HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1955-04-28, Page 14s 12
Are YOU l:ouselaleaaiag? Don't
throw away those articles you.
are tired; et. Bring them to the
Iifispital Auxiliary rutnntage sale
May 14.
O. E. S.
April Shower
Shortage Of Teachers
Shortage et high school teach-
ers in Ontario was described as
",desperate" Wednesday by p.Ii.-
D.H.S. Principal H. L. Sturgis
who still seekstwo instructors to
complete his 1955-56 staff. lie
has been negotiatidg with appli-
cants for almost A Meath.
"1 didn't think the situation
• was as bad as a le," the principal
said in discussing the problem.
"I knew the shortage was acute
but I •did.n't believe it would
reach its present state for several
.Several of the new •teachers
will qualify on letters of stand-
ing, which is the second lowest
category authorized by the de-
partment. At least two are uni-
versity students who are expected
to graduate this spring and will
attend the summer course at the
Ontario College of Education.
Among the applications for the
seven vacancies on the local staff
were those from people who had
not completed university train-
ing, others who did not intend to
take teaching courses, some from
fields of business who have been
out of school for years and have
never taught. Very few of the
applicants are fully qualified;
those that are demand exception-
al salaries and apparently are get-
ting them,
The principal said lie had been
outbid .on a number of occasions
by schools from larger cities and
Saturday, April 30
2:39.5:00 p.m.
Admission (Including Tea) 250
And Dance
Lucan Community
Friday, April 29
Everybody Welcome
April 29 and 30
(cinemaScope, Technicolor)
* Clifton Webb
* Dorothy McGuire
* Jean Peters
Thrill to this gay, sparkling
romantic picture filmed against
the glorious beauties of Rome.
Phone 421
Previews Its
Coming Attractions
April 29 and 30
Of Kansas
* George Montgomery
* Nancy Gates
Photographed in teehnicolor,
this Western contains all the
elements of excitement that one
expects to find,
May 2 and 3
Human Desire'
* Gloria Graham
* Glenn Ford
(Adult Entertainment)
A real murder mystery.
May 4 and 5
3' -
* Judy Holiday
* Jack 'Oarson
Here's the breezy tq:pe of
enter -
Comments About
'Mr. and Mrs. John Wallace
were guests Of Mr. and Mrs. Don-
ald Wallace, Carlingford, on Sun-
Sirs. H. R. Currie and daugh-
ter, Linda Ann, of London, are
spending a ,few week's vacation
with Mrs. Currie's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Otto Walker.
Mr, and Mrs, W. N. Binning
and Richard, of Mitchell, were
Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
K. McKellar.
Mr. -Will Warden has sold his
100 -acre farm to Mr. Earl Kins-
man. '
!Mr. and Mrs. .Andrew McLach-
lan; Mrs. Thos. Scott, Sr.; and
Mr. and Mrs: K. McKellar were
guests at the golden wedding an-
niversary of Mr. and Mrs. O. R.
Francis at Woodstock on Monday
April 18. '
Miss Shirley Roland, Mitchell,
spent the weekend with Miss
Anita Soradahl.
`Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Cockwell
and Jack, of Dashwood, and Mr.
and Mrs. Alvin Cornish, Exeter,
visited on Sunday wihh Mr. and
Mrs, Otto Walker.
Mr. and Mrs. Reeves and Misses
Helen and Mary Thompson, of
Fergus, and Mrs. A. D. Cameron
of Mitchell, visited on Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Calder Mc-
The regular meeting of the
Marion Ritchie evening auxiliary
was held at the home of Mrs.
John Miller with Miss Shirley
Wallace presiding. The scripture
lesson was read by Miss Anita
Sorsdahl and the topicwas given
by Mrs. R. Laing. Mrs. Wesley
Russell had charge of the study
The officers for the C.G.I.T.
group which was recently organ-
ized are: president, Bette Glos-
sop; vice president, Margaret
Jean Russell; secretary, Margaret
Coleman; treasurer, Ruth Howe.
BAKING SALE, sponsored by the
Coven Congregational Circle, Sat-
urday, May 7. 28c
atre, Exeter, Wednesday, May 4,
at 2:30 p.m. "Pat And. Mike",
with Catherine Hepburn a n d
Spencer Tracey. Bake Sale in
lobby. Sponsored by Trivitt Mem-
orial Church. 28c
RUMMAGE SALE—Sponsored by
Hospital Auxiliary, Saturday May
14, in Sandy El1iot's showroom.
