HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1955-04-21, Page 6a THE TIMES -.ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY '11 ORNING,. APRIL 21, 1955. ldla Mrs. Wm. Amy Born In Stephen Mrs. Wm. Amy, of Burford, former resident of .Stephen town- ship, died, quite suddenly from a heart attack in Paris hospital last. Priday, She was the former „Tia ,Tory, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs, lijah Jory, and was born on the Second concession of .Stephan, Following her marriage she moved. to Burford township, Her husband predeceased her in June 1954, Surviving are three sons, Har- old, of arold,of Burford; Calvin, of Paris; and Allen of the ItaC.A.F., Ayl- mer; .a daughter Vera, Mrs. Art Douglas, of Brantford; a brother Sam Jory, of Exeter, and three sisters, Mrs. Ed. Kestle, Dash- wood; Mrs. Joseph Yellow, Us- borne and Mrs. Laura Harvey,. Exeter. A number from this commun- ity attended the funeral service on lifonday. Interment was in Bur- ford cemetery. Wright Does It Again Bask into the market last week awl, !here's what 'we've conte lap with MEN'S San. Work Shirts , $1.98 San. Denim Jeans $2,77 Dress Pants......... $4.98 Friday and Saturday Zippered Jackets Drill Cloth Garb. Windbreakers $6.95 Work Sox Special 390 Sport Shirts $2.98 Gab and Dacron Dress Shirts $2.98 Pink and White T -Shirts, All Colors 66¢ White T- Shirts 49¢ $4.69 BOYS' Work Boots $6.95 Rubber Boots $2.98 Windbreaks $3.69 Dress Pants $3.69 Blazers $9.95 2 -Pant Suits $18.95 Boys 'T -Shirts 49¢ Rubber Boots $6.95 You Pay Less at George Wright's Cash sales accounted for 68.8 cents of the average Canadian re- tail consumer dollar in the first quarter of 1954. McCreery's Ladies' and Children's Wear wishes to take this opportunity to thank all their customers and hope they will continue to call in at the store, Mrs,. Sweitzer and Mrs. Smith will be there to serve you. We have ordered all new merchandise, mainly infants' and children's wear, T -o ,T T CLEAN PLUGS 11 C AND GREASES CHANGE AILS: COEAN CAR 11 FOR A 1L 11 11 fr)JUST BRAKES 11 11 TUNE ENGINE 11 11 ALIGN WHEELS If you want to enjoy your vacation - and we would like to make sure you do - bring your car in for a Tip - Top Tune -Up. Our factory -trained me- chanics can spot any trouble quickly - and make repairs just as fast. We use only factory -engi- neered Chryco parts and fac- tory approved equipment. So, for dependable service and repairs, at reasonable cost, let us help you enjoy your vaca- tion trip with a thorough check-up. COME IN TODAY FOR A CHECK-UP (Chryco is a trademark of the ChryslerCorporation of Canada,•limited) Major Tune -Up .. . . • Test Compression • Adjust Tappets • Tighten Head and Manifold • Complete Check of Electrical Systam is Complete Check of Fuel System Minor Tune -Up ....$9.20 (New Parts Additional) • • • . • Clean"Plugs • Check Distributor • Clean Air Cleaner • Check Compression • Set Carburetor Idle .... $3.00 (New Parts Additional) They May Be Dusty But They're The Best Due to a dusty corner, we may not have the cleanest cars in town, but the buyers' remarks are that we have the best used cars in: tovvzt, The' public p e acceptance to our riety Dodge and Desoto gives us real good value in trade-iri used cars. We will gladly demonstrate or allo'iv you to prove to yourself their quality. At special retail prices, we are offering older models that still have safe transportation. EXETER MOTOR SALES Fred Dobbs, Prop. PHONE 200 PHONE 200 Window Shop' In The Classifieds Weekly 1.4 FOR SALE PONY TRACTOR, Massey - Harris, with hydraulic, draw -bar and Plow. This tractor is in first class condition and will make an ,economical 2 -row crop tractor. Reason for selling- wanting a larger tractor. Apply 169 William St., phone 400-W Exeter. 