HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1865-6-15, Page 3The Detroit VOUVemtloa. __ • BO 6Yy VSpIor•. - _-L -Now Our DI 'f•La.n Corwrr, i ltdrtrttutrtsts.' ___ O Wla.-Un the night of Mei' le. W m. r belonged ed Iota. hu Lr n I! formerly rel Admits. Aour Amr cru f s that • Atari •e tie y The assemblingamost of opo i oue ant will •r a see the 1 t (, oderich- Petroleum de4dadty .he mot iwpu.taut went diet ever pun u to 1 e rrrl uplor of Booth. and.lhe! to the 6th Uawgu regiweot, headed • cum Wok place lu Uertuit, and oar Interns should party 'mulled W the sward of $80,000, has , pay u( ^mgrul*, culluating of torly-sevau, tate wh.tever action way .he mu -misery to amen et Washington, which is likely to hied 1 went to the residence u( • uuwher tit enlace.. •rD give our ,uiturs • favourable impreesluu of l0 wore trouble, and to involve at least ow in the eueity, and demanded their gold sad GALT OOaQPANY our city, w►ieb melees should be regarded of the esecuuve its r mist disgraceful smf '.ilver. 'fb.y buret the globous, laud tweet, i tiler v udalow trsusactiuu. It will be gement eight helra of coeurs, the property of ills as oue of the tucldeunbut the wee, r y d souseHE above Cnm;suy 14x11-rCeive tenders and truly noble pru ect consummated Ly our bred oL.t Booth and hu accomplice Hrrruld Gamow, • widow lady ; ib. gin bows rod THE • to tb. first J.,ty nut. fu..horiug Ihr Board or Trade. lite Dumber of delegates eve hunted down at G•rrett'd farm, by a; rwontr• ive biles of to'tun el Major Swami Petroleum I a,d 3x1{ in Gtdmch. Canada 1 Ie attendance will probably he flan 200 to pert' of either, ucder Comlou,d of Lieu. Beildwiu ; the gin house and silty bales of P.trolas the depth of one 'holland feel. n • Maggie. • y1 300, and it u W sesame sume tLut the *bole Doherty, a) •ung Canadian belonging to Si. cotton til Hints Knowlton, together with • The contractor to prong. ill Yw.A teri$Isud it Bonnie aggle• number who will be brought together iu our Ilyariutbe. but well known in this city whole large qusnnty of wheat, pers. Lc. labor, Ac., Le., except for •cyte. power. h'studies d' 1 Booth killed fir J b l d and hurtling several GREAT WESTERN RAI LWAYI Freight for Porte on East !Moro of :tku LMutton. lilt: PAST SIDE W: E11. •STI:.131K14 .V _4c701“' Salt) Will be urrr 500, comprising the eery punwuj 1. alas tea ,ale. out was s, tle the p uu ren.. I o Tenders, to mute the 1111Vunt per loot, with or CAPT. blood of the cou"try in puiut of tauter- by woe of Dohe,ty'e melt named Bust on Cor- of the negiaes wmuutted the must atrocious d D, ROWAN. prise, and embodying as large a de(I.. of beer. mal hu body brought to Wi tnogton. oulra;ee upon the petal's of • uuoLrr u wm)wt•tabatty, in point of tn'cut mud a,ciel bat Lae- t. Doherty sod hie neo were Mulled ladies Tbry threatened w noun the next ami aingr u laity Unuilirl number of wen that lately 14400r• d rosy on epeeist duty by Secre night and d. •troy everything they could lay can be tumid au the ur my other country. Wily Strewn, for r Sedge that a.e non begin. their hulas spoil ; they, burever, were pre - he deliberations of such • body of roti lug to trolly wit. The Imnenw reward of 1euted frau crrryieg coot their dirl'ulics: must be u( a highly interesting charactrl, $>t0,000 aimed for hru•tbs cepture bed sc..emes by Capt. 1.K y. who, with • and ill actio° carrot but have' great iutlo lurua• i every es, zeas in the Sulth inhn'blood• cumpr"y til .41460 8, and iu rumen ul theta. once upon the pubic mind. That action will Lound. Culotta Bilker, efts w chief of the Aldridge and seven negroea were arrested at be. to • certain extent, the verdict tit • jun detective forte. it was supinwrd wooed he the 'feeeed ; the oth• re 'scrim!, rad it WY of experts from wh.cb an eloper! would he most sucevssfel in rartur4ng him. - hut he did I thought went to Macon. Atdli,e and four like an •ppeml from comma. sense. The not. Cod Boater, however, was Secretary' negrue° were slot, the three ebb committed 's intimate f irm;d, and u Secretary the rape burped and our hung. The n•R•""• practice too ellen indulged in of rearing to ;lemon Wm. Sears r n ^e.to Major Baldwin, Wee Deportment, hal n I M )• was bead oft r !k rl or Swath!' w be1 h I Staol W f gaol.. w J. I character V l tl a rc ..untod letrtf t .11e. 1 nus a end James Little. I u' 1 Ito • w u I rived he had Il rm K n ubiatt was. t r► amita,Sed K Congress til the noun, is o, to on ' more honored in the breach than in the oh. Rule dlfftcuIt in procuring • order to towel iNCaeualoo S.M.-11Y drel•euin* the Null; °ervance. A body ((rattly delegated with the Doheny and het uw•n sent lout C distant post VIliun of roar $UI tau 1411 to its quantity; sovereignty of $ people, the fuundanun of end rent out of the way at least 4111 the eon 'flue, by it .vin( your eta 8 Welsh, deep, whose intelligence is lad broad and deep .piracy trials ore over, sod all ,via un con• where before you h..0 it only 4 inches you even u their freedom, must at all times be. homing Doherty as the auccesstu e•puns, doubte its capacity-wmewb•I as though you R0. had two rcrr4 now where you had only oue helms. Dred you never think of this? •Eight leo inenea+fcultivated soil Las double the •ttel.gth Tin I.I. of four. This is • new ray of incresaiug your II e r without tube and the size of the hone. Operations to e0watt.-e by the 20th of July neat. 'raider* to Ins addressed to JOHN V. DETLOR; . Esq., t Pro.iuunrl Pienolent, (iuthafich, Canada West. Jan. I3tb, 186''. • 2001 respected for their aindum ; and yet, from excluded, so that (taker mit(ht clam 1 111e very nature tit things there are questions. 1)0(4. Ity mere accident the General 'um - of vital c0Yerrn to the national proeperity, Mending 644. 