HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1955-05-12, Page 9p • 4 , • • A 7 4. • , • * HOW MARY MINUTES PER GALLON? °F course. You don't have to • make gasoline.yourself you do have to work at your job ' to thole the money to buy gasolihe. And today you don't have to work nearly as long as you did in '1939, or even 1946. Back in 1939,the. average - Cenadidn.hecl to work 33 minutes to earn enough fo-buy -- a gall 9ti .ofgasoline. 1 Seven years later, in 1946, fhe same Canadian had to work 29ininutes to earn enough to buy a gallon of gasoline. Today he has to work, only 17 Ades -about half as long as in 1939 -to buy a gallon of gasoline. 4 (11% *much better gasoline, too. Two gallons of today's gasoline does the work °fibres ' gallons Made in the 201s) • .5:P11:,, IMPERIAL OH- UNWED Main St. Ladies Hear Minister Rev. Carl Schroeder was the guest speaker at the May meeting of Main St. W.A, and W.X.S. klis address was in keeping with Mother'sPAY vie)* was the theme for the meeting. Mrs. E. R. Renner led in the devotional service ,essisted by Mrs. .4. J. Sweitzer, Mrs. N. Rockey aa4 Mrs. Thos. Dixon. sang a vocal duet, They have been elkosen to sing at the willing session et W.A. Presby- tery held In James St. church on Wednesday, Rios were mode to entertain' the BOY eaa a and their mothers at the 'lime meeting. Data On Elimville Bt MRS. 8'301 SKINNER Mother's Day Service Mother's Day service was -held on Sunday in Eliraville United ChurciL Two babies received the sac r amen t of baptism, Helen Elisabeth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Batten, and Douglas Grant, son of Mr. and 1Vira. Emer- son Feuhale. On Sunday, June 16, a special Rural Life service will he held in a Joint service with Thames Road at Thames .Road United Church at, 11 a.m. The special guest speaker will be the Hon. James G. ,Garclider, M.P., of Ottawa. The Eliraville Snnday School will be held at 9146 a.m. for Sun- day, June lb, in order to attend Church service at Thames Road at 11 a,m, The community expresses their deepest sympathy to Mr, and Mrs. William Routly and family in the paging of the late Mrs. Weston< Horne. Mother's Day visitors were:* Mr. and Mrs, Delmer Skinner and family with Mrs. Ed Johns, of Exeter, Mr. and Mrs, John Ridley with "Mr, and Mrs. John Willis, Exeter. Mr, and Mrs. Donald Parsons and Susan, of Hensall; Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Copper and Floyd, Mr, and Mrs, Norman Jaques and family, of Zion; Mr. and, Mrs. Ross Skinner and family, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bell and Carol Ann with- Mr. and Mrs. ' Philib Murcb. Miss Shirley Jaques, Of Pon, spent.' the weekend with Mies Brenda Skinner. , Comments About 'Crediton By MRS. T. *WOOD414.4 Mother's Day Services Mother's Day was observed in both churches on Sunday. Tne Program in the 'United Church school was presided over by Mrs. E. Lamport and numbers were given by different classes. The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. Mit- ton received the rite of baptism by Rev. Parrott at the morning service. A quartette from the Bible School in Toronto was present at both services in the' Evangelical Church Sunday m o r n in g and rendered two selections at each service. The daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Harold Fahrner and (laugh", ter of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ratz received baptisni at the morning service with Rev. Mohr officiat- ing, The Crediton Women's Instit- ute will hold their May meeting Wednesday evening, May 18. Personal Items Mrs. Albert King, who spent several .monthe in Windsor, De- troit and Saginaw, Mich., return- ed to her home on Saturday. She was accompanied by her daugh- ter, Mrs. Ray La Vigne, and Mr. and Mrs. 