21 BRICKS, all cleaned; also baby car- riage, in good condition, Apply Mrs. Marie Worrell or Ernie Perry, 506 William St, 21c GIRL'S SPRING COAT and bonnet, green. sizer• 3; freshly dry cleaned. May be seen at Brady Cleaners. 21* SIDEWALK BICYCLE, girl's, COM. in new condition, 525, W. Martin, 588 Main St, South, Exeter. 21* COOK STOVE, Findlay. Apply Harold Kerslake, phone 25-r-2 T%irkton. 21* WINDMILL, in good shape; very cheap. Apply Darling's Meat Market. 21c CHILD'S JUNIOR TRICYCLE, med- ium size; child's toilet seat and car seat -all in excellent condition. Phone 143, Exeter. 21c SHED, 12' x 24', double board wood siding covered with asphalt shingles; also several pairs of wooden shutters. Call 438-M after 6 p.m, 21c PANSIES, PETUNIAS, S,p anis h onions and tomato plans; ready now. Bailey's Florists, phone 276 Exeter. 21c CUSTOM CAPONIZING and started capons on order. Phony 57-r-23 Dash- wood or apply Carl Oestreicher, 4:14 - 6:30* FIVE 600x16 TIRES and tubes; also .22 rifle. Apply 414 Albert St., or phone 375-W Exeter. 21c 2 BULLS, Hereford, registered, one- year -old, Dietrich Bros., Dashwood. 1.1:21* MAGAZINES -New and renewal sub- serlptions for any magazine are re- ceived at The Exeter Times -Advocate MILKERS, new and used. Contact Lovell McGuire, Surge Service Dealer, Wingham, phqne 593, about your cow milking problems. We deal in milking equipment only. 3: 3, 10, 17, 24; 4: 7, 14, 21, 28 BETTER FARMING subscription bar- gain -20 issues for $1.00. Offer good until April 30 only. Exeter Times - Advocate, phone 770. 31:7:14:21* 8 AND 12 -WEEK-OLD PULLETS Leghorn Pullets, 12 weeks old May 5; regular $1.40, special $1.25; free delivery. Ready for range shelters: 5 -Week -Old World Famous Foreman Leghorn Pullets, April 25, 730; day - olds available weekly until June. 1. Booking 8- and 10 -week-old pullets now for June delivery. THE LAKEVIEW POULTRY FARM & HATCHERY LTD. Exeter Ontario 14:21c SATURDAY EVENING POST sub- scription special -70 issues only $6.95, 90 issues only $8.55;, limited offer. Ex- eter Times-Adovacte, phone 770. 31:7:14:21* STARTED PULLETS, 10 weeks old April 20; Stock-Leghorns, Foreman ZVhite Leghorns. Apply Hubert Miller, phone 57-r-7 Dashwood, 14:21:28c LADIES HOME JOURNAL subscrip- tion value -20 months $4.00. SATUR- DAY EVENING POST and JOUR- NAL, one year each, only $7.50 -you can't beat that! The Exeter Times- Advocate, phone 770. 31:7:14:21• RASPBERRY PLANT S, Columbia (non suckering). Place your order early. Apply Mrs. Eniatie Carter, No. 4 Highway, v4 mile south of Exeter, phone 322-912. 7:14:21c OUTBOARD RUNABOUT, 13 foot, 15 h.p.' Evinrude motor and trailer. Will sell as unit only; 12 -gauge pump - action Noble shot gun. Apply Joe Pavkeje, -Centralia. 