All items muSt be in on May 13.
Mt. Carmel Hall
Friday, April 29.
Dancing 9:30 to 1:30
ta3ninent that suits the whole Admission ¢
family. o Everybody Welcome
?muumuu nom rnhrnan tluuorutt ;maim; ttivaunuunrfi iirunnaunbirin nrrollinuit„ni„fail a q,ptUub,
South Huron District High School
Cadet Inspection a
Friday, May 6
I 2:00 p.m. 3.
School Grounds 3
sMa'or J. P. coOky of the {Reg Depot, London-•
will be inspectng officer..
+' dMMt'4•� ate« •'u ,n ..slrw.uar -,
« « '. .f4i 2'
The Publln b Milted TO Attend i
NW,iitol m omotioomtillliftuniumet.....i itrtlitiiYYtlmth...o...Y.....i r m...lu...00....,..bmn,ito-
some prospects scoffed at the
offer front the local school.
Increase in enrolment makes it
necessary to hire two additional
teachers for the coining year and
resignations from five of the
present staff brought the total of
new teachers required to seven,
The vacancies the local prin-
cipal is now trying to fill are in
social studies and English. He
said he offered one girl, whohas
not yet4 graduated from univers-
ity, a position in the English de-
partment only to be informed .she
had been hired as the head of a
similar department in another
school. ,
The S.H.D.H.S, board; raised its
salary schedule early in April in
order to attract new teachers and
prevent further resignations from
the staff. The minimum is now
$3,200 and the annual increment
$300 as compared to $3,000 and
$200. Some school boards are
offering a starting salary of
Elect Fred Dobbs
Cancer President
Fred R. Dobbs, former• warden
of Middlesex County and long-
time reeve of Blanshard town-
ship, was elected president of the
South Huron branch of the Perth -
Huron Unit of the Ontario Cancer
Society at a reorganization meet-
ing Thursday evening,
Mrs. J. R. Foley, of Centralia,
is vice-president and H. W. Kel-
son, Exeter, secretary.
Members of the executive in-
clude Mrs. Lloyd Hey, Crediton;
Mrs. Alvin Kerslake, Hensall;
Mrs. Harry Strang, R.R, 1 Hen-
sall, and Mrs. Ernest Jones, Ex-
Named chairmen of committees
were; Mrs. J. G. Dunlop, welfare;
Ernest Jones, educational.
R. E. Pooley, Exeter mayor,
will be in charge of the campaign
for funds.
John Stratton, of Stratford,
president of the Perth -Huron
unit, assisted with the meeting.
This Week In
'Mr. and Mrs. Harold .Bell and
Helen, ,of London, visited on Fri-
day with Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hardy
and family of Devize;, ,:isited
on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. ltay
Miss Elva Morley and ,)Mrs. V.
Hern are spending this week with
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Morley, of
Hazel Park, Mich.
Mr. Harvey Herbert, of Bramp-
ton, was a weekend visitor with
his brother Wilfred.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Morley, Jr.
and Janice were Sunday evening
dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Alvin Cooper, Elimville, in hon-
or of the birthdays of Alvin and
Mr. and Mrs. •Bert Duffield,
Betty and Gayle visited on Sun-
day with Mrs. Wayne in London.
Message From
IMrs. (Rev.) 'M. M. Irwin, of
Grand Bend will be the speaker
at the W.M:tS. anniversary in the
United 'Church on Sunday at `2.45
(DST). Rev. 'Irwin, who is padre
at Camp Ipperwash, and Mrs, •Ir-
win, are leaving for Korea in the
near future'.
Mrs. Be ]Bullock and Stewart
spent a couple of days last week
with Mr. And Mrs. Harry Win-
terburn and family in Toronto.
airs. Joe Kalop and 0?amelia,
of Detroit, spent last week with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Mr. and 'Mrs. Hoyal Burt and
daughter, of Batavia, N.Y., spent
the weekend with Mr, and Airs.
Baroid Pollock. •
Mrs. •Morris, of Hamilton, was
a weekend visitor with Mr. and
Mrs. Willis 'Steeper.
