HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1865-6-29, Page 3.as.MSc ._ .-
da.r«1w ---
Cei.ad ('owl's. of 17 DY wine of a rasarasaof
ii,,,,,..•• mil tlrotw, Yu•n Lani,. 1.6.01061 0111
lis wilt ad Her Map.t '. County
('111. n ul the Ceded Cumber. 01 H tuou end lirurt
au,, w n e d rvv at aya,uel the lsi,Js sail .lruu-
n.enl. ul.W,h.au 1lllwr. al I4 ud el Jews.
it 'rib.. ll Cements. ad A11'h.L Id (:oak $uthdi•
lard, 1 h:.vr.riaad Mal i.kru to ex. Yunu ell the
ural. ,lie met nderr.l of the raid Minn. art to
1111.1 m the 15 .ash !ARM 011.41. uundwr. 0,1,0.11
4.1 fourteen u, tier mala euucrw,o,l of 11* 1.•wu-
ei1.l•ol ai..rrIS. III the t'.,tuly .0 Huruu, wluah
wet OM/ w'n.'nLL•gta 1 tha'I eller art tale el 11.y
..d..t in lar fowI Ilouar, et tl,el.,wu 01 troth r•.
.. 1.. op 'Iu.•wlay the 'feud der of 0k1.4her
II, v,, al the 1,.111 d twelve of the a 1. ak 1...u.
liberal, B. As B.
1.hrrle'. Uni..•, (Luer,•', l .
414,4 June, June, IM.,, ( wf2
Notice is Hereby Given
rotAT u.ptiry1, 441 wilt he 'made to Loth
l brun1hr:a ul the logia!wture ul thin Pro
rlllee tl then, 11,11 a(tltu,: to have the town
ship of Wawanwq it divided 1,' form two
beperate Municlpelt'es. to be e,JI.d .. F:eet
Wuuooah'" and " West W'ansuueh," re-
. rpeel,Vely, tan divi4nig line 1., le between
lots numtmied twenty ashen laud Immo eight.
'1'heapplicatiuu if 14. he made by petition et
the Municipal Cuonril, and uvtr 1h,0u bun•
dl4•d nod WOK,. of III.. electors of the sial
township of W mammals. - •e
U7 ureter of the Council.
1 JAS. SCOTT.1"p C'rrk.
Jdue 13th. 1b65. w22tf .
;Valuable Property I. '
UNDER and by Vanua of a P.w*r of Bale.
unu raid lis a Mortgage made by J"bis L.
11+0.1,.0 the row,, uf4 ..den.in the 1'.•unly •
of Hawn. .e the an, ter(. Mary ELen lloey,
Mew'tr. '(Lor the purl... of be rang hrrdewer),
111 the weulill earl, deltoid has:ur twv11 M Ala .t '
Ihrdue 'whines thereof. wdl be .051 at Ina •
Anal., Marl .I Graeae 51.. Troe•Ilnn, Motet
squall (LrMnrh, on Voter, )he 044e441 IA (5th)
.lav -.f Jim, A. D. I M,'J. rl l tar lye u','I.wt. 1..+•n,
the lolteweitrimayelta, Via I L01,wudrr (aWn41l
our thou.•.*J threes auumed and n 1 e, 1114 I.4
monk.; (394) three hundred Ind our, r•Iorlr, 111
to • turn .4 Cosier aforesaid. Deed under
J•uwerul rote. .
wte•d ..._ tor M, t ,.'aa.
Division Court Notice.
IAPPOINT Munday,lb 10•11.14y atJoy nest,
the day for bolding the next .a.nt• o1 the
hit 1'..' .,..n (,nu1,❑ Bali -aid, interact .•tike 1.3144
day 04 Ju1r, as formerly ads., o`d
Judy.. d d a.
(lode,.'h.31.4 May. 1.4.5. w Sett
1...A.11) P&A.I .
BY virtue of a Poser of `t4'0 c•on'i red in
a Mtet,(aFe made by J.amea McMahomd
`the township ,1 (Lobel i, h, .n the (' -uuty ,if
frau, tad Prior leers of (ar:ndy ('h•
4,,.1t harm:, ia•en mate in the da,
, aymeht- thereof) *III be said u
Wednesday; the 241441 day e•t Jai', A. 1).
