HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1955-06-30, Page 3A „. A NN HAIM! 6 11! 66 4.44.44444 lllll l 441444444144444.444444444044444444444444444444r$44R0 4041444444444444U11111111‘. • -• OR Down to. Earth By D. 1. HOOPER Good Luck! Up and down the cencessionS, snore and more acres are being devoted to corn. Men' who have never grown this crop before are Planting large acreages as a cash crop, Little de they fully realize the -probleins to be metbefore the cash is In their pocket, While many leading agricul- turalists are making the state- ment that no other crop will give the same yield per acre, other authorities are passing'out hints of •caution. The point to us. is—, how much is the net profit? We farm to make a living and thus cannot afford to make a plunge. Iln every farm magazine today We find more and more informa- tive articles which will help us -to learn how to grow corn which will • be a profitable crop—.not a cash crop but a source of abundant nutritious livestock feed. In the July issue of "Better Farming" is an article "What's Wrong With, Your Corn?". Many 4 farmers in this area do receive this magazine and will read this 4 'article. To those with encyclo- pedic minds our suggestion -is not , • • & •tt Water Well Drilling With the latest lip to date Gasoline water well machinery we are in position to give you reeson- able prices on drilling a well; 45 years experience, all- work gitar- anteed. Write or phone us and we will be glad to call on you. Davidson's Well -drilling Box 187 Phone..109 Wingham E needed but to the average person, who like ourselves, are not bless- ed With one, they had better .cut it out and file it for handy refer- ence. Our suggestion is a loose leaf note .book with the various farm articles filed according to ,the type, e.g, livestoek, crops, stills, poultry, etc, What do you do in the corn field line of cultivation in the next 10 days may decide whether you lose 10 bushels ner acre. Root pruning by improner cultivation is considered by many established corn growers as one of the many crimes, 0,t gourse, without the proper cultivation 'many farmers are just not going to receive those extra bushels that make corn a highly profitable crop, according to the information „we have read, Root worm has made its pres- ence known in many fields this year and according to the fore- cast in the U.S. corn borer is due for hisinnings this year. Whether your corn has receiv- ed suffieient plant fobd is an- other vital question, Heavy spring applications of fertilizer up till now have not been available to corn crops, especially on spring plowed fields. All in all, to obtain those Yields that no other crop can give It goes take an excellent field in. good tilth. along with good plan- ning plus' good weather accom- panied by good luck. Here's hop- ing you all have it — "Good tuck". DTD YOU KNOW? • 'You've reached middle -age when all, you exercise is caution. THIS WEEK— Dominion Day. THE TIMES -ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE A.400 CANNERS' NEW HARVESTER—This new coMbine; being used" for tbe first time in this district by Ca.pacliari Canners Ltd., will load a truck with peas in five ,minutes. The com- bination loader and cutter does the work of twa machines and two men. It will eventually replace older machines now in Operation. —T-49. Photo Bishop Conducts Confirmation Rites .At a .confirmation service in Trivitt Memorial Church Sunday evening conducted by Right Rev, George N. Luxton, D,D.,L.D.D., Bishop of Huron, Rev. N. D. Knox Presented for confirmation, Don- na C a th e r i n e Norridge, Gary George White, Karen Diaue Slaght, Veloric Anita Land, Dar- ril Edward Mann, Kathleen Freda Chorny and Theodore Max Chor- ny. The choir rendered the anthem "0 Heavenly Grace." Following the service an informal gathering was held in the .parish hall and lunch was served. Whoopee! Summer Holidays. Try out those lawn chairs. Don't scar turnips when cul- tivating. Cherry time. ,Family picnics. She Ah't. Pot On. Us Our Cars Have Nice Lines, Too f! '54 BUICK SPECIAL SEDAN With Dynaflow, new car .condition, '52 BUICK HARDTOP:, loaded. '52: PONTIAC• CATALINA New car condition. '58 METEOR with Fairlane Chrinne. '51-'CHEV SEDAN, clean as u pin. '51 FORD CUSTOM SEDAN Overdrive, radio, sunvisor, lovely. '51 METEOR COACH With overdrive, nice and clean. • • '50 CHEVS (2.) '49 FORDS (2)---Makeus a reasonable offer._ '48 PONTIAC FLEEirLINE Driven by an old lady, I think, '46 PLYMOUTH, rarin' to "go. '49 MONARCH, all' new rubber. •• MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM 'We've Got More Cars Than Dodds Have Pills' ' MOTOR. SALES Your Pontiac - G.M.C. Dealer PHONE 608 EXETER--i-PHONE 78 ZURICH • If Ws A -Car You Want To Buy, Giye Lou Bailey A Try 11 Huron County Crop Report 'Light rainfall in most sections of .the county considerably delay- ed haying this week. Farmers report the hay .to be ,below aver- age yield. Spring grains are now praetie.