HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1955-06-16, Page 11
' I
.Eiglity-Second Year
Prise Per Copy
Sells Minors Beer,
Gets 0 -Day Term
A first offence for bootlegging
Under the Canada TeniPerance
Act drew more than the minimum
penalty from Magistrate Dudley
Holmes because beer was sold to
."I don't consider it a moral
wrong to sell alcoholic beverages
to adulte," the cadi said, "but I
do consider it a very nasty thing
to 0011 to youngsters csf teen
Freak Glanville, of Crediton,
pleaded guilty to selling 12 pints
of beer to lour youths, 16 to 17
years old, on June 5. It was his
first offence. Sentence included
a $75 fine or 30 days in jail. He
elected to serve the Jail term.
Secend Conviction.
Nelion Bedard, of R.R. 2 Zur-
ich, was sentenced to 14 days in
jail when. he was eonvicted for the
. second time of impaired driving.
Bedard pleaded *guilty to being
under the influence of alcohol
while in a motor vehicle .on May
' 20.
A. P. McFadden, of Goderich,
was fined $60 and costs for im-
paired driving on No, 4 highway
near Devon on May 11.
OPP Constable John Ford test-
ified he spotted McFadden and
his wife arguing in a small Eng-
lish car when it was parked at
the intersection of the highway
and Crediton road. lie followed it
600 feet north of. the intersection
and saw a topcoat thrown from
the car as it lurched into the
centre of the road. The vehicle
parked in the laneway of John
Mahon where the couple were
arrested. Exeter Constable John
Cowen, who drove the car into
Exeter, also teetified,
McFadden told the court his
wife was under medical care and
bad .become hysterical while driv-
ing to Goderich. Sala Lerner, of
Lerner and Lerner, London, de-
fended him.
Free Truck Driver
In Kippen Death
George E. Dietze, 25, of Mit-
chell, driver of the panel truck
which backed Over and killed an
18 -month-old Kippen child on
May 3, was cleared of any negii,
gene's or carelessness in the ac-
- cidett' by Magistrate (Dudley
Holmes in court here Wednesday.
The magistrate dismissed a
charge of careless driving against
the young Mitchell father. An -
Win Can Peas
End Of Week
Tbis year's pea crop will be
better than those of the last two
years, H. K. Penhale, manager
of the local branch of Canadian
Canners Ltd., said Wednesday.
Be described growth as "good".
The plant expects to start.can-
ming operations the end of this
*week. There is a possibility that
two shifts may be required to
handle the aereage, largest in the
history of the local plant.
Ranger Banquet
Treats Mothers •
• The Rangers under -the leader-
ship of Miss Isabel iGanton, cap-
tain, and Miss Anne Kartushyn,
lieutenant, held a mother and'
daughter 'banquet at the Domin-
ion Hotel, Zurich, on Wednesday
The Rangers include Arlene
Ford, Dianne Kearney, Iris Tom-
linson, Joanne Mair, Bakker,
and Marion Sandell!. Service stars
'were presented to the 'girls by
'Miss Laurette Seiner, District
Commissioner. A film on "Guid-
lug" ,was 'shown by Miss 1Seigner.
!The girls discussed attending
one of the (Shakespearan plays
• at Stratford this surainer as one
of their meetings.
'Presentations of gifts 'were
made to Miss 'Ganton and Miss
• IKartushyn as .they are leaving
Exeter at the end of the school
term, '
William Nadiger
Former Thresher
Wililam C. asTadiger, a 'former
thresher, died et his home in
Dashwood on 'Wednesday in his
eighty-fourth year. He has been
bedstricken for several years.
,Born in Oxford 'County, Mr.
Nadiger moved to Dashwood 154
years ago and was employed at
the Goetz Saw Mill for some
years. He Was ft member of the
Lutheran 'Church, DashWeed.
He is intrvived by his wife, the
(eraser Elizabeth Ogden; one
daughter, Zeta, Mrs. Wes, rilk-
ine, FM., of Howell, IOW three
nieters, Mrs. Mary 'Schultz, Mt.
liifich,; Vie, 'Minnie
ibtorniyle, ItaltiniazOO, Mich., and
sirs. Sallna Henderson, 'Galt, and
one brother, Ed. Nadiger, Dash-
Funeral servites Will be held
tit the T, Ratty Hoffman funeral
home, Dashwood, at 2 PAM
day, June 17', and at the Lutheran
Church at 2.80 p.m. with Rev.