1'45, et t tt'...40ek. u.n n'al the Auetior
141.4 of Ge• M. Trorunn, iu the teen of
(Goldie,, the ullowini 4r.p.•,ly, that is' tut
to ,, it•conc•..m„u (', iti the
township 01 11 sic';,. in the thump id
Huron, e -,*Bald,{ by adni:asurrm,nt tan
' sera. J' bowl. ul.re br Iris. •ferlus Cush,
Deed under Poets of rt ..
M (.('.AM1.1(r)N,
w.Itd Su ieln. t r M..fl,•a P.'
• 4;r
Made by Her Majesty's Justices of the Peace,within the United Counties of Huron and* Bruce,
Front the March Sessions 1865, to the June Sessions, 1865.
iv..a f dies e*4ur. I 11'ua1.11 ft/ Ueja,rdard. N.rere of C4aree. Dere of C.at•wiew. Nana J Cea, tart ai
Peter Cook i [Lints 11uLbad W.41 Fehruary 1S .... W G Walker Eaq
E lwrnl Ary,atruuf ... ries JuLwwu of ..... F'el4.ua,y 17 .... 1V li %V l44er Ley
Wm Guwwe•1 Itieurali Aiuwtl.uud.... do ...... .. ................. F'ehrtary Itl .......... .A' ti Wu r E+.1
1.4404 (!uult Ju• .h li bu..wi do ... F'ebluag21 1V li Wrll lay
donee Uownry ,.lytwt)u limos du ... March 0.... - ,.,. W G Wake, }'wF
Frederlek Ku1.er .11.01,,,wJ.
w Raid ........ Yrd..Iw ... ,11ucb 9 ..,, . W U Welker
.Jut4 ku`ela E. -
Frditsad L 1' Mayer .. Jystia Weimer %maul% IM+rcb 13 liubt U,o*u }:+y
Walter Fee }.ay
Henry Mefl,ide Vr;a IMrrch 25 William M.uaey Eiq.. - 62U.62 wads. 114 Cults
. Robert Shiite- A..araelt 5larca 23
Wise 51ouury' 1.......\.. '
Aaaaolt sad Battery IMareb 25 \Vut.pl000ey Esq
.........:April 6
Andrew Gordon
Juno N:china,,
Jamcs Gadeuer
Tuuwu Holmes
T'VEIJ fr.on the ,rrr. , 1 L
Alain, 1.t 12, 51a1.a•d . • , en ,
S today, loth i:w,...I fl.I l ; i 1111'
•'-• ^h. wh 1 .td iso 40t. ...• an Jf
A v lis . m..hua I. • . t.rnwi ` fee..
•4,4* Irwat4it•11. Adhere 11.11 A11111,Hn e •
54,.1or p 11. w20 :it'
V A •C Ti 1 N. -Ibis i4 t o l '4,4 (wisaaa
lI pu.tba.4 nr uth,•Is,ee u 1 11
n%de of ho W+nli'.{ 410. 4 1. '• '
Dell, tor the oh ul enemy d -+,.. .1 a'1
the uuden•i:nad I C..nr of Robert JoI11stah.
T he u..0:,ha. L. -:u ter owl.
N at. 11 A51ILION. i
1 • ,.,. w 23-3
('olhorn•, June 2:.
411' t r V .ill •
.t•!1he; t ref; ..c I l„I. h 1.1 Ie• I. t
• or 1,--• 'rr the 1'.:!, .4 J...r nest For [attic-
• ulcers apply, if 1.y b Ile.
A. W .\.;4F:it
iii IaLI.
e e•0.!
w h
Insolvent Act of 18
r'lll'rr •!' 4'4',.u•1•lai.net{arr.I .
h„1 t ,Mehl ..1 i I a+ .later ..•f .1. Y.
Elwood, in IFe 1 .f. Ilt.t n, on I•li i
day the F,•o,l,.,• . .1w of J.'s It -NI, . t
440. 17*. ,l C aril '1 1 • 15e, !turn., of le
heir ill,( *4.rtendh . •• i. .aa1f*ars an 1 of nam•'
4,1 an *o.:...• 40 who n h•• n:ay mole sn t
assignment under abs 04400.. an
• .1. Y. F:LWoOD.
Sdicitor 1•R'Insol•enl.
('.iat„n: 2040 Jude. 1'4. swsSld !
