HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1955-05-05, Page 8THE TIMES -ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO THURSDAY MORNING, AX5,1555 leanMonevFrom ¥our .tiWithWant-AdI M Only your FORDMONARCH DEALER SCIS USED ARS and TRU KS WHAT MEANS EVERY USED CAR AND TRUCK THAT RATES THE A-1 SIGN HAS BEEN Reconditioned by expert servicemen for appearance and performance. Inspected and checked for safety. Priced for outstanding value. Truthfully and accurately advertised. Warranted by your Ford -Monarch Dealer and backed by his reputation. FOR SALE POWER LAWN MOWER, 20" cut, reel type, Maxwell Rocket, good con- dition. Phone Erwin Scott, 110, Lu - can. 6c jh-TOwPICKUP TRUCK, Ford, Plywood rack. Actual mileage , 23,00 miles, Apply Gordon Scotseh- mer, phone 56-r-3, Tlayfield. 5c GARDEN TRACTOR, Empire, 6 h.P., with plow, discs, cultivator and roller; excellent condition, Apply Ray Shoe - bottom, Centralia, phone 715-J Ex- eter. 5• AOCORDION, 120 bass, 14, -Size, ex- cellent condition, carrying case, reasonable price, Apply 383 illiam St. 6 BABY CARRIAGE grey; only used 6 times. Phone 486-3 Exeter. 28:5• 8 PIGS—Weigh about 100 lbs. APPly Louis Masnica, R.R. $ Crediton. 6+ SCREEN DOOR FRAME—Phone 603. J Exeter. 5e GRASS CATTLE -5 two -year-olds and 2 yearlings; also a good Viking cream separator with new motor and clutch pulley, in excellent working condition. Apply to John Miners or Mrs. Garnet Miners, R.R. a .Exeter. 28:5+ CUSTOM CAPONIZING and started capons on order. Phone 57-r-23 Dash- wood or apply Carl Oestreicher. 4:14 - 6:30* WASHING MACHINE, Kenmore, 1 year old, semi-automatic. Phone 457* r-4 Exeter, 28:5* FOREMAN LEGHORNS Egg -famous throughout every state of the U.S.A. A 1955 necessity for the Canadian egg - producer! Day - olds available weekly @ 410. Started pul- lets for May and June delivery: 5, 8 and 12 weeks old -730, $1.10 and $1.40. ARBOR ACRES WHITE ROCKS' First generation for the finest in Broilers, June and July delivery. "Other Breeds to Suit Your Needs". Phone your order in to No. 7, Exeter, or Drop in and see Sheldon." The Lakeview Hatchery Ltd. Exeter, Ont. Sheldon D. Wein, Mgr. 28:5:12:19 CHILD'S COAT SET, red, size 2-4; light fawn jacket, size 16; black pin- stripe suit, size 16. May be seen at Brady Cleaners. 28:6:13* You cantqo�. AL11UT IFyou Feel ALL -IM These days most people work under pressure, worry more, sleep less. This strain on body and brain makes physical fitness easier to lose—harder to regain. Today's tense living, lowered resistance, overwork, worry—any of these may affect norma) kidney action. When kidneys get out of order, excess acids and wastes remain in the system. Then backache, disturbed rest, that "tired -out" heavy - headed feeling often follow. That's the time to take Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's stimulate the kidneys to normal action. Then you feel better—sleep better—work better. Ask for Dodd's Kidney Pills at any drug counter. 53 We Will Safety Check YOUR CAR FREE! Make Sure '(ou Can SEE STEER '510P S Aft13 MA`s rs S�FET 1400" TAKE CARE OF 'YOUR CAR ... AND IT WILL TAKE CARE OF YOU Driving ts'A Pleasure When Your Car Is Safe & You Drive With Care CHECK YOUR CAR 1/ Brakes ✓ Front Lights ✓ Rear ,Lights ✓ Steering V Tires — CHECK ACCIDENTS ' / Exhaust System A/ Glass g/ Windshield Wipers V. Rear View Mirror V Horn Larry Snider Motors -. PHONE 624 Your Ford Monarch Dealer EXETER 1 FOR SALE HORSES -2 black registered hunters, 3 -year-old mare, 2 -year-old gelding, 2 pony club trained saddle horses. Apply W.A,Howe 3 miles West of Hyde Park. b • BRICKS --All cleaned; also baby car- riage, in good condition. Apply Mrs. Worrell, 506 William St. 5c CLIPPER SEED BEANS --Apply Frank Lohlus, Centralia, phone 378- W12 Exeter, , 50 STRAWBERRY PLANTS—A limited: number; plant immediately. Apply Mrs. Emalie Carter. 