HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1955-04-21, Page 57. z• e, ti 4 THE TIMES -ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO,' THURSDAY :MORNI.NC,:.AM. 21, lis 1 -Orde Flew •- t um* el w R{epu ,ptaletlig t1 s. FREE-�� PRrs1 111 bib, 14•41114Plspts for i2ABl3Y eriepr. 4"/"."."1101S. .Rueful oalle CHINESE ELM- stater* sad i'ayt st QrotrIesp-.5-Inch rI*.. 100 for 2.$0; oh Is 100 or s -lack 12 in f .g0 else. 4. i�e alae, 100 for iiaO; li-lack ■Ise. 104' for $*.iii; 2•ft. else, 26. For;i iM it $111.00 per 100; 241: Bias, for 5s,9s or i#i.00 per 100, ttRIYET— 44* orRuse' tl ar I ria • t'77. u54 )gown'-fhe soli fare aims; li•tav 24 fpr 10.i11 or $11,90 lair too, ROSA MULTIFLORA-- „patar'a itedit•of Water ltosu - f$ -le. huixx,�._ at enoptaii ted, 25 for 03.431.0r 1ii.i5 p, 0 ' REO BARBERRY :*aroon.,rise season --9 in ..100for$12.9i; 25 fortt 9.er $.90 per 100. PAEON9 YROOTS---(g nguo'n steel *ted, white or pink, ;Or $1,0s. FREE, Wlth Evert order UanedGerdepuidoiors/ Hog Producer.Plan c:'c.... c.p Selling .Agenc. Ontario hog producers have ap- proved; the -establishment of a eo- iil e o• Brat ve which c _h wi 1 got as th selling agency for their hogs. This took place at a tipecial general meeting oftheir organizatien held in egei piton April 1.3, at- tendee} by some 30Q idelegates from. all .over Ontario, This meeting followed their an- nual convention by just five Brppkdele-Kingswey liprseries YOU SIMPLY BOWMANVILLE, oNTARIo CANNOT BUY A Phone nay or Night: Mirka 3-3345 BETTER GASOLINE! ,tn411114t1'1!141!4111141111!n'''''0nnn;IHn11pnntntl le''tt'nnI!! t!Intt41111l114nlIIP411nt1n111lgµ1141nln% HUGII:L'S Concrete Silos Built •With 20 Years' Experience I`ul1 6" Wall, lEteinforeed With`I" Rods Every 1.5" To Top Fully Fire and Tornado Proof Will pay for themselves in two years on any good - stock farm and last a .lifetime. Jonathan Hu U & Sons 1 SEAPORTH Phone 667=13 •ONTARIO P.S.: Get your order booked' at once to entre good " service as cement will be scarce shortly. F Don't Let It Get You y>�} Wein Next .�.�.���..Llv:�i'ivN:i:+FX4:vC PS.�•F.� �i; ter Now that the Beating Season is almost over, you may be considering changing your present beating system to oil. Perhaps you are thinking of a" complete' new system for an-' other season. • • Let us help you solve this problem by making a com- plete survey of your beating needs. - w We are dealers for' the Lennox' Heating and Air Con. ditioning Units which. carry the complete five-year warranty against defective material and workmanship. • We handle."advance design" Anthes Imperial furnaces and burners, and for a wider selection, "Good Cheer" and Morsun furnaces. A full line of accessories and replacement parts on hand. Free estimates and quotations. , First Class Burner Service And Vacuum Cleaning Of Furnaces We are members of the National Warm Air Heating and Air Conditioning Association, the voice of authority in the warm air heating industry. Time Payments May Be -Arranged Lindenfields Ltd. Phone 181 "' Exeter t'Me? 11Tot art your lire! I'm just shouting loud'cnough so''s everybody` can hear what I have to say. And what I have to say is this: Never overlook the importance of yout estate." Our Tigerish friend IS to right. 1ottnrnately, today, many' wise men and women rely on the experience and co•operatian of The Sterling Trusts terporation in »tatters concerning their estate. Our free booklet, "Blueprint nor Your T'arrlily," rovers Metiy aspects of estate administration. Writee fo>" your ropy Corday. ' 'rhE STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION HEAD OFFICE 4AANCH OSAGE 372 Bey Si., T0i$fl* t 14 Doutep St,, Biirrlti weeks, for at that tinge the eke- etltive wasinstructed to set up theco-operative which Gh has ,jilst been approved, This Action wee taken because some members were .critical of the fact that United. Livestock Sales --- which has acted as selling agenoY for the ,producers for the past two years was a private company and had made substantial profits. Under .the new set-up which will become •operative the end .of May, every .person whosells hogs for slaughter will automatically: become a, member .of the .co- operative, which in turn means he will be eligible to receive a share of any net surplus Prom the operation of the co-operative, in proportion to the number