HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1955-05-12, Page 31 4 1 4' THE TIMESADVOCATA EX'f" genialeanspeasamelepeewsweetwiwomeiteememeevetewiseileawasiweemintweeteleenneatenenswantweeeme ,For 'Your .Homi, Beautiful Curtains Draperies Ready to hang glass curtains For draw drapes, here are new or fabrics to fashion yonr own. ° fabrics in new patterns and 4 lovely choice of sheers in weaves. Fabrics, top, for slip smart weaves, covering. • Bedding The s m'a r t e t bedspreads in chenille$, Blankets by ' Kell- wood enwood in whites and pastels. In double sizes. Linens For luncheon 1ineu cloths' tons. Plains sizes. See :also towels, pillow or .dining, rich or .colorful cot - or florals. 411 a wide choice of .slips and sheets. • McLAREN'S SWEET MIXED PICKLES Large 16 Oz. Jar ......... .......... ..,....,3rr. 0 KELLOGG'S BRAN ,FLA`'KES - Large 14 Oz. Package 250 ST. WILLIAMS RASPBERRY JAM Large 24 Oz. Jar - 390 JOHNSON'S .PASTE WAX 1 Lb. Tin 590 • FAB OR VEL SOAP POWDER • Large Packages 2 for 590 GOULD PHONE 16 MAPLE LEAF SALMON 754 Oz. Tin 31 f NIBLETS WHOLE KERNEL CORN 14 Oz. Tins ,:.,..., 2 for 370 'SULTANA RAISINS 2 Pounds , , '330. MONARCH FRUIT CAKE MIX With Free Mixing Bowl ".:............ .. S9¢ AYLMER PIE CHERRIES " •u 15 Ozp Tiffs 2 for 990 &.J EXETER TM* THURSDAY MORN Marise At Grand Bend 1old'By Pub Recently the United iChurC1 manse on the highway was sad by public auction to Mr. David:: Duncan. The. manse Was 'bent in the year 1.004 before the ttnion of .the Presbyterian and United churches and was bunt under the Presbyterian pastorate of Rey. S. A. Carriere, 'but later, in 1910, at the time of union It .autont8tie- a,andJnited.ltttre1t' artyllybeeaownede jointly b.Cy Dreenoro»way and, Grand Bend charges. At the time the home and sited, which at that time were adjoining each other, were built, 'the grand- father of „Niro. Garnet Patterson, one of the faithful members of the congregation, Was an elder, Many of our readers will re- member Rev, and Mrs, tjarrlere and family,, Their son Emery is now living in St,. Thomas, Their two sons, Lawrence and Samuel, and daughter ]Marguerite are living in Toronto, and Colin is deceased. Rev; and Mrs. Oarriere, who ware- - pnemoters edf , the manse project, are resting in Grand Bend .cemetery,, A- new parish hail will: be erect - ,ed by the congregation ' Qt St. John',s-by-the.Lake A ng 1 e a n; Church this. summer. Stretch plans for the new building are . to be prepared immediately by archi- tect .John Magee,, of London. Mother And Daughter Banquet T•ke C.G.,I,T, held a Very suc- cessful ]Mother `and . Daughter banquet on Wednesday evening, Mrs. Wally Becker and Mrs. Ed- ward Gill were in charge,. while chair- sMisswonian,arion After the ban tet, sides on different .countries were shown to the girls and their guests. Mother's Day Service r .' The Sunday snorting service Cook the form of a Mother's Day service in the: united Church when, the Sunday School girls marched into 'the church auditor- ium in a body, while.the boys of the school took their places, in theclaeir loft and . rendered a boys' chorus. Mr. Wellwood -Gill had charge of the ser'vlee. Mr. Dennis Finan told the story of Abraham and Isaac in.a very fine manner for juniors' and Rev, Smith told short stories explain- ins the value of their .homes . and families to the children. Personal' itemN Mr. and Mrs W J Beer ° and Miss ,May Skinner. arrived Moine on Sunday afternoon from Flori- da where they have been,spend- ing the ,winter months; -Rev. and Mrs. W. C. Smith have 'taken tlp residence in the new manse on Warwick street. Mr. and Mrs. Roy • Scott, of Sarnia, spent Wednesday with Mrs. Scott's mother, Mrs. Wil- liam Patterson. The . Village Shop has been opened for the summer season; the Surf Shop, will