HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1955-04-28, Page 8THE TIMES•Ai 'OCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, .APRIL. 28, 1955
Feminine Facts 'n Fanci
A. Page Devoted to the fnterestsof the Women Readers of The times -Advocate
Pupils In Grade Three
To Receive Polio Shots
Dr, R. M. Aldis, i .P.I ,., M.O.
IL, bas announced that .the Hur-
on County Health Unit bas been
Authorized to :extend the offer
of Salk polio vaccine to pupils
Of Grade 3.
(This follows the recommenda-
tion of Dr. Jonas Salk for 'great-
er time interval between the dos -
: ,,,FA/Z PROOF -
end -curls!
Yours for only $,I75
The Perfect
Gift For
Mother's Day
Drug Store
es. The schedule will stili con-
sist of three doses, but the spac-
ing is now as follows: two doses
with a. time interval of at least
four weeks between the first and
second dose, and a third dose
some months later.
The present stock of vaccine
therefore, will, serve at least one
other grade, and the 'Ontario De-
partment of Health has directed
that it shall be Grade 3.
County schools will be advised
o timetable cha ge
fchanges as soonas
Dr, Ardis reports that first in-
oculations with the Salk vaccine
in Goderieh Public School, have
now been completed and only two
centres in Huron County,
gannon and Seafarth have yet to
receive the first dose. These will
be done soon,
The :Ontario Department of
Health has suggested that Grade
2 .pupils might receive their first
injection at the time of the sec-
ond injections for Grades 1 end
2. The Huron (County Health Unit
will try to do Grade 3 in some
centres earlier than the time
Mrs. Daniel Kilpatrick
' Mr. Daniel Kilpatrick, 72, died
at Leedale, Alta., reeently. He
was born in Crediton and went to
the West about 40 years ago.
Surviving besides his wife, the
former Lillian ',Moffat, of Kippen,
are four sons and one daughter;
a brother, Peter Kilpatrick, Kip -
pen, and a sister, Mrs. J. Logan,
Old Wives, Sask.
Contest Closes
This Saturday
There's still time• tq enter! Get
your entry blank today! Someone
in Exeter and district is going to
Jack Smith
C'hil'd Training
Society Topic
,Caven Presbyterian W.M.S. met
at the church last Thursday even-
ing with Mrs. 'Carmen Cann, Mrs.
Harold 'Simpson, firs. Ed John-
son and Mrs. Hilton Laing as
'Mrs. William Sillery presided
for the program which was ar-
ranged by Mrs. Norman IStanlake
and Mrs. H. H. Strang. Mrs. Jack
l;'ryde conducted the devotional
GMs. R. D. Jermyn was the
guest speaker taking as her sub-
ject "The 'Training and Teaching
of 'Children.'"Long years of
preparation mark the pathway
of a child's development" the
speaker said. "No horse gets any-
where unless, it is harnessed and
no life grows great until it is
focused and dedicated" she con-
t d
c u ed.
Mrs. Irving Snyder played a
piano solo and Mr, Ken :Brydges
showed an interesting colored
film, on "'Strange Gods of India."
Mrs. Earl Mitchell was present-
ed with a' life membership and
pin in recognition of her con=
tribution to the society as a past
president and faithful member.
Mrs. H, H. Strang read the ad-
dress and Miss F. Hatter made
the presentation.
Mrs. S. Kerr thanked the host-
esses and those who contributed
to the ,program,
District Couple
Wed Saturday
,Marion Viola •Lemmon' became
the bride of Robert Harris Kers-
lake in a ceremony performed by
the Rev, Harold J. Snell on Sat-
urday at 2 .p.m. at the parson-
age of James Street. United
Church. The bride is the daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lem -
mon, R.R. 1 Varna, and the groom
is the son of Mr Arthur Kers-
lake, R.R. 1 Centralia, and the
late Mrs. Kerslake.
For her wedding, the bride
chose a rose nylon crepe street -
length dress with shawl collar
with which she wore white acces-
sories and carried a bouquet of
blue carnations.
Her bridesmaid, Miss Carol
Faber, R.R. 3 Kippen, wore a
street -length dress of peacock
blue brocaded satin with white
accessories. She carried pink
Mr. Robert Coates, R.R. 1 Cen-
tralia, attended the groom.
The reception and wedding
supper were held at the home of
the bride's parents.
For their 'wedding trip to
Niagara Falls, the bride changed
to a lime green linen dress and
grey:•and blue checked shortie
coat with white accessories.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kerslake
will make their home at R.R. 1
Dot's Beauty Shoppe
(South of Jack Smith Jeweller)
Natarelle Permanent Waving
Lnstron Cold Wave
Dorothy G. Pfaff, Prop.
