HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1955-04-21, Page 10Pop ' THE TIMES -ADVOCATE, EXETERoNTAItIO, TTHI SDAY MORNING, APRIL 21, 195 Feminine Facts 'n Fancies. A rage Devoted to the Interests of the Women Readers of. The Times -Advocate Recei veHonorsGuides In Toronto By MRS. R. LIPITON Norma Keller and Rena Mur- ray, Guides of the First Exeter Company, .accompanied by Mrs. R. J, Keller, Mrs. E. R. Kirby and Mr, and Mrs. Robert Luxton, travelled to Toronto on Friday to attend the Gold Cord Certficate Presentation at Convocation Hall. Norma and Rena were among 187 Guides from all parts of the province of Ontario attending the ceremony in Toronto, all of them having obtained the highest pos- sible award in Guiding—the Gold Cord. A tour of the museum, Parlia- ment Buildings and other places of interest was planned for the girls and their guests in the after- noon followed by a banquet and the presentation in the evening. Welcomed by the Ontario Pro- vincial Commissioner, Mrs. D. Bruce Wilson, the girls were con- gratulated on their hard work and at times self-denial of plea- sures, in order that they carry on their responsibilities and de- termination to earn their Cords. Conunissioner Speaks Mrs. Rankin Nesbitt, Chief Commissioner for Canada, brought greetings to the girls front Guides across the Dominion, and expressed her own hope that these Gold Cord Guides would not only keep on their Guiding activi- ties in the field of leadership, but that they find their place as use- ful citizens in their own com- munities. Following these messages of welcome the girls then ascended 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Ceremon the platform, one by one, as their names were called, to receive their Gold Coad Certificate from Mrs. Louis Breithraupt, Honorary President of the Ontario Council of the 'Girl Guide Association. This is one of the most impressive ceremonies ever to take place in a Guide's life, and any girl who works hard enough to earn her Gold Cord will have the memory of a very precious moment to carry with her through life. ' Describes Northland The address, entitled "The Challenge of Today," was given by the Most Reverend Robert J. Rennison, Anglican Archbishop of Ontario. Speaking of his own early missionary days spent in the Diocese of Moosonee, which reaches from the North Pole southward to near Kapuskasing, Rev. Rennison told of his exper- iences in Canada's northland among the Indians as well as whites and of the understanding that can be built among all men regardless of colour, race or creed, if patience, love and kind- ness are practiced by all. Life is what one makes of it, the Guides were told. The discipline, fellow- ship and skills learned as a Guide stand you in good stead no mat- ter what life may hold for you, whether it be a career of adven- ture or homemaking. The girls were reminded what a wonderful blessing it is to be a Canadian and the Archbishop told them it was a joy beyond- words to look into the faces of so many Girl Guides who had earned the highest honor they could—they 1$$$$$$1111111111111111,11,1111111111,1111111111111111111111111111111llllll11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111tl l lllllllll llllte House Dresses Time to stock up on house dresses for the summer. Our pretty cot- ton prints by I'D•EAL just arrived this week and we have all Sizes and a large assortment of styles. Thursday, Friday and Saturday $2.95 McKnight's Ladies' Wear E. PHONE 474 EXETER tonne 11111,11111111111111111111llllll1llllllt1111111111111111111111111111111111llllll III lllllll l lllllllllllllllll ltllllll llll$I l X1111111111• ll l RECEIVE CERTIFICATES—Nornia Keller and Rena Mur- ray, of the First Exeter Company of Girl Guides; were pre- sented. with their gold cord certficates in Toronto last week. The award is one of the highest in Guiding. —Doerr Gram Says: A Postcript For Elimville W.I. By 11LIRJORIEID STEINER Looking through some recipes we have on file, we discovered that we have had two or three recipes from Mrs. Willis Patton (nee Orva Bestard), of Midale, Sask., which we had not yet pass- ed along to you. One is for a drop cookie which may be a little dif- ferent from the ones you make. RAISIN -OATMEAL COOKIES (Mrs. Willis Patton) Beat together: ' I cup shortening li cups sugar g cup molasses 2 eggs Sift together and add: 1 cups sifted flour 1 tsp. salt 1 tsp. soda 1 tsp, cinnamon Stir in: 2 cups oatmeal lA cups seedless raisins Drop by spoonsful •two inches apart on greased cookie sheet. Bake 8 - 10 minutes at- 400°F. . % * * * Mrs. C. E. Moore, Shedden, sent us her recipe for date loaf when we heard from her last week. It is a recipe she uses often, Mrs. Moore told us. would be the future citizens of Canada. Since the Guide movement is built on the foundation of service to mankind, Rev. Rennison told the girls that as Guides they are trying their