be opened shortly and the first dance Wi11 be held in the dance hall on SaturM day, May 21, under the direction of Bill Jupp's orchestra. ' Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Baird were Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Daueney and son, of Lucan, and. Mr. Delbert Mason, of London. Mr. Charles J. Robinson, of Buffalo, spent the weekend with Mrs.' Charlton's mother, Mrs, John Gill. Mr. and Mrs. B. Keown spent . .last weekend in Toronto and at- tended the world-wide mission- ary convention. Missionaries from every country were called upon to speak and the pledges and col- lection for ' missionaries totalled $282,000,'with support for over 400 missionaries and assistance to others. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Adams, of Dashwood, spent Mother's Day With Mrs. Adams' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Morenz. Miss Betty Dalton spent the weekend at her home in town. Mr, and Mrs. C. J. Patterson, of . Detroit, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs:' W. J. Beer. Sunday, Mbther''h Day, visitors with Mr. and Mrs. William Love we -re their family, Mr. and, Mrs. E. Whiting and family, of Park- hill; • Mr. and MFs. William• Sturdevant and family, Mr, and Mrs. Jim Love and Ginger, Alex Love and friend, from Toronto. 'Sunday visitors with Mr. and, Mrs. William. Sweitzer were Mr. arid' Mrs. Donald Barr and family, of Sarnia; Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Sweitzer and Brian, Mr. Simon Sweitzer, Mrs, H. Smith, Miss M. Pith, 811 of Exeter, and Mr. and MiThed'S. faGrd, Clark and family, of , Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Wellington Baker -and Miss Dorene ,were Mr. Fred' Morley, of;. Leamington; lvtr. and Mrs. Lau- rence• Schwartz, Miss Betty Lou Schwartz and Mr. Karl Morley, of t,ondon. A Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Mace. field and Mr. Warner, of Wallace- burg, spent the weekend with Mr., and Mrs. Wellington Baker. 'Sunday visitors with Mr, -and Mrs. Henry • Dgving, were their eamily, Me. an Mrs. Blgia• Adams, Pauline and Patsy, and Mr. and Mrs. Ervine Ibevine, Yvonne and Blaine, all, Of Dashwood. Sunday visitors with Mrs. mligabeth Smith were. Mr. and Mrs. Goldie Yttngt. of Stratford, and Mr. and Mrs..tatnes Goode - rich, of t,ondon. Sunday visitors :With Mr. and Mrs. Thomas t esjardlne were Mr, and Mrs. lnverett Desjardine' New55 EU Auaiantefd bqq "'-' Good Housekeeping Su i? with „eking"' 71 Of $2495 STORAGE CHEST TV BENCH 750 ROLL -EASY ROTO -DOLLY $3245 Yours FREE! with Eureka Roto:Maate M07 Y 11 that'* l o�1010 poo 1404 WA 11yerleb$ ort otrot $1 prioMt P101%1141°111° ai rdq ARUM nia►dern in ONE cleaner,, This is the same marvelous EUREKA Roto•Matic with zip -clip swivel -top. and Attach -0-Matic clip on tools you see advertised currently in all leading :magazines...the• same cleaner ratedNo. "1 Best Buy for per- formance• and value by Arnica's leading consumer reporting group. Hurryl Ger yours now. Act quickly before this`spedal offer expires and thrill to owning .this wonder cleaner, -Sent to you on 10 days home trial. setae 1'IIvo" dsmonatration cit. our stone at arca :SSE� 1iS`:eihd.'IT»'lii:•a",�L' `�, ' sit) i 6.1t14 .01‘i got' 4�a d pace, -- 8ell%Ws 0 inner Recti • Dinne'y Furniture PHONE 20 'S• EXETER licAucticn and Diane, of 1'"orest, and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Snaith and Judy, of Exeter, Jack and Thelma Waldron bane opened a laundry anti dry cleaning business in the ,Aldan Theatre. b Mrs. Lawrence Johnson agent Monday in .Loudon. Mr. and Mrs, W. J. ,Beer at- tended the fancily reunion at the home of Mrs. Deer's sister,' Mrs. Nelson Clark, at Farquhar: Mr. and Mrs, 3. 