Phone 71-W Exeter
PedurFe's fog Vouv
Spring painting needs
eclat offer
Phone 181
Glidden' Spred Satin is so easy to apply
you can do it yourself with no trouble at all.
Spred Satin is fully washable—you can
scrub it again and again !
pacemaker in paints .
1'Ot. SPRED SATIN.., $2,20
1,'•-4" Nylon Brush 3.25
1-1A pint R potin Ultra-IiVliite
Enamel, .55
SPt:CIA1; PRiCR Only ..$3.00
r v-.axa..aaatiwaraX
Institute At Cred#on
Selects New Officers
'Crediton ...Women's Institute
met on Wednesday evening in the
community centre. Mrs. G. Zwielt-
er presided for the election .of
IPresideut is Mrs, R. .Motta
honorary president, %Ire. H.
Schenk; vice-presidents, Mrs. W.
111aek and Mrs. J. Morrissey;
secretary -treasurer, Mrs. Robert
Reid: assistant, •Mrs. Earl Neil;
district director, Mrs. Ed. Lam-
port; alternate, Mrs, Lloyd Lam-
port; social committee convener,
Mrs, 1•I. Schenk;
Convenors of .Standing 'Com-
mittees: agriculture and Canad-
ian industries, 'Mrs, W. Arm-
strong; citizenship and education
Mrs. R. Molitor; historical re-
search and current events, Mrs.
W. Mack; home economics and
health, Mrs, J. Wade; public re-
lations and community activities,
Mrs, L. Lamport; good cheer,
Mrs. Lloyd Geiser; auditors,
Mrs. F. Morlock, Mrs. I. Fink-
beiner; pianists, Mrs. E. M. Fah-
xner, Mrs. Ed. Finkbeiner.:
A donation of $26 • vas made
to the Library Board and it ,was
decided to cater to the• Huronia
Chorus Banquet: '
Mrs. E. M. Fahrner reviewed'
the motto, "014 days, Old Ways,
the world as it used to be." [Mrs.
E. Lawson spoke on Mary ,Stuart.
Mrs, J. Bishop .gave a• reading
and Mrs. F. Morlock read a paper
on "Crediton's •former days." Mrs.
Mack reported on Tweedsmuir
Several Public School pupils,
who had won honorable mention
at the •musical festival, were.
present and entertained with sel-
ections, They were Irene King,
Sandra k'inkbeiner, Doreen Ken-
ny, Frances Jackson, Sharon
Geiser, Denni§,Larniiort and Erie
Finkbeiner, •
Mrs. 3. Wade was presented
with a gift in appreciation of
her faithful service. a.
Silver Anniversary
Mr. and 'firs. Oscar Pfaff mark-
ed the silver anniversary of their
marriage on Tuesday of last
Mr. Pfaff, son of the late Mr,
and Mrs. Henry Pfaff, and Hazel
Brethour, daughter of the late
Mr. and 'Mrs: 'Michael Brethour
of Woodham were married at
Woodham by •the late Rev. F..3.'
Rutherford. They farmed for
eight years at Woodham before
coming to Crediton seventeen
years ago.
Their family consists of two
daughters, (Dolores) Mrs. Wil-
lard Berge, • IGwel dolyn and one
son James.
About 100 relatives and friends
honored them at a social evening
in Crediton ,Community Centre on
Tuesday evening. Mi. and Mrs.
Pfaff were escorted to a table
laden with .gifts and a tiered
wedding Bake. Beside them btood
Lodge Ladies
Treat Guests
Friendship Night was observed
by Pride of Huron Rebekah
Lodge last , Wednesday night
when each officer was accompan-
ied by a brother officer from a
subordinate lodge, including three
from Hensall and one from Ilder-
During the ` business meeting,
conducted by N.G. Mrs, Lex Mc-
Donald, the eomniittee in charge
of the benefit euchre and dance
reported proceeds of $681.23.
Plans to go to the Odd Fellow -
Rebekah Home at Barrie this
summer were given up when it
was learned n6 dates were avail-
able for this year.
Members of Pride of Huron
Lodge will attend the twenty-
fifth anniversary of Clinton Lodge
on May 2. On June 1, the birth-
day celebration of Pride of Huron
Lodge will be held.
Following the meeting, hus-
bands of the members were enter-
tained at a. social evening and
euchre party. Prize winners were
Mr9. Gerald Skinner, MrS. Eunice
Stone, •Clark Fisher and Frank
Odd Bits
Hy B. A.
Mothers' Case
It does seem a shame
That When i1 ewe have rain
And .perfectly
:Puddiesom5 puddles,
L thers bring boats
And bothersome hoots
To ruin Our
MuddlesOnie muddles.
We can't splash a bit
With mothersaround,.
