HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1955-05-19, Page 1111
. 4
H. .1" ‘ORNISH ik
14. .1. Corniils, L, F. Cornish, D. Mitchell*
adaNadoNNINNININ tt maim t im/p Sisli9Imail ..... .
1311111041111#1111111111111111411111011M11114010101041,MMIRMOIMWOIMM/MOMMO, ..
IWe Carry a Complete Range of
WO* 609t$
Priced From $5.98 And Up
guarantee our work boots against faulty
workmanship and material.
Speciad This Month: A free chance .on ' four valuable
prizes to be given away SATURDAY, JUNE 4.
IN STOCK: Siouan Hydro City Valentine and Williams
Smyth's Shoe Store
Successor to rBuswell's
M201 . ...... 1811$1111 .. .....
• Now that the Heating Season is almost over, you may
be -considering changing your present heating system to oil.
Perhaps you are thinking of a complete new, system for an-
season, •
Let us help you solve tbis problem by making a com-
plete survey of your heating heeds.' - •
We are dealers for the Lennox Heating and Air Con-
ditioning Units which carry -the complete five-year warranty
against defective material and workmanship.
' "• Vre 'handle-"adVance dedige"Aritirds Imperial furnaces
and btirners, and :for a wider Selection, "Gbod Cheer' and
Morsun furnaces. •
A full line of accessories and replacement parts on hand.
V ree estimates'and quotations.
• , • ? • „ • "
First Class. Burner Service And
VacuumCleaning. Of Furnaces
We are members of the National Warn Air Heating
and Air Conditioning Association, the voice of authority in.
the Warm air heating industry: • '
Time Payments May Be Arranged
Lindenfield s Ltd:
Phone 181 - Exeter
, 1,1 •
"A little painting and axing
up would make it like a nevi
holm*. I wish WO, had Ilao
read? cash
ftWoll, why don't you borrow
6 tbetnoney: tily tank is making •
• NOM* IlititrOVSktiltitt Loans for
this Very thing.!'
That's a very practical sugges-
tion. See your local H of M
nignager about a Home Improve-
ment Loan today. And ask far
your topy of this folder.
11 of M Home Iinprove-
meat ,Loahs are inex-
pensive interest at
only $'%% per annum
-.repayable in easy
dokm444 ?oat *0,4
Exeter Branch:, ' t.L SHAW, Manager
Centralia (Sub•Agencyj: Open MM., Wcd. & PiL
Grand Bend (Sub,Ageney): Open Tuesday.8‘ Thursday
Creditioh Branch: RAYMOND KING i Minager
(Opeteruesday, Thursday and Saturday)
Dashwood (Sub-Ageney)t ,Open Mon, Wed. & Pri.
Hensall Branch:- KENNETH CHRISTIAN, Manager
Lucan Brandt: WESLEY liARICINSON, Manager
W0A14111411 Wert1 cANADIAN9 ipi ItVailY WALK OFLIFit 61NCR. 1817
A14e.rt.M. McFalls
Born In Bidd.Wpfi
Voneral Aervicee for Albert H.
(alert) MoValle, 60, who died
suddenly at .his home in McCil-
litray ToWnallip, were conducted -
Friday afternoon 'by the Rev,
Lyle Crawferti, St. James Aug -
"Wen chneh Parkl1ij. in the
Mundy funeral home At 'Llteen,
Interment was made in et.
Jereee. Cemetery, Clandeboye.
pallbearers. were Wesley Atkin-
son, Edgar MoFafla, Heber Paris,
NelPfA Ifodens, Thomas Dickson
and Peter .191senbaeh.
Son of the late Mr, .and Mrs.
Albert Mcrae, be was born on
concession two, ot BiddniPh, but
moved to Meqillivray Township
07 years aro.. HO was a farmer
an his life,
He is :survived by his wife, the
former Mildred Hodgins; two
sons. Kenneth And Lawrence, at
home; one danghter, Mrs, Doe
RObinsee- (Ann), oltdon, and
two brothers,- Earl, London, and
Danada's motor vehicle indus-
try cut July shipments 46 per
cent in 1904 as the drop in dealer
sales increased.
Manager Of Hatchery
New President Of Kin
She1dn D. Wein, AvEspager ot•
14a1ter1OW Hatchery 1444 was
named. president of Exeter gins -
men Cl-ub .at its election meeting
Friday night. VicelareSident
the club for two Year*. and di-
rector, the president-elept Jo In
charge O thle year's Delleillien.
Day Celebration.
He will succeed Les Parker as,
• presidenrof the
olub onSepteer-•
ber 1.