7:14:21* NATIONAL CASH REGISTER that registers to $29.99. Apply at Times - Advocate. t -a PRIVATE SALE One complete bedroom suite, wal- nut; dining room suite, table, buffet and 6 chairs (oak); kitchen table, White enamel with 6 chairs; 2 rocking chairs; arm chair and desk (oak); Singer sewing machine; Frigidaire electric stove; radios; washing ma- chine; 2 tables and stand; green re- versible rug, 7x9. Can be seen at an time. Apply Mrs. A. W. E. Hemphill, Hensall, phone 120. 21c Power Mowers 18" MAXWELL ROCKET Reel -Type Mower -1 H.P. Motor Reg. $142.50 - Special $99.95 18" MAXWELL' LARK Reel -Type Mower - % H.P. Motor Reg. $128.50 - Special $89.95 LINDENFIELD'S LTD. Phone 181 EMPLOYMENT WANTED WANT YOUR GARDEN worked or ploughed? Phone 441-M. 21* YOUNG MARRIED WOMAN wants part-time position. Phone 618-M Ex- eter. 210 GENERAL OFFICE WORK, with 10 years experience. Apply at Times - Advocate. 21* YOUNG MAN with office and sales experience would like employment In Exeter or vicinity. Apply Box "R", Times -Advocate. 21* FARMERS! Arrange now for your farm help. Experienced Holland fam- ilies. Also wanted to rent -60- to 100- acre farms. Write Henry Nyhius, R. 3, Exeter, phone 172-r-31. 12-10tfc FOR RENT GRASS LAND -- Good grass with plenty of shade and running water. Can accomodate more cattle. Apply W 1111 a m Qestreicher, phone 12-J Crediton. 21:28e DUPLEX on 32 Victoria St.; $25 for each apartment. Apply Its McConkey, F't. Burwell, Ont. 21* UPSTAIRS APAII,TJ4ENT, newly de, Borated; all conveniences side ent- rance. Apply 367 Carlin S . 2 pPy g t 1 APART1IENT, ground floor, furnish- ed or unfurnished; private entrance; suitable for two aduits; immediate possession. Apply to 41 Simcoe St. or Phone 242. 210 BRtCii HOt2S , 0 -room, party fur. Malted: hydro; garden; $20 per month; 216 miles west of Crediton, Apply Garfield Hill. 21* APARTMENT -1 reams and private 3 -le d r ri bath: unfurnished; tos ess t iMay 2. C. V. Pickard, Realor, Man St., Exeter. T'LOOR POLISHERS and vaeihim cleaners; power lawn mowers. Beavers Hardware, • Exeter. G. Will ePernanent Pasture For Rent Pasture for 3 months or entire sl1n nter. 'yearling nr 2 -year -std steers only. Phone 7 daytime, 868 nights. 14:21e FOR SALE 10 PIGS --Six weeks old. Elmer Des- jardine, phone Grand Bend 38-r-27. 21c 1/6 H.P. MOTOR, new; hand -made wheelbarrow,, new. Apply 95 Main St. North, 21* BABY CARRIAGE, silver grey. APpIY Ford Fuels daytime, 16441 evenings. 21* DINING ROOMS SUITE, 9-plece, solid walnut, Queen Anne design, Priced for quick sale. Apply Times-Adovate office. COMBINE, Allis. Chalmers* 6 ft., all crop harvester, equipped with Scour Kleen, puck up, windrawer and straw spreader; in good condition; priced to sell. Apply Neil Gingerich, R.R. 3 Zurich, phone 90-r-2. 14:210 DURHAM GRASS CATTLE -7 head, 2 -year-old. Apply Edward Brown, 13. R. 3 Lucan, 21' 50 CHINESE ELM plants -world's fastest growing hedge. Price $2,75, E. C. Appleton, Exeter, 21* 6 GOOD YEARLINGS -Apply Clayton Flynn, R.R. 1 Centralia. 21* GIRL'S DRESS, navy taffeta, full skirt, size 12; dry cleaned; like new. May be seen at Brady Cleaners. etc MALE BABY BUDGIES in green,. sky, cobalt 'blue, yellow lime, opaline; cages, stands and Hartz Mountain Bird Seeds. Cann's Mill, Exeter. 2Ic FOOT WOOD Apply Mrs, Silas Stan- lake, 357 Carling St. 21* QUANTITY OF TOP 'SOIL -Apply Lloyd Reynolds, R.R. 1 Hensall. 