14 -mile south of Exeter. phone 322-312, 5* ROBUST SEED BEANS—Apply to James R, Eagleson, Parkhill, 81:R. 6 ELECTRIC STOVE, 4 -burner; also refz•igerator, Phone 443-2d2 Exeter after b p. m: 5c '37 Plymouth, at a cheap price; Beat- ty hog watering bowl, Phone 446-7 Exeter. 6c STORE REFRIGERATOR; 30 -pound scales: hand meat slicer. Apply to Mrs. G. W. Elligtt, Hensall, Ont, 5e WEANER PIGS, 7. Apply Noah Row- lands, R.R. 8, Parkhill. 6c '37 OLDSMOBILE COUPE—Mrs. G. W. Elliott, Hensall, Ont. 5c PAINT SPRAYER, Webster, like new; equipped with twin cylinder compressor, 2 h.p. gasoline motor, 125 ft, of hose and 5 gal, paint bucket; cheap for cash.- Apply to Ed Little, Hensall, phone 147-J. . 5:12c LADIES' ROLLER SKATES, 1 pair, white, size 5 - 51/2, perfect condition. Worn only once. Phone 226 after 6 p.m. 5* CHICKEN SHELTERS, in good con- dition; chicken wire, 60" high, 10 rod long, practically new. Phone 656- r-3 Seaforth. Warren Shire. 5• WHITE BEANS—No. 1 seed Clipper beans; excellent sample; cleaned and bagged, John A. Hall R.R. 3 AnsaCraig, phone collect Flail, 962- r-1. 6• 3,6 -TON PICKUP TRUCK, 1949 Ford; price $650. Phone Crediton 43, .5c '46 FARGO TRUCK, in good condi- tion, good tires. Phone 33-r-14 Kirk - ton, 5c LAWN CHAIRS, colonial style; made to order; ironing boards. Prices very reasonable. Phone 406-W Exeter. 5* SHED, 13' x 24', double board wood siding covered with asphalt shingles. Call 438-M after 6 p,m. 5e • COB CORN—Apply William Muller, Crediton, or phone 63-r-12, Crediton. 6* RASPBERRY. PLANTS, Columbia,, (non - suckering). Place your order- early. Apply Mrs. Emalie Carter, No. 4 HihvaY /a mila south of Exeter, ' phone 322-312. 5:12c GIRL'S DRESS, size 12, navy taffeta, white lace trim; very pretty; like new; dry cleaned. May be seen at Brady Cleaners. 5c DRIED 'SHJD• LLED CORN, slightly bleached, at $51 per ton. Apply Cann's Mill Ltd., Exeter. 50 CLIPPER•WHITE BEANS, 90 bushel. Guaranteed analysis is 98% germina- tion. Apply in writing to Rex "R", Times -Advocate. 5* CEDAY POSTS; also tile, any sizoo-, Apply to Freeman Horne, Kirkten;' phone 14-r-11, . " 6c CLIPPER SEED BEANS, good qual- ity. Apply Stewart Blackwell, Parr Line, phone 88-r-3 Zurich. •. POTATOES—Foundation Sebago and Katandin seed potatoes; table stock Potatoes. Exeter District Co-op, phone 287. 5c BOY'S BICYCLE, standard size, in good condition, 625. •Apply 54 Mill Street or phone 340-J Exeter. Sc NATIONAL CASH REGISTER that registers to $29.99. Apply at Times - Advocate. . t -a Good Buys Small Garden Tractor With cultivator and lawn mower at- tachments; 4 cycle motor; good con- dition. $75.00 Complete 7 Cu. Ft. Westinghouse Refrigerator Quiet -running and clean throughout. $95.00 Used Frigidaire Range New switches and elements. $135.00 17" Stewart Warner TV Set Table Model — $125.00 Beavers Hardware Phone 86 Exeter HELP WANTED PART-TIME IIELP, experienced for store only. Phone 52 Exeter 5c FARM HELP—Mixed farming, 100 acres. Phone 172-r-16Exeter. 