..11 Mamma
-.- -- -
A 04 01 P.1wau,. Pim; Tina whew rid, er w 8. 7(1 whew pod user by raid J2 s Jif 4 i C 3 . i
...Damage. It maim mud Jewirw. II Jrrn.e.
57.00 121 drys `.-- iComplaiuenl ...... .. Not paid
1.114{ .,,...Iii day) Complement .,
6.1u ........ .......'81 Gaya ........ Companion!. ,
4.38 124 dais Cutup...Maul ..ti jr.`.... Not yet paid.
1.50 - • 21 days Cumplalaut ...1 •... ,
. Dtswiseed
M1nhuel Shiner
SIItLrel Simon
Robert Shiner
Juhu '1 bumie?o ...... • . Abair* Leaguer
James MclIarJy Juhli O'Rourke...., • • •,Spoil
'Bernard Michael N Comrueky ...:
'BDrunk and disorderly ' -
Jybu•MeDour:d Richard Guilders input"
Bernard Trainer •Dma!d M'.Lean., . ....'Drunk and disorderly
1Jrruard 'l'rainer....... Menem Maria 1), auk and d.rixderly
Jemee Slewait- ';A A Nichol Leavin: *orrice without notice
Johu Eta+ . .. ' lotto J,ihtNloll _ ' - lsarult mud Lottery ... ..
I's.... J,Lnatna
John Johustou .J•.nu E isj1ur
,!Henry E..is nude
1 Ami 1411. EJ.s
Peter Cody 'Henry nth ..:... .
Thomas E.1,'Mamie Johnston
;John 1 ,1,1 0011
Ann Smith • !Wm Urr,item fel:ingaSheep skin ..
e I I
Tudor 51.rks 1Riebe d Alleswiuk
Wm McCalg'w Jou, Common
41.,,. 11„.ap ... J Lu Hyslop
John Mel), Wild . Wen Chsh,.m '...
151r.n.•a•r Woodcock .. 'Homy 11ar..`#. ..
E..bethSmith Thomas And. F?ldbbu . ••
ff'HF. crcditen of tM• a l.krsi!ned e.. ntlift i
1 and to meet at the Lae ..tai,... of M. C.!
(hi in . Town 140 •ti'•i- 1. in the
County of Ilulon, on :Moaay IL.•'f:u'-1 day
Jolt A. 1*. IYGS, wt Plv.p ul the al:,'I in
the forenoon, torr the mom,.. nI IC1:1Ivn '.
statements of liw aRniru, *at of 1 a,nii, . ,.•; .
taasi,fcee to "bunt be may stake 1111 41118.611 I
mens under the above act. "
Dated at Ermon4iriiie in the Countvaf;
Huron, this eighth day of Jae., A. D 1065, 1
A. SMIT(4.
31. C. C.4MEROti, ►-
Solicitor for Insolvent, aw821.1
A Spleadld Private iesidence'
BuBAUTIF'l'I.LY &nested in, -.the Town of
U.derich, Iwin,(pa. klot, N. 11. eon.C,
apatail.lnz 10 004.4• of excellent laud, w.t1, -
• goal Orchard of choice fraityall ib full
bearing. A 'ergo
Two Storey Brick louse
With stone cellar.:19 by 30 f.4, 1' .,mc
Darn, Stehle, Sheas and other ulnniluings.
The whole will be sold on reuontle terms.
Apply 40 JAMES %%MON,
nn 1444,. Pmiscs.
Gndartcb, June 144th. 14465, RI lie
Goderich Petrolemi
¢ALT 0OmPAArlr
ITInE above Company will receive nden
J. up to the tint July next. fur bol for
Petroleum and Salt in Godrnch. nada
•"M'eit, to the depth of one 1hnu..tntfeet.
The contractor to pros Wit 111 Foment and
labor, 4c., 4'., ex. ept tor eniinr ner.
Tendert to state the emaiot per toot, i, or
without tubing, and the Pill of the fire
Operations M uomm'nrr ny 1410 10144 Wdy
peat. Tenders to h.. ad,Leued to
JOHN V. DEfL'IR. tale,,
Priv 58,,01 I',e*ident,
Gods:Icb, Canwla Vitt.
