HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1865-6-22, Page 2...................... _ ,
titan Aligital.
4 , it bears pretty roue!. the rupee mined. Bens i
' l we calkd on Mr. Menne. tVelible',e, *he, I
i with hie liody site sea hut° o dits!htsts,
- i lives la des real, hearty old 1:,•,:lish .1], . I
GODEBJCIU, e. W., JuN t: 11:2, P4G5. 1 ge•wia,4 ',leo, ot fireeelienr. ised althuueh i
.........................---.......................e........,.............-----.--......_ :,,,,i,„ „ea, yesre i.oCeuada. Meanie his es 0 i
AI LOOK AT THE CU Ors. • beer mof to ,king ha own titer, with • gl. so I
• ! 4 . sp Le. at all Wass tur eat!li re. Bleed* le
Ide:ng de -tirade of fulfilliag C/ur Prm''' rs.'le aessiciie good toe wiitielt sueh 44 1•Xhi•
inn 10 give a ilAiilei aereoor tIr the eraP ' bite,it of ttiiiit tool h..ertimie ie the bete •
prospects in Hurou for the informattou ; w ..11. 'Much estihot be' saiditr et t lemitch
and benefit of our readere, we, iii compile • a •teetitent. kir iir mi. wo...1 a, col:et:tie I ot
with • ro. datille=011 inteoreatad in aerie i little lemma ses built toter% and the sue ound• i
,,,,,eurai „muerte t„„e. a tw„ ,diai„, dove, illeS tv i i.4: nee • re' the twirls of A11,11to• i
.. . t . • • - r , 6 , 1 ' 1 1
on }rtdey awl . eaturlay lee, through " ' e .
11.-.y. we th..1 that the ernes are la'r, stwsys 1
tlederich township, Tuckeia•uith, Stanley..
exeeetete fa'l wheet. The' eesterti et le 01 the 1
and Hay, anti will now ley the i"iiii\'"- ' teee,seie iii. isu. to be by f.ir the tem. Zooids. 1
sious eeoeived before our reedsre as briefAttie moot emend vilime., ia • sad pew, ot i
ly as pull& :- -1 sta,!olatiott just mow, whatever, It, Wee he at '
; elect; bittes. Unite tioately, there is cot ,
County and the want* of the people must
feel coma:iced that sowe change for the
better is indiepeosaLle before it ean rim
out of its present emberreassel c•inditiou.
The junction of gravel roods of th. ir,owit
with the ,five lines uf II loom Grey aud
%1 ellingtou would tre a boon whieh tIse
settlere'of Bruce woutd not be slow te
appreciote. It ii ebjetted thet the battle
proposed fer the inprevemeet ofethe ir•
bore are p dtre, end we certainly thitik
would heve heen bettor to gi've the Like
*here too i'lehipa aim:trance tli 111 11
Later (Lae a much 114114.4)er emu woull
vUted fur the, herb. ra, ou *Oh
thegravel road* its the meantime, hut mill
that objection shoeld not be mede use ol
to kill the iteheme ; the ..rovernment may
be induce 1 ta lend It helping band, which
it is, eleek emitted to do, aed it will
istrengthen an upplication tor given).
mentel umistance, ellen it iv shewu that
theepeople ere etideaeo.ing to h,•lp them-
Mdves. As a considerable amount orate
Land leupreveuteut Fund eti I accrues to
Bruer, it would materially ;he
bur:hens of the mite peyere it were
applied ou the prepueed improvements.
It ie papiiibte for the people of the edger
ceutity tie yel oql el the mq, and we
thiek it hi incumbent upuu them, to do so
at themarliem poiteible moment.
-4. an. • •
Poor Juba Mitchell,
Theirish rehel, the eeile, the oleveholder,
the writer* of terra ly eungent anklet
the Richmond Ex ',niece during the war,
has been sited in the clitoriol chair or
tlie N. Y. „Vries, which he. tied dm, hardi-
hood to mount.% stet now lh.s in Fotxtrt los
.Monree, aweiting hi* triel for trtainie--!
I Le hes been, indeed, a chequered career.
meeting 01 the firand Lodge
oi Ora Ilgelhiett.
Goderich towuship," at ...me dime/ere, „,e,„ e„oe.tt, 4,„ y hi, mid. and
without travellieg for, hae sufferea were I, ot CJUtile 1.4 16.4 cov,ch / keep the
from droueht this year thau any other pleee up. the eh. sem el god weer. 1
towriaby tha. imam rheas :14e,r4irr • the abed.. driek, which, the ; eo.
the clay is of such tellSeioilit 4'.11.4:Ly Om I p'e being wooly • Gernions, ie %fry eteilly
, , d • el!, teireeto. mud width i* certlielv preferihat te 1
tcr a foreweeks of dry weather, rhile la 0'1 "or w 1Y heeh thleeeis Ss •e-
other localities it ie 11$1,1 'het the crof,4 4'c " G 11",h46
E re speedily ereched up. Aid to thi:ei b 1Y C1:1, 49')41.'41' IL"'
et it o 11,11 11•11X•1 112ait tot 11134 veer - I
the wretched • tient of fartuitee cnrried e 111* aro t.:c.roob' c, hot tlIO lar;e
out by many, 411 it Ce3PC3 ta lat entries j .ty We nits strait OPP
itn; thnt 11131 1 las turn up their ;„peeem eia s. beeis 'rabbi*: Me soil '
browes barren tele. the tierce reys of a TAO leech. A gieet et the fall
summer.* stn. Neve. thelese, tiame :are! 1 .reitoms 011 the flouts of
bicause bee from
a few good ferment t e tewnellip, who it:1' r'""'
reelly caitlear^ the Wail, a 1 th •pe f ate"'" theY eeeartEnrIlr• Tilts
all such will at lesiet ea' c up .1.0 the :nun!, 17P'"eri61,11 4,11.•
average iu quantity and .quelity. 1Vith eel .tee.; b wbe-es;e°4"• -7e7
some few lieeorlble eleeri ett, each ete„el „ 1„ ,e,,,e:
MI Moser& Jetea 1.1unter, Join' Bloke, \Via 11..41.1 of . 1,411.4.N. 1.11 64/ 4:1...6111n
Jeukine. ste., the flume Roml i• berrarre eerr: 'sloe titeeu 4.1w:ether.
enough looking 'eight until mei exu,e0,14. ,r oei tide. Meen tor le 'hut ot
j.L.C•ier.1111.01. B171.170 OUf acceunt .,t
'tear to Clinton. Fell wheat is badly
vrinter-killed, epring wheat is weak and 11,' "1.1h" i" W "ler° 10*"'
s vte must sly that, as far es
ar:ndly, and emelt of the gram Will be
oue pensunat obeetratiOn extended
barely worth cettine• Oa the beek con- ,„ , 03. E, . 't
• .1.• • ,
cmesions, however, thinee Lear a mon! s'osIleng, the Whi.e eection for greie
promising appeerenee, sokl tho sprine pet totes, 4,40, *if /1;. ten
cropmcspeoially-,- vemat sualr.,1 bat- twelve acres ccre th5rough'y, and
ly from lack of nee best firM- Ih'tt.:!•he ie" lb" they *hi 1
ors basin; treiee? j 3 „t 3 tome untual money velue Cosa useiry of tee
over neighbors or less inte mime aud • 1:'"e" 11"° leenethni Pr""
t, re to 'use esTird the t-utli,u nem uf the
enterprise. Low auy Leaver Can •
. tweeet, iu tad a let Acres. melt need ere. '
eat some of our (lode:hi:1i township d
• • tu.SO tale ere Om.% .1!1,• ar3..a scrItchel
do) to eoux a col. of wheet fred bUji or Oer 1Laten 'f ;omens shou:d reamer, or
'which has been e eititinomly devoted tie tee L.. it „
wheat cultivation Sir twenty yeurs, is more ! e me, we have n.nson to be thairk. 1
than we can conceive. and elslees a 11,1/1 t!.11114.1 the cheerine PrLeepectr
leef it turned over idthis respeat, 31 win !alOte far uur holco.t, worione eerieu:tu
soon be impossible far them robbers et• : r'4‘' 13."‘ (14.4q t4e
the soil to grow a 'deevut blade ot;grass.-:(' d.73, e'014 Pr•mo 1/ t • II, 1
wt,joh ,.a.vereee retot a, tea are s el 1,
There u: few ferina in the towesleje;i
might not he made retnutieratitc. and tlie P'!').b‘blf be Letter esis
tbo 1.bon of a j, for Eve or six yeers , bee's, And titc prin.