Miss Marlene Woodburn spent
the weekend with friends in Lon-
Mrs. Elton 'Curts and Mrs. Joe
Korner, Jr., attended the W.M.S
conference of t henited Church
in Stratford last r d la e'
o week,
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bake,f, of
Grand Bend,,f
Mr. and Mrs. David
Wilson and Mr. Reuben Wilson,
of Arkona visited on Monday with
Mr. and Mrs. aRusseIl Brown and
family and Mr. and Mrs. Dean
Mr, and Mrs. Harold Dettloff,
of Detroit spent the weekend with
their' .aunt„ IMrs. Albert Pollock.
Mrs. Jos. Carruthers returned
home last week after Spending
some title with her daughter,
Mrs. George Hodgins, who has
been ill,
inaby Glen Drophey, son of Mr.
and Mrs, Cleve Brophey, of 'Lon-
don is spending some time with
his grandparents,. Mr. and Mrs,
Lloyd Brophey.
Mr, and Mrs, 1?red 'Steeper, of
Sarnia, visited on •Sunday with
relativesli ere.
Vir. and Mrs'. John. Lever and
family, of Detroit, visited with
Mr. and Mrs. Harold I'ollook over
the Weekend.
Metter and .Shaw Co., of 'Chat-
ham •ere drilling for ot1 on the
farm of IMr. Lloyd Stewardson,
Mr. and .Mrs, Wm. Hicks visit.
ed recently 11th their Idaughter,.
Mrs. Peter Gillies; Who is a paw
tient in a hospital i?t Detroit.
YOUNG MUSICIANS -.Two of the youngest winners at the
South Huron Festival last week were congratulated by officials
after their performance. Tile .girls are Maryanne) Hayter, of
Dashwood, who won the girls' vocal solo eight years and
under, and Bonnie McCrae, also of Dashwood, who was the
best pianist under eight years. Andrew Dixon, of Exeter, left,
is president of the Huronia Male Chorus, and Lloyd Hodgson,
Centralia, is secretary -treasurer of the festival. —T -A Photo
Town Topics
Items of .Social and Personal Interest In and Around Exeter
The Exeter Times -Advocate Is always pleased to publish these Items.
We and our readers are Interested in you and your friends, Phone 770.
Mr. and Mrs. John Kingnia and
family, R.R. 3 Exeter, returned
home Monday after spending three
weeks with Mrs, Kingma's bro-
ther, John Telma, and his family
in Brandon, Wisconsin.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Tebbutt,
of Seaforth were guests, of Mrs.
Frank Coates on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. William Butler
visited with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey
Perkins on Sunday.
Mrs. •Cecil Walker, of London,
spent the weekend with Mr. and
Mrs. Earl Shapton.
Mrs. ,Lillian .Blair is under
treatment in St. Joseph's. HoSpi-
tal, London.
Mr. and Mrs. John M, Glenn,
of •Chiselhurst were guests of
Mr. and Mrs. William Rybus on
Sunday and attendedthe. anniver-
sary service itr. James St. church.
On Monday Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Butler, of London, visited with
Mr. and Mrs. Pybus.
Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Hopper are
in Toronto where Mr, Hopper is
taking a post graduate course in
embalming at the Beating Insti-
Mr. D J. McLean, of Owen
Sound, Mr. and Mrs. 0. W. Craw-
ford and Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Mc-
Lean, of London, spent Sunday
with Mrs. J. B. McLean and at-
tended James Street Sunday
School anniversary, -
Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. William Armstrong were
Mr and Mrs. Ken Quiggins and
Billy, of Detroit; Mr, and Mrs.
Ervin McElrea and Tommy, of
Iron Bridge; Mrs. ]Howard Black,
of Lucan, and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd
Cullen and boys, of London.
Mrs. Frank Nixon left Sunday
for a two-week visit with rela-
tives in Vancouver and Victoria,
B.C. She expects to return home
Mrs. Martha Sinith returned
from Vitoria Hospital Sunday
and is convalescing at her home.
Her sister, Mrs. Dave Lippert, of
Gravenhurst, is staying with her..
Mrs. M. Bechler, who has been
under treatment in Victoria Hos-
pital, is much improved.
Sgt. and Mrs. James Low and
Penny visited last week with
Mks. T M. Dinney. .
Mr. and Mrs. H C. Carey, of
Glencoe, attended the dedication
service at James Street United
Cliurch on Sunday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Pym spent
the weekend in Toledo, Ohio,
where they attended the Wen -
singer -Pym wedding.
