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Huron Signal, 1865-7-6, Page 4
SOW4'tehi•. M1 sostocc, its/ Oorlethlmg Yore. -- r!)•• when Oloditte%r" woo the the Dere Nlontlli ago. a (:'mesa volunteered with by, the Frenchmen 'rbo were ea the course the 21N lows ioiletry, awl went to the nee. begat hiw,leg each other all ruutd. We willgall IIS lehotidt. lie left a mile • C.:j- The House of Common. hu 'teemed who was rather glsod looking, quite iaduetri- balluasa. No Luaiurw of impwtauee was ous, very frugal, mid childless. -7 Imo relit4 transacted on the eth inst. on, and Schmidt went with his regiment to 1 Ilree The 1 of re., hos issued a dorm' de. Vicksburg. •'there he wad shot, m111 was Intl claim' ell the fou arts geweletu the French for dead on the field. -The sod mtellioouee jouruala null and '03:1t. r wee god to Lit wife by to. caetn!,, aid stir, r} 7'hs rwigY+40)11 by I'riucc Nspo!run immndlately uhtriuina the ad+tlYtmlCt• of of tae 1' ica•+Ytesuleney .1 the Ctwnc0 told the ''etre, "'ernes' his hock pry slid a widow'. Ptastdeney of the Coh.hiuoo Cua.maeiuu le p"°.'11 h o:a drew 41111 dotter n:nu rlr, 111 ,I, aaaapted, alto what rht..0 m, Iminxgeti In !l.1. c lir Q} Rear Admired G„•,1•11, of the Ameri. W•nahly, tae li rien.a w ,mite J IL, aurotion of ane t+ek.,nl,.. a mi.. ') a cct:.u. eau easy says that the :moue tail r YuasYatted lino. lja wooed mel woo, and ter i:im -:11. he ant vessel in tLe 1 -ole of easy, except the rare op the !oilman. The wero w.lrnc.1 lull hloaaduock. _ rummer. '1 he i,uure4 of tr.,u 1. ve tan u..oils 1!} A. Auierr is pare says that otter a with theta uytil `tterd.y tu.,rno. wl. 0,,: few of the 'roe-ladr are to be retained in ott tler the) had ih..•L. I 1 1 . ', 11.. o. l,1., t • commission. The tirejority of them aro to be deer Inst hrwlbtu , oou. 11.1,1101111 011 l„ sold for old iron. in.. lien, was. 1-4. .Yrs --,(what is, to i re,.A bomb:, mord"r ('camel ill Pene 17h0010 last week. S.we wretches brole into a house and after rubbiag i1, brat the brains out of the two wwlu: u, a►t were its 0011 occupants. t • They use • new drink esll.d le tsar's Coe punch," i0 tout, Leropem. hospital's, in low stages of fever. It is computed of two rueees of broody, civ!,) lit buu.u: water, awe of turpentine, and s,..0f to 0wertr11. j- W. R. ILussu;l goes out 1111 the Gres Nesse' h t an'I' , -orf 1. a alleles 4 1'a r° r' 'a l: M. )�"ah 0)l Selene. taro,d pole tat,' hese:led, lir ScL,.. dt luok0J ten,•r.er alter lir Ltd s(no)od tle reser• l e. is motjl.•ut,taflt.11 all its !troves( Iii- After Y.Aliar s rverel mieul•: • 01 et'eltee, Re1te'.ea re rivet told bolui)! asked •• What i• to W 1' 1chmielt rut Juwu 04,11 told 11..st 47..' 11)1.sa1 aouuded-'l , t sverely--near Vieesbur_, end Iakcn prior. and the relief,.ellrfi•11 111111 away with tie,tu.-Frim tI'Jt flute b, had been in rt'u-1 t •i..,.40 until ditto 0/11,0 sinter, i:aetcro to write wt account Of Jxr laying sal *lire Le was tx"bannd. 11.' tame os 11.hu- Ihe Atlantic telegraph table. ' The curl xsli 'lou lit a1. on u. he could, MO louts -lied to .his �,I 44• Mr. L •no'.