HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1955-06-16, Page 134 1. 1' '44 *4' eS THE TWIESADVOCATIE, EXETER, ONTARIO, mulls my MORNINC, JUNE 20, 1905 • (1 his it Real friends, are those who,. when yetelte Made a fool of your- self, don't feel that yon've done Al' permaxpost job, DAtAY.TAILS3 • ITU,. Be BETTER IF YOU 'MAKE IT WITH 6000 RICH •MILK FROM 111611411NP11144041ei 0 10c4',1!A!)01,101!Ks,I., ' Skinner .Family Enjoys Contests 1,40 Skinner reunion WM held: at ;Stratford PaVilion wltb sev-, enty,five present from London, St. Marys, ,Sballuw Lake, ;Strat- ford, 'Crediton and Kxeter. ;!rhe ain. d14 ;iot mar. all the ;sports, - Winners )vere; under ,six, Denham, Darlene Denham; girls. 61 :Cheryl, Denham, Jane Pen, ham; boys 6-8, Nein Mo.4.11Ister, Dale McAllister; girls and by 1-0-12, - Grant ;Skinner,. Madge ;Skinner; ; Young Men, Grant Slcill- ,Per,„Kenneth Noble; young•ladies Madge Noble; Married ladies, Mrs. Tom 'Waller, Xrs. ;Cary Shinner;• .)uarried men, Ronald Denham, john KgAllister; grand- mothers, Mrs, prank King; grandfathers, Irwin dlellarny, Russell Skinner,. ,Kicking the slipper, Mrs.1Frai*.,' lin Skinner •,and. Cecil ;Skinner; guessing the trinz, Sam ;Skinner, Mrs. Franklin ;Skinner; nail driv- ing, Mrs, Ron Denim= and .Cecil ?Skinner; • youngest baby, Brian Denham; oldest co`nple, Mr, and Mrs. Wm. ..Sitinfier; gum drop contest,- Mrs. Irvin Bellamy; and. several relays. with ,Sam. Skinner and ;Gary ;Skinner as captains. The older ones ,enjoyed game' of cards. • NeXt Year 'will 'be the twenty- fifth. picnic held at Stratford on July S, with - ;Gary 1Skinner as president; Jack Skinner, secretary treasurer;sports committee, Mr. orority Blitz Drive .Finance Wading Pool 'Members of Pota. .SIgma Phi Sorority 'will stage a campaign. blitz Thursday night in Kxeter to raise *1,000; for a wading pool in Victoria, Pea. Encouraged by the 'co-opera- tion and support shown for the project, the sorority wllJ canvass the business .section and' homes. 'in -town for donations to pay for the cost of • materials tor the pool. Labor and equipment used in construction are :being do- nated. "We feel this project is very worth. said Mrs. Kneen tounallie, chairman of the sor, ority committee. "It will not only -provide excellent recreation for Young children. but it will be val- uable in . the swimming' instrue- tion program started at the Kins- men playground last sumMer. We have been encouraged by the. Co-operation of those who have offered their time and equipment in the construction and we hope the•citisens of the town will con- tribute enough to pay for the. materials. we will need." and Mrs,. John McAllister, and Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Elford; table conilittee, Mrs. Alvin. Noble and Mrs. lilli.prown. Announcing Credit Service At Jack Smith Jewellers For the first time, Jack Smith Jeweller Is making available a complete credit service ab- solutely free to the people df Exeter and`district. This convenience will make it possible for you' to -buy .the jewellery . • .. or watches . . . or gifts you want when you want them . . „ ON CREDIT! Here is the point about our xtew•Credit.Ser- vice which you will especially appreciate—there,is absolutely no "Red Tape" about opening your account. We have been doing business in Exeter long enough to know that your order is all we need. Your business will, of course, be kepfrstrictly confidential. Remember . this service costs you nothing. It's entirely FREE! NEW Free Watch will be given away during The Next 14 Days All visitors to our store from now until June, 8q, will receive a free chance to win a beautiful