HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1955-04-21, Page 4e•• THE TIMESADVOCATE, EXETER, MIURA THURSDAY MORNING* APRIL 21, 1955 abulous" Cit asdnates ciutl SHIMS- Students. See Broadway .Shows„ Slums, (Ipiled ,Nations SHDHS STUDENTS IN NEW YORK—Thirty-five district bigh school students and three teachers spent the Baster week- end in New York seeing the sights of the world's largest city. Don Taylor and Bob Miller, above. inspect a statue of William Shakespeare in famous Central Park. —Jim Crocker Town Personals Mrs. Netts Robinson and Luel- la of Detroit spent the weekend with relatives in town. Dr, R. W. B. Jackson of the University of Toronto spent the weekend with his aunt Mrs. Frank Brierley. Mr. and Mrs. George Jaques are spending this week In Tavis- tock with Mr. and Mrs. James Francis and attended the golden Wedding anniversary of Mr, and 21/Irs. 0. R. Francis in Woodstock. Miss Carol Rule of Springfield has returned li after visiting with her sister Mrs. N. Graham. Miss Leona Alderson has re- turned to Paris after spending the Easter holidays with her par- ents Mr. and Mrs. Roy Aledrson. Mrs. C. L. Wilson arrived home on Thursday after spending sev- eral weeks with her daughter and son-in-law Mr. and •Mrs. Rob- ert Dennis In Hollywood, Cali- fornia. - (This story of SHDHS stu- dents' trip to New York during Easter week was judged tbe best of those submitted in n contest sponsored by The Times-Advecate. Miss Lostell is a grade 19 studeut, the daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Losteil, R.R. 3, Buter.) By ALEXIA LOWELL Smith Huron District High School was all aglow at 4:30 a.m. Good Friday morning as 36 eager students and three teachers awaited a chartered Motorways Bus which was to take them to. New York City. Passing through the Fort Erie customs, we Ibreakfasted in Buf- falo. To our diStuay bus trouble detained .us here a few hours. The countryside scenery was beautiful and about dusk fte Cat- skill :Mountains aroused a few tired tourists. The first glim.pse of New York was a city of glistening iights in a distance. Crossing the Hudson River through the Lincoln Tun- nel, which is two and one-half miles long, we made our way to the Wm. Sloane House where the boys had reservations. 'The girls advanced to the Martha Washing- ton Hotel where they 'were book- ed for the weekend. Even at 5 o'clock in the morning humorous incidents arise and we were not without these. Two boys locked themselves out of their room and one of the girls forgot her suit- case keys. Walk Through Shuns Glorious spring weather lavor- ed the students for a walk to the United Nations 'building, The girls, however, saw a New York they had given little thought to. Their first impression of the city was rather undetermined Ibecause of their walk through the alums, vegetable street markets and sec- ond hand dealers. This was quickly forgotten when the United Nations buildings came into view. The sight of the UN. overlooks the East Hudson River and the city of Brooklyn. The splendour of modern arch- itecture is surely displayed in these buildings where national delegates strive for world peace. The doors which Canada donated GASOLME WHITE ROSE ULTRA GIVES YOUR CAR • GREATER POWER • INCREASED MILEAGE • INSTAt4T STARTING • FASTER PICK UP • HIGHEST ANTI -KNOCK QUALITY • GREATER ENGINE PROTECTION cu3 ULTRA ANOTHER WHITE ROSE CAARD1111 antOMPAiliELLIMITED FIRST essinsesennetsentstnieseeinellISIMMtintinsinelmliketel i I iiii FINSINSMISMOSSISIS200100.0212WV/i000112RISHRillilihtill ii I i HIStiSlitlitS1/111211SIWIESMISISIfinft llll .27r TRY. WHITE ROSE ULTRA AT i Larry Snider Motors S i ‘istrinfintilninnnilitinitillinninnilinninflOnintiiln sisintstflant100011111OSSIViiinnilisisOnintifigniniiiffislinnifilinntisnintliniiininntintisninsontsnfonsuomiiii.). . u are blue with her ,exublein, the maple, leaf and 4 Latin insignia denoting Justice, Security,. Peace, After lunch. we took a bus sight-seeing tour of New York. A. wen -Wormed guide 4.00QMPAIX-• led us.. Passing thrOugh the fin- ancial district of IVIenhattan the tamed Wall. Street finance build- ings loomed before us and on these narrow streets rwere parked shiny black limousines. In this small area. mare than ne-441f of the world finances are son - trolled. Proceeding on we same to the shortest street in New York on which only tour care -can be parked. Artists' Centre • We passed through Greenwich Village where many of the great writers anthartists struggled early and late for recognition. It has now become a part of New York City but has retained its individ- ualism . as a 'borough. !IVIanhattan's Third Avenue holds a story all in itself. Out- door auction sales along the streets or perhaps several beg, gars on one block all belong to Third Avenue. Yes, even Sammy's Bowery Follies are situated In the heart ,of Third Avenue. One of the most fascinating