- Hr lr/rhr1 no w.,. of hii rift's q �K,� I» illustrated b c. liolr:l !Ogilvy, and pub• 0)110011;' unnl he 1 1110 1 011 the .411110) 11,4 C A ^' 1mhed by Day & Sim, of Lnadou• \. m rnieg. A• he r'lc:udod 111.1 stogy, his F a Cyrus W. Field b.d rrtursiet to London at' te✓lim;a urr+rume ban, awl he melt 14104. �li.i.W i . ter viutiotl Vslrocia to arruiyw' for haiviiil the !tut it all ended in the secunJ hlafand'u shore eel of the eahle.' Nr. I.ul.dy is a pm -refusal 1 , give -the wife up. She we Ore in. wu{er on buar4•lIle Asia, cos r„tst. for 1lesets formed. refused to express • preti *000, ate! Content. Newf:unJland, to got all ready lit 111:1 the two m,11(11244 to 101110 the motor the point for or tLu la[diti oft e e w• I r L aio •et lir 1 Po t 1104 , uue 1.w For four da • b .t 4 A G0.' (l>y. OLoat 0;'0'11 gran ,.f a, e'en ael.t very close 10 the Douse days h;.d' only roe of air. Mot „tau II isle. pro 1110. uo r- outer and, n4Jl,cu.ai 'us 1104'0 th it OitScultr•. Itut she matter e:, l ,l on Wedtie1Inn.' lite i rhasft uC ilewwanvillc, 011. xrrrfa•i,dy Jruwu• / 1St - 1 returned hee,Jnd „bond Schnnes twenty five ed ri a1. o J warm) wh'r- / u f thin i f n • t i' d,.,la..t a w' n1.) e oat •' r th nlit.0 r ad •! a1. toll /onto,: x ,. w. r a !cave rlt lr.h 114 u�+o r" .swim., u d ! t i l lhim in pest �•.i .n .,f \ane. ..elm Nll•• urea -toed .111 hour elly,eod Lt (.,:e the body wise recite- Ito. ,IT -r, 1+,iel.. IN.( Ike 'ttuney, and thou left. err(. 4'hteelt ill mow wit!, h'a a 1.,r: The ashore i1 n• 11'' lim'ler,.r of the French while t ridun in \I,r'erta the :'tbe� day with 0 small escort. i -.I ;c1 .l,itono t' au,1. •+,t:7 confront,11 by ten tb.,u.i'4d .1 c•ri'.1'. 0111 demamlt•d the ret( i sit r l - •) a LI) UNt lc/n.0 • _ TAK �� NO'1110E .''. ��_ 1 .I. n.•s h,. Y. n. , 1 o u,. ,L•deep. �. 4 a s /a•1lanalar t A Y For Sal© at a Bargain. GODERICH FANNIN (i MILL STl'1:.t 111 ENGINE A U r1\!IIA I' valtioide xxd 1.1101dy 10h..h i ,,r,•,rlr 1fu 1•vuhressud toramo.).$u,run hwowe ea E FARMERS' INN,' IIn1.u; t u , 11.11' 1I hos enjoyod one sal th.4 10/..0 111-'W••1.•0l that 1,0,0tr 1a 1110 lox R. (t l 0)1 the 1,0.1 l• a .014001 01,10. The w1,01.•110 0101 4,41t• 01111.,.,•k, 47 %J7, Ihrr. 1 Atlecnld1.1 • hotels• a twed.r) ii,.me J ael!ulj 11,1140•,041)11,' '0, Ac. fall farm 01 race:leaf 1411 d enc 11,1',• li''L, 0..11.11,1 JN 0,nr so aged .1 eu:Uvau•,1r, wra fi ci J. ^4ul wIn, ll are EGA as infcrri his ol,1 friend, autl 111.' 1)11111.;t• 1:v 'r.4IIy that hu 1144" •tn' 4 •'4 ,10'1 4 -,,*. o,..&o.. B 14.1:-lll'liN: 11 i,: t. ' .. 111 ..6'1101 .1 0)n { etre h e. ,. e a ,. K.wr{. r one .114)1 1041 10rerit a 1st 14x.. 1111' Lae loud PJ- .oI,0*l•,Iul lto.1) nch, Iro,,lm0 the l'eUf1 111', r�u4rAn a 1 � i u u soT` 12.x." s� • 'the bnrliutd n r sal .0011 and a \iSOiNS' 1 irlu•,u ,,'m i u w t 0•h. For lir r r 1 1401 . 13f () ii- ,, m Y a/' t'' { 1. 1 1.l Or A41)111•;W Ill 11111 Next d,,or 10 Mr. Ili .1'1.1:1.,'' .'•tl(lb-1 :I', \�icrl•.c\,•i)tlao,, in tt.n-",:•1111,•%.'1'4.4 t•,1. . ° 0 r taw. a„..1.111 a 1.r., ,1'0140 1 wYhbu{dclal w I,1. l„wen •1001 v -t IPoj lt,d)1nrh. k: d lll.t.4111• 3 1E. ‘II i 00 ROG i ID �1 1 71 14 14. :IX)N, 1:0,t. l'1.. prh:lur• 1%1''' )y1,,, ,0 &1•.. will lo. > .1.1 eta'np Gtr l':%!' 1 or in exe tette(• for •I):tiry Produce. A, I;1.• ita,•n,l 14 devote tfi. attention ptioei(ra1lt to the reettlyinn of s Cr all Mg oY td 11 1:',f 1111 4:1'IJ 4 1 41:,•0 4rTAhVAica is. sc//oot OOKSNotE PAp FANCY STAT/ONERr40 WtL I. PA.P:ER,, ); T"'. Toy &•,4,• lies,. Iinrkiti all L.ndo, . ThereLyefablingIfirilto:..'.1 t 1 chreisenowr.11tv,ualoom • • AL131;r1�:, ;1\1..;}11:1.5! .sal,.•„ Prices 1 RoxsBOJ xEWRITING-CASES CCt'�� 1)ralers'loll;in will d,/ •.r. -ll .lit trice hint a call.;1. 4':r Bt; rLEit'3. •C 0,raa A :a 1>• ;. n t e n .,b d to bin, , iIi 51., i�ioee l t m I � call an settle tt fue'e rnu•u - n Wl t ib« 0ornct.-Dllen•uc ' 'saeemrsv.s OI bsm IIF at Or.a O4 .n 0 lse ..0144c..1.1.r t be incur, �. . P: INCE N.lr,1t on *TO VOL I'.w.'1tcss.