'success _attending.- .pect of a mum le c..ent•elative,proeperity
ehould oprn the eye.; uf the .many to their ' teeer, aye h.actc
, true intercede. Fruit will be to.erably
plentiful this year. By the way, owing,
to its peeulierities of aul comparative
freedom front froste. there is no eattloty ;
mann why Goleriefi township ehould not .
be the great fruit -growing township of
Huron. It is making rapid progress in I
the production of apple., peaches, &e.,
and we hope to see still more attentien I
paid to this branch in future. 1
fleeing passed Clinton, a pOrtien of!
Stanley is pointed cut to us. and it is
gratifying to be aLle to noon that the '
crops in that section 1110 very litennieine.
• 1.14 are noon *hided over a fine Plnyoullt 1
road into Tnekeratilith, our driver luting
tbe 2nd and 3rd eoncessimis, which line is;
itionsidered at least equel to /toy othet ;
1 this gerden township.' What a ;
from the road over which ere have
ed for the past few hours I. What:
cent aiews of fine, open To:ling.'.
studded with beeutiful brick or !
es, and farm bail limp ! What ,
.Ide of excellent epring crepe 1
grass ! Let any man treval I
past the eplend firms of the Carneellen'a, ;
Geo. Sproat,Ja Dickeen, end P. Reim
say on that line, at Wm. Fowlers' •in I
another direction, a out pet Lionond• .
'title and Brucefield o ' the Mill heal, if
be wishes to under -sten why it . is th a
Tuektretnith with reg ir to botheeil and
County L ualitation. Fall w atehruueli• :
improv ente etude at t e head of the :
out the Ow hip, haa been " 'lled bet 't .
e of laet '
stone edi
fields and
- and lusurian
to Foote eat
winter, but th
ed fielde, the. bee
of Mr. Spront. _
by the Leavy Ph
will be 141111e we
notieed hein
epteng crepe
however, in capital a. a. • i .n, an.1 a t
large breadth (mem t*• melt r cultiva
lion. Judging frooi the ri h paeturage •
verywh re ,
ereinith !
e• --
ng I
.envcr. ,
that I
rt. I
end the fair crepe of gee.
. obeervable, it is evident that Tue
bait not euffered much from drou
' Having spent a few Lours in a he
'ends :Troll. Dickson ani other., e
little party drove over one of tho LCit
. gravel reedit in Canada to Brueefield,
where we fell in, rof course, with the in-
domitable wheat man, Sills. Lorated 1
right at the jimetiew of the gruel made,
!dr. Si 1 14 0.116 hardly help catching the
cream of what entice along. Ile hue the
neateet, beet -kept and next . fiepriebisig
garden we noticed in ,the tmenshio, anX
when he thrum his boot into the boil to
phew i to qu a lity he uncomminosly, perhepe,
elioched the Equalieetion queetion, for it
was a fair sample of the whole toWnship -
a rich, friable, loamy clay. Having epent
a pleasant hour 111 the gomhead aideges
of Ilrueefield and Verne, we passed on
towards sundown, but before we could see
much of the next townehip, Stanley, the
sun had gone down. After threaling our
way through a number of ai'le-roade, ke.,
we halted about ten o'clock on Friday
night at the comfortable an.I temelul
enaggery of 'Peter Adatuson, Esq , County
Our inepectioe of the flne township of
Staaley commenced on Saturday morning
with the farm of Mr. Adameon, which is
on wbat is known es the. BrO,OPelt1 line.
Mr. .A. hes a g•.e1 garden and one
of the best fielde of Fail 'tt beat in the
townahtp. There are , some fine
*Web reeidenoes a/ong tho Broireimo
Liu end **venal (eget it erchards,Mit we were
sorry to Miaow that tee tall wheat mop re
molly is not likely to he a beavy owe The
Spring sows ere,rm. potatoes, p.m, 1,, wilt
yield, rre shoold think, a full arerege crop.
Creasieg ever to the direht• hue, we t. 1 d test
Noel:tens:Atm:sr, althotreh it ii to ;
deprcaated gencroqehaa its advanteges
ummeieuelly. The tee. t 'tow' vioceete of '
eliciting doubefel to id•tice martinet the
unfortunetet4outhern leaders has dragged
Allied tit Clinton.
June 13.-A man tell from the esp'rem
men mane Weet, near C haton, and vies au
*trendy Hertel that he cum SI not get of the
LIRA. Sod the Frei train gren Eest ran
Oyer c..ttine uff unis ef ire bible and
Tel:twine Ins WIWI. 'There mere no palters
011 hi* ;.e.1011 1,1,11111.7 1I.tot. hmi a
eeket freia iTurceito to tluderich. The
'te.telti trete took itliu 1 ael. to denten,
eh,* los di g mere atter Ile is • 41 or
um bet .let lad 104 se to...ot 01 141.6.1.
Qeite a nunieer of deireeates from Toronto
and eleewhere are in toe,. to-thry. Thesdev,
Alta die iteumilield reporter • lese he evineell
dlnire. a* he is euotally tu owe
ap•Icgiwe 11utt ensile pm.l.m.
" Why, ilow Dud you Look
How often in. the c mew of a lifetime do
we hear thee.. wattle frit bum the mouths ut
I houreliee.. !secede. and , us ceu caleu.
Mo. the eve r soltitte froie their coneteik
emiseaning mei Why it. it that euor etrug
ems, hummety is erualial Ualiate:y
Oa, e -11c.4 expresei.ni1 Why is
on 3) or 31 a • • _ I e att arlutittionce Inokitee a
• it -*hen 147. 14 •
II 4 4'4 " 1.`"` little ill --thst, wait altrayt sloth out.
alleitt braid, 16111 Ir. 1:•akt nr 11111alathe.
- • -- - 4.111E.1.
COVIITV Cal' UT 4%11 qt.' It•
Tula LoESSIO:lits.
• ' -
The followiug is a liet of the 1110111. im-
portaut °genuine' cams tried at thu late
sitting.; of thia Court ;-
The Queen vs. duseph Shannon -Lar-
ceny. Tiiim was a cab,. of .111..4. Mealier
ef eon% 111 the evidence it appeared
that eft, r the renown! of the cow, Mr.
. .
.• why inv good fellow low bed you 1001.!
what ma Verdi the metier wits you1' Can
suet, exclamation proluett any tbiqg taut a
I, gliteded degree or mentel and beiley the
pressioli1• How oftee vrou d the hearty
eheriiii; *to& " how wall you ant luekiue "
amid the poor consumptive grapeliii; erith
iu.lolercoutine his iusideous01116111y. Surely
tem rottibttio4 craititt 11111 grim monster,
death, !teeth' words of ch•er a* much as the
men alto stakes his life epee the boiled...1d;
arid whu ti.er heerd.of a corn.nander
his men to rem. wed ectiort, '11 the fee ot the
m. it me er orient., oartha, yA re. „.. erne, biw:ine m1..114 tne •• *ell
cetved $ i.e..° from ptirtter, iot of reilo we're beeten et lest -I'm aorry far6iie. but WC
Was ti\Actoo. ste. Hie Houor bola that .1e' hr:p it:* do..., 1!. Can any gl1.1 1,1.0
014 wig proof tif bereerin and 411e, and 'hail 01111" ;•. neniesPle between the 1.'"uvr
the latter? I eonfes. dad I ICA 1114'.1*
chergel \acoordingly. Verdict mit guilty.
d aw the liee. fa riot the feet Audi:toner
31cDornio.tfor priaoner.
welt teeiwii--thet the meet eterte • pus!,
The Queen rt. Alex. Taylor -larceny. F.;
40 user the holy ; dust mutat de.
Prisotier wes charged with stealing bag ,,,4„,,.. eiu , e.be„,„„ te
et oat* from Mr. 11,11, London Road.- severe, and Piet menta..tertorati.,11 &mimes. tu
Verdict, not guilty. CallterCon tool state ufmeti•ier .atot tilor
Dermott for tbfeuie. • iu the physics' now,---er • the tneetiT
The Qaeette CS. Jetties Catup.bell, lar-
ceny. The Prieener wee clettre,e1 with
ham implieated with Taylur steeliste
oette Aeiptitted by consent.