man's or lady's ELCO wrist watch. No obligation to buy. • • Jewellery Now On Display. We're showing a coniplete, new stock,,of ,jewellery including Bridal Bell Diamonds; Elco, Elgin and Pavia) watches (SPECIAL: Shockproof, waterproof, luminous, '17 -jewel nian's watch for only $19.95); signet and stone rings, new cups and saucers, Silverware and many other items. New Gift Jewellery For Father ELECTRIC SHAVERS Phinshave, Remington, Schick, Sunbeam and Ronson, RONSON LIGHTERS BILLFOLDS LETTER CASES PHONE 516 JEWELLER EXETER pool wiU stPlirtiuiceOtjay4.0evtnt4e, too, wben members of the planning' com- mittee 000 out the location of the p001 in Preparation to eXO4.: vatiOn next week, Mechanical eqnlpntor the'41gging et the 'hole and removal of the dirt has !been ottered and more is being. .sought to speed -up the exoavatio.n. work. At a special 'meeting Saturday, the Exeter Public Wales OM - mission agreed to supply water free of charge during a 10-wee1y„ Period._ It was feared at first that the pool might' place a strain on • the water supply during the sum - Mer months of July and August but the P.U,C. 'feels it can pro- vide enough to changethe water every two days. In caseof emer- gency, however, the pool aliOnlY will have to be curtailed. Plan and operation of the Pool ihas been approved by :authorities of the Huron County Health Unit, !Chemicals will be added to the. water to make it safe for mass sw11314111:og. Df' the 24x40 Pool will slope from four inches to 16 in- ches so that it can be used by toddlers as well as other child - Stephen Lines Picnic At Park The annual N-joy-11-Al1 picnic of the second and third conces- sions of Stephen township 'was held June 14 at Riverview Park, Exeter. Despite the 'cool _weather there was a good attendance. Results of the sports were: children's races, Marie Powe, Ju- cly.Lamport, Brian Lamport, Eve- lyn Wilson, Wayne lionsberger; young men's race, Gerald Dear- ing; married men' a race,Winston Sh'apton; slow motion minute race Mrs. J. lVfakins; throwing paper plates, Mrs, Arthur Ford, con- test for grandfathers, pinning a diaper on a • baby, Wilfrid Shap - ton; putting on a man's tie, Mrs. Asa Penhale. A number of relays were cori- tested with Mrs. Wilfrid Shapton's group attaining the highest nuni- ber of points. Other winners were Russell King and Mr. and Mrs.. Donald Dayey. Frank Triebner was named president far the coming, year and Mrs. Preston Dearing,. sec- retary -treasurer. iturite4 with your 1-56 Trust' Them to Our Better SANIT6NE Service! It Costs No More Than Ordinary Dry Cleaning! • Insist on our better 'safe Sanitone Dry Cleaning to keep your pretty dresses looking like -new. Spots out! All dirt gone! Perspiration removed. Completely free of dry cleaning odors. Call us today! BRADY CLEANERS IPhont 136 Exeter ren. M1 youngsters ,eight and un- der will be permitted to use the pool which will be supervised under arrangements with the Kinsmen playground program,. The pool will be conetructed of cement and will tave a concrete border around it for .safe walk- ing. It will be fenced off to pre.. VeirnteW.ancouncil has agreed to lay the dram rt for the structure and. 7q1u1 iplrut naneeydePdf inthteheAl.counilsterlPuacl 't11414:11..and Mrs, Olen Bonnallie, Mrs, lgembers of the construction committee- include Olift Priutnell, Lou Bailey, 'Chuck ne11, Alvin Willert, Jerry Campbell, Mrs., Pon Gaiser, president of the sorority, and Rea, Director Doug smith. Kirkton Institute Entertains Others Fullarton, Motherwell and fl- inivflle were guests of Kirkton Women's Institute at tter IMarymneeting in Aberdeen okto. E ach Institute contributed numbers to the program includ- ing a play from the • ladies of Woodham Women's Association, a piano solo by Mrs. Philip Johns, a vocal duet by Mrs. Raines and Mrs. Morris and,readings by Mrs, Delmar Skinner, by Mrs. Stewart of Fullarton, by Mrs. John Hot- s= and by Mrs. Lindsay. !Mrs, E. Paton president of Kirkton W. I. conducted the meeting and Mrs, A. Levy was the pianist. . ;Lunch was served in cafeteria Style. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. A. Dobson. SUPERIOR Propane Limited Tour Distributor for Propane Gas and Appliances for Farm, Home and industry Call Stratford 4174 Hospital 'Group Gets .HS 'Fines! It was deckled ,to 4100014u°, the meetings of the -4adies" Aux-, Wary to South Kuron KOspital; Wing July and Anitabut the' Menders will. meet to mend and. SOW hOSOta), linen Ori the regular day throughout the Summer. Igrs, Dart Russell presided at the meeting on Tuesday after- noon in the .absence, of the pregl- Ident Mrs. ,P. Pealardlim The pupils ;of Miss Isabel 04n, fon'a room presented eight dol- lars. to the Auxiliary—this was collected ;by fines or misplacing articles or; leaving them In dis- array. The. ladies .of Maln t. United aura presented two crib; quilts for the. Use of the hospital. •••••!!!!' ERTE5 s - FOR POWERFUL GETAwAY I: WUERTH'S For Docks . Clearing Lines. of Afep.'s and Roys' Work Boots Roys' Reg. $5.75 for 53.05 MEN'S Brown Oxfords ' REDUCED BELOW COST $9.05 Line for $7.50 Work Sox Special Very Special Two Pair for 870 • Several Pair; of Men's, Wo- men's and Children's Shoes and Boots Left for Repair and Not Called For.' See Them For A Bargain. • FREE. SHOE 011 • WITH WORE BOOTS WUERTH'S Phone 252 Exeter 8 1 ▪ Phone 62 Hensall, Ont, llll !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !I I l 1 lll ! lll 0011 lll llllllllllllll ll HM1111111111011; ll witim!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lllll llllll mop," llll llllllll 0.4000.11teinallnettegfineennettllen0M! Your Fathers' lay Headquarters • Nylon Sport and Dreas Shirt* • Arrow White and Colour* Shirts • Bathing Snits • Sports Coats and Slacks • Jackets • Wool and Nylon Socks • Nylon Stretch Socks • Ifickock Belts and JeweBry • Ties • T-Sbirts4 Plain andFancy • Sweaters by Tony MY • Shoes and Slippers • $hort-Sleeved .Sport Shirts T. *mit 4.1. -Son 4.0“01=01!1 0000000 E.- 1. FRESH VEGETAG1LEC CONTAIN A WEALTH OF THINGS 50 GOOD FOR PEOPLES HEALTH/ Interlake TOILET TISSUE . 9 for $1 WEINERS, 1 Lb. ALL FOR HAMBURG, 1 Lb. BOLOGNA, 1 Lb. ,$1.00 SHREDDED WHEAT 2 for.310 • Pkgs Chubby or Regular Burns' Chuckwagon KLEENEX Pkgs , 6 for $1 DINNER 2 tor 790 Coffee Chase & Sanborn Maxwell House, Nabob 99c McFALLS GROCERY 70 -QUALITY& COURTEOUS SERVICE MAINS. WELLINGTON — EXETER • 1 • 1 • • eet w tor, • in the frkiCking.busineset. • There's no doubt about it ..`. GMC makes a powerful first impression with its streamlined styling, "driver - designer cab and new raked -back windshield. But that's not all—for back of all this class and comfort is a tough rugged truck that's leader in power and perforqiance. GMC has the biggest range of engines' in the industry -3 V8's, 6 Big 6's and 3 Diesels. Frames and axles are new for longer, trouble-free service-- wheelbases are shorter for easier (urning—and there's the widest range of trucks equipped with 14ydrci-Matic*autoniatic transmission in the business/ MO to meet this all new truck Sensation at your OMC dealer's today—irs potitivaly the "Big 'Wheel" of She trucking business/ *Avallabli at 10C103 cost on MI Model* • A OVNEOAL MOORS VALUE THE SIGN OF GOOPHESUSINESS GAir.4554 ZURICH • Pearson Motor Solis PHONE 78 "EXETER PHONE 608