-The 1 dire after I'rince•• N.'adtan returned to Curial of war 1 1..0 ,.e ,) i 1 . .ty m 011' s 1.;r• tr,lll Cordes lie rer.�iv d • letter from the out l,itiv rwhether ld . rsee fu„r at•ee.d.11 0111' }1:,,• :1.r ofO.s Interior 11.010 that the Enos .. q h r the a. m,,1 dem ,',ICI- 1 r1•,s „woo to, 01.0 Lou Iloo -.potorel .11,, • tion wall ulteuJsa fur • threat or • camph• knew.,. ,r well .what it was 1111 0.1,1,1.1, ere ever: meal to put the hest f.ce be e...1 on the motor. it is raid that Mr. Davit wli he triol pa or 11. enb•rf'1 .L' Eni:o ss : a• 1.411.1,1 in al *bout the Pith .1st. 11.e Federal gInertl- ca I'0a, joyotussortim tmalrr. '••i irc•.u..11," 1 meat is determined to 0unvict h m, w 11.. 110 "1•111, ' Pie AlinblMr , of the' I ,1'r, )1• ha. I trial will t0) little more roans force.. na!Mnl Korvin• beau', and 1 tom 1: ID: 4 to your i A mattress, from ('a„1JIs, wan rijg»d oven •• Sir." 10; til t1:.;•Ha't's", with set raw-, at St. Albans, 1't., by the 0.0'410' inai•ector 401.1 vee nod; rlyay o• she ..',1111 -mu:11 .. 411• otber day, euJ them' to be ,•amort'4 full up, •• thelLhist'r his eonrryel my orders 1 of broadcloth and other Jut.t,lo.artiklcs. I' u, anJ 1 eat 1100, axl idyl,( those of 11 Bone.; toe COlte.44.- r4. 1'nitd Sled's. ling ertt : 1 wish you :rood m•,nrng: ' c1, • Govemmeut bare 001:-ateL.d five Hundred 'hen"th.r.1i, . I;illee i'la••u'eeil 0.114 men with intrenrhm•mt rn,l.• and culltua, to h'tuk to Sha 1'.:. 1' .y nl 1.,d is now t the battle-eelJo of the 111:Jeisr_se, for the 11 1 I I 1 td 1T. Y. S. \\hE.i:'l' �ill:.1►.! , G. . �r;, :1, .. , 'SCS. C RDING C• 1Lv Li• e •, +1•M,, ,r,. , •1.w ,A, ,1 11 1. ,nae, ..•••....e;..,..,601••••••••1••,.1w� : " �' 1 x`!:1'11:!:� 0)o.illi•e1.; to ::he in it cu,totfera aul the olio ti.0114i0 i. w pro': Gag. ��iG II EMU R11 1.:i h: b1.. P�: tel Etat Shore F g � of . Lola) liutom. j�lltl] ).'1'1tL(a(Ot•y 1 T11E S1+DSCR1pb:lt Itl:(1S TO INFORM lbs ulhaLil%tt• 01 1hr 1/401014 cl ltun'11 mil Hrncr Thar I.' is lull !11Jaulacmrula, au_ Lu, ou Willa a 01,0411er sal hu • SUPERIOR FANNING MMS do PUMPS. Ile would y'trtu•ulsrly draw mor 111111 111 h+s W.A. ae L,: w,ll w,uteutaLr,1. to 1,'.. l Tweet Ir.•91 oats, ,'o. kIe..1e''., &e. A'woI. wade to claw awl warrauteJ.. Fietcryu>. Neliow at., &le ee Victoria oar! Coaled.' 1:.,.J, Ai.so,ge111 'lIhr.,l,oftt.ruul's prell11mu audpetca1,! 111.1 VAr'411, wht 11I;,.. 1100'1 1't lal1.r11'lI100 helleral x410444.0* to 11t1wa10 Who W,vt• undlbt'ns. ' --HENRY DODD. l7Joa;eF Sprained. I'1 t. 74 LANDS FOR SALE! 0011E (Al..., Lund. ere ellereJ for oole ea Jr )Cry 114.1,41/1./1.“4,11 teru•a: ONE - TENTH ONLY! rlifl1s10011111 I1>.I if 1111 yr rlut'81'f 14\(1N0 a)l..rty,1.0 ise Equal lnuual bateau -kis, war. 1a:,rt st at 41 per )•cut. 1, T0NNS!!IP (.b' MWtl1I8:. F, I}I • 7 itt let corn.,. SO acres, 1 h lir 1 l on., ucr. -ai , St n. t a 1. a Li., 11 111 1 C 1 1) ;''..,I 1, _'ll •o. Ito ton., loo notes.,. North 1 1'4 111' con , 141+1 arti,p, 1 North 2.(in 111 Coal, tut acres;.. Tl)\A'Nil m •{ih end 7 JN NS•11 111 1,.t erns, I ilacd. '• in 1_e• 11 l in et, I n r n., l) a, •l 4 r • , 1111 ae L• ;- :.1 s 101 SI 111 11) 0011., 1) BOILER ! 1'ult SALL ;J13'()N CI21:I)1'l:` Apply to • W. E. ORAilE. (Uhlerich. Nor,ilh, tout. is; to CODERICII & CHICAGO• Tho Staunch propellor NIAGARA \\T11.L melt• nil Olt Ire,.• 1,, w.rn IhdenrW W11..1.1 h. 11 I., , -. a 4+'1111* ton 111 .