21* BARN, at Mt. Carmel. Phone 128 dr write Mrs, Hazel Welsh, Exeter, 21c HEINTZMAN PIANO, in very good condition, Apply Times -Advocate, 21* HEREFORD BULLS, several, regis- tered and accredited; serviceable age. Priced to sell, Apply Hirtzel Bros., Crediton. 21c MISCELLANEOUS FOR GENERAL CONTRACTING and Repair Work contact Seaforth Con- crete Products, Seaforth. We do any kind of repair work, erect new build- ings, remodel and repair barns, ,con- crete work of all kinds, plain or coloured. Ask us for an estimate, Seaforth Concrete Products phone 740 or after 6 p.m. phone 22 Seaforth, Ontario, 4:17 - 6:12 REPAIRS on all makes of bicycles; quick, courteous service. Apply 414 Albert Street or phone 375 -(VV Exeter. 21c CUSTOM POST HOLE DIGGING - Apply Roy Dykeman, RR. 1, Cen- tralia, phone 90-r-11, 14:21* SEPTIC TANKS EMPTIED-Immed- late service. Phone 105 or 103-W Lu- ean-Butler Bros. 4:7,14,21,23;5:5,12,(9,26 SEWAGE DISPOSAL -Septic tanks pumped and repaired; wells and cis- terns isterns cleaned. For prompt service phone Irvin Coxon, 254, Milverton, Ontario. 3:31 4:7,14,21,28 5:5,12,19,26 CARPENTRY Kitchen Cupboards, Alterations, Re- pairing. Abe Schout, 23 Victoria St., phone 410-W Exeter. 31tfc WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where Better Bulls Are Used" Artificial Insemination service for all breeds of cattle. For service or information Phone Clinton 242 col- lect, between 7:30 and 10:00 A.M. on week days and, 7:30 and 9:30 A.M. on Sundays. tfc S. S. S. S. Why bother with dull tools. Let us recondition your saws, knives, scis- sors, garden tools, etc., etc. All ma- chine sharpened. Stew's Sharpening Service, Sanders St. East, phone 454. 2tfc "STANDARD OF THE WOODS" - McCulloch Chain Saws! All models and complete service (we rent) avail- able at McCulloch Saw Sales, 428 Huron St., Stratford, phone 1061-3. 9-16tfe REAL ESTATE WE HAVE SOME .building lots in various parts of town. W. C. Pearce, Realtor; Earl Parsons, Fred Cole, Salesmen. 1 -STOREY HOUSE, comfortable, 2 - bedroom, coal furnace, hot water tank, cozy kitchen, garage; moderate- ly priced for quick sale. W. Pearce, Realtor; Earl Parsons, Fred Cole, Salesmen. 2 -BEDROOM COTTAGE at Grand Bend; living room, kitchen, 2 -piece bath, screened verandah;venry cent- ral, 1 block from beach; reduced for quick sale or exchange. Box 251. Ex- eter. 21:28* 3 -BEDROOM HOUSE, new -349 Ed- ward St. R. E, Balkw111. 14tfn c W,ARTIMI] HOUSE, 2 -bedroom. Ap- ply 172 Anne Street. Phone 55 -M NEW LOW PRICE -$8,300, only $3,- 300 down, for modern cottage -type bungalow in Exeter; two large bed- rooms, modern bath and kitchen, both tiled; large living room, picture win- dow, full basement, oil furnace, air conditioned; near schools. 300 Senior SL, phone 648-R. 14:21:28c TO CLOSE IOSTATE-The Charles Cronyn grass farm is offered for sale for the first time; 200 acres, Lot 16 and 17, Cancession 18; also Lot 16, Concession 19. Both in Stephen town- ship. Write Charles Cronyn, Clande- boye, or phone Exeter 720-W2. 7:14:21:28c 1 -FLOOR HOUSE -Asbestos shingle, 3 bedrooms, full bath, almost new oil furnace; on No. 133 highway near No. 4; vacant; reduced price. W. C. Pearce, realtor, Earl Parsons, Fred' Cole, salesmen. BRICK HOUSE with bathroom, small barn, over 1 acre land, Stephen taxes, W. C. Pearce, realtor; Earl Parsons, Fred Cole. salesmen. 