settlements of New York City is Chinatown on Third Avenue. It is not Oriental in architecture al- though there are a few pagoda - like structures and one genuine temple. This is seldom seen by tourists, but we vislted this ancientbuilding. Leaving the temple, we walked along the streets of Chinatown, looking in various shop windows. In a meat shop a Chinese man was cutting dried fish and tying them in, bundles while in his trout windows hung dried duck (with heads and intestines!) China- town is the most law-abiding town in America, at least with re- spect to violence—it's only vice being liquor. See Fisheries We continued our tour along the East River and saw the pack houses and fisheries. Then the city of Brooklyn came into view., Brooklyn, unlike New York which has only tenant houses, has.many luxurious residential homes. Then nearing the downtown area our guide pointed out such places as a newly -constructed glass bank, Metropolitan Opera House, Times Square and many other noted places. Thu's ended our tour.. • A few students hustled off to the Empire State Building to view the largest city in the world from the largest bulding in the world. From the eighty-sixth floor, Ob- servatory Terrace, 1,050 feet above •the street, we saw otteani- mated map, 50 miles in diameter, an area in which 15000,000 people live., Front this height pedestrains look like pinpoints and taxicabs are like small in- sects milling in, orderly lanes through the humming city. In the New York Harbour the shining bronze Statue of Liberty towered majestically. • We took the elevator to the glass -enclosed Upper Observatory on the one hundred -and -second floor (1,250 toot level). Not only is this the highest building fa- shioned by man, but also the tele- vision capital of the world. Perch- ed on to of the fabulous Em- pire State Building is a 222 -foot 20 -storey high T.V. tower. Cole Porter's "Can -Can" at Sam S. Shubert Theatre high- lighted our first exciting day in New York. This arousing musical comedy starred Norwood Smith and Joan Holloway. Easter Beauty Easter Sunday in New York City was a day of all days and Mother Nature presented the sur- rounding district with the warm- est, most pleasant weather in 30 years. Donning Easter outfits and bonnets, everyone set out for church. and later to view the Easter Parade oh Fifth Avenue. Several went to St. Patrick's Cathedral where a beautiful and inspiring Easter service was pre- Sented, Others attended the ser- vice at the -Cathedral Cluire.1 of St. JOhn-the-Divine, The Right Reverend H. W. 334. Donegan, Bishop of New York, delivered the Easter message. This cathed- ral seats 8,000 and was filled to capacity, and it Iva supreme ex- ample of European architecture. .A. number of. students spent Sunday afternoon at Carnegie Hall enjoying the music of one of the world's greatest orchestras, The New York Philharmonic Symphony. Other students made their way to Central Park where they planned to spend several hours in the Metropolitan iviu- segin 'of Art. However, the warm spring weather permitted the New Yorkers to enjoy Easter Sunday on the Avenues. These viewers detained the group. They arrived at Central Park in time to hail a cab back to their hotel. But their excursion was not Witheat excitement for the Baster crowds were exciting. One lady wore a Mtge bine veil hat with tall Cuttings of flowers on top. On. the other side of the street a lady wore a "chapeau Wine" to com- plete a fine Irish Weed suit. etiebrate Anniversary EkIr. and Mrs. 'Henry beibridge celebrated their 49th wedding an- niversary at the home Of their son Horace on Sunday. Mrs, A. E. Detbridge spent the day with them And M. Charles Delbridge And Miss .flora Delibridge called in the afternoon. Some 2,000,000 people thronged Fifth Avenue Sunday afternoon. Sunday evening we dined at Longehamps at Fifth Avenue and 3 4th Street, Here we enjoyed the splendour of a first class dining restaurant, Show "1 -Indescribable The evening's entertainment was spent at Radio City Music Hall (Rockfeller Centre), where the current, movie, lass Slipper," was Pitying, starring Leslie Caron and Michael Wild- ing. The stage show was nude- seribahle, My only comments are it was beautiful, marvellous and unbelievable. Monday, as the boys said, was the day for the "girls", for the entire day was to be spent shop- ping. Macy's, the largest depart- ment store in the world, covering 10 acres, was the first stop for Most. Then many proceded to Sak's and then to Gimball's, brousing in these noted stores, if not buying. The shopping expedi- tion along Fifth Avenue Wail eOP- oiting and in most eases valuable. The new spring styles published in the latest fashion magazines. can be found in theleading shops ajong rim Avenue. •• When we .arrived at the Sloane House loaded with boxes and parcels, to our sur- prise we found •the boys had 'given