- ally all out in head, and in some of the drier sections of the county the crop will be quite below av- erage. Corn, sugar beets, soy- beans and white beans have all made good growth. The 'harvesting oftanning fac- tory peas is under way in the county and yields are running around one ton per acre. Tb.ere is approxinsately 1,000 acres with 85 growers of this crop in the County this year, Fan wheat has made excellent growth and is commencing to show colour. Comments About Credittin By MRS; J. WOODALL ••••••••••......OW•a•••••••••••••••••04.04 Delivers Parewell Message ,A large congregation was pre- sent in the Milted Church Sun- day when Rev. W. 0, Parrott de- livered his farewell message. In his address, Rev. Parrott express- ed appreciation of the goodwill and affection that had prevailed between ' pastor and people and of the fellowship that had exist- ed between the two local churches during his 'live years pastorate' here. Rev. and Mrs. Parrett- will leave shortly for his new charge in Thedford. ' Their son David, a graduate or London Teachers Col- lege, has accepted a position for •the coming term in Paris. Honored By Congregation Members of the 'Crediton con-, gregation of the United Church met in the church school auditor- ium on Monday evening to spend a sociar time with Rev. and Mrs. Parrott prior to their departure from, Orediton. A sing -song was enjoyed and an address was read by Mrs. W. Mack, in which she conveyed to Rev. and Mrs, Parrott the ap- preciation of the congregation for the splendid service. given and the many acts of kindness shown during their stay here. On behalf of the congregation, Edward Chambers presented them with a silver coffee pot, a sum of money and a. gift for David who was unable to be present. Jn eirpressing appreciation, Rev. and Mrs. Parrott assured the con- gregation that their stay in 01'4(11ton was one of the high- lights • of their ministry. Lunch was served. . Personal Hems' Misa Symon, of Toronto, was a Weekend guest with Mrs. R. Moli- tor. • Mr. and IVira. Lawrence Hill, Mr. rad Mrs, Mervin Webb and Darlene spent- the weekend with 'relatives 1NWest Lorne. IVIr. Royal Habit,' of Chicago, spent a few days recently with his father, Mr, Henry Heist, and members of hie family. Mrs, 0. N. Braun has returned to Caseville, Mich. after spending several` weeks with her brother 111r. A. forlock, • Mts. Mary tWein spent the weekend in Exeter. Mr, and. Mrs. J, Fuller and & Matter and Mr. and Mrs. Dalt- on Vinkbeiner bf Exeter visited On Sunday with -Mr. and Mrs, Jos. Fialtbeiner, Mr.. and Mrs. Eugene Fink - banter and family of Barrie were weekend visitorwith Mr, and Mrs. Jos, Pinkbeiner. Mr, HOward l3eaver of Hamil- ton visited recently with his par- ents Mr. and Mr$1. H. 0. BaatiGt. Mr. and Mrs. Blake Heath and Mrs, Ada Kahn of Kitchener vis- ited with. Mrs, Mary Foist on SUnday. tlYirs, Matthews and sister Mrs. 'Farrow of Colborne Spent a few days ,last week in town. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Fink - heftier and son Ricky of London, visited on •Stinday with Mr. and Mrs, ban Finkbeiner. D. and Mrs, Carl Matlock and family of Hooliester, Minfl., Vie - Red with f. lviorlock's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Moriock and are Spending a few weeks at grand Bend. Mr. and Mr& aordoii Harding ,and Robert of Los Angeles, Cal., ad Mrs. Walter and son George of L'oridon, called on Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Preszcator on Thurs- day. 4. New 'Harvest Machine Reduces, Work By Half .A new pea harvester, which cuts work in half, is being used by Canadian Canners Ltd. for the firet time in this district. The machine is a combination Mater and loader which will fill a truck in five minutes. It re- quires only one man to operate it. •Called a Porterway, the