_The gieen vs. Deneld .31eDougell, as. et.ach to thee hy, theik ihr• expieesteo
sand. erdictegullty. teenteu-ced to pay wou .1 tory epeethly become uneelete,iiisteed
• fiee of $10, and enter into hoods to itcep iween11"4 "inch 31'ter "4'1
itep_yers to b• Mashie Cowie but shit ely.-
the pe ice. Cameron tor deft. - Conn.
The Queen ra. W:0
Disthiesic4 with cement Csown prose. what a Villi"r 111111fika.. •
edettion to the already tno nu Dermas 1111
la -1411Q plicate' tort roe e.ieeptiarieto
uur men) 11111;10 Salon twelne ? It We Ltd
l'106121it VI the evil tett rexult Gem the
stewl the wet el •• why, 'haw bed y••u
ot the ree thtst weir
GODILK till. June 12te. 1s63. •
and othe11 are exeeLtid by the omit,* this , Tee jure u our Ludy :be Q Ser,• -1 have jut% oTlar the first time
Oftern00.1. FIATS are fl le from erriom 411,, voles premed that 'bey heti. is
hotels. wet erehes have hien ereeted. tu monied cud no et rine el the .141
11.e y lene 14 CZ 1,et tL11 to morrow. , I,. Mir t•iurni the revue. tied all toe steam et's.
Toth. Maur uf the Ileanastas•to
nett we shell Jim as touch of the ruceedines theme/ Ls' • Cl• -Li 110•Ii..heatIl ay • Caut1,11,
• treetareni.\ they oei old '111411 13 j.to
eje Sheilech, p ivats teacher. of thrs whew 116n le of life are nt.'s, Iv Int nhese
tour, is shout to `remove to ih. Wester o cline seernis to be tied ef d aiturt
metertril'y ass at him hi posSisiti$ les Go tunes in 11 "" Prt"i'l`d'''''' " "
th it tection.• e imam!. e the e•ctlitt t,I 3. mire, they
404 41114140 )1..1. 4131 one 411.4 ',A...b.. pe.oeu be""
•1141 Calk 110 4411111.1/111. • Tee pee ems all pertecty eetietiad with 111e1
St toed, , Mr. aeoromodishonntil vrooti.1 emeitmend this alo;.ro
yJetedeleglitEd'y stetted eborra. Ita come
1.441diee Ited healthy p .stnie mast re,nr
Wahl it 1•1 thd p:e.411.1•11811; her arid the lasso
ati wells But there is teleitititte *le la
enus tu tri have 'venal, a $1,ety•ne2levt.,1,
alleolte1 to Valleh woad sithante th.•
ier and aid materiel t the unin'int
.1 yr+ e teem : that eS the ....eerie of smote
..ne. 'out t•nn• 4461 str,ete arid Ie.
1 r1 W, saur the .;',Oul *pare. linol
..0 rout 1:- .1.1 11,64 .1111.
1rwairit retort auoid n os heve
mand ot yew. teauseeetie
fountain rou1.1.14 added
ed et esiteht execute ;
pi.oes bone the
hai!t, what a
; t•'} 'eeCenedian- Ufeltrucefield writee t '0 eei eut the
4sY that .11 ""f" " NiuZ4i"4" "" ac.o of Th. %%. tee. the i`ete yei ard via 1era,
Aron, t the. Ilenalocksi"-afier /merest. nee, „ „,, t wee, y b.' e, th.
iVer %bine. ahnut tIolstates would be • go,4 mit ieere or Ow jet. tuoi els mbe kitol.lest • el
bethe Park thus ere
htlei•ed Iii.0 to • • '1113,'7 t1m1 01. 31.1.0
Teey tivat that o'ts.'serl• hr 121. ea
They ;feted esioese then
,he .or 010 Co
ti.eis for the tisk. e, me le ,• 04 qi,.. iti
Ina, In I eat. C Metes
The- wire or the 111.1t1 11,10 Will • r 31 .el mal. 1 too,
killed o •0 railway near CF:/win Fir; h. it, w t40•44 a* the 6L 61 vn 66
`1r C on eine, tbe I .te j 4 u
II threatened ta commit i • •, e ty ree.i.... the 3,,,,,i AI o.t of j of.or,
-s• In• ..! .3 shed ill it ..e ei ' el set .rae the
- '' a 1+ i... 3 t en e It 4 Pi e: i e ,1 • wt.,: •
_ .
Ismodont 0.4.4 4 I
m water tem d be ubtaned.
1 hill Stlei ral
one ow or many day., and in the
meantime the honed people or she North.
have had time to beeathe and *Wilk upen
the awful tuCouness which mad -headed
detnagoeues would thrum upon a vretori-
ous natien. The result of that thieking
•e. just what we mieht hare expected' itf
• 1010 1.11VC net lost the liet trice of
i„,1 ,,t mai • s 1,7 er .11.14 4
tel.:714 41..1111,e. 4.011.- 114 1.o
114 11.1101: of est 1:00, 1.1 1114 L'any ang,retto.n., f
Dae i 1 Keith ; ' 44:e• : • '• ...d • le -wee red,
, 1...,1! tli• .1.! •• .)14. 111111 1.7.r
poi*, Item l'hi •• rtt, woo:4.1414nd theta to
iho C..shonto lot , the deck 51.1.aukte,
eod 'hereby relieve, the prisoialwe lives 'Weir
net .ery ifraii...bir a elation)
Guderieh, 1 Jun 1 ell3. IT. C.
COall Oil neualatton‘
k 1.1,enap116,1 aotheltifatle
-euno4 • aroai .10J41
1.•,31• .0 I o 33q I. t7,11
• tino• tar Loa worthy u., .t 1.1 0111441104) 1.11,13,1
tta hay.
I. V04111111e'll tO the Tont-wail come
dew!, woh the meetdooltelo.
3. helm Ceuteatiy-etel me that tbe thing
3. Iliad aud late ull you cen sweat
• its.'
4., :flptulair grata -from a 40 horse siu4.1.
iloort,to•a whi;elbetrow.
5. NA arius-but lam% ans yoeraelves
with Purt.
6. Present swords -at any man who can't
smell tie.'
7. Pimple, 161 receive cavalry -and order
le0.00,3 wise tuns lone Jobe Patesinore, re,
WA' uti ter matte
e. 'de roes -sue stacks of barrel* all
9 S ni rare-wheu the ile ' beeins to
0 Se I 0 -and lave the pieces with
•vrey fool 4144 1416 1•I 0411111 I,r•
11. it) •ht *hum Tice - und hunt op. the
• k 'et* loaded wit b
13 deit -and strike • big baleen, in yuur
l'In41:44.4.41%an. ce-with renewed 'Igor to the'
13. evhett yeu've made your
18. Stand at ease -if you ve got estou'eh.
17. LI • arms -and 'heart., ferrirj•led
yoe•re beta „eery cm, • the sout here tapes aro le OX-
•(.1.,Itle ta.6, slut I Immo. The .4/bowie eatalligefeeer saas eet 111/ terefied al the my ut We, jumped out
here e• the tram Lod etupped, as Ran eery \
16. L31,4, sesiet, s',•„1 ;elm' leree number id desd beyi :s 01 rolo
j.,0;01,4"iwip oar. lo beenTutond utt.ste aialti, -the :Atoka " I, i""''''111
• •.1 the eiwer, and amt. hundred. art; dear.:
• • . . •
• ,
fres nrietit be'
^•1114 C..,
that ,tr•ni
had hie lee lertikeni u'clew • GOD E BIC 11 rovrs•aaar.
noon, by ehe lapin hen ef a et
"7"'' tc . 3. 4.a....41 -.417.e Die 'di.
"f • • • •; a
(e .1) 1.10T1I,
timber while et woik at Platr's 5111s. • Th
ICi Jury Room.
1 ler By advert ilement elee there it will ; Gedene‘• 1 \
CONCEilel0N.-/kar .Ve. *mild
sufferer is receiving weir, .1 attention.
• , '
agnaniutity and honor. Sueli nien
Oreeky, editoramehief of the
, -W1.0 1; leiwer of hineelf. Mel
wh•oe utterance -is will tell urn the 0,-
publicen party, s:an I foie ird Lol mt 1
pleat for tuet matey whieh it ter ,
in its nature, and the ex •reieriesf width is
so enriebtioe inte common haneleiter.
