HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1955-05-12, Page 10John likrobstor MASONRY, REPAIRS CHIWNEYS, ET10, • Phone 297-W PAINT SALE PAIMAINS CIALOThil SEE 'ova wwbow LINDIONFIELDS Rhone 1.81, k.teter Winchelsea Mr, and Mrs. Jack 'Wicks of London visited aver the weekend with. the latter's paren% Mr. and Mrs. Fred Walters. Mr. and Mrs. CUne Dobba and family, 'Mrs. ,1111nor Dobbs, Mrs. Stephens and boys, all or Glen - cairn: Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Brock and boys of Cre4iton were Sun- day Knests of Mr. ,and Mrs. Ivan Brock. Mr. Clarence Ford at Kitchener spent the weekend with his moth- er, Mrs. Harry Ford and Gordon. Mr. and Mrs. Elam lapin and. family spent Mother's Day with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Narirey Skinner of $t. Paula. 0444011414144141414111.1111.1414410.41W111114M108411141WII34$ 111011111M11411111 33333 11141111111111$11114,1.1(1M010011M010440000.1 1:11 Make This Your .Frozen Food. Centre. ......... Introducing Open Night Tuesday, May 17 WITH SPECIALS • Silyerwood's Deluxe Ice Cream -1/2 Gals. $1.00; Bricks 3 for $1,00 • Frozen Blueberries -3 Lbs. for $1.00. THEY MAKE DELICIOUS PIES. • SCHNEIDER'S: Cottage Rolls 650 Lb.; Pic-Nic Style Shoulder 450 Lb. g WE WILL BE OPEN EVERY TUESDAY NIGHT UNTIL 10 P.M.—CLOSED ALL DAY WEDNESDAY 11 Exeter Beef Exeter Frozen Foods PHONE 70 We Have arranged for a supply of stable -fed cattle. They won't last long. BUY YOUR EXETER BEEF NOW. THERE IS A 'DIFFERENCE. There is a special price on a side of beef or a side split between two families. MAIN ST. THE TIMESADVOCATE. 'EXETER, ONTARIO THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 12, 195$ Prize,Winning ESSSY Hospital invaluable To rea This article was awarded/4ra pNrize in the essay contest spou- soei by SWAM Huron Hospital connection with Hospital Day. By „ItIantlii HODGSON Hospitals are invaluable. To the ill and the accident victims they provide the service that's needed when it is ueeded. A hospital allows a patient's family and friends to visit him, while he is receiving more skilful care than the ordinary home Pro- vides. His doctor, also, -has a better chance to effect proper treat- ment for his patient, assured that his orders will be followed exact- ly. These facts are obvious to ev- eryone. But there are other, more subtle values which should be realized by the community as a whole, even by those people who have never required their hospi- tal's services. A sense of security is import- ant to everyone. People realize that illness and accidents strike quickly. It is reassuring to know that ambulances, doctors, and a hospital are within easy reach of the telephone. • ' A hospital provides employ - pent for many people In the com- munity. Doetors, nnrses, nurses' Here's the life -line of the Month from the Ontario Safety League: Expect the unexpected from children. Wherever there may be children, slow down and watch for them! You'll be. saving a life! 0, • SUPERIOR Propane Limited Your Distributor for Proinme Gas and Appliances for Form, Home and Industry Call Stratford 4174 p Mirozom $1.00 SPECIALS! MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE 1 1-e. $1-:00 SOCKEYE SALMON RED CIRCLE 3 FoR* $1.00 PORK & BEANS CLARKE'S 20 OZ. 6R F $1.00 FRUITHSPECIAL 15:GIDLEF EFS Akl. FOR $1 *00 AYLMER SOUP, Veg., 10 Oz.... 8 for $1 PEAS, Nature's Bea ....... ... . .. .. 8 for $1 R. & W. KETCHUP, 110Z; ..... 5 for $1 P'APPLE JUICE, Sweet Treat, 8 for $1 INTERLAKE TISSUE 10 .for $1 NIBLETS CORN, Green Giant .. 6 for $1 R. & W. MILK 8 for $1 KLEENEX 6 for $1 More $1 .1 ToP QUALITY Specials PEANUT BUTTER R & w, 16 oz. — 3 FRUIT COCKTAIL .LISBY'S, 15 Oz. — 4 CAT FOOD " PUSS 'N BOOTS 8 Oz. — 10 - CAKE MIX illOGIN HOOD White — 5 CORN FLAKES KELLOGG'S 12 Oz. --4 r".35,7fremn iialfet • • 41'' .42:g."<":414.4if.Aiiaxt'';&44t.:41.0 swift Premium, Fully Cooked Picnic Shoulders 43c Combination Sale Swift Brookfield Sausage, 1 Lb. Swift Premium Sliced Side Baeon, A Lb. 1 Lb. Fresh Sliced Pork Liver ALL THREE FOR $1.00 Quality Beef Pot Roast 3 Lbs. for $1 Swift's Premium Pranks 8 Lbe. for $1 Swift's Premium Bologna 4 Lbs. ter $1. Instant Coffee RED & WHITS 2 oz. 59c $1.4 LYNN VALLEY WAXED , BEANS 15 oz. 8 for $1 P. E. C$ Potatoes ..., $4.69 Cabbage 100 Lb. Lettuce 2 for 350 Neiv.Sfore Hours Sta'''. Next Week, OPEN TUES., FRL & SAT. NIGHTS—CLOSED ALL DAY WED. ' Mondayt 8 4.M. to 6 p.m. Tuesday: 8 a.m. to 10 P&L WEDNESDAY: CLOSED R.