24tfe BRICK HOUSE, 'with six apartments givinghigh return on investment. Woulprovide home with income, C. V. Pickard, realtor,. Main St., Ex- eter, REDUCED PRICE. Complete 2 -bed- room hone. Beautifully finished and ready for your occupancy without further expense, A moderate down payment will handle. C. V. Pickard, realter, Main St., Exeter. NICELY LOCATED 2.storey brick house- This house is divided into two separate units complete with 2 kit- chensbathroom and s d separate ent- rances; 011 heated; easy terms, C. V. Pickard, reactor, Exeter, Ontario._ 0-1tOOM RESIDENCE comfortable, with one cottage and two smaller cabins; hydro and water pressure; welt located for year-round rental. C. V, Pickard, realtor, Exeter, Ontarfa NEW ASBESTOS SHINGLE i -floor house, full cement, automatic air conditioned oil furnace, 3 bedrooms, modern kitchen, colored bathroom fixtures, 'William Pearce. realtor; EarlParsons, Fred Cole, balesn,en, 24tfc CLASSIFIED RATES Fords or less 25 7Qc More Than 25 Words 20 Per Word SUCCEEDING INSERTIONS .400 More Than 25 Words -- 1109 Per Word 200 OFF if ad paid with order or by Saturday following the last insertion Semi -Display Classifieds (restricted to one column) First Insertion 9811 per inch Subsequent Insertions 840 per Inch Classified ass accepted up till Wednesday noon. Auction male copy should be in Tuesday at noon. BABY CHICKS FOR SALE ALL-PURPOSE CHICKS. Variety bleeds, crosses, for any markets, From Bray Hatchery, who predict stronger later egg markets due to shorter spring chick buying. Pullets, some started; mixed, cockerels. Ask us for prices, full particulars. s Agent: 4 Eric Garscadden, Exeter, phone 2- 6 W. NOTICES TO CREDITORS In the Matter of the Estate of Hugh McMurtrie, of the Village of Hensall, r• in the County of Huron, Retired, Deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of the late Hugh McMur- trie who died on the 23rd day of March, A.D. 1955, are hereby notified to send them to the undersigned, duly verified, on or before the 23rd day of April, 1955. After the last-named date the as- sets of the said Estate will be dis- tributed among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. DATED at Exeter, Ontario, this 30th day of March, 1965. • W. G. Cochrane; Solicitor for the Executor In the Matter of the Estate of Ida Grace Glanville, of the Town of Exeter, in the County of Huron, Spinster, Deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of the late Ida Grace Glanville, who died on the 25th day of March, A. D. 1955, are hereby notified 'to send them to the under- signed, duly verified on or before_the 23rd clay of April, 1!955. After the last-named date the as- sets of the said Estate will be dis- tributed among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. DATED at Exeter, Ontario, this 30th day of March, 1955, W. G. Cochrane, Solicitor for the Estate AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects At the Residence of Mrs. George Hudson, MAIN ST., HENSALL, SATURDAY, APRIL 23 at 1:30 p.m. Consisting of, tables, chairs, cabinet sewing machine, cabinet radio, roc- kers, linoleum rugs and mats, beds, coal oil heater, clocks, washing ma- chine, stove, studio couch, lawn chair, school desks, bureau; many other articles. No reserve as house is sold. MRS. GEO. HUDSON, Proprietress ED CORBETT, Auctioneer 21* Estate AUCTION SALE Of Property, Furniture - and China IN THE TOWN OF EXETER on Main Street, on