HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1865-7-6, Page 3-1t'l1Ul.[+al.a EatOI♦rtes room $c•oTtrku.- 11 u said that several gentlemen from Scot N York I tau are in New L Nair sRricrttstaunts. Netts 2$Wrlstatnts. A V VAR TCi T SPECIAL NOTICE. .. anis i vu 1111111 noon -- or tuner atic a .age MORTGAGE SALE MORTCACE SALE miKnliou Society, 5aviug • capital of e W1Ik11ETHE j_ 1750,000, which 16 propose to invest ins or Village of ClintonCUY F Southern lands if +n cent imlucemeuu are offered. Tee society u mainl eumpoesd of the i. 1.ss ...al claes and on t e reception of OF YILUABLE TAVERN AND WARS PROPETTY, WHY'YES! TlBOUGHT V WHY: YEW alU lble Property Township TOWN OF GODERICH Township of Morris, t1iA1i.1t'S 1N THE ,. • favorable report from their representatives and coalmines emigration immediately. will increase their oapyal to 11,1100,000, f • -litres• Cl.evea.-Th, Chief of Police of it tits IN THE COUNTY 01' HURON. el -Tat SION or Tit Lalt It aITT5.s .00 tempown mart be remarkably cute. A eon- COUNTY OF HURON. TTNDER and by virtue of a Power of Sale A STEEL MOULDBOARD PLOUGH that says that s• (raw attempted age whin TT that terror to aril duan attempted to arrest " contained In a certain* tudeeWro vl Areal Thistle -cutter, the best 1 ecu had. it • Frenchman as a murderer, he was not stir UNDER and by virtue of n Power of Sale Mortgage (which will Ix produced at time of cost only tied that her had the right mu, but knew the. <J cw,iained in r certain Indenture of Molt sale) made by Denis Ilsturtr)f, the following man he wanted had been in the army, so, the ga6e .(which rid, lie product' at time uI sole) propert y wiII D e off elrd ur uln at toe Fifteen Dollars!e) officer " smartly challenged him to a lewltos, used Thomas '1'bomu Harry Vat}:very end Auction Rooms of when the man immediately straightener] him- Ueullgga,ttumbell, the following property drill %elf up in a soldierly manner," and Wan be• 1e offered for ale at the Auction Rooms df tray.d bimeelf. 63-43C). M. I•t esrama,11 1`t TVs TOwe ur uo01.1It u, ux A remarkehle ugly and daaeeabla gre man sat oppueite Jerrold at • dinner parte• he Wednesda I the 19th day er July Pure the clulh was removed Jerrold acct dentally broke a glass. Whereupon the ugly gentleman, chalking to twit b, uppaaite 186, at oneo'Lluck p.m., viz: That Parcel tel neighbor with great effect, said slyly " What, land and premise., situated iu the town of already, Jerrcld 1 Nuw 1- never break a Gnderich aforesaid, being composed of Lot glar.'t " 1 wonder at' that," wee Jerrold's No, 1032 (running manner) otherwise kuowu instant reply, "you ought wheuever you as Int 2n un the harbor Quay in the town look in one.' plot et said town of teoduncb, cuutsiuimg by admeasurement one-lifth part of an sere, be From Mral4.O. the &erne more or Tess. Uron the premises there is erected a frame CAao, JLne 29.-Mutameras dates of the sturellowse, with llevatur, upon a stem, base- lith are to the effect that the defeat of Ne Inept 60 el 55, three and a half sturie• high, 1rette, after his uusaccesa(uI attempt on well adapted fur storing grain, The building Matamoros, id confirmed. Ile is reported to have lost s•ren hundred killed and two hum- dred taken prisoners. Juarez is buying up all the old arms in the United States. The ' Commerce' reports Cott the Press• dent of ez•republic of Mexico is compelled to uy to Pass del Norte, escort by rrur purchaser, on same cue items as contain* and 4m• r, with some cavalry, un . tote Mortgage K•gu now u 'en ors. • pnac u the ceps, under , For u rr - occupied Chihuahua. There had been some *loner, or to Messrs, tamermn S McMichael, at time of sale, 25 per emit ter the first day Sign of the Large Kettle, 'dunning from the left to the right batik of foronte, Solicitors for the Vendors. of September next,. the remainder may be the hirer, in which the Surgeon ,nd'breif o0 Toronto, June, 1'65. w23 aeeured by mortgage, covering a period of 3, BASE LINE, CLINTON. the stat of Gen Mena, who was at Seita 4, or 5 years at the option of the purchaser, . SEARLE & DAY'S. Crus, when on chief ferry landing (rum _ _ --- on same condiuons as contained in the mort- is uearlr new and in excellent condition. TERMS OF BALE :-Ten per cent. of concession, of the 045.1 towns fip os' Morro FIVE MILK PANS FOR $1 GEORGE M. TRUEMAN, All kinds of TINWARE ASP STOV 'S In the Tuwa of (ilnlerich on