witalow iit dom.; ccevereation mireservedly the deeire of Caisatle to devout stem 111.14r, he crept with the same' laudable i her 'bole retwerees, both in men and money, intention tuwards them Under cover Of the for the mainteuence of her connection •itk bustles that gre* by the house. the 'nether country, end their fll-belief Now Iterbire, Ausen was sayin, laugh. the •readineso ot tlie CAllatlian Parlitneut to ingly. e what is tole; dome next ? I mutt my make ktvown thee deterininatittli in the tliwit Too have nuonneed wenderfully so fur; but authentic tietener. They said they had what il,i met suppote ittell my when he flues eremied the expeteleure fur their militia tom out youre mit Liddy melte' three hundreJ ileitestorel moue million dollars, - e Not teddy at all!' to reamed Joel eine and woulol stree to train that force to' the \ enbarger, struck with • au thin suepicioe of satisfection of the Secretary of State for War, he tome nut what, es he set ed tout of his provided the cost did not exceoel the late caved. • • • mentimitel mesearinually, while the queetion There intim! lEttle, the.yeh.iie frill- of ter of confederation is pendine. They mid they 0)44 .01' ZIA Ow tovnve AA t ver. She laughed, were tweeting eo eepenote the touesteei of the theueli alien elot air?, Mtn. and deliberetely works at Molotrealleim the queotion of the 1113401: off tier , tap, 'shook her bright curls works *cot of that piece, and from the gin. amu' lieentee. tied reotehing towards nim her ' tent of • naval armament on letke Theatre,. baud, mid erehly„ "Shure sir', an' , you That the execution of the whole of them, wont be after batio' 'spoor girl became; .er ate Ls would render it nectmery, fur. them ta *melee; lluthie llalstead instead of Biddy Fenn l ' . " , You -you Professor Ilaistead is Ay father. mr, ' ma 14140 ill 114`11 uatural tunes. . " What's Hint ? - Barbie repeuted it. have recomae to a loan, %Inch could only be rained welt the euarantee of the lowered arliament. They were ready to teepee. tu •ir lateielature VII their return a measure for his purpose, pen -idea thet the guarantee of th Imperial Parliment were govenenowe And you're nut Irieli?" and th t they were alltboriZeti COintounC .• Never a bit. ' cute to «e Parliament of Canada the Reser. ATalc• iti ie old marIlia face.t stood a tnument,elonds cath. *nee that, the occasion atisine, 'England wilt lei have preps d adequete naval fore. (or " Well. Anson,'" he said rather surlily,- Lake °uteri They thought that if the emr " you've outwitted me a 1111-stiuch good iiattee WE,. not obtained now it W•11 probable May it do you. You'd 1:eter get mit the that the ('*,,alien Government and learlia,e homes. now, m45a34Helder:as girl home, ment would think !admirable Chat the gamete,' he rivet *aid *ogee her by this time." of defetisive werks rhoulol *Watt the decision of " Yee sir ' And Anson colored with the gtwernment iotsd legislature of theunited mitieled anger end amusement. provnices. Barbie del not Change . ei.natenance, how- len the part of Iter Mleaty's Government ever. Exterding .her band agent she raid we assetited to the nasuilableneas of the Pro. sweetly, e oull shake hands with we pool that if the Provinee uoderstood the sir. " . primary liability for the works of defence Jeel Shelleibarger tarried And gave his mentimied in 11.e letter of Lieutenant Iblenel lotod Thes 1;1.1 took a in ooth hers, bentlitie her, bruht, arch face toward him and femme " I shell cone tomb some time, air.- Will you be glad tosee? " - Joel hemmed mid hawed and stammered out at ast, 11*, yese come baek Biddy 1, mean Mists (Yee 13 11-1 *Wan Miba- etiegt seel the gel quietly,. the s .eve the e• .1 1 Gook, tie. meet Barbie did COME. bacL in :t very few weeks toremiel nobedy was happier to see her than old Joel, thotteh he was a little shy at finite( Note/nor Helsteuil's girl. She wenn made him toree, heeever everything save that she was ARNOW* ‘111.4 ; and the w47 he humored the efy puss by sundry grants of money, re• furteshine. and repairs. rm, I coulduet begin to tell yeti. • liut I'd like you to see tho Snellenharger place SUM battle. has cone there to live.