SATURDAY, APRIL 23 at 12 O'clock Sharp. Oak dining room suite, including table, chairs, buffet and oval glass china cabinet; number of upholstered occasional chairs, rockers, small tables, 2 couches, number of antique occasional chairs, rockers, small tables, 6 cane chairs, 12 kitchen chairs, mohogany and walnut tables, butt walnut writing desk and book case, antique walnut bedroom suite, dress- er with marble top, cherry antique bedroom suite, complete 3 -piece mo- dern bedrdom suite 2 other furnish- ed bedrooins, 2 writing desks, walnut smokers. and wine cabinets, drapes, curtains, drop head sewing machine. foot stools, pedestals, 3 feather and wool wreaths, 5 Welton and Axmin- ster rugs, scatter mats, 4 mirrors, porch furniture and swing. Cherry drop leaf table, mantle ra- dio, 2 eight-day clocks, 4 -burner elec- tric stove, kitchen range, Easy washing machine, 2 tool chests; trunks, quilt boxes, extension lad- ders, large quantity of • fancy and antique china, china vases and orna- ments, table and bed linens, quilts, wool blankets, lawn mower, garden hose, garden tools. PROPERTY: At same place at 3 p.m., the property will be offered for sale. Situated on corner of Gidley and Main Streets, 7 -room red brick house, oak hardwood floors, 3 -piece bath, new oil furnace; garden and garage. Home is in excellent condition. TERMS -Chattels: Cash. Property: 10% down; balance iri 30 days. Sold subject to reserve bid, Estate of the late Miss Ida Glan- ville. (HAROLD JACKSON, Alia. E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk For further particulars apply to: WILBERT GLANVILLE, Administrator W, G. COCHRANE, Solicitor for Estate 7:14:21 Real Estate , AUCTION SALE of Valuable Property On the Premises Part of Let 404, VILLAGE OF GRAND BEND, Directly Across from Desjardine Garage, Blue Water Highway The undersigned auctioneer is in- structedl to tell by nubile auction on SATURDAY, APRIL 23, 1955, at 2:00.m. PEAL ESTATE: Consists of Part of Lot 404, 99 ft. frontage by 162 ft. on which is situated a well-built white brick dwelling; main part of hetise 25x27, with large living room, dining room and, modern kitchen; also back kitchen, 18x17; second floes con - Mina 4 bedrooms and complete bath newly installed pressure system ant furnace;. newly built double garage; ample land for building o3portunitles•. fine lawn and shade trees. This le 9 very desirable property. .inspection Invited before day of sale. Clare Jewel stove; white enamel Zink; ice box; round OP extension table; 5 dining room chairs; large arm chair; occasional chair; studip couch; cot;, 3 eomplete .bedsteads; dressers; largo mirror; congoleum rug, 12x15, and other miscellaneous items. TERMS .05' REAL ESTATE: 10% on day of sale; balance In 30 days, Sold subiect to a reasonable reserve QUaritISAACit$ESTARD, 3 W, HO Household Effects. ROSS BROWN, United Church Trustees ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer AUCTION SALE Of Property and Chattels The undersigned auctioneer has re- ceived instructions to sell by public auction in CREDITON SATURDAY, APRIL 30, 1955 at 1:00 O'clock CHATTELS: 3 - piece chesterfield suite, walnut dining room suite, Philco cabinet radio. Newcombe up- right grand piano, living room rug, music stand, walnut tea wagon, Mc - Clary electric stove, G. E. Electric re- frigerator, G. E. vacuum