going off cheap. fblrty different kited' of 11'ednesday', the 19th day of July',1665, I T i ' (1 u s At one o'clock p.m., vis ,those nercr!so(luul 1 0 ii 11 and premesul siturWd in the villa:, of Blythe, SHARDS, composed rapIlie sedtowof p toMorris, her one, home A J 1 cASTIlw VI S u of lotumber one in the 1■7■ e m d of art o I» V tenth concession of the township of Morris, aforesaid, known to lot number four io block Kept on hand. Stens will all, a • A. of the surfer made by one Lucius Arthur,' (iIB.E err BA Itix IN, Mc('mmell, and registered by Lim, of the L 1 J. village of Blythe, containing by admeuure• A goal Second-hand Menti of un acre of ti' d, be the same, more S E P A R A T O R or Tess. Cpon this' lot there is • two story , frame •largburame to 23,usedas eg• eretn,.rad T1LrreeE( in( Machlne a toren frame stable luauu;,(igg thereto, the Threshing Machine white of the ranee tsingula Kurd repair. With a Pitt's Ten•Horse Power. PRICE: r ALSO : Aliandsingularthe rat half of oYL}• OVE JIU!k'DRED AND TEN Ow south half of lot twruty.threa in the fifth. D(ILLARS for Cash, or on short notice. c,nlamui D moadremeut It errs of Also, on ale a large quantity of the purchase -Money to he paid to the sue- y Hungarian Crass Seed 11. "ern 1 ins , a t m more ur less. 1 t acres n tiuueur at time of win 23 per caul on cher 1 g fiat day secure Mortgage, the covering a •le and the remainder being gad hard- Improved Turnip Seed may be secured by SlurlguKe, covering • wood land. 'I'Ifen' i• afubateutid log Louse Improved v+a 7 of period of 3, 1 or 5 years, at the option o: the Del the properly. 7 be arm u well watered nett 2:, cure rut rnrxn. col ha I J J by sprinn creek F.ave Troughs and all kinds of Jobbing d sad I theap 1 '1 t held bythe 1 d TERMS OF SALE -Ten per ant. of the dune in wurkutaulike manner, at the h (1 tr de lymed which (rah par*iculra apply to the aur purchase money to la: paid to the auctioneer Brownsville came tear being killed by shote I gate pow held by the Vendors. Clinton, Jane 2(ltk, 1865. soil 3 fired it is ascertained, by sentinels stationed M O R T C A C E SALE! }or • further particulars apply to the • — on the Brownsville aide. The Commerce Auctioneer, ,0r to Messrs. Cameron and ' asserts that ten American s, iJ,ers were en rel )ti M,c).a.t '1'.,.,,,t.. ...I1..;,,... ft.. d.. - gaged in the atteek which ea, dciibemtrly Valuable Farm Property Vendee. and wantonly mode. It is albs. essertad that iv lir, Toronto. .rune, 1865. though Gen Mein' node imineeli de recants - -- - - - tion on the subject, nu reply ban w yet been .25 TOWNSHIP OF COLBORNE. SHER.FF'SSALLOF LANDS. 1 made by Leu Brown. l' tilted f' mottle,. of 7 ))• tonne of a wnl of o U \ DER and by virtue of a l'ower et Sale Hnrun met Bruce, }) j V.A.:1un1 Ea erased • Router • IT ♦ Tweeds! T Clateriiu 5300 o.,,utainod- in an Ltdmiutre of MOnga;e, T.. wit : }>rr, rams acrd out of wontx STO-.ant tau Tte.Jay evening last • made Ly "'yid 1'rmpiun, the tullowt,s pro- Hrr eleixtvb ('ours of Mint•,'. Deitch, and to coloured servant girl, i• IM e_e, oy of 1 ro petty well be 01f ran 1"r salt at the Auction me J,re. i•' lysIsIat 1h.. h,ad, •id tenements Professor Halpin in Huron College, committed a I l Int p the tine .d his death in the hauls of Jmne • kouvehold articles. Professor and Mrs. George M. Trueman Mun•bwn, ednm of ell rat el all tend .,,neuter the g i gels,rta,url•, alit rllrrts w1rh were ot Donald In the Tuwu mf Gudench, w Murcia an. deceased, at the um • of.lu, death, at • whish rare ul Ikniald Hue -hirer, deeased, at rather 'immure rubbery of all sons u porta •. (flpin left their residence for • walk, leaving ebildreu. While away, the former, who e her name at di@rent times as Isabella Thompson and Isabella Smith ren ectinely, bureaus sad closets rummaged the wardrobe, G u t use at wit', and purtoiued a great many articles eiarge of the cnhmredter•Stra.