Ye's; thee, men argue. and .we
ve. the, it et only by Orr (-ter .3- •
the inieutiy el Gem M1114.11'0 hlaC,4 h..1
so.. i •ed at %Winn eh••• uala s 14.1 b..1.1 114
Livary were elready us nada taithier, mid
the I 34 toga gado,' lien. tiurdue Iiiillarte
0,44w:101 is:: itztditi.,usu.t the Itla C4.11114 11•4114.1',
0011. hte41111 were,exteieted to oleo ter that
'1' lot Prrti31.3nt's amnesty praclamatiutt cre.
at .41 emelt ex:Oh-metal to Nce 0,-lowit 'The
eleuiee excepted bete paid on Were Inure
numerous then testi been exeected• • • '' ,
Department of Stow, Josue IT, 1154.1. `
SIR.- 1 beve the honor to iiiforis yuu that
it 1184 heeii 111/1tle 1.1101481 10 Ihi4 deptrtment
by .M. SlInktet Of III . 1:nite61 :•11 .t• a i•aidni 2
114 11•66.11re.111.6) the 1•111W ILI 16 overtime -tot to
met 'loopy here reututeil nli 404n:twits
1 f • . - .d 1. a .to the navel Intea-1
course colt too United Stiat. '1 litre alto
the plessuro to inform you 111 a 1 ha,. *leo'
learned in 1 be same am:14MM tu iiiii er ;1411
the Isspetial Gavernmeet of Planet hall
withdraw/a from the iesureteite uf the rutted
Stine. the altarsett•r of ,belligerettts, whieh
heretelere 114.1 •Geveritlitelit 11164 eutiveded 1.
*hien mid :heir p, yes...din-4s bo Ilte tiovtorai-
meal, of FrAta Plat 144,44 6,011 priert,teil by
the expieat dem ol. i i in: the told *pupa
I 1 i••• betreen 1 tau rotti.ora Wii, or iii14•••illl
a al re,oltiloo*000sisittry lova!, *bout to eulti-
veto the must 6onslial reletimm,
emo:1 ins'eu4ialeeLlileell,l'euen441;81.:1ts,1 th: thine"pro".pc"relli' 41:
74 Ithlith:eitia11',,Yh.,,..,... to be, si• , ' .,
, .
Y ow utenient sery .0t,
Hen. Gideon Wells, Seettitudy of Num
Frightful Conditibn offIle
Singular Railway •deestimee.
Tee /eternal de la Meats ihe
1111.664",iitt*Lai7t. ht uttaessitim;
beee Attended with frost •"eviiseeutiume. A
twee teolc e elect. at heneville sti the espresso
ttate, to halt past lour in Om efterouott. She
sett*. J le r tell with hos Tiiild. i 111331111m old,
ilt.. ,a.lo A' celurartuieut, where there were
reeielier teiveltos. !amity miaow* *flee
leeviiig honey i la she pm c..tved that Ow eser.
pet wits butittni 11,0 side. near the door on
Cleo i.;111 bond. Pies ellaluilod the plaCedlud
dieSuireord it hale about tie. ems• ul • creme
pie; e, %Lick fire a.te rertertug the
married.... SM. covered the boat with her fool,
tna 10,„iiid it, too hut. Sloe dam crivered it
reit!' nue of the cushions, which *he teemed
down Kult ker feet. 'Tine treat: committee ite
cum?. lo;'irds Sertchoone, r tea *hat station
is wee to ..tev eller 1; at loe
ludy laie-ii the coNLion, rind toned the
Otos attracted tiuutlei•litei. .1 he train phalli -
V(' throulh the• 'tallest Arriveurt
eperks ut foe...ere iesuhre bum midi ede
the wa,4-41, bet their/ were nun* of the • rail'
wet eervaiita me duty 'Ilse lady in 'fleet
terror lretti..ut rtt tier window and fittelehed
hor tow, *Le next ristritime, end *beide
the aunt of te•titleuten who wait maleeti..--
'The treveller thee Iosolosed out, and
1•11,•1:e4:.11,•ii'd"iellth4 41:14 r
but to tea 4116.6. l'eiterestidy, the trein
rreicli,..1.1techicourt, vile re there were revere!
tecii tep..o11.4 the toad. Thee 11411 the Ate,
Inside ••grUe. el dietiteis, whit h were perceiv-
ed, 'trod the tram wad Stopped. !tucks...el of
water Were brunehtathe ti,e was extiriguislied,
anti men were placed itt the carriage with
eater to ritingteiril the trU 1.1101614 11 break
et *pet ilutuNg the remainder of the jeer-
y.e.Tese-dattia,erei earriege was lett at
,r. iadv itt smother carriage. We
• -
The Secounts which ..01110 Ile;:f Ott eon.
,aerfre. eelorem beedmer. ail throuelt
it i 11
Bub. • . ealyea that eicinity‘..tmo. r•ta,rwai. as Wel liustues_s ,Mittleee.
. •
BY ()RL)Ea. . l'etiigers.ral.i. rT:',:eeriAidihrey°111'art'hb.irur::14,,,,w4,;("le . . Ybo-niontl.t of May arid June, thus lee, have ,
p,,,,,,,„,,„,,,,.,„, „. 03, ,,,,,,,u,,,,,,,,e, ,,,,,i ' iteeture aie v• ine an every rote:riveter, I mreeeably dt.ppuiuted our merchants its 114 ' .
, ,.
.4.re u.ti et of Nit. ("erinel, et etephee r. me. I moaner, -1-1,„ e ,..4, elm h ive entpeed i rotten! 111411, ufit to the trade. le D.y•Ouode
,,,....,•.-.se,,,i,,e.;113 11‘11:::iir,i4m.4.1,1114t34rratwit.;h4.,arn.e."7„:17t.,41: i' t,'_41ke)hr.m,„ !mi.:7, oc.,eico., te,..,i,,iti,:a, ri'lkinde of outr..ei a. I eel" ei'llY tbere b" b'ea 8" 4°"111 lien -'417
re thee. burnt ' ter the Ileasunis mid waft, ol tier lardeet
,,...."4 01 ....y.ao. ii,,,i ..,,..,e;st f,,,.'1,.. ,,,•,,,,,,• 1411.1 1.1,11020141 the 116.1.w /awl 6111L6w f4e0,, ;,41. houses hisve soldenture gteele than eve( 10,311141' '
' i 11 - • • • , .4 .everal c'.11.31, d..t3 -Int,: ' to,'", -40,,,,,,,m, 3 itt lite Wily. peti•Ali.^ 'lot erroceite,s there has
chi:mit:ire-141v @Rent:it jr.edmi;ripidhef.: -,01:re..ein.kt::::s.„,,,,,f al err::: out,. c.itnt....nh.eurd .:trii...td„...i.Seiv:taN1 ii.ofh,,mio, 1,.... httelY *mese name. ing, arid the bade tales
re: , Hard. .4 or, a.,
• am tied di molt b,u,41 uotro4e4 u mo ihe "lea
ch. 11 MI vez4iia., of l'ur L el, of Mt i• ' r
er it 0 u te ih •n 4; Jur, 1 le ithey tee, edam im the 7th that.. beteeen its elete shlnettal
7,..11,1,1,L'altateounutt. 1" fi",
eaceethue.y 'aiitiefac.
ether goods, bare been
iierally spoilt tbe
es been must gran.
glared by Iiiiii.-1•Free 18, f 11 whi,11 trnericen piti• n Ili give oi the freed I in'te*
• Me. is tat I to. y et, I nt te. bee 1..1111,c41,•is herlo te1111111111114.,
uf falling off. b.f. •
vest eintruut uf
us the Ueited
-for cattle.
Inoue, rattle IMO Cacie1111 1
. Terrible Accident. 131 1 do ae1tha.z hal 414.1-1(..'