cleaner, 2 breakfast room suites, Quebec heater, hall tree, hall rack, hall runner, fern stand, oast bedroom suite, walnut bed- room suite, electric blanket, 4 dress- ers, trunk, walnut cedar chest, 2 oak parlor tables, oak rocker, quantity :of coal, Easy washing machine, tub and stand, glider, verandah chairs, lawn mower, garden hose, wheelbarrow, dinner set, odd dishes, pots and pans, floor lamps, rpictures, books, mats, linoleum, electric tea kettle, 2 elec- tric clocks, oak typewriter desk, exe- cutive chair, stenographer's chair, Underwood typewriter, adding ma- chine, office chairs, garden tools. 2 wrought iron beds, dining room suite, extension couch, step ladder, baby buggy, play pen, chesterfield,' table, wash stand, Servel office electric re- frigerator, 16"x30", 4 electric fans, and other articles, PROPERTY: At the same time and place there will be offered for sale the office on Main Street, Crediton. It is a 2 -room building with 16 ft. frontage and 34 ft. deep; large walk- in vault; suitable for office or insur- ance office. TERMS: Cash, The Estate of Herbert Either FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer GEORGE KOCH. Pigeon, Mich., Auetioneer American and Canadian License Come and hear Mr, Koch, AUCTION SALE of Auto, Household Effects and Miscellaneous Items On the Premises Ai the Village of GRAND BEND on Highway 21, Opposite Sunoco Station, on SATURDAY, APRIL 30, 1955 Commencing at 1:30 p.m. Sharp AUTO: 1932 Chet, coach, in good running condition. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Firestone 9 cu. ft. refrigerator, like new; Empire kitchen range; Quebec heater; dining room table; dining room chairs;. leather rockers; fancy antique chairs; fern stands; centre tables; kitchen table and chairs; sewing cabinet; electric radio; Tudhope 2 - burner electric stove; mirrors; 3 -bed- room suites; commodes; dressers; buffet; 2 toilet sets; 2 -burner hot- plate; large assortment of• linens, comfortors, quilts, dress Material, quilt patches, feather ticks, .pillows, kitchen step stool, fancy dishes, glass- ware, silverware, crocks, sealers, kit- chen utensils. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMiMS: Lawn mower, garden tools, farm gate, small gate, quantity of lumber, 10 cord of mixed dry wood, 4 ton blue chestnut coal, extension ladder, wheelbarrow, grindstone, vice, shovels, spades; large assortment of carpenter tools, etc., etc. No reserve -everything will be sold. TERMS: Cash, MRS. RUSSELL WEBB 11115. DONALD WITHERSPOON Executors for the Estate of the late Josiah Oliver ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 21:28 AUCTION SALE -- Take Notice that there will be of- fered for sale on the 5th day of May next, 1950 Ford Prefect Sedan, Serial No. E493AF/A, Engine No. C-470562, at my premises on Main Street, Vil- lage of Grand Bend, County of Lamb - ton. The above Sedan is being sold under and by virtue of the Ware- houseman's Lien Act, for monies owing by Donald G. Beaumont and C. Stewart, for storage and towage, Lawrence Mason. BELL & LAUGHTON Solicitors for Warehouseman 21:28 4, • STOCK WANTED I AAS IN THE MARKET for all kinds of herpes, any size, any age, -G, J, Dow, phone 83 Exeter. tfc DEAD OR DISABLED farm animals. Removed, promptly and efficiently in clean sanitary trucks. Phone collect Exeter 287, William Stone Sons, Limited Ingersoll, .Ontario 4:14 - 6:13c ATTENTION FARMERS( Prompt and is - or dead courteous service on all dis- abled farm animals. Phone collect, Fid Andrews, Seaforth 361-r-11, Ex- eter 235. 