Higetell officiating. Interment
Will be in Lutheran Bronson Line
other charge of criminal negt.
gence was dismissed two weeks"
(Prosecuting Attorney H, Glenn
Hayes, in presenting the case at
previous eourt, argued that Dietze
should have got out of his truck
and looked behind it before
backing over the sidewalk where
the child was lying.
"I am not convinced it is
Metro's duty to get out and walk
behind -the truck CO look for
danger," the magistrate ruled,
"While 1 sympathize with the
parents in the to of the child,
cannot find differently,"
Dietze testified earlier he had
stopped the panel truck before
crossing the sidewalk to look for
traffic on the road but he did not
get out of the vehicle. He said he
proceeded onto the highway and
did not know the child was struck
until be began to pull away.
Witnesaes testified the boy,
Terry Gridzak, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Peter Gridzak, was lying on
this pavement before the accident
happened. Although he had been
playing with other 'children dur-
ing the day, there had not been
any around at the time of the
accident, they said.
Child Hard To See
"It would be -very hard for
Dietze to see the child," said the
magistrate. "The child was small
and didn't obtrude itself: The
driver did all that any prudent
man would do to make sure he
wouldn't hit anybody," he said.
•Dietze, father of two girls, had
been plumbing in the areaand
came to the home of William
Ivison, just west of the old Kip -
pen hbtel where the Gridzaks
live, to get some tools from other
members of_ the firm who had
been working there, He decided
to take the truck, parked in the
Ivison laneway, to the house
where he had been working.
Wiliam Ivison, 90, said he was
watching from his window 'inside
the house wb.en Dietze got into
the truck and saw the child lying
on the sidewalk. He went outside
to warn the driver but was too
AIR FORCE DAY ATTRACTION ---One of the most popular
attractions at RCAF Station Centralia on Saturday was this
T-33 jet trainer from the west. Hundreds of visitors inspected
the plane before rain forced, the crowd of 7,000 inside the
hangars. Donald.• Bray, Thames Road, views the jet from
the top of the stand. The air show planned fpr the day was
partially cancelled because of the overcast ,i'veather. See. story,
page 3. —T -A Photo
Favors No Speed Limit
For Open Road Traffic
Hpron County Magistrate Dud-
ley Holmes, presiding at •Exeter
Court Wednesday, said he favor-
ed abolition of the speed limit on
the open highway.
The magistrate stated cars
could be driven safely at speeds
over 50 miles an hour on clear
highways when, visibility was
good and traffic light.. Some
states in the U.S..allow drivers to
travel at unlimited speeds and
others permitted to travel up to
ELECTION WINNER—Tom Pryde Exeter Progressive Con-
servative, won his„ fourth provincial election Thursday with
the largest majority of his career, He defeated James R. Scott
of Seaforth by a 1,504 margin..Mr. Pryde first won the seat
in a bye-election.in 1948 following the death of Dr. It. Hobbs
Taylor, Dashwood. He retained the seat in provincial elections
of 1948 and 1961, —T -A Photo
Vo ers dive Tom Pryde
Bigger Edge Than Ever.
"Bigger and better than ever". winner on the fire thick in front
A happy Tem Pryde, re-eleeted of the Legion Pipe Band; A mot-
to his fourth term in the Ontario 'arcade carried the 'vletor to 'oele-
Legislature with his greatest maj- bracing fens in Hensall, Clinten,
ority ever, repeated the words as Goderich and Seatorth,
he made Ms victory celebration
throughout the ridirig Thursday
The friendly Scot fooled }W -
�n% political guessperts by sabr-
ing a 7,854 to 6,350 win over
his Liberal challenger James "R.
Scott of Seaforth. The margin of
1,504 was 76 more than in 1061
despite the almost universal pre-
diction the Majority would be
It was more than just another
viCtoty for the Exeter
monument maker. he voters en-
dorsed gteater than ever his rep-
resentation in the Legislature --
a representation that had been
questioned and amazed by his
opponent throughout the cam-
Olefin Campaign
Pryde attributed his Suceetta tO
tt "geed, Clean campaign the
type 'Huron electors have always
Warlted." tit eentrast to the bitter
attacks hurled by his opPolunit,
the Huron Progressive Censervas
tive tortined his anneal to hie
peretnial record in the Honsti and
1115 genternment's record.