Lloyd Ford
and Dr.. Orelee
Eickmeier were.
phooen as 'vice-
preoldente, Cilit.
ireman is :sec -
lantyne, treas-
and, (wt.
;ford Quanee
•regletrar.' • •
in"charge- of Vie election were
Les parker. Past Presidents Ray
Frayne and fiarfill • Genttner
Bulletin Editor Glen
The chili decided to omit fart.
Report• On Grand Bend
Mt; and 'Mrs. Max Turnbull
and Mr. and' Mrs. Wilmer Mc-
Clinchey spent a few days last
week visiting relatives in Port
Austin, Bad Axe, Pairgrove aad
Port Huron, klielt.
Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs.Alvin Bossenberry were Mr,
and Mrs. D. Tibbets and family
of Blrminghauf,- Mich.
Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Lawrence Johnson were 111r.
and Alm. Campbell Johnson of
Stratford, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson
Sadler and family and Miss Anna
McLeod of Sylvan, and Mr. and
Mrs. Alvin Johnson or London,
Mrs, Roy Scott and Mr. and
Mrs. tiOnald Scott and Gary of
Sarnia spent the weekend with
Mrs. Wrn, Patterson.
'Rev, and Mrs, E. Wattam re-
turned last week from Clare,
Mich„ where Mr. Wattam was
conducting revival iserviees.
Mr. and Mrs, T. M. Dodds are
spending a tew days this week in
Buffalb, N.Y.
'Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Wellington Baker and Miss,
Dorene were Mr, and WS. Clayt-
on Lightfoot, Ian and Barry of
London, Mr. and 'Mrs. Howard
Lightfoot and Douglas of Cred-
iton, and Mi. Donald McCurdy
of Centralia.. Mr. McCurdy has
recently 'returned from military
service in ICOrea.
Mrs. Myrtle Krueger of Hyde
Park; Out:, spent a.ter day's last
week •with Mrs. Mary Rexene,
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Musgrave
of Windsor spent a few days with
Mr. knit Mrs. Harry Trick. -
Rev.' and Mrs. 'Smith spent a
tew .days in Teronio last week.
Mrs, Smith's father, Mr. Evan'',
.reurned t� make his home with
them for the, SURTMRT:
MOS Margaret -Stephan is in
London this week taking an ad-
vanced course in hair styling.
About 100 members Of R-Otary
Zone No. 221 extending trent
Lions Head to Lapeer met last
week in the. Aldon Theatre, and
This Vfeek in •
W.A And W.M.S. Meeting
The May meeting for the W.A.
and -WAWA. was held- at Mrs,
alahre'S home on Thursday after-
noon with 16 members present.
Mrs. Gordon Johnson was in
tharg9 of the program with the
theme "The Comforter." She was
assisted, by Mrs. Wan. Morley -and
Mrs. Roy liodgsoh. The roll oall
was Answered by Husballd's worst
faults." AXerican pennies were
Mrs.*Norman Hodglit.s favour-
. ed " with an inetrUmental and
Gayle. Duffield a reading.* Mrs.
Ronald Squire , and Mrs. Wm.
Morley Jr. were appointed to lie
in charge of the plant sale fol-
lowing the meeting.
Mrs. Klahre presided for the
W.M.S program. "To live and to
give" Was the Vieille. .Mrs, Cecil
Squire read the—Scripture and
1111Vit Morley gave a chapter on
the Study Book "The Training
of a Missionary."
A. letter from Mrs. M. Gardiner
Baby Band :Secretary of the Pres-
byteriat was read. The: W.M.S.
'decided to pay all initial' expees-
es for material and supplies for
• the Baby 13and, Mrs. Neil was ap-
pointed to "'eseist Mrs. Finkbeiner.
Mes, Cecil Sentra gave a reading
"Faith has dyes to see." Janie
Prenelt and Betty Duffield Sang
LI; duet,
Personal items*
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Squire
visited on Sunday with. Mr. and
Mrs. B. AL Fittgerald, Loindon.
Mrs. Glenn Pronts• and Paul;
London, visited on Saturday with
Mr, and Mrs. eo. Arlesey and.
Mr.- Met Bailie returned home
on Sunday front St. ZOseph's Res-
Mr. and Mrs. Alton Nell were
In London recently visiting lira,
Albert Smith *AO is a vatieht 111
the hospital,• •
'Congratulations t o titirtitit
Hedging. Whe Von ist Prize for
Ottblio...SPeaking at Thanes Read
school or the etheol area.
Mrs, Win. Morley Sr attended
the funeral of Mr, Dant' lit Lon.
don ort Monday.
afterward partook of a banquet
in the Imperial Hotel,
• Miss Dorene Baker attended
the wedding of her friend, Miss
Margaret Rowley, at Leamington,
on Saturday.