•eIInr.elO11 w 1,', , , Grand Trunk R. R. rut Steamer Huron r 1 , r I ,,' ,1 111,1,11• 10 -• Aorta. lit kneh Atoll :.i, Ih(S, 013.1 In the Queen's Bench • 1:16T 1:1: '1 1 1 I 1 101 Ok IA. in the matter ofcoittj.I, 1M(l'1'1('E to vuiuu ter 41,1111 o1` way 0) 1I Le teles girr•n tie I:hdalo • ard Lake alit tt'n. •Ituffatol Ito lir I:uilwn ['1'm xry ltd t l !futon I y n w 1 q !' OF 11:)11 14'fi : soO, r•h L,fa \1.s. • :, 0)n Iwilwsr to. 111', 11,1,4 car 001 m 1111' Mnillurni Luve 1 ual 1114 tl: ' e:d.n , •',i1. u t 1 1 uu•1 t L 0b' ti'dF. 1 , (� • of • , r Dent h ill Lr I:rucli nt Tet .t t O r t U n m y . ui t ' of lura. hr i�m n Ire y t t e t 111%1,t,Mes earh. I:UII l'1} a1 ,1 1.111111. r x t!•,1y la ►tilt a, Lt. Wye IUU ccrrmeach, rrntt4 t+.ieg the come JC'a n�41 to,.l sitlm ,:In •. i,Jrr t tZ+ re on; n� 11.1.1 t be 11"10 far c.rtam • iat,I.l,.r't,•btr(.war, hcinu rule tl I•,t 1unbete ti lay fire, ti4'I 11. six meld el:b • .t1.•n/ Ito 1141. 11.,t'JI,,1 c. %0'44:04 .4 tL' 1.11ne!ip .1' 4'\.1'nt1 in lbs Clu, y Lf ;111: FA3rrslill: N:i1..1, F1'1:.1]lla: tl0neresrach 1,11 1:1-A -11, I, . 1',••,:1111 .. r, 0i 111, 1 t ; , n.• .� . .., F2 , e� - T- ' r r SARs . AND SOU PRLMPT 'T c sr i"•aa\�.ur ��lr'�t.� �ee i0 ..,a i a�s.. s a.�r 1.)To1k'Y-fg DAVISi . . 7 '.'.":• '_"i1. 1.v onnie � - 77 �• i i{O1[Ss h'r.[ir. 1.•c. ' wan r • \GAPT. D. ROW TOWN:int' 1)1 :cur N'. lie 11in 1 col., .10'a .e. furor: under at by tatue 6f & anti, st 1.0 merit or It 1011 bearing 'ate et. .4• •?. l .0''111 t s R'n.... - •q„ emelt, , 9'0 nth day of ata in they r .•f Our lord1.:':t, aid etier'.t 0 b1. 1 1".:nn Fool ! lid Henry 1'101 of 11. r t '.•'1 • ' eluded. -b, and 1)1rlrl4• ..der . .1tt ant 110.1 11 An .Act semi )tin:'tai' y'," u' 4 Cella 110111) 14 410111 1e all 1'v nn 1 •it11I 1 . Ole f-.- --' 1...r • 1i r., .. ,L, err -t,. •r, :1 -(1V. al i: pe:mdtn3)' t0iee caeh ••• 'Is I t\1 041 11 too:[' .to. 11041.) I.- ' 'our nn awn In , 1 Ir :mew -fol a ( e •:. ., •t:l "Lathe 1. ,1142• L. ay:Jg .•ins 4:11 l•0t 1.r' ■ ce - I' , ,:. .a, 1 1 1.4 n-- .•4.1, r 1 ('' • $ 1.a.• , 1 \ F 111 111 on 4;11, b.• tiifl)JL F CiOIIY, wL..a .,.. \ >., Maid, eau Tbandav months; eailm wt ■ � "1',11 1 , � •r an,1 � ci Ir,m W •the t, ' 1.r, n g Z y Ilrv,,xt' ,1 1 , ,:11„-•w•,. l• lit J. "1-. .nt• 111.'��i-U art.(' s 1 i' . t pa - l+' �•ILt•t' ''i1. ital 'l, l�'ueJ.,iin1., e 1 the vi' Ike' .O,•t`ton,..ttw,,.r4. at.d Lev r iron. said h.ndi 110 In tiny par ib.rr.t. ' repres1 nt n� It h1X1� 111)1 LL• nl'1, (4 tiny ort * 11. purpose of decently i neer 1:.1„ the remains of 0 k 1 h lset 1 t 1 w • a tans. of all soldier est or,J to rtes, lit which then INSOLVENT ACT OF 1804, 1111I 1: Crud; tone: the uudurei„htw are isolated to meet at All* I:uw (411011 u(Lllauuurs 1'ou:n L )1,,'110, 111 ilw '1'410)11 of (111000X4, net !ll„11011,, the 100unt,-, utll Jay of July, A, Ike L0•',, at b u of the cloth, ill the fore. 11111'11, for the ' purpta. W nice:km4 .tatetu ata of Lis aftoiry tool of us m :•• l ll . YU u+u,11,tm to wheal., may 1,1:1lu 1111 1140;40• melt Levier Illy utiure 111.11. O"Ifatal141 the tuwu of GtoI.•ich, in 1110 f''.ut, a or, Ilia uililuentL d:ty of .01111,, A. 1)., letos. _ \ 1. ,EDEN. . III. 'ft'.MS h 7401411:, ?uiuitun fur lno tout. 02: 2t : insolvent Add (1 1884. In the -['omit C'. urt n)'IAi`('oiled Counties 'f JJero tot! Iii tire. 1 to us hr. 1 t' 1'. ol,4. In Lc matter of l'ulLtr lit •11ulon ,L;c �4'u4u . Ci, 1'1111• t;1'the l'Hitt.1 l',.unti TTtcc(, au lu sl + u (f Uwe' mid it. ere. ,rut, Ifj O'f ICE is betehy tier• that the under' I ` sloshed bus tiled lu 111ullice of titin l (1114, a deed 14f ed11giu4iuou m I ''.charge execul. ed by ht+ (',,'lions toed 1131 on Tuesday, 4111 111,41. tc'utl, Joy elJuly next, at len sal tLt .1. uk in Ilse frenoon, or os Soots 104 Cunha,' cuts b1. 