and: gpality of hogs sold, ,Reporting to the meeting, Charles McInnis, president of the Ontario Hog Producers' Associa- tion, said he *as pleased to re- port that the Ontario government had co-operated in amending the Farren Frodacts Marketing Act to take care of changes which had been considered necessary. With the new provisions in the act and the establishment of the new co- operative agency, it was felt that the . whole marketing machinery for handling Bogs had been greatly strengthened and im- proved. Proceeds With Action. Theodore Parker, R.B. 1, Se bringville, said , Thursday after- noon that a court action brought. by .him against United Livestock Sales and the Ontario Hog Pro- ducers' Association marketing' board would go on, although the agency contract expires May 31. .t/t .. un Kinsmen PlanjLei $5,790 Contrad Bean Festiva; F b Thursday evening, April le,at or s o.Ine Cc,1v-rfs the liensa 11 Kinsmen Club's bit an tario Bean Festival planning' .. i F meeting, Mr. Reid Kirk, gfair- grove, Mich., was. guest Speaker. Mr. Kirk is the organizer and chairman of the Michigan Bean Festival held at Fairgrove. Tle spoke and showed pictures to tbe, club of past bean festivals in his town and remarked that .over 10,000 people were •present .et their festival last Labor pay. .A, discussion between the club and Mr. Xirk brought forth ManY:: ideas to be incorporated in the Kinsmen's Ontario Bean Festival to be held Labor Day in IlenselI. 'President Doug MGKelvie con-. ducted the meeting, lack Drys- dale 'and Bili Mickle introduced and thanked the speaker respec- tively. An appropriate meal was served by the Ladles Auxiliary, namely "beans", The case is to go before the Sup- reme court May 80 . Mr, Parker has been an out- spoken critic of ' the marketing agency on the grounds it alleged- ly failed to stabilize prices and direction of hogs without author- ity and his action questions the legality of the agency, Mr. Parker said the U.L.S, pledged ' itself on formation to the stabilization of prices, and to the "selling of today's hogs tomorrow." However, the Ellice man said, up to Thursday there was still no price established\ on Monday's hogs. Canada's death toll from mo- tor accidents is placed, officially at some 2,000 per year. Down to Earth By D. I. HOOPER Plants• ' Tell Time To Graze Many of no are simply not get- ting the most out of our pastures according to many agronomists. They .advocate rotational grazing, mowing and harrowing. When to rotate, when to mow and many other things are what bothers most of us: Research has shown that too many cattle are no more profitable than too few. • 'Pasture rotation is much' more complicated than it appears at • first glance. Just when to rotate is one 'of the first problems. Pur- due University scientists have taken another step: in pushing up pasture yields a little higher. Agronomist Merle Teel was able to obtain almost a ton more brome grass per acre by regulat- ing grazing. • here is what Teel found in one year's research. After cutting the hay at the first joint or boot stage, he -postponed the second and third harvests ' until new shoots appeared at the base of. the plants. The appearance of these new shoots marks the time when the- food, reserves in the plant are at a high level and the grass can stand removal 'of the tops with minimum damage. He says that plant food' re- serves in many of the grasses in the carnbelt are carbehydrattes in a form related to fruit sugars. These may be espeeially import- ant from the standpoint of in- creasing the forage yield and maintaining grass stands. There. is evidence that if you remove the top growth when the sugar supplies are at a low level the regrowth will be slow, the yields poor because there are no raw materials to draw on for building new leaves. Suck grass is commonly -considered . to be dormant, and it may be several Weeks before the plants can get back to normalcy. Teel reeommends that a farmer should graze bromegrass-legume. pastures under some system of rotational grazing. As soon as the growth is well started in the spring, turn in and graze It as completely and as uniformly as possible.. Regardless of the graz- ing system used a certain amount of the grass will be refused due to urine feces' spots. This is one of the 'big problems in pasture management. • As a