. 14414.14, 461.11, Apri. an
On Ht." evenin.g1-of the I 4th inst.'-an Dr.., 1,_.1.1:,:,.:2:,4-f,„,1,..-;,;,`,.4,1,,vr.dw,t.;"_,m,,,,j1e,72,'„. it'...7::::..4ani!o.Puirtedir"leie-aiit:L".4iirecer7h111174a.tuliu"leila
liilis canal, neer Dund is. 0:1 /hat even.
me, gamut 3 O'Cl..,c, Mr. W. E. Commie, Menore 111d tle•i :kiwi:, •r••01 1., the h A1,01 i " 1'11'11 l'" Fe'rlf ''''''.•`' di 1°, en.
apoziling diesster occurred on the la.ej se. 11 1:04.87i:iee..10,-;,1:•,47,..te,:ie..d.,o1 lot'•,:;..r.1yfelo.e.:...4/,.e.,/,,,olils. ei....ds.:11,,,,...41...„::,ho1"7:„...!: ,i,„::,,,,,,:,,,,..,...,..::,,,,,,,,....4.:4„,,,1,,,:...::,...,7,. ,,,,,,,,,:::::.14::::‘,r wp.'..,' 't : I:I y. ,
,.1.1., „ i.1 p my,r 1 111111,,1111.1 r1 ....a 44 a .4.11.414 circulation roc
i.‘,„...p, too iiits c ithd La
e nd inaster Geo. Creietoon w•-•th i
liiii C.Jetie COlet1111.11, Mies K iter,,Gwan7,', d,/ti Iiie rri••••-..., .,.. "`'"'"I "" l'"''."4 1.'.1" 1Y (11'1.* 111 ""...ral".4 II. ''t 4.14 lw°
t. 1 ii,,,,k; nu le.... a •ere,11•1 pen or 1.10., 447,1 II 4Ve , ug I''''‘I'"" ""h° 'lett. '''fi''' •,eck.•, Th.,
in •1111 open laid On their return to Dee. teem: y nuti.,,o‘ to do. Cloy amokt's i nes ; ;Line prespeet. el 1.141.0 C1111/11 hill •1•10 teleabeCI
dee, when the disturbance of the water sa"I'l.
' tee ton 1 to irde *Men farmers' lay air, for the
1 iiele,er nude, of' • treil 'haters'. .in 1.utnher
clued' .by the . pansies: uf Abe steamer 1 Mr. A. T Sie
, ,,,,,,, ,he ,„.„,,,he ,,,,, hen, :, mid itissber the mom oleo' a very graerai,
A.ror'y le capeised the. eki!T tied all four !aged ' of New yere, e„„ d,.,,,,,eeed,,, ,,,,A1,,,.. ed„, -1, aiiit' the eneriey *hie tu.,..el 1131 ill ell'elleiTO
. afoot -, iit t h • teem ei.triet •It Itieheeeirl, Va. 6"... 1 1 ''4•1''' e 1'11.1"'''., c' 3, '''' I I, snivel' •
4 erstery grave dereite the strenuoue ex.' ''r e"°' ''r sesame it. ney back lUr •CrIvie active
erti rie'esteile to mice them. .The terrible • „, , „,,e,. , sul's eel teeo•rts 1e311 thn ell'Orto:141111 Pee-
., •
aff e
• oeightterl
eate lly ineert. in your weekly teli "
of t'ae Siena/ foliewitig statement of ;
beeNn diet the steamer Huron is 'to ei'm I •
egeounts :
, ms she tettot et the llama Sloe.
Esi.ursion to 8 igiitaw on the 4tu of . ... The total COSt of the biiii ling up to the 1
Preactit te'alatet 113 •J.....,e .
eluly. The ilium is a fitie boa, her i
. opt. end purser are good fillowe, and the i
ver sy •1 4611 H. t 6.166 r It it!rd " Sensetirm
In ynur islet* of the Mb u'd , there appears 1 ' - i
Tho-aw,suriptious &freely pea are the:
fare is. pet down at a eery low fieure. We ' 4 : ' ..., . i .i..i ,_ .i......i.. io," 11414ha,16. f'••<, ' '
have no doubt. there !ill be a lame crowd'. •
- , 0 a m P 31Ir John Sturik-
1177,i,1 .'t.4 '", Da":-, eu:41:17 e VI' '.
his 'ace is "J 01.)
8 . e e•
meeeeeree Stlep.,E.- yeeme,y, 01,e !aut.:led re • m nt wan int! and me:tenant 4 1 110
•ii+y) afIrritt1011, • hatned SleLsren wes h 1"11b 11,„ ate1e.11'"' f"h we."'
/.-..e1 in elf. G leriterep's reot•honse. C • "' yuur 4.3'.,t 4.t. the 1 eitt Mat:ileac tame td.
e • e iti 1116. %bruit{ e aent you • rejoin ler OA eraetey th 4 yet,
. ; . !id ,•., I, pocket Ion e. . • e .11 71 71 tr. 1,1 r.,- in 14 tr... 31: .0'4 11.,1.01 Ines.
. ; , ‘, 1,,a‘roy 1., 7.4 .7.747• 11141 *tee fuel to In4.1.:44 •I
3 1, Ohl 1..I. ...•i;1 itury ,
i• a tearing rex' e:n the Smith 'lleunlary on . , ,„ „I
1;e: •4 etti..mil be wee bac!: to ite Alegi the•.,
if at 1-11. They dtelare in forcible Urine
diet if the; S,•uth WI6S gIllity of the
erihie of the wee, the North Sill geilty
or the great mr.c,noras of the:S. age, wit
ploog., Lis,. se -celled' " deggir of justiee •••
intu the I, „rel bocom or prostrate Pee
If the milliens of the South hems eiened,
the ein of their leaderie-mfDivie. and
Lee, am! Stephen., 'and the ri st,--is cer-
tainly Irma flee greeter became, they poe
0,ascd the ability auil etamine that marked
tu out for the poiitiene to wide!! they
we're the voice of heir vountry•
• -trid hence, it 14 eleitued that if
'oat: is periloned, all sheuld Le Seelt
eesouisig is us legie if as it hieletoned,
we think frem our heart. the ened
ere Rhine; utterance to if,4 much as
ve diffired friers them ia other rim
Arse th,-e ',garde RIM elaninr
of avis end Lem wl o are they f
the mettaie o declare at this moment,
epee the vociferous anmelsvery cry of the
past lour year', that it ist neither rieht
nor lir r that the Ireedaiem,"
whilom re, slienal have a ley right
to touch touelmtone of Americo'
liberty, the stelae! ! Oh, what anow•
*Hie! • \\
.4 l'h44.: 111'1 cO 11:141104 IJ I 1 11..1 1.11e•
0 ,
. • • t 3 1,11.• yea ny I'd ier ZU.1 11;r pave y be
1,i.• 0m1,11 er.1r111,66 d to\ er. • , i• ,e
lieed lion ;ler the tt ri imp!' ii.• ef 1,.• me e. s. 413.11 vm• 1,
,f Coto ri or, eft hen ea :e La y 't " ' "•"• 171'1‘it s•
. id t ;ere t• i t n e'ohe at la y14
lie he. to..., itt ea ;I 1,4•r* 1 rig,- 1.11Fs 11is,,1,Msj " 3 tloq •!i r3e m.ear se
• e 1 ie. A le •eot
terew ,rsu „r Fen in,' It 11 .4 I tf the '3 t i ..11: tt 3111 .1 4.
• • • • ..1 • 1 Aut
we I:
the bl
The Deuce. ravel Doted
Melte .
The echeme or oraVer\ro de for Deuce,
published io our last, ie,,in ett 'estimation,
fir in advance of that uPon Wht a tot..
of the ratepayers was taken los year
That reheats involved nearly tw the
expenditure, while the extent or
tide gravel road provided foie was twe
greater. dt was thought nceetteary
fer purport in Cie bach toweehipa,
stel that support was to be purchased by
the cenetruhtion of • grhat number of
intelier mud roadie witieh we hel•I at the
tinse, and still bold, should km undertaken
by the tounicipelitim themacivea. 'The
present scheme possesses the iteportata
merit of .additional cheapness and um
questinned efficiency. The gravelling of
the Durbitm, Elora, Seuthemptoo and
Owen tidund, Kin oe and Culrom lines
of road will give the fanners of' Bruce
what they stend in great need of, vis., a
epetem of good leading roast., by aeons
of erhich they can get Ott tO market et
say eassou. It is eeeless for us to err
the neersity of ouch esterpros, for
any man who how, the state of the
James 11 Intel..