,t'Thr slush in the stiabosh
Of freest rained -on ground,
Nor poke at the warms
.So generally .found
After rain,
But maybe the reason
Is just that the .season
Is too lull of things mothers
When really they'd rather
.lust 'leave all the lather
And mtiddle"a Cew puci Iles too.
the attendants of 25 years ago.
Bridesmaid was Mrs. Harold Gre-
rison, sister of Mrs. Pfaff, and
Mr. Oscar Brine, who had at-
tended the groom.
An address was read by Miss
Lorraine ,Pfaff, and Mrs. Nelson
,Schenk, on behalf of all present,
presented the many gifts includ-
ing a silver tea service, a gift
from their children. They also
received many congratulatory
Personal Items
Miss Florence
Sword of Belle -
villa visited over the weekend
with Mrs. Earl Whalen, at the
home of Mr. and
Mrs: S, King,
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Foist, Mr.
andMrs.Dale Feist and son,
Dennis, of Elkton, Mich., visited
on Sunday with Mt, and Mrs, Wil-
liam Schwartz, Dir. and Mrs. E.
Foist and with Mrs. M. Foist.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Feist and
fancily of St. Thomas spent Sat-
urday at the home of Mrs. M.
Rev. E, N. Mohr is attending
the Evangelical U:B, Conference
in Kitchener this week. ,Services
in the Evangelical. Church will
be withdrawn next Sunday,
F/0. and Mrs. R. W. Palmer
and daughter 'Shirley Louise of
Claresholm and . the former's
mother Mrs, A. Palmer of Cal-
gary are visiting with Mrs. Pal-
mer's parents, Mr. and (Mrs. E.
M. Fahrner. 'Shirley Louise re-
ceived the rite of baptism in the
Evangelical Church Sunday morn-
ing, Rev. Mohr officiating.
Out of town guests .with Mr.
and Mrs. E. M. Fahrner on Sun-
day were Mr. and Mrs. john Mac-
kay of Sarnia, Mr. and Mrs. Rus-
sell Eckstein and Miss ,Lily Hoff-
man of London, Mr. Arthur Amy,
!Vier. and Mrs. .Chester %Mawhinney,
Mr. and Mrs. Abner Passmore
and family and Mr. and Mrsa
Lloyd Jones and family, all of
Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. Everett
Hoist and Stanley and Mr, and
Mrs. Lloyd Eagleson and fancily
of. Dashweod, and Mr. and Mrs.
Arnold Geiser and Marie of Grand
Bend. -
Return Slate
At IMG i l l ivray
McGillivray Women's Institute
met., at the hall at West McGilli-
vray recently with the president,
Mrs Martin Watson, in charge:
Members responded; to the roll
call by paying dues for the new
year and offering suggestions for
next year's program.
Reports, of the itarious conven-
ors of committees were given,
telling of the year's work. The
district director, Mrs. Beatrice
Dixon,. ,gave a repbrt on the dis-
trict meeting and announced the
district annual to be :held at Ko=
moka on June 10.
The present officers were re-
instated for another year. They
are: honorary president,' 'Mrs.
Martin Watson; first vice-presi-
dent, Mrs. Malcolm Allison; sec-
ond vice-president, Mrs. Leslie
S11addock; secretary- treasurer,
Mrs, Parry Thompson, assistant,
Mrs. Laverne Allison; directors,
Mrs, Harvey Twaddle, Mrs. Earl
Morley, Mrs A. A'rrnstrong; dis-
trict director, Mrs. B. Dixon.
Home Economics and- Health,
Mrs. Melvin Allison; Historical
Research, Mrs. R. Wilson, Mrs.
Andrew Erskine; Citizenship and
Education, Mrs. Garnet Hodgins;
Agriculture and Canadian Indus-
tries, Mrs, Laverne Allison; Re-
solutions, Mrs. Malcolm Alliston;
Publicity, Mrs. Fraser Dixon,
Mrs. Parry Thompson, Mrs Billy
Fenton; Social Welfare, Mrs, An-
drew Erskine, Mrs. A. D. Steeper,
Mrs. Fraser Dixon, Mrs. Fred
Fenton, Mrs. W. Tweddle, Mrs.
William Watson;; pianists, Mrs.
Reg Wilson, Mrs, Fred Fenton;
auditors, Mrs, A. D. Steeper, Mrs.
Laverne Allison.
A 'motion carried to the effect
that free use of the kitchen and
euipment belonging to the In-
stiute be granted to the township
council, trustee board, Institute
members and community organ-
izations, but there will be a
charge Of One dollar when the
kitchen and equipment are used
if there is a charge at thd, door
for motleyrmaking affairs. All
breakages are tB be replaced.
The scripture lesson was read
by Mrs. Beatrice Dixon, The
motto, "We lose vigour through
thinking the same old thoughts,"
was taken by Mrs. Leslie Shad -
dock. A contest oonducted by Mrs.
