HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1865-6-29, Page 2*mon ef4tgnal.
Mrs. Ann Black testified that deemed remember that poor McCurdy when ell first The Long Variants's.
had been in ber husband's torero the came to t Yee g
Swift tavern and I hoilesily state 1 would
have wetter died myself than to have Lilted
et t v rn sta :cored and fell us
night kwihee, eed wee well, eitheeg.h hie Wee. 1 bad drink at both lilaelOs and
" little the worse of liquor. Ils was not
GODERIOS. 'TINE 29; 1885. quarrelsome. There were othery in the
McCurdy if 1 had been weber.
house with ; thee argued ain°111011 Althusgb there were some fifty or sixty
Brutal Murder at Dungannon themselves, but not with deceased. They persons in tbe room when the 'shore state-
____ lall left the house about I o'cl •ck iti the ment was Mode, perfect silence wasubaerved,
Angus McCord,' hillcd by Wirth :morning or a little later. Robt. Mo. :strong men turninz their pale funs towlines
' II • • I °not,' , is ro o se Vt melte . ' each other ea the awful reettal went on.
,, h Woolley menneri to realise his position very
IT LL DETAILS OE TIIE AWFUL I were tn eonipany wit a t
OCCURRENCE. l left. They had no words before thi•y left. 1"""!f• and evIA Prefusely all the time that
I 1 heard loud voice* passing my window
McCURDY FLAYED TO DEATH. after 1 wtut to bed.
_____ Eliza Ann Black's evidence was similar
The Inquest ou the Body. •
to that of last witness.
_Susan Ann Hail deposed as follows :-
Woolley Makes a Full
I eaW decoised hot night :theta tell o'clock;
Con ess .
He:is Remanded to Stand for i ful Loise down the rtvhfi••Id Road ,
litttr° l Dr. John r . Cassidy corrobontted the ern 1'. F. IValker. purpose, hut refused at the eiesenth hour rusts:v. Champlain erect tue many t f /our
he San speaking.
'Obe two McDonoghs, •ho had been under
arrest uti suspicion of comelicity in the lour. •
uer were nem discharged from cestody.
Dr. James McKay. who had been called
upon by the coroner to melte a post-mortem
eismivation ol the body, testified its to the
The following iotatests portions having
much busiuess witkolir lawyero:-
" We the undersigned Barristers and
Attorneys of the Town of Goderioh do
hereby consent and agree to limit our
fifties! hours during the lung vacation, to
the following hours, : from 10 A. M.
Lill 2 P. M.
(Sigued,) A. Lefroy.
, •
• • _
'The fect that timre are uo lees time fifty •rrivail ol the City 011 nostoo. lert13 a btitritstments. .
tuterels to be passed between Bologna and - ......... - . . . ..- •
Piatula will suffice to give • tolerable Wee, uf Nut Yost, June 24 -The steamship City
RAL1.,24 01110
the engineering difficult's. eucueutered upue of Buten, Irvin Liverpool on tbe 14th ma
the hoe uf tatters,' *bide preeeet Gums (descent/we tia the lOth iust., snood Uns R
On l'uesday inght about 9 o cluck vol. e so mea.
' • taken',
utues of smoke were situ lotting from the j course, the old postal rued) between the I The higate Kreger& arrieed at SoathatoVou
eaper & Mower
Sh1 n'll Pn't"bif dueb 4`id rcr T"wt811Us:1181 erlimilaiplb-Tif4rfAllSiteOubuNswneApretpld:
sPee i y Suine of these tunucts are very short, it ill Me 'eh triguLu•
machines telindt as admitted 10 be One or the
followed by flames. An immense crowd --a mere momentary plunge Mee the dartmem tit. 1 he Sacreuteuto, arrived •the followiug
collected and by noble exertions the fire- ol the eltOle i ho"h°1° are °I eunald"ble• der.: beet matte. May boucle at, Lis shop, View.
men extinguished the fire, but not until : li-une about a quartet the Imolai a 4 be Eitglish armor -plated Nett, on hints- ..,.,. „, r,..„ , ,..
the wioin a ow suoi, and works i.. tbo tit;e44N1‘ molt Cems tunnel. %ion of Napuieun, is to make a toUr *round ''''' ''''s `"""enc"•
GREAT Fllt_E IN QUEBEC. &et iii to u t ti same around g .
u Touts & Mom*. upper part of the buildiog had been des- -
Ira Lew is. troyed. Loss vory Lowey. Covered. by coini•ined fleets will beat Plymouth about tbe --
Henry McDermott. insurance, we believe. Particular* in uur .. 1865 Sprig Arrangement, 1865
IMRE N SE D CS T R U C T ION OF 1 tuaddLoliecl '11,0tyb...,
w. forrance Hays. nexk PROPEMITV• in • speech at • banquet
1 i
J. B. Gordou. . to the Prince ot Wales..at Euhmortger's hall,
8. P. Yeomaus.
D. Shade GoodIng.
John Davisou
H. L. Doyle.
J. S. Sinclair.
1 . soft cient memos! leatb. , John Msciers. hawe been deattoyet, red thirty .ir forty more iug belligerent florae frons the Confed ..
roof of Plett's Mill, which were d'I northern and the moist pi ovinces ot Ou the I 2th, eachatigieg salute§ with a rit•
IsJ6011.1N PAS/1011E.
the Fiench coast. Odle } tench armor plated Jana 28.
d L d Eli lead 1 he ""` w22
; matteatly called on the American government
feE•FeJ111Prife (From tee Leader.'
' to onee their 'victory iu mervy as well as in Ooderich, Kincardine, Inverhuron, Port
-. . Qe elite, June 22, 1865.
justice, slid uOt shame the scutfold vrith Elgoo and Southampton Route.
Sok-An Instructive debate on the Eck A fire widish threatens tte become fearfully hi,,,,d of p, 60/18,1 whom they zeocutly treated'
tidutw of Christianity 0.10k PINS hers last deatimkiye broke out iu Chaniplain stow " wooitoni.
wounite indicted, which, in his opioion, were eight in Mr. Goveuloek's (the Good Oa* alternoon. It is ruging ith great fiery.. In the House of Lorde-Earl Derbi called
during the night I wza aw•,ke by a dread.1 • • Templar's' Hail Levine tette greeted for the nre'l and *bend). ""nIf .11"'" 111 wore attention to lood Iturreh's letter 'wisdom
tho Murder. I Weil ciltri1O; and swe"ing • 4be "f kill'ideace of the last wane's. We ention fur the benefit of those throu4h / squesioish fear that Orthodoxy cl.bt , the tIcersictie t71:044tal guvernment Lad ceased
voices. which I thought to be 11 Authe• Sproul, recalled, Under Coreuer's among ur readers who don t understand h Id •ff t °in f en tie r ) Mr. Otitis the only street between the watersud nghte, aud tu Presidcht 66
A most horrible niurder was comulitteo
W C''mPbe''' Mr: j'hn I att:reC er7tklieUtteh'i7iPuili'im:eseunditawitelutf t0IsteSttityP.eUrt einteuid •orot e roosted tentinst au
Johnson's p •larnatiOa deuouncing 'the
W'll d •1 le•stu 7..