11.1114.'1,1' will apply to the. Jud;,• of Ile. asid,Coull for a iotihr latio. of 111, rhe ch urge theieof ell:11,(11 in Lu, Pastor ut:d,r mud Act. ('111111.1, W. l'Ifht•4)R1,, 1:y1.111t:, 1'. WOOD, Itis All -rte,. 4lrntf rd. nil' 'f)'1., 1`17 1, :m • NORTGIGE SILE OF LADS. 1 I \Ilt•I1 audl1 1 r W 1. e.1 ,111 J \ (t, nn,41L.'1 al - 1 t i, .d�11(1104',0114'nr.1 ,11,r,.ua 114101, 111. Wil.. 111 r 1hr pum,er ni 10)11.1141 be, dower). W the J 1 aril •,•, 1 wet It+04114 emir. W r v 1 1n 1 YY . re x. •1 Assisted... sal <nunaudv, 111 Ira empire tl( h'1. 1 t tor.•,"1.Lr stool Ix.rl- le1011h harrrs 1.. , +• !, 'u 11,,.11..' ).aye,. )l tlwre,N, will be r,2d et tO' Au,1 n Mal . 1 theses.- ll.'rroe low NxrL,t hnurn ( 1 r t. 11 for Iny Ihr..a...lh Joy .4 1411.,'.1 1) l,.',m 1O- ire u4iwt, u.•.u,ILsr„low 1 1001•ny . 41 1. 1 lulnber 1111) t..Itr ,tea 111'0,,t, 1......SI,,''. ,h ryud \`, :n,re 01 Inv,•11 lir, 0,0 •, t lir 0, xl ae,.Lle. 044 tit one acre 0110141, be the .Ari w ire lir fess, ad I,•1. lwr 21 11.1 :t F' Yn.l 1,•11 1 1 1• r w (1 n tl ,,.hu elrert , : Novi, u 1, l,,0) t Jia .w 1111 e r t c r I;y i 1 r nlnrnt '.t0)„ -1y Yu'(1f1 aera•s and .1 44( .1 , 0.1.-11• h, Lr the um., in Ire or 11.14. thea r,•,J,r l'eu 'r .t Fede . :t1. 1'. r.\1tl'L'ON, lor 41-':. e.oe. Mortgage Sale of Lands .-1111.1t mot `•eine of n Peen tale 11 1.1,11., eV 1' I le e : Lur.l.a, . 1...1 • l the ',Wu 1 d.r i in 1.•4161t) 01 liar, ,.,•1 19.1 111 . tl I Ca 11t r. ,,i 1111 1. •r a.1. r, 'h,- ;nap .0 1!•+,1.,'d; 1;:',,! to li`e 11 11. r:wms into t t void t1" l w I: II. •ml Ian, an! fS,ltIoj. 011 imane., a I! t 1 FI r..1.11111 51141,111•• re. - 1., .111 .-,1 aL' he I•.1 , r -t ..1 41..o. t4 NI. Ir,amse, \tet l 1 p. r, 1 - 1...1.11 1,,,,11. 4011 nth 71 1 L . 01 In . t It 1 1. I0, a, a'1 „e 1, fh h saw 1 l •,1t . 1 1a4 nu,rdlrr 1 11 h• 1- t 1 11'0.4'410,1 111 0)4 .•r f• r. 1 .a: 1 ..r 1 • 011 ,.. 1,411« x11.1 a t o'Ira I w, a 1 vet ,1, hears della L ESTATE FCO SALE. ','urn _lAn(' yla:•• `setta;l;;Ir,!'"".111011 -t• 1. r,1 n a \, ,rtcar.• 1 aJ, 4.4 l i m,,a 410 (4414 a nulnbttr. Thr fact t'at 0110 gttme overruns :thrive* proves how sow, a enentry can fa:: bads into 111, (44,11*. xil,e. nes, when cultic., tioneannus. beer ami boo,* are Mi..trilto have re appeared lu d:at•uts here they had am been seen for many y •ars .prior to the.• eummracement of the w;ar. Q;c.lshad nitnts literally ;menu in the daulated sett:rments of 1'ilgicia. . A ferocious elephant has Della 'm'a'tting J *'"'••• N.;" ';';'•*"!...' , tit -L'1. .N 1.l 1J the sold nly°t 10,It ''r n1. an, • 1 •IIt '' of and ail ,ch c:ailns will be rrce n141n by the •ai'l l 00 e Statute ifs that betel(. 17,1. dui of MIT 1110::.,* 0) ' 1. 1111111 :, r. of the Crown and l'as's,,..,• 1 •�•� 1 � tL.twi� lhumla.:r. ihmrnunq w:•: CO!...L CIL, I'rsns Oto L�_t� B� like', C ltd I✓ L'JJ 21st i Cllt�t .qtr o ::b' car y dad mal >n ewer lv11daol I7me 1 1 1_y 1.•� '..r,, t VC., nt aSun- 1. ,416. : ; , . t .1.1.• n. l Iron. 1.'_•M • 1 t •. `1.,;h•' can he J-•:irrrc,l, ,pe 44000), 1Ia.. an 1 ....c •11.e'. 1a0:7 1, •.. .. .. .. .. t �.: iT u• r 1'11 r. osJ at nurrN to . ; 4taar. 4 i9 ;11:1-171:4".. '��•�•��� f• LOU_' r t r. _ ~' ;'T'' l! 1' a v IJ W. on'm 1. L ('111 1 A BEAUT r 1:11 i1t-u._ v 1 J v)..t �_t_..P aJ-..+_ .J i• \ F: /ht. t'tmobrl, &Nut. • ,l 1 t, t , h;settah,•11.1 .t. -. .. . , .. , .. :. J_.n waatr..ljeut, 41111..11.'