110 •equuinted with ,the f regarding which it would be advantageous end granttd,D •berry leave of a telenoe to eu to take council of the class of um whu are to Wa+hin_Iuo awl give bee widener. Tit to come together in the approacniog Con- rdla,note plot oo the part of Sunt al aid ventlon, mid we hazard nothi*g in making Hrker,,18 u..lv a part of the general polity of d, the predi110ee that their influence will be felt the I.1gh ofhei.le st Wathoagtuu. Putting i tai bell ! h NOTICE (1) \ '[11.1 (T OKi TEN DERS Iw bus lilt too tar: H6':GIS I:u t)Y ACCTION red -not 1.l•w *--.ter t ice t1.' • u! PORT ALBERT inland ail tLu- and hence they culum!e -mut deep at ober, bet gradually, rash • pe y ploughing. 9 ' Ifll, weeper, or at erer ing done'nticesthe soil mellow, sod and°eknuwledeas. As rega$tesruowsuer tornlhr w teres Buy Slut es, name P,o„ TUESDAY THE 2lth \.nstant h II f C grees As regards some yew our rvbbmg the people. Hudrr, tattoo, end b.s • r.,,d••, fol , lfrel even without manure; halls un mobs, 1t ;s not to be expected dirt anything Itrker• and thou.anls el whets Wive *teemed I lout mru1 . it 11),••1 h, remendwred, a the I lake unanimity of tenti,neut rill prevail. fortunes b) sotndlu.g and rtLheoy, under ate,owl,. rent to el *eye, la deep eelog your FOR Thee rill doubticas he on 1041.1point+ • Pretext of another, but the Tort 1, the most !sad judgmeu a intoned. Nut too much til great diversify of views- and °pinions, bat' hwretatrd and oust m,pud0ul tit Ili.- I the raw Iwhaoi IOWA be bron410 up rte time, Gravelling the Pert Albert Reads this will only cuoduce to the interest Daily Neta. ' • unless it it rich het plough deep. In clay &undies to thetonwutio°. Lar Elmer Mao Rate 'frit. -We have!""Is, limb-aI r til is the 40" the try_ Cul AND THERE WILL BE LET AT T own a Dane To Pieces Ano ie protwMy all of us mel with Suetauces las which t "if hen •tl inele u(ct , :°ore u::***, tib es" Mori I uJI i rg TI w the was up to the action of rel pewdl I t Lona' th rep: u ' u ' ' who cut d P young., I de until t6e cloud has become 1 u y 'p'"'"""' " who re"" r engaged,. """ P" WEDNESDAY 88TH INST. u purr! dr dm hie e, iv young fro nus freshly stance. fu thorn whn ere ties, but net ( had ► t f ur4lf, These hravl cloy b14!• ate vrlu.ble' The Cleating. 1.0ul.fnng. Grr4.nl f, and Cut related in Pato of a certain elderly dandy r was ees) apo eu e u . I the elements. will be cad to wieder, owl continues to ass hinny off fur Dun r Uuo of a tem•le, has been ilio-ni.'ir 1.y l 1 at ace lee 4s, cork d wing strength frofo then he is, by the aid of wme complicated m. 1:1oW tam un i i the atm,ephere -clear urn jut. seri 't UN d+ k h h d her wb Ir ti imported fr.,w 4n wive vitt•*.. The edea. thoug..n'y row k motives, u nun 4 belle of mouton. At they r geoeraliy who had been much impressed by the Rraee though. lrssnem. W Speak lightly of (*males a ,read out wash your soil you n way to ti'LrING IAhI I 1 had tl r tanto • In oven r uw f effect1 plaster. Then O u r teatime in Commander. will run between SARNIA AND SOUTHAMPTON! (Wertl.er permitting) twice each week • until thither n"410. Leaving '$1 lib many Muad•y and Tbunday towage tolling el Hayfield. Itu.ler , Kincardine, l,,rerhuiou. Pull Elgin, l4"v1h•nlpwo. Returnieg will (rave Southampton every %edne•d•v and S4Iwd,oe waning coiling at who've ports. Foeighl by this route can be delivered quicker than by *toy tamer, and at noes to C For (might h t ., n. F g red , h, s suit Merchants fl I W.Seymour R Co, and pawutge apply to) , Agent•, Guderlch; Hub*. Campbell, Agent. Kincardine; James Burwasb, Agent, South amptuf. THUS. SW1NYARD, W. ORR, Freight Supt. Fadeout di,•ision, Hamilton. SELLING OFF Money to Lend, AT THE HOUSE It r 'EE T IttITS ! IIPON Stators. Appy W D. Shale ! F Gooding: Solicitor. WE,* over 14. Bombe store. Owlet kb, 16th May, 1865. sw74tf COAL ! COAL ! A L.trtttE QUANTITY OF BLACKSMITH'S COAL ! UN HAND ,1M) FOR SALE . ' At the Wharf GEO. RUMBALL, Agent. Goderich, a fay :9th, 1835. sw77 L. P. i'EOIA\fl•. SnLIC1TItR iN CHANCERY, ATTOR- .r'. aoTuIT. cnsrsra.Caa, !t. -sew'•• •yur the Sew Po.t t1w.w, lJwj, oe . ewe' 1 Cut - of his new master's person, and why hied nu we recommend td these hunts w A ( for 1144 erte':Piun of the Wingb°m Kord, suspicion of their artifice! noun was ••n•rtly "Iden°tiuu :. Veer u• - os "Hi is Ih •snug Ie In Ruo. tau u w' P worthy u tun seread y's name in an "djusl roar elvyupin to manse you •round_ ,mumu r ace, • an But the wast only 1e dour bee the .ptwr 1 • t d gas, th I's, P ' b f hl 1 I t d r't 4 b (h rte h tie pl.ce ttM noted company. Never nt.'s ema rti 7 h t r1r u htup 111 t o Days Tavern • •1Daze' un assisting ;s o ...dress, o0 I t torpor, er time or 10 TL• re *,1a 81:o be let .t , 116 l U u tl $OCs In to w , • _ older. 'a nor l b , , ' ! rsrore o moist.ition in winch he was cared nth""t her 04,.1 7o' tho'e 11r u :',ori orb your °oil.. -rind air ash heel slid rain a0 Le "' "e"'n that oil •e r f q14' ; and thus it r,t0.0 d, soft, cold °'ubtu,u vpne to waist. The cwt and vest carried tiff ; } J i TOG12' ZyCTrOXOE03l', 1" IICaf. Meu1 • 'ad w "L ly W", mls i r •1"(11111( fell De ,110W11. Vy wash theme the.b••wl;fully rounded outlines X• . -'rut d and 6 r I well• on which Irtl'r I' • toot broken , , h INST•, d d d b. 1 I h Iw• TO ti1Lr' THURSDAY 29t 'drat ked showed to such advantage the c Insecu re en u. u,- r Grrp us the on'! thing Owl 'Moe the least moment before, and at the unbuckling of the ! b k by a Ile, wit14l,clu ed by 11 cr..a t -: Volley Farmer. ConPt the jaunty uprightness of the dimly been, ala ..•peat.. «bele us anon• loose .e The - 7••.11111, lirut.Lin; Credin and un :Primal an M1 1141! 14.44.11 enol Th. been, 104.111 the prrarnce(0 those .Lose little I IrfR.