June 411th, 1865. *201
tp4'1•It't YEI7
Asaau!1 aid battery
Julio"McBee Esq
Chef les Mui ow Esq
Wm %Vileuu Esq
T G.wm.n Es;
Alfred 11rn vn
Chu Wblteheod
C Corlett Esq
Starch 31 W 51 *Mir Lag
Horace 11urtun }.sq
April 17 Jobs V Dealer Esq
.April 12........., Jobe V Dettur Ery
U Swim Esq
,John V Deter Esq
'doh. V 114ur E,4
r7 avenue Ear'
f Hu.mws kaq .......
A 0' rein kwq
T Wilco., Zug
A Wusdu EW
,. April 17
- April 17.............1,
Aprit 19.... ...... • . •
April 19
•Megre - March 20
Assault and battery •........ April 2S .
May 3rd
'Asaaolt_ May 11
taro.. y Making laogtlade ....Murch 29
•'IAstwole .. •..y... Nay2
• • \suit - \lay 11
• -:D sok
Auctioueeriag without Itemise .. .
,:rank and disorderly -
Bernard Trainer IIIitary Doyle..:....
J,h•I li rtey., ;"Daniel N
John Grunt Hrr..cr UCd4nYlwrk..
J„hn'li lulu .... John tint D»..a.dwn.
WI lam Douglas . .... D .ur'd Mosul .
James K,oler • Di. 41 Scott. Edward
i 11'lw, Alma Ma/Catnap,
John Crfah.lt
;Joh. V•ndu,k jun'.
"":4'"" ....... • Assail- nd battery '. May 6
• 1! t J br.•tl .... . F .r sill es 01 the Parma .. •Nor 6 -
A In l,,. ole: lieesvt; ,pule Minch 24
Luney e a jour .... Kdiing or t 'uri'1 r P14•, April 27
Wm 1..mvin.'
Itev Jumcs Geddes .... *SA W fere, Assault ...... ..... . ..................:April 11
J.,hn Mel/meld
J d , MrLl.:,ad
N d 10m AMUL
11mF.1Yet .
• Vonpavmeo
' Hoer...reeting and. stealing.'.
•Iol,e.•,,n, 11e4140,t
s1Octieu of property •
of wages
Uwmi. ed 11,th cote.
.121 days .Not paid.
Settled, Defeudant pod the costa 51.50
Defeudant paid the cola 81.50.
Timmer, Chorea
00 ................20
51.00 .:...... . • .... , 21 eye
30 days .....
1 00 ... 20 days ...'........
161.00 Forthwith • ....
$12.00 57 1st,
(' il.on Eaq
1 \1'ilwu
Lag -
I' Wilson Eat
A W'leun F..4
John Crawford Eat ...
Rub* (31411051* Esq
Josiah 11 Seroad Esq
.11az Cameron Eay....
d'm M Whit* Esq, '
Win M N kite Esq
N'm 51 1111ite Es.)
Li0 •
amity clays
QIy drys,
Dismissed, informant 10 pay cots.
Not paid.
Not paid.
Vet paid.
Nut paid.
Duan used.
rch of the defendants to pay 2J cents.
Un' week
rulthwith .
O 21 days... ,14 W
Paid to oestab
2.50 iForthwit4.. , ..
:Mar 1 144
Mu; Ieth ..
Mar 21th
'Fmthe,th , \
1 00
%l.ty le - ii,,,, 5 While Erg 6 00
.-. ...
Airy 20 ...... ........ Itobt Gibbuns•Esq ...t. 40.00
11 H O'Couuor Esq
April 12........ Juba V Det•ur kiwi 1.00 Forthwith .
Henry Spence Eat
'Way 18. . .... .... Hu,;h Live Esq 24.30 -cats $3.05. . Twenty one days
April IS,- l;h.e Burro*sl:,q ,' .. . .. , ..
11pr11 15.... ChM* harrows
May 30 Chu Sureties
IApltl 15. Iltotn Jcult Esq.. . ...
.. County Tre\
Town 1leaeu r
uderieh t'p
•lainant ..
, . ,..... John Scott Ertel .. 55.00 eon's 17.60
J..hn Scott Ee.4
John Valentine 1':eq.... S.00 Eight day. r
- .. Juhu Valentine Esq.... 3.00 : 'feu days .,..