. an„1 Lt •, MONEY TO LEND - I led; 0 Tito.. gt'IN11Ay.J, 1 t,r• 1: 1:': t ]) t• t: i i c> ._ .• t Jay :1 t• ! �,ru.__ Elf SILT 1 111, i'll:N'1' +,• 1, v/ T J / � frightful ravages m a,Y rtl.weetera prosirllue of Hindman. Ile wars taken for a marriage • II `` proceniow but suddenly tecame will slid • \ `1.'' ' •n + n *! I- `, 1.1�•{ A �.,]• SAM, -Onr I1arrrl D, 01,1,11'S....,, ac3 cpllJrri'. r pulled down a : nnmte r i .. is x110 trees. The (ext day hubream,• 0)1 1 r sti.l, and or,• L t W c.. a r - A;,•Iy to of the mahouts, in attrmit ng 'to chain 11 1 1 1 1,. 401 4 . b ..... . . - - •, .f 1 1' TO`I•Ltt 411) If:F, Os•s LJ4N / I 1 .e...1., c :'A .. It. lege, 0)u fo'r'd toy. the t:us_ and trampled2 uJ_:1 :3 Ii,Or'' � �•1. •' ,' _ _ c •_,•,. underfoot, the elephant ).••pmt' the ca r;st• L`\ ��-- t'fi lxil:•. 1 al' L'l. 14'41. of the man under his feet for too successive el , ! 1 ! u . _ ONE ti c H L ,4 1.''C E D A C R E .�� , ....-,,,,..•01. t• , t. a • :: days, struck grinding it 1 , muss TWwt roes• • ' x tea we. 1. 1.b-. ,, .1, day be struc.0uvo a lirehmm 11.10 s•n11.h .I ... .. a ... 1. _. his head; two .other mei 1A ere weere.y in.• 1, di lir 1' (i veil• 1.1(•il fared, sad most of the inhabitants of li,l4!' r 1 - 1 i T • -:l 1 41..1.'1., 144: 0)37u `�j ( jHareits .ai,(rum tLe t1„ IN �' ' ,� R .r } p L.'1 . A 1 ..\..1 ; .; L 1 S a re Lige for fear of the brute. a 0)t" Trier!. l'T:3',: Tr,, 41 V!, \'.. , rer:m,nt.,ri:o:to< u, ti..4..,. 1 •-'4 '. summer be mode the folluw:no exi.erimcuts: 11e transplanted ten cherry trees while in blo0.nm. r,:nmenein, at four o clock in the afternoon, and tnrisplantine one each hour, until one in the mooting. Those Iran. planted daring davli4ht thud their biw.•om•. producing little or no fruit, whim thoo planted during the darker portions m:1. tined their condition tuliy. Ile d.d rune with ton 'ward brat -)ter, after 0. fruit was one-third grown. lhwe (n1.,, planted during the day sled their to it those transplanted during the bight perfected' their oro,., and shrove' w• injury troth ha0u,g been remove -1. \01411 each ',f those trees he removed some earth witL the roots. 11'e are welt aware that *ben l,lonts are arride%tally frose, io greeutiotases, it is cl:.:,onary In render the loose dark before applying cold water to thaw them : toed that when the) is mol observed they an• injured, while tf w4fre darkness be secured dur.;.; the operntieo, many of them are s••trrd. But the experi- ment of oar friend mese to have but Iitt,o analogy to th:c f.,rt, and it is cutirely new to 114.- Working harmer. Tar )Irat,eR At AC141N -110 mentionrd on Am•rday that a telrgnin iia" bleu received in this city respecting a murderer aha had escaped from Acton. The particulars of Lis come are thus given by tree (ideiph :invert'e'r ref Friday:-" Yesterday afternoon, about two o'clock, a hnnible w:air took place in the village of Acton. at the (antral of a young woman named Lixhthcart. It appear. that h man nam.d'l'hread;(old hal been in company with the woman (Idgbtbe4tt). and had illicit cnmmuni•:ation with her. ADnnt ono )north ago eon wall de!ivercd of a child and a fhw day. age rhe died. .lfier her death t he brother of the woman told 'I'hreed old that he Must not come to the funeral, or • it would be dlr1 g.rous for him.' Not heeding these threats, he went to the futlers'. and on eeterin4 the door of the house frdm when.. it was nt pro- ' reed. he was rhos by Ili_ (:wart with s pistol and wan kJled. Ftranzo to 0'', nn att?rn*t war made at the time to •rre01 the mnrd,':rr, who walked around for a fall hour afterward. ( to the spread 00 the startling news, h(werer, orders were issued for his arros•, but he Lad made hisescap,•, and. up to the latest 1600111111, has not been heard of."