'Stan Seraegan and .daughter, of Windsor. Mrs. La Vigne is spending this week with her. mother." Mr: Robert' Heywood, of Sarnia, has, arrivdd at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Morlock, where he will spend the summer. nionths. Robert spent the two previous summers with Mr, Morlock. Mrs... Bort Nichols, Mrs. Charles Nichols and Mrs. George Glenn, of Adelaide, visited on Thursday with Mrs. A. M. Berry. Mr. Wil- liam Berry spent Saturday With Mrs. Berry. Mrs, T. 3. 'Wilson, of London, visited this week with relatives here and in Exeter. Mr: and Mrs. Georg -43 Vincent, of Detroit, spent the Weekend with Mrs. S. Lamport, • Mr. and Mrs, H. 'Schenk and Jeanette spent the weekend „in Hamilton and Niagara. Falls. Mt. and Mrs. Oren Grace, of Dearborn, ,Mich., 'visited with Mr. andMrs. W. Heist over the week- end. Mr. and Mrs. F. Gratton and Mr, and Mrs, Ivan Grigg and Ricky, of Grand Bend, were Sun- day visitors With Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Geiser, Mr. and Mrs, Glen Wuerth and ,faMily, of St. Thomas, were week- end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Wuerth. Mrs. M, Genet), of Kirkton, is spending a few weeks with her daughter, Idre. L. Hodge and Mr. Hodge. Mrs. Ohariee Mattice and twin daughters, Karle and Karen, of 0 ell t r ilia Airport, dalled on friends in town 04 Sattirday. Mies Pearl Heist, of Adrian, 1Vtich,; Mrs. RuthWatson of Wieder; his. Mabel Ewald' and Mr. and WC Ervift reltrner, of leitchenbr, and Mr. and Mrs. Chester Mewhinney, of Exeter, attended the riervice in the Evan - valeta Church Sunday ItOrning and Called on relatives. ' Canada's largest hospital is the 5,500 bed Iloapitat St. Jeatt4de- Dien at Oenielle, Que., Break -In At Dashwood Nets CasCigarettes Thieves brokea window in the rear of Merner'a Meat Market 'enrlY Saturday morning and en- tered the fitore. Cash. - eigarettes and other articles were f4t431.04.• No One. Blamed By theme ,OnrY At en hiqueet into the death of Mrs, garnet Wildfong who died in Victoria Hospital, X4 o4404, lOwingan auto crash April 04 held here Friday May d no blame was attached ta the. driver Of the other ear; -Coroner Dr. J. 0, Goddard of, Rensall presided and -Crown. At-' torney Olen Hayes Q C examined witnesses. Forman of the jury was Maurice Riumpn, Ire Brigade Trans The Dashwood Fire Brigade held their •regular meeting on Wednesday with 18 ;nowhere Present. Fire Chief Y. r4, Recker reports that the men learned a great deal from Warrant Officer 3. Wood and Sergt. Kennedy of the ROAM' Centralia wbo were Present and gave the men in- structions in eombating gee -fires. IA401 was served by the commit- tee in charge -Cliff Salmon, Carl Wein and Ervin Rader, Dashwood W. L 4Due to the sudden and untime- ly Passing at one ,of its most valued members, the April meet- ing of the Dashwood W, I. was postponed until May 3, The pres- ident, Mi's, E. Rader, presided. Committee conveners reported their plans for the 19515 meetings. Mrs.' M. Tiexnan reported on the executive meeting held at Hen- sel'. $6.0,0 was donated to the .crippled children's fund, The institute is sponsoring a Public speaking contest 18 Dash - *cod MEM, church May 24- for Dashwood public School. There will also be nanele •and filMe- -of .10041 interest. The, roil .eall was answered byl thepayment of' We. Mrs. 1-larold Rader gave a talk on the. motto. 