HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1865-6-15, Page 4alio,?' . . Tae Datal.4 Lawyer, At a Ian aittiag of the Cork Arian • case Vas brought before the court, iu which the prtucyrl witless fur the defence was a tan. aar, well known in the surrounding couutry by the sobriquet of 'Crazy Pat.' Upon Crazy Pat being called open for his evidence, the attorney for the prosecution ex cited to the utmost ettetit his knowledge of Meal chicanery, in the eudeaenur to tomo the wither foto • alight inconsiateuey, upo which be might build a point; but he was ex eeuirely annoyed to bud that Crazy Pat ,videuce was cuusiatent altogether. Perceiving that acute que.t inning faiied to answer his peeper*, the distnple of Poke and. Blackstone betook himself to that often times successful resource of 15.yero-ridicule. ' What did yon say your name was?' be iequited flippantly. ' F talks me call Cras Pat, but•-' • y • Crazy Pet, eh! A very euphunious tide; quite romantic ehr "Romantic or not, tar, it wudn't be a bad idea if the Parliament wud give it to yourself, and leave me to elioule another.' This caused • •filigi t laugh iu the eoart room and the presidieg-judge peeped over hu spectacles at the attorney, u much to to Illy, , You have your match now.' And what did yon say your trine was?' wntinued the disconcerted barrister with au angry look at the educes. ' I'm a tanner ser.' 'A tanner, eh! And how long do you • think it would take you to tan uta ex hide'.'' ' R'ell sur, thus ruur(IJ uwiu tu c ircum Maness.' '144 you ever tan the bide. of an agar 'An am? No suebut if you'll just be down the lane after the evert, I'll show ye I cud tan the hide afro sr in the shortest end of three Minutes.' The baffled attorney hastily informed Crazy Pat that he win no longer required. le:ye Hermann, the well-known boo tamer, has Jul We narrow escape at Peen. *iter, LM being up Isar two months throes a wooed, ebur+% the cage again le a pew red tel dress. Th. lioness at once Hew • t him. Herman fired it her with the gun he sleet's has by him, but missed As the brute caner on he struck brr over the head with the batt, but the treacherous word flew Into a thousand tie Indere. The lioness se. zed his aim, end 1Iermrun,'m despair, thrust the u muzzle down her thrust, and burled her from - him eta feriouely that *he 1e11 on her beet 'a half stunned. 11e then moored from the cage, bin hie arm w turn to ribbons. se' Proposed Amendl■ente to the Tait 0111. Prom tae Ciseunsu Enquirer. Somebody proposes the fu.lowing new amendments to the Tat IBil! For kissing • pretty girl, 81. • For kiutn2 a very homely one, 82 -the tetra amuuut beimd added, probably, for the Dow's folly. .For ladies kissing one another, $2. The tax is placed at this rate in order to break ■p elle custom altogether, it being regarded by our M. C.'s as • piece of ioexcuaable ab- surdity. For every flirtation, 10 cents. For every young man who Las more than owis '• girl,' he is taxed $5. For courting in the kitchen, 25 cents. Coartiag in the sitting room, 50 cents. Courting in the parror, $1. Coarting in a romantic place, $5; and 40 Bent; for each offence thereafter. Seeing • lady home from Church, 25 cents for each offence. Seeing her home from the Dime Society, 5 cents, the proceeds to be devoted to the relief of disabled &rmy chaplains. For • lady with pants, 50 cents. For wear,og low -neck dresses, $1. For sub curl on • lady's head above ten, 6 cents. For any unfair device for entrapping young ma into matrimony, $5. For wearing hoops larger than eight feet in circumference, eight coats for each hoop. Old bachelors over thirty are taxed $10 ; over forty. $20 ; over fifty, 1150 ; ani sen- tenced to punihmentle Utah, Each pretty clad) to be taxed from 25 cents to 825, she is to fix the estimate of her own beauty. It is thought that a very large amount .i11 he realized from this provision. Each boy baby, 50 cents. Each gid baby, 10 cents. - enacs having more than eight babies t to be taxed ; and for twins a pre $40.41 be paid out of the,fund from the tax on old bachelors. day loafer on the street corners h doors, to he taxed at hit is about two cents. mi aec Eac S or aboh full vial Gen. ar4aat'IAddress to $10 \Alit les. The following u neral Grant's valedictory address to the Amer an troupe oa their dis- bandment :- War Department, Wi,hington, D.C. June 2. -Soldiers of the A •. es of the United States, -Py your patriotic country in the hour of d year magnificent fighting, b darsoee by which you have supremacy of. the Union and overthrown all armed opposition t forcemeat of the laws and the procl forever abolishing slavery, the mune rebellion, and opened • way to the ri authorities to miters order and inaux rau place ons permanent and enduring basis every footot Areerieao soil. Your marches, sieges and battles and brilliancy of remake dime the luster of the world's past military achievements, and will be • patriotic precedent iu defence of liberty and nght for all time to come. In 'obedience to your country's call you left your borers and families and volunteered to its defence •votion to your er and alarm, very and en - 'aliened the imitation, the m- ations f the aful Yietory has crowned your valor and secured the purpose of your patriotic hearts, and with the gratitude of your cuuutryroen, aid the hi4best honors whieh a great and free nation can accent, you will snow be permitted SO retarn to your homes and lamiihes. con- scious of having discharged the highest du'y of American citizens. To achieve these glorious triumphs, soil Mean to yogi -wives, your fellow countrymen Pad posterity the blereieg of free institutions, Mrs of thousands of your galleht comrades have fallen and sealed the precious legacy with their lives. The people of • grateful action bedews their gravel with tears, honors Bair memories, and will ever cherish and sepport their stricken families. (signed] U. S. Getter, Lieut: Oen, R {'a.trlloquial Joke. The North Wales Chronicle narrates a good )oke in ventriloquism, which occurred near Conway • few dare ago. A ventrilo• quiet was travellingin • second -chis carne,* w from Llanrst to te Junction Station, when hi oomppaanaiota happened to be • farmer named Roberts, from the neighborhood of Penma,omawr, and another gentleman, a stranger. Roberta, it would seem, warn in • talkative mood, and be proceeded to give his opsins, not onlyupon the weather, the low price of grain, ., but also upon politics, morals, and things in general. All of a sodden he seemed to be contradiaad, point blank, in some of his remarks by a gentle. man out of the carriage adjoining, there be log • small aperture at the top between tl.e two cornice*. Roberto .ppeared to be es much •nrprsed se annoyed at the interruption, seal his anger rase to boiling beat wben the voice called in question, in very explicit terms, both hu honesty and kit veracity, The voice shrieked out that its owner know who ha w and all about hu character, when oar Mead observed that of he did he tour no lain about kis, nor of any of An family. - The inninnatiou being persisted in, Roberts Pepped upon the seat, almost choed with pssn.ti,and putting his mouth to the aperture shove alluded to, shouted out that if he would ally wait a bit until they got to the junetion, he (Hebert') weak "settle" mailers with him. The voice in the ladjolmng carnage still erretiseed for to vont iu •hues moil the Main arrived at the jaection, when it owed eery aoddenly. The instant the carriage got to Me pl•tfona seder the covered 'bed. nut hoped Roberta is • twiukliag, and rested to the door orf his asperses carriage ready and memo to try conelavrnne with him ; but lo! Ie his inexpressible surprise, there was no oma im th. carrier*. Thinking that his sPomy W shied oat as t e tiMplatform, Rob.rss maid to tha station etude and in /re•.4 1i■ that some rascally cheat wbo had Uses showing all tb. way from Llserwst, had bald s1 deuphess oithoot paying bit faro The Minor spm atplainod to 11. nation WSW by the 'eatraega..t, and ultimately r ete'IsseMe atm eawbould M tire.. A Once Jotaity.