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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1955-06-30, Page 2
a THE TIMES -ADVOCATE, EXETER ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 30,.1.955 Jottings By /KB* This Journal eha11 always fight for Morass, reform and•.publlo welfare, never be afraid to attack wrongs never belong to any political party,. never be satisfied, with merely print- ing news, THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 30, 195.5 Stiffer Pena�t �s Changes iti Traffic Apt For Safer Drivin,g Numerous changes were made in. the Ontario Highway Traffic Act recently to provide for safe driving on the province's roads, A summary of the new provisions is published here through the courtesy of Pub- lic Relations Service, Toronto, On May 80, many new conditions affect- ing the operation of commerical and private motor vehicles become law, following the passing of Bill 116 by the 24th Ontario Leg- islature, Each item carries a safe driving significance, or discouragement of violations through increased penalties. The distance at which clearance and driving lights must be visible is 500 feet in- stead of 200 "'feet, .and headlights are re- quired to render objects clearly discernible to the driver at 300 feet rather than 200 feet, Bicyclists are required, between dusk and dawn, to carry a lighted white or amber light on the front and a red lamp or approv- ed reflector on the rear of their cycles. Ad- ditionally, white reflective material must be attached to the front forks and on the back, red reflective material covering 10 inches in length and one inch in width. Improved safety for pedestrians walk- ing on the highway where no "sidewalks exist is the object of one amendment which re- quires, when practicable, that pedestrians walk on the left side, facing traffic coming from the, opposite direction. New motor vehicles other than motor- cycles, sold on and after January 1, 1956, will be required to have installed mechanical or electrical signalling devices which can "clearly indicate the intention to turn". On the first day of July, 1956, all motor vehicles or combination of vehicle and trailer either more than 80 inches in width or 20 feet in length, shall have a signalling device of •a similiar nature. Farm tractors and other self-propelled farm equipment equipped with electric lighting systems must carry lighted, lamps similar to those required for motor vehicles when moving on the highway after dusk and before dawn, on and after May 30 of this year. Mechanical • Requirements And Load Restrictions Further safety measures prohibit attach- .ing signs, posters or objects "in such man- ner as will obstruct the driver's' view of the highway or any intersecting highway", to the windshield or windowseither ahead or to the side. Used car dealers must provide a certifi- cate of "mechanical fitness" with vehicles sold. The certificate is to state whether or, not the vehicle is in a safe condition to be operated on a highway. A new section has been added to the Highway Traffic Act affecting the opera- tion of school busses. It describes a "school bus" under the Act, and provides for the making of regulations by the Lieutenant - Governor in Council governing design, col - * our, markings and auxiliary equipment. The section provides that when such a.. vehicle is on the highway but not operating as a means of transportation for children to or from their schools, significant signs and markings shall be covered or concealed, When trans- porting school children,and stopped to load or unload passengers, other vehicles over- taking such a school bus resumes motion, or the driver indicates that the overtaking ve- hicle may proceed. (This provision, of course, will. not become effective until the regulations have been made by the Lieuten- ant -Governor in Council.) An •amendment to Section 34 of the Highway Traffic Act affecting • the opera- tion of commercial vehicles, increases maxi- mum permissible weights for various types of trucks when operating on Class A and Class B highways, as well as maximum axle loadings. • Vehicle Operation ° At the present time, a driver approach- ing a through highway is rerluired to stop and may then proceed with the right-of-way over vehicles approaching from the left on the through highway. Effective May 80, an amendment to the Aet requires that such a driver yield the right -o£ -way to all vehicles on the through highway and may not pro- ceed until such a tune as there is no immed- iate hazard. Drivers entering a highway from, .a private road or driveway must yield. the right-of-way to all vehicles approaching