penalties crf p dtgaiallt Ye
at Dungannon, about 12 miles north of I Wew'll."Y ••• mal , 1 you o i „ what s cant b " Ion vacation diet 1 i n : ft
werraid 1 searched Woolley s house t ay.
hrlo vs ; heard one of the men inozning,; hod been waslied but not quite dried. upon ,, t
welch 1 detected *pot* ol blood, as also upon i'"e ..1 u
it was so dark I could see nothing ; atu
• pair of pants which nod:been leerily washed. August -
well acquatto cc! with Woolley's voice. As
I found blood elso et a waeh tub. 1 found • L1-.
key in the tavern/Mil a .10te hour. and
soon as I oot up in the moroing I told our
newspaper which I suer prudace, aud which
in the morning • man named Angus McCurdy
family *hat I had heard during the night ; . ,
la totiody. i: SiORGS TOR a
McCUrdY was il'und l:' lug in a 1; n" told 5Irs. Pollock who was iu the roma James Trirable, postmaster, testified tbat bythe Uritish 11
corner • few yards down the Ashfirld
wick me whet I beard. when Cm prisoner called for his peter (the popular lerieil of
ltoad, half naked, and bruized to a j••Ily
James Whyard saw McCurdy about ...a, Patriot) on the 214 he could not 6iel it in Rebel by Messrs.
•'' from the hips upwaide. mar,er past one that morning near Mr. the W. bus and gove a paper marked "Thos. brtted Itostota pule
The alarm was given, and partto 'et
Black's kitchen, an.I saw iiiin cuter thel Woods " instead. Ideoutied the paper shown traiml, and beauufu
tialky he see, eiscd tee/lads With of the di. -
off for the Coroner, who enipanneled •
bar. Heard' Robert McDonogh and Wm. 1 hiin aa that which he Led given to Woolley. Price Slicts. Aut.
have &leo putauts and for the guttl order whicL he
jury, who at once caused the arrest of
Wooley talking loudly in tho bar At that' The room was then cleared. and the jury, ,,Fe'rozit [tithe.
"cumweenpt n liusterrt owfethe .4.tiontie uteiutained iu the martin • -
Wm. Woolley and two men babied Me- thee. Derceast4 wile the worse of liquor I alter a sliort deliberatioe, retunied • reolict 31.04 .cl ituys, m v.... 1.th .1. wclitb ier. C..
pened the d•bat.e by taking it fur
afluanft WI•ifent W00.1,1, are excellently wrote.)
Donogh oho were last with dcootised.7 , and could ecatcely walk. l of "Murder '
.. . 1 wnertupeit the prisoner wale eent to await his the Sipa' Office Boat s' 6". ul*i b. had al emitted that his opponent believed et the ex
11 . er deceased . about . tii..1 at the next assizes, and the large• crowd Lieurix Sot:tare is t, head from Messrs. tetence of a God. lle then went ou to argue t,ryttd tot mimes wi re entered to the tire, and •
I be -Gladiator won tbe Grand Prix
Woolley, against whom the strongert MO- I home 31.cou e.. "
. i 1 g , . 1 • P
augment count in orce on
•bether the bible, (King Omer"' version.). ing-houeeLeemee, and iii the chief resort of p. outlet., and aweerted thee le vessels VN connection with the Crand Trunk Rail.
roa-, at (lonleileh, ceumtent tog ,Ou
Mt:Milieu of ilulleit 'fee suitiect teu
The maiwer was,"No !" Then I hoard the f 1 received a shirt from Mrs. Woolley, which t, ewe, ti. • f ' • ' • as occupied principtely by tavern and board.
July Ana suds ou the 21st . Could only be treated as suleggiers. . Ile A d
June 26th, le65, together pee-
wit* a Dora' orioin and cal. titer it coetailted Ike "ailunt said lesubermea who taro* to ibis , hoped %her ow prieuriers in Federal hands eil000„y.
the wilt of God to awn ; Mr. C. taking tue hort• A 11. -nigh the lehelotelits me netintt l would be treated as vanquielted at..d nut eta .itoog), „till ',Aye
' . N T CES .ffir.ti,...4 mr. mem. the neentive nide ‘0,1'..tilic poorer clime, ineny of the bobutes ate go,oro onnome. ,
_ of the queetion. S. G. MA'auohey, LEL.. .ncl l..a.11ael.a.:ledr::Inneantb•el tru8t, :It,' ilb: sLiliel b.lhOti rl Bowen espleued hit with wal of
eve.ning, (Serail -4 eaceptoth at
I. SEs/071/.-e-Thil littlti book, tbe chairman mutually chotten by the reepec-1 much valuabie prumety is swred, nut to speak overeat rights. He mid Sir F. Br cer Lad 1,,
et Loureate, as No. 2 of the tivm disputants, introduced the touruament by of the ships teat late the it/harem When 14,,,,o.. i
i emelt an explanation oy &Immo O fesor. Oler!
y toreitt ot treetitot vessels ace pi t , 6' u cleat, p. us., codling at niterneethate pupa.
'ickuor & Fields, the eel.- duties a tree enquiry oud the ii,:lits uf free'il'rend eanameel• '
'' lull" ea' ll'ulent was threat wan tuerely one held its tern/rains. thamptot etery surnleg,
!Causud aiid itotffa lino apprehmision telt 01 in toO tio of cootot„o„, oh. to, ,,,po o„ Wig Leaf e SOU
A. )1. McGREGOR, Master,
lioderich, oo Thursday morning the
inst., between the Lours of I and 3 o'clock
A party of non had been drinling whit-
the fire bloke uut therefore end tbiemtened to Id 'et th the ii,ETT.TBISTINCI
iknoanion poets being pub tome CioqUent an4 pertnievt remarks on the ,
oet-s. It is fiuely Was discussion on all sdhjects; and it is only right city.. The po ho here constitute the eeeeito representotions bad been ...le to the feuudays excepted) al 5 o'clock, m ult.
y printed ou tiuted paper, to give thot gent:clean coedit for the intern! fire brigatte, were early on duty, and worked Federal government tu obtayu cutupeusation at iuternottaue ports, and arriving co
the fire. There was a plentiful su;.ply of van, U.S.N., cid the Cape of feud Ilope, but o' oatopen. tram goitig east.
fuitliboiy, out w it h little success, Ratinalrubn the shouting of Mr. Grey by Lida. Dona arreh time to connect With the 3
water. but the florets soon gamed each head thoy partitively dechued to make any cusped \ GEORGE
twkaeyint.h"Liwtargmer d''.."-tecitriiiiiettir‘ts""urfyi'tebetuturiteucteh "tiZrliateent would be diseolvtAl off the 10th1 Agent, Goderit h.