Earl Morley was won by Mrs,
Martin 'Watson.
The May meeting, to be 'held on
May 18 at West McGillivray Hall
in the afternoon, will carry out
the Mother's bay thence, Mem-
bers will answerthe roll Dail by
naming their maternal grand-
mother's- maiden tante and na-
't'lle .program and refreshment
committee for the May meeting
consists of Mrs, Robert Sniith,
nice. Clarence Nell, Mrs. Art
Hodgson, Mrs. Fred Fenton, Mrs.
WilliamLuther, Mrs. Giles
Thompson, Sr, •
Banada took some. six .per cent
of the 1'nited IKingdoni's exports
In 1958.
XX441144404444I44,444X44441141444I0 IXI41.XX410404I4114.404.444I Nalain laa444XXXIXXtuXXXX4.XMIR MOM 4444 Ran 44Xnant
Gram Says;.
Any Woman Can
Be A Good Cook
asp M4 .JORI. STE
Axst lately we bane had two
recipes for banana bread sent to
OS. This Week we will give you
Mrs. Fred Cornish's method of
making it. She hlrs contributed
three or Our of her favorite re-
cipes we know you'll be glad to
add to your collection,
BANANA BREAD(Mrs. Fred Cornish)
cup butter
1 cup sugar
2 eggs
cup chopped nuts
3 bananas (mashed)
2cups bread flour
1 top, soda
Pinch of salt
Cream butter and sugar, Add
beaten eggs then flour and soda.
Add mashed bananas' and stir,
then add nuts. Place ina
bread pan and bake in 350° oven
for about 1 hour.
* * * *
There Is such a variety in
cookies that ,we can give our
families lots of surprises in that
line of baking. One of our read-
ers told us lest week that she'
had tried the recipes for Aunt
Louise's -old fashioned cookies
(which came from Cohocton,
N.Y.) . and she liked thein very
much. Mrs. Cornish sent a re-
cipe for date . cookies which .are
very nice.
(Mrs. F. Cornish)
1t cups. chopped dates
cup water
•$ cup, sugar
I cup chopped dates
i cup chopped walnuts
:Cook dates and sugar until
We are going to give you a
thick. Add nuts and .cool,
$ cup butter
1t cups brown sugar
2 eggs
3 cups 'pastry flour
•t tsp. salt
3 tsp. soda
Cream butter, add sugar
4 -
blend well. Add beaten eggs and
beat mixture, Add dry ingr-ed-
Divide dough into four parts
and chill, Roll- out each portion
and spread with date .mixture.
Roll up as. for jelly roll. Chill
well, then .cut in slices. Bake in
.3759 oven.
* •
A tossed salad adde a color -
Ail touch to a dinner. It won'+t
be too long until we'll have those
garden .fresh vegetables to use
—Please turn to Page 9
Painting And
Don Quesnei
Plume 27-M Crediton
Your Q tel iu ofoe, for
and Appilaasee
for Firm, Home ant Industry
Call Stratford 4174
• SPECIAL ! ! .A
A11 -wool, pleated all-around
skirts in• new grey, navy,
light blue, chartreuse and
black colors. A. buy for the
smart shopper!
McKnight's Ladies' Wear
and Phone 474 . • Exeter
At Your Red & White Super Market
Syrup 2 lbs. 29c
Easifirst •
Shortening 2lbs. 49c
PEANUT BUTTER, 16 Oz....,,,.. 35c
DENTAL CREAM 2 for 89c
MILK 2 for 25c
-Instant Coffee Red & White Small 57c Large $1.39
20 Oz.
Apple Juice 2 for 23c•
Albatross 6 Oz.
orange Juice 2, for 31c
APPLESAUCE 2 for 27o
Heinz Baby.
Foods 2 19c'
Cereals 21c
Meats 2 - 45c
Golden Hour
Jelly Beans, Humbugs,
Scotch Mints, Opera Gums,
Coconut Bumps, In Jubes,
Orange end Ijenlon' Sikes,
Pudgo lirops-36
75 Lbs. P.E.I. (Sebagos)
Golden Ripe ,, •
BANANAS, 2 Lbs, 350
LEMONS, Doz............,46¢
TOMATOES, Tube. 19¢
CARROTS 2 .kgs. 25¢
Cucumbers .............. 2 for 27¢
Cottage Rolls
. 39c "
Pot Roast•
Rib Boils 19c
Sausage 45c
Bacon 3.5c
New Store Hours Start May 16
Monday: 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. •
Tuesday: 8 a.m. to 10 pan.
Thursday: 8 am:, to 6 p.m.
Friday: 8 a.m. to '9 p.m.
Saturda: 8 a.m. to 11 p.m.
Rick's FoodIand
Check The London Free Press Wednesdays For Our Full -Page Ad