-Creta of timber enn*41300 to ass ,. 1s, 1d n bbeteg'Judgment cou':d not deter them bum ctrrula- I rive at lore8 hunt the far off healrateos Celli,' of the Road from the Bridge at [Joy.' wrapped inthered "a dressing e gown. the beau int the foul end tieudeli report. Respect the I of our nue', river and its many Ilihut.t,irv, in Tavern os lire o Pia nitlw distance Ruud i uemn'. mated binraelf rt his drr.cl,g tem,; 1110 pro. I name of r roman, (ur tour'ulher eta vist.n Monet cow.tees numbers. Below the Chau• g eeeded to tale himself to pieces. The re l !'e WOmeu ; µ0d as you *wild bare their , diene Fella, both bides or the rarer an lined f saterly ten. ioiS ('ran Othrou{h Hunch anal of the luatrm.a brown wig revealed a la,•r name m.t•rsshed, mrd their lives un with 44,•• , Catrdien products- limber and perleetly bare ecrlp ' the white teeth fol embittered by 'Ls/omens biking movie,. feet uft•mo iy bs*44. nye a atticipatootos tld that Char BATIIRDA ,,\THE let OF JULY ' L'alisee. i l7ten ns,"Loewe m, gerteml•.d•-Ot ! , May dOIA. Monday, the 3rd July, bred the wage and were might. herd in mo ill your urn .miewry of ay u4w,ri 1M1 brie* ',atelier] ° Netts, d.• CS 4Cfit,LING OF THC MAIL I i •e - 11„s p w de it'd mud 1 u r to of water for the 'night. The i. mother, the wtrq ter the wife upone f1!IOe. will M • good m • Mr. P '• „n,14 KUAU IN S1E1'HF:\ will be Int to the lass r 1 . • L s I's, moon at QYrnee f .f rota perch$ " ulu.epanr," en skillfully creature. Ydl*gas til CHE JITUN. And ter pieced between the gums and the ehrrks. I A 1'I teorrse Srrr., t0i.-We aria erect were careful!, taken "o, aj lot r ohly maimed that r c r.g• m. n Y u , bellows they had w effectually d*teoded gas recently caught whinge.: our re.en"e Artemw Ward irrbout trying bit ' suer at. Pe, t of ton. H.1 Y L't).1D will be let it( the ;...0 it note paid. ,• and 11 artificial eye was treat removed from ewe, by endea,,e .ng to snut.!e trqurutilr ;filthy lucre " ie the •• Mud Ilse 1ae:e Co.," Peltate of LC1NCIi. JAM!"( SYYI\GTO`C. the empty socket The ----meet of the of e k Mum the ''other .4.s," to this It i which he than deMrihee 4 -••Thi" rompenv, Culboroe Mr 16t 1665. w14•dt fh yur k be'tb ' ) k t, bel t' I I t mea h I r• f thus loan •NTO I'ICE • t CONVENTION ro di -memos earl leaning 't 'r.... e.rnce ser•. u1 I, ,• c try, will be Mkt at 1•lunon, on Wednewls}, the 711. .t Jam las awna'1ier the prupr444• of teeing to te.uper- unce pct til 10o4 m the mount 1011 fur othe, purpur. re1atlne to 411.' c3Y0-4 11 te'Yln•rso`er Bvnndrr til 5l."cWlvr CuOr•°tlw. Mae f ah, (o15. w11,9 .10'171C Imo. in a II15 is to forbid any person negotiating Note given by toe subserib.r to John White for 114.11!) two hwliels of potatoes. aid twining (1st. Morel* 6th, 1463, es the lid uneophemeated servant had Leen at lash eKm° that when "the eterurnari • ..... .. i.ccuwng W re re.' ertw, in the Knee raw thewhole u the • .e wog N .. v deepening into horror a. be w.. i,... d ,these I reached this side al the Seale•nslon Itrld •e, I (It.y. It has 1.0110,000,000 µcues .an • 1, , Au. Don m meteo„a of our nue each. successive talnrur03al;one: and when the . rotting M6.vr na4od him if then were er! larch rel tad, with all r h' pwfrnt improve. i PIANS, SPECIFICATIONS & PROFILES ex dandy, stoopmg towards his lower ex I grads cone s...4 in the trunk. The only menta unto u ; awe u nrr.•r a.,nl__ \I"• he fete wt the uQt . of the aubacuher m 001, 40 s, roeeeded to unfasten' • it Of I wan (het It c.ni.o....1 11. Mlb•r r!"111,11g, l he Oil•t.lhe hunt door, and afoot lwr a the barn false calves, the •.let, imagining DIM his (Alice', however, moused on egam.uini the and r lion Stumm of double refined petroleum 11.1.1N I O\ ,.n rod *fief the 21.t u.et• and un torte0 was grit'l t^ take biw/rH ."et°'.'' contents, nod dlace-e•ed the alk poems the whole I pothrui. b the premises; oleo maii urn; I the ). 0ow.d Yt the 11.0. Of Amami,.Amami,.to pieces, e44cl.'oued, is r tone of mingledutl aety mod terror, " Oh, Monsieur Mao. qua, prat to lea,. enuuab til you fur Me to put into lied?" of which to(rlhar nth the haus, r•,aiJ here enema, entities, s,0 other anionic erert+d nn • foo cit,enl 4rnLo14en will he regwr- Tes Ncwrrrece Ar,eIc1oTcn.-4n ithoot my ne.spaper, life would narrow itself to toe S mall limits of try persona! .experiences, and amenity be compressed into t►e ten or fifteen people i Stix etas. Now, 1 refuse to been canbnded bad not • friend of the clef. to the propu property, tor dlr(din' •' pempm gyms!, tagged the officer to d.o.th.•m to I.ew same. le bond Iran the hi age to the all e here. A Ri'hmcnd paper says Whet ea stew', where the contrabands arae r• rete duly en. tweet! inrhrs !r, diameter and l •renty in civ tiered and the dut,es pn1dS The hey °tote I cumtenioe, rut down lost Slay by mine 1al•e, me,pl of the feet a euffewet. We offer nu nn the -land of lir. McCuull, won Celle from commel,ts, heritiMt it will he rl•141dy leen L) • 5In,t.y!venma Court /louse. has been carried every •nt:rll,peut wader that a clery)mt. l to Waa4iugt.m. This novel wod_uni•i. should Lr the Imre tut Man las violate env nreored where B'arren's Cone broke the Con for • d Iron) ercb Carver tor ae ',runty fur tut due cOu)pirt._u of the work. A_ BAY, County Yurreyor. s r i,i 41t- E D pi10u W., Giro'° Farm. mar Bayfield, • sorrel Horse, with • white spot un his Inn -bead, about 10 years A. Any person gig ing rich il.formrtion as will nerd to WO recovers will be euitibly awarded. Rayfield, June 6th, 1963. w20 3t NOTES LOST OR STOLEN. 12111 Jene, 1863. _ w2u ALL, parties *re hereby eeutinned ageing purchWne or n.v. sting two mums tit PAINTING TO SET. hand, drawn 1.. favor of James ...haters, the Den t this. 1 kora not •set m e•.nanln, - o.,dfd,getd, bulb dated the 1st d y of May, p Spence I. no matter•*hr•:'•e4 its opeost4 4 in• 1 ltderatw !toes eft.