46-Trne lite is ltvlag for .eur fellow pen." A minute's silence Wee ob- served Or Mrs. 0. Wildteng, The Misses Ann and Barbara KM', ler and Eleanor Beckley provided special music, Elect, •O'fficers Tile 'Walther League of Zion Lutheran Church held their meet- ing Wednesday Per the election of officers, Eleanor Becker was elected president, vice-president, Douglas liamather; secretary, Marian Rader; treasurer, Pauline Becker; christian Growth chair, Man, Margaret Becker; auditors, nospital linens. :Earl Weiberg and Leland liege - CGIT Gives Toys 10 Area Hospital The 41.0.LT. of Ortimd Dead presented the hospital =eery with toy animala they had made Menke/elves. They were brought to the meeting et the Ladles Aux*. iary to the Hospital on Tuesday afternoon. Ivirs, Fred Dobbs acted se See - rotary for the meeting in the ah - sconce of Mrs. A. Fraser. Mrs. O. Cochraae, ,convener of the ways and =Cane senunittee, renorted. ;309 as the proceeds of Theatre night en .April 14. Arrangements .ere being -core, piete o rthe rummage Sale trt be held 04 Saturday.- Hospital Pay. On Sanday was reported as .quite successful with so -operation •from all. Following the Auxiliary .meet- ing, the ladies spent some time. in mending and repairing the mayor; Wheetridge Seals Man- ager, Barbara Koehler; games committee, James Becker and Donald Genttner, • personal Items Miss Margaret Becker was phaen as a delegate te the Ont- ario Convention of the Walther League at University of Western Ontario in, May, Members of the Walther Lea-, gue of Zion Lutheran church at- tended a Bluewater sone rally at Moncton on Sunday. Miss Erma Wein of Clinton spent the weekend with her motb.- Of' Mrs. Herb Wein. ' Mrs. Art Allemand spent the Weekend in Lansing,, Mich,, with her daughter Doris. Miss Nancy Tieman is spend- ing this week in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Melton Wainer and girls of Ingersoll ,spent the Weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Philip Fassold. —Flew Turn to Page 12 Canada's proms cheese in- dustry shinned a record of S27,- 271,289 worth of products in 1958. 1 Garages Sunday and Evening Service Open this Sunday, Wednes- day afternoon, and during the evenings throughout the week: Exeter Motor Sales. 1 • Don't Let It Get You Next Winter Now that the Heating Season is almost over, you may be considering changing your present heating system to o. Perhaps you are thinking of a Pomplete novo system for an* other season. fret us help yan solve this problem by making a cow, plete survey o your heating needs. • We are dealers for the Lennox Heating and Air Corr ditioning Units which carry the complete five-year warranty against defective material and workmanship, We bundle "advance design" Anthea Imperial furnaces and burners, and for a wider selection, "Good Cheer" and gorsurt furnaces. A full line of accessories and replacement parts on hand, Free estimates and quotations. First Class Burner Service And. Vacuum Cleaning Of Furnaces We are members of the National Warm Air Beating and Air Conditioning Association, the voice of authority in the warm air heating industry. Time Payments May Be Arranged Lindenfields Ltd. Phone 181 Exeter Have you driven,a fragr.r.a.e.b . • • • : OR o„,te . lately? It's a totally new experience! • • . 1. .;••• 4MM:4- '54:4 -41,41,„,:igez1;4447.40:4',40402414e'44::•:.:4;',. 44WA, FORD THUNDERBIRD YOU'LL THRILL TO THUNDERBIRD STYLING Only Ford has it—the slira, sleek style -beauty of the famous Ford Thunderbird —Canada's most exciting personal car. And Thunderbird styling is yours in every model, matched on the inside, too, by quality and ,beauty you've never seen before in any cart v4ex,•-ael*,15.W.1..:-.%%.,,,...