Mr. Billie Baird of Londen
spent the weekend at his home
in town,
• Mrs. F. Nejyrn and on Freddie
returned from a trip to England
•and Holland. 1Virs. Neiyrn's dough -
ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
John Herron and son Michael
returned from England with
Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Culton
(the former Francis Cassidy) Of
Detroit visited., with Mrs. Mary
Ravelle and "tonally on 'Saturday,
Rev. M. X. Irwin gave a very
inspiring sermon on Sunday morn-
ing in the United church, follow-
ed by a selection by the Beach
()Tines men's trio. '
Mr, and Mrs. Matt. Sweitzer
and Mr. and Mrs. Robert' Des -
Jardine and Joan spent' Friday.
With Mrs. Martha Smith, Exeter.
Mrs. Irene Hayter has purchas-
ed the cottages formerly owned
by Mr. Arthur Pickering, behind
the United Church.
Mrs. Laura Foster arrived in
town over the weekend to 'spend
the summer at her' cottage 'on'
Warwick :Street.
• Sunday visitors with Mrs. IL
Lovie were Mr. and Mrs. G. 'Glens
'of London and Mr. and Mrs. Ken-
neth Lovie of Hamilton:
• Mrs. E. Yealland of London is
visiting with her sister Mrs. W.
Rendle-thiei week.
• Mr. Lawrence Mason has taken
over the -taxi business from Mr,
Emerson DesJardine.
Mrs. Edward Gill, Mrs. W.
Beeker, Mrs. M. /min and Mrs.
E. Keown attended. the C.G.I.T.
Mother -and -daughter banquet at
'Greenway :United Church on Wed-
nesday eretkilig",
or the afternoon program for the'
annnal Drouiplon Day Celebra-
tion in View pl the London yen,
tenalai,. but the popular evening
show will be staged. Another
4004 program of Canadian ,and
United Statesprofessional talent
Is being assembled by Leon Pauli
•Olkairmen of the Celebration'
committees include Irvine Arm-
strong, 1410Y4 FOrd, Clarence
Falrbairn, Gord Beynliani and
Les Ballantyne.
LuIa a Dempsey
Toronto Teacher
MIs bultt. .Geraldine DentinieY,
Whose early lire was .spent in
goter, died MAY 11 iat her borne
,in Toronto where she Wight
SOIrOOI for •rnany year's. $he VMS
a. member of iloward Fari Bu-
tted Church.
Surviving are four eisters, Mre.•
3. 0gcloklet ot Califerniat Mrs.
•Cf, -Price and Miss tiert.ruda
Pompey, both. of Toronto, and
MTS. OHt muTioy, •of 1.4ican.
Tice funeral :Saturday afternoon,
Was 'held fro% tile Mut* thaeral:
borne at Lncan conducted by Rey.
E. M. Cook, interMent WAS in'
the Exeter cemetery. • •
Mk A-
Nivt, nosthwitt
Troth it in todoylP10 *otter how Ott yOw •
Weal; I* o Watch bond MOOS it IttOtt
nowligninl.Matabnal rigt.whoo ye 1$
S. B. Taylor
Victoria Day.
• May 23rd
Your cooperation is requested over the week -end of May 20
to 23.
Commencing on Friday evening and continuing to Monday
evening hundreds of thousands of Ontario motorists as well as
thousands from the other Provinces and from the States will be.
"taking to the road". The exercise of Care, Courtesy and
Common Sense will prevent most accidents or collisions which
result in fatalities, human suffering and financial loss.
Even though "you are a careful driver q keep your' mind on the
job of driving. This is no time for sight-seeing while driving.
"Don', flurry" remember HURRY KILLS.
Do your part to make *if, our first long summer week -end
You always
show up at your best
Your Chrysler provides you with such
a beautiful to any scene.
Wherever People take your measure,
they know at' once4tinit you are ac.
cnitonied4ct perfectiotrif yotr arrive in -
this superb -car.—
You"are also recognized as being
advanced in your ideas—the sort Of
man or *omen who sets the pace that
others follow. For the low, sleek motion.
design of Chrysler gives it The Forward
Look that will influence cars of the
future. "
Where you are concerned, one fact
stands -clear- you beiong, a Cbrysier.
now! A telephone Call will, ',mug to
your door one of our beautiful 1955
Chrysler V-8 models. You ought to take
advantage of this opportunity to
sample the greatest thrill in motoring!
Manufactured in Canada by Chrysler Corporation of Canada, Limited
4 W. t
Chrysler Windsor DoLuxe
Four -Door Sedan
• . ,
:Exeter • Phone 216