on the highway. Massing on the highway is specifically forbidden by a new amendment unless the travelled portion of the highway to the front and left of the vehicle to be passed is safely free of overtaking traffic. This is in addition to the existing provision prohibiting passing when other traffic is approaching. Under certain circumstances, it is an offense to drive on the left of the centre line of two-way highways. Included are: at the crests of grades, on curves, within 100 feet of bridges, viaducts or tunnels where the driver's view is obstructed within that distance, or within 100 flet of a level cross- ing or intersection except where a left turn is to be made at an intersection. Penalties Increased, Good Faith Rewarded Penalties for careless driving are in- creased from not less than $5 nor more than $100, to not less than $10nor more than $500. Where imprisonment is to be imposed, the maximum sentence is increased from one month to three months, and license suspen- sion may be imposed for one year rather than six months as at present. Driving while intoxicated carries a mini- mum license suspension of six months rather than three months, for the first offence or in -cases where property damage or personal injury has occurred, there is provided a minimum suspension of one year rather than six months as at present. A further amend- ment now provides for a three-month suspen- sion of the license and permit of a person convicted of impaired driving, and where injury or damage • is involved a - period of suspension of six months . . . or a longer period if so ordered 'as the result of findings under Section 225 of the Criminal Code. A further amendment to the Act .enables the Lieutenant -Governor in Council to make regulations providing . for . repayment of judgments to the . Unsatisfied Judgment Fund by instalments and regulations cover- ing restoration of 'drivers' licences and owners' permits to persons indebted to the Fund, under such circumstances. Are You Interested? =Leaders for two groups of girls— Rangers and Brownies—are needed to carry- on arr-on this •part of the Scout Movement in Ex- eter next fall. These groups have madeenthusiastic progrels during the past year under the leadership of Miss Isobel Ganton and Miss .. Ann Kartushyn, two high school teachers who resigned their positions this spring and have moved to other places. 7t would be un- fortunate to see these activities stop because• no•oiie can be found to continue the leader- ship. There are about 80 Brownies whose ages range from eight to 11, and about 12 Rang- ers angers from 15 to 18. Both organizations meet, once a week. The new Scout House being erected by the Exeter Lions Club will pro- vide proper facilities for the groups. If any person is interested in assisting with the 'work of these organizations, they' should contact Mrs, E. W. Sanders, presi- dent of the Local Association. Canadian WitAnd Wisdom If a girl has a pretty face, no man on earth can tell • you what kind of clothes she has on. —Bob Edwards, 1918 Fear is a permanent curse in a demo- cratic world. —G. M. 'Wrong, 1938 The weather .for catching fish is that weather, and no other,.. in which fish are caught. --WV'. 11. Blake, 1915 ICbe Cuter Zirneo=abbacate • !gimes Established 1378. Amalgamated .1924 Adtocste Established 1881 Published Each Thursday Morning at Exeter, Ontario An Independent' Newspaper Devoted to the Interests of the Town of Exeter and District Authorized as Second Class MAK, Poet"Office Depart lent, Ottawa Member of the Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association ,• Member of the Ontario Db'ision Of the CWNA Mernbcsr of the Audit Bureau of Circulations 1053 A11.Canada Inanranee Federation -National Safety Award 1053 Ontario .Safety League Award. fads Winner of the .13.F. Stepheitieori Menterlal "Trophy for Bet Front -Page Among •Ontario Weekly Newspapers Pilid=ist-Advaarice Circulation al of April 1i 1954 .2,54'! SullSCR1PTION BATES Care (Yn !advance) 03.00 pat .year —17.8.A. On al;dtance) $4.0o per year Published by The Exeter Tuner► -Advocate Lirriited When Bad Eggs. Were Fiequent' .Motoring along the highway the other day my eollipaanion pointed to afield of tall wheat that was already beginning to turn color, "The pea harvest is oil and it won't be long before the wheat will be .ready foir li.axv- lost, but the straw is Welts short" was the remark. "Well, the farm,- ers do not need as ;much straw today' as they used. to for they haven't nearly as many •♦ltorses to bed down" I said. It reminded me of one time when as a lad 1 was visiting on the farm, I was out in the barn with the -farmer when he proudly showed me a !beautiful colt, 1t was a dandy and was well bedded down in a box stall for the night. "You are taking great 'care of it," 1 remarked, "That Is one thing I like to see, the animals being well eared for" I 'said, 'But I had spoken too soon and saw any mistake a few sec- onds later for la another box stall close by was -the faithful old horse that had served its master for many a year and Was still doing duty day in andday out. There was hardly any bed- ding for this tried and trusty steed. -On another occasion 1 remem- ber 'being in a farm home when the farmer brought In a number of eggs and gave them to his daughter. I was staying for sup- per that evening and when the farmer came in the daughter re- marked that she 'intended to have some of -those eggs for supper but -she founcP out they ware bad. "That was a nest I found and 3 intended to take those eggs to the store," the farmer remarked. Those were two lessons ,I learn- ed early of human frailtiess, It was common practice to market butter and eggs in every ,general MERRY MENAGERIE store in the country and it was geite frequent that one -or two bad eggs would be found in a dozen and that a lot et home- made butter never tonna its way to the 'dining -table. Aa the prod- uce was. .taken out in trade no protest Was ever made asthat would -be an insult to :the produc- er. I recall being in one of the local stores .loot .many years ago when a lady came in and asked for brown eggs. •She liked the brown eggs best, She was hand- ed a bag and told that she could pick out her own, It turned out that what -she 'picked was the largest of the lot. The Old Butter Cintrn It is a far cry from those early days t� the present. The old fash- ioned butter churn operated by manual labor iswa thing of the and the Gold by Costain; Im- past, However, even in those days -mortal' Rock by Salverson; and No Place for Freedom by Gibbs in Fiction ,In non-fiction: Living Faith by Douglas; Power of • Positive Thinking by Peale; Old Stone House by Stevens; Life le Worth (Living by Sheen; Emily Carr as R Knew Hbyah- ington Holierday byPearBearlon;y; WoW}nsan who Would, be Queen by Baca; Anna and the Indians by Shipley; A Man Called Peter by IMarshall and I Married the Klondyke by Berton, were most popular. * * * * tieing To The Festival Have you tickets for the Shakespearean !Festival which opened - in Stratford on Tuesday evening or are you planning to attend one or all three of the consuming public o finest .being produced this sum - to be had in perishable goods. mer? Whether you are or pot Gone are the days when young -/You will be interested in two sters started the day on a full: books at the Public Library which tell you about this unique event. Renown at Stratford" is a record of�the happenings leading up to the Shakespearean Festival in 1953. Pt is written by Tyrone Guthrie who, critics. say, "gave it form and put ,the mark of his genius firmly upon it," Collabor- ating with Dr, Guthrie in writ- ing the book was Grant MacDon- ald, who made a pictorial record • of the theatre and of the plays, and Robertson Davies who added his comments and criticisms. In the ,conclusion we read "On July - 13, 1953, suddenly Strat- ford was invaded by -the great of the world and of the, theatre, the first contingent of .the aud- ience which eventually • totalled 66,000, On the MR above the Avon a fanfare of trumpets rang out; a cannon was fired. On the' stage in the tent a -figure in a red cap appeared on the upper balcony and began to speak. The Shakespearean 1�`estival lied a- thieved reality." Inevitably •the production of the 1954 season invited tom-, parison with those of 1953. The first year was highly praised be- cause the whole thing was•a sur- prise. People were applauding • a daring experiment which haad- in part succeeded., The second year's 'performances had to be not mere- ly as good but better than the first. It is Dr. Guthrie's Opinion that the second year's productions were so " much better than • the first and the success of the pro- sect was so satisfactory that the eniterprise at Stratford may be regarded as an.annual event. (Because of •the friendly re- ception which was ;given to the book "Renown ,.at Stratford"' the sem e collaborators produced "Twice Have the Trumpets Sound- ed," a record 01 the 1954 seas- on. • "'Renown .. at Stratford" was named as Canadian Book et the Year in 1953. "T'w'ice Have the Trumpeats Sounded" is a more than a worthy successor. Read both of these books at your Public Library, stomach, graving a plate, ;of oaf- moal„ porridge, with milk and .often sweetened with treacle or ' corn :syrup,. @tA Rlllrlltl uluU1111M11IlQnlrllllll tV.Al1UAS411lILLUllll tl News Of Your 1 .I B RARY Books Most Read When asked What books were in most demand at 'the Ltbrary Mrs. H, Laing, librarian, said that was a .difficult question to answer' but she, mentioned: Not as a Stranger by Thompson; MY 'Brother's Keeper by Davenport; The Adventurers by •Haycox' Ben�ton's Raw by -Yerby; The !Living Earth by Russell; And- rew „Connington by Irwin; White a contraption was made to use dog power instead of hand power. A drum was made and attached -to the churn :and the dog trotted inside of the drum and kept the churn going until the cream was churned to butter. There were few, however, of this :kind in use. Today ,the farmer sells his milk and cream and buys his 'butter from the creamery. Butter and eggs are now sold according to grade and quality. Eggs are taken in only at egg grading stations and are graded according to size and sold accordingly. Modern packaging and °self- serve merchandising together with cold storage and fast •freez • nprocesses nowassure the i n i f thefi t By Walt Disney C.' © Copyright 1955 . Pitt t 920N0t,T' Walt Disney Produedons . ('/( World, Rights Reserved 6-27 •Distributed by King Features Syndleate. "Wish this low fog would lift --'I'm afraid I'll step on someone!" As the "TIMES” Go By 50 YEARS AGO Rev. Mr. Going, -the new pastor of James int. church, arrives to- day. Mrs, Caroline 03obier this week sold her beautiful residence on Main St. to Mr. John Pedlar -of Stephen :township. Dr% Anderson Is the possessor of a beautiful Stanhope having purchased same from the Brant- ford Carriage 0o. through their agent, Wm. Mitchell. Mr. Chas. Down divinity stud- ent at Toronto occupled -the pul- pit of James church. Miss Elsie McCallum has re- turned ,froth London having com- pleted her (Normal course. ,Misses Amy johns and Janet Brown, Mrs. P. W. Collins, Rev. Dr. land (Mrs. Hannon, ,Rev. and Mrs. Mallott and Miss Della Treb- le left Tuesday en a trip -to Man- itoba and the West. Mies Eva Carling who has taught a room in the Public School for the past :three years has resigned: IShe Will take up a further 'course of study. 25 YEARS AGO Dr, Harry Seldom is taking over a practice at ,Sharbot Lake, near Kingston. Capt. Atkinson accompanied by Frank Strange, Cyril Strange, Ed. Ward, Raymond Pryde and Her, ry Jennings, Jr. left Monday 40' go into camp aat London Under the command sof Col. W. J. Dealt - Mr. W. O.t. Goulding is taking a suininer eourse in school innate at the IlttiVerssfty of Western On - Lazio, A well-filled purse of gold was Presented to tay. r. t4. and MTs. 'Colling On their departure from Grand 13en4.:Rtbv. Calling will be buecbeded ,by Rev. S, J. Mothers of Essen.. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Medd,. ,Miess J. 'Murray, Miss, L. W. Jeckell, Mr. Frank Wildfong, Wm, Balk- wi11, 141rs,".Cecil,$taiker, Mrs, T. 0. +Soutfiichott, Miss Amy B1iap• ton, Verna -Coates and a Mr. J. 5I. Southcott and Mr. and Mrs. G. Layton attended the International Convention of Religious Educe-. bion held in Toronto last week. 15 YEARS AGO Rev. James and Mrs. Anthony moved to their home in Exeter last week from •Motherwell. Mr. H. C.Carey who has been associated with Mr. 'Garnet Flynn in the ibarber business has •pur- chased..a similar business in !Glen- coe and will take .possession on July 11. The Exeter Band under the leadership of Ted •Waiper gave a band concert at the Casino at Grand ~Bend Sunday evening last. Reeve B. W. Tuckey was the Chairman. Mr. and Mrs. Archie •f1,yckman and family have moved -to their new home recently purchased from Mr. W. .H. Dearing on ;Wil- liam est. Senator 'F'. W. K. Tom of To- ledo, 01110, called on friends in Exeter 'Thursday while on a fish- ing. trip to Goderieh—a trip he has not .missed for 'ntany years. 10 YEARS AGO. iFtev.0.. W. and Mrs.. Down ;pieved to Excreter -from Sparta into the residence they recently. pur- chased from Mr. Maurice Quante. Mrs. Ed. Johns has moved into the residence recently, purchased. front Mr; W. T. Quinn, 1VIr. Joseph IB. aCreedh has been engaged as a 'teacher of the nigh Scheel. He Is at ,present =ail struttor at Aylmer and twill re- ceive his discharge before the opening of the fall term, Mise Isabel Taylor has accepted c.1 position with the London Life Assurance Co, .Mr. and ' 4re.. Thos. Bell re- eeivmd a telegram from their daughter lAeitt. Beseie 'Bell UN. of tke U,t$, army that She had arrived -in NW York from over- seas and would be home In ten days. Moon %Gatlering Held In London The twenty-seventh annual gathering of the Moon Family re-• union, was 'held at 