HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1955-04-14, Page 134
ilhoso-ill • "
Exeter District
Phone 287. Collect Exeter
Easter .Sunrise Service•
Highlight At Crechton
Union cOmmunion serv1ce. was
held in the Evangelical -Chttrch.
on Good Friday with the pastors.
Rev. E. N. :Mahr and Rev. W. C.
Parrott, Officiating.
_Services in both 'churches on
Sunday were largely attended,
commencing at 630 a.m. with a
sunrise service When Rev. W. Q.
Smith, of Grand Bend, was .guest
eneaker and Kenneth Elea', also
of Grand Send, was tloloist.
Breakfast was served by mein-.
hers of Youth Velloweltip.
Morning .service in the Evan-
gelical Church was -conducted il)y
Rev. Mohr and special music was
rendered by the choir.
Rev. Parrott delivore4 the
We Still, Have A Good.Supply Of
Garden Supplies
Free Deliveries On Saturdays — Phone Collect 287
Now that the Heating Season is almost over, yOu may
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Free estimates and quotations,
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We are members of the National Warm Air Re/sting
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the warm air heating industry.
messege, in the United Church
and two anthems were given by
the choir under the leadership of
Mrs. A. Baker. Easter flowers
decorated both •churehes.
Ladies Aid And W.S.W.S.
Mrs. Freeman 1111orlock was in
charge of the devotional Period
when the Ladies Md and W.S,..
W.S. niet in the Sunday School
rooms of the Evangelical Church.
The scripture was read by. Mrs.
W. Weber and duets were sung
by Nancy Fahrner and Shirley
Geiser and Mrs. E. Mohr and
Doris Schwartz. Mre, Morlock
reviewed a chapter in the study
book and Miss Nola Feist sang .a
sole. The fellowship of prayer
was conducted by Mr. Mohr. •
The new president, Mrs, Ross
Krueger, presided, for the busi-
ness meeting when plans were
made to ferward a bale of cloth-
ing to Korea.
Tersional Items
Dr, Lulu Geiser and her fa-
ther, Mr. • William Geiser, Sr.,
returned last week from a. three-
month motor trip to Florida. Mr.,
Geiser, who last fall celebrated
his ninetieth birthday,.stood the
trip remarkably well and enjoyed
his, stay in .Florida. They also
visited with Mr. Gaiser's daugh-
ter, Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Sweit-
zer, in New York.
C r e d i t on Women's Institute
meeting will be held in the Com-
munity.. Centre Wednesday eve-
ning, April TO,
Mrs. Irvin Finkbeiner has re-
turned from St. Joseph's Hos-
pital where she had been a pa-
tient for two weeks.
Mr. J. E. Gunn is still con-
fined to St. Joseph's Hospital,
Mr. and Mrs. Hdward Heist,
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Haist and Mrs,
H. Flukbeiner, of Fenwick, at-
tended the funeral last week of
Miss Maleeta Wein.
Mr, and Mrs. Lewis Feist and
family, of St. Thomas, visited on
Good Friday with Mrs, M. Feist
who accompanied them to St.
Thomas where she spent the heli -
Mr. Alonzo Hodgins, of Lon-
don, who visited with Mr. and
Mrs. Clinton BrOwn, called on
many old friends here.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray .King, Irene
and jimmy spent the holiday
weekend With relatives in Coll-
ingwood. Mrs. King and family
remained for this week. •
Mr, and Mrs. Albert Ryall, of
London, with Mr. and Mrs. Roy
M. and Mr
rs. H. Simpsdn and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Astles,
Mr. A. Asties and Mrs. Hogg, all
of London, with Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Reid.,
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Fahrner
and family, of London, with Mr.
and Mrs. E. K. Fahrner. -
Mies Gertrude Beaver, of De-
troit, and Howard Beaver, of
Hamilton, with Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Beaver.
Miss .Agnes Lampdrt, Mr. and
Mrs. George. Vincent, Mr. and
Mrs. William Benninger, daugh-
ter Gayle and girl friendr all of
Detroit, with Mrs. S. Lamport
and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Lam-
Mr, and Mrs. H. Dale, Donald
and Te+i, of Brampton, with Mr.
and Mrs. F. Clark.
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Robertson
and daughter,. Anne, of London,
with Mr. and Mrs, Edwin Beaver.
Mrs. Robertson and Anne are
spending the%week here.
Mr. and Mrs, Paul Beyer, of
Detroit, and.James Parkinson, of
Lucan, with Rev. and Mrs. W.
Parrott and David.
Ricky Geiser, of Grand Bend,
with his grandparents, Mr, and
Mrs. Lloyd GaiSer.
Mr. and Mrs. George Stevenson
are spending the week in To-
Mark Birthday
At Thames Road
Mr. and Mrs. Melville Gunning
and Muriel attended ' a fancily
gathering at the home of Mr.
nd Mrs, Lorne Passmore, Thames
Road, Friday evening to honor
the birthday of Mrs. Alto Gun -
Time Payments May Be Arranged ding. Mrs", Gunning will reach
her 87th 'birthday on April 18.