• Jervous, and showed a sediment security, her Majesty's Government should apply to Par- iament for a gewantee for the amount ratueed ; and we sai'l that her Majesty); Government would furnish the armaments; for the worke. Ilut we maid that the desire and decision of the Provincial Legielature ought to let pren0140cet1 before any apitlicatitet wax rn-vie. to the Imp.. il J',i: mom. Oit the • t ef it eerie f 34,1 se• I 0.101 (1,31, "l''1 oh) oO.1 ..11 tir oti do.1C), .1 1114 C0111,11 1441 411 1.,,,Olog 101 14..v11 this country and the united Suites rerfdt•red it impossible tor either notion- to piece more than the specified number of armed vessek in tee lakes it* times of peece. In CUM of Witr, it would, as a matter of course, be the duty of mg Government in thin country to apply ire means 14 neval defence according to tite podeneen it !Wein fot on upon timexieete men of etch partiCillar time, and Atm Cane. than Ministers might be maimed that her %vat, s Government %meld not pewee Arca to he f mnd in such position 14 to Ite unable deelieree es duty ift efieo reeect. This was the 0111 amurauce tbe Couta,l, tu Mioietere could expect, tor we ciould give. Upon a review of the hiode matter the Comedian Ministers refereed to the prolutemi which hae been mentioned above -that prionty in peed tf,,ne iliould be given to the con- feeeratten a the petviiiren. Ti, this we, on the parta Iter Majestye Governfuent,assented, liecottfermity, how, ter, with a wait strortely exert Mei by the tem:thee elthisters, further wed that if, upon future coomideneion, the Canwitan Government should &etre te anticioate the f1onfo.lerati05. end to promos, that Canatho mimed execute the werks. they • dotobtlees communicate to her el Hay' tioteninient diet derision sod we trumed thnt • idll botHwe h es of • pmenteri bi Mr. Carwete 11...r *Oat p 111 thtlse ettellantitees In vain were all remonstrences with the Parliament, on Mundiy, leth June, they would feel teetered that any much cumu rovbish and *dial girl. She peraimed in' co 1. Of a Despatch from Governer General nie tion trotted he received by m in the Most ly spirit. • lie third rint, the Reciprocity Treaty, ban ministers repreoeeted the gone to Canada., of the renewal ot thro treaty, att requeeted that Sir F. [truce might le put in em enteatina witlo the wet -Lewitt leed Mone upon (he subject. We replied that Sir Ie. le• a bad already received in stiumions to nee ime for a renewal of the concert with the Gv- beine Biddy, even to him, tend maintamed a "oetourol eloitclo to the Right llua. dettanee between teem very different' teem Cardeell, el. I'. at bete me) 1.,u, and Barbie is leo own germ", Merch 2441*, 1461. P Perat7sler'verl bottle before he cculd return your" Wormteen a copy of en approved Sin, --1 hove tbe Lamour to transmit arm to the house, lee father haying joined him, mieuteof the Executive Council of Caned*, atid upon ttne toner:et mei timelier detained .apetintingmeeteulation from their body, who him. When et lust thee eetmed toteetlier, me to prue;:ed Ensland to ceofer with her kitchen and mettle room, both ttf tr1M31 had elejeetv s Govern:flout on suleo•cts uf import. twtin7ren .ina hatImunidLerug4t1:ni,10st'oc1.11a *hr.,,reirktlaPl'tYle 'ere": on the tleputation 7000(1011 leaving by the mice et the Province. The, gentlemen named !Or ttir rocco fhel .10^1 &en beek af fuel, steamer which sails on the :eh Aril. I have, thinking he Mid mot foot in somebody hango instead tot 64 own. Supper wits anfo":ii6. th, tat,u-**'l* a supper at 0141 Joel at least had me men for months. To crow,, all, MeseShellenbareer was sitting, propped with dhows in a great easy chair, mid looking MONCE. The' l'oeht Hon. leleard Cardwell, M.P., tee. 1Encrosu...1 Copy of *Muni as Committee" of ihe Ron- wondronv conented. wsI with reason -the ourahle the Exeeutive Council, Appromed poor lady had not find 4 weitteres bend about he tole Eeeliellee Governer Geuerelt on her sinee her irtnees. They lived 20such an the March, isolated, ble:enable amittionetliat von few of their neighbours even knew that Mrs Shellen. .barger was not am well no ttd. Biddy, me Nhe .‚ailed hermit; had tidied the pow, lady up in a wonderful manner. Joel Shellenbee- ger. sat (leen tfll the spread table, and made it meet hearty a14i1 keehly'relehed meal, restoring sekante nt Biddy meatilibile." Almon, etratere to arty, eat very little, and he watched Biddy toeline wait 14nl7 the lew ginning of reforme this dieing girt instituted. First, however, ee much for het titim peace of mind as Ansone-knowine that mother and The committee respeelfnlly recommend that,dour ornithers of your Excellenc's (mince do proceed to Englsind to confer with her efajesty's Government :-1. Upon the prommeel Confederation of the (Wish North Americar, l'roeines, and the means e hereby it coon be 00,41 5401.1111! effected. 