Motioned here, cousisting of ilifatilry,artillery of July. pito:wed from any of tito
emu the (cellos" ing rates,
he nig t in queation.- of peopfs lisperted in silent la Innis. Chewer Co.. of 'forum . 'fait book, not. from Ike fact of the existenee of the Bible-
tteighburhood, and inaLing preparatiotis for z•
olit to or pu „ sent a iettor ut reply
ty lc' Ifni, down ho ifs to f • Ici•
emirates Euertilahrletter co.icio:elice. tiederieh
picions rested, Wrin sent to gaol for safe
12 o'clock- on t h • • •
keeping and brought back next day. ,withatandiug the keeit co. OA. t 10. *I.'" from the possibility d e c
Hobe 5.1'Doncegh and his William W ',alley is • stout man, wears a revelation to t--hne- mteariyi.ug.down others, should it beteoine tiews• la is stateittbot the Emperor agreed tu re.
The ftilloyring, report or the terriblelWal• WooleY,' T is "objected, succeeds in holding im hieh fwvo shios are seported to lee on lite, ',orate Mesimiliu in all los rights in the
• do
altar was tele') on the sp it -
Words would fail to give an adequate
klea of the feelings of horror eipressed by
the crowd of people gathered in and about M'Curdy was a very quiet man, Heard
Dungannon on Friday and sturday last, 110 quarreling or threats. Woolley had a
when it became known that a horrible good deal to drilik.
murder had been committed and that an
inquest was being held. The Mutest
=Mead of concomitants of the crime, and
the mystery surrounling it for a short hoI•1 of hint and said, " home, Frank,
time, had excited the lionclit yeomen of
the neighborhood to a fearful pitch. And
wet1 they might. It e wetc told on the
!pot by men who first saw the mangled
body, and the blotches of fresh gore, that
the sight was indescribably horrible.
of thellnce, to which he awned to have with other parties in the bar -room ; stayed ne'll'hurs Mr. Mack, a Dunganuott, gives tune the iti'obt made a savaoe onset upon 011,,,,,tioie woo,. t
rn 1" hes la',1( of hla it be nUessary to Jo so iit order to arrest ttut
brother were it his cowpony. They did bash, head ut hair and *Mincers, and is 41 pin,. in tbs ssuwanua or aaary weer 0t
not appear to be leech the worse of year, °lege. His general appearance is elegant Englieb all displayed in racy repro
• man, thee there most be a revelation and that arid ell the r. erect ate hauliog into the enuld,e
Tbe aver re crowded with
•t • at t sentations oi London Society iu its inset Viet revelatioti toted be no otber than the °I1ldl° Ythaluh.
liquor. Drank whiskey with them onto ;
eweet of bis retuin Irene Mexico.
. I i prows firm. Aeterican then held fur Itigber eines:Mae tu
du Sau
ondon Morkets.-1'neads ults quiet, bin do P.
Bible, some beaten reason could not elevate
unaccountable thot a mon of his appareet li ennshilg eereetn' rates. Supers mut hut study. Coffee me Aud Coe Verwa
r a° Cliceolsaloa's MerieeINL-We hews human nature. Ile adduced the authenticity
inteltigeoce should be led into the conimissiou I received the curreut tsumher from the rune changed. Tea in twit demand sit late rates. .s2s. II
of the Scriptures, the credibOity ot the New btu dull.
of such aft atrocious crime. Ile has been ' eeiat, ishmeut mei would cordiell recora• Koeardine .. ......
Laren we.
'Mt Liam
Francis McGinty saw deceased that
night at Black's in company with Robert
McDonogh and others. McDonogh took
as I have got particular business to do
that I don't wieh jou to hear." I drank
with them ; saw deceased. &ink two Angus McCurdy lived near Dungannon for
glosses of whiekey. yeers, uigg so e,r s r lige 'MI good opportunity ot kouwiel tne state uf tbe , natbrer eieoniis.f.-tehlViredirhyb the dvarious
salsa Mame full of lurnituni, &o. e bre
biuke ut near the Meriner's elope!, antes*
thie hoe has destroyed every house on both
sid,-s as ta ,as tbe steps leadiug to toe Phone
ut Abrahams on ihe west, nd on tke east to
within *hunched yarde ul the shad of the
Muutreal Ocean steamship Compai.y. '111P
"..'etitanient writere, comiline his aessercation
worried twice sod has now fainiOr of six weird at• first -Rime dearmniustioual bout'.
%%lea removed to gaui, his part.
as to their authenticity and credibility with '•
vocabulary of very struno end sonuroue ad. steamer Petiolate tv loch ning at this
ing suite a favorite dateghter uf fourteen el Township of Brace. • The condition of stream in Georgia and 'file Sie•iner Hr.', WIN cti
Aw•Dal Reveoge.
$1 nu. -
t is 5
.. How lot*
. ..• .....
P Metwe.
W 11. Itirby.
:hue. Acleir.
ei I al thelerien.
jectivee without, however, entering into a •hare is genie); tipOriteatu preperatery to re . etch •he
his first •ifes wee • Corot painful scene to
. , int , as reported by the New lurk
witness. The poor girl followed the carriage DEAR SIONAL,-Aa yuu hare invited re- ethical examinaion ot the evidences and mural from the dedgermaa vecittity. Many 7% , -
wes correspondent; is pertectly aorta. I. sir EsinER
testimony of the books•and their • authors.- Poe, r felaloes hay* edI bee towed lt
ports front all sections of the country as to
T w unlortUrate as this forms the totru. hoole•elts•
If • milt of
been des.
tor some distance wringtng her bands in an
agony of distress. Woolley has lived in tbe
neighbarhood for about 10 years.
the appearance and proepects of the crepe.
drum, of the *hoot superstructure of the
and u I see nothing frcm the Township ot O-hoition ite.leion. Ile then argued that limes -Pear S
Bruce in your columns yet, and. havieg • • Omit the wait et iiii exact coincideuce inehe The foe is still noting, and
bowies tin Champlaiii street ha
troyed. It is estimmed that a tint
hint nre homeless. Two artillery powder
wagoons bare just gone down tu the tire
Andrew Sproul said : I came op to this wife and three children to lemma Lis ewful Town*hqh sin harl to "Y ths"ha Pros trum Dr. St!Ott.orttiegeat:17
house about I I o'clock last night ; to have been • very Inenl uf IGud crop bac never been eu I'mn-17ezt. Ile then dwelt on the antiquity of
saw Ideath. Deceased i4 "aid
t ffet-ve sort of man and • good , 'sing for a uuniteer of years. Althouoh at one
ipture, compatine rut antiquity with that
been drionod from few yards off, entire- scone time thinking there ml•lit be a fi••ht
' on We•i•:esdav night that hie was wititino for
as a reeson fur being so late at his 1,onoelsorne fields, whi,h mooed rieoo.e in general to knowirdge,vrae amodaroly ior tinned. Tbuuweeds ut people are coogregar
deepood, receat rains. of which we have bad f hy hesO
of coitedent_ Noumea'. Ile. thee
b dwelt OD OM nitinhanty and possibility, ot .d, on the heiobts *beim tLe fire eagerly
ly nude with the exception of his pants but all passts/ over peaceably until I len. watching its ravages. Quebec 'has sufieurci
men, ore hich be woe a mereber. present, aud if we have good horvestirtg,1,_entraeles, sod argoed born their 'neon* le ,
oenevoient tendency that they must be ot tto, ou good," oh, thot hays reeeo.4 it,
y trout such calotuities belore, and
and the trriatIpatas of a red flannel shi:t, whiett, was about I o'clock. When I left the Scarlet Chapter of Orange.' a l•T suPP.Y. e Pe
Poor McCurdy lay doubled up in a comer Angus McCurdy and Robt McDonogh I,•adt•d• be reedy tu bluer up house, should
head and face had been flayed with the Take I h th' be considered, wean's' the raeral °Pinion is the, there ell' Lhvine ori.ott,•. and moreover, that they "ere
a a Loge% er is wi
and the body from the hips up to the tbe two M'Donoghs, Wm. WooLey, JaS. I
butt ends of heavy rxls until there was
hardly a finger breadth that Wus not cut;
M'Connell, and deceased were in the bar , , the most cold Wooded laud rireadlul outragel f k d f od • both openly and publitly pertannc-d mud offered
I for unbeitewine criticism. 'Intern took the 'rhe fire has been arrested. hut the glare
EIGHT 041.0CD.