Mr.' and Mrs, Wm. Tookey, Lon-
. Lind enfie Ids-LtdMrs. Gunning, left for an eX,.
tended trip to ngland on ril,
don, daughter
• EArpand son-in-law of'
5 so Mrs. Gunning's birthday was
Phone 181 Exeter eelebrated April 1,.
'Edwin Wein,: 63
Farmed in 'West
EilWin. Wein, wile passed
away at his home in Crediton on
Monday l i1s sixty-fourth year,.
was. a son af the late Mr, :ati#
Mrs. Godfrey Wein and was horn
inStephen township. -He farmed
for 30 years in Arnaud, !Sask.,
and returned Crediton eight
years ago,
He was a' member orCrediten
Evangelical Chure it a n 4 his
death followed. that of his .sister.,
Miss IVIaleeta. Wein, who passed
away April 3,
'Surviving are seven brothers,
IVielvin,of Flint Mich,; LaWrence,
of Exeter; Wesley end Emerson,
of Stephen; Aaron,: Lepnard and
Lloyd, all ef Crediton; and4 two
sisters, Mrs. Sylvester Witerth, 0!
Crediton, and Mrs, Roy Goulding,
Londori."A sister, Clara, died in
The funeral service was held
Wednesday at the Pinney Fune-
ral Home in Exeter and was con.
ducted by Rev, E. N. . Mohr. In-
terment was in Crediton Ceme-
Silas Stanlake
Mill Operator
Funeral services for Silas Stan-
lake, 85, Who died at his home
on Saturday, were held from the
Hopper -Hockey 'funeral home on
Tuesday afternoon. The Rev. H.
Kendrick, of Seatorth, qfficiated
and interment was made in Exe-
ter cemetery,
Mr. Stanlake was horn in Ste-
phen townsItip where he farmed
and owned' a saw mill for many
years. He retired to libleter 15
Years ago.
He was a member off Main
St, UnitedChurch.
--SurviVing are %Is wife, the
former ,Caroline Romphef and one
son, Harry, of Platteville.
Herbert, Ford, Wm. Stanlake,
Themes jolly, Hilton Ford, Ar-
thur Sowald and aVlaurice Quaint)
acted as pallbearers, .
Enioy Supper
At Whalen
A congregational supper was
served on Wednesday evening in
the S.S. rooms. Following supper
there was a program consisting
of a skit by Woodham ladies en-
titled"After. , the church supper.'
Those taking part were Geo. Dann
Fred Parkinson,' Fred Pattison,
Ray 'Mills, FredThompson and
Slade—Betty Duffield gave a
recitation; Mrs. Pullen and Mrs.
Duffield played a ',piano duett;
.Mrs. Ronald Squire, a flute solo
and. Mrs. Reline and Mrs. Fink-
beiner gave readings.
Euchre • ••
air. and Mrs„ Cecil Squire and
Mr. and Ray Parkinson were
in charge, of the euchre Friday
evening. Prizes went to Mrs. La-
verne Morley, • Ross Duffield, Wm,
French and Gerald Hern:
Visitors 'For Easter
Mr. and Mrs. H. Ready, St.
Marys, and Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Johns, Exeter, with Mr. and Mrs.
Melville Gunning.
Miss Marion Morley, Toronto,
with her narents, Mr. and Mrs.
Laverne Morley.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Whalen
and ;Valerie, London, With Mr.
and Mrs. John Whelihan. •
Mrs. Arthur Hodgins and girls
of Clandeboye and Jamey French
with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Morley,
Sr. and Elva.
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Grose and
Sharon, Mr, and , Mrs. Norman
Hartwiek and 1Vearvin, Devizes,
were Saturday guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Ray Parkinson.
Mr. and Mrs, Roy Baiter and
family, London, visited recently
with Mr. and.Mrs. Ronald Squire.
Mr. and Mrs. Grafton. Squire
and Sue And visited on Sunday
With Mr. and Mrs. M. Massey,
St. Marys.
Mr. and Mrs. Cam Harmer, of
Fullerton, were recent visitors
with Mr, and Mrs. Ray Parkinson.
Eloise and Sherry Gardiner and
John Broeze have returned to
school after having been ill With
soarlet fever.
Miss Donna .Parkinson spent
several days last week with Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur Hardie, Devizes.
You'll save money by reading
ads in The T -A,
4 ric.0
,,!,...ita...min moore''"
Moore paints
Gal. $7.25 Qt. $2.15
G4 $5. Qt. $1.95
Phone 29 Fisher's Hardware
Services At Centralia
Draw Large Crowds
There was a large attendance
for the Good Friday even/ng sar-
vice in the United. Church. During
the service there were two bap,
tismals and 31 were received into
church membership; 18 from the
preparatoryvicsercelass And 13 by 001'0
tficatefront former churches.