us close competition, Near- ly every boy bad purchased a tablecloth or_two, for I under- stand they found "a tremendous little store." After checking, our purchases and lunching, we set out for Ziegfield Theatre, where an Arabian musical, "Kismet," was playing. About midnight 11fondaY, "bag and baggage", we hoarded the Motorways bus. As the New York- ers said "from where?" we re- plied "'Exeter, Ontario, -Canada". Yes—we. were leaving that fabul- ous city that leads the world -in modern living for that leading town--Exeter--in the heart of Southern Ontario. nunninnissinnussossnossonninsinnninunnationnnunsultanannanostrunntlannannaa1111811"1111111181 Phone 719: Exeter PQr Sheet Metal Work and .1Kavetrengliing . Furnace Vacuuming .3 = i ALF ANDRUS 403 ANDREW St e - ,*IIII l as l s l inns es s ississinsittunsiss llll on tttt so t tint tt so t I t I ttttttttt I tt e tt un tttt selenesIMIIMMI t , ttt , t 0 ttttt , tt UMW' t u tt I t 1 i.0 t s tt i tt 11111 tt 1111 t SIIISSIDISSEISIOISIWORMIRERISSIM, ttt , tt i tt n, lll , l ISURUPTI l SIRSIMRIPIP ll S l HS llll IMR,IRISH, ll MIIIIIHRifil Check- with; Riverside Poultry Co,-. to make sure you are receiving TOP PRICES for F. your live poultornydobnefT.ce.oiT sellingEc Lby phoning: or HonsaR 7-1230 680-r-2 1' 8 Before you buy any truck LOOK UNDER THE HOOD and be sure of true short -stroke power Look under the hood for the new kind of power that's 'sweeping the truck industry. . modern short -stroke power! Be sure you're getting a true short -stroke engine—with the stroke as short as, or shorter than, the bore. Short -stroke engines prolong ring life up to 53%, give substantial savings in gas, and last longer. ANNOUNCING the NEWI955 eau k Air:•• : 2 O." r • s.2%. • ;•• • Now With OVE,RH.EAD-VALVE V-8 engines in ALL series! 5 Great SHORT -STROKE V-8 engines of the most advanced overhead- valve design! They're here—the new Money-IvIakers't —Ford Triple -Economy Trucks for '55! Come in And see them—get the full story on Triple Econoni—look under the hood. for money -making 'short -stroke engines, new overhead-valve design in every series. Btamine the cabs, for driver -saving com- fort, new convenience features. Check the payloads, see how Ford's money -saving . capacities fit into your hauling picture. For economy—for durability—for suitability— - haul with Ford Trucks ... the new t`Money- Makers" for '55! F.100 PICKUP G.Y.W.-5000 LBS, PAYLOAD—UP TO 1618 UM mononcul SEE YOUR PORD TRUCK DEALER Ford Trucks for '53 offer you five proved short -stroke 17-8' engines of advanced, low -friction overhead-valve design - 132 -Hp. to 170 -Hp. --in every series from pickups to tandem - axle giants! There's new engineering in valves, heads, crankshafts, electrical systems and cooling—new savings in fuel and increased engine lifel Driverized Cabs,.. new power options "cut driver fatigue .. permit more work per day Again in '55, Ford's famous Driverized Cabs lead the war in comfort, convenience and riding ease. New woven plastic upholstery on deep foam -rubber -cushioned semi' New, power options—Power Steering*, Power Brakes* (exec* on half-tonneri), improved mutomatic transmission* with • new4ow-gear starts—make all driving easier! (*Extra -cost options on certain modols.) Over 125 models ... G.V.W.'s up to 40 000 lbs.... - extended range of spring, axle and tire options In every series, from half-tonners to giant "Big Jobet Ford; offers you high payload capacities. For exaMple, the new F-100 Pickup now has payload capacity up to 1618 lbs. Gross Vehicle Weights range from 5000 lbs. to 40,000 lbs.-. Gross Combination Weights go right up to 60,000 lbs. Axle and spring capacities have been increased. THERE'S A 1955 FORD TRUCK MADE TO MEASURE FOR EVERY HAULING JOB! • CONV1NTN)NAS SERIES risririg 6Pirt1 WORE - 6 CAS FORWARD SERIES r Irraidtom TANDEM AMR 11111.1 O:MmmmmlitIlmit AM= WL Mk ~=.==A !UMW, ORM ANUMMIL - m of.vm 2 PARCE1 MUVERT SUM 455400 ns smn •. Larry Snider o- tors Phone 624 1 Ford and Monarch Sales and Service Exeter, Ont. - E ll ll woo lll l l in l ll 'finnan' lll Isintnintsisor ll lllll nein l l is l s lll llll ll llll llll insulin tttt t I tt MICA . USED CARS '54 FORD HARDTOP $2,400 '54 FORD COACH A HoneY $11$395 A Real Sex Wagon '53 METEOR SEDAN OK .464 tt 4 '52 POMO COA011, 4ock ir; Low, Easy Mileage t . ttttttt 1!WOW 150. OLDS COACH $9 0 arydromatie and Radio ttttt 6 '50, MIST= SEDAN Above Average tttt tt '40 DODGE COACH A Cheapie '37 OHEIV COACH. It Runs—I Think TRUCKS '54 FORD PICKUP Automatic . '52 FORD 8 -TON STAVE New Motor - '50 DODGE 3 -TON Chassis and, Cal) r, S r '46 FORD 3 -TON 4 Side Duni» .. .. ...... TRACTORS $11395 $1496 $595 '40 POliti & • i 750 Atibutii Trencher .. . ..... S $ '41 INTMINATIONAL e375 Sciifflar dad Wail Puller '41 COOKSIIIIIV "70" $400 SAVE TIME AND .WORRYI Have -Your Brakes Checked Before The .Safety. Campaign.. May IS • • .4 4