*ikttC s Thursday: 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Friday : 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Saturday: 8 a.m. to 11 p.m. Foodiatid AMPLE PARKING 'EXETER SOUTH,, Check The London Free Press Wednesdays Por Our Full -Page Ad aidS, cooks, laundresses, Janitors and others are required. Any community may well be proud of its hospital. It gives prestige to a town. A hospital can foster 20-0Peratlen 41,131011g the people in the district it serves where other organizations fail The residents are bronght to- gether in a fight against common foes: disease and death. There is no racial, religious egr financial discrimination in a hospital. A. common 'wed draws all peonies together. Moreover, hospital in a com- munity encoiXreges the study of medicine. Yonng people train for nurses and doctors so that they may return to their home town hospital and serve their ornmuni- tY. It encourages such invaluable organizations as the contorts Can- cer Society and through these keeps its public informed about advancements in the detection and treatment of diseases. The affairs of .a hospital are guided by outstanding, public- spirtted citizens who give gen- erously of their time and talents with no thought of remuneration. To help them, the Ladies" Auxil- iary was formed. It is their Job to raise funds, when necessary, to 'make baby clothes, mend sheets, buy dishes for the kitchen, and toys for the children. These small, but important details are skilfully taken care of by capable, public- spirited women. A hospital is, a definite asset to any community, its value not to be calculated. In terms Of 401.. lars and cents but in terms of the lives staved, the goodwill fostered and the security and prestige af- forded the community it serves. Comments About Centralia By MRS, 'rano BOWDEN Church Service • Mrs. IGerald •Gettbelt was the leader for the Christian Family Day service in the church on 'Sun- day morning, • Boys and girls filled the choir loft to provide the special music. Two numbers were sung' by the choir, vocal duets by Jean and Joan Essery, Eleanor Mae Hod- gins •and *Helen Collinson and a solo 'by 1Bobby Lammie, The offertory music was a piano trio lily Eleanor Mae, Cath- erine and Keith Hodgins. Stories were told by Mr. Lloyd llforgan, and Maxine Bowden, During the service two babies were baptized: Janet Alice, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leon- ard Smith and 'David William, son of Mr, and, Mrs, W. A. El- liott. . The address was given by •the pastor Rev. Clarke:_ :Baskets of spring flowers, ibloS- soms and mums, tastefully ar- ranged,. made a colourful back- ground for the service whichwas under the supervision of 'the Sun- day School superintendent Mr. Reg. Hodgson. W.A. Meeting Mrs. C. McCurdy presided for the program at the W.A. meeting in the schoolroom .of the •church on Wednesday .afternoon or last week. A poem, a 1Viother's prayer, was •read by the leader. A number was sung' by a, quar: tette of Mrs. X. Greb, Mb. J. Essery, Mrs. C. McCurdy and Mrs. L, Hodgson. A reading was given by Mrs, Greb. Rev. Clarke gave a talk on "The Influence- of Mothers" on the lives of sons and idaughtees and the anany ways in which a mother can lead her children to know the right way of living. • Mrs. L. Hodgson was in charge of the business. The buying or more •kitchen equipment was dis- cussed. Plans were made to at- tend the W.A. Convention in "James Street church, Exeter. Mat- erial was Shown from which ar- ticles could be made for the bazaar. • • • 44.4.4444•4044.44404.44.44../444444•4•••444,0 The Story In . • Saintsbury Si 108. H. DAVIS Mrs. Jack Dickins, Mrs. T. Kooy Mrs. M. ' McDonald and Mrs. H. Davis attended the W.A. annual meeting held in London last week also the opening communion ser- vice at St. 'Paul's Cathedral, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hodgins of Lucan, Mrs. G. Needham of London township, Mrs. W. J. Davis and Mrs. G. ,Godbolt of Centralia visited with Mrs. Fred Davis recently. ' Mrs. G. Needhikm spent the past week at the home of Mrs. W. 1. Davis and on Wednesday visited with Mr. and Mrs. M. Abbott. 'Mrs. jack Mains and Mr. and Mrs. M. McDonald and Joyce spent the past weekend at Oril- lia. Miss Alma,rie Davis of London is spending .three weeks 'at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Davis and Heather were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. G. Mc:galls and at- tended service at the United Church ,Centralia. The May meeting of the W.A. was held on Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Earl Atkin- son. Several members assisted the president in prayer. Mrs. J. Dickins read the •seripture. The roll soil was answered with an article Per the *bazar& to be held on June 8. Quilt blocks were turned in for a "Dresden Plate" quilt. The -rest el the afternoon Was spent in' quilting. Mrs, T. 