HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1955-04-28, Page 9a A 4 a is f 7. Canada imported 30351 gal, lone of Sparkling and 1,080,116 galena of in the 12 montllsnon-s ended n ll'>;areh wines31, 1954. ' HENSALL EVENTS HERE AGAIN—The seventh annual Old Time Fiddlers Western Ontario Championship at Hensall, Friday, Tune 8. Keep this date open. Fiddling, square dancing, stepdancing. The London Free Press Trophy to the Grand Chan pion. 21:28c SCOUR EX (NIXON) Will Save Your Calves FROM "WHITE" SCOURS • Removes Irritation from the lntest. final tract overnight. • The "combined sulfas" In Scourex work fast to stop the infection. • Promotes appetite for rapid re- covery. SAVE EVERY CALF THIS X33iA1R. COCCIDIOSIS When coccidiosis strikes your flock you must move fast to save as many valuable birds as possible. You must also use the most effective •medica- tion available, and that is Nixon's Co-Sul-Trex Solution This product combines three specific Sulfa drugs, found by experimenta- tion to be more effective in stopping coccidiosis than ,any single Sulfa, We guarantee that CO.SUL.TRgX will give satisfactory results or YOUR MONEY BACK. Middleton's Drug Store Phone 20 Hensall Two Members Join Rebekahs Miss Mabel Whiteman, Noble Grand of Amber 'Lodge 349, pre- sided at the 'meeting held on Wednesday eYening, when '•guests were present from Seaforth and 'Clinton lodges. The degree team, under the leadership of Mrs, Jes- sie Dougall, exemplified the de- gree, when two new members Mrs. Joe Flynn and Mrs. Thos. Baird were received Int() men1- 'hers'hip. Mrs. Anne Henderson, D.D.G,IVI. of 'Seaforth, :presided during the degree. :Mrs. Dorothy Parlor, IP.N.G., on behalf of the degree team, presented 'Mrs, Dougall with a gift. (Mrs. Anne Henderson sand Mrs. Hobirk, N.G. of ,Seaforth Lodge spoke briefly, 'congratulat- ing the degree team ontheir work. An invitation was ' received ,from 'Clinton Lodge to attend their anniversary being held on May 2. April Want Ads shower you with results—phone 770. •I. 0:0. F. Divine Service ,HENSALL UNITED CHURCH. May 1, 7:30 p.m. Daylight Saving Time All, Brethren, Rebekahs, Visiting Brethren and Rebekahs Meet at Lbdgo Room at 7 p.m. W. JONES, N.G. W. R. DOUGALL, R.S. Garden Fertilizer USE — THE SAFEST AND BEST "Wizard Brand Sheep Manure" Conveniently Packaged 5 Lb. — 10 Lb. — 25 Lb.,- 50 Lb. Jones, MacNaughton Seeds Ltd. — WE DELIVER --- •4 /,11111111111 /,1.11,11151111111111111,1,11111 I (111111,,,"1", m, m 1111111111111111111111111111111111„1111111111111111111111111111111111111► d Phone = Write - See Geo T. Mkkle • & Sons Limited Hensall Phone 103 FOR A Malting Barley CONTRACT Don't Walt Limitia Amount Of Seed Available WE ALSO SUPPLY FERTILIZER •_deuuvumummtinnhu Weekend Specials Wieners Side Bacon Loin Pork Chops Cottage Rolls :Meat Specials 29¢ Per Lb. 25¢ Per 1/2 Lb. 49¢ Per Lb. 55¢ Per Lb. • Grocery Specials Applesauce, 15 Oz. Tins 2 for 27¢ Corn Syrup, 2 Lb. Tins 29¢ Jello instant Puddings Buy 1 Pkg. for 15¢ and get 1 Pkg. Free Albatross Frozen Orange Juice, Tins 2 for 29¢ Fancy Quality Peas, 15 Oz. Tins 2 for 33¢ Duz, Regular Size (Face Cloth) 41¢ Giant Size (Tea Towel) 81¢ Al's Groceferia And Meat Market • a HENS -ALL, ONT. PHONE 17 c 311mm1)Inl/iillnllll1111110111'lllllllll(IIIIIYIIIIIIIIIIIIII11111111tNYYlI111Iti41t1/11ne11YYlllltlti1p11Y1111111g11It'lllllllllllh� THE TIMES -ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, 4,I RII, .28, 195$ ' Hensall And District News William Hyde Winner Again William Hyde, who will cele- brate his ninety-first birthday .on July 23 won the Old Time Fidd- lers contest in the over 60 group at the Sports Fair, Queen's Park, London, last Thursday night. Mr. Hyde, who