-A muffled tumbler pipou was brought by a party to this city • few "make a.o treat Hommel, and on arrival here was kept 1a • pigeon -house, core Gee4 for a foreight. At nine o'clock ole orsts w in ■ g, the per supposing that it was Useesghly donsetie•Nd 10 its new home, let it oto, and at six o'clock the same evening it wits at its former mast•r'a d rve•ent iu Montreal, having flown •a dietance of over 300 mile* in ler than nine brute.-(Ibrouto Globe. NEW MARBLE WORKS Kama Street, i:xotor. • D. .0 A. \I'CON N1:LL. ZION CM ENT'S, TOMBSTONES, Pow, Ac., of svory deur. mem and e lse of n,.rtaanahip. fureast•eJ on abort ooh re, ail at the tdwrU pito**. L, la•r.l r,-ls,•t )I male for ...i.e. 11.L ult0Eli ('1%1111111 XTTllll/ TO 'Oration of Monumeata &c. may.ea at the *hop. Ei,tsr.Itrio 1W. 1+.14. w12 -1e FARM for SALE: 1 -"OR SA ▪ F, East heli Got No. 17, run. 3 • Townsbht of WA WAN0,11. eumprising ONE HUNDRED ACRES, MI Clearance., 1crrn, I,1er•I. AI'ply to the Esrrutots of the Estee tel the lute Wm. Harr,, Duumuieue P. to Duugaaene,U.t, Iu, te•4 w37o1 TAILORING D. .d D 8 M SS, RETURN: 311- MOST NI\CKI1 .THANRK dor the very dallrrmr enr.wragement he has received.rn•e be commenced bwn/nem 1■ 0 .1e - t rcb, not being eine to execute ever ole-bd1 o the voters brought to bun Ian• sennom, tong now aecurtd fse,I Iicsior Carrying OA Business Extensively ■nil atm``do., ng none but er.t-.-tau tradesmen Anal a• 0. A. heleveo his ea penrmr• •. ('otter ,s second to none in the Prwimr,h.rm/carrot on burr ne.s estrurcrir and su.nrslutlr rot Hoenem, principally nest -clam cue...era. ■bol los v, nu lava Cullet tel one of the Principal F:*lablehmrn • iu E•tmblrah, Soothed, he fe.rlesaly elate. w • dtecermrng public that CLOTHING CAN BE MADE at hisest.hlishmentequaitotbs NMI Estabis►• mens ro Toronto or Montreal. (:odeneb.l let. 30 nn3 - • swl'wee-le • To Rent or Lease. Lf/TS fire and six in the First Concession, township of Colborne, W. D., about two miles from Goderieb. Apply to MARY HENLEY, Lighthouse se. Goderich. December 5th. 1664. .lStf FOR SALE. 80 • 1CRES of Lot No. -32, Eaat Lake !toad, Ilay. FIRST - RATE LAND Trios easy ,apply to DONALD SUTHERLAND, on the Praises, or M. C. CAMERON, Ooderica. 9adetieh Oril30111, 1864. w14 -H NOTICE. A1.1. those rn ebtedte Wn,. E 1: HA( E, Le nate ••r look account, wall p K CALL ANDTTLE The same wrthoet Jett, Office on Lighthouse St., .text to Ale. Andrei" D•.nogf s _ For Bale 0 BARRELS SALT 11' $1, 5 PER BBRL. A QI'.ANTiT1' (ll' IRON! Aseon'J, at $2.50 PER 100 POUNDS! • Wm. E. GRACE. ri,derteh. December 22n1. '1164. sw32-Ir Farm in Bosanquet FI tit SAL$ 0It rut) rf HE1111DERSIONED ofer.for. Wile ertolet I. lot 20, 12,1, on,. township of fh,.auquet, County of I.amblon. The farm consuls of • ONE HUNDRED ACRES, ; zty tel whhch arc ele•rv,l, •n,j tituNrd 51111 5 ttat,n5 nflhe (1. 1'. Railway• Throe ht • LOG DIVE/J.1.W; MUNE A.VD FRAME BARN on the lot. WELL T1 lin EKED AI WATER•D Por particular. upper to 14. C. GORDON, O,sierwh P.0 A5 set 1111, 1614. urn; SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS. tieit.ICounhes N lU Y v,nne of ■ writ et Huron and Brute. lit Free V. IAN woo,' pat To wit : of If tar \,tp.wt', County Court lathe !roiled Oountre. o1 (1nn.n and Brno, and to me directed ■gen' the lards and tene- ments of W ahem Harr atm, et the and n( Ale. • alder Wright, I have nrn•,t and take. an eterutien ad the r,, ht, title mad rntereM of tho sad deten.lant et and to lot number nine, In tbs fourteenth cameramen, ad the'fnwnsh,pp of Car - rack, to the County of Rrnce ; w1c1, 15505 sad teeeuu•nts 1 shall oder for sale at my ogles ice the Court House in the town. A Itder,cb, on Tuesday the Eleventh day of .Iter, next, at Pte hoar of Twelve oftheclock, noon. JOHN MACDONALD, Sheriff, H. az B. By S. Pnlloet,DeynlyhbeMd. Stand'. 