°rho significance bellied his Win
proMpted Tory tuPnerterts to etage
an enthusiastic telebtatien, In
Exeter, the PC's paraded their
Wry& will sit again in the
overcrowded government side of
the Legislature as voters across
the province gave Presider Frost
another overarhelming endorse-
ment. The PC's have 83 of the
98 Seats in the Rouses Liberals,
tinder Farquhar o1Fer, captured
only 10 ridings, the dying CCP
three. .
Stott Will 'Pry Again
igeott, who conceded at 9,55
p.m., congratulated the whiner
but indicated he'd like to have
another run in the point* race.
"I eXpect to be back next trip,"
he each
The Liberal tandidate, one of
the most effective speakers to
eater the Huron ring, made emelt
gains in the urban. centres but
lost heavily in the rural polis.
Every township in the tiding gave
Pryde more 'VOWS than ever be-
'The trend started With the first
election return Of the night.
ble, 6 Esborne gave Pryde a. int+
ority of 54.
Exeter plumed again Or HS
faVerite son with a 681 majerity,,
Clinton gave hint a margin Of 847,
Stanley •township a surprising
—Please Turn to pg a 10
70 ni.p.h., he pointed out.
If there was an accident under
the "no limit" laws, each driver
would be required to show that
his speed did not contribute to
the cause, the magistrate said.
Modern ears are built to travel
at speeds exceeding 50 m.p.h.
and with their improved brakes,
they an be driven faster without
endangering others on the road,
he said.
Magistrate Holmes was emphat-
ic about control of speed in. resi-
dential areas, however. "The
speed limit should be strictly ob-
served in •congested areas," he
Said, 'but pointed out that new
gars with power brakes could
slop just as •quickly from 40
in,P.h. as ears with older brakes
Could at 25 m.p.h.
The remarks were made in con-
nection with a careless driving
charge against Elmer Klopp, of
Zurich, which was dismissed.
Evidence showed a ear driven by
Yvonne. Nye, • of London, was
travelling at excessive speed when
it collided with the Klopp car at
the main intersection in Dash-
wood on May 21.
Miss Nye testified she was
driving 45 when she saw the
other car eome into the inter-
section, Tire burns of her car
measurerd 122 feet. She paid a
fine for speeding.
Another charge of failure to
yield right of way was dismissed
against Mr. Klopp. OPP Con-
stable Ceeil Gibbons investigated
the accident.
Local Juveniles
Whip Ilderton
•Exeter Juveniles posted their
Second win in the Middlesex -Ox-
ford Baseball League Wednesday
night when they defeated Ilder-
ton 4-2 on the local 'diamond.
Ted 'Smith held the visitors
scoreless until he was injured
while base running in the fifth.
Robbie Dobson finished the game
on the local mound and allowed
two runs in the sixth.
The juveniles scored their four
tallies in the third when Bill Bat-
ten and Doh 'Taylor singled and
Gar Johnson clouted a double.
Max O'Neil and Scarborough
counted for Merton.
• The juveniles lost 2-1 to PoP-
lar Hill Friday night and led
Devizes 11-3 Saturday night be-
fore the game was tailed for dark-
The local team has won two
and lost four.
olio Victim, New Canadians
Vin Top Academic Awards
May Build Dam Bridge
For Usborne Reservoir
A. Iloilo victim with a /waxily
Paralized right hand; a new 'Can-
adian brother gad sister and tike
son of two high schoel teachers
captured the top academie Awards
At South Huron, District High
School this year,
The results were announced
Wednesday by Trineipal H. T.,.
Sturgis. The winners, best in the
four grades nine to 12, receive
Exeter Isioas Club awards, .
lCatbryn Ondrejicka, 02 B. B. 1,
Crediton, who suffered polio when
she was 11 and whose hand is sun
affected, won the grade 12 award.
Seventeen-yeers-old, he is the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs, John
Voldema,rs, 17, and Jellies GUIs
ens, 15, -children of Dr. and Mrs.