•• twe..t1 hutn.gry' rnnti•,u ,u. HE joy, of Pe;u4,rt, the - f nn., Ar., of the 1863' au4 1'.•yabl. ton (10) months 8fterdete. but i want to know how they stead. I was !erfrres with his poe•c.e' r sol. -.it. CatA• mas4rt roar. The user/. .x r. J'. -h J•nn,l- 1 it.bheid Cathole 4 I,ureh will he let m. The host one for M►t1i.y0, g,,e,, ke Gottlieb auesr-1 serer m all hke'1008 •hull M -in antra Jurr•aL. fuel. was coffered a tart, auni,'but decie rel pt llurner and John .,choe!! ; anti the second Japan ; but 1 hues en intense cannon to 'rt before the 15th of Jul. next. For p•, Ue- ,he 1'..s, 8".x0, girth L J*roes McGuire and know .bat oar troops did at Yokohama. i . "A shucking, aeciJent occurred et Bar I sell it. Mit was petaxld prorsrlr. he hopes ulm:a apply, d 11! tiler pomp 0d• to y' W iecorer it, or he au,t.bly comps -i.. ed. REV. A. WAy4EItFAC, John Mcliermott. The maid notes have barn deplore the penpie whn a.R••rell hy that rail' ten. Vt , on Sundry lout. F.mma U vliny, A. nu,rD or lost, cal payment I road smash; 14,41 aympathlse with the newly aged 16 years, a daughter of Mr. Leman I What iv the difference bete en s•mhl0nt $ Kngmbndg• c.o. ped. ,sed I Ashfield, J rte It 186, x20 Tt -JAMES JOnNSTON, SIlUItreted •as they drove off is a chaise Hu.Lmso" s, u, il.arton, nn the shore _ .dl, will, intent too kilt, 11nd the otter killing -_ ye(t4 AM Sn ons T Maul.... oar. the bald old ;.4134, at the hall doer whin • rounq men went into a ruo,m where 'Intent W salt • ll thereof u stop. couple .0I111utdully depicted 1n the Darling, of Glover, was le Mr. Prentice man .nil Iodine • bog . One is l8au 41ng u , r' I k-11ie with *am g them • tut ahru. I like the It Noon of the correspondents, with their little grievances shout 0npiunctu*I tr•Ine, or sonny i w awar,aotable mmnelone. in the Liturgy. even las the people who chronicle the rain fall. and record 'tile facts about the mildness ot the season. A for the advertiamente, 1 regard then 6*'a g and mirror olthe ads. 811ow me bur on. or aha Rants" of any fount/. and 1 tete Ir W O Mr. Robinson kept hi. , sv.lry equtpm.nta, i , Di4 ,cu 1.1 a m*n on a heed there e. and appeared ot the d ,or with r 14 t"1. which limited an eocitel imitation'. on King street the be cocked and fire4. the ball bluing • Mule other 'Tenon!, .1 an••th;•r whom be met. reugh.'F of Mr. 14thinaon in 1..e 10r.h.440, , , sit::',.'. was the repll, 'but I r. • bead cn from the effects of whish elle died on Mond.,y 1 1 wed esvrr,l men 0n fe1t.' m00 410. The 70811, mat did not know Ire pistol was 'meld. i els' Omit 500 freemen emigrants arrived 1 mon w aath•+1y aMnee took place l in I , ootn fast weeek, may of them poo 1000 rss;ng c'.nsd••rable menu : and wme 300 en t (44,011' night tragi •f 1.1 fr.,m - Norwegians sed through to the seat on n entre myself M •trel g paned tslleteh of the eurrte4t vii..:vote of the , B'r°ki Ir n to a wars City. e s •loll••.. r•. cued n. Maly of 'eon u.tn•d rn'inr i h n is strecbe4 hirnvlf on the b, ns, *dose, oo 8. hoofparagraphs! Hn+ ' _ • enn_•wnta intend tong in the yiciuit fall of •1g1eate11•Iese and of moil ate they, when • viewer tree, ..,loll..••....... by look , Merlin. toren, tum the aur Period What ghmtteee of ran inh.nore de ' h 1 d d f d, • • it tow 4441 'rt C n da A ,, age Ian• ti m of t4• Germ we gum ►y these bed put b..th of hit feel 0804 of the wrarlow, sit\ -41Lrrlsl6rn/'a .Naglrise.' both lege off four inches fr ,m the tare. - I Damt:D EWcatt rat Tea. 041. IN TIN M•.IT0CLiw I°I.Atroea-The Mayor of Stratford has been pro.pecting for n•4 1n the Maitln'lin Island. Ile hood hone up some tame since. end iately turned be (tie lhnhrrwarde, bent un • 031404 mrrcbn14 in der, at 6.13 e. in., going via l'hurdelrhia, ar41tinn, He wentalulre, taking pork and and Ne* York 41 Spnnglield. Mama.. eh• re l D[aTM n► Ai.u. Moo la other 440044wihn44 with Mm, 1,10 wok prrfehed he *11 delayed by tains miming rennet tion ! AId Moo he, who hr f ly *mingled in hit research,. by the iodise*, end remained all day. Ile then took the t been sutferin6 from who, b.,weeer, more Irequeutly miahrected ser* ked went 4treet to nolle ( _s11ere,•11'('„runtn nn Thur Bum guided him In the object of his 'Motion. in getting hiemeppereinellro ,tae I his h*ndkor• 1 b.d (,e 141.!,•1 He diedebortl7 *Curbwrite from the low of 04 l -"el. welI kno«n i B,.vk.1 101n04. ' - dilate for the M•nilerd'•rr, court - ..gl •SrsR*Te'R ERC are •-John Serattl 1 chv,n ofihelt••madn bas enc left W°it[ribgtnn the mooning after the mer l dal last. A long and laborious march continent hi .4-,4, e( wroth 84, nem* marked upon it. M ward"of 3l j, • aim. as '01' dtopitMn Ie on ilium. or TORONTO.-- • year or non past conanmption, died at a! night. )ir. Moodie ln,rereaented the "noble n, whneo eleetore he was al. Met"' •mpresswn of_.t8*-sinitence in St. Alba.* ho left the train and prueecdrd i'aye able to control. lie was • power in Taunus places •f-slr, in all probability to en foe, ,n Canada, when he proceeded) bort 1',teal politics before his health began to fail, paling (paw dies. Mr. Jarvis says that the way by rail and pert on foot to M,ntrea', and hes carter wait rather checkered. He 1010 0000( 0.1 of the Ishtid a one 1,f 4144 wh re he sena er,!1eted by anew of the Pam•,;mg ILw happy (6,1•111 of being' frrglvntl) on Frasers al North Easthope. He has located hiaer•, and on the morning of the 20th he Ir. the nursing side. Ho was a man ret nldeot and bas cleared some four acres, ,n which he Ile then leftand went m the direction of a who a•knuwledzed his lead. H9 Jed at the has planted pnt1tora. The monarch of all monaster!: He was known to be in that 01141, 1,e e136.