Tboa Ur, bold F:aq r ;Clerk of Pelee to Count Pa
1V IIIi.m 1Vil hers Eq .. 3,00 .... May 25.,... .... 7
51•enoE.q -
l Trereunr
Rohl RPhaid }%s'n 1
Mwy 22 .VM W' it byre Esq 1.50 ... May 5 .. County Treasurer .. , .. of pa
,51 ,cb 'ill J H Ritchie 151
Ila.h Mt Kulnnn
tt l'nl:ere
Alla Mt Lel tan
• .1 mire iteleoer
Y,:•akiug Sujer Ere
Convicting puttee :
*yes to be paid In tweoly ons days.
it) coats.
given for a1oant.
... Not pal
• Bound over
NM proven.
unstinted for 1.
dismissed w
the Peace.
at Sessions,
alta amounting to 54.50
Not t paid.
Defend 1 absconded and 1
*es not et paid.
i Paul lies Esq
(hoe Cirri: ■n Esq
V H Ritchie E•q 5.45 for costs
IJ 11 Ritchie Esq d2 00 -costa $4.10
...Anent ...'June 14...
MIelme1 Mullen .... John Mulaen f'a'awful y taking horsed and wagonApril 19
Amami Mry 26
Peter Cor i140 ... ,, .. • !Tile -it 51. Kinney
Emil) Haut • (,ulnas Ki'.,.ey ... .
Lou4!i an Campbell ,:. IA na'•1 Mciver
1 •.,I)•ulhaty... f .M.tGrabam
Am Me5l..uau'.. P Mr Rr-, or.
1'w 51441ntan A M.K. lop
-I m 510*ol+ti Jo* I:. men ' .. ireames... ...
Mu•:roe 1 ohh Reicher . f.espaal •
1'hon.hi.l........ Hu:1i 16-rr . Au..u4
1. • , ,,i,44• .... Amy Ann !down ... ...Ata as t
5,ah "near .A tear, der ler ....teltl iva,,e 4 ,n.,iva Luau 1'anhto..e Aaw!t arld battery
Gin; moo.;.1 rwak McLennan kis hilt and hattery .:....
Con :e. 51 0, 1n:.-......;H,cha-.1 !tonne* Assault rod battery
Joetl.au Ca .
.,,...,40151 Pule ,abuse
y ' 'Won S911 :is
ll....... _ ..I
Ili l, `:rAa.u. ..4*.anit and battery
,tc. ,. .
Tgoaac Stewerd„Vin L o01i'n .Ahs cn't ono hutt•ry
f res. ass
FI1(,N W. Gover's Farm, near Itey87A
a sorrel Horse, wit44 a while a,at on
Inr•h.ad, about 10 years „Id. Any perse
gi•Ing .nth information au 0111 !teal to e
recovery will he aaillhly rewarded.
134'601.1, Jac. 6th, 1095. w90.31
• •
J 13 len:bee Esq 41.10 and cots 1'eu days .
Win P. iryle
arter Sessions.
Horses and
Not pad.
the country.
a returned (0 *Mit
Thus Corrigan Esq
u .......
. J y O *torn . Y 00 Fwtl:witlbi ..
Town Treasurer
May11 7
1: Crabb E Allowed sometime to pa
...,.......J T Cunaaay'Eaq ....• ..... Diamissrd.
Apnl 27 yy,1 T Conaway ls3 1.00... Forthwith Vdtsge'1'reawrer _ Not yet Arid,
A nl :7 rJ 1 Con111y Esq. ....', 1.00 .. Fortheith 44.I1t a Trcaaurer
NN ,,,t, olid.
Np ' J T. 10.30 Forthw•th 'Village Treaaurer Mot yet rid.
r J7 ......:....... G C,.nrw., E. E P
.....i\fry 2 J f Courant) Ery Dismissed.
May 2 T t`ul,aray }s'1 D.smimed.
. ...... .
a . ........:.......
......Jue 2 JiTnnCworstakierE.q IanO-1a1afl 00...,F.nlrita IU 00-cot•$2 nU Forthwith .
:, Wm Mooney E.q
....... Win Mooney Lel 10.00-co•te 54.00 ...,FortIwilh •'• , .. , .!
(mre S D•orld Scott E,q f 1.0U and c •,ts . Jate 12.........
P Ms
June 7 .......•....... uuH leax F r q , ., .., 3.00 .. 1 a:d to 4ustice. .
runt 7 -lobo Javrge MI ' (.00 ...