V. Gulens, Dashwood captured the
grade 11 and 10 awards. The f ams
ily -came to Canada from Latvia
four years ago and moved to
Dashwood in 1952.
Paul Wiliam, thirteen-yearsold
son of Mr. and 1VIrs. Cecil Wilson,
topped the grade nine class, larg-
Consideration of a dam bridge
on the second 00148883.04 of De -
borne is now figuring in the Ex-
eter reservoir project.
Usborne council has applied to
the Ontario Department of High-
ways for approval of the dam
Mohawks Tie
For Top Spot
Exeter Legion Mohawks scored
five runs in the last three innings
to defeat Zurich Lumberkings 6-
3 In a Huron -Perth baseball game
in Zurich Wednesday -tight. The
win moves Exeter into first -place
tie with Mitchell.
Mohawks took a 1-0 lead in the
first inning but Zurich went ahead
3-1 in the third. The tribe scored
a single run in the sixth, three
in the seventb and another in the
eighth before the game was call-
Loader Paces Win
Bed Loader paced the win with
two hits. Harry Holtzman, Bob
Meharg, Fred Darling and Don
Wells collected singles, Chuck
Wheeler, an airman at Centralia,
hurled the win in his first appear-
ance on the mound for Exeter,
He allowed only three hits. '
Former Exeter pitcher Chuck
,Parsons held the tribe to three
hits until he was relieved in the
seventh by Jim Atril, Zerich's
new mound ace from London.
(Doug O'Brien, Don O'Brien and
Zubyk clouted safeties for the
To Tour Canada
In Carter Troupe
'Mr. Ward Allen, 'who has spent
a few weeks with his parents,
Mr. and 'Mrs. Geo. C. Allen, left
bit (Saturday for Ottawa, where
he joins the Wiif Carter .show
touring Kingston, Peterborough,
North Bay •and the western pro-
vinces this summer. ,
and bridge combination. If this
is received, the department will
pay $0 percent of the construo,
tion Mts.
Exeter and Ansable River Val-
ley Conservation Authority of-
ficials, the two parties, interest-
ed in the reservoir scherae, are
waiting for the outcome or this
move before they proceed.
Engineering work on the origi-
nal dam project has been com-
pleted by C. P. 'Corbett, Luean,
and the Department of Planning
and Development engineers.
The original site of the dam
was about 100 rods east of the
road. The new proposal was not
considered until the township
discussed replacement of the
bridge on the concession road.
The earthen dam would he
about 20 feet deep and 250 feet
in length. Its width would be
sufficient to provide a roadway
on top.
If grants are available from
the Department of ;Highways and
the Department of Planning. and
Development, test to Exeter and
Usborne will be greatly reduced.
Under the new proposal, the pro-
ject would serve (1) as a water
supply reservoir for Exeter (2)
as a bridge for Usborne (3) as a
flood control measure for the
Ausa.ble Authaity.
Butter In Storage
Worth $230,000
Over 400000 pounds of govern-
ment butter are being stored at
Exeter Produce and Storage Co.
Ltd., Manager Earl Neil reported
this week. The amount is valued
at $230,000,
The produce is that purchased
by the federal goyernment at
the supPert price of 580.. The
governithant plan 'was ,to buy enr-
plus butter in the • summer and
dispose of . it in the whiter but
most of the stock at the local
plant has been carried over since
last -year. •
The butter is kept at five de-
grees belowzero,
•County Presses Gov't
For Another Ag Rep
'Huron 'County 'Council may
press the Ontario Department of
Agriculture far a third represen-
tative to assist G. W. Montgomery
and Harold Baker, it was learned
at the 'council. meeting Wednes-
The agriculture .committee of
the .eouncil sent a resolution to
the department in April request-
ing the extra man and the de-
partment replied it would take the
matter "under review." County
council is now eonsidering send-
ing a deputatioli to 'Toronto to
Press the issue.
Described by one official as the
"two hardest working' men in the
county" Mr. Montgomery and Mr.