Mr. and Mrs. alobert Crawford,
of Hanover, visited this week
with 1VIr. and Mrs. o. ,Crawford.
B of M Personnel Move
C Hall, W H 1 acc
tont the
at t e
Bank of Montreal for the past
six years, left this Week for the
branch at Westport in'Frontenac
county where he will act as man-
H. L. Prescious, of Prescott,
Mr, Hall's successor at the local
bank, ,has arrived in. Exeter. His
family Will come as soon as living
accomodations have been found.
Letter From
Mr. .and Mrs. Stan Kayes and
family, of 'Toronto, visited last
weekend at the home of her Fath..
er,'Mr. 'Mansell 11od
luests with Mr, and Mrs, Jt,m
Love and {Ginger on Sunday were
'Mrs, Mary Gill, Mr, and Mrs. W.
Love, Mr, and Mrs. Will. ISturde-
vant and faintly, ,all of Grand
II end, and Mr, and Mrs. limbos,
'Whiting and 'family, of Centenary
Mrs, Max Hodgins held a ;pias-
tic demonstration for number
of her friends .and neighbors at
her haute Thursday evening,.
Mr, and Mrs. Ezra Lindenfield,
of London, spent Sunday with
Mr .and Mrs. Ed Lindenfield.
Mrs. William Rollins, of Lon-
don, spent the weekend with Mr.
and Mrs. Gordon Koch.
Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Margi-
son and • sons, of •London, 'visited
on Sunday with Mrs. Edward
Mrs. William Murdoch, of Ami-
des, and Miss Olive Wood, of To-
ronto, spent the weekend with.
Mr. and Mrs. William Wood.
Rev. John Ostler has been visit-
ing with his brother and family,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ostler.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Jones are
visiting in Toronto.
Mr. Gordon Jackson, engineer
for the 'Department of Highways,
and staff, 'from Stratford, have
opened up an •gffice in Exeter in
connection with the department's
work on Highway 8'3 from Exeter
to Farquhar. There will be no
paving this year, the plan is to
finish gravelling and grading, of
the wdrk undertaken last year,
Explore For Oil
—Continued from Page 2. •
Speaking in a more specific
vain, I would like to touclr briefly
0n two aspects of an exploration
program. At the start of an ex-
ploratory program, geological
Studies are carried out, geophysi-
cal tools such as seismograph and
gravity meter are employed, and
above all else leases of oil and
gas rights must be obtained, for
without the leases the incentive
to explore is absent. There is no
sense in spending a lot of money.
lobking for oil unless you can,
through lease arrangements, se-
cure a fair share of what you,
may find through your efforts.
The more common forms us-
ed to -day provide fpr a "drill,
pay or quit” type of obligation
on the lessee. The exploring com-
pany has the right to explore, he
has the right to drill, but at the
end Of each year of the primary
term he must either be drilling,
or he must pay his rental, or he
must quit or forfeit his lease.
Imperial doesn't operate any of
its own rigs but rather contracts
its drilling work out on contract.
The contractor is given supervis-
ion and instruction with respect to
the drilling program, the depths
at which size of hole is reduced,
the amount and position of casing
to be set, and proeedures fn the
event of shows of oil or gas. Of
a.speciai concern in the drilling
program is the care taken to seal
off all surface water by an ade-
u to casing
q a g In Huron
County Silurian production
be obtained generally at depths
below 1500 feet, and Trenton pro -
dual= below 3000 feet. '
If production of oil is obtained,
production is taken in stook tanks
on the well site and arrangements
made to transport to the nearest
refinery. If production'of gas is
encountered and it is determined
to be in commercial quantities,
with suffdeient deliverability ar-
rangements would be made to
provide for an 'outlet for the gas
to some industry, community or
public utility company. Tf the Well
is Completed as a producer, the
well site willbo cleaned up and
permanent production facilities
In conclusion, T Would like to
emphasize again that the eicpiar
ation and search for oil and gas
is a risky and speculative btlsi-
ness. It requires patience, skill,
applicatioll Of scientific techni-
titles, financial responsibility and
oertain amount of luck. While
our results in adroit County to
date have 1101 been sufficiently
encouraging to make any glow-
ing forecast for the future, yet
We intend to beep working, ex-
ploring and searching In this
area' n the hope that finally our
effor • will prove to .be justified.