•-L.a4'r h1 sorveye, he ham nenrlhel.-en find t10. himself a few miles bac of Little Current, had 11n interview with George N. Sunders. tempernonpt, and bed treat power 0.e1. th".•• vn einilt that dee and cannot Sone be found courage to winter there; bat Is mortally be. nrheald ref. It r probable that be is within Obituary.- It is our sad duty to record coming discouraged at baring to lire so long their wnlla. alone. lie rima very well aatistied with the the death of Mr. William Robertson, for C . .-Th.,. is • certain maiic or snit and climate, and wonders why, now that man years gaoler of these Counties, which the beet part *f the IoIZn4 has been wr.eycd, rube ,, vortical,. ( for it will ex,mi'ete, and 1 1 the gnvermmerrt do not bn.,g the land onto mnke +0a like to them, by much conversation l loth place at noon oc the 12th inst. Mr. market The reshot Riven we k.lmee for with i 1•m, if 1'ed• be grnd eomlany 41 's $ Robertson was a native of Invernesshire, n sen of the hone• have been destroyed by fin, - 'the dimcharg41 of his i their not doing so is that some, of the marks great mews to make yen Igord nnfirm I Sc tl d, and •11. shout 63 yeas of • g41. n you n go'd inn 1 if t ,, x bed, important and not alum though we are assured (Ante are encu h It (1 twenty to one but they .rel atoll and Cr ..ropy 1 6 Therefore be d °h h owl i Plesaant dares be was fnithtul and at the to indicate the surveyors labors, and cleat it 1°n ereoro wary .n (thy t r ig d entertaining. ns, pre nenhng any cent W mtcrment thaw the i pre an q • same time affable ennu;h M win the reelect a'a d were opened would be at once plenty reedy to go up and 14"11100 compani"na00 1'1'1 ' he h1 1i,T possess the lend. -(tit Beacom.' of all placed under ma charge. in h;. dc•Ih -committing ng )nurseIn them , snoodo. we loge an old ruler, and nae who., bnn41aq mantle till you here inquired to of some ohm; of u and unvarying heartiness edified A11ornca F:trcv'sn'e hese Rnenras --A you know by experience ..rhe fiith!ul) wh•d P allose 1 R q 40.104 of 6,0 thoonrnd dollars s uH.red for they are; observe what 00mpeny they keep;', if they did not bade' tea faults incident to the eepture of the thief who rubbed die 'fowls he not toecan to rain •egn•ihlel.n, but 1 week • d erring human nature. Peace to mond Savings Rank of New Haven, in the seal off and keep • daimon. vet ass h4'e. 1,11 hs ashes. Sete ns, Connect,eut, of •large "tont of IL .a liege ...Accred and learnt gn. btrete. -n/ t. States bonds, 3 20 a, 10 40a and 7 :10's, eine \1en or women that ere greedy of aequein - Grates of indebtedness,and some 8old or, tenor, L r hasty it, ant oftentimes sn alA in T H1.; MARKETS.. he name of ere •w ie and man w 11 111 they night, en end 1 p" 1 g 4 1 7 rel a clerk r 'I now tbetf is Jeremiah I'uwna•,.d, formerly em11ng ed an that they cannot m•1 y art I la the banit. He is *bout 22 Man of age, b from it niter, when they wou'd.-qt► Most. Spring Wheat, {I:OI feet 9 or 10 inches high, all,n, blue eyes, dark mese yuck, brown hair, st a little, and u a °omewhmt ^oP• } A Rede Island froensfnrturer swla, asr.oms. It le saspec1e0 that he a removed •1wieor, ? combing .n^l i. to g.0.4 Armond. Gonzales, June 131h, 1865. 1.121 kall d(r 1:12 4:29 Iran, Floor i,arley Fen 11w whiskers, put on • (11r m0unae14e, and It is chiefly °hteined from Cenndr. the conn will carry Inc of his arms in • slung, M • clip scarcely supplying the American wormed means of &read;ng daettion, F,om 1010T ma0dreturere. Tae fine American wnnls ssateon recehiog 11 es believed the thief is it Ore 20 cents lower than the co11re Canadian ...41. 11 he iP disro,enld address .3.10* combing wool ; and he therefore ulgea Y. Townsend, President of the Hank, New American wool growers W torn their atentiva Bates, Connecticut. (jolted Sutter. By all ,, Leicester sheep. .....ane Int • shop look out he kept for Was Erreerrat. Cres roe Sr it., ens. -Mr. Yankee bank robber. Thomas T. Joh,anon, of Sennett Town.h'r, Mlaarrl.nn Eec.rc -Th. Sporlatnr ssys: *ends on the following efllem' nt; In Septan • -Mr. I'redeek Ashhangh, who lives on the be, ;am m! mon 1.111 two of hoe c ,ildren were Dundas reed, and a young lad who was with .,necked by that eyelet '14.01'., 103111pnz. been, had * most wonderful escape from death end a neiynhor at on e fu ,;shed w with the on Wednesday evening, during the thul'der I„Iluwinq reeei'l-honing known rt to euro norm. The lad was hnlderg the horse hy 10,011 eas0P Thr', q n+rale of an 04 Ol of the halter when struck by holt M lightain 4. „ream of tarinr.•and teal,, greens of T,.rkry Hs was tbrnwn doom, and the bores falling Phnbarh-lb..( i'.g.elie,U to be milted in a •n hem, considerably Injured one of hes legs. lint of water : hs •pint to he taken. "red Mr. Ashbaugh .Iw felt the shuck, but not so ih• other half in f,o,n two to three hoes, Irinrty, aid kw was ehl. M 151005(1 the boy and repeat for two dais fnllo.h.g. the from ha perilous predicament. and brine him m0decine mµy he taken immediately filler into. tavern until rnedlral ad from the coy hoeing raised. TM self r0n act.d are ndint 10114 be procured. The Anna, • makable le thw, din clime, and in three der° Ain the sae, was en°e1147 8,11.4 by the nnk., Ws fever and in9am.tion disappeared, and en esa are glad to leut that the 7aung lad ie i• • ,boo • walk 48.7 wore able In walk net, and fair way of recovery His escape,and that ass. 50. qnm rene/nd. Mr. Jnhautnn of Mr. A.bb*u0h, le lite• less than mee.eol• rnoebes for the ,liability of thio statement, rood It is worthy the 'Deaden of all elegies. Tiect from the Manufacturers. 500 REAMS OF ASSOR- TED ENGLISH Stanley. 