Bakerhave been hard,pressed to
meet the rapidly expanding farin
program in Huron. 1A considerable
number of new farm organiza-
tions have been •formed in recent
years and the 4-H prograta has
grown into one of the largest in
Representatives Overworked
Membefs of county council have
expressed on numerous -occasions
their views that the two men are
overworked and that another IS
needed to give them relief. Some
fear the county may lose the rep-
resentatives 'because of resigna-
Some time ago, the Huron Fed-
eratiOn of Agriculture recognized
the need for a third matt and
Itiii llllllllll util ll llllllllll llllllll llllll lll lllllllllllllllll
Give Generously
To The
.Wading Pool
_ Campaign,
See Page 9 .
14,141118110ontmlioiotnottilittoitittosti llllll i lllll olootitit)nifiliiiintiiitiiiiltiOstilitintinsiltigitYttlitisteitlientifikliiiiititil ,
petitioned the government for an
addition to the stall. The govern-
ment said at that time it was not
Receive Badge Of Office
A badge of office for Huron
County wardens, donated' by
Cleric -Treasurer A. R. Erskine,
was presented at the council meet-
ing Wednesday in Goderich.
Mr. Erskine draped the official
collar over this year's warded,
Earl 'Campbell, reeve ,of Hay
township. The badge will be pass-
ed on to succeeding 'officials.
Sixty-six maple leaves form the
collar and a medallion with the
official county .crest hangs below
it. This type Of badge is a famil-
iar ones in other counties and in
a number of larger cities but Hu-
ron has never possessed one.
View Bridge
At Crediton
Huron County Council inspect-
ed construction work on the new
$60,000 bridge being built near
Crediton during their tour in
this district Tuesday,
The new span will replace the
one just east of the police village
at which a number of accidents
have occurred in recent Years. A
narrow bridge, the old one re-
quired a dangerous turn in the
Council members ate at the
Community Centre in Credit=
and proceeded to London where
they witnessed the official open-
ing of two buildings at the Uni-
versity of Western Ontario and
inspected Tweedsmuir Hall, the
new home of the Canadian Na-
tional Itistitute for the Blind.
• On Monday, council toured the
St. Williams Reforestation Sta-
tion in Norfolk County and the
provineial nth and , pheasant
Legion President
Injured In Crash
Exeter Legion ,President; Max
Harness was hospitalized with
head injuries from an accident
at Dashwood Sunday when he and
others were returning from a
Drumhead service In Brussels.
The car, driven by Mrs. Her-
bert "Corky" Schroeder, Dash-
wood, •struck a tree near the main
intersection. Neither Mr. and Mrs.
Schroeder nor •their two 'child-
ren were seriously injured.
Damage to the oar was $500.
Donald Colwell, of RCAF (Cen-
tralia, escaped injury when his
gar rolled in the ditch on conces-
sion two, iStephen, Friday night.
He was travelling 'smith when be
met a truck and lost eontrol. Dam-
age amounted to $200.
Provincial 'Constable Elmer
Zimmerman investigated the acci-
dents. -
A truck drivesn by Ernest Ap-
pleton, Exeter, collided with a car
driven ilas Mrs. Francis Button, of
Huron Park, Centralia, on Main
Street, Exeter, Monday. Damage
amounted to $75. Constable John
Cowen investigated.
1. A
MARK GOLDEN WEDDING—Mr. eta Mrs. James Squire,
Huron Street,celebrated their fiftieth wedding •anniversary
last week by entertaining relatives and friends at a, dintier
Their vows Were exchanged at the home of Mrs. &Vita's
parente hi Zion and the •eouple farmed f tbat area until
they retired: to Ejteter ten years ago. —slack Doerr Photo
est of the school, Roth Mr. and
Mrs. Wilson •are •On the teaching
staff of S.H.D.H,S.
Names of the leer students
with. the highest aggregate marks
in each grade are inscribed en
perpetual academie shields estab-
lished at 0.1.1.E.1-14„ The high
sehoel board ,presents sash awards
to students who receive highest
marks in a combination of sub-
Wineere of theSe honors are:
Grade 12—Shie1d, 'Katharine
Ondrejicka, 'Frances 'Lostell, AO,
ert MaeLaren, :Kathryn tKloPP;
special Awards, English and hist-
•ory, Vraneee Lpsteli; rnailiernat-
ics and agriculture science, awl -
art MacLaren; French and Latin,
Philip Charrette; eommercial,
Faye 'Ford.