1hdoe,(i,wjerroh, 1M Aprhl, win SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS I'ertad Counbns n( ))) 1.) Y varlet of a Writ et Heron and Bruce, 11F'ien Facies meted out 'lo Wn: M Her M■p.wy'. (coon Of Cemmoe i ttu, mad to me drrerled iga rood the lands and tenement. of Joseph (filbert, defen- dant, at tae aura 01 Meme Elisabeth Stagg and Jahn P..Y., Psmua, 1 hare seised and takrn e Rteentonn all the *quite of refem'"hon and other *tinct n( lht d.fe*dant in and toMe north half n( tow* Iia number one, ori Ckrendea wrest, e the eIla4g.* it soethma .le, in the Connty nl Broca. Whmb leads mid tenmenl. 1 ahNI odor Int gala a' ,wy naoa is the Covet Houle, In lM toes off! demob, re Tuesday, the fourth day of lith sett, et the hoer M twelve of the dock, nuem. JOHN MACDONALD. Merit H. a s( BByy a. Peueln,tlfi nSbij�' Bhmrfl M6 Itith Marl 1 Valuable Piece. of Land FOR *Alia', Al favorable Mimeo/ permed. Tke fol. 'J lowing property, vis: North half of Int number 3u, on the 12th coo. of Guslerick township, containing by adlneuurs,nt 40 acres, more 0r lees, upon which thire are fifteen scree cleared. This laud u in a favorable situation, being within five miles of the town of Photon. Also, a valuable property in the village of'Kulbern. one half acre et land. • gond farm hour, ,bop, and amble nu the premises. This would be'a good situation for • tailor or saddle and briniest maker u there is none i5 the vicinity. Leather or stare goods at wboleesle price) will be takes for either of the above Mases. JAMES STANLEY, w12•lf Constance p. o. For Sale Cheap. r OTet4., nth von.. Hrurr, 20, 4t► Klelo,•s ; 22, .4 th eon. Huron. Apply 1. M. C. CAMERON. t:udeneh.lh•Iolwl 2•, (054. sw16_ SP IA EC LN T 0 I CE. REFERRING to our advertisment of 2nd intree and in order to avoid misumder• standing. we beg respectfully to inform those of our customrre who have had accounts with us hitberto that, as we aro anxious to bring our present butlers' to a 'close as soon as pwible, we must diicoutiuue all accounts from this date. JOHN FAIR & CO. Goderich, 9th Mae, 1665. - sw7l JOHN FAIR &CO. uvin. DITaaal.aD Ua CLOSING UP T0R1a BUSINESS IN GODERICH, wiLL,_U• Thursday next, the 4th (crane,,,. w clear toff the whole •.d va!u"hre Rork of Dry 1„nwl.r lira•enr., at 40 ENORMOUS REDUCTION I Goderich, Lad \lay, IF1i, instant, glarge CdoWmg, •rod N PRICES. ISAAC FREDRICK 3;-FIMC)1710 TO F. NITSCHES' OLD STAND. WATCHMAKER & JEWELER WEST ST.. GODEHICII, Next door West of \ir. Stotts' Saddlery. WATUHES, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY R1.1'4114E1. '01 011060 0011. 1:, In the best Style & Warranted. .n.. n. . noont.dnetwaerer meld At Plnled Jewelry. Wntelse'e, !'locks, Re, lire. Coo,l.ot'r on sand and warranted m hr •aropmnesraa fent, money reloaded. (ledorwh lair rte. led etd.lt SHERIFF'S SALE OF LAM 8 Vatted Couatws of))i]Y tenon of • wet of Huron and Deuce,} l7 Fier, Facies lamed out To Wit: j of Her May -s1 a Camay Corn of the Ironed Cowmen of H'aroe and Brae.. and to me dimmed against the law % and tenements 01 Robert Oreer, et the nets 01 Ranrom W. Adam., Rohn l.eerh and lame. Femme, 1 More seism) and taken un porlwonn all the nett', tole and merriest oft►e mad defendant In •rad In int ...whet eve, ice the wiebtb ro.tea,oa or the township of Howlett, ta the Count, of Herne , when land. lied tenuous 1 shat offer fw ane et ray mhos ,a the Court Flower se ti town of Godutek, ea TawrAy, Ir Eleventh day o/ J 515, seam, at the boar .r Twill's of tb• sleet. sons JOHN MACDONALD, ltawi/ N. 4 I. By S Pe,.t.eoe, De_pmr Rhes(• OdesW'I01 April,i0•e, fOh'1 wlm • • 'III-Inl.0I .illow www ,...1 0 ) TAKE NOTICE! KIRK HAS OPENED AGAIN, THE SUBSCRIBER BEGS to inform his old friends and the public generally that he has SE -OPENED in PARSONS' BLOCK \ext door to Mr. BUTLE t'S BOOR -STOLE, -where everything in GROCER!ES3 LIQUORS, &c., will be sold cheap for,CASH or in exchange for Dairy Produce. As he intends lo devote his attention principally to the rectifyitwn WdISBIES OF 916 IINPS Ilayeeld Gravel Read, pinky. AUCTION SALE or A VALUA!