Jamar Hhyua• Esq
Jahr 51,:Neil ... t ..... itis rd Rives.. 1n,autt and battery
Geor!e (',alt Teo D ' .7 lssaull and Battery
Wm ".ore II'eter M. Wined ;Assault
J4DC1L'.•ens.... 'Peter
'[hates 41144101 John Wi'Lams
...June 6 ....
Ju -.e 6
April 25
April 25
!Mai 2
, . IJ H1Gtchie Fag 1.00 and costa Ten days
Win P angle E,q •
ii'm l .4, 3:. }:sq........
4 B Ritchie Esq
George Brawn Esq 1.00: .
Llan Whitehead Est
,!'.11, Tr*'* w t leurge Brown '*q 1 „
14..1 Whitehead E.'1
Ltaain,1 emn!nrmrut•
'(ie0r3'. Brown E1.1
Jos Whitehead h,q
Felony... Nay 2 ilieor.'e Brown (sur
1 J•a 11'hnehrad }al
\••d eta Carne: E q .. 2.00 r. rnrtllwith count, Treasurer
IJ ,her Loran Fsl 5 00 .. • .. . May 20 'township 1'nasurer ..
' 'Andrew Crrricn,,Eeq :.. 2 00 ............ • , . Ted,deve........... _. to Plaintiff .........
,,.Alen Gibson Ear
('ai l to Justice
Forthwith ITowosbip Treasurer.
'm Sian? Mtchaal Murphy
Th a W ell . F1eranee Dnwlin
'Choi a,,er
Sadist IS
11' fol. Dan
J. In • ' awl .. Alexander Af.Kwy
Capur:gCulem Toomoe D,nat'on
j to Wawanosh and j to Ash6,44.
to Municipality of Wawanoh 1 to Ashfield
IDismissed-Plaintiff paid costa.
D,am.aaed with roue.
Dismissed. ... Dsmissed.
,Assan't 111.1 hatters 'June.,
Ge„ IIa'r.iaeon - ., ts,aun" .... ...Maids 24.....
....... Jsnes 54. Kamm
Ales.,d••r Porter
• Samuel l'0ler
W (1 1(ol4.tk Drunk on Parade .........'.Nash 16
''V..•linement of wars 'Mirth 201 •
'11.rnoag Hoses W the wads with hememoonI May 25
tumult .......... 1pnl 27....
John Mmcy
Richetd t'cningtoo
1Petnr 1:►mov }:.q
Peer 14,mvr E.. . . .
;Peter Ramsay I",ar, .
'Peter Ramsay Esq
1Peter Ramsay Esq 3.00 +In eight bye
Weal log clothes the property of the Seib' Marcia 18
forth Volunteer company I
'April 25
Mey 13
Vnnpnyment of wages May 13
Taking a cupboard Hay 29
Presenting a revolver June 1
' Assault and battery June 3
1setult Juoe S
N mato nt of wages
James BrydonTaking away a bone
James Miller Ale
Harmed hums Jome
John McArthur
l'ctcr 31cInto,b
51 urphy.
JoLn Br t
Dais Whitcsid
Mr. Gourley •Itephen Caten
Frederick Kit:ler Andrew Kidd
Jane Downey James Downey
1Mary Downey ,
Ilnabellt Downey
W J Hamilton 'L• ckio Grahaw
John S Milne 'John S.D„uglas
Margaret llubbard ... A 51itehell
Is IRs
'Ase. It
Margaret h. rr Mrs Qnnnce
John J Middleton -Alcor/ Rattle
John Dnland 'Thomas Wall
John 1)ulund 'John Wall.,,
J Ilcndcrsnn ' :John Willie,
Abusive Iangu
Lei's(in; employm . without permission April 21
Dogging crow June 9
Abusing Oz when tied June 9
1.00 -costa $5.20 . 8th Jens '......, ICuunty TreasurerTones' costa $L95 costs otherwise $2 2.5. -
Total amount pend be Ale: Porter $0.45.
0 50. ....... ..•.• • • • March 16............ ..................... Private io Seafortl l..fentry.