harv- ester does a Joh which has re- quired two machines and two Six More Pass Grade 9 Exams NEMO of six 8:11,0:11.S. stu- dents in Grade nine were unin- tentionally omitted in the list of promotions whirl. appeared In the T -A last week, Ernest Miller passed with third class honours; Donna Denomme, Mary Ann Van Horne, Robert Westlake and ,Stanley Desjardine received credit standing and Thomas Humphries 'was given a conditional promotion. WUERTH'S For Dacks Men's Sturdy Canvas SPORT CASUALS Blue, •Squee-Gee Rib Soles Special While They Last $2.79 MEN'S HARVEST SHOES Cork Soles — 94.08 Children's, Boys', Men's RUNNING SHOES Starting at $1.59 Do Your Feet or Legs Ache? We Custom Build Special Supports To Fit Your Personal Re- quirements at Very Small Cost. 4.&•••••••••••,••••••••••••••••••••••••noW,..0.••••••W) WUERTH'S men to do. The cutter and the loader have been separate mach- ines, each attached to a tractor. The company still has four seta of these machines In operation. besides the combination machine hut it is expected the Porterway will replace the ethers in the future, an Friday, the equipment was. harvesting peas on the farm of Samos McEwen, just west of Ifen. sail. With the combination Vlach- ine and two sets of .single mach- ines, the men took 20 to 25 tone of peasoff the 15 -acre field in one•afternoon. The harvesting started at 1 o'clock and the peas were in cans the same evening. Scotty Easton was In charge of the harvesting operation. Witmer Preszcator operated the combina- tion harvester; Doug Parsons and Laverne Heywood 'handled the cutters and Don Easton and Ben- ny Fisher the loaders. dots of mrtter and loader midi - Ines are working in the Bruce - field and Kirkton districts. #111140000ANSISSAIrtairienteMarnearcurrWAIPAISACCAMWSICOMOSASSASSWISIVIA0M01411100.000001100114040110 E • T. C. PHONE 62 Need A New Suit? Here is your Chance to purchase .a fine quality suit at rock bottom prices. Come in and look them over. You are under ito obligation. Check With Us For Your Entire Summer Needs In Sportswear JOY NT.And Son 3 a HENSALL I • 0,12 asywohe40.94rtiovev---/- 2.11.11 r r,"1,4770r,721::10•11! ---.3%.1e • - HERBATE 2,4ED layenonc. Mat For only 35 cents' worth of HERBATE 2,4-D you can clear out the weeds in an acre of _ corn. HERBATE 2,4-D saves you time and money. ... helps you get bigger and more profitable yields. HERBATE 2,4-D, applied at recommended stage of growth, kills most broad-leaved weeds with no risk of crop damage. It kills sensitive weeds outright and controls more resistant ones. - C-1-1. MCP Sodium is especially recommended for weed -kill in peas and other sensitive crops, including corn and also grain crops seeded to legumes (except sweet clover). HERB4TE Amine 80 works more slowly than Esters ... is safer near 2,4-D susceptible crops. Especially suited to weed control in cereal nurse crop'- HERBATE Ester 64 is highly effective for con- trol of 2,4-D susceptible species of brush as well as weeds. WM, for your copy of the C44. HERBICIDE GUIDE C41. Arkulturel Chemicals Department. Toronto, (Wham, Montreal, Halifax. iM 011. 10.1•11 Um .41•• l .1.• en I= OM 41!= Iwo aft agricultural chemicals 5•,111111Cuu.dI.a, Through Gns,r, tele, on, mr ma 11•• OW so ato us m• no NO IM .... MM.= am am ono MN MO' INV al WM SOD • • • 41. NICO\ \Wit 3 • . t..;1;,,,,t10,:••••:•••••••••,1,:ty.,•,“•• .. •'• .. •• ''• ...youijreatbi NOM kick!" This is it—the love affair of the CENTURY —the 51%cm—the ROADMASTER—and the SUPER. .It all'began last Fall, when '55 Buick •made its bow to society. One (look at the "years, ahead" styling and stunning colors •„-s,„ *and eyes met—hearts soared—thousands ( of Canadians said "Yes!" Then came a whispered promise of great things from lluick's'truly magnificent 188 hp or 238 hp V8 Engines, Finally—out on a quiet highway—the moment came for the thrill of them all— the whip -quick go and gas savings of Variable Pitch Dynaflow* automatic transmission, Ina situation like this, who could resist ? (To judge by sales, hardly anybody can.) So. please—for your own sake—see your • Etna dealer—very soon. *Stemma on Roadinadcro optional at *Ira east or: oilier Series. , When better automobiles are built BUICK will build them s. • " 0105a,c1cUto' Thrill of the year is ZURICH PHONE 78 A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE uic Pearson Motor Sales EXETER PHONE 608