2. Upon the erraneernequi neceseary for the d11. fence a Canada in the event of a war arising with the .United SIste., sq. the extent In which the sem should MI lhared between Great firemen and Overlie 3. Ilpoe the Item, to he taken with reference to the Rem. treaty. niel to net mimeo' of Caned+. • • On the fourth point, the etildect of the Northwestern Territoryethrf Comedian Mime tent dreamt! that the territery ib mad be made OWN' 10 Contain, en4 unde toed to mozotiate with the Iludeon's Bay termination of their rihts, on the. ttlemnity, Iran,, *1314,1114 he to be rated by- Cattails under s!eariantee. With the sanctien 01'41 we tweeted to this proposal. undtrta if the negot ation tohould be sitemonlitl the part of the Crown, being setiefied th amount (tithe adenine, was remote' the security sufficient, witeld app Imperial Ptirlittlent to SanCtion 1 Meat and to guarantee the am On the It point it seem rier Majooty's Govelnmen assuranees given by -the the part of Canada, tb to devote sil her reeources both roan and meney to the maintaittance of Iter counection with the mother country, and ehotild 5.4500 eon were fast friends and aenmeol otie ttpin. pnotety Treaty and the nghte conferred by at them in return that the Imperial tiovernmeet im-the told her secret to MrA. Shellentmt. open the Intel States. .1. I 11131" the er• folly otektiowledeed the reciprocal obligation ger, and litirly wheedled the gelid bay into rangements necessary for the rettlement 03 rof cfefentlitm every portion 01 131.' empire with approve*. 11 10 true that she itlio lite head the Northwest territory and Hoodrms Hey 11241311. resourees at its commeni. at first, and looked winelmusly Abed:tel. Bet Compwys claims. 5. And mne:ally upon The Canwlian Ministere, in eonclusion. it was no chermitog to have those little soft the existtng crit. -.I state of alleim by whieb eed tem hop.d it wood b. ood.r.tood to artenge. tot. aullicient that toted necept the Moan Ministers on the Province is ready ef/ the heeds fluttering about her lend to see such Canada is most seriously affected. lb, corn- that the ressen% communications did not in brightness and cOmfori spring upieroustd that mince ferther recommetel that the hollowing any way effete rir alter the she could not, for her own Saks, help coe. tenaneing, 'as much as silence conld, Ihddy's mysterious presence. I havent time to grre yoe all particulate, but having made • Keret eestinninz, with se true Guth lacility, Biddy retahlished herself cempletely in the good graces of the old man. ' He had a litrittng for neatness and order, and Mrs Sheenliarger -1100r holy !-Wailft't a very tidy leemekeeper. finder the new reign, or. der grew out nt chaos; the house seemed in holies7 morb all the tittle, and an attntephere el *weal eheerfulnerie pervaded eretything. One mornme-Itinllp bed mid woe thing about leaving the day before -the old man ended a arneiblieg compleiot nf Anson with 3 nem r see no good Nome 01 odflicallents yet. fru been tor thet college Mame= members of (ounce he mimed tn form the delegaton. viz -Messrs. Macdonahl,Certier, Bruen and t tail. WM. H. LEE, C.E.C. Cope of • Deepetch from the right Iron. Edward Cardwell, toe Governor Oeneral Vieconnt Monk. Dowsteo Stle, June 17, 1903. 3143* Icatib--1 have the honour to inform Your lordship that several conference,a have hems hold between the fear Canadian %Mi- ters who were deputed, under the minute of your Emcee?. Certified ot March 11, tn tore - reed to Itoolotte to Confer with Flee Meese ty's Government, 011111,. part of Canada, and the Ihilte of Somerset, the 1-arl de (try, Mr. which had tamely peaked twieren the 1m petite government awl the Gomernment of Ili. itritioth North American provinces on the flubject of the intercolonial railway. To this we entirely agreed. 1 have, &v., EDWARD CARDWELL. Frowns, Tomes, item en. Prnm the eivil war in Americ, and from the late tliectiminte 114 l'arliamene the We're • of Canada and the sitter prorinces 1111,P RC iittiriodN0 nterest for English po!ticiana , whieh heti been hitherto. lethriown• 4)n, readers Mill therefore he memos to learn what boa been the remit of the conference* between the Canadian delegates end the Cm The :Se. York Trib's says, we sty very rich in east mon. A good share ef tow mnfaiter., gunboat., tranoprts, Ao., •re not worth a tenth of their emit tut tat rows'. sera. 4eo4131 aollung-ete thee nothIn-fler sal othior asp. lot emit, of *17.1.. be 'old ail sor- ties to the hie...t