general rule the pasture should be grazed off in as short a time as possible, The poorly grazed portion will tefld to go to seed during the rest period that follows, It may turn out to be advisable to clip to prevent these seed heads from developing since they *i11 eventauliy demand a great part of the stored • sugars which could otherwise be used for the production of neer leaf dhoots• and roots, The rest 'period following graz- ing is the important factor in pasture management, The length of the rest period necessary for. recovery Will vary from year to year. It bay be necessary to rest it longer on eold, Wet springs than on waren, dry ones. Further- more, the time required for re- covery its June may he quite dif- ferent than the time required in July or Augusi.. 'rhe observations which 'Teel made last summer lead him •to be- lieve that the appearance of Ile* Shoots cram the base of the broinegirass plants Marks the time when It Is safe to graze since it Wes at this stage that the 'sugars were either restored er .mere it= creasing vapidly. More research 4a is needed to determine how re- liable these shoots are as •in- dicators. The importance of grass in your pasture and hay mixture cannot be overemphasized — grass will help prevent bloat, Another big factor is. that grass will reduce the incidence of heav- ing of legumes. It also provides a geed supply of 'carbohydrates which? are required for making good grass -legume silage. DID YOU KNOW? Hot hens don't make such hot layers—open .the windows. THIS WEEK Clean up. Paint the window screens. Take off storm doors and windows. Finish the fences. Get an estimate on a paint job. Rave a game of catch -with the kids. With AMES AN—CROSS Genuine Hybrids tower Feed Cost, Too! You get 35 more egga per hen, per year from Ames In -Cross hybrids compared to standardbred hens. You also save 34 to 1 lb. of feed per dozed eggs. hybrid VIGOR reduces death Toss. Choice of White, Tinted, or Brown -Egg "Hybrids 0eppltea are **neat Order Year ;Amts Tn-CtoSs Iiybrld. Chiake NoW t r grit Carscaddert iRY HATCHERY E'sketbs` p'hotie 2464 contraet for the construe - tion of three culverts. in Ue'borne Townshiphas a awarded to McLean Construction CotePanY, St. Marys, for $5,700. The couipany submitted the lowest tender ofi five ranging np to $1,000 more. The three cul- verts are at let 26, eon. 6-2; lot 15 and lot 15-16, eon. 8. Ueborne .eouncil also let its weed spraying eontraet .at the April meeting. It was .awarded to E'red Harburn, Cromarty, who will also supply the material. IRS price per mile one side of road was $1.65 and for supply of 80 oz. amine $4.3'5 per gallon. There, were two other tenders for the spraying and five ittihers ,for the $uipply of material. Road Superintendent William R:outly reported there were pros- pects of selling the road ,allow - Eines the council proposes to, close Clerk H. H. G. Strang_ reported that C. P. Corbett had been in- structed to survey the sante. "Council .agreed that all =ant- hers would act as .a ,committee to look after the alterations and improvements to be made to the township hall at Elimviile, The clerk was instructed to instruct the township solicitor to search. the title of the land on which the hall is built to determine the amount of land available. Council confirmed appointment of Roy Ballantyne as warble fly inspector for 1955, to be paid :at the rate of 80c au hour while en- gaged in duties and mileage driv- ing to work at the township rate. Warble fly inspector Alex Flet- cher reported good progress being made with the first spray, Rebate of 'the provincial aid to drainage fgranit and surplus to the ratepayers of the Ausable River Improvement drain was authoriz- ed. There mere no appeals against the assessment of .the Flynn drain mark . h t w s an. the ;by- law o al hinl d y law was given its ,final reading. Tnsunce renewals included those- for the policy covering township machinery with Gore: District Mutual Fire Insurance Co. at a prelni'nn1 of 1400 and the policy on the truck Insurance lrom Wawanesa UMutual Insurance. Company at a premium of 549.45, The *Usable ,River Conservation Authority levy of $1,168 was ap- 'proved. Reeve Verne 'Pinconbe ipresid- d. Por the meeting. Ali councillors Harold Jeffery, •Harold Hera, Clayton iSraiVh and iklugh Love, were present. Huron