5c WAITRESS—Call Retirer's Coffee Shop. 50 PROTESTANT TEACHER for Us - borne Township School Area. Apply giving experience, former inspector's name, to Garnet Hicks, R.R. 3, Ex- eter. 6c WANTED APARTMENT -2 -bedroom, unfurnish- ed, by end of May. Phone 199-M1 Ex- eter. 5 PASTURE for cattle. Apply Marcel Vanhavel, R.R. 1 Clandeboye, 5* PASTURE for 16 yearling calves, Ap- ply Fred 14awson, phone 456-r-6 Ex- eter. 6e CATTLE TAKEN IN for grass—up to 80 head and under. Bruce Koehler, R.R. 2, Hensel], phone 91-r-1 6 12- • CATTLE BOUGHT in your atabie. Top prices paid for brandable steers and heifers. Phone collect, Ned Arm- strong, 15 Exeter, or Doug Forbes, Coleman Packing Co„ London, phone 2.7546. 5:12• STOCK WANTED I AM IN THE MARKET for all kinds of horses, any size, any age. —G. 3, Dow, phone 83 Exeter. tfc DEAD OR DISABLED farm animals. Removed promptly and efficiently in clean sanitary trucks, Phone collect Exeter 287, William Stone Sons, Limited Ingersoll, Ontario 4:14 - 6:13c ATTENTION FARMERS! Prompt and courteous service on all dead Or dis- abled farm animals, Phone collect, Ed Andrews, Seaforth 851-r-11, Ex- eter 235. 16tfe DEAD, DISABLED STOCK *Seven-. day Week service for horses tattle, Sheep, pt s, calves, --Glen Kennedy, phone collect '168-W Liman or Exeter 235• 9.2tfe STRAYED STRAYED to Lot 4, Con. 2 McGilli- vray on 41' about April 12, 1 yearling Hereford. Owner may have same by proving Ing p r o erty and paying ex- penses. Joe Conlinphone 462-W5 Ex- eter, 2-W6kc- ter, 5• FOR RENT GARDEN TRACTORS—By day or hour. Exeter Farm Equipment, phone 508. 6o 3 -ROOM SUITE, unfurnished, private entrance, with conveniences; suits business person or elderly lady. Phone 15 Exeter or apply 33 Huron $t. 3 3 ROOMS with bath, heated, hot and cold water, frig, stove and washing machine provided; available May 15. Apply 70 John St. East, phone 294-R Exeter, 5e HOUSE, in return for care of elderly gentleman; middle-aged couple pre- ferred. Apply to John Elder, Hen- sall. 60 5 -ROOM APARTMENT, unfurnished, bath; also upstair apartments, 5 rooms private entrance. Apply 357 Carling St., Mrs. Silas Stanlake. 5* APARTMENT -3 rooms and private 3 -piece bath; unfurnished; possession May 2, C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter, FLOOR POLISHERS and vacuum Cleaners. Beavers Hardware Exeter. NOTICES Dog Owners The police have been instructed to lay charges without further warning against persons who have not pur- chased dog tages or allow their dogs to run at large contrary to the governing by-law, C. V. PICKA.RD, Clerk ' Town of Exeter 5 MISCELLANEOUS PAINTING AND PAPERING CABINET WORK TILE FLOORS THOS. H. WALKER Phone 553 Exeter FOR GENERAL CONTRACTING and Repair Work contact Seaforth Con- crete Products, Seaforth. We do any kind of repair work, erect new build- ings, remodel and repair barns, con- crete work of all kinds,lain or coloured. Ask us for aestimate. Seaforth Concrete Products, phone 740 or after 6 p.m. phone 22 Seaforth, Ontario. 4:17 - 6:12 SEPTIC TANKS EMPTIED—Immed- late service. Phone 108 or 103-W Lu- can—Butler Bros. 4:7,14,21,28;5:5,12,19,26 SEWAGE DISPOSAL—Septic tanks pumped and repaired; wells and cis- terns cleaned. For prompt service phone Irvin Coxon, 254, Milverton, Ontario. 3:31 4:7,14,21,28 5:5,12,19,26 CARPENTRY Kitchen Cupboards, Alterations. Re- pairing. Abe Sehout, 28 Victoria St.. phone 410-W Exeter. 31tfe WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION , "Where Better Bulls Are Used" Artificial Insemination service for all . breeds of cattle. For service or Information Phone Clinton 242 col- lect, between 7:30 and 10:00 A.M. on week days and 7:30 and 9:30 A.M. on Sundays. tfc S. S. S. S. Why bother with dull tools. Let us recondition your saws, knives, scis- sors, garden tools, etc., etc. All ma- chine sharpened. Stew's Sharpening Service, Sanders St. East, phone 454. 