15th May, 1865. .16.3* Insolvent Art of 1864. Note and Letter Papers T`" mediums of the undAu,ognd .M notified b, meet at the too Marl, OI Just rec.rvd nod will he offered at George 31. Trueman. in the turn of (iceench, It a 'It udla:r. on Olaf to III the County of. 11 iron, on Monday, the twenty meth (fey ,(Jon., 1111tent. at eleven CASH BUYERS! or the clock. lath. forenoon, fur the morrow of reeeirinz metem!"ts of has rff,ir, Ned of E F• .RYTIII\G J' SCR OL BOOKS miming "w soignee to whom he may make an :assignment und.1 the shore Art. sNn staTIO0I RI' seer? tan AT D,ted a4 GOolrrich, in the Cream• of Huron, the, seventh doe alone. A. D. 1465. LOWEST WHOLESALE RITES w20td 0E011G1: M. TAUEM. N. To musing rllrR*]T1. M. C. CAMERON, AT THE SIGNAL' OFFICE.. swig. itorfar Ineoleent. AUCTION SALE: June 13th, (863. . For Sal: ---A Bargain The " Bruce Vindicator" OF LAND. M TINDER. arch hy y140ue of a Power of !ole ro011110 d in My.. sere* wigsgra made try Auµu•Ie Ie St. A ,1' ne. ,4 Me 0s4enhtp of Assn. m the Cm.ay of Brun, Ye"m•tt. MEd Press, Type, & FittingsJnnel haw fru ("e 1" bar Jnwrr) man• I.1 1 h. the Coif. Per,nment Kidding :•ornery, sed IV GOOD WORK'\(" ORDER J k I t h r- De.I F.RR. Jit.. ti CO. GODERICH, June lot, 1150 wT A LARGE STOCK OF it IL. LI{. ' 43a `a•L1' •Il 4.1.e Js ` l.iri In the Queen's -Bench, EASTER TERM. 28 VICTORIA. 1* )h. matter of Gooks. )J O TICS la satiuu fur right of way of lob berwby glee.. the Burial. and Lake that the Buffalo Huron Railway f'oss y and lake Harrow tbrooyb luta .os. t5, 86 Railway Company, and oT Ie the Maitland bare pad x1140 18. concession of the Town Court of gimes'. ship of Oudeneb, is the Bancb,•tTorunto, County of Huron. the aunt of Inn hundred laud ni4Cty w: dollars and eisty-6 , '- cents being the cumpeneation and *ix months interest thereon, agreed to he paid for tenni, lands for right of way. being parte of lots numbers eighty five, eighty six and eighty_ seven, to the Maitland concession of the n,wuehip of Gudeueh, in the Cauoty of Heron ; ender and by virtue of a cement agreement or deed poll betting date 11,e eleventh day of Mar, in the year of Oar Lord 1833, and executed by William Ford Ured Henry Ford of the said township e! oderich, and made under the Act entitled •' An Act teepecting Railways," and fumbo moire is given to ell petioles entitled to the said lauds nr many part thereof, or repreeeet. ng cr bring the husbands of any parties so their claims into the said entitled,o fits th r mm ret red t Court to the said c0mpstlsauur or say pant thereof and •!I such claim, will M removed and adjudged epon by the said Cort pursuant to the Statute In that bailsf. Dated the 17th day of May, 1965. (Signed) 1.. HEYDEN, -.17 awn Cierk of the Crows and Paw.. Spring andSimmer V JUST ARRIVED AND P R SALE CHEAP!! AT THE GODT:RICU, May lit, 15165. J. V. DETLOR 8s, 80N. .12 Sheriff 's Sale ex Lands. w em . `ter or aa, 1rwn. Ip n n, leek ,ter, and ant to John la'.uh Lehnen amt SHERIFF'S GALE OF LANn6. United Camlees es, Y unto of . «wit m Apply to 1). C1.•LIIERT• Prl„ter, Wilmot Henry Rutty, wdl he bold by l:rinx• Huron •*d Rome, Flrrl farm ir,.M oil Southampton. 1'. N. Aurtun •,n Sha tdav, the 304 day of Jay next. at l.'mtW ('ounce. of jj Y r y of • Wnt .d to n.: )t)"! Her M•jr11 y'. county •t IJnulh'8 Nolrl 4n the vdta a of Soule• red Brucw 17 y I,: is word Court of the Unnnl.Cuunnr. 01 1iuf.d. and Herr June 10th, 1865. w20•tt' "a•""• 5 Hvwn • at. enn, farm lot eo.3. Id the eth conreemn •f Tu wn : ' mit el Her Ma10.0e.t Dunt% end to me duetted agonal the lanes and te e- -- - - gull p.11shlp til Arr u, rorlammg 'rev hv.dted Covn o1 the 1'ni4ed (;0,.044...4 Hunan gag Brun, relents or Charles matt, et the .tilt M the a.'r 1. Term* clan on dny til sale. end to me directed *game toe Node and 'ene- Corporation of the Township of'Aehle1J, I neer For Dart.•ulan apply t" tent• of lame tmdblen •1 the .at of w 411mm eased end Mien in exrrnteon ail the right. title kTI htpvFRfCK PPornFUOT Smi h 1 1 w e mire! end taken u1 envuteom •8 ,and ...heel .1 the sand .ele.d•nl n and las the QTRAYED from the premixes of Willis. (1J1 Allin, ne 12, lhn,lsed enn , l'•.norn., nn I Set arbor, 10th inv.. A RA 1' MANE. smell, French. windgall on Ott htd4 leg, sore shoul- der. Any i11formation respecting her will l'e suitably rewarded. Address Wm Alli', Pen 7.11:110 p. o. w20.3t• Division Court Notice. HURON AND BRIICE. IAPPI'I\T • ondop,'h t0'hd•yrot Jay nest, the day ter holdout 411e ns, T4 sung• 01 n.r 7,1 Urv'Ol"n Conn, at 80.(cld. is•vd .41he Ifie Jay of lacy, se formate I.fnlnl/d H. cnnrER, 1"ii'.H.dR t i«pet,,h. 710 May, 1165. . 40-41 Auction Sale of a I FR M6 BLE A VALUABLE Four nod h..11 moo.. I.om ti o4• neh town. Un the Kincardine Roel about being Gravel. 0;10 ( 0:45 10..1. S:Su t:A9 GEORGE M. TRUEMAN ,e,.. 0•35 0.60 Woe .. 0:00 ' 0:75 IS iu"t•uctrd by Mr, Tmm ae Gin idy (nuc 5:80 4 0:00 p -"Prieto..) In sell by Punllc Auctiva, .1 0.;15 6 0:40 is Sole /looms In Oodcrich, no Limlx .. ' 2 00 (•, 0.00 THURSDAY, THE 6th DAY OF JULY, w,,,d eolieilor f w Moorages, fnrkiea, each 0:45 (s,6 050 1865, eommatei114 a I 1 , cl.ek, none, Hdrrater, eomhompiton, C. W, the right, title and ninny of toe aril defewlent 44. [rM halo, lot number ;wren ,n the third cou• 20th cl Dated lb. ay of Nay, lWl5.. w1.041801110 101.41140+ and Un,Iha• alb r•unrrs.,on eeill.a,,, E,N••rn thylnon .l the one 1.101 n1 of Ing ..w...ho. of Bruce, amMmu.g 300 54.0.0 4 ArbM.'41I, 0 the County u, Hoon ronlanm( one heave ,n gaol roomy of Donee, cinnamon, 14 „l&, 1w 0111 et my odic m the Coup Mortgage Sale of Lands T TN DER .red by v,n,w of • Power of It de LJ r"nis,ned n • Mur...t- made lar Thou.. B. VenEvery and (40,wire hl.mhnh, both nl the own id .10.1erl.