J.,-ep i W &duly 0 00
Witi. Connoly N..„,tn.1
, Devil CO1 • I ti ilte
.Co'.13.1.1i3ms l 4 n0
el •hu e_itufalv, jr 10 110
al r. Jelin W els, ly I I 00
O Oree C. 1, EN 10 0 1
'Mr. J ha •Cez 10 0)
A ft fetid in tielieett .. 0
'Two ytm ee lit li s with a peiee 3 Oe
A tu .11 on the ittli ' I PO
Mr. A. Teyler
i-eye Idol:, the ' Oseeep man
. d eat .
.• ____ ._.......eeee...
i. ' cers: •••• Tose --e-liev h ol--• i .
I !wee. i . t o. o , I ‘). I 7• 1. iic emit -mere
1 •.r.-1.i.::.'lttc:.‘t'ei' ei';''',‘.. '1, ...0 0.).t.i.er;Zei'lia:i•-••
Ien.eher A n• • • , i: - . ei ea i fee ed l 1-
i te, .i...iet • : • i . ••i'vel ?
tea 3 pri,truand seissayiuu ij rha I meats w tit ott.....a tLe 43,1. it us IAA .4 V' •••••"•...04. '"IPV•t, 1
1111•1 d nee. pr.,e.o.es ; ati+1 trot 114411 Ws 14. 111•7 •1
In lo 74. 144 14 I..., ne,, u!. r 3.. 4.1.0 tuct 111.• wer.t 1,Irt 41 II
Tee Cie PS,. v
4te 1.444111 Te,_
• .erts thc
. L,4144,1 ediec d. eiu my time i ad. end that there is a genet ,
tete.- Trod. lite/rte.
jr3 .41411 (.001 r, 1111. 1111pr or petty. SeVe.161 0,1111-tti
1/ 12: tee pre.pect el a I arrtdires4 and dre.teitten ltsd ar. wed ,bere unix Tea fidtaeing
• .0,1, •,1 1,4 11 6. inettedia • future at tray
• • "I' • 1.0111 t.i.uh.-tes b.tutic.f from 1110 reulal
f in '0 pi utni.'ir • a .,ear t'"12 11'7. - • , , • • ',.Gret.i. haat* Oa lite diettoy treetvermt cif *he
k vie le e ri 1 1 Sweet the n 0.
4414.. 0 • 7.1411. .40 to poeptee ono- 3.1491.
pt.; •tol. 1.0 'oopone0 ktorti•ft
ha erowine •t, re. We heve bad .
I flail, theted L.,f• 141.) ottiA.441 at this ler
!towers ked.ire k-uwide wee•her. 'criercor is nit tioc111.-1 1,e New Y3,r's n
Ot. it4.7 cense uenee ernes the N,W1 ',tont .tes d tete are no. ahonti three inn, 10 /eel deb: eitated, Imre sever
Ay. '0" bn''''"t c"ttl" '" • apie.t.te, deo,' wereht. awl staffer trust
117.1 III 3404
latter psi' f
e} A wate'im On tne CI.
Hair...ten, fleeted Ti 5, comietut
,,r1 lima:41n
ter fhs Birth ip
..1.11,4 10 L .
• 1141 v1P.1.3reht.,..ts Tcte31.13 11:1y, )N*1,166,144' , dept.„$,..1 a,,at all el
• it at 1 """-“te'" "' in '" 14" ' %rit" ' *Melt near Le mr•seived, at' least ies to trawl
1.,,,,j,, j orth ./..rno : the is.% loo yea 8 1,....ed ati reat ; ebu mu, , y ,,, . ,,,,1„„ „, (b., d eu, doom ...
Huroo h.,
16,4 Sistta11.',11181 S11"1"1". 3414"7 . do 1,43C rulf. r ut .001 thinp.) if,
men* tl, were ee:a ,e11 lentee"1311"! ,. the itioriog pees, • war lueitti•61 el feting
r11. 1 '11 " 1 ' ' "" (.11',11". 11^ ; r .1. N. me t rieei'd be esten ex
• • • • ' ox"'"' i•• set. ei.d %het sheied be reit
' • ut need col 401, 1,:f 1114 01 Om,' 1110111.411,111 earl.
t'lwo '"`ly j so; , • • • : •• ! tlit" f"Ihme. sh. edi te taketi fer supper
1 hi et et,..• • ' • dime t ; too dr.. hre.t1 eed cep of heat tee of
• • . • • . . • •• .. • . and lorhee 11 ' ,„, , 13 mule rieluttee•
" v nf e iu• e, .• • • oe larins fruits and '
() Unit 'A States.
Toed 841.3 • • •
• W. hew. preens.; for 1.11.110 to be I.,: • . •
Frei sy eh:lit-a temp or men heti, • y reede l'ee • , • ,r. th
Chi, re...0,0.4e Train, r the •I1,. ' ' • • Ca•11"a 1 14 in debt to 314. Stier ly I if et v • • 1, •••• • • :, .1 , • „,
turbance, an•I proceeding from • ff• t to c "
'1•Ii• II tiled sous, %more who 1 ired be Ily. , - ' ,
, 1,••••
• • • • t , • . .6 t
cows gave the keeper and inm itea the ''" 'e "'• a it,:f 10,1e.W. 1'4 heleum ie d a • ••• • • • ' • • , • ; ; , : p
• • a .'.1
• ei or . sot nith,og should
1.A.P., 0. aso•ileog Ista,
3 , 3= .1 1 ; 111h.c:rti..a,e almrett
, the "in:amrital, e
• ',ander all ismaritis 1/1.
. 1 1 it neat.' ehelly '
• h . else rook b prime.
• • , . • • No eel ia album --
I ..1 14,14 : If you are er.
. • • s (6.• ••• ' • , i• &you prim leery 1.e. th,
- th 1.. mei ,•1 gee i wile as lleavon'a \
te..t t • , men -Thi, ac,d namoter of ,s3,.
3 • 433 • sh.e - to. 4444 o.t macy virtues
wto ' ' fm, West
rinrese .. 1,7,7 2.771: /It 34.4,y -,irhoeoir
de 1,11114 01' 'y 6' ' Olellt
AleOliit.i 44 11 • .1.• • • .11 1111 belld.
• 11. • 1 el w • rt • • , em .1 ,,,. JOIIN Mee APPIN. • .eceour lament of the
ee ale,.
diocputebie houee et hours to cle r out , ,h , e, , ; ,o,f,, ere
• tie •
• •
We undostand thit Mr. lef'.'eppin,
They dep bream! bagger/4, Mori: km.st le he- to tie • ir„.„ „t . oy ano
day monthly:, en I jeer be witti them. • I m 1 how ei muted ti, sheer h a 1.1t1e .1.y On t.1 Lib 11131 b1.111.1 Ile for
- by expesmiere 1 t , 3t •r et ?- preached the opernme sermon in a nese
; ele At the tneetine of the Prd. C onni-11 of !..""T •tb"14. 't• t • " •on league. church on the Diytield tonceosion,
Pitied ei,eadro,,per and 'beryl e,•thiontieee _ , ,
re e. livid at Walkerton on the 13th inst., waled WO •••••.:11.11 teams diet, ereotel tor
• Cie detleion of the Courcii to commie% the 1* "Tu'41.16 4'41? 'R-1 6741i .7:.94'..1,1r. t to Nsith in arid fn. tee use of his
stmeid heic heel al owed to nee fee Signet " P
• Pommy in that neigliberheot
.1,24 at Wisikedion war 4•1111.11aed 11 3.r t ,• plop b1,0 , 1,h /rp: toin! eel 4.1711or
e 01 17 iv 7. UM -1111.1,111i, NIS We a..1i113111- Olt i'141 111 • vier, ar:4 ih • 1%1112 Isle nn111
tc1.1, 11/./t laree aleeer•eeri 1111111 0.11 I1314.C.1 -;41 it. vi, ten*? , IL, well knees th loe
•6'.;e41 1/..1111e.11,4. We 1311,41t the 111 I le,/ .141 bba/ nooe the panted t em Loewe.
. tie t esedingt will be ubtaiii, 41 a ithuet , h th•• c ir.et•t militia\ of th ea-te.
iLit rilen. ty. •i•o• lee. 1 lalICi(Cle my 1,4,\11•11 e
l'ateser - e
ee.-- -71- +ma.-
ieh CrIrket CO/ .1. thar *ha ay,,rjara tbis ea mean a,
. 1111,3 i itereserd• h ...it t3i a 3-
., th*Ir first mount/ ne the F41/1 6,stur eTer the p inr annerds of an ap ire the
,1 day lest id this nekton'. or, when a einele perees semen they hare E.) rem evo
wicket metal t telt ;dm e•betereen his honor '1',1411
A L.115Y.