spring aud
ibe wornan's seed bruie•nt the bead ut the ino The siod, which during tbe afteinuon from socks andotonce. .fhe perpetrators are
not do any fighting. Mahon murder, which it would appear to COLBORNE• •
We make one tniel quotation trout a letter
addreired to that journri by the Rev. Mr.
Conway. That gentleman, writing from
Mobile, uys ei- '• The • celineed people sill
be murdered and driven to untimely graves it
th. government does not keep promot guards „
Ir. •-• • week lor elle•WV. 1.1.14,11,:b t ets
at the ',entry seats and the chiral. So great ,,,,„ I.. p,,, ,..d ,,,,„, .„y a th,. .,,,,„,.„ -,,,.
is the loudness of the old shoreholdere over hag Dia w and 1., Imago, at the ItilloWog rain,:
their drank and subjugation, thot, on their . let c1sea. 2nd cl.
teturn home, they amuse themselves by Soutlempem end P.01 Etri.i..0 .. __.__ _ , _
cutiieg off the mini, n•wes or. lips of their ,n..,... „_ o ,_ .._ , ,,_;_ei ,:_, .114.7O Sole?
former slaves. This is tot a dream. It is • ',„..,tiann.t.",.7.: 7.,Tin°,itli`nit.1...ncle' ;170 . 1., 4'1,1
errible feet, arid I am aiii,e that ellen it . is • inverhurou & fermenting to rto ..- 6.60 4.X0 ,
k own to oUr loyal petit .e there oil' arise Freight contracted by die line via Greed
lee • teenag 01 indnrindiun aa will lend/ Trent. tor -London, Hamilton, TorYinto Mon -
reach he ve -y liesseus. At Montgomery. treat, and all Oviats East cheerer tfrau by
fiee owe oame in one day with ears cut Of ...the, mote_ . .
and Mau iniost nude stete. Odium eget, in 1. - GE(1. ReMHALL, . .
arth thronte *cut ; stole others &petered AlMet
w12 .
D. COLE, Muter.
Everyi Tuesdays &MI Feat. y• r
Propellor Niaga
C. M. Mi INTOSIL Matter,
%Woolley ehowed a desire to fight but did , perpetrated in Canada since the al r.ined I departurect ot prophecy, dwell...! chiefly en from the bunting ruins ire brilliant nee appal- terribly mat kbil over their bodes with blues ookook J.1.41,15.
Th2 Inquest. was then adjourned until euroaes some tiatticu.\:"5. e con ee 1
• piece had been bitten or kicked out of •
eerPeul. le-.-tLe "4" el. dodeh god dere ail evetOng blear strurtely trete- the -west, lias "chivalrous" men, high minded, well bred
the elbow of one ariu, pal Croton! of Colboine emit st jterah. sh prephiecy,rtb to tabie, artro..,icritoteirlej the gone dor, and the polite, military ta,rud tr.O. dgeritiemetortio tube Thank he.adve:outhe
th-twe were w'w°13 o'clock next 44y, (Friday). I ot the real murderer, however, end hie ince, The Mertfei
McDonogh's Tavern. Smith's Hill, on eus rituo au e ec en , eos, wooer remen rake now a Letter c once of ounulota o auc f gentry is at an e . ego ,
five or eix wounds in the head. and it On Friday the iuquest wa.s resume aturdav the- 17th of June. Present -the kc, After holt an hour Mr. MeM. I Bored etoeping the further elicitors a the tlemes. A. J. Smith's: d Colotiel Geddes ire valved lli red NM the manufacturers
dieeration, will oe an in.:preamble sausfection •
tbe public at laroe. by • brief allusion to the imoortunes, the It was 114.1 imccaaary to Woo up Lily Louses. in their search for the cruel monsters. But
not surprising that some of the witnmes at 3 o'clock, p. nt. _ ._ _ _ _ Reeve and Councillors.
Moved by elr !thyme, seconded by Mr duty, and enruplete iindirmiion of noraltiod. these cases me only samples. All officers and
had trouble in identifying the body. I James McDonogh, sworn. I live in Youne, Thot an tbe application 'of D. Clark, and kopecieily et mtbeLevers, to examme`the soldiers ot the *my here art filied •th the 5 4) 4) yr. 1....:: A... -Ni. p.4
1 h oe ef I deeds. and
When- McCurdy left Black's tavern on , Kinloss, where I work in a saw•mill. The Fourth of July.
- Sear., and utbers, L,. 4 II on the 9th Con., question at issue : &et' proceeded prsticipatoy
, SOW Angus McCurdy about 1 o'clock on j At a special meeting of the town Coun- W D consistint 01 127 Sere", that 27 sere. to rebut the arguMents adduced II his uppo
nent, which candor Compels Us to Mete he
that fatal moruing be had on a white linen '
coat, a white shirt and under that a red , of .th -"stne be pieced in the Asie client Roe
,eo no- rid very. etfectualiy. Ilia criticisms ot 31st
the nioht of thc 2 let ; be was then alive ! cil, held last nig' ht, it wan resolved that 41, in thee" nuns* of 1)..cid Clark, Setrr.,
flannel shirt. These, covered with blood, and well. Hu was at that time at Mr. i very polite -invitation from the pevle ofi •! ..iliapter Numbers -of Aarou's gu-den call
tbe road, and had evidently Leen torn or iwith hie arid mr. woelley. Immediately and Council 10 einjoy their hospitality 1 erry.,..1.11:!.. C•471 „ 1 ond,d by mr
cut from his back with the rods. The ; after I went up the gravel road towards during the eelehretitet er the 4th .should 1..binnu,,,, 4 b
Thit the peutiui: of George Nerve.
rods used were cut from a beech tree, "d t hotne. I considered him able to tale ' be accepted, that the Goderich Firemen,
were found after sun -rise scattered along ' Black's door - my brother Robert was -. East Saginaw asking our worthy Mayor 1 (..,7,,,21::`,..1:,:u,th •',., 0, L„, 2.., in the Nbeitiewed an" Pa°1 a tell/lolls Pollee, and of the
ini'llie nett)! ot Juileph Mont.:urn Pr".11bell'41-61,""ecr thet till ,geollemen.