@3LE FARM. C. M. Trueman Iwinstructed by Inc. proprietor. Mr, John Elliott, to ell by Public Auction. un tae premire, ce - IVED \-ESDAY, 5th JULY, 1865. C'Ummenel,II one Wel,ck, p. m.. that very valuable feria, twine lot 21, north of llayfrld Rom:, ulw.cblp of Stanley, ball. mil. from Me t i11•ge tel V.ru•, 6 miles of Clinton, and is of t+ee"alb-105 lend•, more or leas, shout 110 acres of which are, Ie.rOl Ito the premised are • supenor frame tarn, a log house and a Voting Orchard n1 Yt.oU, IUD true, mantle or11/ to hear, This Inns is in a ant -n of n the Comity. ua W wading gravel rami, the Buil tel the Wit Suably, •ad only requrndr to 1. Wen to he appreciated. Further p1sanrculara can he bad on yphc•Ilon Io A. LEE ROY, Esq., barrister, °WJench, or to 1 hu aw•tlonrer. Tenrisltbrrd sndwdl be made known tabun' u1 rk. Oalench, May Ist, 1Ul6, wend For Sale at a Bargain. THAI..... 1r ant rh,bly aau■trrl prolene lbt Town tel lioIench frontlet the Court How: Square. sun for nghteeu yr.,. known as 'THE FARMERS' INN,' During whu•n time it Ice. enjoyed one of the largest portions vel that Guanacos in the town. 'l fl V11;11 ,11 i at C unrcleJ with the note' sagene al Wore. The Whole are Ludt el alone aid heir k. 47 0 37, three dunes high. sad commaf o,us cellars 61i -el Jeep. Distiller ••\Aua•SrJtotbr4'utrlteatwoslwylranicJwaamg`ry ku"w, outhuaserr d1c . P r 1 c P S I •LL�U:-A altull Tann of wtoelleal lead. y V AJ hand+u"taly7L lec•ted one mile lrwu h:urtennA tau • ;}ba fity aeW 4(u.'1, 30 verve iu 611aJ M•te tel i euitraliu,, td'nll fencer, I) of a inch aro clear of • . etulupo, with a hewn tog house 30 7t 2n, and i cedar lig born 40 i4 24, .hod., &L.., Dealers therein will well to give hien a call. Also: -lit the Village of Port Alton i acre watt dwell int noose and amulets, fie. • ore oilier. s Those Indebted to him will Please call and settle IiyDkr1501spta hestsamsue•n0n. m tbat place, are' hu. lung at once, otherwise costs must be incurred. rat"n.hleral; totnitPurebasers, Fo""rth.i particulars applyto J. B. GORDON, Esq.. or ANDREW IR)NGGH, Proprietor. N. 14 -Alt those indebted tli me either by note or t.,ok merman are requi.Med tel nettle the Nine without delay murder tomes lost.. • J. Y. S. KIRK. MARKET SQUARE, Goderich, 7th March, 1663. na:).; lloenench, April 31st. lea. WOOL CARDI N G !! O• dee• TE: at'L 'lt1 REBS would beg to inform his customers and the public that hie new prem• n. Wes MOROI( street, • THREE. DOORS FROM THE SQUARE, will be ripened en the first of Jure, for transection the Woul Cirlinq, Cloth Dressing and Manufacturing husinesa, in Connection .nth tug WOOL FACTORY. where all orders and work in the above business will be punctually attended to. Likewise • variety of Cloths, Blankets, and Stocking. Yarn,, .i11 be kept on hand to exchange for wool. flaring this year added another FIRST-CLASS DOUBLE CARDING MACHINE to hie establishment, he w,1I be prepared to execute farmer's work to any reasonable e on short notice. Customers meninx to the factory them:wive' will be promptly attended to as formerly, and particular attention will be paid to those from • distance wishing their Work Ezpedltionf.oly I)anx)'! • r N. B. -While thankful tor the liltrral pot-ona'e01 former yearsin th. shrive business, the subscriber hope. 67 n rice attention to husincss and gperiud nu expense in meeting the wants of his cistmsen, teen!' receive a share of the same. 'CO** Remember the plate- Fast Street, second deur from CIIABR'S BLOCK. THOMAS LOGAR. Goderich, April 19th, 1964 w12 w9 td ,1K1 r_lal,(_ t3SLID M leap Carriage Factory LIGHr-HOUSE St.,GODERICH THE SI'HSURlHfat w,.hes retain thanks to the. tooth .•• for past favor. re•ervarl at the,/ had., sod would beg to intimate that he admen. Mined to sell waggon. CHEAPER. THAN EVER. I w,tt ref you ace•/cm romp:et. for 555,041 cash, and ell other things t5 pruponwn. Alt work Warra■ted to give 81at1•fgetlon. All kinde of Farming Implements made to order. JOHN Mri'1IE.lia°N. Oodenah, Jan.9lh.