• Jeder Coopereart I John Wisely, Eel., which Brueefielre 14th Jule, 156' 5.
Warn WOO hy the !etter incase innings, and two
runs to spire. Afterward* there Wail Match
matelt, which greatly delighted all parties
!present. ' Th. it next meeti ie will he "rin
' Seturitiy nett, at 'Worm. elace end
Rt•sitle.-114 we betel to hei able ti.
e0•11.11211111 the wi Per ot the ah_vi. Th
proem (ion is certain!, to. io aivance of the
/teen pop «Tali a'leded 10 0ur bust,
I'd be it knewo that the •. s une one" 1/11•114.
PIPL-On WedneadaY last a fire• near *kilted in the eeceed amitertee Pt none other
I the reilway track a little below Clinton, than our reser% ee-re320 ••1. the
epr• nil ieto a pile of wood belonging to y iun4 loty 14 hn'y 1111101)11711171,‘ 14 auto.;
the Co. and destroyed about $ 150 worth ea "3130(1 os4lier• • "1 " "le""bl. "1 he
what. she will undouirtedly ` waken up 4 ene fiee
a little friendly cideiern.
pruvement ender
of it, beside, demising the track some-
mornieg to detcovet dist ale has Achieved e
POISTPOSIti.-It was intended Shari .)terery reoutetiee second t that of no lady
benefit concert to Mr. Wm. Bennatyne 1.1. the Peorsare• W.'!" proud also to kne.
members of the Cnonties Councill iteevreek 'en
or diet our fair friend hm risen eupenor tO the
timentality whi2h ie so fteeuently
shouhl take 'place under the patronage
owing to the unfavorable ecason of the sprawly of 1.41110th int, and that pm pas
year it ires thought beet to postpone it da:1°;:itd, ram-;.,71:atIt°0:80111ahr,d1,1'df
the December electing. The. 1,54. ,,, te,„„,e,,,i perigee, .6‘,1 cad.
r announcements regarding the „,,„ rue h.„ it, eg„a 3,1 me,,,e,,,me
soncert be made in due time.
traitors of Om country from in my 1151 0i
The New Gaoler.- We are informed "°`!"'"" '"d""'i°°' 11 w° mglit "
thet the vacancy left by the, decease of eiihma offence, hosireter, wed Wnsild ROO*
Mr. Robertson is likely to be filled by Mr ,ittir feu. correirpoedent en 11•611 gett ne anti!,
Edward Campane, by whom the duties of ndeim; n so.0 rg.ti.;d,onan,efiearltei,e„.7.hhal,s ihnad.dtme
the gaoler have • been performed very eiat 11 e0-11111,1 a loth. tnn strong to
act6finee,n it 1;7nd° ty sy,Pm0 oc gt ruu:n ,Pattlit to. n ilkvIer.toC.h lie.
Weekly Signal from Medina onooluscriol, to
'uol tr. print a mut *4 celamas of the
Ammer to a peceluction which. as she *nese,
ora4 supertellef d eosin as it *WI h•nted to ue
hy a tii. d 'het the eff.ir sheald he treated
.••• ordi,,ary valet* 111/1111 days wonder -
Meal diff.r, teat Ire thine the epistle iihriee
quit ems' as fate), as our reit friend',
f .rmer ethieh worald certeinly rctale
..einele, her, an4 jar, le Illelot on% eve. n a
been libel nate. We thank th• prone lady
for bee asteerarh. en4 hasten to present
auties end eeli rpokan of by (ter) body
We think :Metall Meth -maid, with whom
the appointment of gmiler relate, could not
possibly make a leetion which welsh
pits more *mist action to the public goner.
113.. rec Groin ine of Weierte.,,Connfy toe
niterog large leantilme of tobacco. wad fiud
tee ecop a meltable MO.
Fortunate Escape.
As it wee rum .L1,4,41)33% torrii • few deer
61,0 111 411111 ve,*: 'h1/.6tet..1611 Cue 1,111
itdia •K 1 6 1.11,to Bey. Like elteloe .41, 410
1.1 .3 0,,ne of our Toci.ce tuoks were un by till.
honey nut be uohttotesti te year rievlers te
7cif ,•.441.11ri 1 .7 .t I . • I:, 1- •..••;,
7•1417111;47re C WV 4. "the 1 .o.i1eleratea
401 the risy prertulat to IT .hoor.1 (Pawn s
arrival. not teatime Tr he par...ed. or or com
rey e.ny remoter *Oh the -terms lof 10:11.
ILI by J otitt.s surreeder. mambo,* ni
teem novel eerily' the Itin 1..1rei,1 Mey
Ts•siot! aith h -re they. arms. 1 heir At
er, they 101 tv I ort Meii,..so I ne.e, o
at *dome**. it oot iti it Oil
the Cuelfenlecistei every ire's, from B.,•1411114
41:4 bir Mericeir resitt.nte, wh, otisq:e.tel
oh• ..:11 11 111 the prell-reathri 01 .6.6, der
ter 1119 011/1•44.11jaa e•neo meet'. ,e0,,
t 1.4,4 , 111 0.1.P4411i ,,r 1101144.4.;40, 11411Wrat
t”. *rt..1,.. 'w.f., 11' Creeireil Meli a the
(meet eirt cemmender at Melanoma. es
4,,e,,e hen too neetr .hty would he n'opsyrai
',se a fag, of t ie pJA1.61.ara, 6 411 ?top -tier ler the Aere icier 1., ere i reit..1 I re,.
1 ft derma oh the 6 st , for dieen de! lho 4.1
Imeeresiout. It is .sei 1 thet the Conf•derete
City. Weather treble line •everytbioe *eau
s, Msrroid.r, wel Ki hy Smith.
e mthly untrt thee reached *Me., emelt is
us, is et Gmeo Bey, aml 75 Irma the City,
alien about iteJo P. Ile a.I Mods Weir
creed up to prepare ter the 11,1•1,6 are the
att./a/01 144 free* •11 4,CA; L 1 the
ereua Witt 410141 1.11 3.:336 w herrn; ate.re a
tut4., thrqe4h .11er bett itii, a 11 Ali .1 448 at a
part uo the vessel it was an,i ,,sibl, to ree,h,
gone to Rearm lite letter cer.i -d
.1114 di catisitle.abie amount of moiley.
i he 2 ,1 nee.. the C•mielerete Generals: Kole
..isith and Mrseieder weir. received on ad,
tile d States Me toner Fort Jack n.
• '4;3 too Is, oar TS& vestnn, etien
irteeee ef moree;ler a:I the CY .10 Poet.'
aos Miasettippi lorcas'ireeee 114.41 he Gee
erel eetrith. The Cielt ermine the Ceefel
trete tea era were coareye 1 traek to Oal redo,
she began to lid, the pointy werkseg 1.1 ewe, ) on tno st,),n4nni c..),,,..„8„)di sort oi),)).
mid altlemeh gum' was removed faremd I „fficere proceeded err te 114 town, 411,4.1
rue *we eradul y &fasciae. Ve•re teatimes, received its sortereler bum tne Meyer mid 0.1e.
the niebt va'az arta elter, and they were more u iforled the netemel Msg. neer the
p .11 le bn•Iiin411 in th. presence of litter!
rot ter from lead, -havale heeled the reuse
•ut rod on., •stretive111111 orderly ameneseee
f 41.11 shore, mid by the Mote ehe got intuit ••f reeve,.
4,04 ban1, her upeer esea‘t Ives a I that W.O1 Nim yo. jone 17 -The Trihnee'serideisi
ebove water. pal she home farther tiorn the deeentelt 011i4 P.eseldit Johnom hee etiiree.