(.tetitteusen,oste sae, althouoh under • rough
eaterioi.) poaselises Ciao:al and d•-baiiiio
powers ef no mean order. Atter his bail
. for 'elm( from this year's Statute labor be hour hod been echoes/ed. both disputaiits
were four in number, varying in Mae from himself. All 1 'can tell is that I who are • • •• h I 1 b ' •d • I (crewed eech other a:lei note', first tor 20 te„on,ont t,
, care of witn,„ s Ott : C permitta 01 granted. Cartied.
Tit/ O'ClOrW.
Fully one bundled and fifty houses hove
lee& utter' destroyed, Chanielem atreet lie an: weaved thet they must end.' To aggra ' o OF ASSORTED ENGLISH
,both sides line beret fur • distance ot three
ttearters of a mile. Fortunately the Gibe"
vivid spread ooly in leo directions or the
lose would have hien infinitely greater. As
te, everything has bete, merest away from
the edore a the river to the rock behind, •
space terying in width from two to four bun.
dryd fret. This arca was clesely packed verth
houes of moil cleseliption, mony of them
cooteitimo several fomilies.
eve cool Tod+ are ail.] hurnro:
Or 10 niiiietei WI en tho meirtio r •
the thickness of ose's little finger to at shook hands * ith deceased and Prienner I take their " merchine '' along with th.m, Mvara hy Mr Y"ung, Wooded hy , *lid arlel" eel,.
least i of an inch. They were, we should and started away. Boollcy•and aeCurdy end that, in view of the large Dumber Of f No 'Whoa Section praying tbe Criebocii
*ate this offers belmiog social downier, secret NOte and Letter Papers
tneendiorlem hell full awit,g. The blowint
up a •Il the ordnance Mum% al Mobile, sith Jest reeeieedsud will Le referral at
the loon of mural bundled lives, ham Iota • a'ullit advanre on ,,,,.! to ,
folk:teed by • lonelier catutrophe al Cbst
CASH Buytits!
tariouglii. At all the great aii,itary • depots of
ttre South, •ith the exception unly ot New . --
Orleons, similar &seaters have wcuried. EVERITHING IN SCIECOL BOOKS
They are ad too clearly traceable to a -
terrible, eilently working, .411 -pervading spieit "oh sTsTiosIlt% Fr 14.1.14D •T
cif revenge.
Rhyne% 'first tee petition of S..bool Tiucteeslh1°ke °I) o•clel endl" aPPri1e'll.12 a..4 nisei a heriee 'have teen 119 otol or
• I very goal bunior. ti tale destroeral 1 ood ',yew eje 1 he 3I-iricie l',10:41 that nettetio , "i ,titl ,A,13,
say, between four and five feei long, and
from the hits broken off, the sinoll euds
appear tO bsve heen twined around the
murderer's hands in order to give more
effect to los blows. They were nearly
used up and were found near the body.
The following diagyam will give a correct
idea of the locality of the murder :-
4 * *
* * * 3
then appeared to be good humored to- ' people who would be out of town on t`tat to plias a y• g
wards each other ; a few words had pass-ltlay, it would be advlsable for the mayor I Tnenees te berme the sus° (dg900 lot • Pe- ' seof". "" 2" 1'405'
ed between them but nothing of cense-Ito .•roclaim it a holiday. Of course it is iudmotcleldit reibi yeses, be granted. Carried.
14 'OP.". seconded he Mr Terrible Tornado on Lnke
..- , -
deceased was like a than roused out ofisonleartathWatila'"Pencac 4MthilSott. Yon0g, Th:t the Ily Lew now drawn empow
e..terinf.the School Trustees ot No. 3 School
tn borrow the aum of $900 for • pe An Exchenge says the tornado which swept
quence. Woolly appeared sober, but the I, ell rii. 1 itl.i.tliaoyn, obfutt ill: e Huron.
sleet'. Wooll'eY bad no blick in his hal& 1July fur that purpose is li.ible to miscon- nod. ()three Years, be adopted; Omelet/. over Lake Huron, in the loravity of Pettit Au
Robert McDatnegli, sworn. I am a I struction, and may therefore prove unpal, Moved by Mr lloiloy, secotided by Mr Hue Rarque, on Turetay night Wm, 'wog atteediel
sawyer, living in the township of Aillifielil. ' stable to a large number of our .townsmcn, euety,thiusbetotwth.eahip;11.Qti;.1.,iiivele,,titi. nor,u,rayery Ivan ;Serious. resullhi. ard it pronounerd b y
Was acquainted with the dctwased ; the : who wool: otherwiee do anything in their ;rutin; • new School Section to Oe :met eciauil:ait't"expe°rieen'ee'"ufnotrerenanity syseatrhs"
coiled hchool' Sectioti Nu. 7 be grant- Soch was the singularity ot its Charade'', the;
last time I saw hiin alive was at the &ma ',power to keep up a good fmilin4 with the
d Mowed in amendment by Mr. wi,liiis the brief apace a twenty minutra mid
of Mr. Black's tavern, on the night of the , Saginaw tieople. However, holiday or no
21st ; can't say exactly what Lour. 1 holiday we bel:eve the str. Huron will
McCurdy, Woolley, my brother and I !) have a good load of excursionists across
the .Lake.
went out of the door together. ile stood
talking in a friendly way for a few
minutes and tlsen my brother and I went
co strai,ght home on the gravel road. Heard.
The members of Maitland Lodge 112 cele.
no angry words, but prisoner and deceased '
bested the loftiest of So John, ois Seturdey
appeared to act coolly towards each other.
last, hy a pic Sic beld in the charming grove
sear 51r. (hilts resideuce, across the river. -
The brethren, eomprisiug mauy of our best
arid moat respectable burrinue and profusion
al men, assembled at thwe o'clock p. m.„ sc.
computed by a considerable number or in.
8 11001.1.1dra OultrFESItolf.
It havimt been an000„„d io the o„onni, vited friends, and entored at once into tbe
2. Swift's. Tavern. and jury that tbe prisoner Woolley wiehed to enjoyments fff the day. llovint placed the
1. Black's Tavern.
t. Where the first blood was found, sbout
make a stateenent reoarding the murder, the riser between them ud the cares fit -business,
4. Beech. tree from which the branches were Doctor warned him solemnly 'mnd clear!' each present appeared desirots of remitting prountents. tn he hod out, where the Limo with his pen. Gen. one. n turns n .
had laten in Goderich that day and had
some liquor in me. The othms also
eppeared to have been drinking. Am not
sure tbat I snw them drinking.
engitieere were pereared tie h.uw up timm hosacen Erg] mi,1 and atiada ate witioot
to stop the progreso iir the 110.M01, but on tl e brimmisfactorily cone:we'd. Canado as
representation ot thocivie authooties that mi expected to undertake the ',h.!. of 11,,, wen
explosinn ',eel(' endanger the rock &bow, ram detettee. The ear.als tri -l! be , deepened
po.tions 'id' have &ready this and pie. mid an effeiert militia will Le matetemed.
vious rears spontaneously Were aiih greet the Impertel Government will furnish the
1.41 oilife end property tee preject wee aus. entire neerasory armament awl guaraotee
porde] utiles. it %holed become tallientovely loan to construct tbe Ihtercelmiial railway.