-themnl. Site snit m Ik,onld tb.n dorm, I Imre Delo,' tool Nednesday, the 19th day of July, 1S63, taken u, V11,111101110 the nghl, bile mint tlere4 ot tire saW41•44.114141111/1 l ,o l shoot/ 4 1 at one o'clock p.m., viz : The Easterly portion " an..l the ,sera P el ).e nunrlrn'J and 10, in toe lint rogee•aon of Lot letter F. in the western division of the of the Township of K1111.0s, in the County 'col townshipof Colborne, i the County of Hence. a'am a,nt one 'hundred acres of mad, Huron, d deserified as folio -wit which I .hall oder for sale at my other, m tho. Of value, consisting of clothes, orualcente, ((olllmeneing at t5e oorlbeatterly angle of Court Hone*, inthr, town el (i,der.ch. ,.n 'fuer , jewellery. among which were seven silk sod said lut, thence westerly along Ike southern 'lay rhe hr.t day of Auyuat next, at tut hour of satin diaries, collars, bra,cheo. bracelets, Ie., limit of the road allowance between said twelve ul the' . . u,wa c., to the value of. 0300. T'be.e aha took Mock F. and the eighth tuuceseion of said JU11N 51ACDIIN.II.D, he hack remises and coitcerled them in . Amy,!l4R. p Wwnlhip, twenty chniue, cinerea tooth 1pbtallol ,+her)11 ,ngce,l:.akrir6, + barrel ter elsewhere, carefully. cover with djvi*iou hue between atoresaJ Nock F. itli--Jnner--MOS G, wtO t with sumo hied of rubbish. The and lot 5 in the sixth and seventh concessions - •- - - - -- - in afterward* searching for Intoe. es far as the northerly limit ot'tte roar) al S T It A Y ED O R ' S T O 1.1: N , from - redahe theft, when an in. nir Icwance between the Werth coneresioti "and the premieee of the subscriber, Lot 21, lel to the ) d ing th , governs. thing, di was tinned I Me the anti ' 5e thief hers. and we belt... t DEFERRING to oar edvertameot of 2nd Lb insteot, and in order to avid maunder standing, we lag respectfully to inform Bea., of our customers who have bed a .015.15. with us hitherto that, as we we anxious to Dilate u so our, prevent business to a clue* on u possible. we must diasoatinee ell eetouet4 from this date. Direct from the Manufacturers, 5 O O OF' ASS011TED ENGLISH Note and Letter Papers Just received and will be offered a • sli;lht advance on cost to GASH BUYERS 1 EVERYTHING 1N SCHOOL BOOKS Asti 1 tilos/RV st't•I'I.ILIJ AT LOWEST WHOLESALE RATES TO Cul•t:The M[mi•111e/Tm, AT THE' SIGNAL' OFFICE. Juno 13th, 1845. 1311.1.'8 01110 • Reaper & Mower 1 - y instituted, reeeltirl,i in fart sad Intek F., thence, seuther:v along lad con., Wawanrmh. a coke of 5 year old steep e in the reason d.scribed. nnnheri, :Imit 2T chansimon or Irre a far -nine a dark red and white, with short thick TM.; SCRSCRIBEK HAS ON HAND h long wide horns ; both bong of a small size machines, which is admitted to be one of rho and in good condition. Any person return- beat spade. May be gees a his shop, Vida - ini them, or ,giving information that will ria St., Goderich. - lead to their recover., will be suitably re. JOHN PAblIORE. Goderich, JOHN FAIR 9th May, the'. . 1.51 JOHN FAIR A CO. .0 5,00 n,u Tn,Mlhr00 CLOSING UP 711018 rax.ZRT BUSINESS IN GODERICH, WILL, ON A NEW STOCK 1 BOOTS 86 SHOES, Received this day Thrtrday nett, the 4th instant. -Commenrr w cleat off the whole of Ihr,r large oo and valuable stork of Dry Std., t'lothing, sad tliraenes, et an :ENORMOUS REDUCTION IN PRICES.; G,der•ch, tad Mar, IA6;e sou now ere to be found, the said divuiote line, thence northerly slung horns -the other a pole red and white, with gill Bell cheap woof the above splendid case has been cadged with Bald division line 75 chains, mon or less, to the proper authorit s for investigation, who the plate of beginnurg, containing 130 acres no doubt will use them beet efforts for the de.' more or leu. teetiun and bringing to -11.ond0n Free Prem. ' Tommy, take thew and If you don't tet ninepen them, brink them back.' T directed, and came back raying let me slope for a trade. They all yet em t:sr • nLiaing, but 1 n. twee down to nmepencr.' C3. Workmen have enmmenced and • now a.•tively engaged in the eiectlnn of the new depot 4,f the (:rent Western Railway, ami the foot o(Yonge street Tweet.. oar Oe A corrent ondent of a N, York journal' the F., r f that I . elty. poultry are deprived of cher feathers while still a.ire, haring been previously dipped in but water to facilitate the opera. tion. rge An editor ems that he haa seen the m contrivance that lawyers use w hen they 'warm sten of the criminal. This farm lies betwllen 4 and 5 mi es from the town of Goderieh on the Gnarl Road, is warded! fioderieb. Jane 28, 1866. - .23 well watered by • sprier; creek running THOMAS HCTZ.