has been playing since he was 11 years old, has won 58 firsts, 10 seconds, seven thirds and one fourth prize in c.onte,sts all over Western. Ontario. He will be .a strong contender for The London Fress Press Trophy at the seventh annual Old Time Fiddlers Western Ontario Cham- pionship at Hensall, June 3. •0 Departing Family Receives Luggage Thirty-flye neighbors of the twelfth concession of Tucker - smith met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Brock on Fri- day evening to honor Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brock, residents of that community for the past three years, who are moving to Newark, N.J. Cards and crokinole provid- ed the entertainment with prizes going to Mrs. Stewart Pepper and Wilbert Parker. Mr. and Mrs. Brock were pre- sented with luggage. An address was read by Glenn Slavin and the presentation was made by Tom Slavin. W.M.S. Mono'' Member The• Women's Missionary So- ciety of Chis ell' urst United Church held a social gathering in the church basement last Monday evening to honor .one of their members, Mrs. Fred Brock, who is leaving the community. Mrs. Brock was presented with a life membership and pin. Mrs. Camp- bell Eyre read• the address and Mrs. William Brintnell made the presentation. At the evening service in Hen- sall United Church on May 1, Rev. W. J. Rogers will address the I.0.0.F. and Rebekah Lodges. On ' May 1, Chiselhurst con- gregation will begin the morning service at 9:45 a.m followed by the Sunday School service. Christian Family Day will be observed in .Hensall and Chisel- hurst United Churches en 'May 8'. The rite of baptism will be ad- ministered. • A special dedication service will be conducted in Hensall United Church on May 15 by Rev. Ro- gers. Anniversary services will be held on May 29 with Mr. Sam Fletcher, of London, •as the guest speaker at the morning service and Rev. U. Laite, of Stratford, at the evening service. Mrs. James W Bonthron has returned after spending the win- ter in St. Petersburg, Florida. To Enter Team In Softball Loop At a softball meeting held here to appoint officers and make plans for the .coming season, Ed Fink was elected president; Har- old Knight, secretary, and .M- Pbense Meese, manager.Byron n Kyle will head the grounds .com- mittee and Harry Hoy, publicity. Practice will commence May 1 and those interested in playing softball are asked to contact the executive. The Hensali team will beknown as Fink's Variety. A schedule will be drawn up in the near„fu- ture, Personal Items Mr. and 'Mrs. john Petty of Toronto were' weekend visitors with YMr, and Mrs, Wm. Petty,. Ruth, and Miss Olive 'Petty. Mr, Harold Bell" of T.oronto was a weekend visitor with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. R. Bell. ,Mr. and T rs. Wm. 'MacLean, Bryan and Alien .of Exeter were recent visitors with the ,farmer's parents Mr.. and Mrs. Robt. Mc- Lean. Dr, A. R. and Mrs. Campbell of Guelph visited during the 'past week with Mr, and Mrs. R. Y. lVlacLaren. ' All members of the Hensall Ground Observers Corp were on duty for the first Air Defence exercises which took place Satur- day, April 23 and Sunday, April 24. Miss Betty Moir of London 'visited over the weekend with relatives and friends in Hensel], Mrs. Emma Sheph'erd has mov- ed into an apartment -at the home of Mr, and Mrs. 'Carl VleClinchey. Mrs. Edna 'Corbett of Exeter visited with her son-in-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Archie/ MacGregor and (Donald over t1145 weekend. Mr. Wm. 