netereary. '1' he gale trum the,,, etrat abeam: -- ''-e- ' .-----. ,
ihe tweesety du not art., a: hough at one The manner in a h1ch they weigh • hog out Clinton Book Stor •
time the %hole of lower town well to icomineet West, it is sail, ie tp put the hoe in rine scale.
tarieer. Oite ship -yard at leset is siid to and some ;tones in attotber, mid then gum
School rinks 4 Stationrry,
a_nd seho,
1obansp,...beethn,d.eitzlhro114edb. uTin.id.ripivreeoledt, zu.ini.-4.0,1 therj.wer hteoifi,i,hzedatteunasesy.a that hali.a0f aro, 00
young, seeooled by Mr Ithyn .5, *hot the eithout any eitiblu warning of its approach, vented by the dente sinoke that novered ea-aid:die utaler el,thlien yearil wiil be ad• 1717313D001-0111111ALT-illi.
petition of the said ratepayers be deferred to' vessels within resets of its turf Wel* inetantly • everethine. 1 can "Won •• Pommel* hlee re tied into tbe military schools.
ii E udersiened beos to notry his friends • ,
the next meeting of Coen, it, thot ir may be stripped ut their light spare, tophempers, rind id the total lose. Many value), • none lied
shown the distonce . f .1• . C. M troe's lent and a great portion of Weir coronas !tomtit brick htemes have hi elf entire:y eliniumed, es
site. The Beeves giees ihe.• casting vote to nett out in mho! tbe m ,st of them in and The real ceute of thbeneirersoot piwrehei d... 4 ensfutIrt, in.At.t. Otodebe riewh;reountrbe4nr.ormirifnagzeorf.thuati 2p2antc: Iteisfridpbei4oribb!Amjibe; tt.iS...errearie,t.otiaptC,,,flic.,,tivi:31,,,,:in:lai,y;
d '
favor of the petition. getting them Wiled.
- . lire at a corenderable,clusience.trom the seek Ihegistrari of • dought,r• '
ito..tey Tbet Donald McIturchy be appoint . No Speech Makers. .saere the Glue oft/Mail, bthroubeoli belerningi • Marcie*. favor bim with a call.
Mout by Mr. Malloy, seconded by Mr
Country Storekeepers,
June lOtb, 1.6.5.
trout the present school to the new screed standing the III.141 precaution bad l'aemt est. well as many idlest' of interior coustrurimr, moved ,hts. ok more to the well known
,T and the Fe! generally that les has re.
ed to cull the first who& meeting for • new
school session to be callert No. 7, cm the One nf the Moet sitioulor development, of think that no twee or at m,ot but tete, have
Maitland Coneewien. Carried. the times IA the appearance in Amencen eat tun loot. 1 twee learned but little es yet of
Moved by ID Ilusoy, seriretel by Mr •io lite of • clue uf men •ho cerinotomake the mile of properly deetroyeed.or theimount
II I be Gaud r hihitin s ecbes. rhos Me hese • LienWeant. of insurance upon it. The yards of all the
any perion from draeint togs enemy bridge
of the Township. isit1eu upon atom s, or a
sleigh, under penally of tive doilers, one
h ilf to the informer, the other half to the
Township. Carried.
Moved hy Mr Malloy, seconded by Mr
Young, That Ward No. 3 should be granted
810 i the other Weed+ $50 e'en tor road m-
ew, stecto 125 war& from liteek's taveria. the joys of boyhood as virailly as possible.- eillor. of each Ward may deem necessary.- , and tort is all ; while the gallant Sundae quite under cOntrol. Dinette are due to the R;nv PtAlertistuunts.
• At the residence of the Bride's mnther,
townrhip of Goderich, Wed...edgy the 14th
hy the Rev. E. lo Eiv10011. Mr. John
eialkeld jr. of Gederieh township to Miss
dughter of the late Thomas
General who, when he is fairly cornered Cr ships an the baibor were manned to Torah .1.11bm
an admiting crawl, will make two or -three the hunting embers which were conetantly li°8ti 41he lauln Platw•
polite bow , but w iil net let 1 word nut a his 'Wiling. All, the tow boats. fel ry boats and' On the 214 inet., et the rettidenes of ihe ,
moutliciny more than ha would Pemberton rdw, boots ' ' 'fully employed in carrying hride's uncle, H. Glue, Eitri ,- Sere's, by ernin".
Fancy Goode, Oftre Stat:onery. Meilen!,
out of Vicksburg, or lee nut dram lines below tuneiture an ether. i overt, saved nom ibe Rev. I'. Mt Derr •d, I hos. I. McLean. M.D.,
'II PeruMan did wi't leave Ilia 4 Goderich. to Marearet, eldest daeohter ot 1"4"^"'n", Tot", Wall Carers, ,„WraePieg
castor's. attempts but the !audit meaore replies, wharf, bed everything in read:oess to Wm. Kay, Esq., of Gclderich.
Riclonood. Geo. Sherman, on simiOr oc• the
Papers, &c., ric., as tonal very low. '
fire is still burning as I write,
althouob be is ready and pungent enough move.
Clinton, 20th June, 1865.
d ' I ..
. ,
Are partictilarly invited to iespect his largo
stock of
Which will he found to be Ite IOW in price
as those of the Toronto Whulesale Her.
three rods omn SO/016
Where the wm• round, Grave merchants and simoly Pays, ° Excuse me, Wye, you know 1 weeny, wbo wOreed with great ardin tome! ' T AY MARE .-Strayed front'
I 1.7 blitzhell, on Sunday the 1,8t1i '
'T. The around nivewd with blood, hits ot at all, but that if he wished to stele any facts ere town rouncillors
JAMES TEWSLEY, oever moire speeches.' the progreli of thiliatees aod to save mid
twnPi Innenn 155v", a" 'brad' ". 'el after such waruing it would be taken (levet played at leapfrog, enesnent jurists doffed ap. Toenship Clerk. Aild yet the land is full of anent "pouters "fulcra propeity. ‘•
thet he was nut bound to make antetatement Gamed.
. a Bay More, 4 yearn old, about 11 hands
nontonheseandmie"nneewahr: T he Grom low 4' rope in the
it• II EREA1 Intim-'stien ha•I heen given to spot on her forehead, black mane and tail.
As stated in our Semi -Weekly edition and might appear te evidence &vilest bins at Per clothing and rolled up shirt sleeves to •
II A V •
- - awchnotoez,,dot:ednnthhinr,fra;awehoi
States. 11 • Ott council that several cheap excersior
I 1.0 WOO I . ; ...I I,,, :,id ' '
high, near 44 foot whits, Mall white
say future trial. give their legs full ploy in the foot mee,
tripe by Steamboats and by Hal red 1 I •
! 1", hoeyer will give Infoznaarefto:iitoi btehfoonuaan
of Friday, an inquest was °potted Wore William Woolley, being duly swore, said • learned barrizters - pulled the stick," and in - arateg the keenest intellects, the most reeolute
following getitIcauen composing the pry : leaving the McDonogh brothers at the door
Pr. McDougall, on Friday afternoon, the
Chas. Girvin, foreman, Wm. Mallough, of Black's tavern on the morning of the
lam • fr tuner by trade. I do not recolie:t
221id end weir' in for uneaulterited fan. The jol-
fact all present threw dull care to the winds
loy, the goodeellowship, the harmony of the ominous symptoms of • protracted drouth.