The 'United Church was well
attended Sunday morning for the
Easter communion service con-
ducted bydthe pastor, Rev. J. T.
Clarke, Special music was provid-
ed by the choir. Spring flowers
and Easter lilies made an attract-
ive setting for the service.
Anglican. Service 0
Baster Sunday was celebrated
at Christ Church, Centralia, The
choir provided special music.
Lilies and spring flowers decorat-
ed the church. Rev, A. A. Nield
conducted the communion service.
W.A. Meeting
Mrs. Elmer Powe presided for
the worship service at the Easter
meeting of the W.A. in the
schoolroom of the church on
Wednesday afternoon of last
week with Mrs, G. Godbolt assist-
ing. An Easter poem was read by
the leader.
Easter pictures were shown by
'Rev. J. T. Clarke with 1VIrs.
Clarke as narrator. '
Mrs. J. Essery, Mrs. William
Essery, Mrs. 0, McCurdy and
Mrs. IC. Greb sang "The Old
Rugged Cross".
The president, Mrs. L. Hodg-
son, took charge of the business.
Mrs. K. Greb was appointed cor-
responding secretary for Huron
Presbytery W.A. There were 21
members and four visitors pre-
sent. Lunch was served by Mrs.
Greb, Mrs. McCurdy and Mrs. A.
Easter Visitors were;
Mr. T. C, McLeod, of Aurora,
and Mrs, Leda Willia.mson, of
Detroit with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Mr. and Mrs. John Talbot, of
Grand Valley, and Miss Joanne
Talbot, a student at the School
of Nursing in Guelph, with Mr.
and Mrs. Harris West.
Miss Dorcas Williams, Sarnia,
with her sister and brother-in-
law, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Morgan.
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Hicks with
Mr. and Mrs. 0. Pollock, in Rip-
• F/0 J. T. Gates, of Camp
Borden, with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. R. B. Gates. F/0 Gates has
recently been posted from Moose
Jaw to Camp Borden.
Mrs. I. Macaulay and family,
of Montreal, with the former's
parents, Mr. and. Mrs. Andrew
Miss Winnie Field was a Mon-
day visitor with Mr. and Mrs.
Lorne Hicks.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Shoebottom
and family with the former's
parents in Parry Sound.
Dianne Quinton, Barbara and
David IdUey, f Loudon, with
their grandparents,. Mr. and Mrs.,
Arthur Wrens,
Misses 'Florence,- Francis, mar -
Wet and .0dean Clarke. with.
their Parents, Rev. and Ivirs.
and Mrs, Gordon Woods,
London, with Mr. and Mrs. Ted
Idr. and Mrs, titeve Molnar at-
tended the Olson-Husty wedding
at $t. Andrew's Presbyterian
Church. in Clinton on Saturday.
Mrs, Frank Ricks, Mrs. M.
Elliott, Mrs. Clarke and Mrs.
Foley attended the W.M.S. Hum
Presbyterial xneeting ir Wingham
on Thursday of last week.
Mrs, P. Simpoon has returned
to her home after spending the
winter months in Ailsa gra*, Mr.
and Mrs, K. Simpson and family
were Sunday visitors with. her.
Mrs. S, Tasim, Louis and Helen
were in Minton on Saturday at-
tending the Clsondlusty wedding.
Mr. Louis Tasko was an usher at
:the wedding. 1
Mr. Burton. Morgan underwent
an operation for the removal of
his tonsils in Victoria Hospital,
London, on Saturday,
This Week In
The fifth meeting of the Milk -
0o. Club was held last Monday
at the name of Mrs, ,G11Ibert
johns, /1111mville. -Roll call was
answered by a favorite milk re-
cipe. The notes consisted of "Milk
the child's delight" and "Helping
children to like milk."
Doris Brock and Alma Hern
were chosen to make a chowder
using milk.
Mr. and Mrs, Jos. Hayman, of
Exeter, and Mrs. Howard Dayinan
and children, of Kippen, visited
on Good Friday with 'Mrs. Wm,
Walters and with Mr. Walters, a
patient in Westminster Hospital
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Walters,
Sandra and Judy spent Easter
weekend with relatives in TOr-
onto and Whieby.
Easter Visitors •
Mrs. Nelson Clarlee, of Farqu-
har, visited with Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Walters.
'Miss Joy Whitlock, of St.
Thomas, with her sisters, Mrs.
Harry Ford and Mrs. Truedian
Mr. and MTS. Newman Baker, of
Wellburn, with Mrs. Harry Ford,
and Gordon.
Mr. and iVirs. Ivan Brock and
children with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd
Dobbs at Langton.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack ITailey, of
IVIalton with friends in the vicin-
per hen, per yew
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Tailored-to-yourrneasnre--2 cc.
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