'Otterbein was able, to return home after spending several days in Westminster. Hos- pital London, where he was re- ceiving treatment. Miss Elaine Iieys, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Keyes, re- turned home on Thursday from Scott Memorial Hospital' Seaforth where she was receiving treat- nlent. Miss Ruth Petty, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Petty, who has been receiving treatment in Sick Children's Hospital, London 'for the past several weeks, returned to her 1'iome here on Friday. - Miss Wendy Moir of Grand Bend visited last week' with her aunt Mrs. Elsie 'Case. Mrs. Lydia Doig and Janet re- turned home Saturday, April 23 after spending the winter months with Mr. John Doig at Grand Rapids, Mich. • Mrs.- Constance Magnall and Mr. Ken Magnall, of Beachville, visited last Sunday with their cousin, Miss Hattie Sutherland, a patient at Clinton hospital. William Parke Heads Board A meeting of the Hensall School Fair Board was held on Wednesday night with all .direc- tors present together with Gerry Montgomery, assistant agricultur. al representative. Secretary -trea- surer J. A, Paterson presented the financial report, showing a cash balance of $219,58. Mr. Montgomery suggested the secretary write Inspector G. Gar- diner asking hiin for his . co- operation and his suggestions to the teachers. The date for the local school fair was set for Sep- tember 16 and contest on October 7. William Parke was appointed chairman for 1955 and James A, Paterson, secretary -treasurer. The directors named were: S.S. 1 Tuc1 ersmith, Glenn Bell and Harold Parker; S.S. 2 Tucker - smith, Jack Sinclair, J. R. Cooper; S.S. 7 Hibbert, Bert Riley, Nel- son Howe; S.S. 10 Hay, Harold Bell, Jack Corbett; Hensall, Carl McClinchey, Sydney MacArthur, A. W. Kerslake, Howard Scane, Dr. D. McKelvie. P. L. McNaugh- ton. Mrs. Pearl 'Case, who spentathe winter months with her mother Mrs. J. Reid of London, called on friends here last week. Message From • 7 Kippen By MRS. A. GACKSTETTER Miss Isabelle Caldwell of Lon- don spent the weekend with her parents Mr. and Mrs. H. Cald- well. Mr, and Mrs. John Doerr of Auburn , were recent visitors of Mrs. Robt. McBride and Mr. Lorne McBride. Mr, Wm. Ivison and Mrs.' Brownlee have returned to -the village after spending the winter months in London and'Peterboro. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Blan- chard, Lynda and Harold of Exeter were Saturday guests of Mr. and Mrsr A. Gackstetter. Miss Merle Dickert of London spent the weekend with her par- ents Mr. and Mrs. Norman Dick- ert. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ewell and family of near Chatham are getting settled on the farm on the London Road which they re- cently purchased from Mr. Ray Forbes. Mrs. Lydia Doig, and Miss Janet Doig returned to their home here after spending the winter months with the.former's son Mr. John Doig of Grand Rapids, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. S. Beattie and children, Wingham, were recent visitors of Mrs..Beattie's mother Mrs. Robt. McBride. Mr. 'Morris McConnell and son Miller of Detroit were weekend guests of Mrs. Dinsdale and Miss Mabel Whiteman. Mrs. Kilpatrick of Montreal is visiting her sister and brother- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Elgie,. Br. Mr. and Mrs. A. Gackstetter and' girls visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Gackstetter near Exeter.. 'Mr. and Mrs. Audrey Fisker of CHURCH OF ENGLAND Rev. N. D. Knox, B.A., Rector Trivitt Memorial, Exeter 8:30 a.m.-.-Holy Communion. 10:15 a.m.—Sunday School 11:30 a.m.—Choral Communion - Corporate Communion for W.A. 3:00 p.m,—Bible Class St. Paul's, Hensall 10:00 a.m.—Holy Communion Sermon Topic: "The Chalien.ge Of Missions" CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN • CHURCH Rev. Samuel Kerr, B.A., S.D., -Minister Mrs. J. G. Cochrane, Organist 9:00 a.m.