Dr.. •P, A. Fraser
Continues Study
Dr. Peter A. Fraser, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur Fraser Exeter,.
will continue his studies in
mathematical physics at the Ent.
varsity College, London, England,
as a result of the scltolare1119 re-
nowal announced this week by
the National Research Council.
He was one of two students In
Western Ontario to receive the
coveted $2,500 post -doctorate
fellowships awarded this year.
A graduate .of Exeter High
School, Dr, Fraser has been study-
ing in London since September,
wife and daughter are with
him in England..
Birth, Death and Marriage NotI2es
are Inserted free 0 charge; Cards
of Thanks cost 75c, In Memoriam
Notices 75c for single Verse, 25c.
extra for each additional verse;
and Engagement Notices are 750.
FINLEY—Mr. and Mrs. Jack Finley
(nee Marie Hedden), Hamilton, an-
nounce the birth• of their son at
Genera`! Hospital, Hamilton, April
9, 1965; a sixteenth great-grandson
for Mrs. Catherine Hecden, Hen -
HEUDEN—Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Bed -
den announce the birth of their
s, aig, in GeneraHos-
pitaon] Brian GrimsbyCr; April 23, 1965l.
,I04,116—Lorne and „Annie Jean Johns
• noun eptheebir h of theCentralia,
r son�Mur-
ray Earl; a brother for Lois, at
South Huron Hospital April 26,
I..AMBIE—Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lam-
bie1955. (nee Dorothy Finkbeiner) an-
nounce the birth of a son at
Zwiebruken, Germany, on April 22,
LEWIS—Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Lewis,
R.R. 3 Adlsa Craig, announce the
birth` of their daughter at South
Huron Hospital, April 26, 1955; a
sister for Jackie and Danny.
LOVE—Mr. and 11frs, Glenn Love, R.
R. 3 Parkhill, announce the birth
of their son in St. Joseph's Hos-
'pital, Landon, April 27, 1955.
HASH -'Mr. and Mrs. Milan Nash
(nee Mildred Milier) announce the
birth of their son, Bradley Thomas,
at Toronto Western Hospital, April
13, 1955; a brother for Brian.
S7IAPTON Bruce and Delores Shap -
ton, Exeter. wish to announce the
birth of a daughter in St. Joseph's
Hospital, London, April 23, 1955; a'
sister for Dianne.
WELSH—Mr. and Mrs. David Welsh,
Exeter, announce the birth 0 their
daughter, Charmaine Pauline, at
South Huron Hospital, April, 20,
SCHADE•Mrs. Date Schade ,85, on
Sunday, April 24, 1955, at the home
of her daughters in London.
WHIJDFONG—Mrs. Garnet Wildfong,
of Dashwood, 'passed away Wed-
nesday, Aril 27, 1955, at Victoria
Hospital,ndon, in her fifty-sixth
Mr. and Mrs. William Thomson, Ex-
eter, wish to announce tiie engage-
ment 0 their, daughter, Dorothy
:Jean, to Victor Glenn Jeffery, son 0
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jeffery, Thames
Road, The• wedding will take place
on May 21, 1955,• in James Street
United Church, Exeter, at 19 o'clock
noon. 23*
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Genttner wish
to thank all who remembered Ken-
neth with cards, flowers and treats
while a patient in St. Joseph's Hos-
pital, London, and since returning
I wish to thank all those who so
kindly remembered me with cards,
flowers, -treats and presents while I
was ill at my home.
--Simon ' Sweitzer 28c
I wish to thank all those who visit-
ed me and sent cards and gifts during
my recent illness.
—Burton Morgan 28*
Mrs: Mary Becker wishes to thank
alt those who remembered her with
cards while a patient in South Huron
Hospital and since returning home.
We would like to express our sin-
cere thanks and appreciation to all
our neighbours friends and relatives
of Hensall, I ippen and surrounding
community for their help at the time
0 ' the fire and since; for all the
clothing, bedding, household wares
and furniture; special thanks to the
Hensall .IKinsmen Club, the Seaforth
Red Cross and the Hensall Fire De-
ajgetr.s ohreso Manand RFo
Mr. and MVIrg. John Bray and family
Wish to thank all those who so kindly
remembered them with cards and let-
ters of sympathy during their recent
bereavement, 28*
Mr, and Mrs. Luther Penhale and
family wish to thank their friends
who remembered Mrs Penhale while
a patient in South Huron Hospital.