I am happy to say that my fetus were ground.
In my last to you I stated that there were spirits and the ablest erecutios ot evident
literal It is • phenomenon worth studying. CnIesa'all the ineicetions are unusually de
Probably, however, training has, more ro do eeptive the mod crop of toe united mo,,„ yor tale elace on Tuesday, the 4th pihr72.,41:
ith it than enellong elee• As niftily resew. the peer 1865 will he tite larseet kaown I,
abi.s. which has obtained fu; "In° requeeting
ineolution was proposed at • special meettng. win suitably rewarded,
the 1th pro". to he obsereed Tp. lif thy, damson's Mills P.O..
.A.rs".b17'. 711";;IIIIA-RD JENNISON,
lees We have been blemed lately eith some e. „ . . , T . . . ' h.ealtdpbootill, hoCliday:Ithm th..Minhad,,itant. of the
dispute their worde. 1 °c_el""n• - _, . eel um Gen. Grant now is. we have nu di. uht our hwory. he Mot pnce nt cattle, vein . Y e munci , on nn se,
Thos. Park, J AL MeCsig, Altx. Mc- inst., but I will not combined with the superabundance '
splendid growing showers. It rained copious that 'ibis line of duty shoold coll for it, he hey and 'eget
Town of Goderich might need themselves ef -
Hay, June 22, le6_5., _______"*
Pherson, Win. MeMath, R. Finlay, Robt.
Davidson, Alex. Dreany Robt. Wiggins '
was with rue but after going a-piete I e- successful alfew ol the kind that has come on
o ly for about three hoors on Tuesday night aould he °hie 1° lime 10 "Pre" In° th"ughts ;the oast two years, hes halitsueffewc:liltriotemipbet. 1 in rd
'sat the 20th. Veoetation is growing rapidty
' ' ' h Duke of Welltntton aequired that a t ' Potted then ever beton, • •ii"e tl e h It p '
in public with euffitient fulness indooree, pot ; :tie farmers ail over the Noi th to *rad More '
, en o,pporsene,tioity_:thoticse_.a.ffiittihded,bethe.mi.hofn
do not recollect starting for honse, or who of good checr provided rendetwe it the most
I tried to get him biome but he wanted t i and all kin& of crop really look promising.
f he Fall wheat Is fully headed oat -and in :7: htiselater years. But in thfa speed' iidden i ot 5001, butter, and cheese " ' IS ' "" • eleere.ene at mower] rates. •
niontry such illustrious exceptiens niee have !demand ft r homes and mules -in the army. him .
" member first-rate that McCurdy was with me. tor many yeses in tbia neighborhood.
Geo. Vielean, David MeCarroo, Richard •
Wilson, and Jas. Cartwright. turn back. I said he should not go back.- e,e We are requellted tO suite that a pre.
C uncil txpreseee hy golf resolution, request
all cues where *Own under favorable eircum a salutary effect. Refore the war. talking slimuleted stock -raising to the tom, st. The
pohlie hie, wirer nf war in provision' 'nil cattle hies been ;hat the Ith
The following is the evidenee elicited Ile kept (allots, and sometimes I fell with limmary meeting of teachers will
b• so.bs14,hoerns stances, looks firstoate ; haying, I think.. had hee"ole largelY
* Part 6f. item almo,r:minsildetahle ; Out the lom will be made up ulidei fur Sind Perin:7i...
roc. be oraweved 'Ia.& public
Thal. Elliott, sworn. As I wait ring him. I had at a kitten in my arms *II this i,7,,,,hnethi::in.z7, ftp", (sic tether an extra length of head, which augursitnat ca." e"rtn su'd. eh",
entirely judged of °by at. If he -could not • tiny ore by the excessive preductiops tbe JIIZ1 V. DETI,OR,
to Statute Labor this mornilig a little time. At IUD hie refaised positively to go •
prepuce of 6;r•ming an worm • -Stein' of the well for a good yield to the acre. Ever ' speak brilliantly, his trainees ot promotino pontent year. Mayor.
before 8 o'clock, • Mr. Bell told me there home, and I honestly acknowledge that if the teachers of the County of llaron. All leech- where it waa three weeks ago sickly, definite! ..r. sadly rteseened. But the rough experi.! The &been& of laborers in the army was Dated Jane 27th, IA65, swft6td
were posse olothes or torn shirts lying no man was kdied,. it was by me. I reeollect ers and others interested is Education are and thin. it has rushed up almost beyneral enc. of the last foar year, spoilt the repuwoon more than compensated by the large emigre.
getting them switches aud striking him wi _ _ belief and ',here almost nothing was •z • of many eloquent speakers ; and now we have ' .101t, and the in.:reseed stimulus to industry in
te invited to attend.
them u well as ul kicking him. Oh If any fleeted, •ill make half a crop st least. I am men who hue shown themselves winal to the ihose that remaired. The increasel use of
Nee side of the road , I saw a piece of a - - -
. die lying by the side of the ranee ; I then '.111 do r,::won Friday night last mete rucal th_ree watching clowly for vermin• On (dime calm erandeet requirementa of the ege .ho are as Omphin.iy to western farming him dd. d in -
One h'sd told mel Ob, what a man
Mt the body of a man lying by the fence, elle' under the influence of liquor and pas- • nuraher of large atones throngh • window mornings I we lois of thee on the newly • a. slow of speech" a/ Mollei was ;Mid as mod- calculabl, 10 ProduCtiOn, without oaten;
heat heeds. 1 ant afraid they are est as Washington. The fart eau k hitt 'TO" "Ire hawk.
vies* I reeof..-niwid to be that of Angus lion I Poor McCurdy I am telling this nf Mr' job" 11`a1174 reaid*nee' R.dre.,,ki-4:daw•ee' eo_tre will see. The three have • eorrectiloigr.iin,r te...edniini;litenp.aseriiunincito.,1
NoNrtohr a'andih;'res°';d..PISTmdornweianhvgtaei7dni6nneg rith? dtiiies.
MeCurely ; did net go near the body ; yolentarily 1 I never told such lies in my breeking glue. injuring furniture, amSre•ylrioirthht,
weeks' drawl 'whams situated rauly sown Our people tor
isdiestion of an abundance of ' soltd ooalities n•quisits in our politic men, tlos yereirnainb;mfnmrenanseagniu..a.rititsynidif rfootInnt ,erpormin.
wm. Mallough, of Ashfield, testified as struck McCurdy with a piece ot hued, think. 'usage -Turnips are branding fine-potatou civil as well as mitita_ry. • Demon Jostratal.
there is
That's a Fact.
dark. - struek a man before bet once. I thmk I could not get their deserts.