S hore When the arri'lent occurred, 111.3 hai regrets that the ront,.i. tor is were leo
t• Governor Ceshmen " would ham be.. tried Were • eiei, Whitson'. • Order.. ter Op
4111104,141.the !Mires of the h. , 4- rt1111 of lien. Wo Were Wavy heel f•
nu tom meta 11••• /Wen 14110 14111 the
oCII. My into. mato at the ten, ot the acee
ileet was seen waned lor the NO and
beteg rather 6111 ref Mewing, hemd eomin
the 'Orrin (1080 Irvin his better half, wit
was 164 dou3A very rimeh •,erineri, arid tikek.
itioreme• of thtp.
whet .he could to emu
& al loathe hit pertner, wed eoutince bet that
.1 wee only cue( 'miry 10 pt1100 neendlional6Y,
(not sweet.: that every mot else was Teeny north'', Waehinetnn *eerie! despatch
ler • stastpede.) lie quietly put 00 hie mut th.t intelsig.•nee from the cite et M 1140
Aii A cop and junseed into feel egeta, Where to the 2.1th PIMPS 11)41 th • Reialhit1111
a • • LI 0'40, It .1.111,62n11411i2, 116. Gene al Meer," mecum' the Suites ol Tamil
he Treed to bis utter astonishment that they pas. New Leon icel 110eh mlit. Niohoac,n ie
were tyint in the mwd or mid surrounded by swarmine with gneri,14 and the re2.11er it •
• •.f reds besktee hem. lee pittoican troops under &emits are in excenlent
I aro
f .1 e .• 2. 141,1
; b SI • '.410,01., !.1 14,11 .0- OM
1, MO, M 9
.. e 1110 a .!•,ti oi
ee ibe it of the Prim.* aeil l'rt
t or W me The uffieal bulietin 1.
elh Vern yest..feley.
The Tonerseerielde.miech gave that Menne
the apoliestiona for pardon lha1 41 Sahel t
Loe soul A. 11. th.ithe34. Mr. &sphere,
enters at teneth iere se apoloey or vireliee•
'le tied amone other reesene be. hie coarse
c the fact tee the Trthene ode rested the
tier of the:4 iuthern people to indeeendence
w el he wee led to believe it wuuld her accepted
then withoet war
hie emiatei 14 later m 1111110i 111h 41 WY the
matter, 11 crewed n ettliamerishindet from
•11 • had etireeted so swam, ily 1,,
he'll been eject 3.1 fret* their eaa.tens the
mod before. Imane 30 miies Tom any
talaihih, 'Ivey 110t • filth •rm tO Like the
mai; there, wh3m be emild eel steamer to
ti re. Hay Coy, an.i se eerens Molsrmelree
sod Chose°, when the steamer S, D. Cold
w ell came te their iesivenee, end a s.^are
Poria, the French enramen4er.
holda the wires and 11.eghtere of General
Ammo, Sehei.e. Salo and °them in im
erisonment, notrrithearndi It :downtime had
feviereit their Meese. In Morelia the /Preach
nubility why the pater es. A lirz• f tree •
to he east by ees front Vera nt to Metemo
ems to pme,•ne Antrim's* from ercomeg into
th House, Jug. 3, 2 le eon.
Her anyei 1, • 'nem Prie, '41 ,.f.WA',e0
tare'? de tve,;31\3.1 • P• vice et 1.1e e
lier II eel Hie ileot Mid ehe itifeet
NferltrIt 411 . .
E. If. 31 D.
. • Geonoe lo mete 11
It will be teen hi CI ate,j3, ett,ert.
Toni the•Ceisrl eirrafor ter! th eiteplerous
e vent, It it aetuelty doexpeeltel, was 0.14
toy oto.un.:11.1 Waini.12 :
•• The Premien of Weles went td. Mr.
enecert al Sl. Jaa1114 1141I yesterdey.
otesmed by lite Couyleat ni Molly% lila
Mre. C,inee, sod Lord II arras. 'The
Piece an 1 Pcitleelli ef Weles bed, a dinner
Party in the etento.r.
EsTet DT Beset.- A youn4 lad shout 11
yeti, 4344. ntni331 4.1016111, RI, nrplerp, left
.114 ie arter's hou.e, so St. S., It.wrr, 1ch
1.74 .4.40 to &ire enere eaele threiseh moue
'•••411 1 ell. Ilit p,..ti presence having
excited alarin, a Smirch aas mole, which
resneed iir the dnicovery of 46 few Femme
'1011;4 •11.11 'Me shreds of elothine riqwn to
e re belne reel° the unfortunate bey.- Qate
be. 44eror y. •
r•LL w.L..ico.-oc Salted ty night, Mr.
John itrin,tie mod Mr. Jebn Burke, of litre%
toid.eof off on h peed from thit town to
ieddeer, waikeil the whole 'Innen moeone
22 m,les. between 8 e'cleak and 11.02 They
lard hiren preriponi y •• biting " thernee,ves
r tromp --HeaC3111.
trseri?!.in 161111ireelnllee n1 Cenneetient. hey
The worms am laying mime tipple
hare 'eaten evert. green teat' off the
tn,ole Ovrea anti (rum helfthe elan tierce
iherry geld other fruits are also surfei.ine.-
.t reee trees cnerywhere look am if Are passed
,/04,11 there.
There are bet two 11%70 whieh leer/ to groat
•ms and achievemeirisenerey arid ;mere -
remota Eoeray 1114 141e gift ; it provokes
oppoetion. hatted. and reartine. llat per•
serer awe lies withtn teach of every one, its
'ewer tee motet with its progress, and it is
rerety that it misses ant
A New York paper ties* three millions as
the erten de of coitus bales in the Soeth
The Street ca.s 2lontreal are not at
present pro114.41.311. lesst yam. it C141 11111
centime., 09.000 to keep the streets in re
Cep A Ranelton pilot thinks that the
Mau poce ot Item n. Canada, se comps ed
with tne pre of wheat, needs ozplaration
L A *het 1Ist roillers eon* looking after.
, Ce''p The Wane.. gives a reeiew of th•
1474,1. cr bade no M ..treal for hisif.year eroding
11,4, mai Key* otiffered ieriona and
• 1 r• rd. t.13331 tlevre.sion. It odds : " The
r f C.ohs-la 34 eenterinz more and
mere el eat .41, 1111 ate. unto) the greater
co tree, (eon* 1. roseate? it at a ceternon
ement, h', 11,11,11 plurcYlli(41 tteti111 heatl
ta the thine the plan of &atone; uu • Mono
real as Ilse slot fiyholleti ss..d pent forward
t kot 1,4 a gt bodily to moment, whilst
the reedit atteet urchotel a by Montreal
ciimmisston ineitenin Iteeeise au admits-
.tage the....''
A Iheimisio. :res.- Win lamer, fr., wan
brought le lore the . !Mayor, on 3 rieeday,
elia, zed *eh fieateig 1 is father mid mother,
on the previnne day end *ea eosin:lilted 10
gaol for a month.- net/cow.
C -Ip. Three Ousel Loudon, C. W., whiskey'
.1;1 kid a dog. The eer•eriment hes been
ti eel :overlie,/ tn the Prototype, and from
tea lei, theueht diet the rney be put
dewp a`eere deo h to ell eh, e'en,
A 'ewe lift It kh Sol ;.•ty demer at CM.
eireati ; erei to the Poe ,bint of the So.
cloy. Petrick 'Itateitv. ;re' may he live le
ate the hen the nitches rieer his grave."
Snme i le• nary he rtor111,4 011141 commolre•
of Enelaed 1. om the feet that at almost any
heur el tbe day mit tette then one hundred
reoteds Can be seen 'from the Land's End,
A New York paper says one of the greateu
blesiiegs broueht 1,7 the close of the civil
war it, that the American people will no
loneer he pestered trite the song, When
this cruel war is ram"
A men flamed Farrel wee killed on Therm-
dayat be the loconinti. et the
accemmedationegOtin 01 the Northern rail
road m ft was backing ep from the station
for wood.
ele A 0141 of the Foorlish and Fri•nch life-
boats took place at Cherbteirg lately, when
the aripeiroity of the Engli.h 3,1c beat wise
Cl• rho Meekest. minist•r 14'6'11611unit
his expereme31 confidence that the eeeneh
he drives out 11 ?desire before the close of
the present year.
el* Down in e'het tenon:re f.nld end silver
Poiret., and nne nf the onterptiting none -
paper men andtteires his newteroys to sell
the parser at there eggs • piece
'The poliee stemmed a Nomnambulist in the
street nt ',ovine' who had walked three miles
in his melt' shirt.
Mrs. Linenln end her family See 10 utile
at Beds Perk, sit soles from Chicago.
A *hemmed tailors held a meeting in Nene
Ynrk on Monday, to protest against a re
dection in *Nees.
• a
• 4
. •