-IntS, wsw37 GI)UERIC11 1115 110 N FOUND.RY! WAGON &1]fflIAGE C ills -RID LXX CMit • R. RUNCIMAN & CU. 5 Manufacturers of Grist and Flouring Mills Circular, Mulay and Sash Saw -Mills, Adria nufaot xye THEnubr•nter worth) neennreto Ike petite of Horton end Bruce thin he hu on balm and w,l make to oak, (tartare Wagons, Har- rows, •t, , vela wr711nr oddp for rte► or aptrtaved tMlit. Un hand and for le cheap. CUTTERS and SLEICHB JOiIN I'.):**-Mu)Ih., 1t'1l'o"aStret1.O d•ru$. SASH. Dt')ORS & MOULDINGS Ansel IM. ism. w49 em\ 3? sANN1 Ht'�.f 3 B D 1 L . it 'FARM FOR SALE 'rIIItA1641EILIN ' A C1II \-1.7.s., SEPERATORS AND HORSE POWERS,' GODERICH FANNING MILL AND l'Ia$np Factory 1 THE SUBSCRIBEK BEGS TO INFORM the inbabuauts tel the Counties Of Huron and Bruce that bete soli Maaututurieg, sod has on hand a number tel his SUPERIOR FANNING MILLS & PUMPS. He would particularly draw •ttenhiu to his Mills... he will warrant Them to tree Wheat (rum oat:, cockle, Otero, 31c. Pump* wale to order and waulna intl. Fdrroryoa N/1,04 n., bawess Victoria dad Cambria Road. Awn), agent for the .ale of Morgan's premien; and patent ''P L'f1 V Arum. which hu never yet la Ireto gave genera Iasll4arinu to lament who hive tined theta HENRY DODD, O.derid Apn121, 1. 1014. 19 LANDS FOR SALE! THE following Lauda are oller0J tor cal• un vert advaulsdroua term.: ONE-TENTH ONLY! Or TY. racial **110 11 COI 1T 1111 Or mom Ano TOM Sat.anea in Nine Equal .Annual Instalments, wile accrete at per Cent.. T0WNsniP Ole )MORRIS: Smyth T is let ems., 50 sena, South 8 in lit con., 50 acres, South II in 2d con., 100 acres, Swath 21 in :id eon., 100 acre.,; North 20 in 'et eon., 100 acres. North 21 in 4h con., 100 acres, North 23 in 4h con., 100 acre. tOWNSHII' OF HOWICK: Lots 2 3 and 4 in 15th coo., 100 acres malt TOWNSHIP OF GREY? 0.26 in 1st con., 100 acres, Luta :14 and 35 in 4 100., 100 acres each, Lots 31 and 32 in 6 cote., 100 acreee&cb, Lot 26 in d con., 99 acres, Lot 32 in 8 con., 100 acre', Lots 33 and 31 in 10 coo., 100 acres each. TOWNSHIP OF TCR. -BERRY N. E. 4,43 in 1 con., 50 acres. Applylo CeuiI Wiemga,Esq.,Goderich, Or to the ower, THOMAS OALT, w 41Ia Tommie STORY & DAVIS iANt'PACTI.'RERS AND DEALERS IN lel Storm, P*ouah.and Castings of every,ls- ennptron. Tin, Caplet and t l,ee' Iron Ware, at the:are Depot, N est wort, a„arr,eh. COAL OIL, ▪ t14a11) 1 Lamp*,,\c., Yr, 1171 Iron. Cop- per. Brass, Rags anSheepskin. •ileo 1u ea. *Mang*. 4 49 'MONEY TO LEND ' - Nuhcdors. ERARIa'4NEW •LOCK, ()odeneh, Sep, tits, 11164. w33 If EIGHT YF It ('I :N'1' I5 SCSI or One hundred Dollars and upwards. Apply ,u TOMS &•MOORR, liotlerlota PLANING MILL ! ;t► fp1�� ee���ffS��a��sh, Door,��and Z410N11a,1P tPir'itM Y'C!a iJ. John McDonald & Co. L1 A. VING COMPLETED THEiR NEW Fadory,nronow pre$rnred to take o• order to an v extent. Froin thee Irene exp•nem•e an the (cicala, and h•vone rtperirncrd workmen, and • a at.el swoon 01 nucbrnerr. they barter themselves . that they ran Jo se Q -c c d. Aes,.s E.•'ahi.Awrnrrn C•rnnla. P•neshavinr Work would du wel to �AlllfilW� e� fRrvt". '1 creta slayt any quanta)• „: I LOm T lav to A, T ron w ship of Hawick, i • THE GRAVEL ROAD. Log hour aad bars, . 92 ACRES, 28 CLEARED Apply to F. W. THOMAS, Esq., R. M. Ooderieb. Pei 16. 1664, erbewaletf Mowing and Reaping Machines, Wood Saws, CJULTIV TORas 48•NCQ- PL017.TGI3111, brass Castings made. and Blacksmiths' work done in . neat rim! iwot t:. n. inner Cutmgo of nay dencr ption made to order. Also, all kinds of machinery repaired on short notice. A large stork 41 COOKING, PARLOUR AND BOX STOVES Always •n hand*, Sugar Kettles, N':,[nn and Pipe Hoses. As our pattern* of the above are roe most approved kind, we w01114 solicit an, inspection of our stock before purehaoing where, as we are ntYeeing the above at the lowest remnnerutire pitier•s for c:,th, or or ap '-1 Credit. Old metal, Ilreas,Copcer, and all kinds of produce taken in ezcbang.. 