}:i N; E, 1 t0 the acorn, throughout tie lut, and is of fine quality. t1'nwan.eh, 4th July, 186.,. w53 3t' a down for There are on the hand the following build. - --- - "— .rs7f xl" BOOKS Mother, Beni 62 let 40, Frome Stable 24 el 30. Dissolution of Partnership /' GG L ANt' vier] the purrhwa coney to be pied to the nuc `OTIC'E is hereby Ivan that the Panner. t.onrrr at time of wk, ^..1 per cool. on the I • ship 'aerie subsisting between Dere] TAVINO mede arnegemeate with Mr. D. tint der of Septeruler went. The «minder 1 Jnbw and •C'ornetiui Johns, both of the rZ MrriRC(H)R, Hook -Moder sad Resnik - . may 'be secured by Slortgage, covering w I village of };sales, under the firm n( D. t C. tnr;ns Sutuner. (whit has lawn returned from nod of 7, 4 ur i years, at ILe option of Imre Johns, has leen thin day diss0lrtd by mutual Phda ipbla with a large abseil of Hades'sad eousent. All debut owing to staid limn are to ''there 5 aiel)I am prepared toreros's Btetek• ortgage now held bythe vendors. &inks .d all kinds. size amt styles with and wtth- k . I Irv, received by said Dsei d Juhn• and all ' , t erien-d Iles ince a tett Orr cent cheaper (i 1 t:l(M art' SALE. -Ten per (sent. err; BOOK -BINDING. em Leser on seine cnad.tions ns contained in asserts that in oat of themarkets o t tumeer Toronto, . 'Toronto, urther pat titulars unlit Ir lis the nuc IO 1 `tis Evian. Ca:ovruull SIe)Lio:Lael. i d.. •..a7n1 p ...'rthip ear t, be pre. hon Tmntnto prices. , r•, ter] to him for pay serer At11;,nJs re/Rin.linz not giving eat✓ertioz will f a up web the (subject.' Ice says it was • g•IM concern, and heel about • put. Valuable C3 The perpetrator of the murder of lion. rx 7110 Mt. Menton, err Syracuse, N. T. -:Sime two es-. OF (30 muuihe ago, hes been apprehended. An ac liciton for the +endure. ' be repaired tree of charge. os', Iry3. • Dated at Exeter, this 27th day ot June, e.ae.21 JOHN BUTLER. -- Ie65. MORT GE SALE D:4V1DJGIISS. v :TIL 0[s- « ' V Ihr N. B. -The bumurse .41 1111 tonlinueI. y anJex the name of the Exeter'l'mehop. .%li, 1 , e• /ss Gh1 r is e Factory; COitNF:Let's JORNR. AND kind+ of work done to order with neawkes and l • operty, despsteh. D.4 VID JOHNS, comptice bctaayed him' COUNTY OF H U RICH, ON. f a,v of Tilt. MARKETS. j NIit; 11 end by vii to f a Tower — `• contained in a certain indenture ,t (loom, re July 3rd. 1865. gage (which will be produeol at the toed ' Springy tV bout, ... Kee , (, 1:00 sale) made by James McM*bun. the fele, Fall Jo 1:00 (^l 1:10 ing property will be offered lar isle at the Orats,-1..... 0:40 1•t 0:45 .tact !biome of , }'lour .............. S:Su (r, 6.00 CEORCE M. TRUEMAN, Harley .... 0:55 (g 0:60 le *be Tow.. of (todericb, nn fol 0:00 fag 0:73 te_rne.♦ .k. .• 7M► J.nI rule+if. l5 I' i7 Land turkies, 0:45 I; se, - 025. C'sickens, -r as 0:20 flanks, d.. I( ' 0:00 !tides,reen).. ....• 2.75 butter 6:00 Pewee'soes t .owl Pte hay, 'P ton 0.35 (.c 0:111 ,1t one o'clock p.m.,tiz: All that parcel of 2 00 (n, 0.00 land and premises, situated in the Power art aek, aba 0::,0 Goderich, being composted of lot Nn. 9, south M, 0`00 of Lighthouse street in the said ''own of (.r, 0:00 Goderich, containing i of an acre, more or (es 0:'25 ler. Upon the premises then are erected a (ly 0:00 one and a hall' story building, divided into (0 0:121 three tenements, in good repair. ..•t 0:441 (d. 0,45 ALSO : That certain parcel or tract of 2:00 (re 0:00 land) composing lot 13, briny lot I 1 nn the . 0:08 (4 0:131 Routh side of Heat street, in the said town of :00 (01 16:00: Goderich. containing a quarter of en acre mom or less. There iA erecta on the lot s one and ahalf nutty building,frame(2-t w 32) oecupied as a grocery and dwelling. and a storehouse in tear 20 N 10, the whole is nYJlgond repair. ALSO : That certain parcel or trset of land, situate is the sail town of Goderich, NOTICE is herby given that a tall of 20 composing lot fifteen, on the "oath Ride of per cent on the subscribed capital of the West meet, containing a quarter den acre Company is suede payable on or before the of Ltd, more or lee,, The following build 10th day of July next to F. 1V. Thomas, Esq. into are erected on the premises: one two 11. M. provisional treasurer. • store frame heeding 30.211; frame barn ORO itl'\IItAi 1. 40 w 32- end frame "lied :.o feet long. Build- ings ell 5p good repair. ALSO :,All that parcel of land rnmppncieg lot number 101, in said town of (1,derich, containining by. adn.en,urement 40 perches, more or lea. There is n goal orchard on the Int. and n one story how in gond repair. TNIINA or SAu.t:.