2tfc "STANDARD OF THE WOODS" — McCulloch Chain Saws! All models and complete service (we rent) avail- able at McCulloch Saw Sales, 428 Huron St., Stratford, phone 9 61- . RE SPRAYING WEEDS: Don't tole- rate weeds in your canning factory peas as I am able to spray them when the peas are from 4 to 6 inches high without damaging the peas, and killing nearly all the weeds, for the very low price of $3 per acre. For grain and corn, why grow weeds when you can control .the weeds for about 2 bushels of oats per acre or one bushel of corn. 3,4 If you have your own sprayer be sure to see me as I have a special price for custom sprayers. L. V. Ho- garth, phone 266 . 5:12:19:26c REAL ESTATE RED BRICK HOUSE, 10 -room, hot water heating, fine workmanship, in- sulated; suitable for dentist or nurs- ing home, Apply Edmund Geiger, Hensall, phone Hensall 59, 5:12:19c 50 ACRES, with 6 -room frame house, small barn, nice orchard, about 45 acres of good working land, Con. 7 McGillivray, 3 miles from Parkhill; balanced easyonterms.80Aip$1,600 ly 0 W. down, Reid, Real Estate Broker, 75 Wharn- cliffe Road, S. London, phone 3 8493. 27:5c WE HAVE SOME building lots in various parts of town. W. C. Pearce, Realtor; Earl Parsons, Fred Cole, Salesmen. • 1 -STOREY HOUSE, comfortable, 2 - bedroom, coal furnace, hot water tank, cozy kitchen, garage; moderate- ly priced for quick sale. W. Pearce, Realtor; Earl Parsons, Fred Cole, Salesmen, 3 -BEDROOM HOUSE, new -349 Ed- ward St. R. 13. Balkwill. 14tfn o 1 -FLOOR. HOUSE—Asbestos .shingle, 3 bedrooms, full bath, almost new oil furnace; on No, 33 highway near No, 4; vacant; reduced price. W. C. Pearce, realtor, Earl Parsons, Fred Cole, salesmen. BRICK HOUSE with bathroom, small barn, over 1 acre land, Stephen taxes. W. C. Pearce, realtor; Earl Parsons, Fred Cold, salesmen. 24tfc BRICK 110.6SE, with six apartments Would providegr home with investment, income e C. V. Pickard, realtor, Main St, Ex- eter, REDUCED PRICE. Complete 2 -bed- room home. Beautifully finished and ready for your occupancy without further expense, A moderate down payment will handle. C. V. Pickard, realtor, Main St., Exeter, NICELY LOCATED 2 -storey brick house. This house le divided int() two separate Units complete With„? kit* chens, bathrooms and aeparat' ent- ranceei oil heated; easy terms. C. V. Pickard, realtor, Exeter, _Ontarlo. 6 ROOM RESIDENCE comfortable, With one cottage and two smaller cabins; hydro and water pressure, well Ideated for year-round rental. C. V. Pickard, realtor, Exeter, Ontario, NOW ASBESTOS SHINGLE 1 -floor house, full baaetnent, automatic `Air conditioned 011 furnace, 3 bedrooms modern kitchen,. colored bathreeni fixtures. Wi111ein l'ettree realtor; EarlParsons, Fred Cele, ea.{esmen, 24tfc EMPLOYMENT WANTED FARMERS! Arrange now for your farm help. Experienced Holland fam- ilies. Also wonted to rent -60- to 100. acre farms. 'Write Henryy NYh ip■ c R3 ExeteF, phone 172-r-31. 12-Otie BABY CHICKS FOR SALE STARTED PULLETS. Or dayoid. Bray Hatchery has them for prompt shipment. Or mixed chicks. Be ,sure you have stock to produce on better markets when prices are on the up. Signs point to possible scarcity of layers,, Be pepared. Ask us for the list, Agent:.Eric Carscadden, Exeter, phone 240-W. 5 NOTICES TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF Silas Stanlake, deceased. the testate of Silns as Stanlake, s alatenof the Town of Exeter, in the County of Huron Gentleman, who died on or about the ninth day of April, 1955, arerequired to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, 'Solicit- ors of Exeter, Ontario, by the 21st day of May 1955, after which date the estate will be distributed having re- gard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Bell .