'Whiteford and Mr. and Mrs. Tlienlas Desjardine and Grace visited tilt' circus at London on Friday. Mrs. Irene Myers has been ap- pointed to take charge of the in- formation booth for the 1955 season. Mr, A. Mowat, .Supervisor of Public Libraries for the Depart- ntent of Education, 'Visited the local library on Monday after- noon. A number of the Library 13oard were present. Mr. and Mrs, Walter Fassold entertained at their home in Green Acres fon their son, Bob, who has just completed a four- year science •course in. honor -•- Please Turn To Page 12 Grand Bend CLEANERS announce tlie.opening of our NEW STORE IN THE ALDON ' THEATRE? BUJLD1NGt Complete Dry Cleaning And Laundry Service For Free" Pickup and Delivery Phone Days 30 Drop In And, See Us Anytime See Dur Selection Of O.K..: USED CARS & TRUCKS '54 Chevrolet Sedan — low mileage Jwst Like New '53 Pontiac Coupe good condition. '52 Pontiac Sedan — a good buy. '51 Chevrolet Fleetline Coach See This One '49 Meteor Coach - good condition '49 Cheir Coach clean as new '49 Mercury 1/* Ton • Pick -Up '47 international 2 -Torn... Hoist and Platform, 0 z GET OUR PRICE BEFORE. YOU BUY SNELL BROS. LIMITED PHONE 100 Chevrolet - Oldsmobile ' - Chev Trucks , EXETER • wow ,H8,j,CIeVrO!e! A aiiCOn' !gym What -en91neleadet�pr mbrings OW poweratri ara • Modern 12 -Volt . electrical system This 12 -volt system 'with its hotter, faster spark, is ex- clusive with Chevrolet in the low-priced three. It gives faster, surer starts on cold mornings, and provides a big supply of reserve power. Controlled full -pressure lubrication Controlled full -pressure lu- brication results in greater oil economy and in finer en- gine protection, The • oil is forced to every working part of the .engine. Better all -'round performance Chevrolet's "Turbo -Fire" V8 makes use of General Motors' long experience. in making unbeatable V8's for high-priced cars,That's why Chevrolet's V8 performance is unrivalled by comparable Makes. Highest horse- power per pound In Chevrolet's"Turbo-Fire" V8, thorough engineering has eliminated all the dead- -weight and unnecessary bulk—both factors which drain the rated horsepowers of engines in comparable makes. Only Chevrolef vimv atmahvisoi obis you the choice of a, 1v r Matl Chevrolet Eel Air Sport Coupe A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE 110a menu anSEE STEER aid STOP SAFELY MAY is Safety Month fraliBES it 9 DME OMffise i WO Mg MI at High compression economy Chevrolet V8 has a compres., sion ratio that is unsurpassed anywhere in its field. In fact, its compression ratio of 8 to 1 puts the "Turbo -Fire" V8 in the perfortnance class of high priced eats. You can feel the result the instant you put your foot down on the accelerator. And, of course, high compres- sion means high economy, New, shorter piston stroke In Chevrolet's"ltrbo-Fire" V8, the piston troves only three inches — reducing cyl- inder wall friction, friction heat and. making possible greater efficiency. Because the piston moves a rNVV� Saves 1 mile shorter distance, it actually of engine every 12 de of enginear for wear in 12 puts light ingsl reloads on thesbear f\ V v V v 1 am am ME MIRiastsbt.a 3 r 0.a tEMELi ; C•;?6S5C yna►tOram c ova)nA//models and Allserke 0 111111/1tit 111ilYYlniY11i111ai11YilYY..itt.... .Y1teI1111i11 it. hitt ... n.1,111NI111/11NI111Y111I111I1111 In,u111ittititittitilivitint- " bY1111ianYluYUYuiYY111YYnlYi(NinWYnYnhNNKYlYiYliYY11YYNIWnka�YwtiiYlNlj�! Phone � o SNELL EROS. LIMITED Exeter, Ont. CHEVROLET, 'OLDSINOBILE AND ti#EVROLET TRUCKS iMIN1YiiN1Y _NNINNI'NINYenibYllinudlbulnl i � 111111YiN/1NIYYYY/11t111111111YNIN111d111NId111I Ind,nilllldduuYNNYliliillYillilYHYIntYNilntllidfldmNNNNNYNNNYNNN1NilI1NY11NitiN1� or Lhe tient Famous Hlartt" Batteries attery NSW ivarankee - S¢e Ron Cost You' Only Stec .A- Month estman • Phoit'e 211 or 791 E'xeter