Grade 11—Shield, Voldenrar
Gulens, Edward , Normingtora
Marlon Creery, Donald Peterson;
special awards, Eng. and hist.,
Marion Creery; math, and se.,
Edward Normington; Fr and Lat..
Donald Peterson; eomm., Eleanor
Becker; shop, Robert Dobson;
home 'economics, Dorothy Bierl-
Grade 10—Shield, Juilla Gni-
ens, 'Graham. Farquhar, Helen
Taylor, Helen Down; special
awards, Eng. and 'Social studies.
William Pollen; math. and se..
Helen Taylor; Fr. and Lat., Gra-
ham Farquhar; home ec., Rue-
mary (Dobson; shop, 'Norman
Hyde; coram.„ Margaret Bowden.
Grade nine—Shield, 'Paul Wil-
son, William Etherington, Glen
(Swartzentruber, Richard Charret-
te; special awards, Eng, and Fr.,
Richard Charrette; stn. studies,
Glen Swartzentruber; mathemat-
ics, William Etherington; home.
ec„ Patsy Marshall; shop, Robert
Special commercial, accounting,
Rena Murray; stenography, Mary
Ann Durand.'
Students Succeed
In Examinations
Miss Joan Hopper has been sue-
eessful in her fourth. year exam-
inations in medicine at the Uni-
versity of Toronto. ,Dott Petrie,
formerly of Exeter, has also suc-
cessfully passed in the seine
.00 One.
Miss Julia Dunlop has success-
fully passed ,her second year ex-
aminations in the general arts
course at University of Western
Bill flatten has passed with
honors his second year examina-
tions at the Ryerson Institute of
Technology, Toronto. Be is en-
gaged until the fall term with
the Times-Advoeate.
Jim Sturgis has successfully
completed his first year at the
University of.Western ‘Ontario,
List Champs
At Granton
The North London and Sid-
dulph Teacher's Association spon-
sored their fourth annual field
day atiGranton on Friday, Junia 3.
Eleven schools took part in the
events and there were 4.00 ehild-
ren present.
The events consisted of high
jumP, standing bread jump, run-
ning broad jump, softball dist-
ance throw, softball target throw
and dash.
Miss Marie • Lewis extended
• greetings froni the association and
Mr. Ken Moir was chairman for
the day. Each school gave a cheer
to open the day. Mr. H. A. Grif-
fith, Inspector for East MiddleSex,
presented the prizea. Winners
boys, Richard Welsh, 8 and
10, London Stye,. 21 points; Ken
Knowles, Grantozi, 15.
Intermediate boys, Norman
Sceli, 3 and 10, 26 points, Paul
Conlin, 6 Bisidulpii, 22.
jr. boys, Gus Hoorinek, 3 and
10, 20; Tony Damens, 6, !add-
dulph, 15.
Midget boys, Donnie jaMieeon,
Granton, 20; Lyle Beaton, 1(11,4114
ton, Erie Dobbs, 3 and 10 and
Billie De Bleck, Southgate, 10.
Senior ,girls, 'Sandra Williams,
Clandeboye, 10; Ruth idurbsss,
Clandeboye, 17.
intermediate, Nancy Edson,
'Clandeboye, 26; Audrey /CnOwles,
Oranton, 14.
Junior, jean Egan 4 Siddulph
20; (tie) Patsy liarrigan and
Helm' Van Bussel, 6 Bidditlpli
and Audrey Vissel, Ortinten, 6.
Midget, Frances Harrett, Grans
tett, 18; Maureen Harrigan, 6 Did-
d'ulph, 14.
•'Committee in charge of field
day included Ion Walt, Miss O.
11,0141010U, Mise 11111114 19lddle*
Mr.s. Mira 'Conlin, 1VIrs, Marr 'Dow*
Man, Miss Marie 7.,eivis,
Attend Rally
Dr. IL it 0Web, MerisYn ends
More, lugh LOVe, 'Men 'Pieter'
and neibeit1610):tebtt attended a,
rally 4:if Sarnia District A,1).!.
MOWS 'Club at Fanivick-on-tite-
Lake, *hail Mr. flerbert Mowatt,,
Of Toronto, was the guest ageak.