-h..11 inc C.au'ty 01 Huron, el the not pan, M el t an Larry and Helen M. Itumhal•, their 4.,•n. [nor the p,.rpnr of it'rrtg hen do weer]. o1 the ,ec.ni part, and Ier111n1- nmrwSet motif, Ihccoder. .1 Avr•nrhe. m Nor- mandy. in 1hr Eum.re on F, anee, delimit fiat ng Men murk .n the due p.yn,rnt Iherrul. w,11 be ...1d ete.. Ane1,nn .Man .1 (ieor,e M. •l rnrnian, "whet-gnere.'11"ler'. b,on Frolev.II' •rva,th 17,111 day &dila, A. D., I h5, et twelife n'el.n'k, entre. lb 10'100 1e pr0p•ny, (45: 1,0' nu oho, 5) gee .41111 41,4 .de,01 Puma -Wrist ref. et In 'wore north 1 n1 I ISA own u( ll,arnch, end nus 1 Merl.. Y den.. 1a■n holenlnre 1row Worsen Llnlr w1.and .4rh hrera .tale red was to Ira LR • n the Ute rel Jay 01 Apl, nee 46.au•m r µAI (turas+l and tiny. slut pot numbers.' 1h) onlhe 1nnh-0811 •nle of South -Wee, arr.•t, m 11104 Term .f C1d.•ry b, end more pet. ,.telly deavtlad in an (ndInre vont J.,'nb 1,.4,h. r and aril, to Ira Lewin, b 'ante dere the la cloth d.v of M4',h In the year nae Iku*emnd eight h,.ndred aid fusty -11.e. Deed ender Poiret o hale: • Y. C.CAt(RRON, ''Sent, 025: That ger! VALUABLE FARM II) ticket*, }1 p•tr 0.20 (40,00 It mks d, 0.00 w 0.25 1 '4 01 t RTGAGE SALE OF LANDS. 11'dee ,(green) 2:70 4d 0:00 !wog yl; of LM e, IAke (Ki'eao4 ne) ilnad, iJ . Dr,M and br vtnnr ;if. rower nf!ae ens- u flet P.t.tnee M old F, age hay, '1 to tamed .n a M"ng•ge miMe by Wdte.1n 9:00 4s, : F. D, Township of Co:M.ne, 50 1r,es 5( Onnn,dtheVdlaserrflnrerhnw11'0*11.(:owmy 0'40 (4 0.45 Lend m040 ter lean, about 4 end 41.11 mil.. of lknre, me the 10.' pPa•n, hewn Ln ,n, Mar.*o 2'011 (i• •:011 Irom the row. of God •nch. 1M 1.0440144 of (ter the pep.* ,d harrows her dower), M IAA 0.09 0:121} aka Kincardine Road 1M now being taken by .,y.nrrl7'01. and 114nnn'41mew :I:7;7.4 es,, 12.00 1s 14:00 V,. -;:,...."."1.....h,..71., t •Mmhi de, re of l the County Sareyor h,wsr4 Gnlvelhnt forth rr, "f the tenet pen Jrunn never with. On the Farm (here are about 30 a00•s leen mei. a ibr due pynwnt thereof, will be Stolen or strayed Cleared, a'.verfaihng creek rune thn",gh the .on e1114. Anolion Mon of Moors, M,'rrw..n, the lot. 2 good wells acd Pum near tLe N.rke. here, (i,drreh, 11 Fnd.y Rete..*,• ROM the renews of the whecriber. Int house. Alen 2 (0'x1 Ammo Barna, S:ahle d J A U t9A t Iw he o'dmt 10. 9uh eon. Colborne, ( .'a. w 4,n). hlDonee. The t F! new 4;) full, rte on rel nmun d Any of ulv, , I • • 1 , n,.,,,, ,M6.1..wmr peapod.., r,!.: LM nut4r L• (• fJ (• k I romfn.tt . "ne. Ornp o ay r W V • ogre rn .• alsont the Ant week of May, A RR() IF.V gr0wr f, which in 1'014141 114141 *dl 1wM front cowl, e1 Invrr4,•r,m,o+nwn,n8 hy blr.aeure- CU N white stripe on hack, white holly, 40 t.. 66 von., Will Ile fnelt dad n the g1e 41 mc4! one t or rif lend. h• u,e ea me nnre or moo. while between bind legs, piece nhhe4 off nue the hood. ac. Title from Caned• Co to pre and hen two (1), three (31, •wd Agar (4). 00 (Moth John air el ,n then Vd1..., re.. among willl h• ban t Llfxmre.. nwpeoli•g her *ant pnprieter. Iw arm..yraore'wra r14grruvely tan (,01) arrow ell he Iberbfdly Metre.. hy I.""s• of .1•LR.-Mfi00 'l tit: p°rehw end • MHa land each M tM sant. new a Ilse ALKI. H AMiI.TON. memo, elan Mmf;• OR Mortgage .or 2 year; D„•,1 n.Mr N.., of sae. Goderieb r. a baler orb. I1,Snik CCAMERtCf. 14?AM •ltd vrrw Irl Mrs-sgag•le Colborne. dews 13, 1065. 110.81 r Ooderfeh, 1311!./•••, 1566. Mw mill site number 1 11, the village a.• Inger- numlrn,l re., cabal lanlN and teaslnenle N,idI scree, w4,t.b Mods red tenemotol' 1 •10.11,.err 10, the town of (hid 14 -h. un Tur,ds.' the 6x.1 Jay al. as m)' udlee in Ihr Court Hour In Ine town of A1W,at nett, at lea hour til twelve of the o fCoder elo. on 'torular the knit d.y of Aubuet elmk,aon, N)fIN A At. M)SAl.tr, neat, at the hour til twelve w the ehck, 14,14.. I 8Mt6 H. ! R. IUHN UACUI)N*Id1, :Sherif, H.! N. 1 M 8. Potv,ca, Depute Sheri.. Br 1. Potd.nrk, U. fifty Sherd!. I Skrr6'sthere, (io,lrnch,' shears Odl.., O,dermh, j Wath Aowl. ; sea. 1 w1/ h Aped. HAM. ( wt4 t Act of 184 Insolven la the Case', Cosrf of IM United CC•ltties of flares and Rr,sre. PRnvbneo or Caen... in the .nattrr of County of Hurnn one ('NA"Lta W. PO -c- o( r 'ono, an 1E401. I e pail Co a rte of th Hafted f1 n ' n Bruce. tet. rel Huron • d `OTIf7S is hereby given that the ender 1 ai(ned Ana 64.4 in the flee of then Conn, ! • deed of composition and J,neharga esecul ed by his Coeli'nr end that on '1'44•"417, the eighteenth flay of Jay neat. at ten of the Cl,rek ie the ("reo,on, or as son an counsel can be heard, he will apply to the Judge of the Mid Court fora cnnfirmetenn of the do- charge tbaeof effected in hie favor under said Act. CIiAKt.ES W. PIIKFORD, ByJAMEO P. WOOD, His Attorney. "%terror& 1f.' 10th, 1863. 16.9m CARD OF THANKS, RICHARD TII W Ai I'F,q, Rao.. Agent Pnw aneul inrence Co., Clinton, Dena St.. -1 h.g in thank the Proein:Mt !menthe* Cowp•ny of Canada tbrnuth yew fn, the eery amenable in in which flat commas, has a• efied my claim npnn it, for Asmara n my printing mairiee M n!mneal during the late 60. in Clinton, fay whleh tb adjoining hoar (r'arephell's Victoria Hotel) Welled elled u the ernoad. ,1 am. sir, Town rnapeetfnllr. Mortgage Sale. SHERIFF'S SALE OF LAICAL Patted Colnuee of, sY range of • W •e til Ilwon and lin. e, j( Fir., rico. word owl TO Wit: ) of Hrr Nerrty'r County Connor the 11 noted Counters rel Heron and Smile and las tie d,wc4td •g8.ml the land• and mime leas of lanes Clarke, at the mut 0f Rolwn Tbompun, 1 hove armed and lake. an ,nrreteua • I! tea right, tole and mtrr..l .d the null delen- d.nt 1n and to lot 4u".Iler 344 01 the town of 'ioderleh, i° the county w Hiroo, which land* and t•arment.l shall e, for .11 .11 my Mikes to tlolS, 4urt House, In the town o( Uudeneh, w Toaster, the nneeutb day of Au neat, etuse hour of twet11 of the ,lurk, noon. JOHN MACDONALD, Shen•H. l;a, By 8 • Po. toce, Deputy Staid, •ier8's offset • Godench, fun M.y Itlwb. t ('.16 Ic olvent Act of 1864. TIIf: .8!ATTER OF J.4NE8 R. R0.sN, 4.41 I.