-•' ell per cent, of the. TO ere mew by PITBLTC AUCTION at the purchsoe ninny m be paid to the auctioneer office or the undersigned, ia the City of - at time of sale : 25 per tent on the Ent day London, on of September next, the remainder may be Tuesday the 18th day of July, A.D.1865, necu,ed by mortgage, covering a period of 3. t. or 5 years, at the option of the at 12 o'clock, noon, under and by virtue of a ),urchseer, on Name conditions aQ contained I'ower of !tale contained in a Mortgage from In the mortgage now held by 15" Vendors. %ter 3tdrrrtiOnn?gu. Gederjch Petroleum Pro. Secretory. l' oderieb.June 30, 1863. w23tel ort gage Sale. ale . , . _. '.it - l'ro,reenr. IB651Spring Arrangement,18851 Goderjch, Kincardine. Inverhurolt, Port Elgin, and Southampton Route. rem James Mcllonald to Charles Allanenn" For further part ienlars, Knight, dated 7th December, A. 1r. 1560; Auctioneer, or to Memn. the South holt of Let No. 3 in the 12th con- McMichael, solicitors for cerium of the 'Township of Stephen, in the Toronto. Ieunty of Huron, containing 50 acres more Toronto, June 1845. or len. A L ,e10 time , At the tamer me and pplace, under end by virtue of,l owers of Serle contained in • Mortgage from one Randall MrDnnnld and wife 10 Charles Allanson Knight, died 7th i eeemher, A. D. 1860, and a certain other Mortgage from said Randall MdMnald to "aid Chorine Alinneon Knight, dated nth January, A. D. 186:3; the North half of maid Int No. 5 in the 12th concession, Stephen, contain. ins 50 acres more or less. The above farms are under good cultiva- tion, well fenced, and have each about 33 were" eleared, aid are within 10 miles of the Village of Exeter. The soil is a clay loans of ped quality with beech and maple limber. A small creek runs throegph toe premises. Mortgagee, title Deeds and emirate may be seen at the once of the uodenigned, and at the place gad time of sale. HARRIS BROTHERS. Tendon Solie,tms. Levine, July It, 1966. w^.ted or apply to t50 Cameron end the Vendors, .33 SALE Valuable Property. STEAMER \ c LIGHT -HOUSE St.,GODERICH THE 511119CRI8E ft wisher to return tb.0ka In the public for pant laversrroesed at then 4S ♦ /y E ' hada,en.lwonlllreglnmumaetbahelsdeter• U ■V= beet to sell waptuns A. M. \ic'(}ItEGOlt, Jiastcr, CHEAPER THAN EVER. I\ eonnecti,hlith the Grand Trent. Rail. I will yell you • waggon complete for 853.10 road, at Goelerith, commencing on "rash, and all other things In proportion. Alt work M.,nday, June' 266, ieGS, (wenther per- mitting), er q nrrnulyd s'0 give awtlaAsetlew. mitting), will learn GODERI('H FOR SOUTHAMPTON All kinds of Fuming Implements mede to order. Every evening'. (Sundny's excepted) at 6 o'clock, p. m., rallinie at intermediate parts. RETTJRNIIsT _ Will leave Southampton every -morning, (Sundays excepted) at 5 o'clock, a. m. call Mg at intermediate pons, and arriving at Goderich in time to connect with the 3 o'clock, p.m. train goiter east. GEO10;}: Itt•M11A1.ia Agent, Goderich. T YDER and by virtue 01 a Power of Stele +' •contained In a Mortgage made by Hugh Anderson, of the l'nwnship of Kielce*, in the Cooney of lienee, Yeoman, default having been merle in the doe payment thereof, will be sold on Wes -bleeds'', the second (2nd) day of August, A. It .'l 65 at twelve o'clock, noon. at the Auction Ilan of George M. Trueman, Market Sgsae, Goderich, the following pmperly, via. Late numbers twenty-one and twenty two, in the third range south of the Durham iLad, In the aforesaid towesbip of Stator. Deed under Power of Sale. M. f. CAMERON, .2314 • Solicitor for Mortgages Tickets ran be procured from any of the undermentioned agents at the following rates, vie. Orderlrh to K,neenline !Oct.. do leverhern .. 7.5,•55. da Port Elgin .... 31 00. •Son n , I run. I Ih In ton d, 1 Kneanhne to Inrrrhnron 25.11. do Port Elgin 'inert. k. Seugewn Mart, And I"ter. Corm. .A.g011tia1s K,,,•nnlne .. .. Ho.. Rnhen.on, Inverhmmn 1' 11rR,e. Port Elgin ........... W 11. Rohe. Pouthnmpson......... Thos. Adair. The Steamer assure will connect at Goderich Yrlth the !MEANER RURON% is 1'GI,V, \fn+ter. Every Timed, • and Fndnvs 1n• 0atmn w. alt, Propellor Niagara, C. M. McINTOS(i, Master, (ince R week ." ('bravo. Thrnnch tickets ran he prne-red from soy of the agents for Saginaw and thiengo, at the (mfow'nr min: 1.1 elem. Ind el,es io.ulslmprnn ami Port El. n ,n ongmn Jr. .$',On 8.Ino (overborne 4 Kmrnr,l,ne to ,1„ .. 1 WI 3.R0 Poul her m., A. ', Elvin to Chi -*0-. 