County Crop Report By H. B. BA1 ER Dry winds and ideal seeding conditions caught many Huron County farmers unprepared ger spring seeding. In the southern part of the county many farmers have completed the seeding of cereal grains and report excellent working conditions. •Considerable interest has been taken in the new varieties of grains this year and although it was impossible to meet all these requirements with the desired varieties quite a number of fann- ers are trying out the varieties Rodney and ,Simcoe in sma}i quantities. A number of farmers have Garry oats under contract. Farmers report quite a good spring growth of their fall wheat crop and the recent rain has hastened growth considerably. • Sugar beet growers are sign- ing contracts at the present time and if a five hundred (500) acre crop is. contracted north of Bx- eter is is .anticipated that a new weigh station will be installed at lappet', Did you get your shire of $600/000 •00? 6MEEPMEN who ship their wool clip to Canadian Co-operative Wool Growers Limited are always sure of top prices, careful weighing, reliable grad- ing. But in addition theyhave shared in year-end dividends amount- ing to a total of over 5600,000.00 since 1945. Did you receive your share as a co-operative shipper.? There are greater profits from wool when you sell the Co-operative way. Obtain full•particulars from our Registered Operator in your area, or write: Canadian Co-operative Wool Growers 217 BAY STREET - • • LIMITED TORONTO, ONT. wMIMWW00wlollxe,MWsyuMR!!!r►400100Welttettei 4WilWMMNeinY - Phone. Write. ,. See s .t4 Geo. T, "nu mato. NMHinumini ..ons Urnite+ Henson. Phone 103 .FORA ? M u « Malting Barley CONTRACT Don't Wait Lim. ited Amount 0f Seed Available WE ALSO SVFFLY .FERTILIZER ,nll0100 l01111n00000000000000000000 lll 0nI llll00tl 004 MAJOR IMPROVEMENTS on the 1955 put it far- ahead of any other forage harvesting equipment, BEFORE YOU LOOK AT ANY OTHER FORAGE HARVESTING EQUIPMENT LOOK AT FOX FIRST -"-AND COMPARE See these 5 Major Improvements every en* designed to make for. that pur Fox, as always,'"ahead age harvesting easier, faster, • more profitable for you. REMEMBER ---FOX IS THE STANDARD OF COMPARISON —ALWAYS LOOK AT FOX FIRST—LET US SHOW YOU ITS MANY POINTS OF SUPE- RIORITY. 4 • QUICK CHANGE --10 minutes lime is allow need to ft the Fee to ANY FORAGE CROP of the.pack. I. Full 12" mower bar 2. Oscillating DFive for sickle bar, repleter old pitman drive 3. Single Drive Mechanism for all harvesting units 4. Ons Plate Feed Apron 5. Auger Feeder 6. FingerTip lifting mechanism .. . MATHER'S BROS, EXETER NORTH • PHONE. 321,.W :New suspension systerns, front and rear, are engi• veered to give the smoothest ride you've ever known,', • . And Looks So Lovely, Too ! Ws net just the exciting tide that makes Chevrolet dramatically new. For when Chevrolet decided to combine the agility and safety of a sports car with the room and comfort of a family car, the designers were free to set the pace for things to tome in functional, dashing styling, 'The result is a new kind of family car, as you will discover for yourself when you take a "Pleasure drive" at your focal dealer's. Why not call hint today? Flattens the hills. hugs ills-- hugs the road.. 8riQiant new high compression, valve•in- head V8 or 6 -cylinder engines combine with a new low weiglit•to•poWer ratio that means breathtaking response. The new low centre of gravity, wider spaced springs and Tubeless tires give an amazing new grip of the rood. A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE motor antic . • 011innrniintO0001YYltnLlYiiYiitanrntitt010 0000it0M airnrr/rnt ttentr rtutrpuiharat11rtaer11iu.... ,„,„..„, i..„,,,rrUYMn-..,. 1110011..1IWIYaOlul.. aYnnlMYnrnttTltlYn11n11t1ii..m, 11rlaYiuWnYYnr„, E Phone 100 N LLBROS. LExeter, Ont. I . CHEVROLET, OLDSMOBILE AND CHEVROLE'! TRUCK' a :0teggranni rM tietintigiatu nmmtunmiri mninnrtst, itirannriniiinYissanlsIteralntatinsttYtYYYisanattlti lgregdilingdiginilnsitte Ytignitnisinnitrit1onalNngsgi gtsgittMintrintaidiYrtiilYilY3iYYf+iYYiiEYilkWtUikiYilYilY{Yiikl'r1Dx Takes the dip out of stopping No mere dipping oi.d diving. The Chevrolet hoed stays up level even during sudden stops .. letting you Maintain sure cadre{ with ease. Again this year, Canadians continue to buy more Clrevrotets than any obeli earl" . r