'Springbank.. Park, London, on Saturday with a fairly good attendance. First prizes in the -children's races were awarded to Johnny Prance, Kathy Mary Rowe, Bev- erley Hertzel, Carol -Watson, Crystal Watson, ',Bill .liertzel, Donny Moon, "ro-ann Watson, Jo- ann Smith, Lloyd Moore, and Di- anne Moon. Other contest winners were! for the ladies' clothespin drop, !Vire. Cecil Rowe; nien's throwing the bull, Ian Moon; partner's life saver race, Bill and .Betty Smith; spot race, Mrs. Pearl Wat- son; ladies's' discus throw, Mrs. Merjorfe Moon; men's cigarette smoking contest, Mr. Fred Moon; partner's telephone contest, (Bud and Virginia,!Moon.' The oldest man present was Mr, William Northcott of Exeter. Most elderly lady attending, Mrs. Sarah (Smith of Traverse City, Michigan.„Youngest batty was Lorna Moo, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Moon, 'Centralia, Mr. John: ,Prance of Exeter, Ont. has attended all twenty- seven reunions. Mr. and Mrs, Al- len Wilhite of Thedford, Ont. 'dere the moat .recent married. couple. It was decided Mr, tion Moon of bhathain to'contintte as apresi- de t and Mr, 0. D. prance, LOA* doh, as sec.-treas. 1 1/1.ltttA.lamulam}Itt111t1111ttlttloIt Slt.!t11AnnotonenintIt11111A1A1111mit/.l wnitl tt11p1111.11t11111gllttlllllamstlle .Cook BrQs, Milling Co, ltd, 5' wish to advise their .customers that they will be Closed. July 4 to ...Jul* -9. TO GIVE THEIR EMPLOYEES THEIR ANNUAL HOLIDAYS TA SERVICES' Who Said There's A 'Summer Slump? It's an old retail custom to "sit out” July and August • be- cause business is supposed to be poor. But' listen to 'what -one of Canada's biggest Ibusinessmeo says: "There's no -excuse for re- duced dueed promotion by anyone be- cause of a fancied Bummer slump. The business is there if we go after it --x41 summer long." Surveys indicated 04 percent of the people are .not away -on vacation -at any given time --they're at home and ready to buy :things you sell. Why not go 'after business with a strong' :promotion in the TSA? The Exeter P„o E Times -Advocate • 1 r 11 Business Directory BELL & LAUGHTON BARRISTERS, SOLICPTORS & NOTARIES PUBLIC ELMER D. DELL, Q.C. C. V. LAUGHTON, L.L,B. Zurich office Wednesday afternoon ' PHONE 4 EXETER ARTHUR FRASER INCOME TAX REPORTS BOOHSIsr`EPING SERVICE ETC. Ann St., Exeter - Phone 504 W. G. COCHRANE, B.A. BARRISTER & SOLICITOR EXETER, ONTARIO 4 Heneall, Friday, 2 to 5 P.M. DR. J. W. CORBETT L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON 814 Main Street South — Phone 273 Exeter MOBILE SEWAGE DISPOSAL Modern Equipment for Pumping and Cleaning Cess Pools, Seiitics, Catch Basins, Etc; GRAND BEND - PHONE 205 D. J. McKELVIE, D.V.M. VETERINARY SURGEON Phone 09 Rendall Ontario RONALD G. McCANN PUBLIO ACCOUNTANT — Phones — 581 Office: Royal Bank Bldg. 455 Rea.: Rattenbury St. CLINTON ONTARIO ALVIN WALPER • PROVINCIAL • LICENCED AUCTIONEER For your solei, large or small, courteous and efficient steroid, at all times "Seethe that Satisfies” PHONE 5744• BASSWOOD The foreman examined . the blueprints intently' and. ekook his head. "I'm sorry, Mr. Smith," he said, "but there's no man living who can make a thing like this. We'll halve to Send out and buy theni." WM. It SMITH • IiEOENCE'D AUCTIONEER Por Eaton and Middlesex (Special training dlaenree. you of your property's ,true *able on Sale day) Graduate of American Auction Catlett 'Perms Reatlonable and atltlfgatiori Guaranteed . OBEDITON P.O.. or PISONE 17•140 DR. B. EICKMEIER L.DS., D.D,S. DENTAL SURGEON Corner Huron and Main Streets PHONE 609 EXETER A. M. HARPER • CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 55 South St. Telephone Goderich 848 Licenced Municipal Auditor DR. H. 'H. COWEN L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON. Main Street • Exeter Closed Wednesday Afternoon PHONE 88 N. L. MARTIN OPTOMETRIST Main Street, Exeter. "Open Every Week -Day Except Wednesday ` For Appointments Phone 855-3 - J. NORMAN COWAN BOOKKEEPING Systems, Service! etc. INCOME TAX RETURNS Dashwood 40-r-18 Sarepta Hay Poet Office R. F. REILLY,' D.C.* • *Doctor of Chiropractic MAIN STREET, EI[ETER Open Mach Week -Day Except Wednesday For Appointment • 'Phone 808 USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office: Exeter, :Ontario President Martin Feeney R.R. 2 Dublin Vice -President • ®. Cisyton Colquhoun R.R. Science HSU Directors • Harry diates B.R. 1 Centralia Wnr. tt1.. 'ilamilton Cromarty Milton McCurdy B.R. 1 Klrktoa Alex J. Rhode R.R. 3 Mite'heli ' Agents 1'heb. G. Ballantyne Rat, 1• Woodhftn Clayton Harria ItAt. 1, Mitchell Stanley Hocking .:Mitchell Sglicitor W. Q. Cochrane Exeter Secretory-Treaearer Arthur Fraser Stet*