7m 5500 Ins-ehnnin Sr Kincardine to dm .. aAO 1.50 Freight r-intract,' by this lino via Grand Trunk for London. ilamilton, Tornntn,,Mnn- treel, end all points' }:gat cheaper than by any other route. GEO. RUMBALL, A,enc ftn)eneh, lone 17,1%65. w21 JOHN McPIIERSOS. Oodench, Jan. %h. 1808. wawa, GODE241Ci1 WAGON & CARRIAGE Xcs. Yluf1La t0 dry • 11'I"THF. 30th June, 1865. A LARGE 1 STOCK OF PLAIN IN .A.11`s-•n 54' Insolvent Att of 1864, Pis F1 F: creditors of the melereirned are tit', ' find to meet et the Law otie art .1. ]' . Elwood, in the Village of Clinton, 141 Ila day our Fourteenth day of July next, of twelve o'clock noon, for the toupee et re. (solving ststeteuts of his affairs and of seise sex an meigue, to whom he may make se assignment under the abovet act. JOHN JOSLIN. J. Y. ELWOOD. Solicitor for resolved. Clinton, 2015 June. 1865.mpew" •wf5'4 LAND li1AI.I' : UNDER POWER OF SALE IN MUI:T: Ulfvirtue of a Power of Sale sweeties,' ies,' i • Mortgage made by James McMahon or the township of Golrrieb, in the Collet, or Huron, arid Province of Canada, (.I.• fault{s, having been made in the due We%wt thereof) will be serif oar dnesday, the 26th day of Juiy, A. It., 1665, at twelve o'clock, noun, at the Auction Mart of George M. Trueman, in the town of Gudericb, lye following property, that ie te say : Lot ((Baleen, in concession C, in the township of litderich, in the County of Huron, containing by admeuurrment ten wares of land, more or lea. Terms Cash: Ihed under Power of Sale. M. C. CAMERON, .2114 Solieitor for Mortgagee: MORTGAGE SALE or !Valuable Property 33 UVDEIt and by virtue of • Power of Rate containel in • Mortgage mode by John E; Disney. of the Town of U,dench. in Ih. (Tonal! at Huron, in the And part. Marr Elle• Dane), Ms wife, (ter the purpose of barring her dower); JI the se.•om1 pert, default having been made ,n the due payment thereof. will be sold •t the Auction Mart of George M. Trueman, M't,kef Square, Cnsterich, 1411 Friday, the eevcnth (hl.j day of July, A. D. Inas, at cite Ire o',•l,ek. seen, the I:.tl9wine property, rig: 1.,., number (13001 one thousand three numbed and nine, and lot nuoalaer (394) three hundred end ninety-four, in the tow n of Oedema, •loree.ud. Jc+d uod,•r Power of Rd.. M. C. CAMERON, w19'd $olirnor 51,r Muncn:•.•e:: Notice is Hereby Given rinr.l'r application will be made to hostf breneben of the iaegislature of this l'ru wince at their next sitting to have the town- ship of %Vawanosh divided to form twit selenee Municipalities. to be called " rata* N'awenosh " and " West Wawsnush," re' specurcly, the dividing line to be between lots numbered twenty set en and twenty eight. The application will he Reade by petition of the Municipal Conned, and oecr three hum .Ired end ninety of the electors of the said township of 111.1•1000,11. 11y order of the Council. .1.45. SCOTT, T'p Clerk. June 13th. 1065. w22tf SpringdSummer SHERIFF'S SALE OF LDEE an Cooed Counties id11Y 0,rt„n rf n writ .,f III ', a, and I cru, r, , ) F,vn Ferias domeddomedout 1„ sou S of Her Ma{r•ty'e ('..miss Court ser the Cnited C00,111,1°1 o1 Huron ani ..rail i , sere d,rr.•te.l riga ur.1 the Imola and rruo- c,te,d Wuhan Nilson, al the part of )no. 14„well 51.05.ur,n and As, bibeld Cook rulher- Iand, 1 have...teed and Takes in enerutn,n all the ngni, title and interest of ibe said delendenr an and to the North halves oilers numbers tholc.o and fourteen le the ninth concession .41he b•wnJ .ter et Morris. . the County os' Huron, whit5 land, and tenements 1 shall offer for Ole at my ,NMe in the Court House, an the lawn M (under• eh, on Tuesday the Third day a October mil, at the hour of twelve mf the clock, ,,...n. JUIiN MA('DONALD, + Shamir, H.& R. 6'06 ersi JUST ARRIVED AND FOR SALE CHEAP.!! A Splendid Private Residence e' mhlrr nrn nretn th an i Tff0,anhpr..n and would I Ilnrmn *nA Nrure that he has on haul and will ma kr to order ('.mage., W. nn., Ilar- row.,Ar., which will be (sold'heap forn•,h or approved credit. On hand and for sole cheep, ((ACTION. -This is to forbid all persons 1 crediting or harboring my wife Catharine McDnugail on my account, se she her left my bed and board without jot most or provocation, as i "hell not be reeponaible for any debt. she may eeetreet. i)ONALD Mrt1nr(ALL. fill son., Stanley, July 6t1i, 1865. w23C3t CUTTERS and SLEIGHS JOHN PASSMORF, ♦I:toria 8treet.Ooderlta. AunIl.t.45.11. _ *45. Om CEDAR, FOR SA2.E, REAi'TIFULLY situated in the Town of )) Goderieh, being park lot, No. 14, esu. C., containing 10 wee of excellent laud, with • goud Orchard of choice fruit, all in full bearing. A large Two Storey Brick House With stone cellar, 38 by 30 feet. Frame Darn, Stable, Sheds and other out -buildings. 