& Laughton Solicitors for the Executors, Exeter, Ontario. 5:12:19 AUCTION. SALES ESTATE AUCTION SALE Clearing Auction Sale of Farm Machinery, Grain and Household Effects AT LOT 28, CON. 1 L.R.S. i' Mile South of Brucefield, on WEDNESDAY, MAY 11 1:00 P.M. MACHINERY: D. C. Lase tractor, fully equipped (like new); Massey - Harris 7 -ft. binder (new); 9 ft. 3 - drum steel roller; Deon threshing ma- chine and drive belt (threshed 60 acres); John Deere spring tooth cul- tivator on rubber (new); McCormick Deering Callti packer; Bissel tractor disc; 3 -furrow Case tractor plow; circular saw on wheels; set sloop sleighs; walkin low set diamond harrows; Massey-Harrismanure spreader; Cockshutt side rake; Mas- sey -Harris bean scuffler and puller; cement mixer; garden scuffler; 22 ft. extension ladder (new); sulky rake; fanning mill; pig crate; steel posts; colony house, 10x12; 4 shelters; elec- tric brooder; steel water tank; number steel barrels; forge; Renfrew 2000.1b. scales; leg vise; double rope; wire stretchers; wheelbarrow; power post drill; wood lathe; r,6 and r/. H.P. motors; Woods 3 .P, motor; grinder, also roller; Renfrew electric 'white e enamel cream separator (like new); hay loader; hay teddar; 2 -wheel trailer and rack; rubber -tired farm wagon; combination 16 ft. hay rack and grain box (new); 2 bag trucks; rapt pulper; 4uantrty wood; feed cart; rip saw and emery. GRAIN; 400 bus. oats; 50 bus. Wheat. CATTLE: Brindle cow, fresh, with calf at foot. Quantity of Household Effects, TERMS: Cash. Estate of the late Alton Johnston HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk A. W. SILLERY, Solicitor 28:6 AUCTION SALE Of Furniture First House West of Thames, Road Church WEDNESDAY, MAY 11, 1;30 P,M, Refrigerator; kitchen table and chairs; glass cupboard; small table; mirror; 2 -burner hot plate; paper rack; wardrobe;. washing machine and tubs; step ladder; Mason & ,Risch piano; clock; dining table and 6 chairs; rocker; couch; secretary; hall stand; heating pad; dishes; pots and Dans; chesterfield suite; odd chairs;. living room table; trilight; rug; drapes; electric heater. Three bedroom suites; springs; mat- tress; commode; 2 Congoleum rugs; bureau; curtains; lamps; radio; writ- ing desk; settee and 2 chairs; toilet set; sewing 'machine; hayloader; coal; gas barrel; sealers, TERMS: Cash. Estate of the late J. T. Allison CHARLES & BILL ALLISON, Executors FRANK TAYLOR,., Auctioneer ARCHIE MORGAN, Clerk Clearing AUCTION SALE At Lot 4 South Boundary of BIDDULPH TOWNSQHIP, 1 Mile East of Elginfield on No. 7 Highway THURSDAY, MAY 12, 1955, 1 O'clock Sharp CATTLE: Shorthorn cow, 3 years old, fresh; Hereford Shorthorn cow, 3 years old, fresh; Shorthorn cow, 6 year old, fresh; Shorthorn cow, 3 and sHerefordoin heifers, rising 2 yearns old, about 925 pounds; 4 Hereford and Shorthorn yearling steers; 3 Here- ford and Shorthorn yearling heifers; 4 Hereford spring calves. HORSES: bay gelding, 1,700 lbs.; 1 black Clyde mare, 1,600 lbs.; both sound and good workers—harness, collars and single harness. MA:OHINERY: M -H corn binder; 4- section drag harrows; M -H team disc; wagon and wagon box; 10 ft. dump rake; Maxwell hay loader; M -H fer- tilizer drill with grass seeder, 11 -run, 10 ft. steel land roller; 6 ft. Deering binder; 5 ft. Deering mower; set of bob sleighs; 2 walking plows; horse scuffler; DeLaval cream separator; Pa rubber tired buggy; cutter; hay rack; stock rack; scales; 30 ft. of hay rope, nearly