„ , • - -eren.:;.!,,s1:33iMMIi?...M.;:jfi :.:::::13B.JA.S::;r:....:::::'$:4;:;•:r.:or...,,,,. ••.,,,,,,..:.:>0%.:4,....... '..nronreo. rrir.:44fro.„4.,•••:. ,,,,:::,:ryie.:.?;r„:,:y.. ' •••••:.,:,:r....g.:.. • . srin...I,:•*. • . • ....:„?, -&i.'.ii-,-.;. ''''...,•`'' ...„.wr;'......V.'"'n. a.,..S•ror ,Nvvr..vere 44.7 e.e.ealeh " : • FAIRLANE, VICTORIA YOU'LL FEEL THE SURGE OF TRIGGER -TORQUE POWER First thing you'll feel behind the wheel of a Ford V-8 is the split-second safety -response you get from Trigger -Torque V-8 power—that whisks you in a wink from standstill to legal limit. And what a reassuring feeling it gives you to know that the power's there when you need it! Trigger -Torque's like nothing you ever felt Be up to datewith • Ford MAY IS -SAFETY MONTH Check Our car... check accidents -444, moneatyj before—because there's never been perfor- mance to match what you get from Ford's brand-new overhead-valve V-8 engines (162 - Hp. or 182 -Hp.) —eaeh eine the smoothest, most eager V-8 in its class! Your Ford Dealer invites you to try this totally new experience now! gir:zfreriggiutsgato=nantioned 106 "Standard' on ootno modal, 8 a totally new overhead-valve V8 ill standard equipment in every model at no extra cost SEE YOUR‘FORD-MONARCH DEALER CuSroMtiNe FORDOR YOU'LL ENJOY ANGLE -POISED RIDE You'll marvel at the way Ford's new ball -joint front suspension smooths out all the rough spots, on every kind of road—makes smooth roads seem even smoother! You'll enjoy mile after mile of easier steering, steadier road -holding, more relaxed driving! • Ford offers you 15 glamorous models in four great series. You can be sure there's a model to suityoar tastes, with all the things you want most! • Ford's Speed -Trigger Fordo- matie brings you the swiftest getaway you've ever known. With automatic low -gear starts, it's the most versatile automatic drive in any car! • Ford's modern power assists snake driving almost effort- less—they mclittle famous "Master -Guide" Power Steering, "Swift -Sure" Power Brakes, 4 -way Power Seat • and Power Window Lifts. • And dozens more "worth more" features are yours in Ford V-8—diseover them yourself behind the wheel! r" 4 4 ' ' Mu 9 9 iirristitatrit ''' i '''''''''''' Omit. '' re '' I 1 ..4 I Exeter, Ont. Is. Larry- Snider- Motors Phone 624 f.• = i F.. : 1 i i i = FORD AND MONARCH -0. SALES AND SERVICE 1 N„ ' , '''' „ ' , ,,,, ,„ ,,, , ,, , , , ,, , , „ ,,,,, , ,,,,,,, ,„,„„„,„„„,,,„„t ,,,,, ,,k,, ,,,,,, $ifif$,Imoi ,,,, 01$110$ ,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,, Old ,,, t. ,, li , mIliftsliminindistsiMIIIIII tttttttttttttt WI tttttt ttttttttttttttttt ttttttttttt II tttttttttt .i tttttt 11111114i ttttt ovoinsi.ssism tttttt on. tttttt MIDI WHIP ttttt $$ tttttttttttttttttt mu tt 60 ttttt Ota LOOK FOR THE _CO SIGN OF VALUE WHEN YOU BUY A 'USED CAR -SEE YOUR FORD DEALER • '84 FORD SEDAN' 2,300 Ras everything except kitchen sink 484 PORI) COM* Lose than 10,000 iniles ................ $21000 •, loa VOW COACH $1496 `blhoW Mileage 'SS PONTIAC .COACH an Ws O $1.495 OK d •tiitly '52 laETEOR.00ACH See this one '4 '51 OBLEV !SEDAN Atitenuitley radiew $10096 '51 FORD COACH $1,096 Like new METE01100Atilt , $996 . She's Ok '40 METEOR CLUB COU'rE Good '50 FORD SEDAN $800 Ramo '48' PONTIAC' coAort $696 7,7.1, Motet, and paint ttttt '46 CHEW SEDAN $460 * She *tins 130 BLIPMOUTRSEDAIV "38 eittv COACH Xnrce $100 Trucks '44 FORD PICKUP Demonstrator Save $900 at 462 110111) 13.TON STARE $1)250 New Motor, good tires '62 1"014D 8 -TON $995 °hassle end eab '40 CREV NORM, $600 /Vs nbeauty 430 MEV leI0RT3P $500 14 tome good "40 von» 8••TOX $395 Side Dunn) *40 1;01)00 tt-TOlq $250 Pm tired of le