—Sunday- School 10:00 a.m.—Morning Worship Sermon Subject: "Tackling a Serious Situation" Mission Band Monday, May 2, at 4:00 p.m. Congregational Circle meeting on Tuesday, May 3, at S p.m,, in the church. P.S.: Note change of hour for SundaySchool and Church Ser- vice. ZION CHURCH Evangelical United Brethren OREDITON E. N. Mohr, Minister All services fdr this Sunday are herewith withdrawn. This is Conference .5"unday. No Bible School either. JAMES STREET UNITED CHURCH Rev. II J. Snell, Pastor Mr. Lawrence Wein, A.W.0.M.,: Musical Director ' 10:00 a.nt.—Sunday School 11: 00 a.m.—Morning Worship Sermon Subject: "The Case For Temperance" The Minister will prese'''t the c l a 1 ni s of the forthconting Youth Conclave in Goderich and our responsibility to the Ontario Temperance Federa- tion, Anthem by the chair. Solo by Marilyn Bissett. 7:00 p.m.—Evening Worship Sermon Subject: "Godrs Gifts" Solo by Marion May, A warm welcome is extended to all. ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH DASHWOOD Rev. Louis Higenell, Pastor 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School 11:00 .a.m.—Service "Living the Good Life" L.L.L. Convention in ,5t, Peter's Church, Stratford. The United Church of Canada MAIN STREET CHURCH Rev. A. E. Holley, B.A., B.D., Minister Mrs. A. Y. Willard, Organist Sunday, May 1, 1955 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship "The Arrogance of Christ" 10:00 a.m.—The Sunday School in all departments. Congregational Meeting after the Morning Service. Note: The Evening Auxiliary will meet on Monday, at 8:15 p.m. Sunday School students will present their speeches. CALVARY CHURCH Evangelical United (Brethren DASHWOOD Rev. W. F. Krotz, Minister Mrs. Ken McCrae, Organist Sunday, May 1 10:30 a.m.—Sunday School Only Annual Conference at Olivet Church, Kitchener, 10 a.m., 2:30 and 7:00 p.m. EXETER TABERNACLE Rev. K. R. Norcross, Minister Sunday Night, 7:30 p.m.—Pas- tor's Wife Will Preach Subject: "Are You Ashamed of the Gospel?" Special Music and Singing 0:45 a.m.—Sunday School 'Gospel In Action and Song 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship Speaker: Miss Joyce McLaren, graduate of "•E.P.B.C., Peter- borough, Onthrib. Friday Night, $ p.m. --- Special speaker, Rev. 0, A. Rats, prin- cipal of E.P.B.C., Peterborough. A Hearty "Welcome Awaits You THE BETHEL REFORMED CHURCH IN lqAIN STREET CHum% Rev. Carl Schroeder, Minister Sunday, 2 p.m,, b.S.O'. --- Dutch Servide..All welcome, CHINA BIRD ORNAMENTS Realistic, Decorative $1.75 Each New Line Of WALL -POCKETS & PLAQUES $1.00 And Up FLYING GOOSE CRYSTAL: Sherbet and Plate 75¢ Tumblers 85¢ Old rashioneds 20¢ Hollow Tree Gift Shop Ilml ll m"1111,,,1,It (1 1111111,,, 1111Iminium llllllllll l Kippen Institute Sponsors Floats Mrs. Bruce McGregor was hos- tess at her home last Wednesday afternoon for the Aprilmeeting of Klppen East W.I. Co -hostess was Nil's. 'Charles Eyre. The trea- surer's report was submitted bY. Mrs. J. McNai ghton and the re- port of South Huron executive meeting in Hensall was given by Mrs. J. McLellan, Roll call, "My definition of a friend," was answered 1:1 :3L members. Mrs, 3, Henderson com- mented on the motto, "The fellow who pulls the oar has not time to rock the beat". Mrs. J. Scott, .of Seaforth, guest speaker, gave a very informative address, Speak- ing on Institute work. Mrs, J. Henderson and Mrs. William Kyle were appointed delegates to attend the district annual to be held in Thames Road United Church early in June. Kippen W,L will sponsor a float at Ontario Bean Festival at Hensall on Labor Day; also a booth at which aprons and candy will be sold. They will also spon- sor a float at the 01d Boys' Re- union in