-(i,*•dcr. Ora Corers 4x11 drn000 -The Cntlrt of lmlwadua•nt, appointed to try the charge,' ags,nst Judo. Smart, of BAeilesil:e, did net es lit on last !innday Y expected. awing to the illness of the Cheneellor• This Court is C '. .: J tR. RU iA7 t.. ., 711 _ cf G. j 7 _11 anui.wol:tl.'cl ss - G...t l- l 1i 1J irin �!iI1s Circular, ! f' (`t fI ;[ f '. ' •'1 i f r% J 1.f _ 4111 :.iri 411(1 iJ�. .♦ i% Ji:.i _�.i �4 1.)j 'iL' I I" • i 5 'ti :. _iT.11C 4 E I :1i 11.1,4, 1. u'.. .%O' I ,1/ Gclir Ct.nt sees.I. ht. style I I� 1 , John McDonaId & Co. 1) - }, \'l' , r'rl'dl'I I r!',' Stolen or : t; a; c,1 z •=..)IIF: ".1 E. C`F Z S- Itr...h 11L -•'a41 •Jr .1 ,`'.01111 Neu mem!,,10 .44 1 ••an ,4 (.101.. h, .0111 10, r1.oltwulatle r fwd 111 Rn Ito 11 0! ,001 J•,. fS lar.rhaw n of t7ee em seJ wile 10 Ire few. bearer date the 10.111b Uwe is, 'le she oar: n1. n,oxYnd 1.,c\t 1 Lua ltd oral a'rtt aeu0,. r t1. rte !',owed rt •0411 011 `-' , - •.- �1� { wl•MJ kr r 1 r_!, 1 .14ee, :,.14 mJ I • ryS bIloriiI's Salo c1 L: nds. •r ,•.1,1)) r e '1 .1 rie 11 ) 1 Its • roost 1, 1 Il. r tt•1 •11'0 (,atony 1 , •1 , - 1 11,.'1(. ,,a • r til r •et n l 11.11••• .o 11s r ,•,11 :.�,, ••o - 10,•1. 4,,A t1. r •rnt f'. •..1 1 I .I1 .111 1.N the 1 „•I a 4l 1 1 t 101,4•101, 1 Mer •.-i n JUttr 1 • pt ills 1141' • . s I t n u n 40 1 t tlw. '1:•114 ,In r... , •:eh0 lh.nt n2 tail • t ta�4�c I�,...►. �: •‘&14..; Ill f 7 ._ =�C�t^ponder, J1.11tler� (� 1� S t; , 1 a�'IOWiIl)S 411;] �,JJ2117� .I:.:1Ch].11C8, Mood Saw). - �_.11Z �I ' 1 �� 1 [� sw't.l s .�•a - 1- •i rt• 1 • 1 11 , tab, 11:nos:Cop...so, and on kind. of urodtieetaLeit PX.Chati00. CALL AND SETTLE OffiCe on Lighthouse 6t., inBosanquet FOR S.hi.F4 ONE HUNDRED ACRES, Within 11 Mile, of Cothriett 1, -7.11entemlierenepIate:rt, poet, .4. id4 .11 31 r ter rarer to puler SEWING MACHINES Have taken tho First Prizes 114,4 composed of the two Chief Justices, and in 1 L .A. R r. the abeen..e nr elem. of eithor one of them, t:.: the eenior Niers° Mon of the Common Law , Court,' may teas his plaee. Mr. J.otice 11' C. f7011Drrl, 81.25 PER, BERL. -- • - kippen Realest; awl CI -11112g Society Hagerty now hoide do* petition, but is absent on • trip to Ens:lent. Mr. Vire.Chanerdlor Spraege and family aho leave Qnebssc for Legland to.morrow. Iva; tot the lone iodie• ttion of th. late Chancellor and Mr. Ve.e. London bum. Adiarliser, ;1111.1R01 to To A 28 -Column Pa -,or. ,hanzelInt Eaton, the great burden of the Chaneery Moines' 6.11 on this learned .10.140, • TS rol,:i"btsd 000,7 la.fo 01001.1. and WU dlaeharied 111111 greet sebefaeflon to ! ne,oek, mei contains the latest .1.0;•!.3/1111. moors and tbie profinen,01. 11* now eel awes ; Market., Newt Paraorephs, Eson;lr the Mature and recreation which h.s long and I itosolin:!. Editcriale, carefuily prepared arduous torvices so W.11 tnerit. Wo are happy ainr1 reelected, to endermuted that the, health of leo Chan. Th. lotemer EVICatati AftVIATtalll he a erdlor io daily improving. The Cowl of Error eirenlation averaging 11,0140 pot wersk, whieh and Appeal eat alto to this week, but ie more then 4""M" thm ""! °thee "it! erring tn tiro illn/ses or alsome. of Jtel4o., ; nor,' Poldhshei W41. of Hefei:inn: it it 'oven b.ing relaired ta form a eoorarn, it haa ; eironlated on the etroott. after the meatier or also been oostponed.