'al.Oetober.1S45 , w19 'ia SALE UF LANLS. Cn,ted Cmrntren . f ',Woe of a writ et Huron and Hroee, 1) Fier, Fares rented out To w,t . 1 Her Mar .ty • Comity {butt of ter hailed Co one. of 8,,,,m end mJ Iu me d,m•ted an ,n the lands and ten, mrnt. of lame" Stever Mt the ,un of John V Dello, sail Samuel H. 1M •r, 1 but • ozed and taken in Ete mew all the ht tole and rntrrew orate said ,leondant in and to tit number ono to the eleventh ronrNwlon of the ,a n.hrp of C,d. Morn,, W. D, In the ('mutt, of uron, which lands 1 obeli i.4i-r for *eh at m other en ,he Conn Honer in the Town of (idem on Tues d.v,the Twenty-4Ph dm/ of lu y as ,al tae hour of twelve of th•• rock noon. JOIIN k1ACDntli , Sherif, N. 8, R. rnr.(.oca, Deputy Rbrif. Shorne', Odle*, (ftdencb, IOtk Arll,11f4s. 1 411 H�NR.Y Ci ft1Pyr, DEPARTMENTAL 000 Land Scrip for Sale �lR.1 111IEItATn PR1:\trt'M GIVEN en 11 payments which ran he made to the Crowe Lynda I)eparhnent an Land ncrhp. the Bard m a Mother cul•.., HENRY GRIMY, Arderkh. Dee.4. IBM. M" .46.w\\ MATT. ROBERTSON, Parliamentary Agent 'Aim Nimo, TRANSACTS RC'SINK.S WITH THE Crown Lends ant other Coesrement na- ppmmnaoets; Tab. oat Patents for Inven"nn..- Dr. Ra rind rtes rhurne of Prorate hills donne the 4atml, Ate., fro., t.. for Primes ready ng ha USSW, haw.ds.N.INwbOrw. •W IOM BOOTS AND SHOES nr'ITanr. r.R SPRING AND SUl1ER WEIR Av James Collins,8en.'e EIR00TON 81`., HODS/ICI. A CALL IS SOLICIT$D M ANIIFACTIIRER .RAIr a/a' ee F RE ! sults As Rnreew, Hama, ',outages, Mdstead• ha endele variety, n adrolwn, n Book (lora, Malresses, ('enter rehire, !hang 'I•hi.s, Rooth tin T.hles, Toilet Tables, Wt,,, Stands, Char", and many other nwles too m,merous 10 mention, All kinds ot WOC)I) '1'UfiNiN(4 Pmmply'tneeded to UPHOLSTERY. Is el lits btaei'hos UNDERTAKING, alta., &c Mr. B. re.ppeett•tfully 11.11es an eneminehnn m hu lotnipti Warranted to 1e mMr ni lto so.t ma- teriN owl workmanMip, and a /r, .fly to4oe•11 peeve. Cell sad nompare, and her am tilted before going elsewhere I ' C.rdwmd sett •II kinds of Farmer's Pro - dues takes rn exeburEdd,, 13r Waeeenem on Elgls Stem. Oodsstcb, March 24th. Inn. SWIM FOR SALE. 'LOTS 11,6'1. to 13.17, near the RAILWAY STATION, Goderich. for $150 each, At Five Years Credit, or longer if required. Apply en M. C. CAMERON. Ooderitk April etb, 1864., sw62w11 J. & J. SEEGMILLER, '1r,1 1 I�;ItS S :BALERS 1r LEATHER FIKDINSS ! hr , are. GODERICH. C. W. February 12,640, f 47.. SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS. hated Counties el [[))Y virtue o(' Wnt of Herm and there, D ever, Fars. raved eat To Wit : of Her Majesty's Conn rat Chanac,y and to me drreeled awamnt the lands and tenement. 0• Jana Ford, Edward Atttnw'n Juba MoCulanee r ad William Stmnlake are drkndents, at the ams o1 Mary Ann Ford .e'tar• Inke by Joan Mitchell the younger her Meet trend, no I'Imn"R, I have seised and taken in rtrrtdroe all the nght, land intermit of the old 4 Pen- dant ,e sed In 1 &meth hall NIM muml.r eleven h4 Or fourth roareesion of the lownah:p of Stephen. an the cahrity o1 Heron, whma lands and trnrmen s 1 ,hall nfer for sue at my nlhc• n the , nue liner, in the town of Oederi h nn Tumidity, ,be trot day of A tweet sett, at the hear et twelve 0Hhr Hook,no. JOn, N MA('DOHALD, Hy P. Pea.ncs, Deputy SherifNherJ H.& a. Sherif• OSee, (todertb, i 25th April, INS. 1•14 J1 L KINDS ON HAND' "' *my drre offer To Oopenters & Builders LIRERAL DISCOUNT FOR THEIR WORK, T l: Without Dietinctlotl sn•t be CASH; r}Rrmtembenheplace:•(s nfrvA. w'0Pl.4 int .tgrf, Oalrli hJIIb August. 