Seaforth in July and August. The group accepted an invitation to be guests of Hensall W.I. in May. A donation of $25 was voted to the Canadian Cancer Fund. Mrs. Fred Brock, who is leav- ing with her husband to take up residence in the U.S.A., was pre- sented with a necklace and match- ing earrings. The address was read by Mrs. J. Sinclair and the presentation made by Mrs. J. Mc- Naughton. Mrs. Ivan Forsythe was soloist, accompanied by Mrs. Sin'ciair. Zurich W.I. will be guests at Kippen East W.I, meeting in May, to beheld at S.S. 2 Tuckersmith. Brantford were Sunday visitors with Mr: and Mrs. Eddie McBride. Mr. and Mrs. G, Hoist of Zur- ich visited on Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. S. Cudmore, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hutch- ison of St. Thomas were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Mellis. Mrs. Margaret Johnson of Tor- onto spent the weekend with her brother and sister-in-law Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Cooper. Mr. and Mrs. E. Dowson vis- ited one day last, week with Mr. Wm. Cook in Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. John L. Hender- son visited friends in London recently. Mr. Henry Ivison and Miss Jean Ivison visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Reid Torrence at Porter's Hill. The W.A. of St. Andrews United Church is redecorating several rooms in the manse. Brides-Elec-t See the "Personally Yours" Album at The Times'4.dvocale. for Serviettes, Coasters, and Gift Ideas The Times -Advocate A41A1llnllllll l l nine AWninl l MIAMINnn,ll 1111,A UI.I1"tAlamn1AAAAAtugAgAAl11llgllAAIINAAlAAA/ ssissmAlAlAlAIAe � Check with ✓ t Riverside Poultry yCo.v de ou r C . to make sure you are receiving TOP PRICES for your live poultry before selling by phoning: COLLECT London or 7.1230 Hensall 680-r-2 Hensall Motor Sales DODGE SESOTO SALES & SERVICE Dependable Used Cars 1953 DODGE REGENT SEDAN One -Owner Car, Excellent Conditiod 1953 METEOR OUSTOMLINE 2 -DOOR SEDAN A One -Owner Car in Excellent Condition 1952 DODGE REGENT SEDAN—One-Owner Car, Low Mileage 1952 PLYMOUTH CRANBROOK One -Owner Car in AA. Plus Condition 1950 DODGE .SPEC.IAL DELUXE SEDAN The Best '50 Model .Seen in a Long Time 1949 .PLYMOUTH 4 -DOOR SEDAN—This Car is Above Average 1949 FORD 2-DOOR—Sharp. An A Plus Car C' 1947 PONTIAC COACH—One-Owner Car in Excellent Condition You will want to see this fine selection of used cars before you buy. Each one carries our Dependable Used Car Guarantee. Tops In Quality — Lowest In Price Hensall Motor Sales Phone 31 Len McKnight, Salesman Tom Coates, Prop. 1 SUPE.RIOR STFOODORE INTRODUCING British Empire Dinnerware Complete 6 -Piece Setting—Beautiful ROSEBUD Pattern 22 Karat Gold Trim—On Display Now—A Superior Feature Regular $4.20'Value—Yours For $1.98 With $5.00 Purchase SEE IT! You'll Want To Start Your Own Individual Service Prices Effective April 28, 29 and 30 GREEN GIANT NIBLETS CORN 233c Fancy Quality, 14 Oz. Tins ? for FISHERMAN SOCKEYE SALMON 35c Fancy Quality, 734 Oz. Tins, Each DOLE'S FRUIT COCKTAIL 31 Fancy Quality, 20 Oz. Tins ROSE BRAND SWEET MIXED PICKLES 16 Oz, Jars, Each 33c LIBBY'S - TOMATO JUICE 3' c Quality, 48 Oz. Tins, Each • NEW McCORMICK'S CHEEZ N' CORN Per Pkg. n - ROBIN HOOD WHITE CAKE MIX 19c Per Package .a GOLDEN DEW MARGARINE 255c 1 L. Pkgs. for LENNOX APPLESAUCE 8c Fancy Quality, 20 Oz. Tins, Each ...... ALLEN'S APPLE JUICE Reg. 20 Oz. Tins 2 for 27c 48 Oz. Tins 29c SWANSON BONELESS CHICKEN , 43cFancy Solid Pack, 6 Oz. Tins, Each • SNACKS 25c THE BEST PLACE TO,,,SHOP AFTER ALL , J. •H. Jones Groceries Phones: 32 and 752 Free Delivery U NEW IIlook-ahead"viewing! Ful-Vue wrap-around windshield DODGE ;TRucKs