•• $1.00-otiatr 83.70 'In tight dale'
'June 8
March 9
March 20
Peter Ramsay E•q
Peter Ramsey Esq
Peter Ramsay Esq
Peter Hems), Esq
Peter Ramsay El
In ei;;ht days
Peter Ramsay Earl ... 6 70 In eight days
1V G Walker E+,{
1V G Walker Esq...... 2.00 and coma
March 25 W 0 Walker Esq 2.50
March 1 do do 5.00
Al ay 1 do do 16.00
. Mae 21 do do 1.40
Win Graham Esq - 2.00
do do 1.00
do do
'Obtaining note under false
Margaret Coventry ...'W*11iam I% like Jr Assault
Clemmens Fralick .. IGcorge Young
Margaret McMath ...I'('4* Johnston ....
Thomas A* alnh ' IN J Slurphy
John Murphy ... I.L,meo Fly one ....
Honore McCartney ,I Margarct Griffin ..
Kcuncth 31vKay ... N. SfcKay ......
Joseph Wilson ..,. John Uitemn ....
pretense',April 29
June 7
Assault and battery
Running a Toll Gate
Tha Martin
The Queen . • • •
. Lawrie" Want . .
Insulting and profane language
Injury to property
Jaa McDonough .... Dogging and worrying a Pig
Gcnree Gould EN
Jahn Andrew Eq
Thos Smith E•q
Opo Gould F:-.!
June 10 1Y n1 Marney hi
April 27 Wm Mallough EN
May 11 * m Mollough Eel
May 11 Wm Mallough Esq
t.00 -coats 55.44
1.00 and ensu ...
1.00 and ones ..
May 11 Wm Mallo*igh Eaq ... 1.0'1 and costa ..
May 25 Thomas llama K -q 2.55
,June 13 Robt Gibbons Esq .... 1.00. .
P ter Ad •moon Esq
••••• May 2.3 Peter Itoberttnn'Enq . 1.00
David Clerk }:.q
Wm Yount !!.q
General Quarter Sea- 10.00 ADO
ai„n of the l'cace
31 arch 27 Paul hang Earl ... 11.00
5150,101 Fi•hor El
John Hog Esq
Cs Donald McDougall'Ager*vateid assault with intent at !wail June 15
Iy injury
Archibald Soott .... Alsanit
Certified to he a true Copy of all the Este of Convictions which have taken plats heroin any Jamie. 0r Joat,o'n, or, before 41e
from the Marek Seesiona 1865, to the June %Miors 1446, for the TJnaed Comities of Huron sod Bruce.
°Mee of the Clerk of the Panes,
Ooderieh, 31M Jame, 1066.
Siz weeks
To complainant ...
To complainant ......
'twenty one days ....
Three weeks
Twenty days
Dismiaud,-Plaintiff to pay ousel
Not paid -settled by mutual consent -
each party paying 51.50 costa
Not paid.
Settled by each party paymg part of
l'lalntiff to pay costa by Liu own consent,
Mrs Whiteside brought up for open as.
vault nn •he street with atones, *oppos-
ed to be her husband, cautioned against
such conduct io £..tura.
County Treasurer
County) Treasurer ..
June 15 Thos Harris ....
One month
. March 27
Township Treasurer
Not yet paid.
Not paid.
Pine remitted, holly destitute.
Not yet paid.
Not guilty, -sesta to be paid by plain-
Settled -defendant to pay oasts.
$3 00 paid, siz weeks for balaooe, to bo
paid to Tosenebip Treuurer.
Not yet paid.
Paid Gravel Road Company.
Dismissed, cats to be paid by bah share
and ahare alike.
Not paid.
Time given.
Rhtriff of County.... Renognieed to keep the Peace for nee
....... Township Tau. Car :'aid.
Jou Court of General Quarter $Isles" of the Peace, ae returned by said Joshes' to thin dee
.s *
•1 _ lit ,11.
Glerk of tiha,P.ae.,
Zwe sad Isla.
WHERE '1'111:
Village of Clinton is
\1 1 IY,4YES! 1 110VG1114
Cl' T111. 0443,1 lir Tilt I. Gaut.
A real Thlatle-eutter, the beat 1 eller had. It
tulle only
- Fifteen Dollars!
All kinds of TINW:VRE AND st•ovEs
Koine off cheap, flirty differeutkinds of
Kept 'on held. \LARI.11'.111 sets, ata
A good Second-hand
Threshing Machine
With* Piti s Ten•Horsa Nicer. PHM, f;
DOLLARS for Cub, or oil ahutt uotice.