Cards, flowers and other tokens 0
friendship were greatly appreciated
by Mrs. Penhale. 28*
0HOMPSON--In loving memory of a
dear wife and mother, Eulilia
Thompson, who passed away May
6, 1952.
Loving and kind in all her ways
Upright and just to the*end 0 her
Sincere and true in heart and mind,
Beautiful memories She left behind.
--Ever remembered by husband Eli
and family , 23c
'WEEN In loving memory of Ann
Wein who Pas
sed away
two years
ago, April 27, 1953,
Sweet memories will linger forever,
Time cannot change them it's true;
Years that may come cannot sever
Our loving remembrance of you,
—averremembered by Mr, Wein a2n8
May 14 is the date; Sandy El-
liot's show room is the place;
You are the one who can help
make the Hospital Auxiliary rum-
mage sale a success.
Friday, May
9:30 to 1:00 a.m.
Admission 50¢
Chore Fete
Ends Season.
The Huronia Male Chorus con.
eluded their, season's •activities
with a baniuet served in the
Crediton Community Centre by
the Women's Institute.
Members a the chorus, accom-
panied by •their wives, the: ladies
who took • part in the operetta
and their escorts and .others who
assisted in various ways brought
the number who attended to 82.
President Andrew Dixon was
master of ceremonies for the pro-
Clayton Pfile, treasurer of the
chorus, presented a gift ,te Mrs.
Alice Sturgis, who has directed
them for eight years, in apprecia-
tion of her leadership. Mrs. Stur-
gis, in her reply, announced that
the chorus will represent Huron
County at a Women's Institute
CMiterence in London in October,
presentation was made to
Miss Agnes Bray by Mr. Lloyd
Hodgson, .secretary of the restivel
Miss Bray has been accompanist
for the four operettas the chorus
has presented,
A grand march and a reel got
the program under way. Murray
Desiardlne told stories; Harry
and Bob Hern and Bob Russell
and Sterling Ince sang comic duet
numbers in costume.
The chorus was divided Into
Stunt Flyer Killed
F/0, J. E. "Stu” Allen, of Han-
over, who was killed in a jet
crash near Hamilton on Sunday,
was a ,member of R•OAF Station
iCentralia's famed aerobatic team
tor several years.
He was one Qf a group of four
experienced pilots from Centralia
who flew Harvard trainers in
precision manoeuvres at Air Force
Days, Dominion Day 'Celebrations
the 'Canadian National Exhibition
and the National Air Show.
F/O Allen was an 'instructor
in Flying Training 'School befpre
he left 'last fall for jet training.
At the time of the crash he was
stationed at St, Hulbert, Quebec.
Officers and airmen from• 'Cen-
tralia will form the funeral par-
ty for the burial service on Fri-
day at Hanover.
Senior Citizens
. r Social
Legion Hall,
Tuesday, May 3
8:00 p.m. Sharp
Ladies; Bring Sandwiches, Tarts
or Cookies and Playing Cards
three groups and .a ladies' grorn
was formed to compete in a
musical festival which at times
became hilarious .as adjudicators.
Emery Deslardine, Bob Russell
and Sterling Ince gave their rat•
ing of the singers' talents.
Re -op J enin.•
Roller Rink
Friday, April 29
Two Blocks West of •
Gould & sores Store
Admussion: 35¢ and. 25¢
Skates Supplied
Refreshment Booth
Skating 8 to 11 p.m. .
Drive -In Theatre
April 28 and 29
* Robert Mitchum
* Ann Blyth
April 30, May 2
* Robert Young'
* Janice Carter
May 3 and' 4
* Brirbara Payton
* Gdy Madison
May 5 and 6
* Glenn Ford i
• Sheridan
Hospital Day
South Huron Hospital
will be observed
Sunday, May 8
The citizens of the district are cord*.
ially invited to visit South Huron
,Hospital from 2 to 5 p,m.
Members of the South Huron Hos-
pital Auxiliary will serve tea in the
Auxiliary rooms in the basement'
during the open house. '
Presentation of prizes to the winners
of the essay contest will be made at
8:30 p,m.
Hensall Town Hall
Thursday, May 5
8:00 p.m..
Hon. James N. Allan
1Vlinister of Highways
Everybody Invited - Ladies Especially Welcome
Huron Progressive Conservative Association
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