new; car fork and pullies; 28 ft. extension ladder; shovels; forks; pails; brushes; logging chains; scoop shovel and many other useful articles. FURNITURE: Extension table; 6 high -back kitchen chairs; living -room set consisting of platform rocker, arm chair, settee, and 2 chairs, 2 small tables, record player and numerous records. Farm sold. No reserve. TER414S: Cash. ANDY McI'LHARGEY, Prop. AUSTIN CRUNICAN, Clerk ERNIE O'NEIL, Auctioneer 6c Clearing AUCTION ,SALE Of Farm Stock, Implements, Feed and Furniture W. E. Nairn avill sell by public. C. i suton on LOT 26, CON, 11, HI$SEd;T, 236 Miles West of Cromarty, on TUESDAY, atY1:Q100 p.m. CATTLE: 1 Durham heifer, due time of sale; 1 Durham heifer. fresh With calf 3ah veats de;IDuhn cow, due in May; 1 Durham cow, milking; 2 baby beef, HOGS: 4 shoats, 80 lbs.; 6 pigs, 10 weeks old. FEED; 10 tone loose (nixed hay; 276 bales of good hay; 400 bushels mixed grain. IMPLEMENTS: M -H binder, 6 ft.; Deering mower, 6 ft. cut; McDeering fertilizer drill; M -H grain drill; 3- drum steel roller; spring tooth culti- vator; corn cultivator; manure spreader ;steel hay rake; riding plow cutting box; set of sleighs; buggy scutter; set of scales; grindstone scuffler; grain !bags; cedar Posts wheelbarrow; feed barrels; harness root pulper; forks; chains; tools etc.; also a quantity of good furniture, dishes and glassware. Positively no reserve: Farah is sold.. TERMS: Cash. WILLIAM WORDEN, Prop. W. E. NAIRN, Auctioneer . 60 AUCTION SALE Of Property & Chattels , ALICE AMELIA HANDFORD On the Premises IN THE TOWN OF EXETER SATURDAY, MAY 21, 1955 Commencing at 1:30 p.m. Sharp HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Antique clock. studio couch, living room rug, footstool, console radio, mantel radio, living room table, assorted lamps, Morris chair, mats and runners, - rocking chairs, magazine racks, hall seat, jardiniere stand, stools, um- brellas, 3 bedroom suites, Congolen.un rugs, vacuum cleaner, couch, dining room suite, oil space heater, victrola, end table, electric heater, Quebec heater, electric rangette, kitchen suite, kitchen step stool, fancy dishes, glassware, silverware, crocks, sealers, book case, kitchen utensils and nume- rous other items including many antiques. TERMS: Cash, PROPERTY: At the same time and place there will be offered for sale real estate as follows subject to a reasonable reserve bid: PARCEL 1: One -storey brick house with 3 bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen and bath, located on Part Lot 206, Plan 20, west side of Main Street, Town of Exeter; vacant possession, PARCEL 2: Lot and garage—single car garage on concrete foundation located on Lot 207; Plan 20, west side of Main Street, Town of Exeter. This lot is a desirable commercial loca- tion: TERMS: 10% on date of sale, bal- ance in 30 days. GUARANTEE TRUST COMPANY OF CANADA Committee Estate of Alice Amelia Handford FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer Bell & Laughton Solicitors for the Estate • 5:12 x ASOLIflE WHITE ROSE ULTRA GIVES YOUR CAR • GREATER POWER • INCREASED MILEAGE • INSTANT STARTING • FASTER PICK UP • HIGHEST ANTI -KNOCK QUALITY • GREATER ENGINE PROTECTION ULTRA ULT R ULTRA w ANOTHER WHITE ROSE FIRST a ;i' cAnhDIAn OIL COmPAr1IEs,LumITE W2 TRY WHITE ROSE 'ULTRA AT Larry Snider Motors '�i/Iu111Y1111Y1u I1111F1uh1YIlYYlY11YlYYY11YY1a1111YYYerYlY,1Y YU Y11Y1001lY11"iiiiiiiiiiiuYliiiliiiiiiin Yiiiiiiiiiiiil Yiiiiiii11iiiiUYll lY ii111Y1111111i1i111Y11Y111Y11 Yn111uitm iiiiiii "lk a' 6 16 4 ]r Ft 1 g 4 4 3 4 v x a 4 1 • •1, Y 4 • 4 • 4 . 4 0• r . � s •