'Kooy invited the ladies for the June meeting. Mr, and Mrs, J. Barker and fatally were dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs, Heber Davis on Su ird ay. Mr. and WS, L. Maguire of Scotland were weekend guests With Mr. and Mr, M. Abbott. Mr. and Mrs, D. Abbott spent the weekend visiting Mr. and Mie. Mt!gsford of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs, J3, ,Greenlee and miss A. Davis and Mr, J. Young spent Sunday at Eugenia. Mr, and Mit. C. Davis and fam- ily were dinner griests with Mrd. W. J. Davis on Sunday. Mr. and Mtg. II. Latta, and fam- ily and Mr. and Mr. D, Maguire and bOye' Were ,stiliday evening guests With Mr. and Mts. IA, At., kindOir. / 4 " • There were 4,029,618 pairs of all -rubber overshoes and galoshes Made 'in Canada in 1958. Personal Items Flight Lieut J. L., and Mrs. Andrew and family of Downs- view were weekend visitors with Mr. and IVIrs. George Hicks. 'Mr. and Mit. R. Gates Vie? ted over the weekend with friends in Windsor and Detroit. Mr. and Mrs, Robert Wilson and family of R.idgetown were Sunday visitors with mr. ond Mrs. Lloyd Moron, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Haddock spent the weekend with relatives in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. L. tB. Hodgson were 'in Belleville last week at, tending the funeral of Mrs. Hod- gson's brother, the late Mr. 'Smale. . • • Mr, and Mrs, S. 'Molnar are visiting in Montreal. With their son, Steve Molnar. Mr, and Mrs. F. Dixon, Mr. and Mrs, A. H'artry and Mrs. D. Patterson of London were Sun- day guests •with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Elliott, A number' of members of the WM.'S. were in Crediton Thurs- day atternoon attending the fif- tieth anniversary of -the 'United Church W,".M.S, ' Mr. and Mrs. R. B, Gates at- tended the 'Library Convention in Goderich n IVIoxiday, (Intended for -lett week) Mr. and* Mrs, Glen Robinson attended ,the, Navy Reunion in Peterboro over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Ridley Of Elim- ville and Mr. and 'Mrs. Mervin Dunn of Usborne were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. 'George Dunn., 10111. ••••A r-"••• ,11 -11-• '‘144 Ira — 1 • rt - P CA 1' r ".• / ) • "A 4 re" re ..• MASSEY-HARRIS MACHINES •-• TRACK -TESTED for DURABILITY FIELD-TESTED fOr EFFICIENCY TESTING — TESTING —TESTING— assembly and run-off tests on pro - Testing is never-ending at Massey- duction machines. iField testing is a constant year and night, wnter and summer at round' activity of the engineering Harris. Track testing goes on day the Massey -Harris -Ferguson Tesf divisions of Massey -Harris - Track, Tractors and implements Ferguson..Machines are sent south are checked with electronic equip- , .in the winter time and follow the ment for stress and strain analysis. harvest north until freeze-up to They are endurance tested for give new models as much work in ability to stand-up under long Usage the field as, possible. Machines are tested uncles' 'many varied con - and are given severe shake -down ditions for ability to do their work tests. over the burnpCto 'Check t ka , well, for ease of handling, for resistance 9 rea ges. _ economy bf operation; and for Steel, paint and other materials- . are analyzed and. tested in the designed,eaPaitYtod wellboa'gmtib uiltrind factory laboratory to insurelthat 'tested Massey -Harris and Ferguson they meet requirements and spea- machines offer outstandingfeatures fications—careful check is kept ,c?n, in modern equipment. Your local foundry castings—inspection , dealer will be glad, to' give you departments. Make constant fu1 particuNts. MASSEV-HARRIS-FERGUSON LIMITED • e ":. • . Makers of nigh Quality Farm Implements Since 1847 YOUR DEALER. IN EXETER.1$ H. It SHERWOOD'—', SALES &SERVICE ;GUS OF THE P Gleaming, massive beauty delights you ukr You control your fictions. perfectly NTIAC1 ,er A wide-open road hes ahead 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Meet shocks and bumps with confidence 1nce You have stability and balance AS OEM MMINEMOK $ V(44're really going to travel Steer a clear, • smooth path 9Ch'Well,o Clioose safety and comfort this year Mahe oh changes smoothly or automatically ZURICH PHONE 78 A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE' Pearson Motor Sales lialtiamfok eto SEE STEEttrrtd STOP SAFELY MAY is Safety Month 1 EXETER PHONE 608 „ 4 1 4 5 For _ painti] or otli call. think! and at! Ly Phone *,II4IiIIIIIij 1 „'AJ0i•11111111111111 ; Orde for ) kt • 1. Take 1) order supply when o 011 till 4 Phone :299