'file whole will be sold on reasonable terms. Apply to JAMES McMAIION, VAR -M+ drnrnnl of obtaining First Mute 1 Cedar for F 4..1115 not Huihbnm marmites ren he tinplate.' in Roy q.ennty, and un reasonable tern., by applying to J. W. ELLIOTT. oderiek Pah. 0(5.1861. .1 ri 3, & 3. SEEGELLER, P.& NN on the premises. Oodeneh. Jane 18th, 1865, w21 1 m ',AUT 1 O N: This is to fiirbid persons ll purebuing or otherwise negotiating • note of head coming due its Tlovember next, for the sum of twenty dollars, given by the undersigned in favor of Robert Johnston. The note has been over paid. W r. 11 AMiLT( C6'. Colborne, Jane 22nd, 1863. w23 -3t `TRAY STEER. -Came into the premises U of the undersigned about the middle of Nov. lot, • white steer, about 3 year* old - The owner is requested to prove property, pay expenses and remove him. We. JENNISON. Johnson's Mills P.O., Hay, Jeers 26, 1865. *22•3t STRAV MARE. -Strayed from (inderich Commons, about the tint week in June, Foal,the mare 3. tan and horse inst., 1 5 • Bay has • cork on the left bind font there a • star on the colt's forehead, and left hind foot white. lnforma.ion that will Teed to her recovery will be suitably rewarded by leaving word with MARK WHITELY. Goderich, Jule 29th. 1065. w93 4t•0 DEALERS IN LEATHER FINDINGS! GODEEICH. C. W. feprusry 11,5550. 4died R EMO V .A L. Clinton Book Store. AT THE EIV 1 Oi% ItJ . (iODRRICH, May 1st, tori:,, J. V. DETLOR & SON. w i'2 CAUTION. -This is to forbid tete person. ISAAC F R E D R I C K V purchasing or otherwise negotiating a Juin Note given by the undersigned and Itobt j E7MOV7x7I) Elliott in favor of John Mitchell, as 1 bare Sheriff's Odle., G,alerlrh, 1 53rd June, 1015. l MK FOR -BALE. 80 ACRES Untie. *131 Wei FIRST RATS LANb '1 Terns eriey,apply DONALD SUTHERLAND, on the -premises, or M. C: CAMERON, (i.deriea. 'loderich, April 30th. 1804. w144r received no ..tae for the name. TO F. NITSCHES' OLD STAND. School Books and Scho of Stati onety, THE undersigned begs to nntify his friends end the pulite generally that he has re- moved hie !took Ston to t5e well-known stand on Albert Street, Clinton, formerly occupied by J. S. Forrest 1 I:o., where he will he happyto wail upon all who may favor him wita *all. ANDREW 5lcKl-E. s-..---- Goderich, Ooderich, June 20th, 1865 .21.3t fds Sheriff's Sale of Lands. U needltnunbe. et)) ju Y virtue of a writ or Ituron and Bruce,) L Fier, Fite 1111 ,ssn.,' tool T.. wit: 1nf Her Maje.ty'e County ('mirt of the United (:u•tnnea of Huron and amen end 1n me directed against the lands enol enw- ment. of Elijah Freynr, at the of W11110011 Aldndide, 1 have ,card and taken in erreutop oh the right, title and mlere-1 of the ea.l dr(rn• dant in and to the:roth hall.* lot number twenty Ave.., than 615 enn'rmun mf the township „f porn.. ,n the roamty in Hnrun; 1/kWh lam1, and tenements 1 shall oiler for sale at my othr to the Court Howie in the town of node• (knottier de u! irh run 'Newby. the thirdy n ext, at the hoer M twelve of the clock. oma. JOHN MACDON.SLD, 8henf,11.ec ■ Country Storekeepers„ Are particularly invited to inspect his large sloth of SCHOOL BOOBS L STATIONERY Witted) will he found to be w low in price as those of the Toroete Wh.lerials Mer- chants. Frey Goods, OfBr. Stationery. Meisel in•trw nose% Toys, *ell Papers, Wrapping as vessel ver lo.. 1 apsrs, he., be., ALO T..YC')C[. (l.aee, :015 Jess, 1950. (w1U OberiA'e OBre, (i.dermh, I 53rd June. Ie05. w22 TR.1Y MARE. -Strayed from 1-1 Mitohell, on Sunday the 18th inst., • Bay Mare, 4 years old, about l:(} hands high, near hind foot whits, omen white spot on her forehead, black menti and tail. Whoever will give information to the un. drnigned where said mare will be found will be suitably rewarded. RICHARD JEN QISON, Tp. of Tray, Johnson's' Mills P.O. Ivey, June 22, 1865. .22.3t Insolvent Act of 1864. For Sale ---A Bargain The f1 Bruce Vindicator” Press, Type, & Fittings, Goo!) R -ORA LV(7 OR/4.It. .1pp ly to Il. CIiLREItT, l'rintcr, Southampton, C. W. June 10th, 1865. .20-40 Leaden and Paris Treatment ! WATCHMAHk.R & JEWELER WEST BT., pODERICII, Next door West of