\3OLVL.\T. TII,. rrr,l,ture of the 140,lrrnt are notified as he h.. made 5n .negmne"t 01 toe rale ■ nd • deans under the •huge Act, to rev, the under - ...Mal aw.4nrr, end l"rr 10* reg,llred las purdah me wapiti two mouth, nom Una date with thole ..colts they ala if •a and ih, val.uefm° inn t h y, and Ihr rnw til u, and J nun.. aline the eco; the whole .tea.al under oath with nue voucher 11 support 0l ours c1µ1",.. ":r. W. WATSON. Aeegals. 8. G. McCAUGIIEY. Eehcitor for Insolvent. w181d Seaforth, Co. Heron, May 181h, 1865. Notice is here by Given wen on do s from the date 1 11.11' alter twenty e r • will l heand t ( Iia notice application i m e u the Judge of the u,ragate Court ter the United Counties of Huron and Bruce, at Godericb for the appointment of John Me. Kinky, [•:..quire, of the township of Stanley. ,c the Coady of Huron, as Guardian of Eleanor McKinley, Mary M,-Kiulee, Some nah NrKi"1e1, Lucid• McKinley, Margaret J McKluley, Agnes McK,uky, red Ruben McKinley minor children of the late Robert McKinley. fated at Coderich this 30th day of May, 186.5. w18 3t To Wool Carders, &c., A Good Opening! THF. nrde',uted u denrnes of lormia. o hu• r. w"11 Mm• permit Ling to eu'nto n,. Wo.! (nrdmg mod('loth-dr r- ing 10 rt , m (i,drro h. '1 he ap Lest to And ad.,I"Are and tote Pul,n r:Ier the power and hoodong, both .1 which are M .•o°likilt•r readout. Thos. • liornd'd .opportunity ter any capable man wnhe)g one of the test Jpenia.' of the kind m CanaJ.. Apply to MATrIIEW ROBERTSON. , °odernch, C. W. April 17th. IS0.5. wlfit IMPORT'NT NOTICE CONSEQI'F.7CE o4 the death of Mr. M. K. IN W.*ras••I.o. the Ineworee heretofore earned vs under th, rate and style of Robt. Runciman & Co., F'()1'N83IICRBs. moat he closed on or hr6're that 1ST DAY OF APR IL,1865. All pons. uutrhlnl In the •hove Arra 1reb•t11. -by nonned that an noes. ld book wcU,.e oval Ju• on thus 1 st 'day of FEB'Y next, wdl be handed w (herr F1011e toe ter •nlleet,o. The .lane on band will he end LAO %V FOIFt CASH. OR SQORT CRFDiT, iI rimmed' M • large seeortmenl of Plughs, Collf- *•tnn. Herwwe.Flnw Cutter•. THRESHING MACHINES Pot -ash and curer-kruO1c, we're and pipe A,0ea, Cooking, Parlor & Box Stoves, A °,red .ecaud-bend ASTB7i1M•F3NtC#INN 10,1 a lot of .le. hmwry for It ria and Saw -Mills. All p.rnen reg11t ser the shove orioles would do welt In eon srulr,n0pwlt tee Mock el once. as they well net Martins. R. RC'NC1dnv, -o- 1s rrarence to the above, H. R°ne„•n will he prepared to cony ee the Iw.inew. of HU11ON FOUNT1RRY a.d contract for the e,ecteon of •11 kinds el Ms 4 -howdy a u•ual.•nd will e.nply AURII6'I.TIIRAI.IMPLE71I TY9 inner. end ee•nng',et fon,onable run,fnr CA$H cr ohurl e0,1,l. I:.aler,'h. Dee. ata. 1664. .w38.4* SHERIFF'S 81LE OF LLNDS. r TNphR wnd he enn• ofa Power., !tale rn.. t!n„ret t 0.1.10. t) i)(4 gleno of • aunt wf 1. umvd In • Mon R"*e merle by John $.'..fl. ' Hnn.n en.l li,,we, } l7 Fen Fere. ,rood" eat rel .he fount of tiodorw:ht In the 1 °only of b, wll ; ) of Hrr Map•..•'. t,amty Huron, n1 rbc non port, 1.010. Stewart, hi• 1'nnt ni Ihu 1'nnrd C,.unlln of Hurnn and Renee I uwrr .til 7,... of M wme h! d 1::,,,,,, hr.a! f , Iene- our.) a •rel (W the lend and 1n J.wctr,l • .m•1 t. R ;4..0 !h! Nme rl d tat 'h 1 left of 'sn the •e'I 1 0l J tls I, • t e nal D" ,rel. r ie an Wnd A I b 1 ser 1 place, of the thiel )len, d, 'milt Mvnng ,neo made ,,,ww.11 yl.ernwn end A'rh{haW Cook amhwr- 1r the due oeyn,ent (11errur, will be .old •1 the I•nd, 4 h,ve d.aml 44,111.k..mp...h ,. .11 Ibe Ama,o' Man .1 livor." M. frurman, Market ant. till- and .alrreM bl'!k Md dwlww•Iewt 11 Square, Joie, on Friday. Ihr wren., (7th) and to the South helve. .4 loo number Ihlneea day to July, A, ll..tll 44 a ,welrr u'c6. a, non, era Ibnrl.•rn In Ih•,+nth .3Mneration of th• tuwn- ' the lnit°wm° "rol8•ny, ale: 1..•1,unnm C,.urnler M,•rre..., th.'County ns, Hurnn, .111,1 111 e,•1un,lr.J and rl,r: y-t,n•r• in Ino ,cal " .i.,:‘,4.".1 mt 4.0,4 nu t shell od.r per ole , .4 Town of V.'dench, containing by •dmr.*,w- owO. (0,401 HOnr,lw tl.rinwn rM Ond.P- wenn one 4(u440rr 01 on sere h laml, more a ,,,n, en 1 under the lwem y-ntelh dal d Arg10.a ler. bred under Power .1 Sale. nett, •t the hour of tw.•ne of 45*Ae rhn:k, ,001. M. C. CA NRRf)\, JOHN MACDONALD, wt9441 sn10-,to, Int Mort.s,Me• Aher(1, H. ! R. EctraNotice. Sheriff's nitre, 00okrrk, y mad Msv. IMM, t CAMP into ,M en.-Imme of 1he nnA.r. MORTGAGE S L'E signed lot 14 in the 7th enn., lowoldapp Stephen. Int the 24th of last May. • dark e► hay Man, 144 halts high The owner well oa uabie soperty I prove propeny, pay aepenaw, and tike h•4 Y"- -sr away NDF.)( sn4 M •'40;10 of ■ 94nw 0 of .LN TORTAS FARMER, U .annum., m' a idongage m14e b% 34111 g. Crediton. .Ton! 1x1. I %A i. .19.3 D.n.-r. of lbw I'nwm of teedlr,eh ts u• ('.wss7 o(Nume, m 18. 6.er ,art. M..'. E1en Deooy, PUBLIC NOTtuE. hie wile. (ser the pamper. of Mang bee dower). el the ser n 1 pen, del►elt b"rin( •44.0.10 41:;11110.41 thus dint pinw.. Ike.,of, .dl Irs Anett00 Man of Drawee M. Trauma., Makes Square, Goode nett,^" rrrdav, rhemwath (7th day .4J,, A. D. n°6..t twelve o'elark. Wet the ladle w'.4 p.0rerty, •1s : lad tum Mr (1 nee 1ha,.ued I, ler ,nMred sed 0.., ,.d 11R n0ratwl (104) Ibm a,44mwA amt ruelyA0N, • IM:41..04.11 fiadnne► Nwre.•d. Dud ani.y.gwr d Nse.k(_ (I. O I r .w» Ike I6mww. J ALL persona aro hereby notified that aft,, the Mm 1 wilt not old myself nepnn- . 1,l• ter err demi Mstrwrted h, my safe, Aary Ray., she haying deserted my bed rad hosed witboet jug eases or provocation. RAMCEL RATA. Tp of /Spies, CO. Herne. Hey lel►, 115. w17'3t•p.•n