16tfo DEAD, DISABLED STOCK - Seven- day week service for horses, cattle, sheep, pigs, calves. -Glen Kennedy, Phone collect 168-W Lucan or Exeter 235. 0-2tfc HELP WANTED PROTESTANT TEAOH•ER wanted to teach 14 pupils at S.S. No. 10 Tucker - smith. Apply in writing stating qualifications and salary expected, to Secretary -Treasurer Vern Alderdice, R.R. 2, Kipppen, Ont. 21c GIRL -For lunch counter at service station. Apply Sunoco Station, Grand Bend, phone 88, 21:28* MALI: -For help at service station; experience preferred. Apply Sunoco Station, Grand Bend, .phone 8.8. 21;28* YOUTH To Apprentice In Printing Trade APPLY IN WRITING TO THE Times -Advocate WANTED I�lA1'S3 ROOM FOR 4 or 6 rattle for grass. Apply to William Martin, KIP - pen. 21, CATTLE BOUGHT in your stable. Top prices paid for branda'ble steers and heifers, Phone collect, Ned Arm- strong, 15 Exeter, or Doug Forbes, Coleman Pecking Co„ London, phone 2 7546. 210 WANTED TO RENT -20 acres. till- able land, ApPlY Edgar Cudmore, phone 171-r-14 Exeter, 14:21e LOST COLLIE PUPPY, German Shepherd; lta miles east of Hensall; black with ' white . markings; child's pet. Phone 177-r-5 Exeter, 21' PAIR CHILD'S GLASSES ---Finder please leave at Huntley's Drug Storec s Garages Sunday and Evening Service Open this Sunday, Wednes day afternoon, and during the evenings throughout the week: Larry Snider MOTORS * GET THEM OFF TO A FLYING START Walt, 5HUH-GAIN CHICK STARTER With a SHUR-GAIN Start They "Never Look.Back" Every normal baby chick is born with a -built-in urge to live and eat and grow. SHUR-GAIN Chick Starter contains exactly the right nutrients to sustain and stimulate this tremendous growth urge. • A high -efficiency feed, SHUR-GAIN contains high amounts of protein, , vitamins, minerals and food energy to produce 26 per cent more growth, faster feathering and earlier maturity.. When chicks grow faster and mature sooner, they're fitted to produce eggs sooner -to start making you money sooner.. Get YOUR chicks off to a. flying start -with SHUR-GAIN Chick' Starter. Cann's Mill Ltd. EXETER, ONT. WI-I'ALEN CORNERS War On High Prices Continues Prices Slashed To Give You Unheard Of Savings FAMOUS ENGLISH RUBBER Flexy Brush $5.95 Nearest$C o6mpetit5 on 1 FIRST GRADE 21"x20" Thistle Chamois $2.29 Nearest. Competition $2,39 JOHNSON'S •- Car -Nu Deal $1.49 Nearest Competition $1.65 Ford FUEL Pumps 41.60 $1.98 This Price NO COMPETITION Head Lamp Units SEALED BEAM GLASS BACKED 4030 $1.35 Nearest Competition $1.40 All New 5040 Sealed Beams 50% More Efficiency $1.59 Best Price in Ontario CHAMPION Spark Plugs hoc` 756 INSTALLED DOMINION - ROYAL AIR -RIDE. ;Tires $16.75 INSTALLED NO TRADE-iN FIRST QUALITY AGRICASTROL Tractor Oil $6.50 S Gal, 'FREE, CAN COMPLETE THISTLE Bicycle STOCK AS LOW At $31.75 OUTSIDE WHITE House.. Paint $3.95 GAL. HART Tractor Battery $7.45 rrx, 13 -Plate -- 80 Amp. 1 YEAR GUARANTEE Ron Westrnans Sports & Auto Supply PP y STORE HOURS 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. Sat,----8a.m. -11 FASTEST TIRE CHANGING STATION HOURS SERVICE IN TOWN 8a.m. y 10 p.m. (New Henderson Tire Changer) 7 Days a Week •r IV\ a C, f