Mr. Stotts' Saddlery, 1 L1. a1a*e 0/ WATL'HES, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY ala'AIREII to SHORT 0 'Tt('K. - In the best Style & Warranted. A101,1404,41 e.m.Tw.s r ere /a eAe nigger a/ EDWARD PERM" - SON, o/tA. Village al .oriAnmpton, iso the Comfy of /farce, Merchant, an /asolerne. THE ereditore of the Ineolveet are notified 1to meet et the law riffles of Frederick Preed(oM, Esquire, in the said village of Southampton, on Thursday, the twentieth day of July next, .t tee n'theeir, a. m., Inc the pubile .zsminmtien of the insolvent. and Inc the emeriti( ot *8. affairs of his estate generally. of evens of the clog, whoa. Dated at 4mtth•mpton siormaid, the 1 kb JC)4TIJt I(ACDONALD. d► of Joao. A. D 1)145. JA..1, R 4 P. y AL.,r.S. PROC.nrOnT, •11et:a•CMOs. r sh, / Ari .es' 1Ir4 )tree. 1815, a • .S2 gy.22 :w t Mold* PInted JeWeiry, Wmtehee. ('luekw, Ape, Al'. Constantlyea hand and warrenettn he ar.prrael'es fnnl. money reaMra. ' ';M.n,h Jblr 171,,.1+a1. A8*11 BOOTS AND SHOES 'nrtysnlit ren SPRING AND SUMMER .WEAK it •T art rlrin 57 James Collins,Sen.'s • KINONTON OT., OOpattlCrt. A CALL IS SOLICITED SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS. _e_ DR. JOHNSON'S Office and Dispensary, No. 6.1, Little St. James Street, MONTRMAIar F'o. tr... Cur, at 1'Aroe. C'.•npla,wu, Sr.yfnlor .V..laas He.,/sty, J),rraaes nJ vier /JI eaarnd R'rekasu r and aU Frenal, Canrpfainea. , 'nit. JOHNSON, 1. ATE Ole 'ANDO*, ED, V e 11 high and Per,., devotee his attention, art rhnrvely, to the ,Trcanwnt of the I omplamte raters d to In this notice. Many yam *riper iroee .n Europa.. and the British Cuton,rs, ,nahra hou d. prrf,rnt nems very remarkable euree ; a,nl k,* facilities for obtaining the brei and burst tem.- d,e* nee 0orh, (ring on,. with the mat rel•Malest phyn,imas et he old world. that he ran tiller inducement. le the unfortunate of a seedy and perfect carr. tl Rau Horn yrs nu Wn,■-Dir. John • KemnI es will rouse, in a +cry .hurl bn,e, alt whoare indicted with Nervous lcbhty, Lee of Memory. Vlgur, Yc. S -Y Y,rsa SINN, Teat elonc*, --There le an rrJ ha'at oven cunlacled by boys M reboot, which grows nn with them to nenhe.d { the . Mau o(th.e red parte is mnnl deplrel le, often producing insanity, 30., 3.r. All who sr. sitI,rled rhwld apply to Dr Johnson Immedlal.lyr e nd toe will ..eat a speedy and perfect One. Y- h,. or lots H1.no,., .leo.-It ie A melancholy tart trod th,usand• tall victims to Masse 0 wing to the unskilful and improper n, R r .- Compound :' rn r Imfn ml's L ) n 1 I r. ) Is of mercury. will thne.oghly end•ralt all ills at w wrong Irr,lrl ■ disused .•r Impure 441114 01 life blood. Hemnbr5 lerwlntel in eel yin any edema, °Mee hour. num h till It, and from 11i11 S. All romui,mrs• non, .h•mld he .,I..rro.rd, Dr. Chap. F. Johnson, he, Little St..Ianas Street. Menireel,l:. S. -_ TO LET* -'F- ACONTRACT of chopping and clearing Ten arra, eo the hayfield hotel, lee miles from Goderich. Apply to COLIN CLARK, Ileroa lewd, Jane i,;th, 186.5. w21tf United COO/MI.0(7 UT •1141141 01 n writ os' ii,o Huron and Bruce, 1 Ven n.E+pnnu wand T. it: Flee Pares, ,Mr rendoe. trued .sol of ll. r Majesty's County Coon of Ihr Ridged Cminlaa of Huron awl Hen.% aid to me d.reeted ag•mel the land• and enemente •5 David Unites at 1M suit of the Huron Distinct RwMmg ftoelriv, 1 Mire rented and lakrn .n (net,men •11 Inv right, title and ,nle,.'l ..1 eke Neel neandent ,n wet 1„ !it 0nmhn Iwenly•f•n,, is the wood renrese'a of the Io.eaMp of Kot- ler, m the County et Bros,, comment' one hundred screw. mono or less 1 which lends sad tenement. 1 snail ogler lo• wk in my "6•..n Ike Coen Howe, ,n the Town of nederirh, ere Tees - Add, I1e twenty -110h day of lair meat, et the ►our Money to Lend, UPON Mortgagee. Apply to 1). Sled. Gooding, Solicitor. office over k. Month's store. (inderirh, 10th May, 1865. .0 4If INOLYENT ►0? OF 1864. rl'HE creditors of the undernirned ere noti• lied to meet at the law office of 11. l', Cameros, in 1he town oA flo!erieh, in the County of Huron, on `lnnday, the seventeenth day of July. 186',, at ten of the cluck in the forenoon, for the purpose of receiving *tene- ments of his affair', and of nam;ne as. assignee to whom he may make at ,mien. mans ender the atm*. Act. Dated et Goderich, in the County of irate w this 21th day of Jane, 1865. WILLIAM 1110.,1.01'. M. C. e.AYFR0Y. s.4tei Solieemir the Ilaenl•ad. f