Also, ,:tale • large quantity of
Hungarian Crass Seed,
Improved Turuip Seed,
• ohl.r 23 ('4:Nra 0R POUND,
Faye 'Troughs and all iuds of Jobbing
dune iu wulwauhka mann. at. the
Sign of the Larg ettle,
Clinton, June 20th, 1865. , w - •3m
For Salk ---A Bargain
The "Bruce Vindicator"
Press, Type, & Fittings,
J.N. (,001) WORKING ORDEi.
Apply to 1). CULHERT, Printer;
Sunthampton. ('..W.
June 10th, l r,e 5, w20.4t•
Steamer' HURON
On Monday, 3rd day of July,
AT T1Raa ** el.00•11 1:1 Tag ArTtlI01ON,
With the fire Company from (lodericb, and
alt other tenons wishing to take a trip to
Saginaw to spend the l''ourrh of July.
The Uta11f will arrive in Saginaw on
Turw.tay morning early. and remain through
the day until the close of the celebration, anti
then return to GotlericL. .
A (lig Time may be expected.
P.Mengers to be promptly on band at 3
o't1'ack m.
}'aaop. for the round trip, jour dollars.
Carr. D. COLE.
G1ltl.rich, 20th June, ('IGS. [ewa3
Auction Sale of a
F our and half aides from (iodrnr' town.
On the Kmcardinr4R.ad aboutbemg Gravel.
S u.atructcd by Mr.
4 jtropnetor) to tell by
hu Sale Ilouma m ll
0101* 4 440d7 (.ho
niic 44111t1„:l, at
erich, on
.65, cummenl i0z at 11 n'e ., won,
hi ing
N f 1.018, Lake (Kiucardine)
}:. D , To ship of Colbume, 50 ac
Lend more Lan, abont 1 and half mi
from elm 'town if God.ncb. Fite Levels d
the Kincardine 'ad are sow being taken by'
the Comity Surrey •rtoward Gratelliugforth. •
with. On the }arm hre eare about 30 acres
cleared, anevertaain. reek rune through the
the lot. 2 goal welts nd Pump near the
house.. Alto 2 good fret. learns. Stable k
comfortable House. The op of Haj now
growing, winch is prrsursed ill yield from
10 to 6IJ tons, will he incl,dr a the sale of
the laud, eke. Title from Cana' Coto pre-
rosent proprietor.
Tam Or Sal.e.-5400 of the ramie
mosey erste remain on Mortgage for 2 earn;
balance cub.
G.dericb, 13th Jun, 1865. '.201•
liAtITION.-Thie is to forbid all pe
1, purchaaing or otherwise negotiating a
Join Nafte given by Om undersigned and Bobs
Elliott in favor of John SI:tchell, aa I have
received no value for the some.
Goderich, June 20th. 1865 w21•3t
jk CONTRACT of chopping and clearing
/1 Ten menu, on the Hayfield Road, eve
miles from Ouderich. Apply to
HUMS Hoed,
Jane 18th, 11465. , w2111'
Money to Lend,
111'014 Mortgages. Apply to I). Shedd
Gooding, Solicitor. Office over It.
Booth's store.
London and Paris Treatment !
Office and Dispensary,
No. 6.1, Little st. James Street,
Per trto erre n• Chrome Cmwpfans,, :sr ofts5t.
Female Cumpla.t..
1•1 burgh and Yens, devotee IM aturethot et-
eltiateely, to the Tn•attoset of the Coreptafm.
referred lo tin. notice,. M•ny years experiebne
in Enrols, and the Itratish Colonies,
to refl.'''. some eery releark•ble cores ; S1141 11141
/SC1111101 tor olsetnies the hest toonl latest reme-
dies are melt, being in
mnat celebrated physicians thy old •erid, that
eon). Nemesia. will Mk,. In 1 tery ohnr1 Sm..
all who are rilteirel with Nervous Detaiwy,
ea blartce.-There w an
▪ Assn? often ooritrmied by 1...ye et Wheal.
effects ot dos ••ii immure as most deplerahlea
a▪ ed easel speedy mad deViert owe.
e llehiptcholy mei time manmade wit memo. us
ar Draroteas or rat MAW,.
tbsi..011111Ndhooft all rho ems artellyt=