best to fulfill God's will for peace on earth, goodwill towards men. Don't Send Your Clothes Out Of Town Expert Attention To Fur Cleaning Glazing And Repairing Phone 136 For Storage, In Exeter Your expensive furs and winter' clothes will receive the best of care in our storage facilities right here in town. Our refrigerated room in the plant of Exeter Frozen Foods is kept constantly at the correct temperature of cold—it's clean as i whip, too. Store your clothes at home, where they are handy to get any- time and perfectly kept. Complete Protection Against Damage Of' All Kinds Clothes Fully Insured BRADY CLEANERS AND LAUNDETERIA LTD. PHONE 136 EXETER t DATE LOAF Pour 1 cup hot water over 1 cup chopped dates. Add 1 tea- spoon soda and let cool. . Cream together: 1 cup brown sugar (small) cup shortening and .butter, mixed Add: 2 eggs 21 cups flour Add to date mixture and stir well. Add a few nut meats. Pour into loaf tin and bake slowly for one hour. To vary the recipe, Mrs. -Moore sometimes uses par t_ graham flour. 1% * * Mrs. Alvin Pym's second re- cipe is for a cake frosting she says is delicious. It may be tinted for use on little fancy cakes. JAPANESE FROSTING (Mrs. Alvin Pym) ?c cup butter 2 egg whites 2 cups sifted icing sugar Flavoring and coloring Cream butter 'and gradually add cup icing sugar. Beat until smooth. Beat egg whites until stiff. Gradually add 1 cup icing sugar. Combine the two mixtures and continue to add icing sugar until of spreading consistency. It should be stiff enough to hold its shape. P.S.: We attended a pot luck supper of the Elimville Institute last week. The baking we sampled was delicious and what we could not eat we feasted our eyes on. Sure would be happy to receive some recipes from that group of good cooks. Benefit Dance Assists Couple. The Exeter Branch of the Canadian Legion, the Ladies Aux- iliary, Exeter I.O.O.F. and Pride of Huron Rebekah lodges spon- sored a successful dance in the Legion hall last Wednesday night to music provided by the I.O.O.F. orchestra. Winners in the draw were Miss Maxine Reeder who won a tri - light lamp; Harry Beaver, Hay P.O., who won a hostess chair and Patricia Ferguson whose tic- ket was drawn for a smoker. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Campbell, for whose benefit the dance and a euchre were held, were pre- sented with a cheque by Andy Bierling, convenor of tho com- mittee, which planned the events. Bride Receives Basket Of Gifts Thirty-five friends\ and neigh- bors 'spent a pleasant evening at the (home -of Mr, and Bert Farber when (Carol Farber and Eileen McLean wer$' liosteSses at a mis- cellaneoiis shower for (Miss Mar. Ion Lemmon, bride -elect of April, Mrs. Wilmer Jonee and Mts. Al]. lan Johnson assisted. Eileen fMet een played a piano solo and. Mrs. Alex MOBeath game a huanoroUs reading, The gifts Were (presented in a decorated (basket. by (Diane Faber and Owen Jones (following an address Iby Eileen life -Lean on be- half of neighbors and friends of Miss Letnnion en the 'Second -of Stanley. Lancer, Credited with. 17,710 deaths, killed nearly four tunes as many Canadians in 1952 as all other diseases Combined, Kirkton Giri Tops County Marilyn Marshall of Kirkton was awarded a provincial honors certificate for the aampletion of her twelfth 411 Homemaking pro- ject at the Achievement Day pro- gram for Perth county, held in St. James Anglican ,Church (parish hall, (Stratford, last Wednesday. IRosemlary Dobson 'of R.R, 1, Kirkton (vas one of. eleven club members to receive a county hon- or certificate. The results of the year's pro- ject Were exhibited by 170 (girls representing 18 clubs. Each girl entered a blouse she had made, a wardrobe chart and record book for judging. Skits, dealing with the proper choice of style and color 'for the three basic figures, were present- ed by 15 clubs -during the after - 00011. IMis's Jean ecott, hone econom- ics adviser, supervised the pro- gram and -home economists ,from, Toronto, St. Thomas, (Chatham, Wingham -and Barrie .attended. Odd Bits By B. A. Until Tomorrow There are those among us that would agree that -spring (house- cleaning went out with parlors and dust -covers and six -children families. They (belong to (two groups. The members of one keep homes that have no need of (house- cleaning. - Those of the other group (to which wesubscribe) are just fac- ing up to 'their own knowledge of procrastination. And there are ev- er so many reasons' why we should put it off if we concentrate on the (problem. For instance, now into April, the windows don't look nearly so muddy since we've had a show- er or two. And who can resist the, sunny days outdoors -when we can find something to -putter at in the garden. Then we might as well 'wait for the spring mud to clear up (before attempting the porch and floors. Besides, where would we ever be- gin, if we began. And really, on the dull days,. when