-fLeaslor. 1th. Montreal Wif arm, and New York wad Gold is the mile 1,1.11 that ;;;. wrtrehiNsed ,n mill find It in th, ir astwantart insert their business' notices in otir columns. all leads without a temple, and by all Anent Daily Advortimer (per annum \ Weekly Advertinet (per aaanni)111).410. An American poe.r, remelting el pre „rose- A11 ensom.,,,,eationonddrruod the rt... transmitted throaoh salt water will Editor I'. oretor• te fresh. London, Kay 22, 186.1. era thalerwh.tilece; .1,0) 221,3, 'stet. mer12.tt To Wocl Carders, &c., • el7141F. et .lewsneserl ,• of famine talanew.44,..00,14.01 w,1111 444111. Vii• lint t410 W1;44.-4 1. ems nett " vIll do 0 - taw 04.1.1111r44.13 0.414t411.":1. the ei.tylieent 10 1104 1000 writhing talent tow 1..4...denswoost1 inttenthle. eye., le parer enolarnes Ivitonele•er.well e^e 0^4e le !he 1:r*** On irliefidnk!Oth July, 1'0111/Win 011/0 welhewer Mortgage bale tretereed pew. see liewpti tliere or the same In the Mle 'aye,* tleereet. iir.11 fe 1.111 at the 4000.;IR Min of (hawse lit. tenement Mart, i Mil) rer. hoe*** anit fhirlieliera-15 the rent allot Onitettot tor Mort 'see, 1100.3141. The etrarierth. 49.1,rek 1.1 re !keit to dos Comblood machia. 1x hot te h. 1101'4 hoot,' until the .1 sy of the Renping Match, for whieh notier, sec..' he given. Ail competitors mot Peter tee.. cretary nib or Wore the 1211t of July. 14'edrawear, heels. till. T,,rente rim). please enpy Coot, and 1:a•t Side Yarket Squire Valuable Pieco of Land ‘s, lemmt ihoperty, 41/ North Foil' of lro hivortilre bemg within fare miles of property in the village nf Emblem. nno arm of land. good larns hotter, shop., and Wild. en ths premien, 2 hie *eel.' be a greed sitnatinn foe tailor or *eddies and bellow, milor m thorn is none in tho 1,11..14,:rtesh..r or *tore gondol at wholeweo will be taken for either of th. &bon w12-lf Combine° p. 0. 11,1 •9 4,t,,01,1ro nattee to the ruluttotnot, 04 to tiny (hob) nit, that aid 4 test at,11 for Knit or oil 0, dr depth of lotto hot, or tr• a lees de.oh, if oil or s to sooner obtained. or in doi 111.10 of two f• onpanie. boatels:Mr.- • no tho 4.,innty of -Pine. and the os.o., woo in too, le; lei r. oonliona between telt lo *sore e.rep, tult sool person, aro mod tf.oltromry colatnroxxi,..raimiat.oris attl,In six tn. outlet. R s. 10 Aro Islet telel OF LANDS. ti Ceer I'd the 11n, 441 Cmiallea el 11.4r,m and Mice Ind 10 Pledireeie 1 Arany., the land. and tette- menl• of it ores Stewert, at th. rail .14 John V At Five Years Credit, SHERIFF'S SALE 01' LAN"- 8 Conti ef the Ironed remitter' of Iteweri moi.,1 allthe milli, Idle end mterr.tof the ear., .1.fertitaa in end 0. lot 1111.411er 100, In I he 0100114 .441141.11411611 10, "1114, 01010 41110e In 11.0 1'0,01 1101111! 111 Ihe 1,01,71 of reolerooh, on 'friefttay, the 1111.1enth devol..101). *MO, at the hem of Twelve el. the Bt.. rottorit. npoolv tiller.; f *hall r he. Int °glee es the Moms the 'ream 0f n,t,lerie.h. erg Teem' SIIERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS. 0 Wit ; ,,f Iter tfareetv'm court or efen rm... en the sod ..f Mery An3 heed Star - lake 0y Soler I,.•11 the enrat0er 111 1,11.11,11, rlitint en.1 in the wroth kale 011.4 townhar eleven al the Oserta 4.1 11 04 One tnwiesh.r. Stephen. In the ty of Herron, Whiett lmal• in the ("hart HOW./ 1111ft. 1.4.11 nr4,114k4h1411 Teeahly. Ore Oar of Annie nett, m the bow t wows ei the e: owns, .1herilf 41. re II. 25th April, *SC,. 1014