'Itil:iillil haee an abundance of flour for borne
- - -
ennsumotion, and more Indian corn than it
Pakten : -This morning about 8 o'idnek ing the 'witches not heavy enough. hut it ine-2:08e.hvelia:m1 dwdoc.iitio:ont,ts f,rone Blinevale are are getting reedy for the horie-the hay will be
-ut VII. appear in • -
p.sottattoos to Int, ttouto Sre
I was Sold I was wanted up at the corner, nor next, tomether with other deferred upon us directly ; so tbat if the present lax
ren use. All accounts Agree in stating that
and never threight of killing hire. I had nO tar. ma- ;we'd and tram directly. -The weaeleer bee The Trade Review ears -If the cementer. the great eotton , ; ; oo . i.
, mrinue weather eoutinee, ere will be all over
broke end I threw it away. I left _him [ivies
Paw deemed yesterday evening before I,fe as have about th4 MI...6', and rains the termites. Pile Inch tcoundriA spring wheat • ittk ; hot take it all over. perception and a jester utimaie of the more orgenMed ineustry of the South, it will mi.
..nn___hnot ...ea, it sota eial policy ot Canada could he emehlistied on now growl non and potatoes. The stock
ee there was a alas dead. 1 'tossed the apila against him, Ilsd it only occurred in been, mintier the
e s..1.7. in. me, we, tbe basis of reciprocal Free 1 mi.. with the of cattle wit of eotb.orsee;rtste.dstmial. I. il:tr:owthe
„ode „,„,1 um• where the body was selertefenee I would not have eared. 1 have el- Thar* wilt be • grand Tempersnee
day to be remembered for beat. I:nited Mates, so me to optii • market nt'saffi tut seenonta. ,
Festival in orindaboro oa Friday the 30lh se:titer of -es had to beet rvtreat from the nem area for manufactured keels, the water mid the continent permuted to !el:es:jiff ndso
th. loiss. I asked who he Wsa, as I did sot knows him ber about two yeses, and hare
of thin „mono. eiay mom city of Montreal, would place tier in • few than it hue ever been in thin co,
...h..... no hard feeling benne,' ue. I et. A few days lif0 • rea4 dog creates -1 foronoo
t Lieber*, the dusa turned to ace aide, and
l• et itst reengsia• Wee Re was lyieg on met hiss before to my instant. sAa. b. the ens*. an.1 hit °P foe • fete hour* Naar, form' and commercial advantages, said there iv every reason to believe that the corn
'n the Noddle of the day. Pis an inikenee 0( the mormfactuting feedlots" poseessed by the ing fall will we fowl of all kind hes
b... in thh ootohnehno4 'hot years far ahead in these respects of *umber South wilt afford no market, ex'neetrYpe. int**
bad been drinkieg that day, wIdele .aa tbe ennattlerablt irelwelmet- in• fieeforth.
soya 10 that 'pot fm. a piaaa wire, 11.11,100 11 all. Itormlleet getrino the Switch" "4..3 bit • large aseaher of he fellow se hone slowly swanned the third time- hewing/ city in North America. Her megnificent degree, for utile and hay, and after
Appeared to haw hese laid there, ter ra
Anomie ; know tins' tree etritting • niiti• but del net do meek further damage.- IhrOern off tbe first swarm about tlitt 22th of wr:iter porrioer,edno: drunhen,ing to waste would be lb* menersetitring slates are cloned we most
Aare woes greet deal of blond, around
Alia the Irreeed IPPee"4 bse much bet, on help me God I didn't thiek 1 was belling cheep the people Omelets( woe ...ie....a...um kw row 160.4
warn b.. Int ne n. en h.,. 5,11 h, bcni."4 !eh; h :reittogi: pioc:trd.h.:07f.ePtitooty:, intomp.fri :1,b18,0.17:::ninsede '1w:a Ptztall:nt:7;oblite.che...E.frpiLh.:::::ftmour:fsionirl'Te'icestintwabuyThiltiottee.bei:-,
sompled. He wan gait* vie initials hint. Bat God keep me 1 It ma ty "veesales s better awl elks thee to --ya -thet, liasieipal Ref
with rraft of all hinds. large. --(N. y. World. the coantry at
fillalawed the body out of ele eon wry sear daydiglit wbe• 1 gekillistra. sal honer
Itsolunt Act of 1864.
In the matter of EDWARD FERGU•
soN, of rka Surithompton,
ill (.'ottaty of Brae., Merrhatit, an
Inaolorat. •
THE creditors of the Ineoleent are notified
1 to meet at the law office of Frederick
Proudfoot, En' quire, in the said village. of
Southempton, tin TM:today, the twentieth day
ol Only nest, et ten it el wk, a. m., for the
public r tanno•tion of the In4olvent, and for (wool Counties of I yv mete, of • writ nt
the ordering ot the &Mont of his estate Huron and Bruce, 13 Fiero Farms tweets not
generally, To ere • nr Her Menry's t;ousif
C, Ith II led f d
Ifnitod Comities of IllY virtue 01 it lent nt
Huron and [true, DP YetelitiosiEirponse and
To wk. Fleet Forme lor residne.
lured out cr H. r Mseeity'e 'County Coon
of the rimed Commas. 11 hilif011 end Bruen awl
10 ele direrted kismet the Sada and tenement. of
Dowd Wiles, •I the suit of the Huron fhootrtet
fitilldtng Vt.-wt., I hove st.zed awl mime in
ezeriniun fill int. right, 1111e mul InterePt t,1 ihe
said Delendani in mid to lot number rimenty•foor,
in the meow' concession ttl the township of km -
lore. In the County nt 8011,, ciintatntng ore
hul.almil scree Mot, or tete : winch 'mule •”,1
tenements II 011111 011•1` Po ette to my Mare io iho
I %ten Howie, in the Town et ciaderieb, es 'lime -
day, the twenty-fifth day °flute next, et the hour
of twelve of the clock, not.,
Moil, N 4 IL
Sherif hi Oreee.Onderieb, t
Orel Joffe, 1.65. tv22
Sheriff's Sale of Londe.
listed at Sonthempten aforesaid, the 14th
day Af Jut.e, A. 11„ 1560.
swf16•22-2w Assignee.
seOTRAY ALEF.te-c.m. ,ntn the premises
" of the andersigned *bent the middle of
Nov. last, a white steer about 3 ram old -
The owner is requested to prove property,
"el expensing sad remove him.
Johnson's Mills P.O.,
Hey, Jen* 34, 1845. 5
men o e et C0111011110 0 aeon an We
led in dirtetril again. the lends end lene•
meets of Elleh Fraene, et the man of Witham
Attirwlge, 1 bine mord end taken in eserutton
all the right, tole en/ intereet ot the raid &len-
iirint In orid in the 'Moth half of lot number twenty -
air•, in the A th conowninn rd* the townehip
Mi01111, Ili the comity or 'Wow; whielt tirade
•ise tenementa 1 Run neer 10T este et my
mew is the Court Honor in the town of rt..tvv-
tea on Tnawile•, the thwil day of (wisher
best, ift Om hour of twelve of Um clock, noes.
Sheriff, H.& 9'
Aelese, Getfenek,
23rd lone, 111821. w 211
O 04.1 tt
"Ali •
tw▪ ins
-A 11
lots I
the !
of If
el ILL
ibe I
la • I
'• ;