1861. f0 R. M• WANZE.R&CO'S OENaIIin CANADIA)T PATENT SEWING MAC.EIINES Havetakenthe First Prizes A T THE PROVlt* 'tAL EXHIb'ITION held 11 io Mantreel,Septendwr 14th, 15, h, Ihth, and 17th, 1113, over all other.; *n4 ala., 51 the Pro- nne,ml Ethrtnunt held in Kmgnon, .September 22nd, 23r1, and 23th and 2511,, 1a:3. hoses of a radar chara,.Ier W, re •t ,, awarded In tie at 11, Pronnrul Enhrhmm9 fleet in Toronto to I'nel,and at the l'rovin.:iet exhibition bald el Lot whoa In 11141. Prices have been Greatly Reduced R. M. WANZER & Co., lsemrll.,n. ABRAHAM SMITH, _Agent, East Side 'Market Square Omleneh, Nev. 27, 1163 'whet 61 FOR SALE. 1 OT'0 A and 9, range S, In the township in / Stanley, 62(1 per sere 1 tenth IM sere. of Iia a. Lake 'bore, Aahheld, 50 per sere i Eur 25 arm fiftieth eagerly quaver of lot 1 in Inc 8111 Ono., W. D., Ashen , t1 per nen.; and 20 Tow. Loom Oaderirh, price 530.00 each ane ewe ods Agty to MMOS. WEATS ERA ID, w34 Aaderreh NOTICE. ALL those indebted to John H. Wheldon. late of the Villar• of alit. Helens, in tht Township of Wawannnah, an shecool ng debtor, hy hook seenant or otherwise, are herehy notified not to pay the Mme otherwwe than into this officio JOHN MACDONALD, Sherif N. 4 1. Sheriff's O6ie., Ooderieb, 26th Feb„ 1865. i w5 -td GODERICH & GRIM The Staunch Propellor NIAGARA ! I*5VY 715.14 4mahki,n,gwedeuedyl, thin ngIhsoIwtwrWH "Yl,,.h igu, hem in couuecliuu with the Grand Trunk R. R. roll FL NAGS sA-r, us,/ Steamer r Huron Fur Saginaw, Fur freight ur 'passage app!) N G. IIUMBAI.L, Agent ucderirh AMA 2J, IMS. w13'1 Military School. 1NDID.IT1:5 for cmmmIl1IOr5 in the Militia Service .•.Tru c M 1t o d pe of obtaining ad• mission to either ul'the Schools of Military , lustructiun, aro requiredto make application in writing for such purpose, through tip Brigade Major of the division wherein they reside. Applicants must ,tate their age, resident, Pat ottice afdrena, and native country, an(d transmit. with their applieatioo, a certificate from • clereyman or magistrate in the local ity where they lire u 10 utornl cb:rrncter. • W. Poo N' ELL, Lieut. -Col, L. A. Urn. M., C. 1'. '5 office, 11h. 1116:.. i w7.3m ldjulant Ge Quebec. March IV 11015!! JUVENILE BOO FANCY Ii00DL &C., TOYS, In Large A$sortmbnts Suitable for tu!iduy Its for both did and Stunt, iu.t rrr.ivrd AT THE CLINTON BOOK STORE ULU. LAI COCK. CLINTON. iSth Tkerember, 1864. LAYCOCK'S Canadian farmers' Almanacs .,rift per dozen •t AT THE CLINTON Book Store ! eh.- rt1 -t I . I 1 .11 •nae armee' t,r I arcn'them Mpuelwd b.. •It centime spate (a/, meaer. an•lum, for every dnv in the yr er, ke.id.e much radiable inforno:lson, such &. • Post Office Regulations, S1'.1MI' DCT1Ea, LISTS Qr BANKS ! An Jsdielary t Parliamentary Lists. Ever firmer pMuld /sore use. IiEO, L.ITCUCK. Clinton, 15th December. 1.64. (.19 A BEAUTIFUL ESTATE FOR SALE. 100() Acre. In 4 hair lllock, - ARt,61rY IMPHoVE n and .,o,rruuaa, manatee =n 1,.ntl, 1. Irak ora. R r r N.,rau.1. v ur,h. of ,,den end ,1 . Ii••krwh n1.IWa of m. 5.f aJ I.he Heron ItJw• ,C. W', Apply .1 by later Pea paid, to J. R. roll Mlr. s:11Q, STEAM �:NGINE AND BOILER !' FO.R HALE CItEDI'1` Apply to W. E. GRACE. Halt -rich, Nnv.7tb.19441. wekw10 MONEY TO LEND, ,ON 1\ll'ItOYr.I) FAH\I`, • AT 8 PER CENT ! Some to invest In Town Property. J. B. GORDAN, Barrie*, ac•, Oodericb. Go,derieb, Sept. 13,144. sw341 FARM FOR' SALE I N WAWANOSH • _ d 4 . TRE uede,llgned mlkrs fo sale the lolk'wing maw, smutted on the (travel Road In • lh8 Triernehip 'i* Wawnnoek: Within 11 Miles ofhli,}oderich 1 communing 100 scree, 50 of whieL are clears. On the promises there IS a toMd Frahm Hata 39 hy 52, s good Frame House, yeller hmA- beannp. A 'good creek running th l the tarn Apply to HUUH MCAT . .a, ro5. Ws* anwh,lan.l•,It166. Lot 411 w1 -Iia RIFLES, SHOT GUNS,\ 1'1F47OL$ ,B1c..Jce. FOR SALE! AND MADE TO ORDER, UY Jl C. M'INTOSIL Opposite the Market. elo All kinds of repairing done on ■eat rat, atonable terms..1^„$ (, oderirh, August 2n 1864. .w94 Money to Lend, ON v, try reasonable terms. Apply to il. L. DOYLE, Crabb. hew Block. ()Aerie, , 9th Jan. 1869. .1,01yr TINE i.IN ERPOOh t LONDON SIRE • f.I►elwarR/lCtcm. Capra!, tt,040;'1110. Ste. Arra ...de i F..4, *5,011,lb. Rrlttahla Life A ssuranet Co. ofE6adon. 'MR nndersigne i haviepbeen appoint./ Agestforl►e' hove highly r•speetahla CempsntM,l'pre .re (no mer.plboa, Pireaad Litut.ks,aimoderei yr.tesolpremlam. At• M.ROPP ,Arose. Gederlch JLltlet I $N•' •IleOf.