we can't work outside, (he place doesn't look in need of housecleaning at all. Eventually, though, spurts of energy . and guilt get the better of us. Per- haps by fall there won't be` too much left to do. Ready Now's the time to round up candles and matches to put in a place where we 'can find them at -a moment's notice and the child- ren can't. Careful!. In Kingston, the Department of Pulblic Works has decided -to pick up leaves raked only from' the front lawns of homes. It's goigg to be (tricky when someone cheats—and who could resist? No Laughs The new puppy next door found out about the black -cat one even- ing last week. In his best hump and (growl, friend cat made it clear that life was not a matter to ;be taken lightly nor would there be any clowning on his own doorstep. And he cared little that (he'd shown a poor sense -of humor, lost a friend and (brought disallusionment ro• the youngster. Auxiliary Raises $279.00 The Ladies' Auxiliary to +South Huron (Hospital realized $279.00 from a !benefit movie in the (Lyric Theatre last Thursday night, Man- ager George Phorripson 'ionated the entire proceeds of ,the. picture to the Auxiliary. The sale of homemade candy amounted to $28.3-5 which is included in the proceeds. Girl To Win Ring In Local Contest Some girl in this area will win a $100 diainond ring this spring in a Contest sponsored by an Ex- eter jeweler. The local competition is part of a national contest sponsored by the company which distributes Bridal Bell diamonds. The na- tional prize is a honeymoon at the Waldorf-Astoria in 'few York will all' expenses paid. Jack Smith Jeweler, local Brid- al Bell dealer, will award the diamond ring in this area, Writer of the best essay le the contest, which is open to women of all ages,' will receive the prize. When Yowl prePate apples for beldrg eat off a one.ineh bend of paring Around the Pt and 0)411010 BS not likely to Grand Bend Lady. Auxiliary Speaker Mrs, W. O. Snr,lth, of Grand Bend, was the guest .speaker at the Easter meeting of Janies St., Afternoon Auaciliary on Thurs- day afternoon, She chose as her subject "Dis- cipleship and What it Entails," basing ''her remarks on Christ's last command to °hls. disciples, "Ito and teach all nations; •teach- ing them to observe .all things. whatsoever I have commanded' you." Mrs. H. J. Snell conducted the worship • service with _ the theta°, "Christ's Legacy of Peace." She was assisted by Mrs. O. Cann, Mrs. F. Delbridge, Mrs. L. Kyle, Mrs. T, HernNettieKeddy, Mr.s. Watson and Miss Mrs. Ed Johns and Mrs. Rhoda Shapton sang two duets accom- panied by Mrs, William Pybus. Mrs. C. E. Zurbrigg conducted the business session when it was planned to pack a bale of quilts anreliefi clothing. in May for overseas What's New At The, Hollow Tree? • Pretty Holders for Early Spring Flowers. • Dainty Floral Writing Paper and Hasti-Notes • Springtime Patterns in Serviettes • 1 Brides Elect See, the "Personally Yours" .Album .at The Times,,$ dvocate for Serviettes, Coasters, and Gift Ideas .. The Times -Advocate split! 11111111111111111111111111,llll 11111.111111111111eSil 111111111111111111111111llllll1111111111111111(111111111111$1111111111,lllltllllllb7 3 is DOT RA PAQOUNO OME HERE WHEEZE.. WETRPI SHOPPING EE BY OUR VE lil'EST TO p AVERY ir3AY5 To SHOP ..► T 10 LOCAL IMP/M RK& lee. WE'VE GOT IT! -. .THE NEW, DIFFERENT, 1955 Refrigerator with ROTO -COLD Automatic Defrosting and REVOLVING SHELVES RUSSELL ELECTRIC YOUR. HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCE DEALER FOR SALES WITH SERVICE EXETER PHONE 109 t Your Red & White Supermarket CULVERHOUSE FANCY Cream Corn 2 FDR 29c . STUART'S TWO -FRUIT Marmalade 2oz. 29c - JOHNSON'S Beautiflor Wax 59c `PT. Spic 'N Span 29c Tide - 77c Quaker Oats INSTANT 39c Five Roses Flour 35c Peanut Butter 16 oz. 35c Early Riser Coffee 89c R. & W. Coffee 1.05 FRESH, GREEN Cabbage - 8c Lb, MARSH Spuds _10 Lb. Sag. 79c Corn' Beef HEREFORD 41c R. & W. Tissue 2 FDR 25c Pork & Beans LIenY's 19c Sauerkraut LISSY'S 2 - 37c Aunt Mary Coffee 97c Instant Coffee R. & W. 57c Save On Meats • Swift''s Premium Branded Beef Blade Boast—Blade Removed . 35¢ Lb. • • Fresh, Lean Pork Shoulder 'Roast Picnic Style 310 Lb. • Fresh, Meaty Pork Hutt Roasts Leaak and Tender 43¢ Lb. ' • Tender Young Lamb Liver A Treat To Bat 25¢ Lb. • Swift's Premium Platter Pak - 4. Varieties, 12 Qz. Pkg. 45¢ FLORIDA Grapefruit Size 80's 5for29c FRESH Pineapple 3for85c New Store Hours Stall May 16 Open Tuesday, Friday And Saturday Nights — Closed All Day. Wednesday Monday: !# a.m. to 6 p.m. Tuesday: 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. WEDNESDAY: CLOSED , iRick's AMPLE PARKING Thursday: 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Fridays 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. • Saturday: 8 a.v. to 11 p.m, Foodland EXETER SOUTH Check The London Free Press Wednesdays For Our Fuli. Page Ad